标签归档 杭州桑拿

Where is the difference in the "plastic reduction" of express takeaway?

  Where is the difference in the "plastic reduction" of express takeaway?

  The survey shows that China’s express delivery industry generates about 1.80 million tons of plastic waste every year. At the same time, food delivery is also the "hardest hit area" of plastic packaging, often "bag in bag". The "white waste" brought by express delivery has become a regulatory pain point.


  "Now the express delivery is piled up like a mountain, and half of the packaging is plastic." On November 12, Liu Shan (a pseudonym), a courier brother in Fengtai, Beijing, was worried about the resulting plastic waste pollution while running around for the seemingly endless express delivery.

  The rapid development of online shopping has brought further prosperity to the express delivery industry. On November 11, on the day of the shopping carnival, with 675 million pieces of express delivery, there were 675 million express packages.

  Zhang Deyuan, deputy director of the Research Office of the National Development and Reform Commission’s Institute of Macroeconomics and System Reform, said in an interview with a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Network that the total number of express deliveries this year is expected to reach 80 billion, of which about 20% are packed in plastic bags. The "white waste" brought by online shopping has become a pain point for the supervision of the "plastic restriction order".

  Where is the difficulty in implementing the "plastic restriction order"? According to a survey conducted by the official Weibo of China Youth Daily, 59.7% of respondents preferred "changing public habits", 16.8% of respondents believed that "it is difficult to develop and promote new materials", 12.7% of respondents chose "shopping costs increase", and 10.7% of respondents said that "new fields are difficult to supervise".

  "Compared to cartons, plastic bags at 0.3 yuan each are cheaper"

  Zhu Wen (a pseudonym), the brother of Beijing Express, said that among the more than 200 express deliveries he delivered on November 11, more than 100 were packaged in plastic, mainly some clothing, quilts, shoes, etc.

  The reporter visited and found that the use of plastic packaging in the outer packaging of express deliveries delivered by many couriers accounted for 30% to 50%. Some express deliveries using carton packaging also place plastic fillers in the boxes to ensure the safety of goods transportation, and most of them are sealed with tape outside the boxes.

  When the courier arrives in the hands of consumers, it often goes through multiple processes. In order to prevent damage, some merchants will choose to pack multiple layers or even over-pack before sending the courier. Most of these packaging materials are purchased nearby or at a low price. Search an e-commerce platform, 100 35 × 45cm courier packaging bags are 14.2 yuan, and in some stores a packaging bag is as low as 0.039 yuan.

  In addition to express delivery, takeaway is also the "hardest hit area" of plastic packaging, and "bag in bag" situations often occur. According to the reporter’s observation, consumers order a rice noodle on the takeaway platform, and the powder and soup are packed in two plastic boxes separately. In order to prevent spillage, some merchants also wrap a layer of plastic wrap on the soup box, put it in a separate plastic bag, and then put everything in a large plastic bag.

  Some couriers give preference to plastic bags. Zhu Wen said that when sending, he hardly uses cartons, and probably uses more than 10 bags a day to pack for consumers. On the one hand, plastic bags are portable, and on the other hand, they are based on cost considerations. For example, for a 12 yuan courier, he can get 2 yuan service fee, of which the packaging fee needs to be paid by himself. "Compared with cartons, plastic bags are generally cheaper at 0.3 yuan each."

  "Plastic reduction" has a long way to go. According to the statistics of the Plastics Recycling Professional Committee of the China Plastics Association, our country uses about 3 billion plastic bags every day. As of 2019, the annual use of plastic bags exceeds 4 million tons. Another survey shows that China’s express delivery industry generates about 1.80 million tons of plastic waste every year.

  Where is the difficulty of "plastic reduction" in the field of e-commerce?

  Since the implementation of the "plastic restriction order" in 2008, "plastic reduction" has been running for 11 years. In recent years, as emerging business forms, e-commerce, takeaway and other fields have once become "blank areas" of the "plastic restriction order".

  On January 19 this year, the "Opinions on Further Strengthening the Control of Plastic Pollution" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), known as the upgraded "Plastic Limit Order", was released, and the takeaway and e-commerce fields were officially included in the scope of the "Plastic Limit Order". The opinion also clearly states that by the end of 2022, postal express outlets in Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and other provinces and cities will first ban the use of non-degradable plastic packaging bags, disposable plastic woven bags, etc., to reduce the use of non-degradable plastic tape. By the end of 2025, postal express outlets across the country will be covered.

  In contrast to the huge amount of use, the collection rate of plastic bags is very low. On November 11 last year, the "Research Report on the Characteristics and Management of China’s Express Packaging Waste" jointly released by environmental protection organizations Greenpeace pointed out that in 2018, our country’s express delivery industry consumed a total of 851,800 tons of plastic packaging materials. Due to the difficulty of recycling plastic express packaging waste, high regeneration costs and low regeneration profits, about 99% of our country’s express packaging waste plastics (mass ratio) were mixed into domestic waste.

  Consumers rarely pay directly for express packaging, which affects the "plastic reduction" in the field of express delivery. Some netizens said that most of the time online shopping is free shipping, compared with supermarket shopping, the feeling of using plastic bags is not obvious, and they rarely pay attention to plastic waste in the e-commerce field.

  "The difficulty is that it is too scattered." Zhang Deyuan said that compared with ordinary supermarkets, the plastic packaging users in the e-commerce field are mostly small merchants. This group is large in number, scattered in main body, difficult to supervise and expensive to enforce.

  At present, the alternative product Research & Development production of plastic packaging is still not mature enough, and the circulation efficiency of domestic express packaging is not high. Zhang Deyuan takes degradable plastic bags as an example. The cycle of domestic express packaging from procurement, warehousing to circulation is about 30 days, which is a certain gap compared with foreign countries. For example, Amazon’s logistics efficiency is about 13.5 days. Long storage time of degradable plastic bags may lead to performance degradation and affect the use effect.

  Some netizens expressed that they wanted to do their part to reduce white pollution, but had to use plastic bags in the absence of suitable alternatives.

  At the end of last year, an online poll conducted by China Youth Daily showed that 86.6% of respondents felt that there was a waste of plastic bags in the e-commerce sector. 53.0% of respondents said they were willing to pay a certain amount for e-commerce to use reusable environmentally friendly packaging.

  Press the "acceleration button" for "plastic reduction" in many places.

  Faced with the big problem of "white pollution", various places have continued to make efforts on "plastic reduction". So far, more than 20 provinces have issued an upgraded version of the "plastic restriction order", pressing the "acceleration button" for "plastic reduction".

  Among them, six major industries such as food delivery and e-commerce have become the key "plastic reduction" objects of Beijing’s new version of the "plastic restriction order". On November 10, the "Beijing Plastic Pollution Control Action Plan (2020-2025) (exposure draft) " released by Beijing pointed out that by the end of this year, the city’s postal express and e-commerce distribution outlets will have a "slimming tape" packaging ratio of 90%. By the end of 2022, the city’s postal express outlets will ban the use of non-degradable plastic packaging bags, woven bags, etc. By the end of 2025, the city’s postal express outlets will ban the use of non-degradable plastic tape, and the responsibility will be implemented to specific units. This is also known as the "strictest plastic restriction order" by netizens.

  The "plastic reduction" in the field of e-commerce is a systematic project that requires platforms, merchants, and consumers to work together to create a green logistics system from the production, procurement, use, and recycling of plastic packaging.

  "Platform companies should be leaders in the control of plastic pollution." Zhang Deyuan believes that platform companies in the fields of e-commerce, express delivery, and takeaway should strengthen the management of merchants settled on the platform, formulate alternative implementation plans for reducing the amount of disposable plastic products, and implement "green merchant leadership plans" and "green packaging points activities" to encourage and guide merchants to take the initiative to reduce the use of disposable plastic packaging. The postal express industry should increase the use of green packaging and recyclable packaging. Operating merchants should be "executors" of green consumption patterns.

  At the same time, the research and development of alternative products will usher in new opportunities. Zhang Deyuan suggested that express delivery companies and packaging material production and development companies should strengthen innovation. At present, some companies are developing degradable plastic bags.

  On the consumer side, you can consider adopting a separate pricing and charging strategy. Zhang Deyuan said that consumers spend money and have a clear sense of use, which can indirectly enhance consumers’ environmental awareness. If plastic packaging is used, it should be classified for subsequent disposal and resource utilization.

  In addition, Zhang Deyuan also suggested that while enjoying the convenience brought by modern business models, consumers should continuously raise their awareness of environmental protection and minimize the use of disposable plastic utensils when ordering takeout and online shopping.

Lei Jun: The price of Xiaomi car has not been fixed, but there is no rival within 500,000 yuan, and there is no "beggar in the middle" version.

On December 28th, 2023, Beijing and Xiaomi held the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference, and the first model of Xiaomi Automobile "Xiaomi SU7" was displayed on the screen. Vision china diagram

Xiaomi car, which has not disclosed the official price, is still the focus of public opinion.

On January 8th, Lei Junfa Weibo, founder of Xiaomi Group, said that for Xiaomi Automobile, friends are concerned about many topics, and they will focus on answering the most typical 100 questions, which will be answered separately in three days.

"This time we just held an automotive technology conference, and the heat was so high that it exceeded our expectations. On the one hand, the huge heat represents the user’s expectation of Xiaomi car, and we are really happy. On the one hand, a large number of false information, rumors and malicious smears are also swarming. We will clarify in time, and we will resolutely pursue the legal responsibility of those who make rumors and smear. " Lei Jun said.

On December 28th, 2023, Xiaomi held the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference in Beijing, and Xiaomi SU7, the first product of Xiaomi Automobile, made its first public appearance. This model is positioned as a C-class high-performance coupe, and it is planned to be mass-produced in the first half of 2024. In addition, this conference officially revealed the breakthroughs in the five core technologies of Xiaomi Automobile, including key areas such as electric drive, battery, large die casting, intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit.

At the press conference, Xiaomi SU7 was almost spoiled, but the price remained mysterious, which became the focus of hot discussion.

For the price of Xiaomi car, Lei Jun once again stressed that it will not be 99,000, 149,000 or 199,000. The final pricing will be announced at the official press conference of Xiaomi SU7. "The prices of Xiaomi cars on the Internet are all false news, and we have not yet determined the final price."

There are also many netizens who are curious about whether the seemingly "expensive" Xiaomi SU7 will launch a low-end version, such as the "beggar-in-the-middle" version or the "Redmi version". In this regard, Lei Jun said that Xiaomi Automobile has a fully consistent product project criteria, and "experience priority" has always been put in the first place. Xiaomi SU7 is the standard version, and there is no plan to launch Redmi Automobile at present.

For the color of Xiaomi SU7 to be released in the future, Lei Jun revealed that more colors will be extrapolated beyond the disclosed Gulf Blue, Olive Green and Elegant Grey.

Previously, Lei Jun replied in the comments of netizens, "Is there an opponent within 500,000 (Xiaomi Automobile)?" In this question and answer session, Xiaomi reiterated that although this is a joke, it is also serious. "We are pragmatic and will not set those outrageous flag, so we are still very confident that Xiaomi SU7 has no rivals within 500,000 at present."

As for Lei Jun’s recent time allocation, Xiaomi responded in the Q&A that Lei Jun is still very concerned about the technology research and development of the mobile phone business. At this stage, his time and energy allocation is roughly as follows: at least 1/4 time is still spent on the mobile phone research and development business, 1/4 is concerned about the operation and management of the group, and 1/2 time is spent on the automobile business.

[The following is the full text of the question and answer]

1. A lot of rice noodle feedback. There are so many rumors about Xiaomi Automobile recently. Does Xiaomi Legal really have a job? When will the relevant progress be announced?

This time, we just held an automobile technology conference, and the heat was so high that it exceeded our expectations. On the one hand, the huge heat represents the user’s expectation of Xiaomi car, and we are really happy. On the one hand, a large number of false information, rumors and malicious smears have swarmed in, and we will clarify them in time, and we will resolutely pursue the legal responsibility of those who spread rumors and smears.

2. What is the pricing of Xiaomi Auto SU7? When will it be announced?

We really haven’t set a final price yet. Mr. Lei also introduced it at the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference. It is indeed a bit expensive, but it will be "expensive for a reason".

Not 99,000, not 149,000, not 199,000. The final pricing will be announced at the official launch conference of Xiaomi SU7.

3. There is a lot of news about the price of Xiaomi car on the Internet. Is it true?

The selling prices of Xiaomi cars are all false news, and we haven’t determined the final selling price yet.

The final selling price will be announced when Xiaomi Automobile is officially released.

4. Is the main content of Xiaomi SU7 basically finished?

On December 28th, 2023, the technical conference of Xiaomi Automobile was held. This time, we only introduced the five core technologies of intelligent electric vehicles, and the products are only a brief introduction. We still have a lot of technologies and product contents that have not been developed. I will introduce it to you in detail at the official conference of Xiaomi SU7.

5. Is the greater the pressure, the better? Why is Xiaomi die-casting 9100t?

What we often talk about here is the clamping force of large die casting. The determination of clamping force is designed by die casting. After millet integrated die casting, the floor is larger and more complex than Tesla Model Y, so the rated clamping force of 9100t is finally selected. In actual use, the maximum clamping force of millet under super high pressure is 9500t, and the stable value can reach 9300t t.

Clamping force is not the only index of large die casting technology. The properties of heat-free alloy raw materials, die-casting island cluster design, defect detection and so on are the core indexes to measure the large die-casting technology. Xiaomi is currently the only car company in the world and the only one in China with self-developed heat-free alloy materials and self-developed large die-casting island clusters.

6. Someone on the Internet said that Xiaomi’s big die casting was directly renamed from Haitian’s existing 8800t die casting machine. Is this true?

Of course not. Xiaomi Super Die-casting is 9100t (ton), which is not the model, but the actual rated clamping force. In fact, the clamping force of Xiaomi Super Die-casting Cluster in normal operation can reach 9500t. It is worth noting that Xiaomi’s super-large 9100t die casting machine was jointly developed by Xiaomi and Haitian. Based on the existing die casting machine technology, Xiaomi’s R&D team carried out 11 patent design innovations, most of which were invention patents, such as A I actively optimized the injection parameter setting system. But the die casting machine is only a link. Xiaomi has developed the whole die casting cluster system, including 60 equipments and 433 process parameters. For details, please click this link: Learn about Xiaomi Super Die-casting Cluster.

7. If it really hits a large die casting, how high is the maintenance cost of Xiaomi?

The tail of Xiaomi SU7 adopts a three-stage design, and the buffer zone is designed on the basis of the integrated large die-casting floor. Conventional collision only needs to replace the buffer collapse zone, and the maintenance cost is the same as that of the traditional design. When encountering extremely high-speed collision, the integrated large die-casting floor can provide better safety protection.

Generally speaking, the integrated floor design of Xiaomi SU7 after large die-casting is: the maintenance cost of small collision is not painful, and the big collision is stronger to protect your safety. It is the best solution at present.

8. Is the yield of millet die casting high? Will it bring quality problems if you use large die casting as soon as you come up?

Large die casting technology is a typical long-term technology, and it is also a ticket for future head car companies. From the very beginning, Xiaomi Automobile decided to research the whole stack and invest in two sets of die-casting island clusters at one time. In order to ensure foolproof, we also added a set of traditional stamping schemes at that time, and three schemes were done at the same time. Finally, the Xiaomi Super Die Casting Project landed smoothly.

At the same time, our self-developed technologies related to large die-casting island include temperature control system, aluminum liquid transfer system, injection system, pouring and drainage system, etc., and through our self-developed AI defect detection system, we can ensure the yield of millet SU7 integrated large die-casting floor.

9. What is the actual performance of Xiaomi Titan alloy? Is the self-developed alloy just to save costs?

Xiaomi Titan alloy is excellent in die-casting performance, mechanical properties, durability, recyclability, economy and so on. Xiaomi Titan alloy is also added with 40% recycled aluminum, which is very environmentally friendly. Xiaomi has become the only automobile manufacturer in China and the only one in the world with mass-produced self-developed large die-casting materials. As for why the alloy materials were developed by ourselves at that time, I also talked about it at the press conference. It was because the requirements of large die casting for alloy raw materials were extremely harsh. At that time, the supplier’s formula could not meet our requirements, so we had to develop the materials by ourselves. The cost of self-developed materials was definitely much higher than that of directly using mature schemes.

10. Is Xiaomi Titan alloy really self-developed?

Yes Some netizens may have been misled by the wrong information before. What everyone saw was the chat record of Professor Yang of a university. In fact, Professor Yang quickly clarified it. Praise for Professor Yang’s spirit of seeking truth from facts, and also regret the misunderstanding caused by it. I hope everyone can help me forward and clarify.

11. What’s the difference between the specific formula of Xiaomi Titan alloy?

Related patents have been publicly available, and the proportion of eleven elements used in the alloy has also been disclosed. (Patent number ZL 2023 1 0604165.9)

12. How much of the Xiaomi super motor series is self-developed?

We have officially released three types of motors, and at the same time disclosed a pre-research motor that has been experimentally realized. Among them, Xiaomi super motors V6 and V6s are jointly developed with UMC and Huichuan respectively, with a rotating speed of 21,000 rpm. At the same time, Xiaomi has developed the Xiaomi super motor V8s with a speed of 27,200 rpm, and this information has also been publicly disclosed by Huichuan on the interactive platform of A-share investors.

13. Is Xiaomi Motor V6 an old product of UMC? Why are the models and names the same?

Xiaomi motor V6 is a brand-new motor jointly developed by Xiaomi and UMC. Through the joint efforts of both parties, the stress topology structure of the motor rotor has been improved, and the speed and power density of the motor have been greatly improved, and relevant patents have been obtained.

The so-called "Xiaomi Motor V6 is an old model motor of UMC TZ220XS000 in 2020" is purely a rumor. TZ220XS000 is named only for national standard rules: TZ stands for permanent magnet synchronous motor; 220 represents the outer diameter of the motor; X represents a resolver position sensor; S stands for water cooling and heat dissipation; 000 is the brand code of UMC. The same internal name does not mean the same motor, which can be known from the publicly available information in the industry.

14. Is the V8s motor mass-produced?

The V8s has been mass-produced and will be put on the train in 2025. At present, some automobile evaluation media have measured the engineering vehicles loaded with V8s motors, and the measured V8s speed can reach more than 30,000 revolutions. However, the relevant test is the limit test, and the rated speed of V8s is still calibrated at 27,200 rpm.

15. How did Xiaomi’s super motor achieve a high speed of 35,000 rpm? Xiaomi was more powerful than Tesla for the first time.

Behind the high speed of 35000rpm, there are many innovative efforts in structural design, material technology and so on. Among them, the most important thing is that Xiaomi used "laser in-situ curing carbon fiber winding technology" to carry out innovative design of rotor sleeve of high-speed motor, and obtained relevant authorized rotor patents.

Compared with the wet winding method of carbon fiber, which requires brushing resin for curing after carbon fiber winding; In the laser in-situ curing winding process of millet, carbon fiber prepreg tape is used instead of carbon fiber precursor and resin glue, and the curing of carbon fiber prepreg tape is realized by laser while winding on the same station equipment. The process is simple, one station is completed, and the tension is directly maintained during the winding process.

16. Is CTB inverted battery really the first in the industry?

The battery core is inverted, which has happened in the industry; The pressure relief valve is inverted, which has happened before. However, the CTB battery cells which are inverted at the same time have never been inverted before. This technical solution pioneered by Xiaomi is to ensure the ultimate battery safety and the ultimate space utilization.

CTB is Cell to body, which is the design ability of automobile manufacturers. It is not only the technology of battery manufacturers, but also the integration of battery pack and body. The upper cover of battery pack is directly the floor of passenger compartment. Xiaomi has 36 core patents. The structural design of CTB integrated top cover, side wall design, bottom protection and composite fiber backbone are all designed by Xiaomi. The low conductivity coolant, battery management software, Che Yun integrated safety early warning system and high voltage architecture are also designed by Xiaomi.

17. What specific benefits can Xiaomi CTB inversion technical scheme bring?

Xiaomi CTB battery pack adopts the inverted battery cell design. Compared with the traditional upright battery cell, the pressure relief valve faces downwards. With the only nonporous high-strength steel upper cover design in China and the most stringent thermal runaway safety standard in the world, the passenger compartment is completely isolated from the battery compartment in the limit state.

Even if the heat is out of control at 55 degrees Celsius, there is no open flame and heat spread, and the pressure relief valve is facing down and the cover is non-porous, which constitutes the ceiling of the battery safety protection ability.

18. How high is the aerogel content of Xiaomi battery? Is it standard?

Xiaomi SU7 adopts the industry’s top 17 layers of high-voltage insulation protection, and customizes the strongest active cooling technology in the industry: the cooling area of double large surfaces reaches the highest level of 7.8m2, which is four times the industry average. At the same time, 165 pieces of the most advanced aerogel insulation materials in the industry are laid on both sides of the battery cell, which can resist the high temperature of 1000°C at the highest.

During the test, our engineers were extremely confident in innovative materials and processes, and dared to put their hands close to aerogel materials and directly burn them with a 1000°C spray gun flame on the other side, which was still safe and sound.

19. Some netizens wonder whether the thermal management of Xiaomi SU7 can only reach -20℃ because it can adapt to low temperature. Is this true?

At present, there is no strict specification about the working scope of heat pump in the industry. Some enterprises claim that it can be as low as -30℃, but it is not a pure "air source heat pump", but a heater or water source heat pump is working.

It was revealed at the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference that -20℃ relies on a pure air source heat pump and can still obtain heat from the air.

If we follow the same caliber of the above-mentioned related companies and add heaters, the overall thermal management ability of Xiaomi Automobile can be as low as -30℃ or even lower. Therefore, Xiaomi automobile can challenge the "king of winter trams", and it can be said that "trams have no fear of winter".

20. Is the Modena platform of Xiaomi Automobile completely self-developed?

The Modena platform of Xiaomi Automobile is a self-developed automobile platform of Xiaomi. There have been rumors that Xiaomi Automobile uses other car factory structures, which is completely inaccurate.

100 "first", "only" and "most" design goals were established at the beginning of the research and development of the modena platform of Xiaomi Automobile. Some achievements were also shared with you at the Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference, and there are still more achievements. We will report to you in detail when Xiaomi Automobile is officially released.

21. Have you actually achieved the design goal of "100 first, only and most"?

We talked about "design goals" at the press conference. In fact, most of them have been achieved. Because of time constraints, we only talked about some of the leading technologies and functions of Xiaomi Automobile. More points, we will introduce to you in the future until the official release of SU7.

22. What can Xiaomi’s intelligent driving achieve the goal of "entering the first camp in the industry in 2024"?

The intelligent driving of Xiaomi automobile adopts a full-link self-research scheme. Moreover, the starting point of Xiaomi is very high. Based on the latest generation of the underlying algorithm-BEV+Transformer+occupation network, the large model technology is fully integrated into it, and the end-to-end perceptual decision-making large model is applied to the production car for the first time in the world.

23. Xiaomi SU7′ s elk test score of 82km/h is based on what standard?

Xiaomi SU7 elk test was carried out in full accordance with the international standard ISO 3888-2, and the elk test score was 82 km/h. If you are careful, you will find that the road width in the middle section of the test is slightly narrower than the national standard, which makes it extra difficult for yourself. Elk test is a comprehensive test that reflects a series of capabilities such as handling and body stability. After Xiaomi SU7 is officially listed, the media are also welcome to compare and measure it.

24. Will Xiaomi make a beggar-in-a-beggar version in order to lower the starting price?

Please rest assured that Xiaomi Automobile has fully consistent product project criteria, and "experience priority" is always in the first place. Xiaomi SU7 is the standard version.

25. Is a five-star safety collision standard? Is there a difference in collision safety performance between the standard version and the MAX version?

No matter which version of the car, the safety crash test results are top-notch. We chose the most stringent standards to design our products. Xiaomi SU7 series has reached the five-star safety standard of C-NCAP 2024, the five-star safety standard of E-NCAP 2023 and the excellent safety standard of C-IASI 2023 3G+.

26. Does Xiaomi car have only three colors? Will the production version have white and black? Will there be macho powder?

This time, we announced three colors of Xiaomi SU7, namely Gulf Blue, Olive Green and Elegant Grey. All three colors are very beautiful on the real car. Our design team has made great efforts in color research and development and car paint technology.

We also see many users asking if there is a classic black and white color scheme. We do have more colors to choose from, which will be fully introduced to you when it is officially released.

27. Why didn’t Xiaomi consider redesigning a new car logo?

We are very satisfied with the logo design of Xiaomi Automobile, which is in the same strain as the Xiaomi brand logo. It is our important brand asset, and aesthetics is a subjective matter. We will also listen to your different voices with an open mind.

28. Why was the first car called Xiaomi SU7?

"SU" is the abbreviation of Speed Ultra, and "7" is the series positioning determined according to the usual cognitive habits of vehicle positioning in China. The size of the vehicle is about the same as that of BMW 5 Series. High performance is Xiaomi’s gene. Tesla said not to build a slow train, and we did the same. As for how to pronounce it, we also discussed it seriously internally. In the end, everyone thought it would be called "Su 7", just like calling a friend’s name, which is more cordial.

29. Will Xiaomi SU7 be sold globally?

At present, we will focus on the official release and listing in China. But our ultimate goal is to make Xiaomi cars gallop on every street in the world.

30. Will Redmi cars be launched in the future?

Without this plan, at present, we are still focusing on the whole chain of production and sales of Xiaomi car, even specifically, our first car, Xiaomi SU7.

31. When can I see the real car of Xiaomi car in the Xiaomi home around me?

After the official release of Xiaomi SU7, we will provide you with a real car experience in Xiaomi Home in key cities across the country. We are actively preparing for this work, and please wait patiently for a while.

32. Mr. Lei said that Xiaomi had no rivals within 500,000 yuan. Was it a joke or serious?

This is a sentence that General Lei replied to netizens in the comment area at that time. Although it was a joke, it was also serious. At the press conference, we made a number of comparisons including design/performance/endurance/vehicle safety with Porsche Taycan Turbo/ Tesla Model S. The actual comparison results are very clear to everyone, and the pricing of these two cars is also very clear to everyone. We are pragmatic and will not set those outrageous flag, so we are still very confident that Xiaomi SU7 has no rivals within 500,000 at present.

33. Is General Lei focusing on building cars? Do you still have the energy to build a good mobile phone?

Mobile phone is still the core business of Xiaomi and the core foundation of our strategy of "people, cars and homes are all ecological". Mr. Lei is still very concerned about the technology research and development of mobile phone business. Last year, Mr. Lei said that at this stage, his time and energy distribution is roughly that at least a quarter of his time is still spent on mobile phone research and development business, a quarter is concerned about group operation and management, and a half is spent on automobile business. ????

False propaganda, brushing chaos, beware of being taken into the ditch by "live broadcast"

  The upsurge of online consumption brought by "double 11" has not completely dispersed, and many problems about online consumption have begun to appear. As a new way of online shopping, online celebrity’s "live broadcast with goods" attracted many netizens to place orders, but at the same time, many chaos broke out.

  "Live broadcast with goods" is tricky

  Because online celebrity or the stars themselves have their own traffic, bringing goods through them can not only broaden the brand’s popularity, but also guide the merchants to drive the sales of goods. However, the chaos such as false propaganda and brushing in the "live broadcast with goods" has gradually attracted everyone’s attention. The reporter saw on the live broadcast platform that online celebrity, with millions of fans, became the "king of goods" of double 11. A female anchor in the "live broadcast with goods" mask, in just one hour, thousands of people placed orders to buy. Some insiders told reporters that the influence of online celebrity anchor can’t be ignored, but the order data are not all true, some have the phenomenon of swiping orders, and some products exaggerate publicity and mislead consumption.

  Online celebrity’s false propaganda should be jointly and severally liable.

  Meng Huixin, assistant analyst of Legal Rights Department of E-commerce Research Center, believes that "live broadcast with goods" in online celebrity is a new e-commerce model compared with traditional e-commerce, so in this process, it is illegal for online celebrity to sell goods through live broadcast platform, or for other e-commerce platform merchants to sell goods through different channels, as long as there are acts of swiping bills and buying comments. In addition, "live broadcast with goods", as a new format of Internet sales promotion, has been admired by many consumers. In the Advertising Law, advertising is defined as the direct or indirect introduction of the goods or services promoted by oneself through certain media and forms. The expression of "live broadcast with goods" is more lively and interactive, and its essence is the same as that of traditional TV advertisements, both of which are advertising behaviors. Therefore, if the goods promoted by the live broadcaster involve the life and health of consumers or the false advertisements of services cause damage to consumers, they need to bear joint and several liability.

  "online celebrity brings goods" is easy to fall into the dilemma of rights protection

  Although online celebrity’s "live broadcast with goods" has been welcomed by many consumers, some "online celebrity with goods" have taken advantage of the lack of perfection in the content review mechanism and supervision and management of the live broadcast platform, and made false publicity by virtue of their own traffic, resulting in such problems as fraudulent live broadcast data, too many "three no products", false advertisements, and difficulties in protecting consumers’ rights. Meng Huixin said that due to the poor quality of goods, some payment methods of live broadcast platforms are mostly privately traded through convenient means such as WeChat, and some live broadcast merchants sell fake and inferior goods and then take them off the shelves, resulting in consumers not having purchase vouchers. Once a consumer dispute occurs, the later return and exchange cannot be guaranteed, and it is difficult to protect rights. As consumers, we should first improve our ability to judge commodities, and rationally purchase low-priced and niche commodities; Secondly, consumers should have the awareness of obtaining evidence and safeguarding rights when purchasing goods, and keep pictures and videos recommended by online celebrity as evidence in time; Finally, when encountering the "bottleneck" of consumer rights protection, you can choose to complain to the Consumers Association and other departments, or even bring legal proceedings. Finally, the development of the industry needs parallel platform supervision, the platform should strengthen the management mechanism, and the regulatory authorities need to strengthen law enforcement. (Reporter Zheng Yan)

Song Dandan’s "Peach Blossom House" famous scene, suffocating paternalistic authority was scolded for hot search.

After "Fifty Kilometers of Peach Blossom House" was broadcast in the first season, the awkward social interaction between Song Dandan and young people triggered a heated discussion. Since the second season of "Fifty Kilometers of Peach Blossom House" was broadcast, Eric Wang has become the only guest who has been shut out by Song Dandan. The life scene with the nature of the workplace has been constantly enlarged under the lens, and the misplaced intervention of the concept of the order of the young and the old has finally staged a situation of "countless minutes of embarrassment" led by Song Dandan. The high-density stalk-making ability and variety scenes in Taohuawu are even compared to the replica of Flowers and Teenagers 2, which will once again push Song Dandan, as the focus figure, to the forefront.

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source | zhizhu. com

"Nine Minutes of Awkwardness in Peach Blossom House" was pushed to the hot search, and Song Dandan became the storm point of this embarrassing incident.

To put it simply, the second season of "Fifty Kilometers of Peach Blossom House" was initially made like a meeting for newcomers to the workplace. This season’s program not only involves performance appraisal, but even "democratic voting" to send the guests with the lowest contribution value to the uninhabited island.

The life scene with the nature of the workplace has been constantly enlarged under the lens, and the misplaced intervention of the concept of the order of the young and the old has finally staged a situation of "countless minutes of embarrassment" led by Song Dandan.

The high-density stalk-making ability and variety scenes in Taohuawu are even compared to the replica of Flowers and Teenagers 2, which will once again push Song Dandan, as the focus figure, to the forefront.

△ Image content: Song Dandan forces everyone to dance in groups.

Song Dandan’s condescending speech with elders’ color was criticized for "selling the old by leaning on the old", including the bonfire party arranged by force in the program and the social terrorism activities from women’s group dance to group dance, but there were also criticisms on the understanding of the intergenerational gap between Song Dandan and young people, the recognition of efficient communication, and the push-pull vague speech of other guests (except Eric Wang).

△ Image source: Weibo User Comments

As early as the first season, Song Dandan’s awkward social interaction with young people triggered a heated discussion. The appearance of Eric Wang this season exposed the social problems of Song Dandan and other young guests. Eric Wang, who has received much attention and controversy because of ipartment, can be regarded as a "model" with strong personal will and self-persistence. Since the second season of "Fifty Kilometers of Peach Blossom House" was broadcast, Eric Wang has become the only guest who has been shut out by Song Dandan.

Obviously, under the social norms embedded by the concept of the order of the young and the old as the underlying logic, it is not simple for the younger generation to balance truth and confront paternalistic authority in a discourse circle full of workplace meaning, but in a collective community basically composed of young people,Paternalistic speech and subjective intimacy can not simply be attributed to the intergenerational gap.

Transferring the truth and keeping it true

The real boundary in the collective discourse circle

In the collective community,Transferring the truth becomes a kind of safety fence for self-protection.

Song Dandan’s paternalistic speech and performance-oriented program arrangement made this variety show a career test. This also means that young guests are bound to face a difficult choice: one is to disobey parents’ authority but be criticized. For example, Li Xueqin suggested that everyone should not rob the job, and Song Dandan immediately refuted and criticized it after a reasonable division of labor; The other is to transfer one’s true thoughts to conform to the group norms led by Song Dandan.

Obviously, most of the guests chose the latter. In fact,In the situation of collective expression or even collective aphasia, surrendering the truth becomes the best measure to escape the pressure. By surrendering the truth, the guests create their own security boundary.However, the security boundary shaped by individuals themselves is weak and narrow, which can’t withstand the impact and blow from the top pressure, and even further encourages the overlooking from the top.

△ Image source: Weibo User Comments

Obviously, transferring the truth is not an effective and reasonable way of collective discourse expression.In pushing and pulling, it not only intensifies the contradiction itself, but also wears away the power that really dares to refuse.In the presentation of the program, the real voice needs two factors, one is the absolute authority and the confidence given by the authority, the other is the paid warmth and collective voice without the authority.

As an old guest who has participated in the first season of the program, Song Dandan is carrying a kind of overlooking psychology of "I have more experience", and her paternalistic authority and the intervention of leadership thoughts are more reasonable to promote the attitude of "I should lead the overall situation". At the same time, it is obvious that the newcomers who just met can’t gather quickly and form a consistent resistance strategy in a short time, which also makes Song Dandan’s voice more and more intense while other guests can only listen to the arrangement.

△ Image content: Song Dandan proposed to hold a party.

It can be seen that the group norms of respecting elders and giving priority to experience in the program have become a chain that binds young guests, and the blade behind it is constantly wearing away and consuming their true selves.

On the surface, it is Song Dandan’s criticism that makes others breathless.Behind it, it profoundly reflects the helplessness of other young guests in the face of paternalistic authority and the reluctance to surrender the truth and conform to the norms.

Some netizens even commented that "if it is quiet, it will be different."

△ Image source: Weibo User Comments

Through the embarrassing nine minutes, we can see,In the collective discourse circle, the real boundary always gives way to the existing social norms or those shaped and formed by others to a certain extent.As the only Eric Wang who firmly refused Song Dandan’s arrangement, he won the applause of other guests, but others still couldn’t escape the arranged bonfire party and group dance.

What needs to be broken from transferring the truth to maintaining the truth is not only the shell of self-protection, but also the iron wall formed by existing norms.

Fuzzy intergenerational gap

True paternalistic authority

Undeniably, paternalistic authority is vividly interpreted in Song Dandan. The unspoken "I’m good for you" is vividly presented in Song Dandan’s lecture hall on marriage experience and life principles.

In the program, Song Dandan tells his own experience, which is classified as inferiority complex. namely"People’s strong inferiority complex will make you very rude inexplicably, so when someone is rude to me, I think he must be too inferior."

△ Image source: Song Dandan’s inferiority theory

It is naturally inappropriate to discuss this truth out of context, but in the collective community dominated by Song Dandan at that time, some netizens could not help but put this truth in the existing relationship, seeing it as a way for Song Dandan to establish and maintain its own authority, and even slightly smacked of PUA.

For example, "Li Xueqin was rude to me, so Li Xueqin felt inferior".

Regardless of whether the logical transformation from "inferiority leads to rudeness" to "you are rude to me, so you feel inferior" is smooth or not, such truth and expression actually contain hidden authoritarian ideas and commanding consciousness.

When forming a new collective, establishing authority is the first task of such elders. At the same time, the formation of Song Dandan’s natural leadership situation also proves that the establishment of authority is unnecessary. In the "inferiority theory" she conveyed,I am also rationalizing my psychological burden and strengthening the personality trial of "inferiority" that the younger generation needs to bear for being rude to her.

This proves that,Long-term paternalistic authority has become a habit and a matter of course, spreading around like cells integrated into capillaries.

△ Image source: Weibo User Comments

However, it is obviously inappropriate to blur such behavior with forced guidance into an intergenerational gap. Even from the idea of "for everyone’s good",Song Dandan’s self-identity and self-dedication, which obviously bears the imprint of the times, will inevitably hit a wall in the social circle dominated by the younger generation.

For example, in the part of holding a bonfire party and performing a program, the problem is not only that singing and dancing is no longer the first choice for the younger generation to break the ice, but also the oppressive feeling that Song Dandan forcefully binds others together on the grounds of "group building".The friction behind this and the audience’s anger were not that Song Dandan proposed to hold a bonfire party, but forced others to participate in it.

△ Image content: Dylan, Li Xueqin opposed the bonfire party

If surrendering the truth is the self-protection and compromise of the younger generation in the face of paternalistic authority, thenIt is Song Dandan’s responsibility to build his own authority blindly in dealing with young people.

In the collective life composed of young people, it is the correct starting point to integrate into dialogue. Equating experience with life experience, and molding one’s absolute authority on this ground is actually to further widen the intergenerational gap, and also to throw off the responsibility that one should bear in integrating into the new social rules.

It is much simpler to simply export ideas than to change behaviors. Song Dandan chose to form a collective around himself by creating authority. On the one hand, he was afraid that the patriarchal ideology in the traditional concept would be impacted and his position would be impacted. On the other hand, he was afraid that he would be difficult to integrate into the collective formed by young people.

Obviously, the generational divide cannot be a shield for paternalistic authority, and the gap that has already formed also needs to be changed by the elders.

Light produces shadows, but shadows follow light. Listening and dialogue can win the recognition of the younger generation more than instilling stories.

△ Image content: Song Dandan criticized everyone

Beyond parental authority and intergenerational conflict

Can you spy on an intimate relationship?

Song Dandan’s speech drew the audience back to "Family with Children" overnight, showing a kind of intimate relationship between mother and child/mother and daughter that she wanted to build.

Song Dandan was given an intimate perspective on the childhood filter with children at home, but after too oppressive "doting", intimate relationship became another generation term of suffocation.

In such a dialogue and exchange, the oppressive and compulsory export of the concept of elders makes the intimate relationship give way to the superficial discipline and conflict.But what is undeniable behind it is the goodwill from the perspective of self.For example, the initial intention of Song Dandan’s proposal for the party was to quickly narrow the distance between the guests, but there was a deviation in the choice of ways.

△ Image content: The initial intention of holding a party in Song Dandan

Aside from the specific realistic situation, the original intention of the elders is naturally to consider their younger generation, but the misplaced background of the times and the embedding of role identity make the original intention of the elders distorted in the process of communication.Behind it also reflects a kind of intergenerational trauma that continues in society.

Intergenerational trauma refers to the trauma that is transferred from the first generation of survivors of traumatic events to their next generation or the next generation through the mechanism of PTSD, which is manifested in excessive control or the transmission of social norms and beliefs.

When contemporary trauma becomes a microcosm of the times, elders hope to pass on their own trauma in the process of growing up, resulting in a forced discipline and output. "Fulfilling my (parents’) wishes" is a simple manifestation of intergenerational trauma.Adding what you think is right or wrong to the younger generation blindly has become a way for elders to heal their own wounds but express goodwill inappropriately.

△ Image content: Song Dandan provides marriage advice to Dong Xuan.

However, the intimate relationship without the connection of blood and kinship in the program obviously cannot quickly run into the contradictions brought about by the intergenerational gap. The expression of intimate relationship will inevitably give way to the community with interest attributes.

This also shows that when the intimate relationship with self-awareness of elders is rejected, we should reflect on whether it is in line with the public interest in the process of establishing intimate relationships. Simply put,The intimate relationship formed by Song Dandan’s self-identity collides with the newly formed public community with interest attributes, and the already misplaced and untimely intimate relationship is more prominent in the conflict of interests.

The intergenerational gap is the product of the times, which is difficult to bridge in a short time, but changing paternalistic authority can make the communication of intimate relationship more open and direct. Breaking the parental filter of "I am good for you", the true colors of the younger generation are equally colorful.

(Image from the Internet)


More than 27,000 people have been enrolled in the 2017 National Civil Service Examination since the 15th.

  BEIJING, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) According to the website of the National Civil Service Bureau, the recruitment of civil servants in the 2017 examination for central organs and their directly affiliated institutions is about to begin, and the registration time is from October 15 to 24, 2016. The written examination of public subjects will be held simultaneously on November 27th, 2016 in provincial capitals, capitals of autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and individual large cities.

  According to reports, more than 120 central authorities and their directly affiliated institutions and units managed by the Civil Service Law participated in this recruitment, and more than 27,000 people are planned to be recruited.

  In 2017, there are five main characteristics in the recruitment of civil servants by the central organs and their directly affiliated institutions:

  First, continue to attach importance to the orientation of employing people at the grassroots level.The recruitment of civil servants by party and government organs at or above the provincial level, except for some special positions and professional positions, is all used to recruit people who have been in grassroots work experience for more than 2 years. The positions below the city (prefecture) level are mainly based on recruiting fresh college graduates, guiding and encouraging outstanding college graduates to apply for grassroots positions and make contributions to the grassroots. In principle, about 15% of the positions below the city (prefecture) level in the institutions directly under the central government will be earmarked for the targeted recruitment of service grassroots project personnel who have expired and passed the examination, with the focus on recruiting university student village officials.

  The second is to appropriately lower the entry threshold for hard and remote areas.Conscientiously implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18 th CPC Central Committee on "improving the recruitment system of grassroots civil servants and appropriately lowering the entry threshold in hard and remote areas", and in accordance with the Opinions on Doing a Good Job in the Examination and Recruitment of Grassroots Civil Servants in Hard and Remote Areas issued by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Civil Service Bureau (No.61 [2014] of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security), for positions below the county (district) level directly under the central organs in hard and remote areas, Depending on the situation, measures such as appropriately lowering academic qualifications, relaxing professional restrictions, not limiting working years and experience, and separately delineating qualified scores in written tests should be taken individually or comprehensively to lower the entry threshold. At the same time, measures such as allowing institutions directly under the central government to take out a certain number of posts below the county (district) level to recruit for those who are registered in the city or county or who have lived and worked in the local area for a long time, and implementing the minimum service years of newly recruited civil servants should be taken to stabilize the grassroots civil servants in hard and remote areas.

  The third is to further improve the scientific level of examinations.Continue to order written examination questions for public subjects for posts above the provincial level and below the city (prefecture) level. The "2+X" examination mode is implemented for special professional positions of the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the China Securities Regulatory Commission, eight non-common language positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce, and the positions of the people’s police in public security organs, that is, in addition to the two public subject examinations of administrative professional ability and application, candidates need to take the professional subject examination or foreign language proficiency test in a unified way, highlighting the test of professional ability and quality to meet the actual employment needs of recruitment agencies. Guide some institutions directly under the central government to make interview questions independently according to the characteristics of the industry, and further improve the pertinence and practicability of the questions.

  The fourth is to further strictly inspect the work.According to the standards of good cadres, the recruitment agency will adhere to the principle of having both ability and political integrity and putting morality first. According to the requirements of the position to be hired, it will take various forms to fully understand the political ideology, moral quality, ability and quality, law-abiding, self-discipline awareness, honesty and trustworthiness, study and work performance, and the situation that needs to be avoided, and strictly review the files of the subjects, with emphasis on age, length of service, party age, education and work experience.

  The fifth is to further strengthen the safety of examinations. 《The Ninth Amendment to the Criminal Law has criminalized cheating in national examinations, including the civil service recruitment examination. The competent department of central civil servants will further strengthen cooperation with the central network information office, public security, industrial information, education and other departments, increase the application of anti-cheating techniques and means, and severely crack down on all kinds of exam-related criminal acts of cheating groups and illegal training institutions. Further serious examination of discipline, in accordance with the newly revised "Measures for Handling Violations of Discipline and Discipline in Civil Service Examination", severely deal with cheating personnel in examinations, and constantly improve the integrity archives of civil service examination. Strengthen the warning education and security education for examination staff, strengthen the examination safety management, and establish and improve the accountability mechanism.

Huichang, Jiangxi: Parent-child Garden Celebrates New Year’s Day

Kindergartens carry out a variety of parent-child garden activities. Liu Zhaochun
Kindergartens carry out a variety of parent-child garden activities. Liu Zhaochun
Kindergartens carry out a variety of parent-child garden activities. Liu Zhaochun
Kindergartens carry out a variety of parent-child garden activities. Liu Zhaochun
Kindergartens carry out a variety of parent-child garden activities. Liu Zhaochun
Kindergartens carry out a variety of parent-child garden activities. Liu Zhaochun
On December 27th, No.10 Kindergarten in Huichang County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province launched a variety of parent-child garden activities. Performing programs, writing Spring Festival couplets, cutting window grilles, making rings, and tasting delicious food … Children are immersed in a pleasant atmosphere accompanied by their parents, feeling the warmth of the kindergarten family and welcoming the arrival of 2024 with joy.

The computer must be installed with three masterpieces of Steam games, each of which is a boutique!

Today, I recommend three excellent game masterpieces on Steam.

The first paragraph: Fury 2. A masterpiece of shooting game, this game has a good picture, this game is for decompression, throw away all the accurate marksmanship and tactical play, and just do it directly. The gameplay is really refreshing and full of shooting sense. Don’t miss the end of shooting games. It’s super fun.

Paragraph 2: Resident Evil 3 remastered version. The quality of the game itself is good, except for the short process, there are basically no shortcomings. The game screen is very good, the rhythm is very fast, and the atmosphere is also very good. Players who like horror games should not miss it. It is super fun.

The third paragraph: The Legend of Ninja Dragon Sword. One of the most interesting act games on the computer, with good screen, smooth movement and strong sense of attack, is very challenging. Players who like hardcore games should not miss it.

Today is the whole content of this video. See you next time. Bye.

Liu Yifei was photographed in the hospital and was accidentally worn by netizens. The baby was white and glowing.

On September 17th, some netizens ran into Liu Yifei filming in the hospital on the public platform, which triggered a heated discussion.

The netizen wrote in the photo: "The goddess is beautiful. The yellow skirt is really beautiful, white and thin. It is very eye-popping in the crowd."

In the exposed photos, Liu Yifei’s head is long and white, and she caresses the little girl’s hair from time to time, which is very gentle.

Another netizen also took photos at the scene and praised Liu Yifei: "This woman should only be in the sky, and the world can get a few times."

Previously reported > >

"Fairy Sister" Liu Yifei is 36 years old! Tang Yan sent birthday wishes for 9 years in a row, and Kara Wai took a photo of his face. 1314: Happy birthday, Princess Sisi, love you forever.

On August 25th, Liu Yifei, the fairy elder sister, celebrated her 36th birthday, and Tang Yan, Kara Wai, took photos and sent birthday wishes.

At noon that day, Tang Yan took a beautiful photo of Liu Yifei and sent her birthday wishes: "Happy birthday, dear Princess Sissi, may everything you hope for be safe and everything you wish for come true! Everything is beautiful around you! "

It is reported that this is the ninth consecutive year that Tang Yan sent birthday wishes to Liu Yifei.

Later, Kara Wai, who collaborated with Liu Yifei on Ghost Story, took a photo and sent a blessing: "Happy birthday, I love you forever!" She also deliberately stuck 1314, very attentively.

In the photo, Liu Yifei and Kara Wai took a selfie with their shoulders pressed against their faces, and they were in excellent condition.

According to public information, Liu Yifei was born on August 25th, 1987, and she was titled "Sister of the Immortal" when she debuted. She once starred in the Golden Powder Family, Legend of the Sword and the Chivalrous Man, The Condor Heroes, Eight Dragons, Bronze Sparrow, Mulan, Dream of China and other works.

There is a new version of the instant score of Football Lottery

  How this newspaper can provide fast and effective services for lottery players has become a new move of lottery co-buying platform. From this, 500WAN.com launched a new version of "instant score", so that lottery players can know the real-time situation of the football match in one minute.

  The new version of "instant score" has added links such as the analysis data preview of the match on the basis of the original four contents of viewing the match, rounds, home team and score, which is convenient for the lottery players to check or compare the corresponding match data while viewing the score and directly use the data. At the same time, the new version of the "instant score" also adds the live TV information of the game, which is convenient for lottery players to know the viewing trends of key events in a week, as well as the weather conditions and venue information on the day of the game. (Cai Ling)

Development trend and future prospect of artificial intelligence technology

With the rapid development of science and technology, artificial intelligence has become one of the hottest topics. Artificial intelligence refers to the technology that simulates human intelligence by computer to realize the ability of independent thinking, learning, judgment and action. In the past few years, artificial intelligence has developed rapidly, made many significant achievements and been widely used in various fields.

The development of artificial intelligence technology has brought many advantages. First of all, it can greatly improve production efficiency and labor utilization rate, and bring more economic and social value to enterprises and society. Secondly, artificial intelligence can provide more accurate data and analysis results to help people better predict and solve problems. In addition, artificial intelligence can also reduce the repetition, complexity and danger in work and improve work efficiency and safety.

However, artificial intelligence also faces some challenges and problems. First of all, the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology may lead to the disappearance of some occupations or the replacement of human skills. Secondly, the development of artificial intelligence may bring some ethical and moral problems, such as privacy protection, data abuse and so on. At the same time, there may be deviations and misjudgments in the algorithms and decisions of artificial intelligence, and it is necessary to strengthen supervision and regulation.

In order to give full play to the advantages of artificial intelligence, we need to take some countermeasures. First of all, we need to strengthen the research and innovation of artificial intelligence technology and accelerate the application and promotion of artificial intelligence technology in various fields. Secondly, we need to strengthen the supervision and regulation of artificial intelligence technology, establish relevant laws and moral standards, and protect human rights and interests. Finally, we need to improve people’s skill level and adaptability through education and training, so as to prepare for future career development.

In a word, artificial intelligence is a promising technology, which brings many conveniences and advantages to human beings. However, we also need to recognize the challenges and problems faced by artificial intelligence technology and take some countermeasures to ensure that the development of artificial intelligence can better serve human needs and interests.