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The original novel "She and Her Islands" of the hit drama "Fireworks Family" was published.

Reporter Qu Peng
Recently, the group drama "Fireworks Family" of urban women has been broadcasted simultaneously on CCTV-1, Tencent Video and other platforms, involving hot topics such as family of origin, mother-daughter relationship, women’s independence, old and new views on marriage and so on. The original novel "She and Her Islands" is jointly published by Youfeng Culture and Beijing United Publishing Company, which tells the story of an atypical "matriarchal clan" living in modern society. The three generations of women are entangled like vines, tight and supportive, and symbiotic.
She and her islands
Easy and difficult
Youfeng Culture | Beijing United Publishing Company
"She and Her Islands" is a female narrative work with a novel angle. It doesn’t focus the contradiction on a certain character through the background setting to express the suffering of women, such as "Fan Shengmei", which has gradually become faceless, but it is ingenious. By describing the lives and difficulties of several female characters of different ages in an atypical "matriarchal clan" family, it extends a proposition that is more likely to resonate with us: "There are no vampire parents, no Prince Charming and no golden finger.
In the novel, Li Yijin, a cowardly daughter, was controlled by her mother for 30 years, and every time she tried to break free, she fell into the abyss of being kidnapped by her family. Inferiority and stubbornness of the mother, all her hopes are pinned on her children, but she doesn’t know where she will go once her home, which has been numb for half a lifetime, is broken; The majestic grandmother, who has been uncompromising all her life and escorted the whole family on her own, suddenly wants to arrange everything and leave smartly in her octogenarian years. In the author’s view, the three generations of women in the novel are the protagonists of their own lives. "They have their own shortcomings and limitations, they will be jealous, they will quarrel, they will be unable to understand each other because of the generation gap, they will openly hurt the closest people around them, they will also seek help and companionship from their families when they are in despair, they will begin to reflect after half of their lives, they will begin to learn to express their love, and they will begin to find themselves, and they will stand side by side with each other unconditionally to fight against their fate.
Yi Nan graduated from China Renmin University and Stanford University, and is now a screenwriter and part-time writer. She is good at describing the exploration of women’s inner world, focusing on the anxiety and breakthrough, confusion and choice of new urban women, and trying to give these new women more profound significance of the times. He has won awards such as the best serial and the best author of Douban Reading Xiaoya Award. He has published the work Xian Yuan, a collection of novels, Time will heal, be a good girl with a strong heart, and you are on the back of life. The film and television rights have sold many works, including Xian Yuan, She and Her Islands, Conspiracy, Safety Period and Zebra, Do you love me or not?

Increment of inclusive finance’s service to rural revitalization and expansion

  Inclusive finance is an important force for rural revitalization. Since the beginning of this year, financial institutions have made active efforts in inclusive finance, drawing fresh water from finance to irrigate all kinds of agriculture-related entities, especially to solve the problem that financing is difficult and expensive for small and micro-agricultural entities. How to get through inclusive finance’s blocking points in agriculture-related fields? How to improve the service coverage of inclusive finance? Next, we need to continue to deepen the writing of inclusive finance.

  Building a Multi-service System

  Inclusive finance has made great progress since it was put forward. The inclusive finance concept has not only been deeply rooted in people’s hearts, but also established a multi-level supply and service system. From the perspective of agriculture-related financial services, various financial institutions actively promote rural revitalization, focus on the field of financial services, actively rationalize the mechanism, expand the scope and improve the quality, and accurately irrigate the living water of finance into the fields.

  Recently, the State Council issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting High-quality Development in inclusive finance", which pointed out the direction for the implementation of inclusive finance. The "Implementation Opinions" proposes to guide all types of banking institutions to adhere to positioning and healthy competition. Promote all kinds of banking institutions to establish and improve a long-term mechanism that dares to lend, is willing to lend, can lend and will lend. Experts said that banking institutions should not rush into the field of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". Different banks should develop characteristic financial products based on the characteristics of their own customer groups and serve the field of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" step by step.

  From a macro point of view, financial institutions are accelerating the construction of inclusive finance, and the path and road map of inclusive finance’s service to agriculture, countryside and farmers have become clearer. For example, large and medium-sized banks set up inclusive finance business department to extend the service scope of inclusive finance by establishing franchise mechanisms such as separate credit plans; Local corporate banks combine their own positioning, strengthen inclusive finance’s strategic orientation, and use their popularity and geographical advantages to serve small and micro, "three rural" customers; Policy banks will cooperate in lending business in key areas in inclusive finance.

  Ye Yindan, a researcher at China Bank Research Institute, said that it is of great significance to emphasize the construction of multi-level financial services when serving rural revitalization. Constructing multi-level financial services can meet the financing needs of small and micro enterprises and farmers in rural areas. Traditional financial institutions have high approval standards for loans to small and micro enterprises and farmers, and it is difficult to meet their financing needs. The construction of multi-level financial services can introduce more non-bank financial institutions and social capital to participate in rural financial services, provide more flexible and convenient loan channels, help small and micro enterprises and farmers solve capital problems and promote their development and growth.

  With the deepening of inclusive finance, the coverage of financial services has gradually expanded, especially the basic financial services in counties and rural areas have developed rapidly. At present, 97.9% of the country’s banking institutions cover villages and towns, basically realizing that villages and towns have institutions, every village has services and every family has an account. At the end of the third quarter of 2023, the balance of agricultural loans in local and foreign currencies was 55.8 trillion yuan, up 15.1% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 1.1 percentage points higher than that at the end of last year. In the first three quarters, it increased by 6.63 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.17 trillion yuan.

  The continuous growth of agriculture-related loans is the concrete embodiment of "agriculture, countryside and farmers" of precision drip irrigation in inclusive finance. The relevant person in charge of the State Financial Supervision and Administration said that comprehensively promoting rural revitalization is an important task of building an agricultural power in the new era, and more financial resources should be allocated to the fields of agriculture, rural areas and farmers to better meet their diversified and multi-level financial needs.

  Guarantee investment in key areas

  Since the beginning of this year, banking institutions have focused on farmland construction, rural characteristic industries and other key areas, strengthened services in inclusive finance, increased sustained investment in agriculture, and achieved remarkable results in rural revitalization.

  Inclusive finance should strengthen the foundation of farmland construction for rural revitalization. This year, the Guiding Opinions on Financial Support for Promoting Rural Revitalization in an All-round Way and Accelerating the Construction of an Agricultural Power issued by the People’s Bank of China and the State Financial Supervision Administration clearly stated that in accordance with the requirement of gradually building all permanent basic farmland into high-standard farmland, we should focus on key areas such as soil improvement and farmland irrigation and drainage facilities, give differentiated policy inclinations in the subject of loans, repayment methods and loan term, and explore and promote comprehensive improvement in the whole region to help build, transform and upgrade high-standard farmland.

  "inclusive finance can play an important role in promoting the construction of high-standard farmland." Ye Yindan said that the construction of high-standard farmland needs a lot of capital investment, including investment in land consolidation, water conservancy facilities and agricultural machinery. However, due to the lack of funds for farmers and grass-roots village collectives, it is difficult to bear high investment costs. At this time, institutions in inclusive finance can provide financial support for its high-standard farmland construction by providing loans and credit guarantees, so as to alleviate the pressure of capital investment.

  In addition, it is also the focus of inclusive finance’s efforts to help rural characteristic industries with credit, and financial institutions should increase the financing of characteristic industries. "With this working capital, the Hakka smoked chicken factory in the village will be able to produce at full capacity." Li Zhenqiu, head of Tianbei Village Stock Economic Cooperative in Dajishan Town, quannan county City, Jiangxi Province, said that at the end of each year, the local Hakka smoked chicken sales increased substantially. In the past, due to the lack of working capital, the village collective cooperatives had problems such as falling behind in production capacity and losing customers. In order to broaden the financing channels of characteristic industries, quannan county United Rural Commercial Bank launched the appointment of "financial village officials" to inject financial living water into agriculture-related industries such as agricultural enterprises, cooperatives and large-scale farmers. From January to October this year, the "financial village official" model issued a total of 2.683 billion yuan of agricultural loans, benefiting 9664 farmers.

  "Characteristic industry is an important sector to realize rural revitalization, and it is the key to increase farmers’ income and stabilize agricultural development. There are weak links in its development that need effective support from inclusive finance services." Wu Dan, a researcher at China Banking Research Institute, said that the bank’s inclusive business should meet the needs of differentiated products and services in key rural areas and enhance the sense of financial acquisition of rural inclusive groups. Inclusive finance’s support for rural industries should be orderly and focused, and the characteristic industries in key rural areas should be accurately drip-irrigated, so as to solidly promote China’s rural revitalization and achieve comprehensive achievements.

  Inclusive finance enables the development of key rural areas, which can touch the capital demand of agricultural business entities with large quantity, wide range and small amount. Experts said that with the support of financial institutions’ inclusive business, the development of rural key areas can obtain periodic and regional resource scheduling, and the problem of information asymmetry of agricultural entities will be gradually solved, which will promote the more rational allocation of financial resources to the "three rural" areas and promote the sustainable development of rural small and micro-business entities.

  Innovating and optimizing financial products

  Innovating and optimizing financial products and reducing financing costs are the important goals of inclusive finance’s development. For a long time, whether it is individual farmers or village collective organizations, the high financing cost is a common problem, which restricts the development of rural industries. Judging from the current rural financial products at the grass-roots level, inclusive finance, an individual banking institution, has the characteristics of single loan product structure, high interest rate and slow lending, and the phenomenon of high customer access threshold and low loan availability is more common.

  For example, in order to reduce financial risks, many banking institutions generally have additional mortgage guarantee requirements for financial products. This form of mortgage guarantee has undoubtedly raised the threshold for capital access for the majority of small farmers with light assets. In addition, due to the current situation of cumbersome credit procedures and insufficient humanized services in grass-roots financial institutions, and the fact that grass-roots financial institutions will consider financial risk prevention, they often use restrictive means to curb the actual demand for agricultural credit.

  Experts said that financial institutions should enrich financial products and services that support the development of farmers and optimize credit loan services for farmers. Credit loans have high requirements for financial institutions’ financial technology level and asset strength. It is not only time-consuming and laborious to tailor credit files for users by traditional methods, but also requires huge financial support. In order to comprehensively promote the implementation of rural revitalization strategy and help the development of new rural collective economy, financial institutions need to constantly innovate credit loan products to meet the financial needs of agricultural customers.

  The credit business of rural collective economic organizations is an important part of inclusive finance and agriculture-related loans of China Construction Bank. "Collective Credit Loan" is a credit loan product developed by CCB for rural collective economic organizations. Recently, the first "collective credit loan" in China was successfully launched in Shaanxi Ankang Cailiang Community Economic Cooperative, with a credit amount of 5 million yuan. The head of the grass-roots government team of the institutional business department of CCB said that in order to help rural areas revitalize high-quality development, CCB has provided "accurate portraits" for more than 13,000 rural collective economic organizations across the country, provided credit evaluation for financing services, improved the convenience of financing for rural collective economic organizations, and solved the pain points of less products, expensive services and long process in the rural market.

  Reduce financing costs and strengthen the resilience of agriculture-related subjects. Experts said that for commercial banks, continuously innovating loan products and reducing financing costs are conducive to rapidly increasing the scale of inclusive loans and expanding new customer groups while consolidating existing customers. In the future, commercial banks need to innovate the digital business model to solve the problem of expensive financing, further strengthen the docking of scenes with agriculture-related subjects, so as to adapt to the needs of different industries and different customer groups, and then promote the expansion of financial services to rural areas.

How to understand baseball gracefully

Yingxianjun teaches you how to understand baseball gracefully.

Baseball is one of the three major American sports (rugby, baseball and basketball).Although the NBA is more well known by domestic fans, the actual influence and popularity of baseball in the United States exceeds that of basketball.That’s why NBA legend Michael Jordan changed his career to play baseball after the first bull won three consecutive championships.

However, the rules of baseball are complicated and seem to be less coherent than basketball games and less intense than football games, so people who are not familiar with baseball will find baseball games very boring, while baseball fans will find it very exciting.That’s why people say, "if you love someone, send him to watch baseball, because it’s heaven;" If you hate someone, send him to watch baseball, because it is hell. "

In fact, it is not difficult to understand baseball, and once you know what the baseball game is all about, it is a natural thing to love it.In this article, Ying Xianjun will tell you how to understand baseball gracefully.

In fact, the fate between Yingxianjun and baseball can be traced back to childhood.Yingxianjun was deeply influenced by Japanese comics when he was young. From "Robot Cat" to "Dragon Ball" to "You You Bai Shu", the comics of that era were almost unobstructed.Among them, Baseball Hero (also known as Girl Next Door, English name is Touch) can definitely rank among the top three favorite comics of Shang Ying Xian Jun. Whether it’s comic books or cartoons, Baseball Hero won’t let you down. Such a cartoon with baseball as the background is full of youthful and ignorant passion, growing scars and ideal pursuit, which is a rare masterpiece.Uesugi Tatsuya, who plays around at ordinary times but gets serious at critical moments, will frighten people to death, and Minami Asakura, the girl next door with an absolutely ideal girlfriend in those days, and Nanfeng Coffee Shop full of youthful breath, are all like vivid individuals who really live around you.Let you be in a trance like a dream, and embark on the journey of pursuing your ideals with them. And that sentence "I want to take you to Koshien" became the most romantic confession line of the year. Yingxianjun will write a cartoon article on Baseball Heroes in the later period, which is really full of memories of youth.

So get down to business, how do you understand baseball? Ying Xianjun here uses a rap song "The Second Half of the Ninth inning" by MC Hotdog to help you understand baseball.First of all, understand the basic pattern of baseball game. The baseball game is divided into nine innings, and each inning is divided into two top and bottom innings.Therefore, the meaning of the song name "the second half of the ninth inning" is very clear, which is roughly equivalent to 80 minutes in the second half of a football game or 6 minutes in the fourth quarter of an NBA game.The singer’s actual expression of his youth is drawing to a close, fully expressing his helplessness and sadness over the passage of time.

In baseball, two teams attack and defend alternately.The attacker is hit by a batter every time. After hitting the ball, the batter’s task is to start from home plate, pass through first base, second base and third base in a counterclockwise direction, and finally return to home plate, and make a full circle and return to home plate to score a Run.But it’s not that you can run straight back to home plate to score after hitting the ball once (this situation that allows you to run straight for a lap is called home run).As the old saying goes, "You should eat the rice bit by bit and walk step by step".So slowly and steadily, go to one base at a time, and then the next teammate will create opportunities to go to another base, step by step, until you score.So baseball is a high IQ project that fully embodies teamwork.

The purpose of the defender is to prevent the attacker from scoring. The defense team consists of nine players. The following picture shows the field specifications of the baseball field. The defense consists of Pitcher, Catcher, first baseman, second baseman, third baseman, Short Stop, Left Fielder, Center Fielder and Right Fielder, respectively.

Briefly introduce American professional baseball. Major League Baseball (MLB) in the United States is an association organization of professional basketball, which can be understood as NBA by analogy. MLB is divided into American League and National League, which can be roughly understood as the east and west of NBA. However, AL and NL have their own three sub-regions: East, Middle and West. Every season is from April to October, and each of the 30 major league teams has 162 regular-season games. After that, the champion of each division and the two wild cards of each league entered the playoffs, and then the remaining two teams competed for the championship of the World Series.

The first lesson of baseball is to make it clear that the gloved people standing on the court are in the same group, but the swinging people are not in the same group.The person who swings the bat is the attacker. The purpose of the attacker is to hit the ball thrown by the pitcher where the gloved people can’t pick it up, and then run to the corresponding next base before they pick it up and pass it back to the bag, which is called safe base.This stroke is called a Hit. At this time, you can stay there and wait for the next player of your own team to play, and go on and on (so the attacker can have up to four people on the court at any time, occupying home plate batting position, first base, second base and third base respectively).However, if the swinger hits the ball and runs to first base, and the gloved defender has already returned the ball to the first baseman before he reaches first base, then the swinger is out.

Once the attacker is out of the game for a half game, the half game is over and the two sides exchange offense and defense. Therefore, the "two outs, full bases, two good and three bad" mentioned in MC Hotdog’s song is a very tense state of adversity.So what does "two good and three bad" mean? Here, the camera switches to the home plate hitting zone. When the Batter stands in the home plate batting area and confronts the defensive pitcher, it is a contest between the reaction speed and arm strength of both sides.The home plate at home plate is a pentagon. Imagine a three-dimensional figure with the pentagon as the base and the distance from the batter’s knee to his shoulder as high. This area is called the strike zone.

A pitcher who throws a baseball within the Strike zone is called a strike. If the flight route of three baseball throws passes through this area and the batter fails to hit the ball, then the batter will be struck out. A Ball that a pitcher throws without crossing the strike zone is called a bad ball. And if the pitcher fails to cross the strike zone four times, it is judged as a four-ball. Then the batter is automatically walked to first base at this time (you can walk slowly and don’t need to run in a hurry).

So when "two outs, two good and three bad", if the attacker is still full (meaning that the first, second and third bases are occupied by the attacker), the pressure on the pitcher is actually great.It’s better to throw a good ball. Three opponents are out. The half game is over and the danger alarm is lifted. However, if this ball is a bad one, then the opponent will be automatically walked to base. At this time, the batter has first base, the player who was on first base goes to second base, and so on. The player who was on third base returns to home base, and the attacker gets a share. At this time, if the thrown ball is hit by the opponent’s home run, then at this time, because there are people on the third base, if the batter is counted, all of them will go around the home plate and attack the opponent’s four points.This kind of home run is called a Grand Slam.

Of course, for the batter, it is very uncomfortable to be struck out, so it is a great sadness for MC Hotdog to sing "I was a pitcher and was struck out by myself" in the song.

Here, we need to summarize the judgment of counting good balls and bad balls in different situations:

The baseball flew across the strike zone and the batter didn’t swing.

As long as the batter misses his swing, whether the baseball flies over the strike zone or not, it is a good ball.

The batter hit the baseball with his swing, but the ball flew out of bounds and was counted as a good one.

(However, if you have already struck two strikes, swinging the ball out of bounds will not count as a strike.)

The baseball’s flight path did not cross the strike zone, and the batter did not swing.

In addition, it should be noted that the attacker on the court can not run to base only after the pitcher throws the ball and then hits it. But as long as there is no foul ball, or walking to the base to wait for the ball, people on the first, second and third bases can always run to the next base bag before the pitcher throws the ball.This behavior is called Steal, and if you get on the base successfully, steal the base successfully. Stealing bases is a great test of a player’s judgment on the situation on the court and his running speed. That’s why baseball surprises you so much.

Just mentioned a lot of home runs, so what does home run mean?A Home Run, or home run, means that the batter hits the ball high and far and flies directly over the fence. At this time, the defender can’t get the ball back, so everyone on the base, including the batter, automatically returns to home plate to score.Of course, it is not easy to hit a home run. A professional baseball player may not hit a few home runs in his whole career. Of course, excellent players also exist.The record holder of the most home runs in his career is Barry Bonds, a legendary player of the San Francisco Giants, who hit 762 home runs in his career. In professional baseball, players who have scored more than 500 home runs in their careers are listed as 500 Home Run Club. The closest member to us is David Ortiz, the head of the Boston Red Sox. He retired on October 2, 2016, and held a grand retirement ceremony for him at Fenway Stadium, the home of Red Sox in Boston. Ying Xianjun was lucky enough to go to the scene to watch his retirement battle, which was still very shocking.

Photographed on October 2, 2016 at Fenway Stadium in Boston.

Then let’s review the knowledge points by knowing the scoreboard of baseball games.The following is the match between Oakland Athletics and Los Angeles Angels. At present, the score is 5 to 3. The 5th and an upward triangle indicate that it is the first half of the fifth inning. The yellow diamond in the middle indicates that the attacker is Oakland, and they are currently occupied at second base. 2-1 shows that this batter is two bad balls and one good ball at present. 1 Out indicates that Oakland is currently out by one person.

With the above basic knowledge, you can basically understand what baseball is like gracefully. Instead of wondering what a group of people are doing after throwing a ball and running around.

Two eggs are attached here. The first egg is what if you play nine innings and still draw? Will there be overtime?The answer is yes. If the nine games are tied, then one extra game will be played, and the tenth game will be continued. If the game is still tied, one more game will be played until the game is decided.

Here, as MC Hotdog sang, "life is a baseball game. After nine innings, will there be an overtime?" There is overtime in the game, but life can’t be repeated. There is no overtime. So we should cherish the present and watch baseball carefully.

The second egg. Careful readers may have found a problem. When the batter hits the ball directly over the fence and the first landing point is off the court, the ball is counted as a home run. What if the first landing point of the ball is on the court and then bounces off the court?This is the famous "Ground Rule Double". If this happens, all the attacking players on the field will automatically advance to the second base. If the attacker has someone on the third base, he will return to home plate and score. If there is someone on the second base, he will still go forward two bases and return to home plate and score.

On June 12th, 2017, Boston Red Sox played a long game with Philadelphia Phillies. The score was tied at 5:5 until the 12th Inning. Finally, the Red Sox scored a "Ground Rule Double" and beat Philadelphia by one point. Ying Xianjun also went to the scene to watch the game, and the game didn’t end until 00:30 in the morning. It was really exhausting to watch.

The above content is enough to help you understand baseball gracefully, and I wish you further and further on the road to becoming a baseball fan. Maybe one day Young-hyun Jun will meet you by chance at a baseball game.

Pay attention to WeChat WeChat official account: Yingxianshe.

The world is so desolate that only a lonely heart can be cultivated.

Liu Yifei was photographed in the hospital and was accidentally worn by netizens. The baby was white and glowing.

On September 17th, some netizens ran into Liu Yifei filming in the hospital on the public platform, which triggered a heated discussion.

The netizen wrote in the photo: "The goddess is beautiful. The yellow skirt is really beautiful, white and thin. It is very eye-popping in the crowd."

In the exposed photos, Liu Yifei’s head is long and white, and she caresses the little girl’s hair from time to time, which is very gentle.

Another netizen also took photos at the scene and praised Liu Yifei: "This woman should only be in the sky, and the world can get a few times."

Previously reported > >

"Fairy Sister" Liu Yifei is 36 years old! Tang Yan sent birthday wishes for 9 years in a row, and Kara Wai took a photo of his face. 1314: Happy birthday, Princess Sisi, love you forever.

On August 25th, Liu Yifei, the fairy elder sister, celebrated her 36th birthday, and Tang Yan, Kara Wai, took photos and sent birthday wishes.

At noon that day, Tang Yan took a beautiful photo of Liu Yifei and sent her birthday wishes: "Happy birthday, dear Princess Sissi, may everything you hope for be safe and everything you wish for come true! Everything is beautiful around you! "

It is reported that this is the ninth consecutive year that Tang Yan sent birthday wishes to Liu Yifei.

Later, Kara Wai, who collaborated with Liu Yifei on Ghost Story, took a photo and sent a blessing: "Happy birthday, I love you forever!" She also deliberately stuck 1314, very attentively.

In the photo, Liu Yifei and Kara Wai took a selfie with their shoulders pressed against their faces, and they were in excellent condition.

According to public information, Liu Yifei was born on August 25th, 1987, and she was titled "Sister of the Immortal" when she debuted. She once starred in the Golden Powder Family, Legend of the Sword and the Chivalrous Man, The Condor Heroes, Eight Dragons, Bronze Sparrow, Mulan, Dream of China and other works.

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After James retires, who will be the next face of the NBA?

After the opening of the 2023-24 season, it will also be James’ 21st season in the NBA, and James is about to celebrate his 39th birthday, which is a step closer to James’ retirement. The topic of retirement has to be put on the agenda. Who will be the next face figure in the NBA after James’ retirement?

Although James was still able to score 28.9 points, 8.3 rebounds and 6.8 assists last season, it was obvious from last season that James was completely unable to compare physically with a few years ago, and the offensive end was still excellent in the regular season, but it has become the norm for the defensive end to leak people, and there are often situations in which the defense is not active, which is completely impossible in previous years. After entering the playoffs, James defended actively, but because the defensive end consumed a lot of physical strength, the offensive end obviously declined. People have to feel that time makes people old, and James has entered the end of his career. After Lao Zhan retires, who can hold up the facade of the NBA?

1. Curry

The first person I can think of now is Curry. Curry is 35 years old, and his playing style doesn’t eat the body. Now he is still in the peak state. Curry is not only the most influential player in the era of small ball, but also his hard honor is the first person under James, with four championships, two MVPs, two scoring titles and four times, which is enough to support Curry to become a new alliance facade.

2. Durant

Durant is only 34 years old this year. Although he has suffered a serious injury, he is still in the same state after coming back. He is still the best scorer in the league. He already has two FMVPs, one MVP, four scoring titles and six hard honors. The Suns he joined are the first favourites to win the championship next season, and this former Wang also has a chance to win the facade of the league.

3, the letter brother

Brother Alphabet, who is only 28 years old this year, has surpassed many Hall of Fame players, including one FMVP, two MVPs, one best defensive player, five bouts of play and four times of one defense. Last season, he averaged 31.1 points, 11.8 rebounds and 5.7 assists. He has not even reached the real peak, and now he has the strength of the top five in the league, and the future should not be underestimated.

4. Jokic

Also at the age of 28, Jokic became the darling of the league after leading the Nuggets to win the first championship in team history last season. He had an FMVP, two MVPs, and played for three times. Last season, he averaged 24.5 points, 11.8 rebounds and 9.8 assists, almost becoming the third player in NBA history to average a triple-double on the regular court. After entering the playoffs, he was still at ease even in the face of a top inside defender like Thick Eyebrows, averaging 30 points and 10 assists in the playoffs.

Now the NBA is facing a very embarrassing thing. After James retired, it is reasonable to say that Curry and Durant took over, but Curry and Durant are not young. Not everyone is like James, and they can still maintain such terrible athletic ability at the age of 38. And the next thing that can lift the situation is the letter brother and Jokic, but both of them are international players, which is not what the league wants to see. Tatum, which the alliance strongly supports, has not yet gained anything.

Who do you think will be the first player in the league after James retires?

Sun Yingsha regrets losing, Liu Guoliang warms her heart and comforts her, and Chen Meng’s return to the state of full blood is completely different.

Chen Meng state regression

Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha have played twice in the last six months, namely, the finals of Xinxiang World Cup in October 2022 and the semi-finals of Xinxiang Championship in 2023. Sun Yingsha defeated Chen Meng twice. In the Xinxiang Championship a week ago, Sun Yingsha swept Chen Meng in straight sets. During the competition, Sun Yingsha completely suppressed Chen Meng, hardly giving her opponent any breathing space. Sun Yingsha’s state is too good.

Coming to the Macau Championship, Sun Yingsha and Chen Meng met again in the semi-final. Before the start of the game, Mi Gu explained that Hou Yingchao said that this game should not present a one-sided situation, and it will definitely be a fierce confrontation. Hou Yingchao was only half right, and the game was fierce enough, but the result was still one-sided. Only the winner this time is Chen Meng.

Sun Yingsha actually took the initiative in the first game, but Chen Meng was in a brave state and could compete with Sun Yingsha for speed and strength. In the first game, Sun Yingsha got the game point at 10-9, but Chen Meng made a determined effort to save the match point quickly and stubbornly. After that, the two sides fought against each other in multiple boards, and it was not until 15-14 that the winner was decided.

Chen Meng’s confidence increased greatly after winning the first game, and he played even better in the next three games. Sun Yingsha is a little worried, and the whole person’s state is not so excited. Sun Yingsha actually thought of many ways, but Chen Meng really showed impeccable performance, which could resolve Sun Yingsha’s changes in serving and attacking. Chen Meng won the next three games with 11-6, 11-8 and 11-9 respectively.

After the game, Chen Meng concluded that I really didn’t expect to win the game with a score of 4-0. Recently, Sasha’s state is very good. Today, I am holding the mentality that I can win one more point. Before the game, I just wanted to win the next game. Sasha may have entered the finals in a row recently, and she is a little tired. I hope I can continue to enjoy such a good stage, show myself more and do my best in the competition.

Chen Meng was right. She put down her posture and attacked her opponent, which really mobilized her to play better. Sun Yingsha may be physically tired and didn’t play her own thing in this game. To tell the truth, Chen Meng really played well in this game. I would also like to congratulate Chen Meng on his qualification to win the championship in the final.

After Sun Yingsha lost the game, Liu Guoliang, chairman of table tennis, found Sasha in particular and said something to her with a smile. It should be some encouragement for Sasha. Sun Yingsha’s progress is obvious to all, and Liu Guoliang also pays special attention to Sasha. No matter who wins the civil war of Guoping Jinhua, it is the pride of Guoping, so Liu Guoliang is in a very good mood. Satisfied with Chen Meng’s performance, and satisfied with Sasha’s performance.

The national table tennis women’s team is very strong, almost every competition will win the semi-finals and never let the champion fall behind. It doesn’t matter if Sun Yingsha loses. The Durban World Table Tennis Championships will be a stage for you to show your strength. The women’s singles final of the Macau Championship will start at 18: 00 pm on April 23rd. I look forward to the wonderful performance of Chen Meng and Manyu Wang, who will also stage the classic confrontation picture of the final of the 2021 World Table Tennis Championships in Houston. Come on!

Original article, welcome to pay attention to comments.

Chasing the light | Feel the scenery with running, and add a touch of green to "Suhe Half Horse"

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Chasing the light | Feel the scenery with running, and add a touch of green to "Suhe Half Horse"

"The first time I ran half a horse on the Suzhou River, the track was so beautiful!"

Liu Min, a female special guest.

Cross the finish line in 1 hour, 13 minutes and 19 seconds.

Become the champion of the women’s team in this competition.

But compared with the bright results that I ran out of.

Liu Min’s greatest feeling is the beautiful scenery on both sides of the track.

At 7 o’clock on April 22,

The morning sun shines on Jin Hui.

The 2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon, which was held for the first time, started with the gun fired.

There are 4,000 participants in the competition.

Different from other events, it mainly uses municipal roads to plan the track.

The track of the first "Suhe Half Horse" was two thirds.

Located along the Suzhou River.

Mary crossed the finish line first.

Won the championship in 1 hour, 03 minutes and 46 seconds.

Liu Min became the first in the women’s group.

The race completion rate reached 98.78%

"Leave the best resources to the people"

A hundred years ago, Suzhou Riverside was the birthplace of modern national industry.

With the opening of Suzhou waterfront at the end of 2020,

"Semi-Masuhe" has become the golden business card of Putuo District in Shanghai.

A "semi-Masuhe" vitality show belt that is livable, suitable for business, suitable for travel and suitable for music was born.

The wind blows thousands of trees and waters.

"Semi-Masuhe" 18 Bay

Penetration of space along Suzhou Creek

Let both sides of the beautiful river turn into cultural and sports venues for citizens.

Ran past Shanghai Textile Museum and Gu Zhenghong Memorial Hall …

Human landscape and natural landscape complement each other.

A brand-new track

Connected in series along the Suzhou River, the "mother river" in Shanghai.

Ruins of industrial civilization sites

And modern creative buildings.

Thick industrial civilization, colorful mass life and pleasant ecological base.

Many runners are intoxicated and linger.

Liu Min said: "Especially when running through the half Masuhe Park.

I can’t help looking around.

I almost forgot that I was here to compete.

I’m going to visit the park after running. "

Feel the city scenery with running.

It is a unique experience of marathon.

Shanghai has focused on people’s needs in recent years.

Reasonable arrangement of production, living and ecological space

Let the city become a paradise where people can live and work.

It also brings more surprises to marathon runners around the world.

In Putuo District, Shanghai, the venue of this "Su River Half Horse"

The 21km coastline of Putuo section of Suzhou Creek has been fully connected in recent years.

We are building a world-class waterfront on this basis.

21 kilometers is close to the distance of a half marathon.

This has also become the origin of "Su River Half Horse"

Feel the city scenery with running.

It is becoming a new expectation for more runners.

On the same day, Daning Functional Zone 2023 Shanghai Jing ‘an Women’s Half Marathon fired the gun and started.

Players cross the international film and television circle around the "DreamWorks" in the central city of Shanghai.

Passing Lingshi Road, which is known as the "Cosmic E-sports Center"

Passing through commercial landmarks such as Daning Music Square …

"Both sides of the Pujiang River are already running resorts.

More good places are still emerging.

Where to run?

Now it is a happy worry. "

Runner Jia Li said.

In the future, a series of mass sports events

It will also focus on the "semi-Masu River"

Paddle boards, frisbees, football, drones …

Colorful series of mass sports events of "about fighting Su River"

Will last from April to December.

Reporter: Wu Zhendong, Xu Dongyuan, Fang Zhe, Xin Mengchen

Reporter: Liu Yang

Editor: Ji Jiadong, Zheng Zhi

Tevez revealed that he hated Sir Alex Ferguson and informed him to move to Manchester City before the Champions League final! Revenge on Manchester United and renege

Argentine star Carlos Tevez, nicknamed "The Beast", is an enhanced version of Wehorst, who can score goals and catch up with his own bottom line from the front line. However, because of the transfer, he finally fell out with Sir Alex Ferguson, and even raised the slogan "Sir Alex Ferguson rests in peace" after moving to Manchester City. Even now that he has retired, the 39-year-old Tevez still resents the way Sir Alex treated him at Manchester United.

Tevez was loaned to Manchester United in 2007, during which he performed well, scoring 34 goals in various competitions and winning two Premier League titles and the Champions League trophy. However, Tevez did not complete the permanent transfer to the Red Devils. In 2009, he joined rival Manchester City, where he spent the next four seasons. Tevez insists that Sir Alex Ferguson was the reason for his decision to move to Manchester City.

The Argentine Beast stressed that he wanted to stay at Old Trafford, but Sir Alex made a false promise to him. Manchester United didn’t buy him out, so he didn’t hesitate when he received the invitation from Manchester City. "I don’t need to think too much, because I am angry with Ferguson. Tevez told ESPN, "As a coach, he is a phenomenon. He has been teaching at a club like Manchester United for so long, but something happened between me and him. 」

Tevez explained in detail: "I was loaned to Manchester United, and finally he told me:" Manchester United will buy you out, but I will bring Berbatov. Don’t worry, I brought him in to compete fairly with you. We will talk to your agent and reach an agreement on the contract and transfer. But in the end, they didn’t call the broker, and nothing happened. Time is running out. They began to want to lower my price. Every time I play, I perform, and the fans shout names. This is a year-long digestion process. 」

According to Tevez, before the 2009 Champions League final, he told Sir Alex Ferguson that he would join Manchester City as a revenge for United’s reneging on their words in the past year. "I have more or less accepted Sheikh Mansour’s proposal. After the final, I will take a private jet to meet him in Abu Dhabi with my family and solve the contract problem with Manchester City. All this happened before Manchester United’s Champions League final," Tevez added. "The day before the Champions League final against Barcelona, I told him that I would join Manchester City. 」

Tevez started 18 games in the Premier League that season and scored 5 goals, which he was not satisfied with. In that Champions League final, Sir Alex Ferguson finally arranged for him to play as a substitute in the second half, playing 20 minutes earlier than Berbatov, but neither of them played a role. Barcelona beat Manchester United 2-0. "Ferguson kept saying that he was going to buy me that season, and then he brought in Berbatov and didn’t let me play in the league. "The beast vomited.

Tevez then added: "It was like a dagger for him to tell him before the final that I was going to join Manchester City. But it is also true for me, because I love Manchester United. But for me, he didn’t keep his promise for a whole year, and he made me miserable. It hurts me a lot because I love Manchester United. I like playing football at Old Trafford. Playing football there is like a bomb explosion. It gives me that feeling. Then the chief came, and they told me that they wanted me to be the standard bearer of Manchester City. He showed me the blueprint for the future, just like the club is today. 」

After the official transfer of Tevez, Manchester City released a controversial advertisement in the local area, in which Tevez opened his arms and the poster read "Welcome to Manchester". Tevez later made 148 appearances for Manchester City, scored 73 goals and assisted 35 times, which helped the team win the Premier League and the FA Cup. However, his time with the Blue Moon also ended in a broken relationship because of falling out with coach Mancini.