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"South Station" Hu Ge couldn’t hide his excitement: I believe the audience can believe it

Hu Ge, Gui Lunmei


Hu Ge

Hu Ge

Guilun magnesium

Diao Yinan

       On December 6, the movie "The Wild Goose Lake" held a special premiere in Shanghai, starring Hu Ge and Gui Lunmei, and director Diao Yinan appeared in the studio to interact with fans. Hu Ge expressed excitement on stage that because his father was also present, he was very nervous, and said that he often came to Shanghai Studios to watch movies since he was a child. He once hoped that one day his poster could be hung in the cinema. "Today, I have my family to witness this dream come true. I am very happy." When talking about the hardships of filming, Hu Ge said bluntly, "During the escape process, I suffered so many sins and suffered so much. If I don’t experience these things, even I don’t believe that I am him. How can the audience believe it?"

??This time the film came to Shanghai, and the star Hu Ge, who returned to the "home", was very excited, because this was not only his dream come true, but also the first time his family participated in his post-screening activities. "To be honest, this is the first time my father and my family have gone to the cinema to meet after the screening, and I am very excited, because I have made relatively few movies (laughs). Yesterday and today, I have been running movie theaters in Shanghai, and Shanghai Cinema is also a place where I would come to watch movies since I was a child. I used to hope that one day my poster could be hung in the cinema. Today, I brought this movie back to my home, which can be said to be a dream come true, and I can witness this moment with my family."

??Talking about the deeper meaning of the characters in the film, Hu Ge said: "From these little characters on the edge, I see that every individual is equal, has the instinct to survive, and struggles with fate. At the same time, we can also see the warmth of them and the brilliance of humanity in this process. Although it is such a character who is very far away from me and unfamiliar, I can still be deeply moved by them." When asked about the hardships of filming, Hu Ge believes that it is necessary to go through these to convince the characters. "For every actor, to create a realistic character, we must go through these processes. During the escape process, I suffered so much sin and suffered so much. If I don’t experience this, even I don’t believe that I am him, how can the audience believe it?"

??Gui Lunmei also shared her own understanding: "The most fascinating thing about Liu Aiai’s character to me is that it is a little different from the style of the swimming escort and the special industry in everyone’s impression. She still maintains a very simple part. In the end, her moral choice comes from the simplicity of her nature and her belief in everything."

??Faced with the audience’s conjectures about the meaning of doves, airplanes and other images in the film, the director Diao Yinan personally interpreted: "Zhou Zenong has his own special things in his heart, and may also yearn for freedom, but he is unwilling to release these things on the surface, deep in the inner feeling. And when he holds a gun in the hallucination and looks at the dark blue in the sky, it seems to suck him deeply in, which may also be his deep yearning for the blue." Diao Yinan also encouraged everyone: "You must interact with this film through images to speculate on the information given to you by each image."

Xu I’s life is only for that "China star"

Open the vast book of our country’s aerospace industry, "Dongfanghong No. 1", as the first monument in the history of our country’s aerospace, has been expressed and paid tribute in different forms by countless literati and writers.

Here, we see the group portraits of Chinese astronauts who are self-reliant, understand the firm belief in serving the country through science in difficult times, and thus remember the names of a group of patriotic scientists such as Qian Xuesen, Ren Xinmin, Sun Jiadong, and Qi Fa Qi.

Don’t forget to dig wells. For any cause or any project, the role of the founder, paving stone and lookout is undoubtedly the most important, and it is also easy to be forgotten by future generations. They need to have extraordinary wisdom, firm belief and a strong heart. In the initial stage of the development of our country’s first artificial satellite, there were two people who were close and far away from us. Speaking of near, because the launch of Dongfanghong No. 1 was less than 50 years ago, and we have a lot of information to consult and learn; speaking of far, they have long since left us.

They are all the pioneers and founders of our country’s space technology – Zhao Jiuzhang and Qian Ji.

One day at the end of July, under the recollection of Mr. Hu Qizheng, an 84-year-old member of the overall team of the Dongfanghong-1 satellite, the passionate years that had passed with Zhao Jiuzhang and Qian Ji were once again awakened.

The birthplace of Chinese satellite development –

No.1 West Garden Playground

At the behest of Chairperson Mao, "We also want to develop artificial earth satellites," in 1959, after graduating from the electrical engineering department of Tsinghua University, Hu Qizheng, 24, was assigned to a "mysterious unit" – Group 581, which was responsible for formulating satellite plans and organizing and coordinating satellite and rocket sounding operations. At No. 1 Xiyuan Playground, he met Qian Ji, the head of the office of Group 581, for the first time.

At that time, Qian Ji was actually the person in charge of the overall satellite technology. The first time they met, Qian Ji, who had few words and deep eyes, expressed three meanings to Hu Qizheng: first, welcome, second, pay attention to confidentiality, and third, we are engaged in space exploration, and we will do things in the future. Hu Qizheng was very excited when he heard it, and from then on, he started his aerospace career, and Qian Ji was also regarded by him as the leader of his aerospace career.

No. 1, Xiyuan Playground, a courtyard borrowed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences from Zhongzhi Xiyuan organs around 1954. According to Wu Zhicheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Institute of Space Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (then in charge of the management of the 581 scientific research program), it was overgrown with weeds and simple conditions, but it was the birthplace of our country’s space industry: the proposal for the establishment of a national satellite project in our country was drafted here; the idea of our country’s first satellite was brewed and born here; the pre-research of the satellite was launched here; the meteorological rocket detection test was started here…

There is a three-story gray brick building on the north-south side of the hospital, which is used as a research laboratory. Then dozens of bungalows were built one after another, including administrative office rooms, machining workshops, glass workshops, equipment warehouses, garages, etc. Early developers also converted a dry toilet in the northwest corner into an environmental simulation laboratory. To make vacuum instruments, they also built their own earth gas generator, which is used for blowing glass and sealing vacuum tubes.

At that time, following the scientific policy of diligence and frugality, everything was simple. The eight research groups working here were fully engaged in rocket sounding research and satellite pre-research preparations.

At the beginning of the formation of the 581 group, Zhao Jiuzhang, Qian Ji, Yang Jiachi and his party went to the Soviet Union to observe the satellites with great interest, but they only took a look at the appearance of the satellites from a distance, let alone cooperation and technical assistance. Without learning the ability of satellite development, it inspired the fighting spirit of scientists: If you don’t let it learn, we will do it ourselves! It is proud that our country has developed the satellite business completely by self-reliance from scratch.

After investigating the industrial base at home and abroad, combined with the economic conditions and scientific research conditions of our country at that time, scientists in our country suggested that "the current satellite launch is not commensurate with national strength, and the space technology research mission should be adjusted." The 581 group then made adjustments and focused its research on sounding rockets.

In 1960, Chairperson Mao Zedong visited a sounding rocket

From 1959 to 1965, the research entities led by Zhao Jiuzhang, Wei Yiqing, and Qian Ji worked actively, and worked closely with the Shanghai Electromechanical Design Institute led by Yang Nansheng and Wang Xiji. From 1960 to 1965, more than 20 T7 and T7A sounding rockets were launched and tested, and meteorological data below 60 kilometers were obtained. Ionospheric, biological and other projects were tested. These have laid a certain technical foundation for satellite development.

From 1960 to 1962, China’s aerospace industry was a "difficult and progressive three-year period". It was difficult because the people of the whole country were facing the same problem: not having enough to eat. The astronauts were no exception. Qian Ji and Hu Qizheng had to spare two catties of food for their comrades who ate a lot. Zhao Jiuzhang and Qian ****** puffy legs due to malnutrition.

More difficult than not having enough to eat and no clothes to wear is the resistance at work, no clue. I have never done a satellite, and no one has done a satellite. Qian Ji said, don’t be afraid, we will do it ourselves. He led everyone to look up the literature, bit by bit, from scratch.

After studying, they found that compared with the Soviet Union, the literature reference value of the United States is better. But everyone’s English level is very limited, what should I do? So Mr. Qin Xinling and the English-speaking technicians took the initiative to teach you professional English.

When it comes to learning English and reading literature, Qian Ji is a famous English expert. Although he has no overseas study experience, he loves to learn and is eager to read literature. He has a special habit of making his own reading cards while studying. In his lifetime, he made nearly 20,000 reading cards, forming a huge and precious database. In the era without computers, these cards were the greatest intellectual support. Hu Qizheng fondly recalled: "Qian Ji taught us how to read books and how to read literature."

Qian Ji at work

At No. 1 Xiyuan Playground, although the days were hard, everyone was very motivated. Every night, the leaders came to urge the young people to turn off the lights and go back to rest early. Qian Ji always encouraged everyone: There must be a goal in life, otherwise there is no meaning in living. Under the leadership of Zhao Jiuzhang and Qian Ji, everyone basically figured out the composition, function and key technologies of the satellite, and figured out the way of satellite development in our country. "Application as traction" has become the guiding ideology of satellite research and development in our country.

1965 –

Our country restarts satellite development plan

In October 1964, Zhao Jiuzhang and Qian Ji visited Base 20 (now Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center) at the invitation of the National Defense Science and Technology Commission. After this visit, one night in early November 1964, Qian Xuesen came to Zhao Jiuzhang’s office. When Qian Xuesen met, he asked, "What is the impression of going to the base?" Zhao Jiuzhang said, "The harvest is very large, and the missile development progress is so fast, which is really unexpected." Zhao Jiuzhang believes that in another four or five years, the launch vehicle of about 100 kilograms of satellites may be developed, and the satellite development is also certain to be completed. Now the key is that the satellite development must be approved by the state.

Zhao Jiuzhang urgently felt that he should write a report to the central government to express the necessity and possibility of developing satellites. In January 1965, Qian Xuesen wrote to Nie Rongzhen, arguing that the conditions were now in place to consider the satellite issue.

Previously, the developers of No. 1 in Xiyuan Playground have been renamed from Group 581 to the Second Department of Geophysics. They have formed a professional satellite development team, and Qian Ji, deputy director of the Second Department, is the general technical director of the satellite. Satellite development in our country has thus embarked on the road of professional development.

In order to submit the report to the central government as soon as possible, the Academy of Sciences instructed a general team composed of He Zhenghua, Pan Houren, and Hu Qizheng, directly led by Qian Ji, to write the "Ten-year plan for the development of our country’s satellite industry" and the "Proposal for the development of our country’s artificial satellite work". Two reports, the plan was finally submitted to the central government by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In August 1965, Zhang Jinfu, then the secretary of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Party Group, reported at the 13th meeting of the Central Special Committee and received a reply: Pass, execute! Since then, the satellite development project has been officially established, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences has listed this as the No. 1 task in 1965, code-named "651".

Musical installation of "The East is Red" with Chairperson Mao’s badge

From October 20 to November 30, 1965, the Science Hall of Beijing Friendship Hotel held our country’s first satellite demonstration. The meeting was chaired by Pei Lisheng, vice president of the Academy of Sciences, and there were more than 120 representatives. The experts fully discussed and reached consensus on many issues. The meeting lasted for 42 days.

The conference produced four documents on the overall plan, the main body plan, the vehicle plan, and the ground system plan for our country’s first satellite, and also prepared 27 special materials with a total of about 150,000 words. During the conference, Premier Zhou invited the delegates to the small auditorium of the Great Hall of the People to watch the performance of the party. This conference is very important in the history of aerospace in our country, and it clarified the idea of "a game of chess across the country" to build satellites.

During the meeting, Premier Zhou took the initiative to ask Qian Ji’s name when listening to the report, and said with a smile: "Your surname is Qian too! It seems that satellites are not short of money."

The Prime Minister’s words were a pun. There was Qian Xuesen in missiles, Qian Xuesen in atomic bombs, and Qian Ji in satellites now, so there was really no shortage of money. Another layer of meaning was that satellites cost a lot of money, just like atomic bombs and missiles. The Prime Minister asked Qian Ji how much it would cost, but Qian Ji did not answer, because there was no calculation in the preparation of satellite plans and demonstrations. The state wants to approve the satellite project, I don’t know how much it will cost, how to make a budget, and what to do with the approval procedures? This made the scientist surnamed Qian start to worry about money.

Hu Qizheng is still deeply impressed by this experience. Because of the work relationship, he and his colleagues have been fortunate to work with great scientists such as Zhao Jiuzhang, Yang Jiachi, Chen Fangyun, and Qian Ji. The academic aura and peace in life of great scientists, the indifference to fame and fortune, and the democratic and practical work style of great scientists have allowed the young Hu Qizheng to witness the "master style". He confessed that he was fortunate to benefit for a lifetime.

"Cultural Revolution" –

Satellite development is moving forward amidst difficulties

Scientists really wanted to put the first man-made satellite in the sky before the National Day in 1969. It was a great honor to release the first satellite 20 years after the founding of New China. According to everyone’s preparations at that time, there was no problem at all, but it was not realized.

Because the "Cultural Revolution" is here.

During the day and night, the barbaric and frenzied criticism and struggle ravaged the scientific researchers physically and mentally. Zhang Jinfu was seized from power, the party group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences collapsed, the grass-roots party organizations were paralyzed, and No. 1 Xiyuan Playground became the hardest hit area. Some were injured, some were killed in combat. Zhao Jiuzhang was persecuted to death in October 1968. In such a chaotic situation, comrades who can work are still working.

After Zhao Jiuzhang passed away, Qian Ji was also affected. After "stepping aside", he worked like an ordinary technician, but remained silent as always. Seeing the persecution of scientists who were once respected by people, everyone felt deeply helpless. The development of satellites is advancing slowly in difficult situations.

The staff is conducting Dongfanghong-1 satellite docking

Dongfanghong No.1 engine hoisting test

At the end of 1967, the country began to plan the establishment of a space technology research institute, and the office location was also moved from Xiyuan Playground No. 1 and Zhongguancun to Baishiqiao. Sun Jiadong was appointed as the general manager of Dongfanghong No. 1 when he was in danger. He brought more than 10 business backbones to integrate the engineering experience of missile development into satellite engineering. In that stormy era, everyone defied all difficulties and pushed the development of Dongfanghong No. 1 satellite forward steadily.

On April 24, 1970, the Dongfanghong-1 satellite spewed out, and the world was excited. The two founders who actively promoted the development of the satellite: Zhao Jiuzhang and Qian Ji, one was already wronged and could not witness this moment with his own eyes; the other could only look up silently from the open space of Baishi Bridge in Beijing. In the face of cheers and applause, without them, in that era, they would have been low to the dust.

People who like to watch the Dongfanghong-1 satellite fly overhead

Fast forward to 1999. On September 18 of this year, on the occasion of celebrating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Party Central Committee, the State Council, and the Central Military Commission decided to commend 23 scientific and technological experts who had made outstanding contributions to the development of "two bombs and one star" that year, and awarded Yu Min, Wang Daheng, Wang Xiji, Zhu Guangya, Sun Jiadong, Ren Xinmin, Wu Ziliang, Chen Fangyun, Chen Nengkuan, Yang Jiachi, Zhou Guangzhao, Qian Xuesen, Tu Shoue, Huang Weilu, Cheng Kaijia, and Peng Huanwu the "Two Bombs and One Star Merit Medal", and posthumously awarded Wang Fanchang, Deng Jiaxian, Zhao Jiuzhang, Yao Tongbin, Qian Ji, Qian Sanqiang, and Guo Yonghuai the "Two Bombs and One Star Merit Medal" (the above rankings are based on surname strokes Order).

More than 60 years have passed, and few people walking in Xiyuan Playground A-1 now know that so many big scientists have come out from here to brew our country’s satellite research and development business. That period of time has become history. But our country’s satellite business has developed from "Dongfanghong No. 1" to bright stars, adding more light to the rising China.

September 4, 2019 "China Aerospace News" third edition

The pictures in this version are the information pictures of this newspaper.

Text/China Aerospace News reporter, Huang Xi

Editors/He Ximei, Zhang Xiaofan, Hao Chenxi (Interns)

Producer/Xu Bin

Apple iPhone 12 mini battery evaluation: discharge efficiency is far ahead

Apple introduced the iPhone 12 mini in October 2020. IPhone 12 mini is one of our high-end models (US$ 600-799). Despite its small size, it is equipped with a high-resolution Super Retina XDR screen and dual cameras. Our battery benchmark engineer recently tested the Apple iPhone 12 mini;; The following are the main conclusions of the test.

Main specifications:

Battery capacity: 2227 mAh

20W charger

Chipset: A14 Bionic

5.4- inch, 2340 x 1080 (476 ppi), 60 Hz OLED screen

Test storage/memory combination: 4 GB/128 GB

Support wireless charging (12W)

About DXOMARK battery test: This paper aims to highlight the most important test results. (For more details about our smartphone battery benchmark, please read our battery benchmark.


Thanks to excellent software optimization, battery discharge is extremely efficient.

Support wireless charging, comparable to wired charging.


Small capacitance (2227 mA), which seriously affects the battery life.

Although there is a 20W charger, the charging speed is slow.

IPhone 12 mini has an appropriate name, small overall size and small battery capacity, which is only 2227 mA. At the time of writing, it has the smallest capacitance in our entire battery database. However, although its capacity has a significant impact on battery life, it always scores 59, ahead of several other devices with larger batteries.

We compare the performance of iPhone 12 mini in several key categories with another high-end device, Google Pixel 5, and one plus 8T in our mid-to high-end models (400-599 USD). The battery capacity, chargers, screen types and resolutions, and processor specifications of all three devices are shown in the following table.

How long the battery can run continuously depends not only on the battery capacity, but also on other aspects such as mobile phone hardware and software. The battery life score of DXOMARK consists of three performance test scores: (1) indoor static, (2) outdoor movement, and (3) calibration mode. The score of each test item contains a series of comprehensive test results to measure the battery life in various real-life scenarios.

At the time of writing, the overall battery life score of Apple iPhone 12 mini is 41, which is very close to the last one in our database. Its battery capacity (2227 mA) is obviously different from that of Google Pixel 5(4080 mA) and one plus 8T (4500 mA), so it is difficult to compete with them.

However, it is worth noting that when the power of the iPhone 12 mini is displayed as 10%, the remaining power is indeed 10%, so the user will not suddenly reduce the remaining usage time because the power is about to run out. This is an advantage that many other mobile phones don’t have. )

Now let’s take a closer look at the performance of the mini battery in the endurance test.

The robot in faraday cage simulates a series of touch-screen actions of users, which we call "typical usage scenarios", including making phone calls and watching online videos, which often lasts for 16 hours, of which 4 hours are active and 8 hours are dormant. The robot repeats the same action every day until the battery power runs out.

Although there is a big gap in battery capacity, the iPhone 12 mini is not inferior to competing products, and its battery life is only four hours less than that of Google and One Plus. The following chart shows the performance of iPhone 12 mini and competing products in typical usage scenarios driven by robots:

When using a smart phone when moving outdoors, the battery life will be reduced because of additional "hidden" requirements, such as continuously transmitting signals to select a cellular network. DXOMARK battery experts take the mobile phone outdoors to perform a set of precisely preset activities, and each device follows the same three-hour moving route.

The outdoor mobile score of iPhone 12 mini is 51 points, which is consistent with the score of Pixel 5, but obviously lags behind the score of 61. According to the analysis of a single usage scenario, Yijia is far superior to Apple and Google’s devices in 3G calling, and Apple and Google are slightly close to Yijia in camera and GPS (Google is almost consistent with Yijia in the use of social media apps).

In order to complete this kind of test, the mobile phone will return to faraday cage, and our robot will repeat a set of specified activities (usage scenarios), such as games and streaming media. Starting from 80% power, all devices should be tested until they run out of at least 5% battery power.

If the iPhone 12 mini is not in the default automatic mode, but in the calibration mode (the screen brightness is 200 nits and the speaker volume is 60 decibels), it will not be comparable to the competing products and fall behind in all tests. However, it is worth noting that Apple claims that the mini can provide 10 hours of video streaming, and on average, the iPhone exceeds this number in calibration mode, with 13 hours of play online time in WiFi and 8 hours and 30 minutes in 4G.

The charging score of DXOMARK battery consists of two sub-scores: charging speed and fast charging. Full charge test to evaluate the reliability of battery icon; Evaluate how long it takes for the battery to charge from 0% to 80% and from 80% to 100%; At the same time, measure how long and how much power it takes for the battery to be fully charged from the icon display 100%. Under different power levels (20%, 40%, 60%, 80%), the fast charging test can measure the power received by the battery after five minutes of power connection.

The charging performance of iPhone 12 mini is slightly below average. In view of its small battery capacity and 20W charger, we expected the iPhone to charge faster. On the contrary, its charging performance is similar to that of Google Pixel 5 with 4080 mAh capacity and 18W charger.

Although it takes twice as long for the iPhone 12 mini to run out of power and charge to 80% (the former is close to 52 minutes and the latter is 25 minutes), the Apple device is better than Google, which takes 1 hour and 14 minutes to reach 80%. In addition, it takes longer for iPhone to display from 80% to 100% than Google and One Plus, and it takes longer to display from 100% to fully charge than I, but shorter than Google.

In terms of wireless charging, it takes 1 hour and 36 minutes for the iPhone 12 Mini to reach 80% at 12W (52 minutes for wired charging)-but it is not bad in a word.

The remaining power when the user charges the iPhone 12 mini will affect the endurance obtained after plugging in for 5 minutes. When connected to the power supply when the remaining 20%, the battery life of Apple devices is more than twice as long as when the remaining power is 80%. Although these results are similar to those of Google Pixel 5, after five minutes of charging, one plus 8T provides about twice the extra battery life as the other two devices.

The battery efficiency score of DXOMARK consists of two sub-scores, charging and discharging. The data used are from the typical usage scene test of robot, outdoor mobile test, charging evaluation and power measurement, and the battery capacity of equipment is also considered.

Although the measured battery life can’t compete with most devices with larger battery capacity, the battery life of the iPhone 12 mini is still good (here, it shows excellent discharge efficiency) if considering its small capacitance.

Although the charging efficiency of Apple iPhone 12 Mini is 68% higher than that of Google Pixel 5 (66%), it is far from one plus 8T (81%). Similarly, its low score here is also attributed to an unexpectedly inefficient charger.

Apple iPhone 12 mini has what our engineers call "amazing performance" in all discharge tests except 3G calls. In the default mode, it discharges only half the current of competing products, which proves that it is a well-designed smart phone and has obtained the highest score of this sub-attribute in our database so far.

Apple iPhone 12 mini is a well-designed smart phone with very effective software optimization, and its battery has become the leader in discharge efficiency in our database so far. However, compared with almost all other devices we have tested, its small battery capacity makes the battery life too short.

Bloggers analyzed the M9 car accident and suspected that high-speed kissing led to artificial steering and heated discussion.

Recently, a video about the M9 suddenly losing control and hitting the guardrail on the expressway spread rapidly on the Internet, causing widespread concern. This extremely hot M9 model can easily attract public attention in any development, and this accident has become the focus of hot discussion.

Bloggers analyzed the M9 car accident and suspected that high-speed kissing caused it.

The video screen shows that the M9 involved was in the middle of the expressway lane at that time, and the driving speed was stable, and it was suspected that the intelligent driving mode had been turned on. However, during the driving process, the vehicle suddenly became abnormal, turned sharply to the left, deviated from the original lane, and ran straight into the guardrail in the road. The sudden change frightened the passengers in the rear car.

Bloggers analyzed the M9 car accident and suspected that high-speed kissing led to artificial steering and heated discussion.

In response to this matter, the well-known car blogger "Han Lu" expressed his views. He pointed out that it was rumored that the driver wanted to kiss the passenger in the passenger seat, and the driver accidentally pushed the steering wheel when the latter evaded, causing an accident. Although the details of the "kiss" can’t be verified, the blogger believes that if the vehicle turns so sharply and hits the wall, it is most likely that the steering wheel is turned by people in an extreme situation such as tire shedding.

Bloggers analyzed the M9 car accident and suspected that high-speed kissing led to artificial steering and heated discussion.

Weibo, the official of "AITO Auto Customer Service", then responded in the relevant Weibo comment area. Officials said that after learning about the accident, they immediately contacted the owner and actively cooperated with the traffic police department to investigate and deal with the accident. The preliminary investigation results showed that the functions of the vehicle were normal during the incident, and the accident was caused by the user’s misoperation to interfere with the steering wheel, triggering the exit of the intelligent driving mode. At present, the specific cause of the accident is still under investigation, pending the official announcement of the official investigation results for reference.

The local little seafood concentrated on landing and attracted a large number of citizens to "grab the fresh"

Cast three large nets a day and a night.

Harvesting tens of thousands of Jin octopus,

Qi Xin, a dozen fishermen, joined forces

Catch thousands of pounds of oyster shrimp,

There are many boats.

Catch a lot of small fish and shrimp ashore,

Give the citizens a small holiday "the first fresh" …

On the first day of the Qingming small holiday,

The reporter is in Laoshan District

Shazikou National Center Fishing Port and Nanjiang Wharf

And Qigou, Aoshan Bay, Jimo District,

Taking advantage of the small holiday,

Fishermen go fishing at sea,

For citizens and tourists

Brought back a wave of "spring fresh".

The fisherman said,

All kinds of ashore this season

There are more and more varieties in little seafood.

And many of them are cheap.

A delicious seasonal seafood variety.

All kinds of seafood just caught ashore.

"The name of these seafood is’ Long Octopus’, which is a variety of Eight Zones. This boat has fully harvested more than 12,000 kilograms." This morning, at Shazikou Fishing Port, with a large fishing boat docked, more than a dozen fishermen began to perform their duties and were busy unloading octopus to the shore.

Fishing boats catch a lot of octopus.

Mr. Jiang, a fisherman, said that they went out to sea in the early hours of the morning. After a day and a night of fishing, they cast three nets and harvested a lot of octopus. Today, they landed at Shazikou early in the morning, and about 12,000 kilograms of octopus were transported to major markets for sale that day.

According to fishermen’s custom, it is a good time for fishermen to go fishing around Qingming every year. With the rise of water temperature in offshore waters, a large number of fish begin to swim to offshore waters. At this time, most fishermen will go fishing. Therefore, April is the time when a large number of local little seafood people come ashore, so citizens can indulge in seafood during the Qingming holiday.

Freshly landed oyster shrimp.

At the Nanjiang Wharf in Laoshan District, the reporter saw that the fishing boats that went out to sea had landed, shrimp and tiger, eight belts, and? ? ? ? Fish, yellow drum fish, blackhead fish, eel scales, crabs … Although the number of little seafood brought back is small, it is rich and fresh, and many citizens rushed to the dock to buy it.

Many seafood are sold on the dock as soon as they land.

In addition, the reporter visited Gangdong Wharf in Laoshan District and Qigou Wharf in Jimo District, and found that many local small fishing boats landed in little seafood. After several hours of offshore operation, each boat can bring back dozens of pounds of different varieties of little seafood on average, attracting a large number of citizens to "grab the fresh".

Many citizens rushed to the dock to buy seafood.

According to the fishermen in Qigou Village, because these two days are small tides, there is no big fishing news in the offshore area, so a large number of fishing boats will only fish in the offshore area and will not run too far. During the Qingming small holiday, there will be fishing news off the coast of Qingdao. At this time, there will be big ships fishing in relatively distant waters. At that time, a large number of little seafood will land, and the citizens will be able to have a seafood addiction before the fishing moratorium.

Source | Qingdao Morning Post reporter Kang Xiaohuan

Buy millet SU7 purchase tax is free! What is the impact of the New Deal on new energy vehicles?

The small partners who are concerned about new energy vehicles must have learned a recent news: the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a new announcement, announcing that a series of models will enjoy preferential policies for purchase tax reduction and exemption. In the model catalog, Xiaomi SU7,Seals and Zhijie S7, which are particularly popular recently, are listed!

On the one hand, these models have excellent performance, on the other hand, they will also bring real benefits to car owners in terms of purchase tax. So, how do you understand the impact of the New Deal on the new energy vehicle industry?

Source: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Judging from the nature, the preferential policy of purchase tax reduction is an important policy issued by the state to encourage the development of new energy vehicles and promote green travel. By reducing the purchase tax, the economic pressure on consumers to buy cars will be reduced, thus further promoting the prosperity and development of the new energy vehicle market.

The introduction of the purchase tax reduction and exemption policy further highlights the state’s attention and support for the new energy automobile industry. With the increasing awareness of global environmental protection and the rapid development of new energy vehicle technology, new energy vehicles will occupy a dominant position in traffic travel in the future.

At the same time, according to the data of China Automobile Association, in March 2024, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 863,000 and 883,000 respectively, up by 28.1% and 35.3% year-on-year and 86.0% and 85.1% quarter-on-quarter. This is mainly due to the resumption of business operations after the Spring Festival, the large number of new cars coming on the market, and the new round of price reduction promotion in the auto market, which was encouraged by policies such as trade-in and trade-in. In March, the sales of new energy vehicles achieved significant growth on schedule, continuing the rapid growth momentum year-on-year. This time, many models covered in the new purchase tax reduction and exemption policy are actually hot models in previous months, and the intention of the state to guide the further development of new energy vehicles is very obvious.

Source: China Automobile Association

The implementation of the purchase tax reduction and exemption policy has brought tangible benefits to consumers and injected new vitality into the entire new energy vehicle market. As the "heart" of new energy vehicles, under the constant stimulation of the demand for new energy vehicles, the power battery sector will also usher in a good opportunity, and it can be forward-looking at present.

I prefer the battery ETF(SH561910) as the related target, and this one.ETFTracking the CSI battery theme index, it mainly invests in high-quality enterprises in the battery industry chain, including battery manufacturers and material suppliers. If funds are limited or there is not much time to learn more about many enterprises in the industry chain, I think investing in ETF one-click layout is a better choice.

Source: Shan Yu Qiu

Xiaomi Auto is about to appear in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and more information is exposed.

With the approaching of Guangzhou Auto Show, more and more car companies choose to throw out some "explosive materials" in the near future, while Xiaomi Auto, which is well versed in Internet gameplay, has chosen Weibo as the main battlefield, with remarkable results. A few days ago, a well-known car blogger with tens of millions of fans in the whole network once again exposed a lot of key information about Xiaomi Automobile in Weibo, and then this Weibo was deleted. However, the screenshots of the content have already spread widely. At this point, the outline of Xiaomi car gradually became clear.

The following is some information that Xiaomi Automobile can almost determine (although it can’t guarantee 100% authenticity). We will present it to you in several dimensions.

Model: medium and large four-door coupe

First of all, the brand of Xiaomi Automobile is called "Xiaomi Automobile", which is easy to remember and easy to remember. This is confirmed. The first car launched by Xiaomi Automobile is a "C-class eco-technology car". The specific body size of Xiaomi Automobile circulated before is 4860 * 1980 * 1666 mm. Whether it is accurate or not needs further official announcement. After all, the official positioning is "C-class", so the length of the new car may approach 5 meters. In the sub-model part, combined with the spy photos that have been revealed before, the first model of Xiaomi Automobile adopts a four-door coupe design, which directly targets the electric coupe of a German ultra-luxury brand. Is it quite expected? It is expected that within this week, we will be able to see the real car in the latest application information of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.    

To tell the truth, it’s not easy to locate the sports style of the medium and large sports pure electric coupe, similar to Weilai ET7, Zhijie S7 and Aouita 12. At present, there has never been a so-called "explosion" in this model. After all, no matter how hot the pre-sale of new cars is, it still has to land on the specific insurance number. If Xiaomi wants to make this new car go, it is bound to work harder on the price.

Battery configuration: 800V platform is not exclusive, and there are 400V blade batteries for entry.    

According to the earlier exposure information, the high-profile model of Xiaomi Automobile will adopt an 800V platform, and the battery is a 101kWh Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited Kirin ternary lithium battery pack with a CLTC cruising range of about 800km;; With the further release of the news, we learned that the entry-level model of Xiaomi Automobile will be equipped with a blade battery of 400V platform.Obviously, the 400V platform version will have more advantages in cost control. I believe that the entry-level model equipped with blade batteries is actually the model that Xiaomi Automobile hopes to take. As for the high-profile model of the 800V version, it is to boost the brand image.

Features: 澎湃 OS bonus, the whole ecology of people and cars.

As mentioned earlier, Xiaomi Automobile is positioned as a "C-class eco-technology car" for the new car. Besides the body size, the word "ecology" is particularly important. The achievement of "eco-technology" cannot be separated from Xiaomi 澎湃 OS system which has just appeared recently.

If Xiaomi’s mobile phone, Xiaomi’s car and even Xiaomi’s home appliances share a system, then the interconnection of Xiaomi’s ecology will naturally form. At the previous Xiaomi conference, we actually saw the "tip of the iceberg" of Xiaomi 澎湃 OS interconnection function. For example, the shooting content of the roof camera can even flow directly into the WeChat video call. This experience is still very attractive and it is also a big selling point of Xiaomi Automobile. I believe that more similar functions will be realized in the future.

How much will Xiaomi car sell?

According to the above information, we have a general understanding of Xiaomi Automobile, which will be declared by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Although the big V predicted the price at 300,000-400,000 yuan, according to the above information, the actual landing price of Xiaomi Automobile should not be so high.    

According to the plan, Xiaomi Automobile will be officially listed in the first half of 2024. During this period, the prices of various models will be adjusted many times until the press conference. In fact, according to the brand tonality of Xiaomi brand, which emphasizes cost performance, this information exposure has multiple temptations, and it is extremely possible to "reverse" the final pricing of vehicles.

If Xiaomi Automobile adheres to the initial intention of "cost performance" and if Lei Jun’s previous statement of "gambling all the reputations of his life" is true, then the pre-sale price of Xiaomi Automobile is around 200,000, which may be possible.

Here, it is boldly predicted that the pre-sale price of Xiaomi will be less than 200,000 yuan, and the high-profile models will have full models similar to the first commemorative edition, which will raise the price to about 350,000 yuan.

Write it at the end

It took less than three years from the approval and landing of Xiaomi Automobile Factory in Yizhuang, Beijing, and even the trial loading of Xiaomi Automobile. Is this a new record for a new force to build a car? To achieve this speed, we need not only Xiaomi’s efforts and confidence, but also the cooperation of many aspects. It seems that the ambition of Xiaomi Automobile is really unusual!    

Hip-hop in China: Let the reality show show the charm of music and the beauty of human nature.

   Xinhuanet Beijing, September 12 (Reporter Zhang Chun) The final of "Hip Hop in China" has ended, and GAI and PG One both won the championship with the same number of votes. This result was quickly interpreted as soon as it was released: the mystery behind it, business opportunities and fighter planes … … There are different opinions, and even they are called "textbook-style variety ending", and the behind-the-scenes team of the program also gave a clear response: this probability is one in a billion.

   Times will affirm our innovation.

   At the first time after the broadcast of the championship battle, Chen Wei, the chief producer of the program, and Che Che, the director, were interviewed by reporters. The first thing they faced was the problem of double champions. Producer Chen Wei said frankly: "This is a thing that will not happen in theory, but since it happened in such a small chance, it is also an act of god.

   In Chen Wei’s view, the real winner of this program is hip-hop culture and rapper in China. After all, the popularity of "Hip-hop in China" has made this niche music type onto the public stage. But from the initial point of view, Chen Wei was a little surprised to finally achieve such success. "We knew it would be an explosion, but we didn’t expect it to be a phenomenal program with the significance of the times." Therefore, Chen Wei firmly believes: "When we create and don’t follow, the times will affirm our innovative behavior, and users will also affirm it."

   This season’s boom made the team naturally think of the follow-up plan. "We just promoted the first step, let everyone know about hip-hop and like hip-hop, and know that there are so many good hip-hop music and so many high-level singers in China; In the second season, we will show you more hip-hop rapper and hip-hop music. " In the future that Chen Wei looks forward to, there will be more confident and open behavior in the second quarter. "We will go out and let China’s hip-hop culture go to North America, the birthplace of hip-hop, and then we will hold this North American division with hip-hop in China in North America."

   As a hip-hop culture promotion program, Hip-hop in China not only popularized hip-hop culture, but also brought hip-hop players to the stage, fully demonstrating their personalities and attitudes. When talking about these hip-hop singers, Chen Wei also said, "After you really get in touch with them, you will find them very cute. Their personalities are also some of the personalities shared by young people in this era, but they will carry him through the special carrier of hip-hop music."

   Reality show shows musical charm and beautiful human nature.

   Director Che Che, before Hip-hop in China, made a music program Heroes on Earth, which focused on electronic music culture, but unfortunately it was not successful in terms of viewing performance. When it comes to Hip-hop in China, the two programs are similar in that they both choose a relatively small music category as an incision, but the difference is that "Hip-hop in China" has actually improved in the core technology of the reality show with the joint efforts of our creative collective. " Che Che said, "That is to say, the so-called drama reality show, which is the biggest difference from Heroes on Earth, is actually at the reality show level."

   Che Che defined Hip-hop in China as a drama reality show. In the face of questioning the handling of program editing, he said: "We don’t have a script, and we haven’t taught any producer or any player to say anything or do anything. In other words, in fact, the whole process of it is real and has not been packaged. " As for the criteria for the final selection of shots in the program, "it is what he did in the early stage, and whether his performance on the stage and in the competition can bear the scenes we need in the post-production, that is to say, the so-called male actors all strive for themselves in the middle of the early expression."

   It is precisely because of this that the program "Hip Hop in China" itself has a stronger sense of plot, and Che Che Che bluntly said: "During the whole program, strong plot and strong reversal are of course a bright spot, or a selling point of this program. But I want to say, in fact, there is not only a variety show with strong plot and strong reversal, "China has hip-hop". I think that the charm of music and the beauty of human nature can actually be displayed in this plot and rules, which is actually the reason for the success of this program. "

Recently, the national epidemic prevention and control situation has been generally stable (the State Council Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism Conference)

  Beijing, April 26th (Reporter Yang Yanfan) The the State Council Joint Defense and Control Mechanism held a press conference on April 26th. Mi Feng, spokesperson of the National Health and Wellness Commission and deputy director of the Propaganda Department, said that with the approach of the May 1 holiday, the flow of personnel has increased. It is necessary to implement prevention and control measures in accordance with the requirements of "Class B and B Management", continuously strengthen monitoring and early warning, closely track the epidemic situation and virus variation at home and abroad, and strengthen the prevention and control of normalized epidemic situations in key institutions and places to facilitate people’s safe and convenient travel, healthy and peaceful holidays.

  "Recently, the national epidemic prevention and control situation has been generally stable, and the epidemic situation in various places has been sporadic, and there are signs of a slight increase in epidemic situations in some areas." He Qinghua, a first-class inspector of the Department of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control of the National Bureau for Disease Control and Prevention, said that the national fever clinic monitoring data showed that the national epidemic situation was generally in a low-level fluctuation state, especially in early April, when the epidemic situation fell to the lowest level since December 2022. After mid-April, the number and proportion of positive cases in a single day showed a slight upward trend.

  He Qinghua said that experts believe that with the passage of time and the reduction of the level of immune protection of some people in China, the epidemic situation in some areas has started to rise slowly recently, and the infected people are mainly concentrated in three types of people: one is the uninfected people, the other is the people whose immune level has dropped, and the third is the people with immunodeficiency. On the whole, experts believe that there is little possibility of a large-scale epidemic in the country in the short term.

  At present, Omicron mutant XBB.1.16 has been imported into China. What is the transmissibility and pathogenicity of this mutant? Chen Cao, a researcher at the Institute of Virology, China CDC, said that on the whole, local cases are still dominated by BA.5.2 and BF.7 and their branches, while XBB and its branches are growing rapidly. Recently, XBB mutants have been dominant in imported cases, and the proportion of XBB mutants in local cases has increased significantly, from 1.5% in early March to 18% in April 10-19. WHO believes that the current evidence shows that the global epidemic risk of XBB.1.16 is lower than that of XBB.1.5 and other prevalent variants. Although it has been observed that XBB.1.16 has certain transmission advantages and immune escape ability equivalent to XBB.1.5 in different countries, including the population in countries where XBB.1.5 is the main epidemic strain, there are no reports of serious hospitalization and death increase caused by XBB.1.16 infection.

  “‘ May Day ’ The large-scale movement of holiday personnel may increase the risk of epidemic spread, but it is unlikely to cause large-scale epidemic spread. " He Qinghua suggested that the public should strengthen self-health monitoring during travel or travel and pay close attention to the epidemic situation of infectious diseases in the destination. During the journey, do a good job of personal self-protection and maintain good hygiene habits.

  Guo Yanhong, director of the Medical Emergency Department of the National Health and Wellness Commission, said that during the "May 1" holiday, it is necessary to ensure people’s medical treatment and further strengthen the monitoring and analysis of the epidemic situation. Preparations for fever clinics, treatment beds, medicines and equipment will be strengthened, and the training of medical personnel and consultation visits of experts will be strengthened.

  Han Jinghua, deputy director of the Transportation Services Department of the Ministry of Transport, said that it is expected that the business passenger traffic and self-driving trips will hit a new high in the May 1 holiday since 2020. The transportation department will dynamically update and timely release road network operation information such as congested and slow-moving sections through multiple channels, formulate plans for unblocking and diverting bypass for key sections, and guide self-driving personnel to reasonably choose travel time and travel routes.

  Li Xiaoyong, deputy director of the Market Management Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, said that in order to prevent and control the epidemic situation during the May 1 holiday, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism instructed A-level tourist attractions to strictly implement the requirements of "limited quota, reservation and peak shifting", reasonably control the upper limit of tourist reception, strengthen the management of key nodes such as entrances and exits, key tourist spots and indoor performance venues, improve the guidance system, optimize the setting of tour routes, and prevent large-scale and long-term crowd gathering.

How to build a beautiful China in the next five years? Listen to what the Minister of Ecology and Environment said at the press conference of the State Council Office.

Beijing, July 27 (Reporter Jing Wong) On the morning of July 27, the State Council Press Office held a series of news conferences on the theme of "Opening by Authorities", and invited Minister of Ecology and Environment Huang Runqiu to introduce the situation of "strengthening ecological environmental protection and comprehensively promoting the construction of beautiful China" and answer reporters’ questions.

Huang Runqiu introduced at the meeting that, after a lapse of five years, the National Ecological Environment Protection Conference was held in July this year, which was another important milestone in the field of ecological civilization construction.

Huang Runqiu pointed out that the next five years will be an important period for the construction of beautiful China.

The State Council Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Opening the Authority Department" to introduce the situation of "strengthening ecological environmental protection and comprehensively promoting the construction of beautiful China" (photo by Jing Wong, a reporter from the Central Broadcasting Network)

"4561" opens a new milestone in the construction of ecological civilization

In May 2018, the CPC Central Committee held a national ecological environmental protection conference. From July 17 to 18 this year, after a lapse of five years, the national ecological environmental protection conference was held again. Huang Runqiu said that this is another important milestone in the field of ecological civilization construction, which can be summarized by "4561": "4" is "four major changes", "5" is "five major relationships", "6" is "six major tasks" and "1" is "a major requirement".

Huang Runqiu introduced that the "four major changes" are a comprehensive summary of the remarkable achievements made in the construction of ecological civilization in the new era. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China’s ecological civilization construction has achieved a major transformation from key rectification to systematic governance, from passive response to active action, from global environmental governance participants to leaders, from practical exploration to scientific theory guidance, and has made great achievements, which has also become a remarkable symbol of historic achievements and changes in the cause of the party and the state in the new era.

"Five Major Relationships" indicates that the Party’s understanding of the regularity of ecological civilization construction has been further deepened and developed. Huang Runqiu said, in the new stage, new situation and new tasks, in order to continuously promote the construction of ecological civilization, we must properly handle the five relationships: high-quality development and high-level protection, key attack and coordinated governance, natural restoration and artificial restoration, external constraints and endogenous motivation, and "double carbon" commitment and independent action.

The "six major tasks" are the overall strategic deployment for the construction of ecological civilization and beautiful China. Huang Runqiu pointed out that the next five years will be a crucial period for the construction of beautiful China. It is necessary to continue to fight the tough battle of pollution prevention and control, accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of development mode, strive to enhance the diversity, stability and sustainability of the ecosystem, actively and steadily promote carbon neutrality in peak carbon dioxide emissions, keep the safety bottom line for the construction of beautiful China, and improve the security system for the construction of beautiful China.

Huang Runqiu introduced that these "six major tasks" are major strategic arrangements made to implement the Party’s 20 major strategic arrangements and aim at the goal of building a beautiful China in the next five years and by 2035.

"A major requirement" is to emphasize upholding and strengthening the Party’s overall leadership over the construction of ecological civilization. "Past practice shows that the party’s leadership is the fundamental guarantee for the ecological environment protection and ecological civilization construction to make great progress. Facing the new situation, new problems and new challenges of ecological civilization construction on the new journey, we must continue to strengthen the party’s overall leadership over ecological civilization construction and resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of ecological environmental protection. " Huang Runqiu said.

Data map: Wenzhou, Zhejiang, the special protection area for the restoration of blue bay in Ximen Island, Yandang Town, Yueqing City.

In the next five years, we will promote the global coverage of beautiful China construction according to local conditions and steps.

At present, "Beautiful China" is a hot word with high frequency. At present, how to effectively promote the good construction experience in various places and take more measures to make the rivers and mountains of Wan Li in the motherland more colorful has attracted the attention of all sectors of society.

At the press conference held by the State Council today (27th), Huang Runqiu said that the next five years will be an important period for the construction of beautiful China. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment will make great efforts to create beautiful blue sky, beautiful rivers and lakes, beautiful bays and beautiful mountains and rivers, speed up the construction of beautiful China pioneer areas, beautiful provinces, this beautiful city and beautiful countryside, promote the construction of beautiful China in a step-by-step manner according to local conditions, create a vivid picture of building and sharing beautiful China, and draw an updated picture of beautiful China.

Huang Runqiu said that in terms of research and deployment, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment should strengthen strategic planning and top-level design, continue to study the index system for the construction of beautiful China, anchor the goal of basically building beautiful China by 2035, and study the phased strategic arrangement, which is the overall path for the "14th Five-Year Plan", the "10th Five-Year Plan" to be continuously consolidated, and the "16th Five-Year Plan" to be comprehensively improved.

In the aspect of typical promotion, we should emphasize "beauty" as the core orientation, organically combine the systematic solution of ecological environment problems with meeting the people’s needs for a beautiful ecological environment and promoting the realization of the value of ecological products, and publicize and promote good experiences, good practices and good cases from all over the world with the guidance of realizing beautiful rivers and lakes with "clear water and green shores and shallow fish" and beautiful bays with "clean water and clean beaches, fish gulls gathering together and harmonious people".

In terms of local practice, we have issued special guidance on promoting the construction of beautiful China, and Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Hebei and other provinces have made efforts to explore the practical model of the construction of beautiful China. For example, Fujian put forward a five-beauty system of "this beautiful city-beautiful countryside-beautiful rivers and lakes-beautiful bay-beautiful countryside"; Sichuan regards beautiful space and culture as important contents. Cities such as Hangzhou, Shenzhen and Qingdao have put forward more ambitious requirements and targets for the construction of this beautiful city.

Data map: Southeast Guizhou, the rural ecological environment is excellent, and irises are flying.

Four aspects of work promote high-quality development and high-level protection

Huang Runqiu also mentioned "five major relationships", that is, "handling high-quality development and high-level protection". Huang Runqiu said, first of all, high-level protection is an important support for high-quality development, and it is also the proper meaning. Leaving the development of environmental protection is not in line with the new development concept, let alone high quality.

Secondly, high-level protection can ensure the high-quality development and keep the bottom line by means of ecological environment zoning control and environmental impact assessment. Furthermore, high-level protection can promote the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure, energy structure and transportation structure through the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction and the improvement of environmental standards, thus forcing high-quality development.

On the other hand, the achievements of high-quality development can promote the construction of eco-environmental protection projects and the development of environmental protection industries by increasing financial input, developing green finance, ecological compensation mechanisms and other policy tools, thus contributing to high-level protection.

Huang Runqiu also introduced four tasks carried out by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment in promoting high-quality development and high-level protection in recent years.

The first is to strengthen the prevention of the source of ecological environment.The Ministry of Ecology and Environment has comprehensively promoted the zoning control of the ecological environment, and about 40,000 environmental control units have been designated throughout the country, thus setting a clear bottom line and drawing a border for high-quality development. By the end of last year, about 300 million tons of backward and surplus steel, 400 million tons of cement and 150 million weight boxes of flat glass had been eliminated nationwide.

The second is to promote the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction.The Ministry of Ecology and Environment strengthens the coordinated management of environmental quality improvement and carbon emission, and promotes the implementation of structural emission reduction. The number of coal-fired boilers and kilns nationwide has been reduced from nearly 500,000 to less than 100,000 at present, reducing the use of coal by more than 400 million tons. In the northern region, about 37 million rural loose coal households have been treated, reducing the consumption of loose coal by more than 70 million tons. 1.03 billion kilowatts of coal-fired power units have completed ultra-low emission transformation, and 680 million tons of steel production capacity has completed or is completing ultra-low emission transformation. More than 30 million old and high-emission motor vehicles were eliminated.

The third is to implement major ecological and environmental protection projects.Vigorously promote the construction of environmental infrastructure, carry out innovative pilot projects of eco-environment oriented project development (EOD), and vigorously develop eco-environmental protection industries. In 2022, the operating income of the national environmental protection industry reached 2.22 trillion yuan, which has become an important force in the green economy. We have promoted the treatment of urban black and odorous water bodies, restored urban water ecosystems, and basically eliminated black and odorous water bodies in cities at prefecture level and above, which not only improved the ecological environment, but also improved the quality of cities and achieved high-quality development.

The fourth is to build a green development highland.The Ministry of Ecology and Environment has further promoted the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and other major strategic ecological environmental protection work in national regions, improved and optimized the regional joint prevention and control mechanism, and formed a good pattern of joint protection and joint governance. We deepened the establishment of ecological civilization demonstration, named six batches of 468 ecological civilization demonstration zones and 187 "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" practice and innovation bases, and guided all localities to actively explore new ways of green, low-carbon and high-quality development.