Exam! Have you read all the recent reports about us in the mainstream media?

Exam! Have you read all the recent reports about us in the mainstream media?

During the May 1 International Labor Day holiday, the People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV and other mainstream media published and broadcast many news reports related to the aviation industry. So, have you read all these reports with rich connotations and huge information?

Let’s test it together ~ ~

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A survey of mainstream media reports on the aviation industry.



Student number:

1. Multiple choice questions (Only one answer to the following questions is correct. Please choose the correct option from the alternative answers and fill in the serial number of the correct option in brackets. 5 points for each small question, 15 points in total)

1. What does the machining tolerance of () mm mean? This is equivalent to one hundred and twenty-fifth of the diameter of human hair, which is difficult to realize even with CNC machine tools. This is more accurate than the manual filing limit in the textbook, and it comes from the hands of Fang Wenmo, the chief skill expert of the aviation industry Shenyang Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. and the "post-80 s". (Source: Xinhua News Agency’s new media "Pay tribute to ingenuity! They deserve to be praised ")

A. 0.0068 mm

B. 0.00068 mm


Reference answer

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2. On May 1st, 2021, a special program on May 1st International Labor Day was broadcast on CCTV. What is the theme of this program? (Source: CCTV News pays tribute to the workers and welcomes the founding of the party for a hundred years! "Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty-Always March with the Party, New Journey, Special Program of May Day 2021")

A. pay tribute to the workers and welcome the centenary of the founding of the party! Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty —— Always forge ahead with the Party.

B. pay tribute to the workers and welcome the centenary of the founding of the party! Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty —— Always forge ahead with the Party in a new era


Reference answer

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3. The posture adjustment of the fuselage requires extremely high accuracy, and the deviation of each part of the fuselage with a total length of 50 meters cannot exceed () mm.. This is like an elephant, there can be no error in the size of ants. In the past, it took more than a dozen people to work together in one month. Today, it only takes two or three people a day. The team led by Hu Yang has achieved zero breakthrough in digital assembly of large aircraft and fuselage, with a hundred times higher efficiency and millimeter accuracy. (Source: CCTV’s "Great Country Artisans and Skills to Serve the Country", which is broadcast on several key columns of CCTV’s comprehensive channel and news channel. )

A. 0.5 mm

B. 0.05 mm


Reference answer

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Look at the pictures and talk (please match the pictures with appropriate words according to the information provided, with 10 points for each question, totaling 20 points)

4. Please choose an essay for the following pictures.

(Source: Xinhua News Agency, "Dare to melt the sun and the moon and cast ingenuity" model worker "torch in their hands")

A. Fang Wenmo polishes parts in Fang Wenmo’s studio.

B. Fang Wenmo polishes parts in the craftsman’s studio in Daguo.


Reference answer

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5. Please choose an essay for the following pictures.

(Source: CCTV. com, look at "The exposure of the refueling screen of the night sky of the J-15 carrier aircraft")

A. the training of refueling in the air is called "threading the needle in the air" and "centimeter-level flight", and the difficulty is self-evident. It is even more thrilling to carry out this training under the condition of low light at night, and it is also recognized as the top flight course in the world. A few days ago, several J-15 carrier-based fighters of a naval carrier aviation unit continuously carried out night air partner refueling training.

B. The night gave me black eyes, but I used them to look for light.


Reference answer

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Third, reading comprehension (read the written materials provided and answer the corresponding questions, 15 points for each question, a total of 30 points)

6. As soon as the modification training was over, Gu Chenyu immediately bought a plane ticket and flew to Chang Yao’s side. When I saw him at the airport, Chang Yao’s heart was more complicated. In the face of her missing boyfriend, the first feeling turned out to be strange. After a big hug, the small temper and emotions that had been waiting for months finally vanished. Chang Yao said: "This is probably the truest taste of missing." (Excerpt from: People’s Daily new media "Too sweet! It was love at first sight between pilots and aviation engineers.

Excuse me, what exactly is the truest taste of missing in the bold part of the text? ( )

A. my heart is very complicated.

B. The feeling at first sight turned out to be strange. After a big hug, the small temper and emotions that had been waiting for months finally vanished.


Reference answer

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7. Aviation people often say, "There is no parking lot in the air, and there is no regret medicine for flight test". Fang Wenmo said: "Just like playing the piano and throwing basketball, the basic skills of our locksmith depend on boring and monotonous repeated practice until muscle memory is formed." (Excerpt from: Xinhua News Agency’s new media "Pay tribute to ingenuity! They deserve to be praised ")

What does the author want to express through the bold part of the text? ( )

A. Behind the heavy equipment of the country, the high-tech technology and the projects that break through the limits of human beings, it is inseparable from the persistent concentration, Excellence, meticulousness and pursuit of Excellence of the workers who uphold the spirit of artisans.

B. Aircraft flight test cannot be practiced repeatedly.


Reference answer

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Four, composition (35 points)

8. Please pay attention to "Aviation Industry" WeChat WeChat official account, and write your feelings about aviation people and aviation industry in the message! Welcome to grab the sofa.


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Original title: "Exam! Have you read all the recent reports about us in the mainstream media? 》

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