More than 27,000 people have been enrolled in the 2017 National Civil Service Examination since the 15th.

More than 27,000 people have been enrolled in the 2017 National Civil Service Examination since the 15th.

  BEIJING, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) According to the website of the National Civil Service Bureau, the recruitment of civil servants in the 2017 examination for central organs and their directly affiliated institutions is about to begin, and the registration time is from October 15 to 24, 2016. The written examination of public subjects will be held simultaneously on November 27th, 2016 in provincial capitals, capitals of autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and individual large cities.

  According to reports, more than 120 central authorities and their directly affiliated institutions and units managed by the Civil Service Law participated in this recruitment, and more than 27,000 people are planned to be recruited.

  In 2017, there are five main characteristics in the recruitment of civil servants by the central organs and their directly affiliated institutions:

  First, continue to attach importance to the orientation of employing people at the grassroots level.The recruitment of civil servants by party and government organs at or above the provincial level, except for some special positions and professional positions, is all used to recruit people who have been in grassroots work experience for more than 2 years. The positions below the city (prefecture) level are mainly based on recruiting fresh college graduates, guiding and encouraging outstanding college graduates to apply for grassroots positions and make contributions to the grassroots. In principle, about 15% of the positions below the city (prefecture) level in the institutions directly under the central government will be earmarked for the targeted recruitment of service grassroots project personnel who have expired and passed the examination, with the focus on recruiting university student village officials.

  The second is to appropriately lower the entry threshold for hard and remote areas.Conscientiously implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 18 th CPC Central Committee on "improving the recruitment system of grassroots civil servants and appropriately lowering the entry threshold in hard and remote areas", and in accordance with the Opinions on Doing a Good Job in the Examination and Recruitment of Grassroots Civil Servants in Hard and Remote Areas issued by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Civil Service Bureau (No.61 [2014] of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security), for positions below the county (district) level directly under the central organs in hard and remote areas, Depending on the situation, measures such as appropriately lowering academic qualifications, relaxing professional restrictions, not limiting working years and experience, and separately delineating qualified scores in written tests should be taken individually or comprehensively to lower the entry threshold. At the same time, measures such as allowing institutions directly under the central government to take out a certain number of posts below the county (district) level to recruit for those who are registered in the city or county or who have lived and worked in the local area for a long time, and implementing the minimum service years of newly recruited civil servants should be taken to stabilize the grassroots civil servants in hard and remote areas.

  The third is to further improve the scientific level of examinations.Continue to order written examination questions for public subjects for posts above the provincial level and below the city (prefecture) level. The "2+X" examination mode is implemented for special professional positions of the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the China Securities Regulatory Commission, eight non-common language positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce, and the positions of the people’s police in public security organs, that is, in addition to the two public subject examinations of administrative professional ability and application, candidates need to take the professional subject examination or foreign language proficiency test in a unified way, highlighting the test of professional ability and quality to meet the actual employment needs of recruitment agencies. Guide some institutions directly under the central government to make interview questions independently according to the characteristics of the industry, and further improve the pertinence and practicability of the questions.

  The fourth is to further strictly inspect the work.According to the standards of good cadres, the recruitment agency will adhere to the principle of having both ability and political integrity and putting morality first. According to the requirements of the position to be hired, it will take various forms to fully understand the political ideology, moral quality, ability and quality, law-abiding, self-discipline awareness, honesty and trustworthiness, study and work performance, and the situation that needs to be avoided, and strictly review the files of the subjects, with emphasis on age, length of service, party age, education and work experience.

  The fifth is to further strengthen the safety of examinations. 《The Ninth Amendment to the Criminal Law has criminalized cheating in national examinations, including the civil service recruitment examination. The competent department of central civil servants will further strengthen cooperation with the central network information office, public security, industrial information, education and other departments, increase the application of anti-cheating techniques and means, and severely crack down on all kinds of exam-related criminal acts of cheating groups and illegal training institutions. Further serious examination of discipline, in accordance with the newly revised "Measures for Handling Violations of Discipline and Discipline in Civil Service Examination", severely deal with cheating personnel in examinations, and constantly improve the integrity archives of civil service examination. Strengthen the warning education and security education for examination staff, strengthen the examination safety management, and establish and improve the accountability mechanism.


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