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Science fiction sense, Geely Galaxy starship prototype official picture released

  [Autohome new car official picture] On June 19, we obtained the official picture of the interior of Geely Galaxy’s large SUV – (|) prototype car. The new car is developed based on the GEA architecture and was unveiled at the Beijing Auto Show. At the same time, the official said that the flagship SUV of the car positioning technology will apply the latest self-developed Sandian technology.



  Judging from the official map released this time, the car will adopt the design concept of "bringing heaven and earth into my hut", and the overall design is unique. Specifically, the car uses a large number of straight lines and streamlined shapes to combine, with fabric, wood grain and chrome elements, which greatly enhances the texture of the car. At the same time, the center console adopts a T-shape, and the top is an integrated screen with a trapezoidal design. With the trend of hidden air conditioning, the visual hierarchy is rich.






  At the same time, the car uses a classic double-spoke steering wheel, with inductive touch buttons on both sides and circular meters below. It is worth mentioning that in front of the center armrest, Geely Galaxy Starship is equipped with a small screen tilted towards the driver’s side and circular touch buttons, or a control panel for functions such as multimedia or air conditioning, to enhance the convenience of control during driving.

Geely Automobile, Galaxy Starship 2025, basic model

Geely Automobile, Galaxy Starship 2025, basic model

  In a simple review, the appearance of the Galaxy Starship adopts the "Ripple of Light" design, and the overall shape is very burly. With the shape of the through-type light strip, it is highly recognizable. From the side of the body, its straight waist line and the raised eyebrow lines at the front and rear make this car feel full of muscles. At the same time, the straight roof line design allows it to have ample head space in the rear row. As for the rear of the vehicle, it adopts a through-type taillight group and a chic diffuser below to enhance the sense of fashion and sports.

  It is understood that Galaxy Starship is developed based on the GEA architecture, applying a new generation of Raytheon electric hybrid, Galaxy 11-in-1 intelligent electric drive, AI intelligent audio surrounded by panoramic sound, AI intelligent seat, Galaxy AI digital wizard, AI digital chassis and other top technologies of the galaxy, innovatively integrating intelligent driving, big data, artificial intelligence and cloud computing. At the same time, Geely also injected the Xingrui AI model into the seat to create the world’s first AI intelligent seat. According to voice commands, it can not only complete steering, moving, lying down in the car to form a flexible space combination, but also fully automatically drive out of the car and complete the last mile of intelligent travel according to navigation. (Text/Autohome Zhouyi)

Wu Yanzu, Hu Ge, Xu Zhengxi, Leonardo, who is the most handsome in 10 years of comparison

  People’s Daily Online, Beijing, July 20 (Reporter Li Yan) In order to get rid of the burden of "pure idol school", many male stars in the entertainment industry insist on constantly challenging their acting skills, so that people are fascinated by their handsome appearance while also being impressed by their performance skills. Let’s take a look at these male gods who are obviously beautiful but have to rush their acting skills.

  Wu Yanzu can be said to be a benchmark for the appearance of male stars in the entertainment industry. When he debuted with "Beautiful Youth Love", he conquered countless audiences with his flawless face and was the dream lover of thousands of women. In fact, he often deliberately chose some breakthrough characters to hone his acting skills. For example, in the movie "New Police Story", he played the arrogance and contempt of an extremely rich second generation to the fullest, so that everyone affirmed his acting skills and thoroughly remembered this high-value "powerful faction".

  From Li Xiaoyao ten years ago to Mei Changsu ten years later, Hu Ge has undergone a perfect transformation from a boy to a man, and has also successfully transitioned from a beauty school to a acting school. After the broadcast of "Langya Bang", Hu Ge’s immersive interpretation has won repeated praise. After losing the burden of idols, he has allowed us to see the excellent acting skills that have been accumulated over the years.

  Xu Zhengxi has always been depicted as a "affectionate knight", and his handsome appearance has brought him countless fan girls. In the movie "Bounty Hunter", he played the mad and perverted red-haired villain Tommy, with a crazy expression and exaggerated movements, making fans shout "too grandiose" but unable to stop loving him. This time, although his image has changed greatly, this reversal has also brought enough recognition to his acting skills, so that many people have labeled him a "powerful".

  "Little Plum" Leonardo is really loved and hated. He, who used to be comparable to the atomic bomb, seems to feel that his high appearance covers up his acting skills. Gradually, his figure is out of shape and his face has changed shape, and he has completely become a "powerful person". Whether it is "The Wolf of Wall Street" or "Shutter Island", we can feel his powerful performance ability.

  When it comes to Jack Gyllenhaal, the first thing we think of is his handsome appearance and lingering love in "Brokeback Mountain". In his early years, he entered the entertainment industry because of his handsome appearance and gradually became known. In the 13-year-old "Old Enemy", Gyllenhaal appeared in a decadent face full of hawthorn, wearing a wide suit and a pair of khaki trousers that lost muscles and bones, looking haggard. In the film, he played two roles alone, and his acting made everyone feel ashamed, creating a classic image for the acting career again.

China Hengda has been notified of the court lawsuit and has been recovered 2.15 billion

On the evening of December 5, China Evergrande announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the Company and three related subsidiaries have received a notice of litigation issued by the Intermediate People’s Court of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China, and Jinbi Property has proposed to recover approximately RMB 1.9963125 billion and approximately RMB 152.0628 million from the Company and three related subsidiaries for the enforcement of its RMB 2 billion deposit certificate pledge guarantee by the bank.

The opening of MWC is imminent, and Meizu’s big moves are frequent! Flyme dual system attention is full

  There are still 2 days left! This year’s annual event in the technology industry, the MWC Shanghai Mobile World Congress in 2023, is about to open. As an annual blockbuster conference in the technology industry, although it only lasts for three days from June 28 to 30, it can make the world’s technology enthusiasts focus on it in just three days. Therefore, the annual MWC is also a good opportunity for major technology companies to do their best to show their technologies and products to the world.

  As the most high-profile Meizu in the first half of this year, it is not surprising to announce its participation in the exhibition. But it is worth noting that Meizu is not participating in the exhibition under the name of "Meizu Mobile Phone", but under the name of "Xingji Meizu Group". That is, at this exhibition, Meizu 20 series will be exhibited together with Flyme Auto.

  The re-participation of Flyme Auto has also greatly aroused the attention of many professional car critics. After all, Flyme Auto has won praise from many netizens and fans since its debut at the Shanghai Auto Show at the beginning of the year. The user-friendly desktop selection, the highly intelligent option of air conditioning, the logic of car-machine interaction and the UI animation of one mirror to the end have all had an impact on the entire smart car field. Therefore, how much Flyme Auto can be upgraded and optimized at this MWC has also become the most concerned point in the entire new energy vehicle field.

  In terms of smart end points, the Meizu 20 series, which continues to slaughter the list on the 618, will also become another highlight on MWC! The perfect combination of boundless aesthetics, powerful performance and Flyme10 can be called the embryonic form of future mobile phones.

  In terms of appearance, the Meizu 20 series is adhering to the unbounded aesthetics and building the appearance. The screen uses extremely thin four-level narrow edges to minimize the boundaries of the screen, and uses narrow borders to further set off the visual perception of the screen. Let the narrow borders and high-quality screens complement each other to build a stronger visual impact.

  And the back of the phone is also completely different from the dazzling lens group currently on the market. Meizu uses extreme simplicity to present an unbounded beauty, and cancels all the designs that affect the beauty of the back cover! Only the basic lens camera components are retained, and the simplest arrangement is used to build the most refreshing and refined unbounded beauty.

  In terms of performance, the Meizu 20 series is equipped with a Snapdragon 8Gen2 processor. This chip is also the top flagship processor in the industry. Its performance is excellent, and it is TSMC’s 4-nanometer process. The advantages of low power consumption make the temperature control of the overall mobile phone particularly good. At the same time, the Meizu 20 series also uses a combination of LPDDR5X and UFS 4.0 storage, which greatly enhances the reading and writing speed of the mobile phone, making software and files open and run faster. After Meizu’s careful polishing of this set of performance configurations, it also easily ran out of a high score of 1.3 + million.

  On the system, the Meizu 20 series comes standard with the Flyme10 operating system. As a software sector that Meizu has always been proud of, this time Flyme10 did not disappoint Meizu. This generation has upgraded the small window mode, Aicy screen recognition and OneMind, and the overall system convenience and smoothness are more convenient. And it can also achieve the background survival of 21 APPs at the same time, completely saying goodbye to killing the background! And it has also passed the test of the Thiel laboratory, which is certified to last for 48 months.

  The simultaneous demise of the Meizu 20 series and Flyme Auto has filled many people’s expectations for Meizu’s MWC tour!

Hengda liquidation, what game is China’s real estate facing?

The following article is based on Bottom Line Thinking, by Lu Ming

Bottom line thinking.

Observer network commentary column


Political letter financial practitioner, freelance writer

At the moment, any disturbance in Chinese real estate will not lack an audience.

In the beginning of 2024, the news of a "Hong Kong High Court order for China Evergrande to be liquidated" caused heated debate in the market. The debate was about how much assets could be liquidated and whether the liquidation was the best for Evergrande’s creditors. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government and the Chinese mainland High Court signed the "Minutes of the Talks on Mutual Recognition and Assistance in Bankruptcy Proceedings between the Mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Courts" and the "Opinions on Launching the Pilot Work on Recognition and Assistance in Bankruptcy Proceedings in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" issued by the High Court, which seemed to block the impact of the liquidation order on Evergrande’s assets and business in the mainland.

In just two days, rumors of "Country Garden creditors applying for liquidation" spread like wildfire, and the creditors of real estate companies flared up. Although Country Garden refuted the rumors on February 1, the haze of "being liquidated" still hangs over Chinese real estate companies. On February 16, Longguang Group announced that the Hong Kong High Court had ordered the liquidation petition to be withdrawn; this was because Longguang Group had agreed on a workout plan with the creditor group of US dollar bonds and its advisers a month ago.

However, by the end of February, Country Garden was in the news again. Ever Credit Limited filed a winding-up petition against Country Garden in the Hong Kong High Court on February 27, involving about 1.60 billion Hong Kong dollars of outstanding loans. Country Garden’s latest response said that it firmly opposes the winding-up petition and will seek legal advice, take all necessary actions, and actively and properly defend with the advisory team.

Whether to choose to liquidate, continue to believe, or lie flat, deserves careful consideration by real estate company creditors. Although many people are eagerly looking forward to the stability and recovery of the real estate market, the market is still dead; such "calm" cannot help but wonder: Has the real estate industry become a thing of the past?

Yesterday, China Evergrande, today’s debt is "constant"

The "Evergrande myth" came to an end last September when Xu Jiayin, chairperson of Evergrande’s board, was taken into coercive measures on suspicion of illegal crimes.

Since then, the news about Hengda has continued to appear in the coverage, mainly about the progress of the property, the listed company’s valuation decline and suspension, workout and asset sale, until January 29 this year, Hengda creditors postponed the seventh liquidation petition hearing expired.

But during this period, the public seems to have "forgotten" Evergrande. Rather than "disappointment", it is better to call it "rational". Rationally view the evolution of Evergrande’s events, rationally think about the present and future of the property market, rationally respond to variables that appear at any time, and strive to solve practical problems related to themselves.

Figure 1 is a concise map of the business empire created by Xu Jiayin and his wife, which is controlled by China Evergrande Group (abbreviation: China Evergrande, stock code: 03333.HK), Evergrande Property Group Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: Evergrande Property, stock code: 06666.HK), China Evergrande New Energy Group Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: Evergrande Automobile, stock code: 00708.HK) and Evergrande Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. (abbreviation: Evergrande Real Estate).

Figure 1 (Source of information: According to the query information of Enterprise Early Warning)

China Evergrande is registered in the Cayman Islands, Evergrande Property and Evergrande Auto are registered in Hong Kong, and Evergrande Group and Evergrande Real Estate are both registered in Shenzhen. Evergrande Group is the main commercial entity of China Evergrande except real estate business, covering high-tech, finance, Internet, modern agriculture, health industry, education technology, think tanks, sports, amusement parks, restaurants, hotels and other sectors.

According to the 2023 interim report of China Evergrande and its subsidiary Evergrande Real Estate, Evergrande Group’s consolidated caliber total assets are 1.743997 trillion yuan, consolidated caliber liabilities are 2.3882 trillion yuan, and consolidated caliber owner’s equity is -644.203 billion yuan, which is seriously insolvent. Consolidated caliber interest-bearing debt [Interest-bearing debt includes senior notes, corporate bonds, convertible bonds, bank loans and trusts and other non-standard financing.] The total amount is 624.765 billion yuan, and Evergrande Real Estate accounts for about 70.87%, which is 442.754 billion yuan.

Among them, the amount of interest-bearing debt denominated in US dollars and Hong Kong dollars is equivalent to RMB 157.896 billion yuan and 6.239 billion yuan respectively, accounting for 26.37% of the total interest-bearing debt of Evergrande Group. There are 14 Chinese dollar bonds, totaling 19.5454 billion yuan: 10 Chinese Evergrande headquarters, totaling 14.3104 billion yuan; 4 Hengda real estate, totaling 5.2314 billion yuan.

It can be seen that Evergrande (hereinafter referred to as "Evergrande" to refer to the enterprise group composed of China Evergrande and its subsidiaries) has a relatively low proportion of overseas debt, and mainly uses indirect financing methods.

Evergrande has a debt of 2.40 trillion yuan, of which interest-bearing debt is only a quarter. Other liabilities mainly include: payments due to suppliers (including real estate and trading businesses, etc.), accounting for about a quarter; advance payments from home buyers, accounting for about a quarter; payables from third-party lending, partners’ upfront investment, acquisition of land use rights and project company equity, accounting for about one-eighth; and deferred income tax liabilities, accounting for about one-eighth.

The "Updated Announcement on Hengda Real Estate Involving Major Litigation and Failure to Liquidate Due Debts" released on December 29, 2023 shows that as of the end of November 2023, Hengda Real Estate had involved a total of approximately 316.391 billion yuan in unliquidated due debts, and a total of approximately 205.537 billion yuan in overdue commercial tickets.

The above data is only financing data. Payments due to suppliers, partners’ upfront investment, and other payables are scattered among thousands of pending lawsuits and cases of dishonest enforcers. The balance of prepaid house purchases by house buyers is slowly reduced along with the "guaranteed buildings" one by one.

Domestic debt "is not debt", foreign debt will "kill"

Figure 2 shows the change curve of relevant indicators drawn by the author according to the statistics of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange’s "China’s External Debt, National Economy and Foreign Exchange Earnings, 1985-2022".

From the graph, it can be seen that the growth rate curve of external debt balance and the growth rate curve of foreign exchange income have the same trend; the GDP growth rate curve has a strong correlation with the debt ratio curve, and both are relatively flat.

According to the data of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, in 2001, China’s foreign exchange income was 299.40 billion US dollars, and the balance of foreign debt was 203.30 billion US dollars. Before 2001, the annual foreign exchange income was slightly higher than the balance of foreign debt. After 2001, thanks to China’s accession to the WTO, the annual foreign exchange income and the balance of foreign debt quickly widened. By 2022, China’s foreign exchange income 3.5552 trillion US dollars, and the balance of foreign debt 2.74656 trillion US dollars.

The rapid growth of foreign debt and foreign exports is the best example of China’s export-oriented economy in the past 20 years. The perfect match between the debt ratio and the GDP growth rate further confirms the good effect of using foreign debt to promote economic growth.

Figure 2 (Note: 1. Debt ratio refers to the ratio of the balance of foreign debt at the end of the year to the GDP of the year; 2. Foreign exchange income refers to the export income of goods and services on the basis of the balance of payments.)

Figure 3 shows the stock amount of Chinese dollar bonds issued by enterprises in various industries and the relevant statistics. Among them, financial enterprises issued the most, followed by real estate enterprises.

As of February 21, 2024, the balance of US dollar bonds issued by real estate enterprises was 57.542 billion US dollars, a decrease of 31.49% from the US $83.993 billion at the end of 2022. It is expected that the repayment tide of US dollar bonds of real estate enterprises will continue. Since 2023, the number of new US dollar bonds issued by real estate enterprises has dropped to single digits. In addition to leading real estate enterprises such as Shanghai Jinmao, Yuexiu Real Estate, Wanda Commercial, and Swire Real Estate, only a few urban investment companies with real estate as their main business are left.

Figure 3 (Data source: Enterprise Early Warning)

According to Evergrande’s interest-bearing debt structure data, its foreign debt accounts for less than 30%. But it can be said that it is precisely because of this small amount of foreign debt that Evergrande has been "guillotined".

Why are Hengda’s domestic debt creditors, including home buyers, suppliers, partners, and Financial Institution Group, willing to give Xu Jiayin and Hengda some time, while foreign creditors are impatient and even want to take advantage of the fire? Not to mention that there are very few left after the liquidation of Hengda, even if according to the order of debt repayment, foreign creditors are not preferred.

Perhaps it is because foreign creditors handle economic affairs strictly in accordance with the concept of "rule of law" and business habits; perhaps it is because domestic creditors have a more accurate grasp of the current economic environment and economic situation, and optimistic expectations dominate; perhaps some people take the opportunity to short Chinese real estate and play arbitrage games… At present, there is not enough evidence to verify the above speculation.

But there is one point that deserves the attention of domestic enterprises, that is, they must reasonably and moderately borrow foreign debt for production and operation based on the needs of the enterprise’s operation, and at the same time deal with creditors in accordance with the market economy system and rules. For the content of reasonable and moderate borrowing, readers can refer to the author’s previous article "Private enterprises lack money, what else is missing?" on the relevant discussion of "the advantages and disadvantages of equity financing and debt financing".

We must not handle and treat foreign affairs with the concept and style of handling domestic debts, that is, "politicization of economic issues". The political structure must be necessary, but it can only be used as a means of backing the bottom line, and it should not be overused, so as not to cause "discredit" and cause pessimistic expectations. Borrowing foreign debt involves a wide range of aspects. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Commerce of China and other departments will participate in the guidance to varying degrees according to the amount and purpose of borrowing foreign debt. Rashly imposing administrative intervention is not only contrary to commercial credit, but also will damage the image of our country’s socialist market economic system and cause a series of adverse reactions.

External debt is sensitive to factors such as exchange rates, interest rates and geopolitics, and the variables are large. A little carelessness will trigger the liquidity risk of the borrower, which will cause a debt crisis and disrupt the rhythm of production and operation. If the industry risk is superimposed, the borrower will fall into the abyss, just like Evergrande.

Will Hengda’s liquidation be followed?

The liquidation of China Evergrande is the end for Xu Jiayin and his business empire. But is this wave of liquidation just beginning for China’s real estate industry?

The following table is based on the announcements of some well-known real estate enterprises and their related parties. It is not difficult to find that there are not a few real estate enterprises that have been liquidated by creditors of overseas debts. The first liquidation petition is concentrated in 2022, and the first application for liquidation of individual real estate enterprises occurs in 2023 and 2024.

Judging from the judgments of the Hong Kong High Court and the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands on the winding-up petition, there are four orders: dismissal, adjournment, revocation, and enforcement. Each order is issued prudently, and is based on the actual situation of the real estate enterprise, the feasibility of the workout, and the approval of creditors. The legal details are left to legal experts to interpret, which will not be covered in this article for the time being.

Table 1 (Note: The above information is collated according to the announcements of each company, and the relevant date is the announcement date or the content of the excerpted announcement.)

However, one thing worth noting is that whether the company chooses to lie down or save itself determines the sooner or later the liquidation petition will be executed. Among the real estate companies that have been liquidated, Sunshine City is undoubtedly the flattest. The first application for liquidation was executed without even a trace of struggle. How can we talk about self-rescue, let alone sincerity?

Sony Holdings was liquidated in December 2022, and the Stock Exchange cancelled its status as a superior company on April 13, 2023. The progress and details of its liquidation cannot be obtained through public channels for the time being. Jiayuan International was liquidated in May 2023, and the liquidation work is still in progress, during which the stock continued to be suspended.

According to the "Latest Information on the Group’s Business Operations and Proposed Restructuring" released by Jiayuan International on January 30, 2024, it is time-consuming and laborious to sort out its domestic and foreign debts. Not only does the liquidation require financial support from creditors, but the remaining rights and interests cannot be fully protected when the restructuring is completed. The following is an excerpt of the original text:

"The Liquidator believes that the proposed protective action may be an arrangement made by the onshore creditors and/or the local government to facilitate the completion and delivery of the housing project and/or the segregated protection of the value of the Qingdao Real Estate Development Project…. As of the date of this announcement, the outstanding principal amount (excluding any accrued interest) payable to the Lender by Cheung Yuen Properties (an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary in Macau) under the financing agreement is approximately HK $3.20 billion. As a result of the appointment of the Receiver, the Group no longer has any power or authority to dispose of Bright Ocean shares and all assets of Bright Ocean, including the interest in Xiangyuan Real Estate…. On January 19, 2024, Guangyuan Mining (an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary in Cambodia) received a reminder notice from CITIC Xinhui to repay its debts totaling US $129,620,620.35 by January 26, 2024, otherwise CITIC Xinhui indicated that further legal action may be taken against Guangyuan Mining…. It is expected that the impact of the above-mentioned development of the company’s domestic and overseas operations will result in a significant decrease in the net asset value of the Group compared to the net asset value disclosed in the recently published consolidated statement of financial position as at June 30, 2022…. There is no doubt that in the absence of sufficient funds, it will not be possible to Achieving a successful restructuring… The liquidator seeks the continued support of all the company’s creditors and their patience throughout the process. "

Looking back at Hengda, the company and its executives, as well as the actual controller Xu Jiayin, have been actively communicating with creditors, local governments and people from all walks of life. Sorting out Hengda’s announcements and related information reports, most of them are workout progress, property protection, and asset sale. It can be seen that Hengda has not been lying flat, and it is Hengda’s full sincerity and active self-rescue actions that have repeatedly postponed the liquidation petition.

So, is it because of a series of events such as Xu Jiayin’s technical divorce, filing for bankruptcy protection in the United States, and being forced to take coercive measures that creditors have lost patience and confidence, accelerating the arrival of liquidation? The author believes that it is not unrelated, but it should be mostly rational. After creditors have a deep understanding of Evergrande, they have combined the real estate industry, domestic economy, and international environment to make a comprehensive evaluation of "the lesser of two evils".

Petitioning for liquidation is not an end, but a means for creditors to fight for their rights and interests. It is a helpless move to negotiate fruitlessly. Whether foreign creditors of other real estate companies will petition for liquidation one after another depends on whether real estate companies really want to be liquidated.

For domestic creditors, it seems that the option of applying for liquidation is missing, but it is actually abandoning the forced negotiation measure of "breaking the jar". After all, the problems currently encountered by real estate enterprises are similar. It is not so much a debt crisis caused by excessive debt, but an inevitable outcome of the industry’s risk clearing.

Thousands of sails pass by the side of the sunken boat

According to the above-mentioned cases of several real estate companies that have been ordered to be liquidated by the Hong Kong High Court or overseas courts, Evergrande’s liquidation will take a long time. After all, Evergrande’s volume is very large, involving a lot of business and a wide range of regions. Moreover, the task of protecting the property in China is still arduous, and litigation and enforcement have yet to be realized. Recently, Sean, CEO of Evergrande Group, said that the management and operation system of domestic and foreign subsidiaries of Evergrande Group and other independent legal entities remains unchanged, and key tasks such as protecting the property are steadily promoted.

Standing at the current point, Evergrande’s liquidation has caused the market to feel the "cold spring", and foreign creditors have launched a wave of "counterattack" in response to the cold snap – on February 16, 2024, Hongyang Real Estate (1996.HK) issued an announcement, and Bank of New York Mellon London Branch submitted a liquidation petition to the Hong Kong High Court, involving financial obligations of not less than 228,500,000 US dollars, which has not yet entered the hearing.

Other foreign real estate creditors are also waiting for an opportunity. What are they waiting for? Presumably not to petition for liquidation. Maybe it is waiting for the company to cut meat and sell assets cheaply; maybe it is aiming at the opportunity of bottom fishing and preemptively occupying land; of course, it may also be purely to rip off. But these actions are beyond reproach in the end. As for the market, compliance can be done.

The market is rational, and all parties are pursuing maximum profits. Only by withstanding the test of liquidation can we proceed steadily and far in the next real estate cycle.

Infographic/Dongfang IC

Can real estate become a breakthrough for economic boost again?

Since November last year, the People’s Bank of China and other eight departments jointly issued the "Notice on Strengthening Financial Support Measures to Help the Development and Growth of the Private Economy", real estate enterprises have received financing support from commercial banks and other Financial Institutions Groups to varying degrees.

It is reported that as of February 20, 214 cities in 29 provinces across the country have established a real estate financing coordination mechanism, and put forward a "whitelist" of real estate projects that can be supported by financing in batches and pushed to commercial banks, involving a total of 5349 projects; 162 projects in 57 cities have received bank financing for a total of 29.43 billion yuan, an increase of 11.30 billion yuan compared with before the Spring Festival holiday.

There are many opinions that at this stage, for real estate enterprises, they should first focus on the resolution of their own debt crisis. Get cash flow through high-quality asset disposal, and the strong man will break his wrist; or through other business sectors, or even the real estate sector compensated by the actual controller’s private assets, seek balance… The above-mentioned debt schemes are correct, but they cannot solve the fundamental hematopoietic problem. Short-sighted solutions to problems will not only dampen the enthusiasm of creditors, but also dampen the enthusiasm of a large number of enterprise managers.

Housing enterprises self-rescue blood, Financial Institution Group blood transfusion, is a top priority, help boost market confidence. However, the real estate enterprise debt high this drawback, in the process of rapid development of the real estate industry, eventually led to the debt crisis. Therefore, the solution should also be found in the continued development.

Since the beginning of this year, many first-tier and super-first-tier cities have relaxed their residential purchase restrictions. At the same time, monetary policy has also been actively implemented: on January 24, the People’s Bank of China announced that the deposit reserve ratio of the Financial Institution Group will be reduced by 0.5 percentage points from February 5, 2024 (excluding the Financial Institution Group that has implemented the 5% deposit reserve ratio); on February 20, the People’s Bank of China authorized the National Interbank Offered Center to announce the loan market quotation rate (LPR): The market quotation rate (LPR) for loans with a maturity of more than five years was reduced from 4.20% to 3.95%, a decrease of 25 basis points from the previous value.

Zhang Xu, an analyst at Everbright Securities, said, "This is not only the first LPR decline since August 2023, but also the first time since May 2022 that the LPR decline formed by the active compression of the MLF (medium-term lending facility) interest rate remains unchanged. It is also the largest single decline since the LPR reform, and it is a single decline that far exceeds market expectations… It will help support the stable and healthy development of the real estate market."

All eyes are on the real estate market, and most of the good news has been given. Can the real estate industry become the engine of stable economic growth in the "post-epidemic era"?

Pessimists are right, optimists move forward. With the implementation of monetary policy, debt risk will be transferred from the real estate industry to the commercial banking sector, and to a certain extent, it will be borne by the residential sector. It is necessary to pay attention to the local risks exposed in the process of risk transfer, such as the risk of excessive bad debt ratio of small and medium-sized banks. AMC institutions may be able to cover it to a certain extent.

In addition, fiscal policy should be more active. Advancing the construction of affordable housing, "dual-use" public infrastructure, and "three major projects" for the renovation of urban villages can help the real estate market stabilize and recover, and real estate enterprises can achieve appropriate replenishment. In the future, whether the development of housing rental market and commodity housing market can shine greatly depends on whether the macro economy can continue to improve.

Source | Bottom line thinking

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Evergrande is liquidated, what kind of game is China’s real estate facing? Observer Network, light touch to read the original text

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OEM Xiaomi car, is it?

It is reported that it will be OEM. On October 19, in response to the above rumors, BAIC Blue Valley responded that the company did not receive relevant information.

Beiqi Blue Valley rose 22.18% for three consecutive trading days in recent days. On the evening of October 18th, it was announced that the daily operation of the company had not changed significantly.

According to reports, informed sources revealed that Xiaomi had approached at the end of August this year to discuss matters related to OEM new energy vehicles, but the two sides failed to reach a final cooperation.

In addition, it is reported that Xiaomi has negotiated with Chery, Brilliance and other car companies, which may be responsible for production, while Xiaomi is responsible for sales, but the specific results are not yet known.

Xiaomi Automobile plans to build a vehicle factory in Yizhuang, Beijing in two phases. The first phase of the factory has been basically completed and put into use, with a production capacity of 150,000 vehicles per year. Lei Jun’s goal in 2024 is to sell 100,000 vehicles.

It is reported that after the first coupe model of Xiaomi Automobile, it plans to launch an SUV model, but it does not consider rebuilding the production line, so it turns to negotiate OEM production with other automobile manufacturers to achieve two-track advancement.

According to the plan, Xiaomi Automobile will be officially mass-produced in the first half of 2024, and it is getting closer and closer to the first half of 2024.

In terms of investment, the financial report shows that Xiaomi’s investment in innovative business such as smart electric vehicles in 2022 is RMB 3.1 billion. By the end of 2022, the size of the R&D team of automobile business was about 2,300 people.

Regarding the configuration and price of Xiaomi car, there have been many reports on the Internet, and even the road test data have been sent online. Insiders pointed out that the high-end version of Xiaomi Automobile is priced at 250,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan.

It seems that everything is ready for Xiaomi to build a car. However, regarding the qualification of building a car, there is no clear official news yet.

There are indications that Xiaomi Automobile is progressing smoothly and getting closer and closer to the press conference. However, at this time, Bloomberg gave rice noodles full of expectations.Spilled itA pot of cold water, they reported that Xiaomi has not got the qualification to build a car.

It is also reported that Xiaomi has obtained the production qualification of electric vehicles, but the official has not officially responded. The mass production of Xiaomi automobile may be unknown before it is officially qualified to build a car.

Since the official announcement of the car in March 2021, more than two years have passed, and Xiaomi has not let consumers see the real appearance of the car. The so-called official map that flowed out before always gave people the feeling of still hiding half her face from us behind her guitar.

So far, all kinds of news about the progress of Xiaomi Auto’s car-making have basically come from the network. The news seems to be a lot, but it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Say a few more words

According to Lei Jun, the goal of Xiaomi Automobile in the future is to strive to enter the top five in the world within 15 to 20 years, and Lei Jun also said before that to enter the top five, the annual sales may exceed 10 million.

Xiaomi, who is eager to catch up with the wind, is the only choice for Xiaomi, compared with Baidu, Huawei and other enterprises, and it is a little late to enter the game. However, Xiaomi’s research and development expenses are not too much in the entire automobile industry chain.

In fact, there is not much time left for Xiaomi automobile to enter the market, but if it is to form differentiated competitiveness in a short time, time is even more urgent.

Rumors about Xiaomi automobile are flying all over the sky.For this car company, the core asset is actually Lei Jun.To put it more directly, it is the credibility of Lei Jun.. After all, Xiaomi’s mobile phone has dominated the rivers and lakes for so many years, and Lei Jun’s credibility is still very high, which is much stronger than Jobs who still stays in the United States.

Lei Jun: The price of Xiaomi car has not been fixed, but there is no rival within 500,000 yuan, and there is no "beggar in the middle" version.

On December 28th, 2023, Beijing and Xiaomi held the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference, and the first model of Xiaomi Automobile "Xiaomi SU7" was displayed on the screen. Vision china diagram

Xiaomi car, which has not disclosed the official price, is still the focus of public opinion.

On January 8th, Lei Junfa Weibo, founder of Xiaomi Group, said that for Xiaomi Automobile, friends are concerned about many topics, and they will focus on answering the most typical 100 questions, which will be answered separately in three days.

"This time we just held an automotive technology conference, and the heat was so high that it exceeded our expectations. On the one hand, the huge heat represents the user’s expectation of Xiaomi car, and we are really happy. On the one hand, a large number of false information, rumors and malicious smears are also swarming. We will clarify in time, and we will resolutely pursue the legal responsibility of those who make rumors and smear. " Lei Jun said.

On December 28th, 2023, Xiaomi held the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference in Beijing, and Xiaomi SU7, the first product of Xiaomi Automobile, made its first public appearance. This model is positioned as a C-class high-performance coupe, and it is planned to be mass-produced in the first half of 2024. In addition, this conference officially revealed the breakthroughs in the five core technologies of Xiaomi Automobile, including key areas such as electric drive, battery, large die casting, intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit.

At the press conference, Xiaomi SU7 was almost spoiled, but the price remained mysterious, which became the focus of hot discussion.

For the price of Xiaomi car, Lei Jun once again stressed that it will not be 99,000, 149,000 or 199,000. The final pricing will be announced at the official press conference of Xiaomi SU7. "The prices of Xiaomi cars on the Internet are all false news, and we have not yet determined the final price."

There are also many netizens who are curious about whether the seemingly "expensive" Xiaomi SU7 will launch a low-end version, such as the "beggar-in-the-middle" version or the "Redmi version". In this regard, Lei Jun said that Xiaomi Automobile has a fully consistent product project criteria, and "experience priority" has always been put in the first place. Xiaomi SU7 is the standard version, and there is no plan to launch Redmi Automobile at present.

For the color of Xiaomi SU7 to be released in the future, Lei Jun revealed that more colors will be extrapolated beyond the disclosed Gulf Blue, Olive Green and Elegant Grey.

Previously, Lei Jun replied in the comments of netizens, "Is there an opponent within 500,000 (Xiaomi Automobile)?" In this question and answer session, Xiaomi reiterated that although this is a joke, it is also serious. "We are pragmatic and will not set those outrageous flag, so we are still very confident that Xiaomi SU7 has no rivals within 500,000 at present."

As for Lei Jun’s recent time allocation, Xiaomi responded in the Q&A that Lei Jun is still very concerned about the technology research and development of the mobile phone business. At this stage, his time and energy allocation is roughly as follows: at least 1/4 time is still spent on the mobile phone research and development business, 1/4 is concerned about the operation and management of the group, and 1/2 time is spent on the automobile business.

[The following is the full text of the question and answer]

1. A lot of rice noodle feedback. There are so many rumors about Xiaomi Automobile recently. Does Xiaomi Legal really have a job? When will the relevant progress be announced?

This time, we just held an automobile technology conference, and the heat was so high that it exceeded our expectations. On the one hand, the huge heat represents the user’s expectation of Xiaomi car, and we are really happy. On the one hand, a large number of false information, rumors and malicious smears have swarmed in, and we will clarify them in time, and we will resolutely pursue the legal responsibility of those who spread rumors and smears.

2. What is the pricing of Xiaomi Auto SU7? When will it be announced?

We really haven’t set a final price yet. Mr. Lei also introduced it at the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference. It is indeed a bit expensive, but it will be "expensive for a reason".

Not 99,000, not 149,000, not 199,000. The final pricing will be announced at the official launch conference of Xiaomi SU7.

3. There is a lot of news about the price of Xiaomi car on the Internet. Is it true?

The selling prices of Xiaomi cars are all false news, and we haven’t determined the final selling price yet.

The final selling price will be announced when Xiaomi Automobile is officially released.

4. Is the main content of Xiaomi SU7 basically finished?

On December 28th, 2023, the technical conference of Xiaomi Automobile was held. This time, we only introduced the five core technologies of intelligent electric vehicles, and the products are only a brief introduction. We still have a lot of technologies and product contents that have not been developed. I will introduce it to you in detail at the official conference of Xiaomi SU7.

5. Is the greater the pressure, the better? Why is Xiaomi die-casting 9100t?

What we often talk about here is the clamping force of large die casting. The determination of clamping force is designed by die casting. After millet integrated die casting, the floor is larger and more complex than Tesla Model Y, so the rated clamping force of 9100t is finally selected. In actual use, the maximum clamping force of millet under super high pressure is 9500t, and the stable value can reach 9300t t.

Clamping force is not the only index of large die casting technology. The properties of heat-free alloy raw materials, die-casting island cluster design, defect detection and so on are the core indexes to measure the large die-casting technology. Xiaomi is currently the only car company in the world and the only one in China with self-developed heat-free alloy materials and self-developed large die-casting island clusters.

6. Someone on the Internet said that Xiaomi’s big die casting was directly renamed from Haitian’s existing 8800t die casting machine. Is this true?

Of course not. Xiaomi Super Die-casting is 9100t (ton), which is not the model, but the actual rated clamping force. In fact, the clamping force of Xiaomi Super Die-casting Cluster in normal operation can reach 9500t. It is worth noting that Xiaomi’s super-large 9100t die casting machine was jointly developed by Xiaomi and Haitian. Based on the existing die casting machine technology, Xiaomi’s R&D team carried out 11 patent design innovations, most of which were invention patents, such as A I actively optimized the injection parameter setting system. But the die casting machine is only a link. Xiaomi has developed the whole die casting cluster system, including 60 equipments and 433 process parameters. For details, please click this link: Learn about Xiaomi Super Die-casting Cluster.

7. If it really hits a large die casting, how high is the maintenance cost of Xiaomi?

The tail of Xiaomi SU7 adopts a three-stage design, and the buffer zone is designed on the basis of the integrated large die-casting floor. Conventional collision only needs to replace the buffer collapse zone, and the maintenance cost is the same as that of the traditional design. When encountering extremely high-speed collision, the integrated large die-casting floor can provide better safety protection.

Generally speaking, the integrated floor design of Xiaomi SU7 after large die-casting is: the maintenance cost of small collision is not painful, and the big collision is stronger to protect your safety. It is the best solution at present.

8. Is the yield of millet die casting high? Will it bring quality problems if you use large die casting as soon as you come up?

Large die casting technology is a typical long-term technology, and it is also a ticket for future head car companies. From the very beginning, Xiaomi Automobile decided to research the whole stack and invest in two sets of die-casting island clusters at one time. In order to ensure foolproof, we also added a set of traditional stamping schemes at that time, and three schemes were done at the same time. Finally, the Xiaomi Super Die Casting Project landed smoothly.

At the same time, our self-developed technologies related to large die-casting island include temperature control system, aluminum liquid transfer system, injection system, pouring and drainage system, etc., and through our self-developed AI defect detection system, we can ensure the yield of millet SU7 integrated large die-casting floor.

9. What is the actual performance of Xiaomi Titan alloy? Is the self-developed alloy just to save costs?

Xiaomi Titan alloy is excellent in die-casting performance, mechanical properties, durability, recyclability, economy and so on. Xiaomi Titan alloy is also added with 40% recycled aluminum, which is very environmentally friendly. Xiaomi has become the only automobile manufacturer in China and the only one in the world with mass-produced self-developed large die-casting materials. As for why the alloy materials were developed by ourselves at that time, I also talked about it at the press conference. It was because the requirements of large die casting for alloy raw materials were extremely harsh. At that time, the supplier’s formula could not meet our requirements, so we had to develop the materials by ourselves. The cost of self-developed materials was definitely much higher than that of directly using mature schemes.

10. Is Xiaomi Titan alloy really self-developed?

Yes Some netizens may have been misled by the wrong information before. What everyone saw was the chat record of Professor Yang of a university. In fact, Professor Yang quickly clarified it. Praise for Professor Yang’s spirit of seeking truth from facts, and also regret the misunderstanding caused by it. I hope everyone can help me forward and clarify.

11. What’s the difference between the specific formula of Xiaomi Titan alloy?

Related patents have been publicly available, and the proportion of eleven elements used in the alloy has also been disclosed. (Patent number ZL 2023 1 0604165.9)

12. How much of the Xiaomi super motor series is self-developed?

We have officially released three types of motors, and at the same time disclosed a pre-research motor that has been experimentally realized. Among them, Xiaomi super motors V6 and V6s are jointly developed with UMC and Huichuan respectively, with a rotating speed of 21,000 rpm. At the same time, Xiaomi has developed the Xiaomi super motor V8s with a speed of 27,200 rpm, and this information has also been publicly disclosed by Huichuan on the interactive platform of A-share investors.

13. Is Xiaomi Motor V6 an old product of UMC? Why are the models and names the same?

Xiaomi motor V6 is a brand-new motor jointly developed by Xiaomi and UMC. Through the joint efforts of both parties, the stress topology structure of the motor rotor has been improved, and the speed and power density of the motor have been greatly improved, and relevant patents have been obtained.

The so-called "Xiaomi Motor V6 is an old model motor of UMC TZ220XS000 in 2020" is purely a rumor. TZ220XS000 is named only for national standard rules: TZ stands for permanent magnet synchronous motor; 220 represents the outer diameter of the motor; X represents a resolver position sensor; S stands for water cooling and heat dissipation; 000 is the brand code of UMC. The same internal name does not mean the same motor, which can be known from the publicly available information in the industry.

14. Is the V8s motor mass-produced?

The V8s has been mass-produced and will be put on the train in 2025. At present, some automobile evaluation media have measured the engineering vehicles loaded with V8s motors, and the measured V8s speed can reach more than 30,000 revolutions. However, the relevant test is the limit test, and the rated speed of V8s is still calibrated at 27,200 rpm.

15. How did Xiaomi’s super motor achieve a high speed of 35,000 rpm? Xiaomi was more powerful than Tesla for the first time.

Behind the high speed of 35000rpm, there are many innovative efforts in structural design, material technology and so on. Among them, the most important thing is that Xiaomi used "laser in-situ curing carbon fiber winding technology" to carry out innovative design of rotor sleeve of high-speed motor, and obtained relevant authorized rotor patents.

Compared with the wet winding method of carbon fiber, which requires brushing resin for curing after carbon fiber winding; In the laser in-situ curing winding process of millet, carbon fiber prepreg tape is used instead of carbon fiber precursor and resin glue, and the curing of carbon fiber prepreg tape is realized by laser while winding on the same station equipment. The process is simple, one station is completed, and the tension is directly maintained during the winding process.

16. Is CTB inverted battery really the first in the industry?

The battery core is inverted, which has happened in the industry; The pressure relief valve is inverted, which has happened before. However, the CTB battery cells which are inverted at the same time have never been inverted before. This technical solution pioneered by Xiaomi is to ensure the ultimate battery safety and the ultimate space utilization.

CTB is Cell to body, which is the design ability of automobile manufacturers. It is not only the technology of battery manufacturers, but also the integration of battery pack and body. The upper cover of battery pack is directly the floor of passenger compartment. Xiaomi has 36 core patents. The structural design of CTB integrated top cover, side wall design, bottom protection and composite fiber backbone are all designed by Xiaomi. The low conductivity coolant, battery management software, Che Yun integrated safety early warning system and high voltage architecture are also designed by Xiaomi.

17. What specific benefits can Xiaomi CTB inversion technical scheme bring?

Xiaomi CTB battery pack adopts the inverted battery cell design. Compared with the traditional upright battery cell, the pressure relief valve faces downwards. With the only nonporous high-strength steel upper cover design in China and the most stringent thermal runaway safety standard in the world, the passenger compartment is completely isolated from the battery compartment in the limit state.

Even if the heat is out of control at 55 degrees Celsius, there is no open flame and heat spread, and the pressure relief valve is facing down and the cover is non-porous, which constitutes the ceiling of the battery safety protection ability.

18. How high is the aerogel content of Xiaomi battery? Is it standard?

Xiaomi SU7 adopts the industry’s top 17 layers of high-voltage insulation protection, and customizes the strongest active cooling technology in the industry: the cooling area of double large surfaces reaches the highest level of 7.8m2, which is four times the industry average. At the same time, 165 pieces of the most advanced aerogel insulation materials in the industry are laid on both sides of the battery cell, which can resist the high temperature of 1000°C at the highest.

During the test, our engineers were extremely confident in innovative materials and processes, and dared to put their hands close to aerogel materials and directly burn them with a 1000°C spray gun flame on the other side, which was still safe and sound.

19. Some netizens wonder whether the thermal management of Xiaomi SU7 can only reach -20℃ because it can adapt to low temperature. Is this true?

At present, there is no strict specification about the working scope of heat pump in the industry. Some enterprises claim that it can be as low as -30℃, but it is not a pure "air source heat pump", but a heater or water source heat pump is working.

It was revealed at the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference that -20℃ relies on a pure air source heat pump and can still obtain heat from the air.

If we follow the same caliber of the above-mentioned related companies and add heaters, the overall thermal management ability of Xiaomi Automobile can be as low as -30℃ or even lower. Therefore, Xiaomi automobile can challenge the "king of winter trams", and it can be said that "trams have no fear of winter".

20. Is the Modena platform of Xiaomi Automobile completely self-developed?

The Modena platform of Xiaomi Automobile is a self-developed automobile platform of Xiaomi. There have been rumors that Xiaomi Automobile uses other car factory structures, which is completely inaccurate.

100 "first", "only" and "most" design goals were established at the beginning of the research and development of the modena platform of Xiaomi Automobile. Some achievements were also shared with you at the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference, and there are still more achievements. We will report to you in detail when Xiaomi Automobile is officially released.

21. Have you actually achieved the design goal of "100 first, only and most"?

We talked about "design goals" at the press conference. In fact, most of them have been achieved. Because of time constraints, we only talked about some of the leading technologies and functions of Xiaomi Automobile. More points, we will introduce to you in the future until the official release of SU7.

22. What can Xiaomi’s intelligent driving achieve the goal of "entering the first camp in the industry in 2024"?

The intelligent driving of Xiaomi automobile adopts a full-link self-research scheme. Moreover, the starting point of Xiaomi is very high. Based on the latest generation of the underlying algorithm-BEV+Transformer+occupation network, the large model technology is fully integrated into it, and the end-to-end perceptual decision-making large model is applied to the production car for the first time in the world.

23. Xiaomi SU7′ s elk test score of 82km/h is based on what standard?

Xiaomi SU7 elk test was carried out in full accordance with the international standard ISO 3888-2, and the elk test score was 82 km/h. If you are careful, you will find that the road width in the middle section of the test is slightly narrower than the national standard, which makes it extra difficult for yourself. Elk test is a comprehensive test that reflects a series of capabilities such as handling and body stability. After Xiaomi SU7 is officially listed, the media are also welcome to compare and measure it.

24. Will Xiaomi make a beggar-in-a-beggar version in order to lower the starting price?

Please rest assured that Xiaomi Automobile has fully consistent product project criteria, and "experience priority" is always in the first place. Xiaomi SU7 is the standard version.

25. Is a five-star safety collision standard? Is there a difference in collision safety performance between the standard version and the MAX version?

No matter which version of the car, the safety crash test results are top-notch. We chose the most stringent standards to design our products. Xiaomi SU7 series has reached the five-star safety standard of C-NCAP 2024, the five-star safety standard of E-NCAP 2023 and the excellent safety standard of C-IASI 2023 3G+.

26. Does Xiaomi car have only three colors? Will the production version have white and black? Will there be macho powder?

This time, we announced three colors of Xiaomi SU7, namely Gulf Blue, Olive Green and Elegant Grey. All three colors are very beautiful on the real car. Our design team has made great efforts in color research and development and car paint technology.

We also see many users asking if there is a classic black and white color scheme. We do have more colors to choose from, which will be fully introduced to you when it is officially released.

27. Why didn’t Xiaomi consider redesigning a new car logo?

We are very satisfied with the logo design of Xiaomi Automobile, which is in the same strain as the Xiaomi brand logo. It is our important brand asset, and aesthetics is a subjective matter. We will also listen to your different voices with an open mind.

28. Why was the first car called Xiaomi SU7?

"SU" is the abbreviation of Speed Ultra, and "7" is the series positioning determined according to the usual cognitive habits of vehicle positioning in China. The size of the vehicle is about the same as that of BMW 5 Series. High performance is Xiaomi’s gene. Tesla said not to build a slow train, and we did the same. As for how to pronounce it, we also discussed it seriously internally. In the end, everyone thought it would be called "Su 7", just like calling a friend’s name, which is more cordial.

29. Will Xiaomi SU7 be sold globally?

At present, we will focus on the official release and listing in China. But our ultimate goal is to make Xiaomi cars gallop on every street in the world.

30. Will Redmi cars be launched in the future?

Without this plan, at present, we are still focusing on the whole chain of production and sales of Xiaomi car, even specifically, our first car, Xiaomi SU7.

31. When can I see the real car of Xiaomi car in the Xiaomi home around me?

After the official release of Xiaomi SU7, we will provide you with a real car experience in Xiaomi Home in key cities across the country. We are actively preparing for this work, and please wait patiently for a while.

32. Mr. Lei said that Xiaomi had no rivals within 500,000 yuan. Was it a joke or serious?

This is a sentence that General Lei replied to netizens in the comment area at that time. Although it was a joke, it was also serious. At the press conference, we made a number of comparisons including design/performance/endurance/vehicle safety with Porsche Taycan Turbo/ Tesla Model S. The actual comparison results are very clear to everyone, and the pricing of these two cars is also very clear to everyone. We are pragmatic and will not set those outrageous flag, so we are still very confident that Xiaomi SU7 has no rivals within 500,000 at present.

33. Is General Lei focusing on building cars? Do you still have the energy to build a good mobile phone?

Mobile phone is still the core business of Xiaomi and the core foundation of our strategy of "people, cars and homes are all ecological". Mr. Lei is still very concerned about the technology research and development of mobile phone business. Last year, Mr. Lei said that at this stage, his time and energy distribution is roughly that at least a quarter of his time is still spent on mobile phone research and development business, a quarter is concerned about group operation and management, and a half is spent on automobile business. ????

Online Reading Club | Will the "First Aborigines in the Meta-universe" compete with human beings for jobs?

Attach importance to the study of the life course and living conditions of poets in Tang Dynasty

Time:July 1st (Friday) 19:00-21:00

Location:Tencent conference (ID: 202640101, password: 202207)

Speaker:Chen Shangjun (Senior Professor of Liberal Arts, Fudan University)

In the first lecture of "Exploration and Innovation: A Series of Lectures on the Academic Frontiers of Ancient Literature" held by the College of Literature of Shaanxi Normal University, Mr. Chen Shangjun from Fudan University was invited to give an online lecture on the life course and living conditions of poets in the Tang Dynasty.

Luo Yuming will analyze the composition of college entrance examination and solve problems for you.

Time:July 1st (Friday) from 20: 00 to 21: 30 and July 3rd (Sunday) from 20: 00 to 21: 30.

Location:Bi Li Bi Li (ID: 24782904), Tik Tok (ID: dyihsnkuvdbj)

Speaker:Luo Yuming (Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Chinese Department, Fudan University)

Professor Luo Yuming sent three public welfare live lectures to college entrance examination students on the eve of college entrance examination in Shanghai-"Luo Yuming will analyze and solve problems in college entrance examination composition for you". The first lecture "From understanding propositions to establishing themes" has come to a successful conclusion. On July 1st, the second live lecture "How to deal with opposing viewpoints" will be held, and on July 3rd, the third lecture "Concise and enriched context" will be held, helping the majority of high school students to break through the three major difficulties in college entrance examination composition!

A Man is a City —— Sharing Meeting of william carlos williams’s Paterson

Time:July 2 (Saturday) 19:30-21:30

Location:Shanghai Library Messenger WeChat Video Number

Guest:Lei Wuling (poet, translator and literary critic), Du Peng (poet and translator) and Sun Xun (director and actor).

On the evening of July 2nd, we will welcome the second sharing of poetry series-Paterson, the original work of American contemporary poetry, whose publication was once hailed as a "geological event" in American poetry circles. At the sharing meeting, you will learn about the "localism" of william carlos williams and Williams, the originator of postmodern poetry, what kind of poem Patterson is, why it is a "geological event" in the poetry circle, and Williams’ influence on the Montenegrin School and later linguistic schools.

Dialogue with Peter Singer: Animals and Ethics

Time:July 3rd (Sunday) at 15:00.

Location:ZOOM conference

Speaker:Peter Singer (Professor of Bioethics, Center for Human Values, Princeton University, USA)

In this activity, Professor Peter Singer will discuss the viewpoints put forward in Animal Liberation, which was originally published in 1975, and share his latest thoughts on these viewpoints. Professor Singh will first explain the progress made by people in the field of protecting animal rights and interests since the publication of this book, and then demonstrate that despite these progress, the way we treat animals is still inexcusable "species discrimination". Professor Singh will demonstrate that we should give equal consideration to the interests of non-human animals and explain the meaning of this view; And why we should change the way we treat animals, especially the current method of intensively raising animals for meat, eggs and dairy products. This change is very important for animals and humans.

Nanjing conference of "Call me in the snow in the middle of the night"

Time:July 3rd (Sunday) 19:00-21:00

Location:Tencent conference

Guest:Liao Weitang (poet and writer), Liang Xuebo (poet), Zhang Yuanyuan (editor) and Hu Xiaojiang (illustrator).

Snow and shouts belong to the distance in the poem. Poets test the soul by writing poems to see what it can change into. Where does it lead? Call Me in the Snow at Midnight contains a selection of Liao Weitang’s poems and a large number of new works during the 25 years from 1997 to 2021. It will bring us to lightning and whirling snowflakes, and make us slightly drunk or drunk. Then go gliding and accept the test of the night to see if you can cross from the magic of language and reach the distance. On the evening of July 3rd, we invited Liao Weitang, a poet, to be a guest of Nanjing Round Table School, and held the Nanjing conference of "Call Me in the Snow in the Midnight". At the same time, we invited Liang Xuebo, Zhang Yuanyuan and Hu Xiaojiang as the guest speakers.

Application of Virtual Human in Metauniverse and Real Scene

Time:July 3rd (Sunday) 19:30-21:00

Location:ZOOM conference

Guest:Tang Jiaxian (head of Virtual Human Business in Greater China of Digital Kingdom Group), Wang Yang (co-founder of Silicon Valley Blockchain and web3 Company), Zhou Zhewu (founder and CEO of Beijing Telepresence Technology Co., Ltd.), He Zhan (head of Omniverse in NVIDIA China).

Recently, the concept of "virtual human" is in full swing with the upsurge of the meta-universe. "Virtual human" refers to a digital human with human characteristics created by computer graphics, motion capture, graphic rendering, deep learning, speech synthesis and other computer means. With the return of virtual singer Teresa Teng to the stage to sing with singer Charlie, Alibaba virtual host Dongdong and Olympic champion broadcast the Winter Olympics live, and virtual network red Nonoka discusses the lifestyle with you … Virtual people are also entering practical application scenarios such as games, finance, cultural tourism, education and intelligent services. Is a "virtual person" a "person"? Will they replace "people"? On July 3, the online activity invited the scientific and technological elites in related fields to interpret the frontier topic of "virtual people" for you.

Music Map of China: Journey and Thinking

Time:July 3 (Sunday) at 21:00

Location:ZOOM conference

Speaker:Ye Yunchuan (music producer)

In 2022, the digital archive of China Art Lab of Harvard University will welcome a special collection: Music Map of China donated by music producer Ye Yunchuan to Harvard University, a huge database that systematically records more than a thousand existing China national and local music. On the evening of July 3rd, we had the honor to invite Mr. Ye Yunchuan to visit Harvard CAMLab Seminar to share with us the journey and thinking behind this grand and subtle plan from the perspective of the initiator and producer of Music Map of China.

Eight pagodas and Buddhist pilgrimage

Time:July 4th (Monday) 15:30-17:30.

Location:Tencent Conference (ID: 312113798, password: 200433), WeChat video number of Fudan University School of Philosophy

Guest:Liu Zhen (researcher, Institute of Literature and History, Fudan University) and Zhang Mengyan (lecturer, History Department, Suzhou University of Science and Technology)

In the Buddhist tradition, the concept of "Eight pagodas" often appears. During the spread of Buddhism, many hymns associated with the "Eight Pagodas" appeared. The specific contents of these texts are different, but most of them are related to eight representative deeds and places in the life of the Buddha. With the discovery of the Vatican’s "Ode to the Eight Pagodas", the research on the "Eight Pagodas" has been promoted again. The report will analyze the Ode to the Eight Pagodas, and discuss the changes of the concept of the Eight Pagodas and the Buddhist pilgrimage.

Grid thinking and Chinese typesetting

Time:July 4th (Monday) 19:00-21:00.

Location:The book said that the design of WeChat live lecture group

Speaker:Zhang Zhiqi (Art editor, Chief of Higher Education Press)

Zhang Zhiqi is one of the early designers who applied and advocated grid system in Chinese context. In this live broadcast, he will start from grid thinking and Chinese typesetting, share his experience of learning grid design through the application analysis of actual cases, and discuss with you the experience of using grid thinking and breaking through traditional methods in book design.

Inheritance and Innovation —— A Re-examination of the Chinese Learning History of the British Community in Guangzhou around the beginning of the 19th century

Time:July 5th (Tuesday) 9:00-12:00.

Location:Tencent conference (ID: 224155352, password: 2022)

Speaker:Wen-Sinn Yang (Assistant Professor of History and Culture, China, School of Chinese Studies, The University of Hong Kong)

To study the history of sinology in the west, we should first study the history of Chinese learning in the west. Around the beginning of the 19th century, the subjects of learning Chinese by the British community in Guangzhou involved such important research fields as Sino-Western diplomatic relations, Guangzhou trade, the spread of Christianity and the history of cross-cultural translation, which attracted the attention of international researchers for a long time. However, the learning experience, learning process and achievements of this learning group with employees of the British East India Company as the backbone are still insufficient. This period of history is also worthy of attention because it witnessed how British Sinology germinated in Guangzhou and grew up in the West. This lecture discusses the teaching and learning materials used and created by learners in this community, including: (1) Chinese dictionaries, textbooks, reading materials and reference books; (2) Letters, study notes and annotations recording the contents of learning Chinese and knowing China; (3) They write or publish works that popularize Chinese and spread knowledge of China studies. The speaker devoted himself to sorting out the historical materials of teaching and learning, including Chinese and European languages, to explore what the community learned, how to learn, how to transform old knowledge into innovation, how to try to spread new knowledge to native people and European society, and to investigate their contributions and achievements in the development of Sinology in Britain and even the history of Chinese learning in Westerners.

From Duck Eggs to Eggs —— The Change of Urban Diet in Modern China

Time:July 7th (Thursday) 10:00-12:00.

Location:Webex Webex Meet(ID:25192774383, password: 2bUTVxRnP55)

Speaker:Zhang Ning (researcher and director of archives at the Institute of Modern History of Academia Sinica)

Birds’ eggs have always been precious food. In traditional China, duck eggs are the majority in egg consumption, at least in the Yangtze River valley and its south. Duck eggs can be preserved for a long time because of their strong temperature resistance, and can also be made into preserved eggs and salted eggs. In addition, hundreds and thousands of ducks can be bred in large quantities in rivers and lakes and sold centrally. Therefore, since the middle of Qing Dynasty, duck eggs have been the main market circulation. As for eggs, due to scattered distribution, it is difficult to transport them to distant distribution markets while maintaining freshness before railways and ships are introduced. However, in the first half of the 20th century, due to the vigorous development of the egg industry, the output of eggs increased greatly, and port cities such as Nanjing, Hankou, Tianjin, Shanghai, Qingdao and other places often had a regular supply of eggs. In the towns along the railway lines of Jinpu, Pinghan and Jiaoji, the number of eggs in the market is increasing because of a large number of eggs. More importantly, with the introduction of western nutrition science, out of the habit that westerners only eat eggs but not duck eggs, biochemists or doctors trained in the west, in their suggestions for improving China’s diet, specially advocate eating more eggs regardless of duck eggs with similar nutritional components, and even rank eggs and milk as the most perfect food, so the importance of eggs has reached an unprecedented height. Under this modern exposition, duck eggs gradually retreated to the second line, and finally disappeared. As for preserved eggs and salted eggs, they turned around luxuriantly and became cultural commodities representing China tradition.

Attachment: Preview of offline activities

Beijing | Upper and Lower Cities: Urban Memories of Little Intellectuals —— Sharing Meeting of the New Book "City of Memory"

Time:July 2 (Saturday) 19:00-20:30

Location:5F One-way Space of Chaoyang Joy City, No.101 Chaoyang North Road, Chaoyang District

Guest:Yuan Ling (writer) and Wen Zhen (writer)

On the evening of July 2nd, Yuan Ling, a writer and media person, will come to the one-way space (Joy City Store) with his brand-new autobiographical novel "City of Memory" to talk about this book with writer Wen Zhen.

Beijing | Guqin Modern People —— A New Book Sharing Meeting of Qinren

Time:July 3rd (Sunday) 19:00-21:00

Location:5F One-way Space of Chaoyang Joy City, No.101 Chaoyang North Road, Chaoyang District

Guest:Lu Qingyi (director, writer) and Yang Lan (pianist, writer)

Director Lu Qingyi is known to the public for his documentary Four Springs, which reflects his parents’ daily life in their hometown in Guizhou. This time, he wants to introduce a young writer and pianist Yang Lan from Guizhou … On the evening of July 3rd, he came to the one-way space (Joy City Store) to listen to Lu Qingyi and Yang Lan talk about the eternal dream pursuit of mountain city teenagers …

Guangzhou | Exploring the Bottom Logic of Happiness —— Sharing Meeting of the New Book of The Bottom Logic of Happiness

Time:July 2 (Saturday) 15:00-17:00

Location:Fang MU35, Floor 1, taikoo hui, No.383 Tianhe Road, Tianhe District

Speaker:Liu Xiaobo (founder of Xiaobo culture)

There are always many questions about "happiness", and when happiness is discussed in the philosophical category, there will also be various answers. In the book The Bottom Logic of Happiness, the author Liu Xiaobo wants to think about the nature of happiness. On July 2nd, Fang Guangzhou Store invited Liu Xiaobo, the founder of Xiaobo Culture, to share his new book The Bottom Logic of Happiness with readers, and to discuss with readers the value of learning philosophy, the significance of combining philosophy with happiness in life and how to think, choose and judge in life.

Nanjing | Stone Story Cao Yin Nanjing —— Jiangnan Culture in a Dream of Red Mansions

Time:July 2 (Saturday) at 15:00

Location:Keyi Bookstore Xianlin Art Center, No.9 Shanhu East Road, Xianlin University Town, Qixia District

Speaker:Wu Lisong (Associate Professor, School of History, Nanjing University)

On the afternoon of July 2nd, Keyi Humanities Lecture Hall continued to introduce the theme of A Dream of Red Mansions and Nanjing history, and specially invited Mr. Wu Lisong, an associate professor of the School of History of Nanjing University and the guest speaker of CCTV’s Lecture Room, to give a lecture on the theme of "Jiangnan Culture in a Dream of Red Mansions in Stone Cao Yin |", and to reveal the profound origin and relationship between A Dream of Red Mansions and Jiangnan culture from the comments on the stone, Cao Yin and Jiangnan culture.

Hangzhou | Open the suitcase of detective and literature —— Sharing meeting of Wu Ang’s "The suitcase under the bed"

Time:July 2nd (Saturday) from 14: 00 to 16: 00.

Location:One-way space 1F, B103, Zone B, Yuanyang Ledi Port, No.58 Lishui Road, Gongshu District

Guest:Wu Ang (writer), Bad Bird (founder of the federal Zouma brand) and Kong Yalei (writer).

From news, interviews and columns to poems, novels and essays, this time, Wu Ang grafted his writing on reasoning. "Reasoning is stereo, and it is surrounded and Dolby, which stimulates people’s nerves at all levels." This Saturday, she will take her new work "The suitcase under the bed" as a guest at One-way Space Hangzhou Ledigang Store, and invite two friends to open the suitcase of detective and literature together.

Chengdu | The Story of Hella Cell that Changed the History of Human Medicine —— Sharing with the Reading Salon of "Eternal Hella"

Time:July 1st (Friday) at 19:00.

Location:Reading Beauty Space on the Second Floor of Wenxuan BOOKS, China Merchants Garden City, No.669 Shanbanqiao Road, Chenghua Avenue, chenghua district

Speaker:Luan Jing (reading promoter)

Rebecca Skrut, an American writer, spent ten years excavating a wonderful history spanning nearly a century, describing how Harriet Lax’s family spent their whole lives accepting the existence of Hella cells and the scientific principle of their immortality, uncovering the dark past of human experiments, and discussing legal issues of medical ethics and ownership of body tissues, as well as ethnic and religious issues. On the evening of July 1st, Luan Jing, a bookstore brick mover and reading promoter, read this book "Haila of Eternal Life" with you.

Chengdu | When we pursue the truth-Are science fiction and reality out of reach?

Time:July 2 (Saturday) 15:00-17:00

Location:No.8 Zhongshamao Street, Jinjiang District, No.68-70 Chengdu Yuanyang Taikooli

Guest:Tu Tu (publisher), Dai Haoran (executive editor of Edge of the Galaxy) and Nan Fei (senior editor of YOU Chengdu).

Yuefu and Baguangfen, one representing "the earth ballad" and the other meaning "the sea of stars", are deeply ploughed in their own fields and are glad to meet each other. This Saturday, they will discuss the reality of their pursuit together at Fangchengdu Store and measure the distance between science fiction and reality.

False propaganda, brushing chaos, beware of being taken into the ditch by "live broadcast"

  The upsurge of online consumption brought by "double 11" has not completely dispersed, and many problems about online consumption have begun to appear. As a new way of online shopping, online celebrity’s "live broadcast with goods" attracted many netizens to place orders, but at the same time, many chaos broke out.

  "Live broadcast with goods" is tricky

  Because online celebrity or the stars themselves have their own traffic, bringing goods through them can not only broaden the brand’s popularity, but also guide the merchants to drive the sales of goods. However, the chaos such as false propaganda and brushing in the "live broadcast with goods" has gradually attracted everyone’s attention. The reporter saw on the live broadcast platform that online celebrity, with millions of fans, became the "king of goods" of double 11. A female anchor in the "live broadcast with goods" mask, in just one hour, thousands of people placed orders to buy. Some insiders told reporters that the influence of online celebrity anchor can’t be ignored, but the order data are not all true, some have the phenomenon of swiping orders, and some products exaggerate publicity and mislead consumption.

  Online celebrity’s false propaganda should be jointly and severally liable.

  Meng Huixin, assistant analyst of Legal Rights Department of E-commerce Research Center, believes that "live broadcast with goods" in online celebrity is a new e-commerce model compared with traditional e-commerce, so in this process, it is illegal for online celebrity to sell goods through live broadcast platform, or for other e-commerce platform merchants to sell goods through different channels, as long as there are acts of swiping bills and buying comments. In addition, "live broadcast with goods", as a new format of Internet sales promotion, has been admired by many consumers. In the Advertising Law, advertising is defined as the direct or indirect introduction of the goods or services promoted by oneself through certain media and forms. The expression of "live broadcast with goods" is more lively and interactive, and its essence is the same as that of traditional TV advertisements, both of which are advertising behaviors. Therefore, if the goods promoted by the live broadcaster involve the life and health of consumers or the false advertisements of services cause damage to consumers, they need to bear joint and several liability.

  "online celebrity brings goods" is easy to fall into the dilemma of rights protection

  Although online celebrity’s "live broadcast with goods" has been welcomed by many consumers, some "online celebrity with goods" have taken advantage of the lack of perfection in the content review mechanism and supervision and management of the live broadcast platform, and made false publicity by virtue of their own traffic, resulting in such problems as fraudulent live broadcast data, too many "three no products", false advertisements, and difficulties in protecting consumers’ rights. Meng Huixin said that due to the poor quality of goods, some payment methods of live broadcast platforms are mostly privately traded through convenient means such as WeChat, and some live broadcast merchants sell fake and inferior goods and then take them off the shelves, resulting in consumers not having purchase vouchers. Once a consumer dispute occurs, the later return and exchange cannot be guaranteed, and it is difficult to protect rights. As consumers, we should first improve our ability to judge commodities, and rationally purchase low-priced and niche commodities; Secondly, consumers should have the awareness of obtaining evidence and safeguarding rights when purchasing goods, and keep pictures and videos recommended by online celebrity as evidence in time; Finally, when encountering the "bottleneck" of consumer rights protection, you can choose to complain to the Consumers Association and other departments, or even bring legal proceedings. Finally, the development of the industry needs parallel platform supervision, the platform should strengthen the management mechanism, and the regulatory authorities need to strengthen law enforcement. (Reporter Zheng Yan)

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

Although the folding screen did not usher in the expected explosion, the layout of various manufacturers also did not fall. Different from traditional mobile phones, there are various forms of folding screens, including vertical folding screen mobile phones mainly based on Samsung Galaxy Z Filp4 and horizontal folding screen products, but the folding screen products mainly based on horizontal folding scheme are the representatives of this category.

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

Up to now, mainstream manufacturers in the market have launched their own new folding screen products. At the same time, the unique experience of folding screen has become an important reason why many consumers are willing to start folding screen mobile phones. In terms of software experience, in the face of the 8-inch large internal screen with an aspect ratio of 4:3.55, vivo X Fold+ has also made many deep adaptations. Through this big screen, users can work, entertain and create more efficiently!

The folding screen takes into account both the traditional mobile phone and the tablet experience, and the application gameplay has become more diverse. Take vivo X Fold+ as an example, it can not only support full-screen display of applications, but also support split-screen display, small window form and small window hanging in sidebar.

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

In applications that support split screen, you can open split screen mode by sliding up with three fingers. In split-screen mode, users can run two tasks at a time. You can chat while bilibili is chasing fans, or video conference while recording work notes, or search while reading …

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

In addition, in split-screen mode, we can open two additional applications in the form of small windows, which means that we can do four things on the same big screen at the same time, and we can make full use of the advantages of the big screen. This experience is actually very similar to that of a tablet computer, with higher efficiency than that of a traditional mobile phone. The key folding screen is still relatively portable, and the folding volume is similar to that of a straight board computer.

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

In addition to a variety of multi-tasking experiences, vivo X Fold+ is also more suitable for the experience of folding screens. For example, in split-screen state, three dots in the middle of the screen provide operation options such as quitting split-screen, exchanging application positions, displaying on the right desktop, and switching to split-screen arrangement.

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

In addition, we can also save two commonly used split-screen applications to the desktop in the form of shortcut icons, so that we don’t need to open the split-screen separately when we use it next time, and it is very convenient to open it directly with one button.

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

For the small window, after opening the application, you can enter the small window mode by sliding inward from the lower left corner of the screen. In addition to supporting multi-opening tasks, the small window can also be stored in the sidebar, which can be called by sliding the sidebar when necessary. The overall operation is very smooth and easy to learn, and even the first-time user can get started quickly.

We know that folding screen phones have a unique function, that is, screen hovering, but not all folding screen phones support screen hovering, which mainly depends on the design of hinges.

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

Vivo X Fold+ adopts aerospace-grade floating wing hinge, and the "skeleton" is made of zirconium alloy, which also provides support for the whole hinge structure. The hinge design imitates the wing structure of birds and can be opened and closed smoothly.

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

In order to achieve hovering of about 60-120, the hinge of vivo X Fold+ is also equipped with NdFeB magnets, which, together with gravity sensors, gyroscopes and Hall sensors on both sides of the fuselage, bring a folding feel with moderate damping.

Hover operation brings more gameplay to vivo X Fold+. For example, when shooting, you can stand your mobile phone on the desktop, and half the screen is used as a "tripod", which is much more stable than hand-held shooting. It is not only suitable for self-timer and video, but also can take some delayed photography and long exposure proofs, which is still highly practical. For people in the workplace, hovering video conferencing will be a good usage. After the mobile phone is placed on the desktop and the screen is folded, the screen will be split in two, and video calls can be displayed at the top, and typing can be performed at the bottom, which is very efficient.

The "exclusive secret skill" that only folding screens have, vivo X Fold+ experience sharing.

For myself, I don’t usually use vivo X Fold+ to take photos and work, and I like it best to watch video dramas. Similarly, we can hover the mobile phone on the desktop, watch movies on the upper screen, and do some simple video control on the lower screen, such as fast forward and fast backward, pause playback control, video volume and brightness control, and so on.


Compared with ordinary mobile phones, folding screens with different shapes are still unfamiliar to most consumers. On the one hand, the price is really not cheap, and the price of 10,000 yuan has discouraged many users. On the other hand, in addition to hardware, software also has a great influence on folding screen mobile phones, which also tests the ability and determination of manufacturers to adapt to the application ecology. Due to the constraints of many conditions, it is a popular trend for folding screens to replace traditional mobile phones. In fact, there is still a long way to go.

Of course, if you are looking for a more novel experience, then vivo X Fold+ is perfect. Vivo X Fold+ has a mature software system, good hardware specifications, and exquisite business design, which is worthy of early adopters.


Although the folding screen did not usher in the expected explosion, the layout of various mobile phone manufacturers also did not fall. Different from traditional mobile phones, there are various forms of folding screens, including vertical folding screen mobile phones based on Samsung Galaxy Z Filp4 and horizontal folding screen products represented by Huawei Mate Xs 2, but the largest number of them are folding screens based on horizontal folding scheme. …