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Where is the difference in the "plastic reduction" of express takeaway?

  Where is the difference in the "plastic reduction" of express takeaway?

  The survey shows that China’s express delivery industry generates about 1.80 million tons of plastic waste every year. At the same time, food delivery is also the "hardest hit area" of plastic packaging, often "bag in bag". The "white waste" brought by express delivery has become a regulatory pain point.


  "Now the express delivery is piled up like a mountain, and half of the packaging is plastic." On November 12, Liu Shan (a pseudonym), a courier brother in Fengtai, Beijing, was worried about the resulting plastic waste pollution while running around for the seemingly endless express delivery.

  The rapid development of online shopping has brought further prosperity to the express delivery industry. On November 11, on the day of the shopping carnival, with 675 million pieces of express delivery, there were 675 million express packages.

  Zhang Deyuan, deputy director of the Research Office of the National Development and Reform Commission’s Institute of Macroeconomics and System Reform, said in an interview with a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Network that the total number of express deliveries this year is expected to reach 80 billion, of which about 20% are packed in plastic bags. The "white waste" brought by online shopping has become a pain point for the supervision of the "plastic restriction order".

  Where is the difficulty in implementing the "plastic restriction order"? According to a survey conducted by the official Weibo of China Youth Daily, 59.7% of respondents preferred "changing public habits", 16.8% of respondents believed that "it is difficult to develop and promote new materials", 12.7% of respondents chose "shopping costs increase", and 10.7% of respondents said that "new fields are difficult to supervise".

  "Compared to cartons, plastic bags at 0.3 yuan each are cheaper"

  Zhu Wen (a pseudonym), the brother of Beijing Express, said that among the more than 200 express deliveries he delivered on November 11, more than 100 were packaged in plastic, mainly some clothing, quilts, shoes, etc.

  The reporter visited and found that the use of plastic packaging in the outer packaging of express deliveries delivered by many couriers accounted for 30% to 50%. Some express deliveries using carton packaging also place plastic fillers in the boxes to ensure the safety of goods transportation, and most of them are sealed with tape outside the boxes.

  When the courier arrives in the hands of consumers, it often goes through multiple processes. In order to prevent damage, some merchants will choose to pack multiple layers or even over-pack before sending the courier. Most of these packaging materials are purchased nearby or at a low price. Search an e-commerce platform, 100 35 × 45cm courier packaging bags are 14.2 yuan, and in some stores a packaging bag is as low as 0.039 yuan.

  In addition to express delivery, takeaway is also the "hardest hit area" of plastic packaging, and "bag in bag" situations often occur. According to the reporter’s observation, consumers order a rice noodle on the takeaway platform, and the powder and soup are packed in two plastic boxes separately. In order to prevent spillage, some merchants also wrap a layer of plastic wrap on the soup box, put it in a separate plastic bag, and then put everything in a large plastic bag.

  Some couriers give preference to plastic bags. Zhu Wen said that when sending, he hardly uses cartons, and probably uses more than 10 bags a day to pack for consumers. On the one hand, plastic bags are portable, and on the other hand, they are based on cost considerations. For example, for a 12 yuan courier, he can get 2 yuan service fee, of which the packaging fee needs to be paid by himself. "Compared with cartons, plastic bags are generally cheaper at 0.3 yuan each."

  "Plastic reduction" has a long way to go. According to the statistics of the Plastics Recycling Professional Committee of the China Plastics Association, our country uses about 3 billion plastic bags every day. As of 2019, the annual use of plastic bags exceeds 4 million tons. Another survey shows that China’s express delivery industry generates about 1.80 million tons of plastic waste every year.

  Where is the difficulty of "plastic reduction" in the field of e-commerce?

  Since the implementation of the "plastic restriction order" in 2008, "plastic reduction" has been running for 11 years. In recent years, as emerging business forms, e-commerce, takeaway and other fields have once become "blank areas" of the "plastic restriction order".

  On January 19 this year, the "Opinions on Further Strengthening the Control of Plastic Pollution" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), known as the upgraded "Plastic Limit Order", was released, and the takeaway and e-commerce fields were officially included in the scope of the "Plastic Limit Order". The opinion also clearly states that by the end of 2022, postal express outlets in Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and other provinces and cities will first ban the use of non-degradable plastic packaging bags, disposable plastic woven bags, etc., to reduce the use of non-degradable plastic tape. By the end of 2025, postal express outlets across the country will be covered.

  In contrast to the huge amount of use, the collection rate of plastic bags is very low. On November 11 last year, the "Research Report on the Characteristics and Management of China’s Express Packaging Waste" jointly released by environmental protection organizations Greenpeace pointed out that in 2018, our country’s express delivery industry consumed a total of 851,800 tons of plastic packaging materials. Due to the difficulty of recycling plastic express packaging waste, high regeneration costs and low regeneration profits, about 99% of our country’s express packaging waste plastics (mass ratio) were mixed into domestic waste.

  Consumers rarely pay directly for express packaging, which affects the "plastic reduction" in the field of express delivery. Some netizens said that most of the time online shopping is free shipping, compared with supermarket shopping, the feeling of using plastic bags is not obvious, and they rarely pay attention to plastic waste in the e-commerce field.

  "The difficulty is that it is too scattered." Zhang Deyuan said that compared with ordinary supermarkets, the plastic packaging users in the e-commerce field are mostly small merchants. This group is large in number, scattered in main body, difficult to supervise and expensive to enforce.

  At present, the alternative product Research & Development production of plastic packaging is still not mature enough, and the circulation efficiency of domestic express packaging is not high. Zhang Deyuan takes degradable plastic bags as an example. The cycle of domestic express packaging from procurement, warehousing to circulation is about 30 days, which is a certain gap compared with foreign countries. For example, Amazon’s logistics efficiency is about 13.5 days. Long storage time of degradable plastic bags may lead to performance degradation and affect the use effect.

  Some netizens expressed that they wanted to do their part to reduce white pollution, but had to use plastic bags in the absence of suitable alternatives.

  At the end of last year, an online poll conducted by China Youth Daily showed that 86.6% of respondents felt that there was a waste of plastic bags in the e-commerce sector. 53.0% of respondents said they were willing to pay a certain amount for e-commerce to use reusable environmentally friendly packaging.

  Press the "acceleration button" for "plastic reduction" in many places.

  Faced with the big problem of "white pollution", various places have continued to make efforts on "plastic reduction". So far, more than 20 provinces have issued an upgraded version of the "plastic restriction order", pressing the "acceleration button" for "plastic reduction".

  Among them, six major industries such as food delivery and e-commerce have become the key "plastic reduction" objects of Beijing’s new version of the "plastic restriction order". On November 10, the "Beijing Plastic Pollution Control Action Plan (2020-2025) (exposure draft) " released by Beijing pointed out that by the end of this year, the city’s postal express and e-commerce distribution outlets will have a "slimming tape" packaging ratio of 90%. By the end of 2022, the city’s postal express outlets will ban the use of non-degradable plastic packaging bags, woven bags, etc. By the end of 2025, the city’s postal express outlets will ban the use of non-degradable plastic tape, and the responsibility will be implemented to specific units. This is also known as the "strictest plastic restriction order" by netizens.

  The "plastic reduction" in the field of e-commerce is a systematic project that requires platforms, merchants, and consumers to work together to create a green logistics system from the production, procurement, use, and recycling of plastic packaging.

  "Platform companies should be leaders in the control of plastic pollution." Zhang Deyuan believes that platform companies in the fields of e-commerce, express delivery, and takeaway should strengthen the management of merchants settled on the platform, formulate alternative implementation plans for reducing the amount of disposable plastic products, and implement "green merchant leadership plans" and "green packaging points activities" to encourage and guide merchants to take the initiative to reduce the use of disposable plastic packaging. The postal express industry should increase the use of green packaging and recyclable packaging. Operating merchants should be "executors" of green consumption patterns.

  At the same time, the research and development of alternative products will usher in new opportunities. Zhang Deyuan suggested that express delivery companies and packaging material production and development companies should strengthen innovation. At present, some companies are developing degradable plastic bags.

  On the consumer side, you can consider adopting a separate pricing and charging strategy. Zhang Deyuan said that consumers spend money and have a clear sense of use, which can indirectly enhance consumers’ environmental awareness. If plastic packaging is used, it should be classified for subsequent disposal and resource utilization.

  In addition, Zhang Deyuan also suggested that while enjoying the convenience brought by modern business models, consumers should continuously raise their awareness of environmental protection and minimize the use of disposable plastic utensils when ordering takeout and online shopping.

Over-packaging in fruit shops is too rampant, and it is really not advisable to dress fruits layer by layer.

  There are too many fruit packages, so there should be reliable and effective recycling channels. Photo courtesy of North Night New Vision

  Some fruits that ordinary people are used to picking are also packed into boxes. Cao zhengshe

  "Not only can’t you choose, you can only buy a few in the box!" Ms. Chen, a citizen who wants to buy two pounds of apples, is very puzzled. Several fruit shops at home have been "upgraded", but it is more troublesome to buy fruits than before: many kinds of fruits are packed in plastic boxes, so you can only buy them by the box.

  The reporter visited and found that this is not a case. Many fruit shops have begun to "dress" the fruits that were sold in the past: sealing them with plastic wrap, putting them in plastic boxes and putting them on plastic bags. At the same time of excessive packaging, it is inconvenient for ordinary people to shop. Why is the trend of fruit packing set off? What’s the logic behind it? For this phenomenon, what means are there to crack it? The reporter conducted an investigation into this.


  Scattered fruits are packed in boxes.

  In the "Baiguoxiang" fruit shop in Sanyuanli, the salesman picked up a bunch of grapes in his left hand, cut off the withered grapes one by one with scissors in his right hand, and finally put them into a disposable plastic box. Around him, layers of packed kumquat, apples and so on have been packed.

  Many fruits that ordinary people are used to picking are also packaged and put into boxes. Nanguo pear, though marked with a catty of 7.5 yuan, has been wrapped in plastic wrap and repackaged in plastic boxes. Several customers picked it up one by one, studied it and put it down again, but no one bought it for a long time. "It’s all in the box, and you can’t pick it. I don’t know if it’s fresh!" A customer said. In the past, almost all fruits such as pears and apples were in bulk. After customers finished weighing and calculating money, the quantity and quality could be controlled by customers themselves. Now, the choice is much smaller. Take Nanguo pear as an example, one serving of seven or eight pears can’t be eaten at a time, and it’s no good to buy less; Want to buy more, can only buy two, a total of 16.

  A similar situation is more common in many chain fruit shops. The reporter visited Guoduomeibei Taipingqiao Store and Huayuan Road Store one after another and found that most fruits, such as apples, pears, oranges and kiwis, were packaged, some were covered with plastic wrap, some were packed in hard plastic boxes, and there were relatively few bulk fruits. The reporter counted that there are about four or five hundred boxes of all kinds of fruits sold in boxes in each fruit shop.

  Some consumers said that in the past, this kind of fruit packed in boxes was often sold online and other channels. "I went to the fruit shop to buy some fresh fruits, but I found that many fruits in the store were also wrapped and I couldn’t choose at all."

  Explore the cause

  Merchants for the convenience of stop loss chart

  Why is the trend of fruit boxed sales getting worse?

  A salesperson at a fresh supermarket named "Good Fruits and Vegetables" in Chaoyang Beiyuan said that these fruits are scattered when they are purchased, and then they are packed into plastic boxes after being transported to the store. "The packaged fruits are beautiful and clean, and fruits like oranges and pears are also bad in bulk."

  "Those who sell fruit are afraid of bad fruit, which is the most crucial reason!" Zhou Zheng (pseudonym), the owner of a fruit shop, told reporters that the main reason for packing fruits is that merchants want to stop losses: First, when packing fruits, customers will not touch them back and forth like picking bulk fruits; Secondly, boxing is one of the measures to keep fruits fresh, which can extend the sales time.

  The reporter noticed that the sales methods of fruit boxed are mainly concentrated in the newly upgraded fresh fruit supermarkets and high-end supermarkets. In traditional vegetable markets and cheap supermarkets, a large number of fruits are often sold in bulk.

  Zhou Zheng explained: "There are also some boxed fruits. Because the packaging is exquisite and the price can be raised, merchants prefer to box them." The increase of packaging cost will inevitably be included in the price of fruit; However, some boxed fruits have extended the sales time, and the freshness will inevitably be "discounted".


  Reduce the amount at the source

  The convenience of merchants also brings greater negative impact on the environment: in the past, ordinary people bought fruit and at most bought a plastic bag; Nowadays, the fruit is first covered with plastic wrap, then put into a plastic box, and finally put into a plastic bag, resulting in a "three-piece set" of packaging waste.

  "About eight or nine thousand disposable plastic boxes can be used in a month." The person in charge of a fruit shop with an area of more than 100 square meters admits that the cost of these disposable plastic boxes ranges from a few cents to a few cents, and they are basically online shopping.

  The reporter searched for "fruit disposable plastic boxes" on Taobao. There are countless kinds of goods. In the top three stores, a strawberry packaging box is selling well, each box contains 600 boxes, and the price is 215 yuan. The monthly sales volume of this product reached 1,387 boxes, and this packaging box sold 830,000 boxes in one month. "The materials of these plastic boxes are similar to mineral water bottles, and they are all non-degradable." The person in charge of this store bluntly said that a large part of these plastic boxes were sold to many well-known fruit fresh supermarkets.

  "White pollution" has become a world problem. "Like disposable lunch boxes, fruit plastic packaging is mostly thrown away by ordinary people." Sheng Min, secretary-general of China Renewable Resources Recycling Association Recycling Plastics Branch, said that besides reducing the amount at the source, there should be reliable and effective recycling channels. If there is a sound garbage sorting system, plastic packaging will be used more effectively through recycling channels. For example, Europe mainly subsidizes the recycling of renewable resources through compulsory policies adopted by the government; Japan, on the other hand, does a good job of sorting garbage from the source by cultivating national quality.

  Our reporter Cao Zheng

Su Hui: Promoting the spiritual harmony of compatriots in promoting cross-strait non-governmental exchanges

  A press conference for leaders of the Central Committee of the Democratic Party and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce was held in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People at 3pm on March 6th. Wan Exiang, Ding Zhongli, Hao Mingjin, Cai Dafeng, Chen Zhu, Wan Gang, Wu Weihua, Su Hui and Gao Yunlong, Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce were invited to answer questions.

  The following is a live record:

  Su Hui:

  Unswervingly inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of Taiwan Province compatriots’ patriotism and love for their hometown, and make unremitting efforts for the peaceful reunification of the motherland and the realization of the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation. Every member of the Taiwan Alliance is full of homesickness in his heart, and every member of the Taiwan Alliance is also filled with feelings of home and country melted in his blood. This is the consistent initial intention and mission of the Taiwan Alliance since its establishment 71 years ago.

  Last December, the 10th National Congress of the Taiwan Democratic Self-government League elected me as the chairman of the Central Committee of the Taiwan Alliance. I felt both glorious and honored, and I felt the great responsibility on my shoulders. I will take the baton of history, lead all the allies to actively participate in the great practice of Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and jointly write a brilliant chapter in the cause of multi-party cooperation.

  Looking back at history, since its establishment in 1947, the Taiwan Alliance has always adhered to the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and firmly followed the road of Socialism with Chinese characteristics. From the publication of the Letter to Taiwan Province Compatriots in Hong Kong’s Huashang Daily in May 1948, publicly responding to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China’s "May 1 slogan", to actively participating in the preparation of the new CPPCC, participating in the formulation of the Common Program of the China People’s Political Consultative Conference, and then participating in the election of the Central People’s Government, we witnessed the birth of the new China. It can be said that Taiwan Province people’s long love for the country and their ambition to serve the country are engraved in the glorious history of new China with practical actions.

  Since the beginning of the new era, Taiwan Alliance has highlighted the characteristics of "Taiwan", earnestly performed the functions of participating parties, and made our due contribution to the construction of Socialism with Chinese characteristics. In this new era, we should still firmly grasp the overall situation of national work and the development of cross-strait relations, select the topics of the times from a broad perspective, refine our insights in in-depth research, promote the spiritual harmony of compatriots in promoting cross-strait non-governmental exchanges, and make unremitting efforts to promote the peaceful development of the two sides of the strait and realize the peaceful reunification of the motherland.

  Thanks to the friends in the press for their concern for the Taiwan Alliance, and also thanks to the media friends from the island for their concern for the Taiwan Alliance. I hope that through you, I will extend my most sincere greetings and heartfelt wishes to my hometown folks. Thank you.

Video | 2023 "the belt and road initiative" China-Europe Basketball Champions Cup won the championship at the Serbian Zlatibor Club in Chongqing.


In this game, the confrontation between the two sides is very fierce. Hualong. com reporter Chen Yi photo

Hualong. com (Wang Xurui) At 19: 30 on September 17th, the 2023 "the belt and road initiative" China-Europe Basketball Champions Cup was held in Yubei District Gymnasium of Chongqing, and Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent Club beat Serbian Mettala Basketball Club 86-74.

In the first half of the campaign, Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent got a hot start, with a wave of 13-4 to stop the opponent, but the opponent’s tactics were adjusted in time, and the hit rate rose sharply. After half-time, Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent fell behind Mettala by 38-46.

The scene of the game. Hualong. com reporter Chen Yi photo

In the second half of the game, Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent quickly entered the state again, playing a wave of offensive climax to overtake the score, and then the two sides played back and forth, and they did not open the difference. Until the last moment of the last quarter, Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent relied on the successive goals of Lu Wenbo and Wang Yibo to pull the difference to 10 points and finally won.

Serbian Zlatibor Basketball Club won the championship. Hualong. com reporter Chen Yi photo

The China-Europe Basketball Champions Cup is jointly sponsored by Chongqing Sports Bureau and Yubei District People’s Government, and the competition adopts the points system. After three days of fierce competition, Serbian Zlatibor Basketball Club won the championship, Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent Club won the second place, Shanghai Jiushi Shark Club won the third place, and Serbian Mettala Basketball Club won the fourth place. Wu Qian, a player from Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent Club, was named the most valuable player in this tournament.

Enthusiastic Chongqing audience. Hualong. com reporter Chen Yi photo

It is worth mentioning that this is also a showdown between China and Serbian men’s basketball after the World Cup. The list of participating players includes powerful players such as Wu Qian, Wang Yibo, Guo Haowen, Li Tianrong, Luo Hanchen and Ren Junwei.

"This China-Europe Basketball Champions Cup is an intercontinental club cup held in China, which provides CBA teams with an opportunity for intercontinental confrontation and a head-on collision between CBA high-level clubs and European basketball clubs." The relevant person in charge of the organizer said that the purpose of this competition is to improve the competitive level of professional basketball in China and Europe, help China’s professional basketball go abroad, and also devote itself to promoting the exchanges and cooperation between China and Europe’s basketball industry for a long time.

Brief introduction of the participating teams:

1. Shanghai Jiushi Shark Club

In the 2001-02 CBA championship, he once trained many national players such as Zhang Wenqi, Wei Liu, Wang Ligang, Peng Fei and Zhang Zhaoxu, and Yao Ming played for him for many seasons in his early career.

2. Zhejiang Chouzhou Golden Rent Club

In the CBA regular season of 2022-23, he ranked first in the regular season with a record of 35 wins and 7 losses, and successfully broke through many difficulties in the playoffs and reached the finals.

3. Serbian Zlatibor Basketball Club.

He won the championship of Serbian Basketball League (KLS) and the first honor of Adriatic League (ABA) season.

3. Serbian Mettala Basketball Club.

The team has a long history. Founded in 1948, it has repeatedly entered the top four in the country. Many players in the team have been selected for the Serbian national training team, the U20 national team and the college students’ national team.


Three fronts collapsed, AC Milan was in chaos, and Hong Niao announced the dismissal of Paolo Maldini and the cleaning of four players.

Three fronts collapsed, AC Milan was in chaos, and Hong Niao announced the dismissal of Paolo Maldini and the cleaning of four players.

AC Milan was once run by Pioli, who defeated Juventus and Inter Milan last season and won the top of the league again 11 years later. But this season, Milan’s performance has plummeted, and this strong gap makes their gold owner Red Bird Company very dissatisfied.

After Hong Niao, a big American group, joined, AC Milan not only failed to make any progress, but even declined, which made the owner of the club very angry. According to common sense, with the encouragement of the new boss and huge investment, Milan should be able to take this opportunity to move on. However, after being defeated by Inter Milan in the Champions League, Milan fell into a four-game losing streak. Without the Champions League ticket, AC Milan will lose 100 million pounds next season, which is equivalent to the entire income of the team for three seasons.

Hong Niao company therefore pushed the responsibility to Maldini. The management of AC Milan is basically decided by Maldini. Although he is not on the field, he will still intervene in the team’s affairs, which is why Maldini will be responsible for the team. Now, the relationship between Maldini and Hong Niao team has been completely broken. With his personality and absolute control over Milan, it has given sponsors a great psychological burden, so there is almost no doubt about his departure.

From the team’s point of view, AC Milan will also face a big change this summer. Gill’s contract with Ibrahimovic is coming to an end, and only one of them can stay at most. Judging from the present situation, Gill is the most likely person to stay. In addition, Diaz is likely to return to Real Madrid, because the Galactic Fleet is preparing to exchange Diaz for Bellingham’s transfer fee. In midfield, Bakayoko, a valuable but incompetent "waste", will eventually become a free man.

Therefore, in order to strengthen the team’s strength, Milan will eliminate four players. Now, Liverpool have set their sights on Chelsea’s Chick and Frankfurt’s striker Kamata, and are looking for a backup player for Deo. Maybe Pioli can survive this change. He is gentle and has no regrets, but in AC Milan’s view, Pioli is a puppet. Although it can be controlled, it will not help the development of the club much.

0-0, unbeaten in the title race, 28% possession, led by Manchester United or won the championship, Mu Shuai’s law is too stable

Guardiola, the undisputed winning general in European football, is a milestone of 100 wins in 160 matches in the Champions League, which Mourinho seems to be far behind. But we should know that the two coaches have different coaching experiences. Guardiola will only coach the Giants, while Mourinho will coach the mixed team. There are giants like Real Madrid and medium-sized teams like Rome. Therefore, it cannot be simply evaluated. 100 wins in the Champions League!

This season, under Mourinho’s leadership, Rome once again qualified for the Europa League. The trip of Portugal’s famous coach leading the team to fight back against the Europa League from the play-offs is coming to an end, but Mourinho’s disciples returned to their home courts. The team fought back and won 2-0, and advanced to the second round with the goal difference advantage. Mourinho, who led his team to a 1-0 victory over Feyenoord in the Europa League quarter-finals, wants to repay the blood he owed him last season by beating his opponent to win the Europa League.

However, at home, Mourinho’s disciples suffered repeated defeats, tied the total score to 2-2 in the regular season, and beat Feyenoord 2-0 in overtime to advance to the semi-finals. When Rome beat Leverkusen 1-0 at home in the semi-final, people knew that the balance of victory and defeat was entirely in Mourinho’s hands. Naturally, it is a draw.

In the second leg of the Europa League semi-final, against Leverkusen, pellegrini’s 2-minute overhead shot became the swan song of Rome, and the ball slipped from the goal to the stands. Murray Neo’s team has only 28% possession. On the other hand, in the "pharmaceutical factory", Demirbai, Azmun and others launched 23 crazy attacks and shot right six times, but they could not break through the gate guarded by Patricio. He built a moat with his own hands, blocking the progress of Alonso’s disciples.

In the end, Mourinho led the team to an unbeaten 0-0 away game and won 1-0 in both games, but it was also under the guidance of Mourinho that Rome won for the second year in a row. The European finals, you should know. By 2021, Mourinho reached the European finals only twice in 1994, and obviously Mourinho did a good job. So can Mourinho lead Rome to win the Europa League? In terms of odds, Rome and Seville have the same winning percentage, both of which are 1.9.

Judging from Mourinho’s coaching career, he led the team to the top of the Europa League twice, and the most recent one was to lead Manchester United to win the championship in the 2016-17 season. What a surprise. Interestingly, Mourinho’s winning percentage in the final of the European War reached an astonishing 100%, leading the team to the top of the European War five times!

He led Porto to win the Europa League, won the Champions League the following year, led Inter Milan to win the Annual Cup in 2009-2010, and led Manchester United to win the Europa League in 2016. -It was not until last season in 2017 that Rome won the Europa League for the first time in more than half a century, but it shows that Mourinho’s "European final, win" rule is too stable and the momentum continues. Come on, Rome is really looking forward to winning the Europa League and Confederations Cup this season!

Sun Yingsha regrets losing, Liu Guoliang warms her heart and comforts her, and Chen Meng’s return to the state of full blood is completely different.

Chen Meng state regression

Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha have played twice in the last six months, namely, the finals of Xinxiang World Cup in October 2022 and the semi-finals of Xinxiang Championship in 2023. Sun Yingsha defeated Chen Meng twice. In the Xinxiang Championship a week ago, Sun Yingsha swept Chen Meng in straight sets. During the competition, Sun Yingsha completely suppressed Chen Meng, hardly giving her opponent any breathing space. Sun Yingsha’s state is too good.

Coming to the Macau Championship, Sun Yingsha and Chen Meng met again in the semi-final. Before the start of the game, Mi Gu explained that Hou Yingchao said that this game should not present a one-sided situation, and it will definitely be a fierce confrontation. Hou Yingchao was only half right, and the game was fierce enough, but the result was still one-sided. Only the winner this time is Chen Meng.

Sun Yingsha actually took the initiative in the first game, but Chen Meng was in a brave state and could compete with Sun Yingsha for speed and strength. In the first game, Sun Yingsha got the game point at 10-9, but Chen Meng made a determined effort to save the match point quickly and stubbornly. After that, the two sides fought against each other in multiple boards, and it was not until 15-14 that the winner was decided.

Chen Meng’s confidence increased greatly after winning the first game, and he played even better in the next three games. Sun Yingsha is a little worried, and the whole person’s state is not so excited. Sun Yingsha actually thought of many ways, but Chen Meng really showed impeccable performance, which could resolve Sun Yingsha’s changes in serving and attacking. Chen Meng won the next three games with 11-6, 11-8 and 11-9 respectively.

After the game, Chen Meng concluded that I really didn’t expect to win the game with a score of 4-0. Recently, Sasha’s state is very good. Today, I am holding the mentality that I can win one more point. Before the game, I just wanted to win the next game. Sasha may have entered the finals in a row recently, and she is a little tired. I hope I can continue to enjoy such a good stage, show myself more and do my best in the competition.

Chen Meng was right. She put down her posture and attacked her opponent, which really mobilized her to play better. Sun Yingsha may be physically tired and didn’t play her own thing in this game. To tell the truth, Chen Meng really played well in this game. I would also like to congratulate Chen Meng on his qualification to win the championship in the final.

After Sun Yingsha lost the game, Liu Guoliang, chairman of table tennis, found Sasha in particular and said something to her with a smile. It should be some encouragement for Sasha. Sun Yingsha’s progress is obvious to all, and Liu Guoliang also pays special attention to Sasha. No matter who wins the civil war of Guoping Jinhua, it is the pride of Guoping, so Liu Guoliang is in a very good mood. Satisfied with Chen Meng’s performance, and satisfied with Sasha’s performance.

The national table tennis women’s team is very strong, almost every competition will win the semi-finals and never let the champion fall behind. It doesn’t matter if Sun Yingsha loses. The Durban World Table Tennis Championships will be a stage for you to show your strength. The women’s singles final of the Macau Championship will start at 18: 00 pm on April 23rd. I look forward to the wonderful performance of Chen Meng and Manyu Wang, who will also stage the classic confrontation picture of the final of the 2021 World Table Tennis Championships in Houston. Come on!

Original article, welcome to pay attention to comments.

Feasibility study report on the construction project of intelligent agricultural machinery research and development center and agricultural machinery cloud platform

1. Project overview

This project plans to build an intelligent agricultural machinery R&D center and an agricultural machinery cloud platform by leasing R&D office space, purchasing advanced R&D and testing software and hardware equipment, and introducing high-level R&D personnel. The main research and development directions of intelligent application system of agricultural machinery include: machine condition monitoring system, intelligent (precise) operation control system (automatic alignment operation system, precision sowing control system, automatic film cutting and spreading system, adaptive intelligent variable spraying control system), online monitoring system of agricultural machinery subsoiling precision operation, intelligent early warning system, intelligent visual identification system and automatic driving system based on Beidou.

In terms of agricultural machinery cloud platform, advanced technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence will be used to develop and build agricultural machinery cloud platform. The agricultural machinery cloud platform of this project includes five layers: perception layer, transport layer, platform layer, application layer and presentation layer, in which the big data platform of the platform layer and the application subsystem/module of the agricultural machinery cloud platform of the application layer are the focus of research and development. As an application support platform, big data platform has the functions of massive data collection, storage, analysis, visualization and so on, which provides support for various system functions and services in the application layer.

The application layer has two major functional systems, namely "intelligent IOT management" and "comprehensive transaction service". The specific application subsystems/modules of agricultural machinery cloud platform include intelligent agricultural machinery information management system, intelligent online monitoring system of agricultural machinery precision operation, remote intelligent early warning system, intelligent agricultural machinery monitoring and dispatching system, intelligent farmland information system, expert decision support system, government subsidy auxiliary decision-making system, comprehensive transaction system, etc., which are used as agricultural machinery owners, agricultural machinery cooperatives, farmers, agricultural enterprises and agricultural machinery enterprises.

2. Necessity of project implementation

(1) Respond to the national smart agriculture development strategy and seize development opportunities.

In 2014, China put forward the concept of "smart agriculture". In 2016, smart agriculture was written into the "No.1 Document of the Central Committee" for the first time, which indicates that the development of smart agriculture in China has risen to the height of national economic strategy. According to the concept of industrial development, smart agriculture takes information and knowledge as production factors, and through the deep cross-border integration of information technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence with agriculture, it realizes information perception, quantitative decision-making, intelligent control, precise investment and personalized service in the whole process of agricultural production. It is an advanced stage of agricultural informatization development from digitalization to networking to intelligence, and it is an important trend of modern agriculture. It is also an inevitable choice for China to realize agricultural modernization and accelerate the transformation from an agricultural power to an agricultural power.

The "14th Five-Year Plan" period is an important strategic opportunity to promote the digital and intelligent all-round development of agriculture and rural areas. As a leading enterprise in the field of cotton planting machinery in China, Bo Shiran is committed to becoming a practitioner of the development of smart agricultural machinery and smart agriculture in China. In order to conform to the trend of the times and seize the development opportunities, the company needs to increase the investment in R&D and innovation of intelligent agricultural machinery and agricultural machinery cloud platform with the help of this project. Through the implementation of this project, the company will form a series of scientific and technological achievements of agricultural machinery intelligent application system, which will help to realize the intelligentization of agricultural machinery and equipment in the whole process of cotton planting, and will build an agricultural machinery cloud platform, which will greatly improve the company’s platform service ability.

(2) Improve the intelligent level of agricultural machinery of the company and the country, and enhance the value of agricultural machinery.

Intelligent agricultural machinery and equipment is an advanced type of agricultural machinery and equipment that integrates high and new technologies such as machinery, electronics, hydraulics and information, and realizes automation, informationization and intelligence. It has the characteristics of strong function, high working efficiency, safety, comfort and reliability, reducing agricultural materials and labor consumption, energy saving and environmental protection, and is an important development direction of agricultural machinery and equipment industry in the future.

In recent years, the state has issued a number of policies to strongly support the application of advanced technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, mobile Internet, intelligent control and satellite navigation in agricultural machinery equipment and agricultural machinery operations; This project will develop a series of advanced intelligent application systems for agricultural machinery control and monitoring, including machine condition monitoring system, intelligent (precision) operation control system, online monitoring system for agricultural machinery subsoiling and precision operation, intelligent early warning system, intelligent visual recognition system and automatic driving system based on Beidou, which will greatly improve the intelligent level of agricultural machinery equipment in the whole cotton planting process of the company, realize the all-round transition from "mechanization" to "intelligence", and greatly enhance the agricultural machinery value and product competitiveness.

(3) Build the ecological information center of intelligent agricultural machinery and realize the platform service ability of the company.

With the popularization and application of intelligent agricultural machinery in China, intelligent agricultural machinery will produce a large number of agricultural machinery operation data in the process of operation, and with the help of intelligent sensing terminals, a large number of farmland, soil and crop information data can be sensed and collected. The data resources of agricultural machinery, farmland, soil and crops are of great value, but at this stage, because China’s smart agriculture as a whole is still in its infancy, the overall development level is low, and the data resources of agricultural machinery, farmland, soil and crops are still in a relatively isolated and scattered state, which makes it difficult to exert their value.

Agricultural machinery cloud platform is the foundation and important tool for the collection and utilization of massive agricultural data resources. Through the application of big data mining analysis, virtualization technology, artificial intelligence and other technologies, the agricultural machinery cloud platform can provide a series of platform-based functional services such as intelligent agricultural machinery operation status monitoring, fault diagnosis, maintenance monitoring, precision operation online monitoring, remote intelligent early warning, remote intelligent monitoring and scheduling. At the same time, it can also realize the digital docking and information sharing of supply and demand resources of agricultural machinery ecological resources circle participants such as agricultural machinery owners, agricultural machinery cooperatives, farmers, agricultural enterprises, agricultural machinery enterprises, financial and insurance institutions, and provide them with a series of platform-based functional services such as customized business push, subsidy-assisted decision-making, supply and demand docking of farmland agricultural machinery operations, and agricultural materials trading.

The establishment of agricultural machinery cloud platform will help to promote the digitalization, intelligent connection and effective integration of data resources of agricultural machinery, farmland, agricultural machinery owners, agricultural machinery cooperatives, farmers, agricultural materials and other whole industrial chains, break the phenomenon of information islands in various fields of intelligent agricultural machinery ecology, thus building an intelligent agricultural machinery ecological information center and further enhancing the company’s platform service capability.

(4) an important carrier to realize the company’s leap-forward development and long-term sustainable development.

At present, the company has formed a series of cotton planting machinery products. In the core product cotton harvester, it has realized intelligence with the application of intelligent technologies and systems such as electronic monitoring system, integrated operating system, remote start-stop control and satellite navigation. However, there is still much room for intelligent improvement in the aspects of intelligent monitoring of machine state, intelligent operation control, intelligent early warning, intelligent visual recognition and automatic driving. In addition, the company’s current business is mainly to provide complete machine products and after-sales service, and it needs to further increase investment in the overall solution and platform service capability of intelligent agricultural machinery industry.

This project will introduce a series of high-end R&D talents by taking advantage of talents in Shanghai, which will effectively break through the bottleneck of the company’s high-end technical talents, significantly improve the company’s independent R&D ability and high-tech achievements transformation ability, and help the company greatly improve the intelligent level of agricultural machinery and equipment products and the platform comprehensive service ability during the whole cotton planting process.

Through the implementation of this project, the company will become the leader and enabler of digital, intelligent and intelligent changes in agricultural machinery ecology, and effectively enhance the company’s core competitiveness and industry influence. It will help the company to change from an agricultural machinery manufacturer to an intelligent agricultural machinery integrated solution service provider, realize the company’s progress to a technology-based and platform-based enterprise, and be conducive to the company’s long-term sustainable development.

3. Feasibility analysis of the project

(1) A good policy environment provides favorable conditions for project implementation.

In recent years, the state attaches great importance to the development of intelligent agriculture and intelligent agricultural machinery, including rural revitalization strategy, rural industrial development planning, agricultural mechanization, agricultural machinery and equipment development guidance, the No.1 document of the Central Committee, the national 14 th Five-Year Development Plan and other related policies, which clearly encourage and support the development of intelligent agricultural machinery and intelligent agriculture.

It is clearly stated in relevant policies such as Digital Agriculture and Rural Development Plan (2019-2025), National Rural Industry Development Plan (2020-2025), Implementation Plan for Industrialization of Key Technologies of Modern Agricultural Machinery, Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Industry, Fourteenth Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and Outline of Long-term Goals in 2035. Encourage research and development of key equipment technologies and intelligent control systems such as autonomous navigation of agricultural machinery, intelligent precision operation, intelligent operation monitoring and remote intelligent operation and maintenance management of agricultural machinery, promote the integrated application of intelligent sensing, intelligent analysis and intelligent control technologies and equipment, accelerate the research and development and industrialization of core components such as intelligent systems, and improve the intelligent level of agricultural machinery and equipment.

Support the deep integration of advanced technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, mobile Internet, intelligent control and satellite positioning with agricultural machinery equipment manufacturing technology and agricultural production and operation, support the construction of intelligent agricultural machinery Internet of Things platform and agricultural machinery operation and maintenance big data platform, accelerate the popularization and application of agricultural machinery operation monitoring, maintenance diagnosis, remote dispatching and other information service platforms, improve the informationization, mechanization and intelligence level of agricultural production process, and accelerate the development and construction of smart agriculture.

This project will focus on the research and development of intelligent agricultural machinery application system and agricultural machinery cloud platform, and the above policies have pointed out the direction for the construction of this project. The construction of this project meets the requirements of national rural revitalization, rural industrial development, agricultural machinery and equipment development and national economy, and a good national policy environment provides favorable conditions for the implementation of this project.

(2) Good application and implementation environment creates conditions for the development of the project.

This project mainly includes the research and development of agricultural machinery intelligent application system and the construction of agricultural machinery cloud platform. The main goal of the research and development of agricultural machinery intelligent application system is to form a series of scientific and technological achievements of agricultural machinery intelligent application system, realize the intelligence of agricultural machinery equipment in the whole cotton planting process of the company, greatly enhance the agricultural machinery value and product competitiveness of the company’s own products, and increase the promotion and application of the industry on this basis; The construction of agricultural machinery cloud platform is to effectively collect agricultural machinery and other agricultural machinery ecological related data resources, build an intelligent agricultural machinery ecological information center, and provide a series of platform-based functional services for agricultural machinery ecological participants with the help of technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence.

This project has a good application and implementation environment. Mainly as follows:

First, at the company level, as a leading enterprise in the field of cotton planting machinery in China, the company has formed rich accumulation in the field of cotton planting machinery with cotton harvester as its core product, and has good manufacturing capacity and market stock base, which has created good implementation conditions for the application of the intelligent application system of the project in the whole machine.

Secondly, at present, the overall intelligent development degree of agricultural machinery and equipment in the whole cotton planting process in China is low, and the intelligent application system of agricultural machinery has a good application prospect in this field.

Thirdly, at the level of agricultural machinery ecology, there are massive data resources in agricultural machinery, farmland and other links in the agricultural machinery ecology, which need to be effectively integrated and brought into play. Agricultural machinery ecological participants such as agricultural machinery owners, agricultural machinery cooperatives, farmers, agricultural machinery enterprises and agricultural enterprises have a large number of demand and supply services such as agricultural machinery intelligent control, mechanized crop harvesting services, agricultural machinery and agricultural resources supply, which need to be fully and effectively connected digitally to realize online resource docking and trading, which has laid a good foundation for the construction and implementation of agricultural machinery cloud platform.

Therefore, this project has a good application and implementation environment, which creates conditions for the development of the project.

(3) Perfect technical innovation mechanism and quality control experience provide a strong guarantee for the implementation of this project.

The company attaches great importance to technological research and innovation, and insists on relying on technological innovation to improve product quality and enhance enterprise competitiveness. After years of development, the company has formed a relatively perfect technological innovation mechanism such as R&D system, project management system and incentive mechanism.

The company has formulated the Control Procedure for New Product Design and Development, which regulates the whole process of design and development of new products and technologies from market research, project review, project establishment and project execution, ensuring the smooth development of products and technologies and realizing the scientific and standardized management of R&D projects. At the same time, the company has adopted necessary incentive systems and measures for R&D personnel, process technicians, production management personnel and other employees in various departments.

Reward the achievements of technology R&D innovation, production process optimization and benefit transformation of new products in different degrees, and actively guide research and development personnel, skilled workers and production management personnel to keep up with technology development trends and be close to market demand in R&D, so as to improve the success rate and market benefit of R&D, thus forming an effective incentive mechanism for R&D innovation and improving the enthusiasm and initiative of R&D personnel.

Perfect R&D system, project management system and incentive mechanism can effectively guarantee the smooth implementation of the company’s R&D projects, help stabilize the professional talent team, and then improve the development efficiency of the company’s new products, technologies and services. Therefore, the company’s perfect technological innovation mechanism will provide a strong guarantee for the implementation of this project.

(4) The rapid development of a new generation of information technology and intelligent control technology provides a guarantee for the implementation of the project.

In terms of next-generation information technology, with the rapid development of next-generation information technologies such as Internet of Things, Zhilian.com, big data and cloud computing in China and the increasing demand for new-generation information technologies in all walks of life, the technologies of Internet of Things, Zhilian.com, big data and cloud computing have penetrated into all walks of life. The application and popularization of new generation information technologies such as Internet of Things, Zhilian.com, big data and cloud computing are also accelerating. In terms of intelligent control technology, after years of development in China, the development of related disciplines, basic theoretical research and industrial machinery applications is also improving. With the gradual maturity of the application of related technologies, China’s new generation of technical personnel in the field of information and intelligent control has become more and more abundant, which has provided a guarantee for the implementation of this project.

4. Project investment estimate

(1) investment composition

The total investment of this project is 146,616,600 yuan, which includes 75,411,200 yuan for R&D and implementation, 54,199,000 yuan for software and hardware equipment purchase, 8,432,700 yuan for venue lease, 1,592,000 yuan for decoration project and 6,981,700 yuan for basic preparation.

5. Project site selection and construction scheme

(1) Project site selection

This project intends to obtain the project R&D office space in caohejing Emerging Technology Development Zone by lease. The relevant high-tech enterprises in this area are gathered, the transportation is convenient, the talent supply is sufficient, and it has a good location advantage. The project will be implemented in three years.

(2) Main raw materials and consumption of the project

The main raw materials of this project are all kinds of sensors, controllers, driving motors, display screens, etc., and the market supply is sufficient. The power consumption of this project is mainly electricity, and the infrastructure where the project is located is complete and the power and energy supply is guaranteed.

6. Environmental protection and measures taken

This project is an intelligent agricultural machinery R&D center and agricultural machinery cloud platform construction project, which mainly carries out the research and development of agricultural machinery intelligent application system and agricultural machinery cloud platform. The site used in the project is obtained through lease, and does not involve civil engineering; In the operation stage of the project, no industrial processing and manufacturing links are involved, and there is no industrial pollution discharge. During the operation of the project, a small amount of domestic garbage will be generated, which will be disposed by special cleaning and sanitation, and the generated domestic wastewater will be treated reasonably by sewage pipes, which will not cause pollution to the environment.

7. Economic benefit analysis of the project

The project itself does not directly bring economic income. The implementation of the project will greatly improve the intelligent level of the company’s products and the company’s platform service ability, help to enhance the company’s research and development strength, the ability to transform scientific and technological achievements, and enhance the company’s core competitiveness and industry influence, thus indirectly generating benefits for the company.

This report is a public part, and it is necessary to customize the feasibility study report for government projects, bank loans, investment decisions and other purposes to consult Sihan Industrial Research Institute.

Development trend and future prospect of artificial intelligence technology

With the rapid development of science and technology, artificial intelligence has become one of the hottest topics. Artificial intelligence refers to the technology that simulates human intelligence by computer to realize the ability of independent thinking, learning, judgment and action. In the past few years, artificial intelligence has developed rapidly, made many significant achievements and been widely used in various fields.

The development of artificial intelligence technology has brought many advantages. First of all, it can greatly improve production efficiency and labor utilization rate, and bring more economic and social value to enterprises and society. Secondly, artificial intelligence can provide more accurate data and analysis results to help people better predict and solve problems. In addition, artificial intelligence can also reduce the repetition, complexity and danger in work and improve work efficiency and safety.

However, artificial intelligence also faces some challenges and problems. First of all, the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology may lead to the disappearance of some occupations or the replacement of human skills. Secondly, the development of artificial intelligence may bring some ethical and moral problems, such as privacy protection, data abuse and so on. At the same time, there may be deviations and misjudgments in the algorithms and decisions of artificial intelligence, and it is necessary to strengthen supervision and regulation.

In order to give full play to the advantages of artificial intelligence, we need to take some countermeasures. First of all, we need to strengthen the research and innovation of artificial intelligence technology and accelerate the application and promotion of artificial intelligence technology in various fields. Secondly, we need to strengthen the supervision and regulation of artificial intelligence technology, establish relevant laws and moral standards, and protect human rights and interests. Finally, we need to improve people’s skill level and adaptability through education and training, so as to prepare for future career development.

In a word, artificial intelligence is a promising technology, which brings many conveniences and advantages to human beings. However, we also need to recognize the challenges and problems faced by artificial intelligence technology and take some countermeasures to ensure that the development of artificial intelligence can better serve human needs and interests.