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Jackie Chan invites Lin Fengjiao to create a new song "Youth Story" and sing "Crying into a Family Class"

1905 movie network news Those who are familiar with Jackie Chan know that this international superstar is famous all over the world for his good Chinese kung fu; behind him, there is a Jackie Chan international stunt team known for "not afraid of death" – Chengjiaban. On May 31, 2018, Jackie Chan launched his new song "Youth Story". The lyrics of this song are Jackie Chan’s inner monologue, describing his excitement and inevitable emotions on the eve of the 40th anniversary celebration of Chengjiaban. The lyrics are straight to the heart, and the feelings are delicate and full of true feelings. In order to sing their true feelings, Jackie Chan and his wife Lin Fengjiao personally participated in the composition, composed by the famous Chinese lyricist Wang Pingjiu and the famous Chinese musician Zhao Jialin. Jackie Chan said, "What should be said and what should be understood is all in the song."

On the last day of May, the song that has been written for many years finally stepped on the tail of spring and went online. Jackie Chan, who is 64 years old this year, also stood on the tail of his youth and told his fans the story of his youth. The netizens commented, "I dare not listen to this song. When I listen to it, I think of my best friend in college, but she is no longer there." "If there was a person who worked hard together in your youth, you will understand this song."


Jackie Chan invited Lin Fengjiao to participate in the creation, self-destructed, and lost sleep all night for the brothers’ party

The reason why a song is moving is not only because of the beautiful singing, but also because of the singer’s own life story. The original intention of "Youth Story" was not to make a music album, but a song specially produced by Jackie Chan for the 40th anniversary celebration of the family class. The song has a simple melody and simple lyrics, but it touches people’s hearts because it is full of true feelings.

When Jackie Chan started writing this song, he first thought of inviting his wife Lin Fengjiao to participate. It is not difficult to guess why: one is because Lin Fengjiao knows Jackie Chan best; the other is because she has the same deep feelings for these brothers as Jackie Chan. In fact, from the beginning of the establishment of the family class, Lin Fengjiao has taken care of all the brothers in the family class for forty years. After the song "Youth Story" was completed, Jackie Chan sang a cappella to his wife in person, and Lin Fengjiao once heard tears collapse.


"I woke up several times the night before we met/I have been grasping the past in my hand/I am afraid of missing the appointed time/A ticket takes my youth to wander/Back to the past", this is a lyric of Jackie Chan’s "Youth Story". Such a kung fu superstar who has traveled all over the world with his bare hands, such a screen hero who jumps down from a high-rise building without blinking his eyes, at that moment, he was sleepless because of a party. Many people who have been away from home for many years will have the feeling of timidity in their hometown, and Jackie Chan is the same. Since its establishment in 1976, Chengjia Class has been following Jackie Chan in the wind and rain, and today it is the eighth generation. For more than 40 years, the members of the older generation of Chengjia Class have had their own careers and have traveled all over the world.


Uneasy because of deep feelings, afraid of change because of missing. On the night before the reunion, Jackie Chan was very tormented. He couldn’t wait to see all his brothers, but he was also afraid that he would be estranged because of being separated for too long. "It’s been 40 years of traces/40 years of heart/How eager to meet you/See if it changes". Fortunately, at the 40th anniversary celebration of the family class the next day, all but five members of the family class from all over the world arrived, and these five members did not show up because they were no longer alive. As long as the heart is still there, neither time nor distance can change anything.


As June graduation season approaches, sing your youth story with Jackie Chan

"A goodbye won’t go far/Keep your eyes in your heart/Take another long-lost photo." Many people who heard this song at the 40th anniversary celebration of the Chengjia class said: "The Story of Youth, when I listen to it, I think of my youth, I think of my best friends in high school and college." Just as the graduation season in June, Jackie Chan’s "Story of Youth" is also very suitable for the theme of graduation parting. College students and high school students who are about to leave campus will definitely have a special feeling when they listen to this song. Indeed, just like the Chengjia class, after graduation, the classmates all go their separate ways, busy in the world, and many close friends never have the opportunity to see each other again. Jackie Chan chose to release his new song in the graduation season, and also wanted to use his life experience of more than 60 years to give a piece of advice to the newly graduated students: cherish your youth, cherish those who have worked hard and worked hard with you, because "no matter how wonderful life is/it is only a moment/having you is forever".


It is reported that after the launch of "Youth Story", Jackie Chan and his team will launch a series of online and offline activities with the theme of "Youth Story" in June. Jackie Chan hopes that by singing the song "Youth Story", more people can share their youth stories together and cherish the people around them more.

LI’s revenue in the first quarter was 18.79 billion yuan, and its net profit was 933.8 million yuan.

  LI today released its financial report for the first quarter of 2023 as of March 31st. The financial report shows that LI’s total revenue in the first quarter was 18.79 billion yuan (about 2.74 billion US dollars), an increase of 96.5% compared with 9.56 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2022, and an increase of 6.4% compared with 17.65 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022. The net profit was 933.8 million yuan (about 136.0 million US dollars), while the net loss in the first quarter of 2022 was 10.9 million yuan, an increase of 252.0% compared with the net profit of 265.3 million yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022. Non-GAAP net profit was 1.41 billion yuan (about 205.9 million US dollars), an increase of 196.4% compared with the net profit of 477.1 million yuan in the first quarter of 2022, and an increase of 46.1% compared with the net profit of 967.6 million yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  Operating results in the first quarter:

  In the first quarter of 2023, the total number of vehicles delivered was 52,584, a year-on-year increase of 65.8%.

  By March 31st, 2023, LI had 299 retail stores covering 123 cities. At the same time, there are 318 service centers and car body and paint shops authorized by LI in 223 cities.

  In April 2023, LI delivered 25,681 vehicles, up 516.3% year-on-year.

  By April 30th, 2023, LI had 302 retail stores covering 123 cities. At the same time, there are 318 service centers and car body and paint shops authorized by LI in 222 cities.

  Financial performance in the first quarter:

  The total revenue was 18.79 billion yuan (about 2.74 billion US dollars), an increase of 96.5% compared with 9.56 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and 6.4% compared with 17.65 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  Automobile sales reached 18.33 billion yuan (about 2.67 billion US dollars), up 96.9% from 9.31 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and up 6.1% from 17.27 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  Other sales and service income was 459.7 million yuan (about 66.9 million US dollars), an increase of 81.4% compared with 253.4 million yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and an increase of 20.5% compared with 381.5 million yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  The cost of sales was 14.96 billion yuan (about 2.18 billion US dollars), an increase of 102.2% compared with 7.40 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and 6.2% compared with 14.08 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  Gross profit was 3.83 billion yuan (about 5.577 US dollars), an increase of 77.0% compared with 2.16 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and 7.4% compared with 3.57 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  The gross profit margin was 20.4%, compared with 22.6% in the first quarter of 2022 and 20.2% in the fourth quarter of 2022. The profit rate of automobile business was 19.8%, compared with 22.4% in the first quarter of 2022 and 20.0% in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  The total operating expenses were 3.42 billion yuan (about 498.7 million US dollars), an increase of 32.9% compared with 2.58 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and a decrease of 7.4% compared with 3.70 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  R&D expenditure was 1.85 billion yuan (about 269.7 million US dollars), an increase of 34.8% compared with 1.37 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and a decrease of 10.5% compared with 2.07 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  The expenditure on sales, general affairs and administration was 1.65 billion yuan (about 239.6 million US dollars), an increase of 36.8% compared with 1.20 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and 0.9% compared with 1.63 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  The operating profit was 405.2 million yuan (about 59 million US dollars), while the operating loss was 413.1 million yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and 133.6 million yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  Not according to US GAAP, the operating profit was 885.4 million yuan (about 128.9 million US dollars), while the operating profit in the first quarter of 2022 was 74.9 million yuan, an increase of 55.7% compared with the operating profit of 568.7 million yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  The net profit was 933.8 million yuan (about 136.0 million US dollars), while the net loss in the first quarter of 2022 was 10.9 million yuan, an increase of 252.0% compared with the net profit of 265.3 million yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  Non-GAAP net profit was 1.41 billion yuan (about 205.9 million US dollars), an increase of 196.4% compared with the net profit of 477.1 million yuan in the first quarter of 2022, and an increase of 46.1% compared with the net profit of 967.6 million yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  The basic and diluted earnings per share of American Depositary Shares (ADS) attributable to ordinary shareholders are 0.95 yuan (about 0.14 US dollars) and 0.89 yuan (about 0.13 US dollars) respectively, while the basic and diluted losses per share of ADS in the first quarter of 2022 are 0.01 yuan, and the basic and diluted earnings per share of ADS in the fourth quarter of 2022 are 0.26 yuan and 0.25 yuan respectively.

  According to Non-GAAP, the basic and diluted earnings per ADS belonging to ordinary shareholders are 1.44 yuan (about 0.21 US dollars) and 1.35 yuan (about 0.20 US dollars), respectively, while the basic and diluted earnings per ADS in the first quarter of 2022 are 0.49 yuan and 0.47 yuan respectively, and in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  By March 31st, 2023, the total amount of cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash, time deposits and short-term investments in LI was 65 billion yuan (about 9.46 billion US dollars).

  The operating cash flow was 7.78 billion yuan (about 1.13 billion US dollars), an increase of 324.3% compared with 1.83 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and an increase of 58.0% compared with 4.93 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  Free cash flow was 6.70 billion yuan (about 975.9 million US dollars), compared with 502.0 million yuan in the first quarter of 2022, an increase of 105.8% compared with 3.26 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  Performance outlook:

  LI predicts that the delivery volume of automobiles in the second quarter of 2023 will be about 76,000 to 81,000, an increase of about 164.9% to 182.4% year-on-year.

  The total revenue will reach 24.22 billion yuan (about 3.53 billion US dollars) to 25.86 billion yuan (about 3.77 billion US dollars), an increase of about 177.4% to 196.1%.

Delineate the red line of behavior, share the blacklist, live broadcast with goods, and wear the rule of law "golden hoop"

  □ Reporter Zhao Chenxi

  With the increasing popularity of online shopping, many people are no longer satisfied with their own drawings and introductions, so they order shopping from the e-commerce platform, but need some people to give "professional" recommendations and explanations, which also makes the live broadcast more and more hot.

  According to the Statistical Report on the Development of Internet in China, as of December 2020, the number of live webcast users in China reached 617 million, of which 388 million were e-commerce users, an increase of 123 million compared with March 2020, accounting for 39.2% of all netizens, ranking first in the number of live webcast users.

  However, while some people earn a lot of money by live broadcasting, many merchants and anchors with goods take advantage of the loopholes in content review and supervision and management of live broadcasting platforms to make false propaganda and sell fake and shoddy goods, which seriously damages the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

  In this regard, on April 23rd, the State Internet Information Office, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, the State Administration of Market Supervision, and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television jointly issued the Measures for the Management of Webcast Marketing (for Trial Implementation), which will take effect on May 25th.

  Liu Junhai, director of the Institute of Commercial Law of Renmin University of China, said in an interview with the Daily Rule of Law that no matter how big the Internet is, it is no bigger than the French Open. The promulgation of the Measures will put a golden hoop of the rule of law on the live broadcast industry and effectively rectify the chaos in the industry.

  "the first law" of live broadcast with goods

  In the China E-commerce Legal Report 2019-2020 issued by the Economic and Social E-commerce Research Center of the domestic e-commerce think tank network, "the risk of live broadcast with goods" is one of the "Top Ten E-commerce Legal Risks in 2019-2020".

  The reporter noted that long before the joint release of the seven departments, the relevant departments issued a number of specifications related to webcasting in 2020.

  In June, 2020, the Media Shopping Professional Committee of China Business Federation drafted and formulated the group standard of live shopping industry, "Operation Management and Service Specification for Live Shopping (Draft for Comment)", which stipulated the basic requirements, product quality requirements, operator management, live broadcast personnel and other aspects of live shopping management and service. This specification is the first national standard in the live shopping industry.

  On June 24th, 2020, China Advertising Association issued the Code of Conduct for Webcast Marketing, which is applicable to the webcasting marketing activities in which merchants, anchors and other participants sell goods or provide services to users in the form of live broadcast on e-commerce platforms, content platforms, social platforms and other online platforms. This code is the first special code on webcasting marketing activities in China.

  On June 30, 2020, Zhejiang E-commerce Promotion Association issued "Training and Evaluation Standard for Live E-commerce Talents", which is the first domestic standard for live e-commerce practitioners.

  Although some norms have been issued by relevant departments, in the view of Yang Chunbao, a senior partner of Dacheng (Shanghai) Law Firm, these norms are scattered and have a low level of effectiveness. When handling or hearing related complaints or cases, market supervision and law enforcement departments and judicial organs can only rely on universal laws such as e-commerce law and advertising law. Therefore, it is urgent to issue a targeted and high-level regulation to regulate all kinds of chaos in the webcast industry.

  Yang Chunbao believes that the promulgation of the "Measures" undoubtedly makes up for this problem, and makes detailed provisions on the respective obligations and legal responsibilities of the main practitioners in this industry, which is the "first big law" to regulate the marketing of webcasting at present.

  Define the age limit for practitioners.

  Nowadays, more and more minors are exposed to live webcasts. Apart from being viewers, it has also been revealed that some minors were packaged as anchors with goods and used "immature" words to promote products.

  The "Measures" subdivide the live broadcast publishers engaged in live broadcast marketing activities into live broadcast room operators and live broadcast marketers, and set a clear age limit, requiring natural persons to be at least 16 years old; Minors over the age of 16 who apply to become live marketers or live room operators shall obtain the consent of their guardians.

  Liu Junhai pointed out that minors, as anchors with goods, are easy to be used by some businesses and marketing teams, and will also have a bad demonstration effect on society, which should be explicitly prohibited.

  If the underage anchor is "not deeply involved in the world", then some relatively well-known anchors with goods are suspected of "knowingly committing crimes".

  In May, 2020, Liu Ergou, a network anchor with more than 18 million fans, showed in a live broadcast with goods that the paper towels he sold were 1,800 grams. After purchasing, consumers found that the paper towels received were only 500 grams, which was a serious problem.

  In November, 2020, Simba, a live broadcast anchor with tens of millions of fans, falsely advertised a flavor beverage with a bird’s nest content of only 0.014% as a commodity with a high bird’s nest content in a live broadcast.

  Not only that, some businesses that intend to promote are also frequently subjected to "routines" by network anchors and their teams.

  At present, the main revenue models of anchor goods are divided into three modes: pure pit fee, pure commission or commission plus pit fee, in which "commission" means that the anchor draws a share according to the sales volume of the live broadcast room, and the higher the sales volume, the more it is divided; The pit fee is a fixed appearance fee for the anchor to introduce and publicize the goods.

  In order to gain high income, it is not uncommon to cheat in the live broadcast room. The high popularity of supporting anchor pit fees can be faked, and fans, viewers, likes and interactions can also be purchased in batches at low prices. Some anchors even hire a brushing team to purchase goods first and then return them one after another. Some merchants revealed that the live broadcast of the goods cost 150,000 yuan, but the final return rate was as high as 90%, and all the goods were pressed in their hands.

  In response to all kinds of chaos, the "Measures" clearly stipulate that live broadcast operators and live broadcast marketers engaged in online live broadcast marketing activities should abide by laws and regulations and relevant state regulations, follow social public order and good customs, and truly, accurately and comprehensively publish information on goods or services. At the same time, it also stipulates that practitioners should not publish false or misleading information to deceive or mislead users; It is forbidden to market fake and shoddy goods, which infringe intellectual property rights or do not meet the requirements for protecting personal and property safety; It is forbidden to fabricate or tamper with eight red lines, such as transactions, attention, views, likes and other data traffic fraud.

  Strengthen the protection of consumers’ rights and interests

  The biggest loss of live broadcast rollover is consumers. China Consumers Association has repeatedly pointed out that it is difficult for consumers to protect their rights in the field of live broadcast.

  In Liu Junhai’s view, the illegal cost of offenders is lower than the illegal income, while the cost of consumer rights protection is higher than the rights protection income, which is the key reason for the repeated illegal activities of live broadcast.

  In order to strengthen the protection of consumers’ rights and interests, the Measures stipulate that consumers jump to other platforms to buy goods or receive services through links in live broadcast rooms and QR codes. In case of disputes, relevant live broadcast marketing platforms should actively assist consumers to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests and provide necessary evidence and other support. Operators and marketers of live broadcast rooms shall perform their responsibilities and obligations to protect consumers’ rights and interests according to laws and regulations, and shall not deliberately delay or refuse legitimate and reasonable demands put forward by consumers without justifiable reasons.

  Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, believes that the provisions of the Measures are an extension of the consumer rights protection law in the field of live delivery, especially requiring the platform to provide necessary evidence of rights protection, which provides support for consumers’ rights protection.

  Throughout the past cases, there were problems with live broadcast, consumers’ rights and interests were damaged, and the anchor was questioned, but the live broadcast platform was often "lucky to escape". The "Measures" focus on compacting the responsibilities of the live broadcast platform, requiring the live broadcast platform to establish and improve mechanisms such as account registration and cancellation, information security management, marketing behavior norms, protection of minors, protection of consumers’ rights and interests, personal information protection, and network and data security management.

  In view of the live broadcast room with a large number of fans and a large transaction amount, the Measures further strengthened supervision, requiring the platform to take preventive measures such as real-time inspection by special personnel and extending the storage time of live content. At the same time, the platform is required to take measures such as blocking live broadcasts, closing accounts, being blacklisted, and joint punishment for violations.

  Zhao Zhanling, a special researcher at the Intellectual Property Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, pointed out that live broadcast is real-time. At present, it is mostly solved by reporting and complaining afterwards, and measures such as real-time inspection stipulated in the Measures help to strengthen prevention in advance.

  It is worth noting that in order to avoid the problem of water control in Kowloon, the Measures propose that the seven departments establish and improve the working mechanisms such as clue transfer, information sharing, consultation and judgment, education and training, and do a good job in the supervision and management of webcasting marketing according to their respective responsibilities, and share information on the list of live marketing market entities that seriously violate laws and regulations, and carry out joint punishment according to law.

  While welcoming the strongest supervision, Zhao Zhanling also hopes that the anchors with cargo can improve their legal awareness and regulate their own behaviors. The anchor promotes the products he manages, and his role is the product seller. If the propaganda content is false, it is suspected of fraud; If you do propaganda for businesses, their roles are advertising operators and publishers, and you need to fulfill the obligation to review the authenticity and legality of the advertising content of businesses as advertisers, otherwise you will be suspected of violating the advertising law and bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

The Ministry of Public Security has cracked a number of illegal and criminal cases of obscenity and pornography on mobile phones.

Special topic: encirclement and suppression of mobile phone network pornography

  People’s Daily Online, Beijing, December 24 th On December 8 th, since nine ministries and commissions, including the Foreign Affairs Office of the Central Committee, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, deployed a special campaign to further rectify obscene pornography and vulgar information on the Internet and mobile phone media, the Ministry of Public Security has made a heavy blow to the illegal and criminal activities of obscene pornography on mobile phones. In just half a month, the national cyber security department has closed 2,361 WAP websites of obscene and pornographic mobile phones, cracked 28 criminal cases of obscene and pornographic mobile phone websites, and arrested 34 suspects. The crackdown and rectification work was successful in the first battle.

  Beijing cracked the case of "3gsem.cn" mobile phone wap website spreading obscenity and pornography. Recently, the work of Beijing Public Security Bureau found that a mobile WAP website named "Abusive Naked Campus" provides a large number of obscene and pornographic information links, through which you can browse obscene and pornographic videos, pictures, novels, etc. on other obscene and pornographic websites. The website server is hosted in IDC computer room of Yizhuang, Beijing Unicom. The public security organs in Beijing immediately set up a task force to carry out investigations and arrested the suspect Zhao. After the trial, Zhao confessed that he applied for virtual space and domain name through Beijing Tuofeng Weiye Company around October 2008, purchased wap mobile phone program code from the Internet, and successively searched more than 50 pornographic websites from the Internet, which increased the number of clicks with each other, and applied for advertising alliance of "Beijing Posture Wireless Company" and "Beijing Business Opportunity Unlimited Company". These two companies put advertisements on 3gsem.cn website, and the company will pay Zhao 0 according to the number of clicks of advertisements.

  Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province cracked the case of "51xo.org" mobile phone WAP website spreading obscene articles. Recently, the public security organs in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province successfully cracked the case of "51xo.org" mobile phone WAP website spreading obscene articles, arrested a suspect, seized a computer involved and seized illegal income of more than 60,000 yuan. On November 16, 2009, the network supervision detachment of Jiujiang Public Security Bureau in Jiangxi Province found that a wap website of mobile phone was suspected of spreading obscene articles, and the server of the website was located in IDC room of Jiujiang Telecom. After investigation, it was found that the criminal suspect was forced by the strong public opinion pressure to crack down on the spread of obscenity and pornography on mobile phone wap websites recently, and set up jumping links to nearly 20 overseas obscene mobile phone wap websites, such as "Wolf Friends Home", "The Complete Collection of Sexy and Cool Stations", "Mao Mao Hand Mao Mao Foot" and "Jibazi Best Prostitute Station", in order to escape the crackdown by the public security organs. There are a lot of obscene pictures and novels in these obscene mobile phone wap websites. On December 7, the police handling the case of Jiujiang Public Security Bureau in Jiangxi, with the strong cooperation of Maoming Public Security Bureau in Guangdong, arrested the suspect Zhang in Maoming City. After the trial, the suspect Zhang confessed to the fact that he started to spread obscene and pornographic information on his mobile WAP website in April 2008, and put advertisements on his mobile WAP website for illegal profit by joining the network advertising alliance.

  Shenzhen, Guangdong, cracked a case of using mobile media to spread obscene pornographic videos for profit. On December 2, 2009, the network police detachment of shenzhen public City, Guangdong Province found that a mobile WAP website was suspected of engaging in online viewing service of obscene pornographic videos. After the investigation, it was found that the suspect also maintained six other obscene and pornographic websites. The network police detachment of Shenzhen Municipal Bureau immediately assigned a special person to collect evidence and inspect the website, fixed the criminal evidence, and arrested three suspects, Liu’s brother and sister. After investigation, the three suspects set up seven pornographic websites, uploaded a large number of pornographic videos, and some websites had more than 1,000 pornographic movies. It takes advantage of the characteristics of high click-through rate and large traffic of pornographic websites, promotes advertisements by inserting online advertisements into obscene pornographic videos and movies, and makes profits by charging commissions according to clicks. Since the website was launched in October 2009, three suspects have made a profit of nearly 6,000 yuan.

Editor: Wang Jiaolong

[Clap with Heart and Hand in Hand] The old factory building has turned into the punching place of "online celebrity", and this small town in the sub-center of Beijing City has changed gorgeously.

  Cctv news(Reporter Liu Chang): "Our goal is to turn this old factory building into ‘ Online celebrity ’ Punch the card! " In the Beijing City Sub-center, the staff of Beijing Future Design Park, a design town in Zhangjiawan, pointed to the brand-new park and introduced it excitedly.

  Beijing Tongniu Factory was once a golden signboard of China textile industry. In the relief of non-capital functions, the garment production line of Tongniu Factory has been relocated, leaving a factory area of 78,000 square meters, including three large factories and "souvenirs" such as office buildings, dormitory buildings, canteens, boiler rooms and iconic chimneys. How to make full use of these industrial heritages and create innovative design parks and dynamic open blocks with cultural characteristics has become a topic before the design team.

  In accordance with the spirit of the instructions of the municipal party committee and municipal government to relieve the functions of non-capital, since December last year, Beijing Construction Institute has been docked with Tongzhou District Committee and District Government, and it is planned to move into the design town gradually by stages. After repeated research, Tongtou Company, Beijing Institute of Construction and Tongniu Company cooperated to start the future design and research institute project in the design town Tongniu plot.

  Tongniu plot reconstruction project is the first EPC project of the sub-center, which has realized "design, construction and operation in the same year". This year, it is planned to complete the renovation, transformation and upgrading of the office building and the building with an area of about 10,000 square meters in No.2 plant; At the same time, taking into account the improvement and upgrading of living facilities, the existing canteens and boiler rooms will be upgraded simultaneously, and public service facilities such as cafes and book bars will be built.

  Now entering the transformation site, the garment workshop has been transformed into a shared large flat floor in full of green, the old canteen has been transformed into a 24-hour online celebrity restaurant, and the office building has been used as the operation and maintenance center of the town … … There is a new atmosphere in the old "copper cow".

  What is eye-catching is that in the indoor space, three Acer truncatum trees took the lead in taking root. "This is still a new attempt in the building of the city’s sub-center." Guo Shaoshan, deputy director of the Market Development Center of Beijing Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. and EPC project manager of the future design park, said, "The garment workshop has no underground space and is a ‘ Long ’ Buildings on the ground. These three trees are really rooted in the ground, and what we want to build is in the yard ‘ Grounding gas ’ Green office environment. "

  In addition to the big trees growing in the house, flower ponds, grass ponds and pools can be seen everywhere in the office area. Not only that, there is also a mini version of the swimming pool in the big flat floor. Tired from work, designers can take a swim and relax.

  Many scientific and technological applications have also appeared in this shared office area. "For example, this smart big screen with a length of 17 meters and a width of 4.5 meters can ‘ Seconds change ’ Electrically controlled glass screen to realize projection function. " Guo Shaoshan strode excitedly on the platform, gesturing the future appearance of various high-tech functions. Soon, they will all be realized one by one.

  The Innovation Center is located in the northwest of Zhangjiawan Design Town, with a total area of about 150,000 square meters and a total planned construction area of about 244,000 square meters. The first phase of C1 and A2 buildings (about 36,000 square meters) have been delivered, and it is planned that 26 buildings will be completed and put into use in 2021.

  As an important part of the high-quality development of Beijing city sub-center, Zhangjiawan design town is located in the southeast of the sub-center, which is in a unique position. According to the planning goal of the municipal party committee and municipal government, we will make every effort to build a "design town, a smart town and a dynamic town" and actively promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional old industrial parks to modern high-tech parks. It can be predicted that this small town will become an engine of the whole regional economy in the future, which will drive the development and transformation of the city’s sub-center economy through design. The town and its surrounding environment (urban green forest park, Universal Studios and Grand Canal) will also be integrated into one, becoming a demonstration area for the integration of urban design, urban science and technology and design culture.

The first large-scale public art project in Changsha, METALOOP "Mixing", was grandly opened.

       Changsha IFS joins hands with Xingcheng to perceive the infinite cycle of art.

  On May 15th, 2022, the opening ceremony of METALOOP, Changsha’s first large-scale public art project, was successfully launched in Changsha IFS, further highlighting the city card of Changsha as the world’s new media art capital, and refreshing the public’s common understanding of media art once again.

  At the opening ceremony, Guo Runkui, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Changsha Municipal Committee, secretary and director of the Party Committee of Changsha Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television, and representatives of eight joint units were invited to the scene to witness the launch of Changsha’s first large-scale public art project. On the day of the ceremony, the Art and Technology Summit Forum of "Society, Technology and Art in the Meta-Universe Era" was launched simultaneously. Dong Bingfeng, the artistic director and curator of METALOOP "Mixing" project, and six artists and scholars from the art, academic, science and technology industries all over the country conducted cross-border talks between contemporary art and public space.

  Dialogue with Urban Symbiosis | Changsha IFS explores new fields of art and technology

  On May 15th, METALOOP, Changsha’s first large-scale public art project, was successfully launched in Changsha IFS, under the guidance of Changsha Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television, sponsored by Changsha IFS and planned by KUStudio, and jointly sponsored by four local museums and cultural organizations and four well-known enterprises and technology companies. Guo Runkui, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of Changsha Municipal Committee, secretary of the Party Committee and director of Changsha Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television, was invited to attend and delivered a speech, saying: "This 2022 Changsha Public Art Plan, through the most active and cutting-edge forms of art at present, discussed issues such as technological change and artistic practice in the era of the meta-universe, and promoted the city to implement the strategy of accelerating digital development and building a digital China, and the sustainable and all-round development of scientific and technological innovation. Show the world an international new aesthetic city image of culture, art and technology. Dong Bingfeng, artistic director and curator of METALOOP "Mixing" project, also sent congratulations on the online form and wished the ceremony a complete success. At the same time, Idy Tsang, Director of Promotion and Marketing Department of Changsha IFS, ying wang, Director of Service and Outreach of Changsha IFS Sub-tenant, and METALOOP "mixed".Project planner Peng Xinxin, co-founder and general manager of Xidi Zhijia Ma Wei, National Hybrid Rice Engineering Technology Research Center and Deputy Director of Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center Office Rowling, Director of Changsha Museum Information Center Pu Yinghui, Deputy Director of Changsha Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center Zhu Peng, Deputy Director of Public Service Department of Longping Rice Museum Zhang Jingyi, Executive Director of Xie Zilong Image Art Museum Lu Ni, Zhang Xianming, vice president of Yuanda Technology Group and general manager of Yuanda Core Digital Technology Co., Ltd., Huang Liting, founder of P8 Planet, and Tang AirAsia, administrative assistant manager of Niygelo Hotel in Changsha, came to the scene to present their prospects and expectations for this art project.

  Dialogue Art Integration | Changsha IFS opens a new mode of commercial public space

  Changsha public art project METALOOP "mixing" is a dialogue between art and the city, but also between art and the public. In this art project, Changsha IFS invited 2 groups of well-known curators and 11 groups of domestic and international artists and groups to exhibit 3 groups of art projects, bringing art into commercial space and creating a multi-dimensional shopping experience for consumers. After the opening ceremony, the professional guided tour of the specially invited commentator on the spot further narrowed the distance between the public and art, and deeply felt the story and charm behind the works of art.

  West atrium of Changsha IFS LG2: Hu Jieming-the world’s first exhibition of large-scale public image installation "Image Palace"

  Hu Jieming is one of the pioneer artists of digital media and video devices in China. His artistic creation stops at the alternation of time, space-time, history and memory, which puts the public in an uncertain time and space in the past, thus arousing personal memory. Inspired by 5,000 images of Changsha’s real scenes, cityscape and daily life, the artist Hu Jieming created a large-scale public image installation "Image Palace", which is the world’s exclusive combination of virtual and reality. This is the largest image installation creation by Hu Jieming in the past five years. The new media sound and painting installation in the center of the palace was created by Edward Xu, which dynamically showed the temporal and spatial characteristics of Changsha’s ancient and modern changes, which is undoubtedly the best integration of local humanistic characteristics and modern high technology. During the tour, the public gradually discovered the familiar image of Changsha city, which triggered a heated discussion about the city memory.

  Outside the imaging device, an artificial intelligence driving experience game — The "Meta-Mine" intelligent cockpit has attracted great attention from the public and participated in the experience. Through the precise digital creation of "Image Palace", the game imitates the actual scene of Sidi’s intelligent driving in the mine to the greatest extent and cooperates with the automatic driving algorithm based on artificial intelligence technology. In these two cockpits, the public can travel through the image time and space through "driving games", control the self-driving mine card model to shuttle and mine in the virtual digital art installation, observe the Image Palace from different angles, and experience the local culture of the city.

  Changsha IFS Full Electronic Screen: SHIMMER- LED Big Screen International New Media Art Exhibition "Endless Dreams"

  Exhibition time: during the exhibition period
  10: 00/12: 00/14: 00/16: 00/18: 00/20: 00 for 20 minutes.

  The public video art exhibition "Endless Dreams" will be displayed in Changsha IFS Southwest Square, Northwest Square, Huangxing Road, L5 West Atrium and L7 Sculpture Garden by using the most forward-looking public LED electronic screen exhibition method. Disnovation.org (France), Joey Holder (UK), Saemundur Thor Helgason (Iceland), Kim Laughton (UK), nabbteeri (Finland), Lu Minglong (UK), Shi Ruini, Wang Jingxin and Xinyi Wang are nine groups of well-known domestic and international artists and groups. Presented in three story chapters: the dream of farmers, the dream of artists and the dream of drivers, the relationship among human beings, machines and sociality is re-conceived in a poetic way, which responds to the transformation towards the post-human era. At the tour site, the public took the lead in viewing three groups of works of art by Changsha IFS L5, and stopped to watch this new exhibition mode and expressed strong interest.

  Changsha IFS L7 Art Gallery: Lu Yang-Pioneer Artists’ New Works in Global Exhibition DOKU:HELLO WORLD

      Lu Yang, one of the artists participating in the theme exhibition of the 59th Venice Biennale in 2022, is also the winner of the 2022 "Artist of the Year" published by Deutsche Bank, and this time introduces his latest multimedia works.DOKU:HELLO WORLDDebut at Changsha IFS. Born for love and peace, DOKU is an inspiration creator who integrates multi-culture and spans art categories. Through guided tours, the public can see the integration of dynamic capture and 3D scanning technology, dance and music art in DOKU, and feel the infinite possibilities of artistic creation in the digital age together.

  Dialogue with "Metauniverse" Urban Forum | Changsha IFS opens a new prospect of digital art

On the afternoon of May 15th, the Art and Technology Summit Forum on "Society, Technology and Art in the Metauniverse Era" was held across the border. The forum was divided into two parts: round-table dialogue and cross-border dialogue, and was hosted by Dong Bingfeng, artistic director and curator of the METALOOP "Mixing" project of Changsha Public Art Plan. Keynote speech invited to Beijing? Hu Yong, Professor of School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing? Lan Jiang, a professor of philosophy, and Huang Sunquan, a professor of China Academy of Fine Arts, gave a professional interpretation of "Society, Technology and Art in the Meta-Universe Era". The round-table dialogue invited Lu Ni, executive director of Xie Zilong Image Art Museum, Ma Wei, co-founder and general manager of Xidi Zhijia, and Hu Jieming, an exhibiting artist, to have a tripartite cross-border dialogue.

      Keynote speech: "This may be the first time in this century, and we may invent a brand-new aesthetics. That is to restart the imagination and invent new aesthetics. But to realize this expectation, someone must take the reins from the technical experts. "

      Keynote speech: "Things in the metauniverse are not passive, but can participate in the existence of the subject of the metauniverse to a certain extent. In this sense, the imitation law between people will inevitably expand to the imitation law between things."

       Keynote speech: "The metauniverse may not be very advanced in technology in the past decade, but it provides infinite imagination and possibilities. We should find ways to regenerate ourselves from our own life experiences and those gaps."

       Roundtable dialogue: "Art is personal and shared. Each of us is a small universe, and art fills the aesthetics of the public everywhere. "

      Roundtable dialogue: "Yuankuang is a sub-brand of Xidi Zhijia in the field of mine automatic driving. The goal is to build a mine operation mode with equipment intelligence and online remote cooperation similar to Metauniverse based on technologies such as automatic driving, artificial intelligence, Metauniverse and 5G."

         Roundtable dialogue: "Space is the place where we live. The spatial dimensions we face are multiple, and we can change space, expand space and create space. "

       At the Art and Technology Summit Forum of "Society, Technology and Art in the Meta-Universe Era", seven guests tried to explore the more possibilities of "we" for technological innovation, artistic innovation and space sharing from the concept of "Meta-Universe" in many fields such as society, science, art and public space.

  Dialogue with Underground Kilometers | Limiting the Courtesy of High-end Minerals and Perceiving the Beauty of "Treasures"

  Changsha IFS and Xidi Zhijia started cross-border cooperation to mine rich ores with the highest metal content in China, and customized exclusive ore certificates and digital certificates. Each ore has a unique corresponding number in the world, creating a limited number of high-end ore courtesy.

  Breaking, Awakening and Rebuilding | Building a Public Art Platform with Changsha as the Subject

  On November 1, 2017, UNESCO released the list of global "Creative City Networks" in Paris, and Changsha was selected as the "Media Art Capital" in the world, becoming the first China city to receive this honor. Changsha has thus entered an important stage of brand-new cultural industry innovation and development. In the future, Changsha will implement the 14th Five-Year Plan and the strategy of "Three Highs and Four Innovations", implement the plan of "accelerating digital development and building a digital China" and the strategy of scientific and technological innovation, sustainable and all-round development, deepen the image of "World Media and Art Capital", and show the world an international new aesthetic city with taste, style, connotation, temperament and value, and an international artistic and cultural innovation city.

      If the most important presentation space of traditional art is the museum, then today, with the rapid development of globalization, more and more urban public spaces and cultural and commercial complexes are actively promoting and constructing "art — The benign interaction of public relations and an open network of future thought experiments. Undoubtedly, Changsha IFS initiated the "2022 Changsha Public Art Plan METALOOP‘ Mix ’ " For Changsha and its surrounding areas, an important case of promoting the development and renewal of urban culture with artistic creativity is being established.

  More activity information

  About 2022 Changsha Public Art Plan METALOOP "Mixing"

  -Changsha IFS

  Exhibition: Image Palace


  Unremitting dreams

  Time: from now until June 30th, 2022.

  Opening hours: 10: 00 & ndash; ten o’clock pm

  Address: No.188 Jiefang West Road, Furong District, Changsha, Hunan.

  -Niygro Hotel Changsha

  Exhibition: "Modern Lighthouse" Shenglong City Image Exhibition

  Time: from now until June 20th, 2022.

  Opening hours: open all day.

  Exhibition: Cloud Painting Appreciation? Dream in a Dream "Fang Shibiao Sky Suite Art Space"

  Time: from April 22nd, 2022.

  Opening hours: 10: 00 & ndash; six o’clock pm

  Address: Changsha IFS T1, No.188 Jiefang West Road, Furong District, Changsha, Hunan Province

  - Yuanda Xinjian digital technology

  Exhibition: 70 Island /70 DAO

  Time: permanent exhibition throughout the year (the exhibition content is updated regularly)

  Opening hours: 08: 00 every Monday to Friday & ndash; six o’clock pm

  Address: Yuanda City, No.3 Yuanda Road, Changsha County, Changsha, Hunan Province

  - changsha museum

  Exhibition: "Xiang Jiang Bei Qu — Changsha Ancient History and Culture Exhibition "

  Time: permanent exhibition throughout the year

  Opening hours: 09: 00 every Tuesday to Sunday & ndash; five o’clock pm

  Address: Southwest of the intersection of Xiangjiang North Road and Qifeng Road, Kaifu District, Changsha, Hunan (Changsha Binjiang Cultural Park)

  - Changsha intangible cultural heritage museum

  Exhibition: Xiang SHOW— Xiangxiu Life Aesthetics Exhibition "

  Time: from now until June 20th, 2022.

  Opening hours: every Tuesday to Sunday at 09: 30 & ndash; five o’clock pm

  Address: Juzizhou Scenic Management Zone, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province (formerly Juzhou Inn)

  -Sidi Zhijia

  Exhibition: "Hideki Driving Exhibition"

  Time: permanent exhibition throughout the year

  Opening hours: every Monday to Friday from 10: 00 to 18: 00.

  Address: A3-A4, Hunan Inspection and Testing Characteristic Industrial Park, No.336 Xueshi Road, Yuelu District, Changsha, Hunan.

  - Longping rice museum

  Exhibition: Permanent Exhibition of Rice Culture 2022

  Time: permanent exhibition throughout the year

  Opening hours: 09: 00 & ndash; five o’clock pm

  Address: Renmin East Road, Furong District, Changsha, Hunan

  - P8 planet

  Exhibition: Soft Space-A Unit Exhibition of the Curator Plan Phase I

  Time: June 4-July 31, 2022

  Opening hours: every Thursday to Sunday at 10: 00 & ndash; six o’clock pm

  Address: P8 Planet, Yuanda City, No.1 Yuanda Third Road, Changsha County, Changsha City, Hunan Province

    About Changsha IFS interactive experience

    -The Founding Fathers of the Arts Light up the Medal for Redemption.

  Time: April 30-June 30, 2022

  Combine the function of Changsha IFS small program medal, start the Art Founders program, and there are many surprises and gifts waiting for you to discover.

  Top wave player medal — Scan the code in the LG2 "Meta-Mine" intelligent cockpit and participate in the "driving game" to light it up;

  Frontier Art Coffee Medal — Scan the QR code of the Live Art Founders Project in L7 Art Gallery to light it up.

  Art Pioneer Medal — Use indoor mixed real-life navigation iGO to find treasure in the interactive screen of LG2 "Image Palace", L7 Art Gallery and L7 Sculpture Garden.

Employees use computers to read novels at work, and the dismissed labor department intervened in the investigation.

The personnel documents of the company seen by the reporter.

  The labor department of a large enterprise in Shunde intervened in the investigation and asked the company to "advocate humanized management"

  Recently, a mysterious informant sent an internal report from a large electronics company in Shunde to the email address of this newspaper, saying that two workers were "immediately dismissed" because they found that they were reading novels on computers at work and sleeping at their posts.

  In the email, the informant mentioned the strict personnel management regulations recently promulgated by a large company, saying that "some trivial matters in the regulations can lead to the dismissal of employees; The real implementation of the results is stricter than the promulgated regulations! "

  The reporter then contacted the relevant departments in Shunde and received the investigation report yesterday afternoon. The Shunde district government attached great importance to this matter, sent people to conduct a special investigation on the dismissal of the enterprise, and has urged the company to pay economic compensation and notice in lieu to the dismissed employees in accordance with the Labor Contract Law and other relevant laws and regulations. In view of the fact that it is still in the shadow of the financial crisis, the relevant departments in Shunde District have asked the company to "advocate humanized management". "It is very unreasonable to dismiss people just because of a small fault." A staff member of the district government told reporters.

  Report: Being fired for chatting while sleeping was punished.

  The personnel management regulations recently formulated by a large company in Shunde set many harsh conditions, such as "no snacks during office hours, and the labor contract is terminated for those who have accumulated twice", "Playing mobile phones and chatting during office hours, and the labor contract is terminated for those who have accumulated twice …" Recently, a mysterious e-mail was sent to our newspaper’s email address, and the attachment stated the whole story of a large company in Shunde dismissing two employees. Among them, Tan was immediately dismissed for reading novels with a computer during office hours. Other employees were punished by 300 yuan’s "education fund" for chatting, playing mobile phones and listening to music.

  The mysterious informant said that the previously promulgated regulations stipulated that two violations would be found before dismissal; But now, just because an employee is found reading a novel on a computer, he is fired immediately. "The result of his actions is even more shocking!"

  Investigation: Sleeping employees are compensated

  After receiving the relevant email, the reporter immediately reported it to the relevant departments in Shunde District and attached relevant information. Yesterday afternoon, after an investigation by the Shunde district government, it was proved that this was the case. A staff member who participated in the investigation said that the enterprise’s practices were not satisfactory. "Although the current economic environment is not optimistic, such harsh dismissal regulations are unreasonable in managing workers."

  After investigation, it was found that Qin, who was fired from reading novels at work, had applied to the company for resignation in mid-February this year and was approved by the company before being found out of the so-called "violation of discipline"; Under the supervision of the labor department, Xu, who was fired because of a sleepiness, has reached a consensus and signed an agreement to terminate the labor relationship. At the same time, the labor department requires the company to pay economic compensation and notice in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

  Relevant departments: advocate humanized management

  The staff of relevant departments in Shunde told reporters that this incident has attracted considerable attention from the district government. "Although it is only an individual incident, in the immediate environment, the welfare of workers and all aspects of protection should be well supervised, and large-scale vicious layoffs should not be allowed in enterprises."

  The material of the mysterious whistleblower was completely true after investigation by relevant departments in Shunde. The relevant departments in Shunde District have asked the company to strengthen communication with employees, advocate humanized management, and try to give priority to criticism and education in dealing with individual employees’ violations and listen to employees’ demands. (Reporter Ceng Yi’s photo report)

Editor: Fan Jing

Look at the "vitality" in the holiday market | Policy "combination boxing" to boost the automobile consumption market

CCTV News:During the "Eleventh" holiday, the reporter visited various places and learned that both the new car sales market of new energy vehicles and the second-hand car trading market showed a rising trend. In addition, with the support of a number of favorable policies, consumer enthusiasm continues to rise.

This holiday, Mr. Zhou, who lives in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, bought a new energy vehicle worth 330,000 yuan, according to "the price of a single vehicle is 300,000 yuan — Mr. Zhou can get a subsidy of 6,000 yuan for the standard of subsidizing 6,000 yuan below 400,000 yuan.

During the "Eleventh" holiday, consumers in Dezhou, Shandong Province can enjoy a one-time subsidy ranging from 3,000 yuan to 6,000 yuan when purchasing new energy passenger cars. In addition, they are exempted from the purchase tax of 4.5% of the car price, the travel tax in 360 yuan, and the replacement subsidy of up to 6,000 yuan and the cash benefit of up to 20,000 yuan given by manufacturers, which makes many consumers feel excited.

Not only the new car market, this holiday, the second-hand car trading market is also stimulated by the policy, and the trading volume has risen linearly. The reporter visited the used car trading market in Huaxiang, Beijing, and learned that the transaction volume of car inspection and transfer has increased by 30%. On October 1 this year, the Ministry of Public Security and other departments issued a policy that when a registered automobile sales enterprise applies for the transfer registration of a small non-operating used car, the public security organ will implement separate endorsement management and issue a temporary license plate. For cities where automobile purchases are restricted, it is clear that used cars purchased by automobile sales enterprises and used for sales do not occupy the number plate index. At the same time, all regions strictly implement the policy of completely canceling the restrictions on the movement of used cars, and cancel the restrictions on the movement of small non-operating used cars that meet the national five emission standards nationwide (including the national key areas for air pollution prevention and control) to promote the free circulation of used cars and cross-regional operation of enterprises.

According to the data of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in 2022, the production and sales of new energy vehicles will reach 3.97 million and 3.86 million respectively in the first eight months, up by 120% and 110% respectively.

A "Strong Dialogue" between Human Wisdom and Artificial Intelligence —— CCTV’s science and technology challenge program "Wit is Extraordinary" will appear at the end of August.

Program recording site

  Cctv news(Reporter Liu Chunyan) Who is the "three-point king" with higher shooting percentage, Jeremy Lin, the superstar of the National Professional Basketball League, and the robotic arm controlled by sensors through the identification system? Can a drone equipped with a "brain" escape the smash of badminton player Bao Chunlai? In the first original scientific challenge program focusing on artificial intelligence in China, "Wit Beyond Man", a "strong dialogue" between human intelligence and artificial intelligence will be staged here, and the whole society will witness these processes and find the answer.

  The combination of science and art: four highlights

  On August 2nd, a news conference was held at the recording site of the phenomenal artificial intelligence program "Wit Beyond Man" co-sponsored by CCTV and China Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as CAS) and jointly produced by CCTV Comprehensive Channel and Changjiang Culture. This is by far the largest TV science popularization project involving the most extensive AI field and the largest number of researchers. It will be premiered in the prime time of CCTV-1 at the end of August.

  "Smart" aims to awaken people’s scientific curiosity through experiential interaction, show the future with artificial intelligence scientific and technological achievements, explore the boundary between human and AI capabilities, and explore the possibility of the relationship between them.

  It changes the cold posture of popular science programs, combines the rigor and interest of science, and focuses on "four highlights": science and big coffee help each other, "the strongest human" all debut, AI’s unique tricks, and original dance beauty. Combine "four characteristics": scientific, rigorous, interesting and authoritative.

  Zhang Guofei, deputy director of CCTV’s comprehensive channel, said in his speech: "Science is serious, and art is romantic and imaginative. It is our dream to try to open the channel between science and art and combine them to make the world better."

Wit witness group

Wit witness group

  Create two camps of "Wit Witness" and "the strongest human"

  The program also strives to build two camps, namely "Wit Witness Group" and "the strongest human". "Wit Witness Group" integrates various perspectives from the scientific, media and social circles. At present, the team members include scientists such as Yao Qizhi, Zhang Jianwei and Xu Ying, a researcher of Beidou navigation system of Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as Ke Jie, the youngest four-time champion in the history of Go in the world, a nine-stage Go player who has had a man-machine battle with AlphaGo, CCTV host Sa Beining and film actor Jiang Yiyan, etc. Everyone will ask questions from their own perspective based on their own experience and understanding.

  At the press conference, members of Wit Witness Group told their stories about science and technology.

  Zhang Jianwei, an academician of Hamburg Academy of Sciences and director of the Cognitive Center of Shenzhen Advanced Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, said: "With the development of artificial intelligence, we have achieved breakthroughs in game and recognition of artificial intelligence by using big data, but the distance of artificial intelligence in the physical world plus sensing and decision-making still has a long way to go. Through this program form, people can realize the development prospects of artificial intelligence and how far the combination of the physical world is."

  Xu Ying, a researcher of Beidou Navigation System of Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that he came to the program hoping to see the reconciliation between "the strongest human being" and the strongest wisdom, and hoped to spread the seeds of artificial intelligence to more people and cultivate more teams with three generations.

  Jiang Yiyan, a film and television actress, said that the public has a lot of thirst and questions about science and technology, and she asked them with these questions. "Robots appeared for the first time in the sci-fi movie Metropolis, and with the development of science and technology, the technology in many movies has been gradually realized. I also hope that the progress of science and technology will gradually bring changes and influences to life, so that more people can be freed from mechanized labor and feel more subtle emotions."

  Sa Beining, the host of CCTV, said that the witness group could ask questions from its own perspective. For example, the shooting robot arm misses every shot, and Jiang Yiyan asks: How about the robot arm hitting nobody? Asking questions from people in different fields can open more windows and let people see the difference between today and the future.

  In the program, the "strongest human" team, which consists of Jeremy Lin, the superstar of the National Professional Basketball League, Bao Chunlai, the national badminton player, Zhao Zhongxiang, the host of CCTV, and Lin Yu, the chief simulation portrait expert of Shandong Provincial Public Security Department, will challenge artificial intelligence.

  Bao Chunlai was very excited in the confrontation with the drone to play badminton. "In the past, in the training competition, the opponents were all people. This time it was a machine, and it felt very enjoyable. In my impression, artificial intelligence exists in TV and movies, and it can be very close to life. "

  Special idea: the audience floating in the air

Stage scene map

Stage scene map

  Creativity and content have achieved a "strong alliance", but how to show it?

  When people walk into the recording scene, they will find that the design and construction of dancing beauty such as the suspended audience seats in "Wit Beyond Man" presents a strong sense of science and technology and the future.

  The 11 "spaceships" on the recording site can accommodate 506 spectators. "Just now, in the audience, some people said that they had come to see how the audience got on. We used coercion wire to hang it, and the audience recorded it for two or three hours from the ladder. " General director Chen Qiyi said.

  The audience boarded the "spaceship" and had to fasten their seat belts after sitting firmly. Many people think they have entered the House of Representatives of Star Wars Rico Lausanne.

  The robotic arm held up the four corners of the ground to form a pyramid, and the cool opening made the host Gao Bo shout: "This is the coolest opening since I hosted my career! I seem to be from Mars. "

  "From the beauty design to the reality, the restoration degree of this beauty effect has reached 100%, which is better than we expected." Chen Qiyi, the general director, said: "In the past, we all had to learn from and copy from foreign countries, and there was little originality. Can China people make original programs? I think there is! This program is our answer, and I hope this stage can become the iconic symbol of "Wit". "

  As a popular science program focusing on artificial intelligence, "Wit Beyond Man" aims to become an accelerator in the innovation relay race, popularize scientific knowledge, spread scientific spirit, encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, improve the scientific literacy of the whole people, release the innovative wisdom of the whole people, and stimulate the innovative power of the whole people.

  It is reported that the program will end with an AI Festival, and CCTV and China Academy of Sciences will jointly award the "Wit Pioneer" award. All artificial intelligence projects that win in the program will have the opportunity to win the annual award.

Apple’s incoming AI mobile phone "iPhone moment" is coming?

When mobile phone manufacturers rushed to add more AI, 2024 was called "the first year of mobile AI". However, Apple, which has always been regarded as the pioneer of smart phones, has been slow to act. Recently, Apple announced that it would abandon the car-making project, and it is turning to the field of generative AI in an all-round way, and news related to AI mobile phones is constantly coming out. For Apple, in the face of declining sales and market, price reduction is the competition for the stock market, while AI is the preemption of the incremental market.

beijing business today

Introducing external large model

According to foreign media reports quoted people familiar with the matter on Monday, Apple and Google are actively negotiating, hoping that Google’s generative artificial intelligence model Gemini will support some new functions of iPhone software this year. In addition, the source also revealed that Apple recently discussed with OpenAI and considered using the GPT model.

It is reported that Apple is preparing new functions based on its self-developed artificial intelligence model for the upcoming iOS 18, but these are all concentrated on devices, not through the cloud. Therefore, Apple is also looking for some partners to support generative artificial intelligence functions, including the ability to create images and write articles based on simple tips.

After giving up the car-making project, Apple is currently facing tremendous pressure in the field of artificial intelligence. Compared with competitors Microsoft and Google, Apple has been slow to introduce generative artificial intelligence, and Google and Microsoft are already integrating artificial intelligence into their products. Last month, Apple CEO Tim Cook said that the company planned to disclose more about its plans to put generative artificial intelligence into use later this year, adding that the company was making "significant" investments in this field.

The cooperation negotiations that broke out this time may mean that Apple’s efforts in artificial intelligence are not as far as some people hope. Therefore, people familiar with the matter said that Apple’s move to find partners may be wise. If the negotiations are successful, Apple will gain new functions in generative artificial intelligence, and Gemini will gain a key advantage in having billions of potential users.

At the same time, it also means that the two companies will "kiss each other." According to the agreement reached between Google and Apple, Google pays Apple billions of dollars every year, making its search engine the default option for Safari web browsers on iPhone and other devices. It is worth mentioning that in view of the huge scale of both parties, the potential agreement may lead to further antitrust review of the two companies.

Apple’s process related to AI mobile phones has always attracted much attention. In 2023, many media reported that Apple was developing a big model Ajax. In January 2024, some developers found Siri’s code related to OpenAI and ChatGPT in the developer preview version of Apple’s operating system iOS 17.4. The code shows that Apple is developing a new version of Siri supported by a big model. This has triggered speculation in the industry about iOS 18 that has not yet been launched. Many people think that iOS 18 will deeply integrate generative AI technology and redo iOS built-in applications with AI, especially Siri.

Save sales

For Apple, AI mobile phone is a brand-new and huge market. Since entering the China market in 1993, Apple has always been regarded as the representative of high-end mobile phones. In the era of smart phones, Nokia, the "tears of the times", was eliminated; There are many domestic flip phones whose names can’t be remembered. It seems that only Apple will never fail. However, 30 years later, this situation has undergone a subtle change.

Recently, the report released by Furui Group said that in 2023, the sales volume of Apple mobile phones in China dropped slightly by 3%, and the sales volume in the first week of 2024 plummeted by 30% compared with the same period in 2023. The report also predicts that the sales of Apple’s mobile phones in China may show a double-digit decline in 2024 in the face of multiple attacks from China brands such as Huawei and Xiaomi. Subsequently, Apple reported that China’s revenue dropped by 13%.

In order to cope with the weak demand in the smart phone market, Apple China official website recently launched a rare promotion campaign to reduce the price of its iPhone 15 series products by 500 yuan, including the most expensive iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Major General Ding, an industry observer, told the beijing business today that the price reduction of Apple official website showed that the sales of iPhone 15 series were less than expected before, and there was pressure to clear inventory at the end of the year. Under the multiple pressures of the high-end local brands in China, represented by Huawei, and the launch and sale of Samsung’s flagship new machine Galaxy S24 series, Apple needs to release the old inventory as soon as possible and lay the foundation for the new machine sales in 2024.

In Major General Ding’s view, Apple’s strategic adjustment is relatively slow. In terms of imaging technology, it has been overtaken by the head brand of the Android camp, but it is slow in folding screens and AI models, resulting in the gradual loss of users.

Canalys analyzed that in the past two years, thanks to the steady demand of the high-end smart market, Apple iPhone has shown tenacious vitality. However, the re-emergence of Huawei in Chinese mainland and local competition will pose a challenge to Apple’s sustained growth when the demand for high-end mobile phones in other major markets such as North America and Europe tends to be stable. "In the new year, Apple must seek new market growth points and ecosystem advantages to revitalize the iPhone business." Canalys wrote in the report.

Samsung Galaxy S24 series mobile phones are regarded as a strong proof that AI affects sales. According to official data, the sales volume of Galaxy S24 series has exceeded 1 million units in 28 days after it was launched in South Korea, which has set a new record for the sales volume of Samsung S series mobile phones to exceed one million units, which is three weeks faster than that of the previous Galaxy S23 series.

Coincidentally, although Samsung released its own Gauss model in November 2023, the Galaxy S24 series uses Google’s Gemini, and the China version uses Baidu’s ERNIE Bot. At present, the main AI functions of Galaxy S24 series include two-way real-time translation during call and creative image editing.

How far is AI iPhone?

After the explosion of ChatGPT last year, Huang Renxun, CEO of NVIDIA, put forward that "the iPhone time of AI is coming", indicating that the AI industry has reached a point like the revolutionary subversion brought to the mobile phone industry when the iPhone was born.

Today, AI’s real iPhone may be coming. However, many people think that we still have a long way to go with the veritable AI mobile phone. According to some insiders, no matter whether the big model is self-developed or open, the products that have been labeled with AI mobile phones are nothing more than image processing, search and other functions, which are far from the real intelligent form.

Gartner, a research organization, pointed out that AI mobile phones should be equipped with corresponding hardware and software functions, which can realize seamless integration and efficient execution of AI driving functions and applications on mobile phones; These phones can run basic or fine-tuned AI models locally and generate new derivative versions of content, strategies, designs and methods. In other words, only when AIGC actually runs on the terminal can AI be considered as landing on the mobile phone.

Zhang Xiaorong, dean of the Institute of Deep Science and Technology, believes that in terms of value potential, AI is expected to refresh the business model of the mobile phone industry and even reconstruct the previous pattern. But at the present stage, the strategic awareness of mobile phone manufacturers is far ahead of technology and ecology. Building momentum around the concept may boost sales in the short term, but the vision is not equal to reality after all.

Zhang Xiaorong mentioned that it should also be noted that while AI mobile phones enhance the sense of experience, they will also cause users’ anxiety about data and personal privacy. At present, users who have doubts about App snooping data can also use different Apps to distinguish them, and avoid privacy leakage by not letting an app get too much data. Assuming that the AI ? ? mobile phone can get through all the apps, users naturally cannot avoid it.

At this level, the AI ? ? phone has not yet ushered in its iPhone moment, but obviously, it is worth waiting for.

Source: beijing business today reporter Zhao Tianshu

Process Editor: U022

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