标签归档 广州葵花蒲典

What is the difference between Mercedes-Benz e300 and e200?


What’s the difference between Mercedes E300 and E200?

There are obvious differences between E200 and E300 in price, powertrain and configuration. First of all, E300 is more advanced and more expensive than E200. The official quotation of E300 fashion model is 465,800 yuan, which is 40,000 yuan higher than E200 sports model (basic model) of 425,800 yuan. Even the gap between E200′ s 4MATIC sports model (the highest configuration) and E300′ s fashion model is almost 20,000 yuan. Secondly, E300′ s powertrain is more powerful than E200′ s, and it is equipped with a 2.0T high-power engine with a maximum power of 190KW and a maximum torque of 370Nm, while E200 is equipped with a 2.0T low-power engine with a maximum power of 135KW and a maximum torque of 300Nm. Both engines are equipped with 264 920 models. Finally, E300 has more comprehensive configurations than E200, such as keyless entry of the whole vehicle, 360-degree panoramic image and steering wheel memory function, which are standard in E300. Therefore, if you want a better driving experience and more comprehensive configuration, you can choose E300.

Online Reading Club | Will the "First Aborigines in the Meta-universe" compete with human beings for jobs?

Attach importance to the study of the life course and living conditions of poets in Tang Dynasty

Time:July 1st (Friday) 19:00-21:00

Location:Tencent conference (ID: 202640101, password: 202207)

Speaker:Chen Shangjun (Senior Professor of Liberal Arts, Fudan University)

In the first lecture of "Exploration and Innovation: A Series of Lectures on the Academic Frontiers of Ancient Literature" held by the College of Literature of Shaanxi Normal University, Mr. Chen Shangjun from Fudan University was invited to give an online lecture on the life course and living conditions of poets in the Tang Dynasty.

Luo Yuming will analyze the composition of college entrance examination and solve problems for you.

Time:July 1st (Friday) from 20: 00 to 21: 30 and July 3rd (Sunday) from 20: 00 to 21: 30.

Location:Bi Li Bi Li (ID: 24782904), Tik Tok (ID: dyihsnkuvdbj)

Speaker:Luo Yuming (Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Chinese Department, Fudan University)

Professor Luo Yuming sent three public welfare live lectures to college entrance examination students on the eve of college entrance examination in Shanghai-"Luo Yuming will analyze and solve problems in college entrance examination composition for you". The first lecture "From understanding propositions to establishing themes" has come to a successful conclusion. On July 1st, the second live lecture "How to deal with opposing viewpoints" will be held, and on July 3rd, the third lecture "Concise and enriched context" will be held, helping the majority of high school students to break through the three major difficulties in college entrance examination composition!

A Man is a City —— Sharing Meeting of william carlos williams’s Paterson

Time:July 2 (Saturday) 19:30-21:30

Location:Shanghai Library Messenger WeChat Video Number

Guest:Lei Wuling (poet, translator and literary critic), Du Peng (poet and translator) and Sun Xun (director and actor).

On the evening of July 2nd, we will welcome the second sharing of poetry series-Paterson, the original work of American contemporary poetry, whose publication was once hailed as a "geological event" in American poetry circles. At the sharing meeting, you will learn about the "localism" of william carlos williams and Williams, the originator of postmodern poetry, what kind of poem Patterson is, why it is a "geological event" in the poetry circle, and Williams’ influence on the Montenegrin School and later linguistic schools.

Dialogue with Peter Singer: Animals and Ethics

Time:July 3rd (Sunday) at 15:00.

Location:ZOOM conference

Speaker:Peter Singer (Professor of Bioethics, Center for Human Values, Princeton University, USA)

In this activity, Professor Peter Singer will discuss the viewpoints put forward in Animal Liberation, which was originally published in 1975, and share his latest thoughts on these viewpoints. Professor Singh will first explain the progress made by people in the field of protecting animal rights and interests since the publication of this book, and then demonstrate that despite these progress, the way we treat animals is still inexcusable "species discrimination". Professor Singh will demonstrate that we should give equal consideration to the interests of non-human animals and explain the meaning of this view; And why we should change the way we treat animals, especially the current method of intensively raising animals for meat, eggs and dairy products. This change is very important for animals and humans.

Nanjing conference of "Call me in the snow in the middle of the night"

Time:July 3rd (Sunday) 19:00-21:00

Location:Tencent conference

Guest:Liao Weitang (poet and writer), Liang Xuebo (poet), Zhang Yuanyuan (editor) and Hu Xiaojiang (illustrator).

Snow and shouts belong to the distance in the poem. Poets test the soul by writing poems to see what it can change into. Where does it lead? Call Me in the Snow at Midnight contains a selection of Liao Weitang’s poems and a large number of new works during the 25 years from 1997 to 2021. It will bring us to lightning and whirling snowflakes, and make us slightly drunk or drunk. Then go gliding and accept the test of the night to see if you can cross from the magic of language and reach the distance. On the evening of July 3rd, we invited Liao Weitang, a poet, to be a guest of Nanjing Round Table School, and held the Nanjing conference of "Call Me in the Snow in the Midnight". At the same time, we invited Liang Xuebo, Zhang Yuanyuan and Hu Xiaojiang as the guest speakers.

Application of Virtual Human in Metauniverse and Real Scene

Time:July 3rd (Sunday) 19:30-21:00

Location:ZOOM conference

Guest:Tang Jiaxian (head of Virtual Human Business in Greater China of Digital Kingdom Group), Wang Yang (co-founder of Silicon Valley Blockchain and web3 Company), Zhou Zhewu (founder and CEO of Beijing Telepresence Technology Co., Ltd.), He Zhan (head of Omniverse in NVIDIA China).

Recently, the concept of "virtual human" is in full swing with the upsurge of the meta-universe. "Virtual human" refers to a digital human with human characteristics created by computer graphics, motion capture, graphic rendering, deep learning, speech synthesis and other computer means. With the return of virtual singer Teresa Teng to the stage to sing with singer Charlie, Alibaba virtual host Dongdong and Olympic champion broadcast the Winter Olympics live, and virtual network red Nonoka discusses the lifestyle with you … Virtual people are also entering practical application scenarios such as games, finance, cultural tourism, education and intelligent services. Is a "virtual person" a "person"? Will they replace "people"? On July 3, the online activity invited the scientific and technological elites in related fields to interpret the frontier topic of "virtual people" for you.

Music Map of China: Journey and Thinking

Time:July 3 (Sunday) at 21:00

Location:ZOOM conference

Speaker:Ye Yunchuan (music producer)

In 2022, the digital archive of China Art Lab of Harvard University will welcome a special collection: Music Map of China donated by music producer Ye Yunchuan to Harvard University, a huge database that systematically records more than a thousand existing China national and local music. On the evening of July 3rd, we had the honor to invite Mr. Ye Yunchuan to visit Harvard CAMLab Seminar to share with us the journey and thinking behind this grand and subtle plan from the perspective of the initiator and producer of Music Map of China.

Eight pagodas and Buddhist pilgrimage

Time:July 4th (Monday) 15:30-17:30.

Location:Tencent Conference (ID: 312113798, password: 200433), WeChat video number of Fudan University School of Philosophy

Guest:Liu Zhen (researcher, Institute of Literature and History, Fudan University) and Zhang Mengyan (lecturer, History Department, Suzhou University of Science and Technology)

In the Buddhist tradition, the concept of "Eight pagodas" often appears. During the spread of Buddhism, many hymns associated with the "Eight Pagodas" appeared. The specific contents of these texts are different, but most of them are related to eight representative deeds and places in the life of the Buddha. With the discovery of the Vatican’s "Ode to the Eight Pagodas", the research on the "Eight Pagodas" has been promoted again. The report will analyze the Ode to the Eight Pagodas, and discuss the changes of the concept of the Eight Pagodas and the Buddhist pilgrimage.

Grid thinking and Chinese typesetting

Time:July 4th (Monday) 19:00-21:00.

Location:The book said that the design of WeChat live lecture group

Speaker:Zhang Zhiqi (Art editor, Chief of Higher Education Press)

Zhang Zhiqi is one of the early designers who applied and advocated grid system in Chinese context. In this live broadcast, he will start from grid thinking and Chinese typesetting, share his experience of learning grid design through the application analysis of actual cases, and discuss with you the experience of using grid thinking and breaking through traditional methods in book design.

Inheritance and Innovation —— A Re-examination of the Chinese Learning History of the British Community in Guangzhou around the beginning of the 19th century

Time:July 5th (Tuesday) 9:00-12:00.

Location:Tencent conference (ID: 224155352, password: 2022)

Speaker:Wen-Sinn Yang (Assistant Professor of History and Culture, China, School of Chinese Studies, The University of Hong Kong)

To study the history of sinology in the west, we should first study the history of Chinese learning in the west. Around the beginning of the 19th century, the subjects of learning Chinese by the British community in Guangzhou involved such important research fields as Sino-Western diplomatic relations, Guangzhou trade, the spread of Christianity and the history of cross-cultural translation, which attracted the attention of international researchers for a long time. However, the learning experience, learning process and achievements of this learning group with employees of the British East India Company as the backbone are still insufficient. This period of history is also worthy of attention because it witnessed how British Sinology germinated in Guangzhou and grew up in the West. This lecture discusses the teaching and learning materials used and created by learners in this community, including: (1) Chinese dictionaries, textbooks, reading materials and reference books; (2) Letters, study notes and annotations recording the contents of learning Chinese and knowing China; (3) They write or publish works that popularize Chinese and spread knowledge of China studies. The speaker devoted himself to sorting out the historical materials of teaching and learning, including Chinese and European languages, to explore what the community learned, how to learn, how to transform old knowledge into innovation, how to try to spread new knowledge to native people and European society, and to investigate their contributions and achievements in the development of Sinology in Britain and even the history of Chinese learning in Westerners.

From Duck Eggs to Eggs —— The Change of Urban Diet in Modern China

Time:July 7th (Thursday) 10:00-12:00.

Location:Webex Webex Meet(ID:25192774383, password: 2bUTVxRnP55)

Speaker:Zhang Ning (researcher and director of archives at the Institute of Modern History of Academia Sinica)

Birds’ eggs have always been precious food. In traditional China, duck eggs are the majority in egg consumption, at least in the Yangtze River valley and its south. Duck eggs can be preserved for a long time because of their strong temperature resistance, and can also be made into preserved eggs and salted eggs. In addition, hundreds and thousands of ducks can be bred in large quantities in rivers and lakes and sold centrally. Therefore, since the middle of Qing Dynasty, duck eggs have been the main market circulation. As for eggs, due to scattered distribution, it is difficult to transport them to distant distribution markets while maintaining freshness before railways and ships are introduced. However, in the first half of the 20th century, due to the vigorous development of the egg industry, the output of eggs increased greatly, and port cities such as Nanjing, Hankou, Tianjin, Shanghai, Qingdao and other places often had a regular supply of eggs. In the towns along the railway lines of Jinpu, Pinghan and Jiaoji, the number of eggs in the market is increasing because of a large number of eggs. More importantly, with the introduction of western nutrition science, out of the habit that westerners only eat eggs but not duck eggs, biochemists or doctors trained in the west, in their suggestions for improving China’s diet, specially advocate eating more eggs regardless of duck eggs with similar nutritional components, and even rank eggs and milk as the most perfect food, so the importance of eggs has reached an unprecedented height. Under this modern exposition, duck eggs gradually retreated to the second line, and finally disappeared. As for preserved eggs and salted eggs, they turned around luxuriantly and became cultural commodities representing China tradition.

Attachment: Preview of offline activities

Beijing | Upper and Lower Cities: Urban Memories of Little Intellectuals —— Sharing Meeting of the New Book "City of Memory"

Time:July 2 (Saturday) 19:00-20:30

Location:5F One-way Space of Chaoyang Joy City, No.101 Chaoyang North Road, Chaoyang District

Guest:Yuan Ling (writer) and Wen Zhen (writer)

On the evening of July 2nd, Yuan Ling, a writer and media person, will come to the one-way space (Joy City Store) with his brand-new autobiographical novel "City of Memory" to talk about this book with writer Wen Zhen.

Beijing | Guqin Modern People —— A New Book Sharing Meeting of Qinren

Time:July 3rd (Sunday) 19:00-21:00

Location:5F One-way Space of Chaoyang Joy City, No.101 Chaoyang North Road, Chaoyang District

Guest:Lu Qingyi (director, writer) and Yang Lan (pianist, writer)

Director Lu Qingyi is known to the public for his documentary Four Springs, which reflects his parents’ daily life in their hometown in Guizhou. This time, he wants to introduce a young writer and pianist Yang Lan from Guizhou … On the evening of July 3rd, he came to the one-way space (Joy City Store) to listen to Lu Qingyi and Yang Lan talk about the eternal dream pursuit of mountain city teenagers …

Guangzhou | Exploring the Bottom Logic of Happiness —— Sharing Meeting of the New Book of The Bottom Logic of Happiness

Time:July 2 (Saturday) 15:00-17:00

Location:Fang MU35, Floor 1, taikoo hui, No.383 Tianhe Road, Tianhe District

Speaker:Liu Xiaobo (founder of Xiaobo culture)

There are always many questions about "happiness", and when happiness is discussed in the philosophical category, there will also be various answers. In the book The Bottom Logic of Happiness, the author Liu Xiaobo wants to think about the nature of happiness. On July 2nd, Fang Guangzhou Store invited Liu Xiaobo, the founder of Xiaobo Culture, to share his new book The Bottom Logic of Happiness with readers, and to discuss with readers the value of learning philosophy, the significance of combining philosophy with happiness in life and how to think, choose and judge in life.

Nanjing | Stone Story Cao Yin Nanjing —— Jiangnan Culture in a Dream of Red Mansions

Time:July 2 (Saturday) at 15:00

Location:Keyi Bookstore Xianlin Art Center, No.9 Shanhu East Road, Xianlin University Town, Qixia District

Speaker:Wu Lisong (Associate Professor, School of History, Nanjing University)

On the afternoon of July 2nd, Keyi Humanities Lecture Hall continued to introduce the theme of A Dream of Red Mansions and Nanjing history, and specially invited Mr. Wu Lisong, an associate professor of the School of History of Nanjing University and the guest speaker of CCTV’s Lecture Room, to give a lecture on the theme of "Jiangnan Culture in a Dream of Red Mansions in Stone Cao Yin |", and to reveal the profound origin and relationship between A Dream of Red Mansions and Jiangnan culture from the comments on the stone, Cao Yin and Jiangnan culture.

Hangzhou | Open the suitcase of detective and literature —— Sharing meeting of Wu Ang’s "The suitcase under the bed"

Time:July 2nd (Saturday) from 14: 00 to 16: 00.

Location:One-way space 1F, B103, Zone B, Yuanyang Ledi Port, No.58 Lishui Road, Gongshu District

Guest:Wu Ang (writer), Bad Bird (founder of the federal Zouma brand) and Kong Yalei (writer).

From news, interviews and columns to poems, novels and essays, this time, Wu Ang grafted his writing on reasoning. "Reasoning is stereo, and it is surrounded and Dolby, which stimulates people’s nerves at all levels." This Saturday, she will take her new work "The suitcase under the bed" as a guest at One-way Space Hangzhou Ledigang Store, and invite two friends to open the suitcase of detective and literature together.

Chengdu | The Story of Hella Cell that Changed the History of Human Medicine —— Sharing with the Reading Salon of "Eternal Hella"

Time:July 1st (Friday) at 19:00.

Location:Reading Beauty Space on the Second Floor of Wenxuan BOOKS, China Merchants Garden City, No.669 Shanbanqiao Road, Chenghua Avenue, chenghua district

Speaker:Luan Jing (reading promoter)

Rebecca Skrut, an American writer, spent ten years excavating a wonderful history spanning nearly a century, describing how Harriet Lax’s family spent their whole lives accepting the existence of Hella cells and the scientific principle of their immortality, uncovering the dark past of human experiments, and discussing legal issues of medical ethics and ownership of body tissues, as well as ethnic and religious issues. On the evening of July 1st, Luan Jing, a bookstore brick mover and reading promoter, read this book "Haila of Eternal Life" with you.

Chengdu | When we pursue the truth-Are science fiction and reality out of reach?

Time:July 2 (Saturday) 15:00-17:00

Location:No.8 Zhongshamao Street, Jinjiang District, No.68-70 Chengdu Yuanyang Taikooli

Guest:Tu Tu (publisher), Dai Haoran (executive editor of Edge of the Galaxy) and Nan Fei (senior editor of YOU Chengdu).

Yuefu and Baguangfen, one representing "the earth ballad" and the other meaning "the sea of stars", are deeply ploughed in their own fields and are glad to meet each other. This Saturday, they will discuss the reality of their pursuit together at Fangchengdu Store and measure the distance between science fiction and reality.

False propaganda, brushing chaos, beware of being taken into the ditch by "live broadcast"

  The upsurge of online consumption brought by "double 11" has not completely dispersed, and many problems about online consumption have begun to appear. As a new way of online shopping, online celebrity’s "live broadcast with goods" attracted many netizens to place orders, but at the same time, many chaos broke out.

  "Live broadcast with goods" is tricky

  Because online celebrity or the stars themselves have their own traffic, bringing goods through them can not only broaden the brand’s popularity, but also guide the merchants to drive the sales of goods. However, the chaos such as false propaganda and brushing in the "live broadcast with goods" has gradually attracted everyone’s attention. The reporter saw on the live broadcast platform that online celebrity, with millions of fans, became the "king of goods" of double 11. A female anchor in the "live broadcast with goods" mask, in just one hour, thousands of people placed orders to buy. Some insiders told reporters that the influence of online celebrity anchor can’t be ignored, but the order data are not all true, some have the phenomenon of swiping orders, and some products exaggerate publicity and mislead consumption.

  Online celebrity’s false propaganda should be jointly and severally liable.

  Meng Huixin, assistant analyst of Legal Rights Department of E-commerce Research Center, believes that "live broadcast with goods" in online celebrity is a new e-commerce model compared with traditional e-commerce, so in this process, it is illegal for online celebrity to sell goods through live broadcast platform, or for other e-commerce platform merchants to sell goods through different channels, as long as there are acts of swiping bills and buying comments. In addition, "live broadcast with goods", as a new format of Internet sales promotion, has been admired by many consumers. In the Advertising Law, advertising is defined as the direct or indirect introduction of the goods or services promoted by oneself through certain media and forms. The expression of "live broadcast with goods" is more lively and interactive, and its essence is the same as that of traditional TV advertisements, both of which are advertising behaviors. Therefore, if the goods promoted by the live broadcaster involve the life and health of consumers or the false advertisements of services cause damage to consumers, they need to bear joint and several liability.

  "online celebrity brings goods" is easy to fall into the dilemma of rights protection

  Although online celebrity’s "live broadcast with goods" has been welcomed by many consumers, some "online celebrity with goods" have taken advantage of the lack of perfection in the content review mechanism and supervision and management of the live broadcast platform, and made false publicity by virtue of their own traffic, resulting in such problems as fraudulent live broadcast data, too many "three no products", false advertisements, and difficulties in protecting consumers’ rights. Meng Huixin said that due to the poor quality of goods, some payment methods of live broadcast platforms are mostly privately traded through convenient means such as WeChat, and some live broadcast merchants sell fake and inferior goods and then take them off the shelves, resulting in consumers not having purchase vouchers. Once a consumer dispute occurs, the later return and exchange cannot be guaranteed, and it is difficult to protect rights. As consumers, we should first improve our ability to judge commodities, and rationally purchase low-priced and niche commodities; Secondly, consumers should have the awareness of obtaining evidence and safeguarding rights when purchasing goods, and keep pictures and videos recommended by online celebrity as evidence in time; Finally, when encountering the "bottleneck" of consumer rights protection, you can choose to complain to the Consumers Association and other departments, or even bring legal proceedings. Finally, the development of the industry needs parallel platform supervision, the platform should strengthen the management mechanism, and the regulatory authorities need to strengthen law enforcement. (Reporter Zheng Yan)

Lingao Volleyball Championship | The Haikou team reversed Chengmai 3-2 to win the first game.

  New Hainan Client, Nanhai Net February 19 news (Reporter Liang Zhenwen) On February 19 th, the "Chinese Dream Working Beauty"-"Witt Cup" 2024 Hainan (Lingao) Trade Union Elite Volleyball Championship entered the second competition day. The first game was played by Haikou vs Chengmai. Chengmai entered the state early and won two games first. After Haikou made adjustments, it pulled three games in a row and won the game with a 3:2 reversal.

  Haikou vs chengmai team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

  Because both teams regretted losing on the first match day, this game is particularly important, and the outcome will directly affect the final ranking. In the first game, Chengmai team took the lead in opening up the situation and took a 4-0 lead by blocking and smashing. Haikou team caught up with the score by adjusting and relying on defense, and temporarily fell behind by 3:7. Because the whole team in Haikou was not in the state, the offensive cooperation was wrong, and the spike was out of bounds, falling behind by 3:9, so we can only call it a time-out to adjust. Chengmai team is in a hot state, blocking, cross-attacking, fast-spiking and scoring, further expanding the lead with 15:8. In the end, Chengmai team defeated Haikou team at 21:16 and won the first game.

  Haikou vs chengmai team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

  In the second game, Haikou team adjusted its game state, and Chengmai team continued its game state in the previous game. From the beginning, the score was tight, and it was even at 3:3. Subsequently, Chengmai team quickly opened the score by 8:4 through defense. Haikou team can only call a time-out for adjustment. Unfortunately, the players were in poor condition, and they were still further pulled by Chengmai, falling behind by a huge score of 6:15. Surprisingly, Chengmai team called a time-out adjustment at this time, and Haikou team was able to breathe and adjust quickly, catching up with the score through defense, with 15:19. The final score was 21:17, and Chengmai team narrowly won the second game, leading with a total score of 2:0.

  Haikou vs chengmai team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

  At the beginning of the third game, Haikou team continued the momentum of the second game and temporarily led Chengmai team by 2:0. Subsequently, Chengmai team adjusted and slowly caught up with the score, but still fell behind at 7:10. Seeing that our team’s attack has been frustrated repeatedly, Chengmai team called for a pause to adjust. However, Haikou maintained its advantage, firmly defended, and continued to maintain its lead at 18:13. Chengmai team relied on serving and defending, chasing 3 points in a row and biting the score by 16:19. Finally, with the service, Haikou beat Chengmai at 21:17 and pulled back a game. The total score is still 1:2 behind.

  Haikou vs chengmai team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

  In the fourth game, both sides fought for the start, and Haikou led by 4:2. Chengmai team broke the opponent’s pass by serving, stabilized the defense and caught up with the score of 4:4. By strengthening defense, Haikou team played its own offensive characteristics and established a lead of 8:4. Then, by serving, he scored three points in a row and further expanded his lead with 11:4. Haikou team maintained its state, Chengmai team failed to adjust, and Haikou continued to expand its lead with 17:7. In this game, Haikou team won the next game with a huge score advantage of 21:11. The total score is 2:2, and the two sides are tied.

  Entering the fifth game of the deciding game, Haikou team continued its previous state and took a temporary lead of 3:1. Seeing that the situation was wrong, Chengmai team quickly called a time-out and made adjustments. The Haikou team continued its state, and maintained its lead by 9:3 through defense. Seeing that the adjustment was fruitless, the Chengmai team could only call a time-out again and make a second adjustment. The effect is not obvious, and Chengmai still falls behind at 5:11. The two sides fought again, and the Haikou team continued to lead at 14:8. Although the Chengmai team slowly recovered its state and approached the score with 13:17. Haikou team immediately called a time-out to make adjustments, and then scored in succession. Haikou finally won the game with a total score of 3:2 at 21:15.

  Haikou vs chengmai team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

  At present, Haikou team has two wars, one win and one loss. Chengmai lost both wars and basically missed the championship.

  The event was exclusively named by Hainan Weite Electric Group Co., Ltd.. Hainan Provincial Department of Tourism, Culture, Radio, Film and Sports is the guiding unit. The organizer is Lingao County People’s Government. Hainan Daily Newspaper Group, Lingao County Federation of Trade Unions and Lingao County Tourism, Culture, Radio, Film and Sports Bureau are the organizers. The co-organizers are Nanhai Net and Southern Metropolis Daily. Supporting units: Hainan Lingao Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd., Master Kong, Hainan Lan ‘an Sporting Goods Co., Ltd. and Hainan Carmei Sports.


Xi’ an severely cracked down on illegal sales of fireworks and firecrackers, and gave administrative detention to illegal personnel.

Near the Spring Festival, the phenomenon of illegal transportation, storage and sale of fireworks and firecrackers has increased. On January 31, Xi ‘an Emergency Management Bureau reported the phased results of the special action to ban the sale and control of fireworks and firecrackers. Recently, emergency management departments and other departments seized more than 250 boxes of fireworks and firecrackers, and many people were administratively detained.

The pictures in this article are all WeChat WeChat official account pictures of Xi ‘an emergency management.

On January 19th, Lantian County Emergency Management Bureau, together with the county public security bureau, seized an illegal operation and storage of fireworks and firecrackers during the joint operation of "cracking down on illegal activities" against Tangyu Town. After on-site investigation and inspection, the illegal acts of the relevant responsible persons in operating without a license and illegally storing fireworks and firecrackers are true. Law enforcement officers and public security police sealed up and detained 186 pieces (boxes) of fireworks and firecrackers seized at the scene, controlled the illegal personnel, and handed them over to the public security department for public security detention for 10 days according to law.

From January 22nd to 27th, Lianhu District Safety Committee Office actively supervised and coordinated public security, emergency, market supervision, urban management bureau and other departments and sub-district offices, and comprehensively promoted the control of fireworks and firecrackers. This week, joint law enforcement was carried out three times in the whole region and twice in the streets. A total of 703 people were dispatched, 643 people were inspected, and 11 pieces of fireworks and firecrackers were seized. Administrative compulsory measures were taken against a mobile vendor who illegally sold fireworks and firecrackers.

On January 25th, Xixian New Area Fengxi New Town Safety Supervision Department, together with Diaotai Street Office and Tongwen Road Police Station, launched a joint inspection of fireworks and firecrackers in the jurisdiction. During the inspection, a mobile vendor illegally selling fireworks and firecrackers was found in the Diaotai section of Weihe River embankment, and more than 10 boxes of fireworks and firecrackers were seized on the spot. The legal sale and storage were given administrative detention by the public security department for 5 days.

On the evening of January 26th, Baqiao District Emergency Management Bureau, together with the street office, public security, market supervision, pollution control and haze reduction and other departments, carried out the night inspection of fireworks and firecrackers on the streets of Textile City. In accordance with the general requirements of "full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement and practical results", the inspection team conducted night inspections on the illegal sales of fireworks and firecrackers. At the scene, an illegal mobile sales stall of fireworks and firecrackers was seized, and more than 10 small fireworks were collected in a box.

On January 29th, weiyang district Emergency Management Bureau, together with Seoul Street Office and Seoul Police Station, carried out verification and inspection on the "illegal storage and sale of fireworks and firecrackers in a residential building in Huixi Village" reported by the masses. After verification, the report was true, and more than 20 boxes of fireworks and firecrackers were stored in a private house in the reported place. The police of Seoul police station collected the fireworks and firecrackers illegally stored at the scene and transported them to a safe area. Relevant illegal personnel have been handed over to the public security department and detained for 10 days according to law.

On January 29th, Chanba Ecological Zone Emergency Management Bureau launched a crackdown on illegal sales of fireworks and firecrackers in key areas within its jurisdiction. The inspection team found an illegal sales stall while inspecting the park on the south side of Lake No.1, and law enforcement officers banned it according to law and temporarily detained 15 pieces (boxes) of fireworks.

Relevant laws and regulations:

On November 16, 2023, in order to further improve the ban on the sale and release of fireworks and firecrackers in Xi ‘an, continuously improve the ambient air quality, and ensure public safety and people’s personal and property safety, the General Office of Xi ‘an Municipal People’s Government issued a notice on strengthening the ban on the sale and release of fireworks and firecrackers. The "Notice" clearly pointed out that the special actions of joint law enforcement should be carried out. The district and county governments, the Xixian New Area Administrative Committee and the development zone management committees should implement the main responsibility of the territory, adhere to the combination of strict law enforcement and civilized law enforcement, and organize emergency management, public security, transportation, ecological environment, market supervision, urban management and other departments to carry out joint law enforcement every major festival and important time node such as "New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Labor Day and National Day", and mobilize comprehensive management forces to give full play to the town.

"Fireworks safety management regulations" article thirty-sixth.

For those who produce and operate fireworks and firecrackers without permission, or sell black powder, pyrotechnics and fuse to units or individuals that have not obtained the safety production license of fireworks and firecrackers, the safety production supervision and management department shall order them to stop illegal production and business activities, impose a fine of more than 20,000 yuan and less than 100,000 yuan, and confiscate the illegally produced and operated items and illegal income. For those who transport fireworks and firecrackers by road without permission, the public security department shall order them to stop illegal transportation activities, impose a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 50,000 yuan, and confiscate the illegally transported articles and illegal income. Illegal production, operation and transportation of fireworks and firecrackers, which constitutes a violation of public security management, shall be given administrative penalties for public security according to law; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

"People’s Republic of China (PRC) public security management punishment law" thirtieth.

Whoever, in violation of state regulations, manufactures, buys, sells, stores, transports, mails, carries, uses, provides or disposes of explosive, toxic, radioactive and corrosive substances or infectious disease pathogens shall be detained for more than 10 days and less than 15 days; If the circumstances are minor, they shall be detained for more than five days and less than ten days.

Article 125th of the Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Whoever illegally manufactures, buys, sells, transports, mails or stores guns, ammunition and explosives shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years, life imprisonment or death. Whoever illegally manufactures, buys, sells, transports or stores toxic, radioactive, infectious disease pathogens and other substances and endangers public safety shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

Article 136 of the Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC)

Those who violate the regulations on the management of explosive, flammable, radioactive, toxic and corrosive substances and have serious accidents in production, storage, transportation and use, resulting in serious consequences, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention; If the consequences are especially serious, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years.

In order to eliminate potential safety hazards and defend the blue sky, we appeal to the general public to refuse to illegally produce, sell and store fireworks and firecrackers, and not to set off fireworks and firecrackers, so as to greet the New Year in a safe and civilized way.

What is culture? Is there a culture in West Renye Fang?

What is culture? What does culture mean? This has to start with ancient Chinese. Wen is a generic word of Wen. As a noun explanation, text is texture, representation and trace. As a verb explanation, the text is interlaced, described and portrayed. Astronomy, for example, means that celestial bodies are scattered all over the night sky and staggered, naturally forming a big picture of stars.

Xinghan brilliant

Oracle Bone Inscriptions shows that on the left is a man facing west, and on the right is a man turning east, just like a man tossing and turning while sleeping. It means that things change, change and come into being. Including the transformation from one form to another, or even another thing. For example, actors make up, incarnate everything, and educate all the people.

the banlance of yin and yang

Based on the exquisite ancient prose above, we believe that the meaning of culture is like that of people who engrave chapters, which are staggered and turned into a fine chapter. The result of tattooing is culture, and the text is transformed. The purpose of tattoo is to change, and the text is to change it.

keep on chipping away/work with perseverance

The extended meaning of culture can mean using tools and wealth that change life, such as Neolithic culture, agricultural culture, rural culture, industrial culture and modern culture.

The extended meaning of culture can also indicate the information or customs of transforming ideas, such as Confucian culture, Taoist culture, Buddhist culture, Mozi culture and other Chinese excellent traditional cultures, as well as Japanese samurai culture, western jungle culture, merchant culture and other animal cultures.

Use culture to change people.

Is there a culture in West Renye Fang? The answer is clear to you.

Thank you for reading.

# Culture # # Oracle Bone Inscriptions # # Traditional culture #

The new history of the B club game "Starry Sky" Steam is low: 298 yuan →208.6 yuan.

On December 5th, IT House reported that the B-club game "Starry Sky" opened a discount on Steam, and after 30% discount, it reached a low price in the national history, with the original price of 298 yuan and the current price of 208.6 yuan.

IT House previously reported that since the release of Starry Sky on September 6th this year,The total number of players on PC and Xbox has exceeded 12 million.. According to Microsoft CEO Spencer, there will be a lot of support for Starry Sky, and about 250 people in the studio are still developing the game.

It is worth mentioning that "Starry Sky" has a total of 82,603 evaluations on Steam.Among them, 68% are favorable.The evaluation is "mixed".

Introduction to the game:

Starfield comes from the creation of Starfield, the first brand-new universe created by Bethesda Game Studios, who has won numerous praises and brought The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4 to everyone for more than 25 years. This new generation role-playing game sets the background in the vast universe. Here, you can create any characters, explore the world and experience unprecedented freedom. Embark on this epic journey and discover the ultimate mystery of human civilization.

In 2330, mankind has stepped out of our solar system and settled on a new planet, and space travel has become a daily life of mankind. In the biggest game of Bethesda Game Studios to date, you will join the Star Organization, a group of space explorers looking for rare artifacts in the galaxy, and start a journey to explore the vast universe.

The Clippers’ promotion probability is only 3%! Wei Shaohong scored 37 points to be himself: but he may not stay in the team next season?

37 points, 6 rebounds and 4 assists, 17 of 29 shots and 3 of 6 of 3 points, which may be Wei Shao’s best game this season. He was regarded as a "cancer" in the Lakers, and finally found himself in the Clippers. However, the Clippers, who lacked peppers, still lost, with a total score of 1-3, and were on the verge of elimination.FiveThirtyEight, a well-known data website, shows that the Clippers have only 3% chance to advance to the next round.

I was shouted "Don’t vote" by Lakers fans.

When was Wei Shao’s most heartfelt scene in the Lakers? There should be many answers. The home game against Knicks may be one of them. In the fourth quarter, the Lakers led by 6 points, and Monk passed the ball to Wei Shao in the bottom corner. Wei Shao was preparing to shoot, and the Lakers home fans actually shouted "No!" Wei Shao hesitated for a while, but he made a move. The three-pointer missed, and the heavy eyebrows made up the ball.

That three-pointer was really not a good time to shoot, but the shouts of the fans shook Wei Shao’s confidence. That was the root of his former MVP. After joining the Lakers, Wei Shao was asked to change, and his biggest change was that his confidence was gradually disappearing.

The Clippers provided a stage for him, and he became the starting point guard of a team with championship ambitions. The Clippers signed Wei Shao in order to let him do what others in the team can’t do: break through the basket and create easy shots for teammates.

In the 11 games between Wei Shao’s joining and George’s injury, the Clippers were 5 wins and 6 losses, but in the last 6 regular season games, they won 5 games. With leonard’s two consecutive injuries, Wei Shao became his old self again. G4 may be the best game Wei Shao played for the two teams in LA. His explosiveness showed once again, and his defensive strength was also always online. He also made three three-pointers and did not hesitate to shoot.

The Clippers can offer limited salary for renewal.

Wei Shao himself once said how wonderful it is to stay where he wants to stay. This is in sharp contrast to last season. At that time, he publicly denied that Lakers teammates let him be himself on the court. The Clippers are more tolerant of Wei Shao and let Wei Shao play in a familiar way.

However, such beauty will not last forever. Whether or not the Capsicum can make a comeback in this year’s playoffs, they are still the core of the Clippers. Wei Shao will turn 35 next season, and his athletic ability will not last forever. No matter how confident he is, his jump shot will not become a stable offensive weapon.

Major General Wei became a free agent during the offseason.If the new labor terms come into effect before next season, the Clippers, which exceed the luxury tax threshold of $17.5 million, will not be able to provide Wei Shao with a salary of 120% more than the veteran’s basic salary. Therefore, the future of both sides is full of uncertainty.

If Wei Shao is forced by home fans to dare not shoot, his prospects in the NBA are undoubtedly dark. After a nightmare in the Lakers, this version of Wei Shao seems to have disappeared forever. For Wei Shao, he needs a team that can support him, give him room to play and trust his defense. For example, the wizards of the past, and now the Clippers. It is predicted that Wei Shao should at least get a full middle-class contract. As long as Wei Shao stays in a state, even if the clippers can’t give it, there will be a family who is willing to pay.

Not all stars can grow old gracefully. This night, Wei Shao became Wei Shao again, even if it was only a short-lived glory, it was enough to move people.

Feasibility study report on the construction project of intelligent agricultural machinery research and development center and agricultural machinery cloud platform

1. Project overview

This project plans to build an intelligent agricultural machinery R&D center and an agricultural machinery cloud platform by leasing R&D office space, purchasing advanced R&D and testing software and hardware equipment, and introducing high-level R&D personnel. The main research and development directions of intelligent application system of agricultural machinery include: machine condition monitoring system, intelligent (precise) operation control system (automatic alignment operation system, precision sowing control system, automatic film cutting and spreading system, adaptive intelligent variable spraying control system), online monitoring system of agricultural machinery subsoiling precision operation, intelligent early warning system, intelligent visual identification system and automatic driving system based on Beidou.

In terms of agricultural machinery cloud platform, advanced technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence will be used to develop and build agricultural machinery cloud platform. The agricultural machinery cloud platform of this project includes five layers: perception layer, transport layer, platform layer, application layer and presentation layer, in which the big data platform of the platform layer and the application subsystem/module of the agricultural machinery cloud platform of the application layer are the focus of research and development. As an application support platform, big data platform has the functions of massive data collection, storage, analysis, visualization and so on, which provides support for various system functions and services in the application layer.

The application layer has two major functional systems, namely "intelligent IOT management" and "comprehensive transaction service". The specific application subsystems/modules of agricultural machinery cloud platform include intelligent agricultural machinery information management system, intelligent online monitoring system of agricultural machinery precision operation, remote intelligent early warning system, intelligent agricultural machinery monitoring and dispatching system, intelligent farmland information system, expert decision support system, government subsidy auxiliary decision-making system, comprehensive transaction system, etc., which are used as agricultural machinery owners, agricultural machinery cooperatives, farmers, agricultural enterprises and agricultural machinery enterprises.

2. Necessity of project implementation

(1) Respond to the national smart agriculture development strategy and seize development opportunities.

In 2014, China put forward the concept of "smart agriculture". In 2016, smart agriculture was written into the "No.1 Document of the Central Committee" for the first time, which indicates that the development of smart agriculture in China has risen to the height of national economic strategy. According to the concept of industrial development, smart agriculture takes information and knowledge as production factors, and through the deep cross-border integration of information technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence with agriculture, it realizes information perception, quantitative decision-making, intelligent control, precise investment and personalized service in the whole process of agricultural production. It is an advanced stage of agricultural informatization development from digitalization to networking to intelligence, and it is an important trend of modern agriculture. It is also an inevitable choice for China to realize agricultural modernization and accelerate the transformation from an agricultural power to an agricultural power.

The "14th Five-Year Plan" period is an important strategic opportunity to promote the digital and intelligent all-round development of agriculture and rural areas. As a leading enterprise in the field of cotton planting machinery in China, Bo Shiran is committed to becoming a practitioner of the development of smart agricultural machinery and smart agriculture in China. In order to conform to the trend of the times and seize the development opportunities, the company needs to increase the investment in R&D and innovation of intelligent agricultural machinery and agricultural machinery cloud platform with the help of this project. Through the implementation of this project, the company will form a series of scientific and technological achievements of agricultural machinery intelligent application system, which will help to realize the intelligentization of agricultural machinery and equipment in the whole process of cotton planting, and will build an agricultural machinery cloud platform, which will greatly improve the company’s platform service ability.

(2) Improve the intelligent level of agricultural machinery of the company and the country, and enhance the value of agricultural machinery.

Intelligent agricultural machinery and equipment is an advanced type of agricultural machinery and equipment that integrates high and new technologies such as machinery, electronics, hydraulics and information, and realizes automation, informationization and intelligence. It has the characteristics of strong function, high working efficiency, safety, comfort and reliability, reducing agricultural materials and labor consumption, energy saving and environmental protection, and is an important development direction of agricultural machinery and equipment industry in the future.

In recent years, the state has issued a number of policies to strongly support the application of advanced technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, mobile Internet, intelligent control and satellite navigation in agricultural machinery equipment and agricultural machinery operations; This project will develop a series of advanced intelligent application systems for agricultural machinery control and monitoring, including machine condition monitoring system, intelligent (precision) operation control system, online monitoring system for agricultural machinery subsoiling and precision operation, intelligent early warning system, intelligent visual recognition system and automatic driving system based on Beidou, which will greatly improve the intelligent level of agricultural machinery equipment in the whole cotton planting process of the company, realize the all-round transition from "mechanization" to "intelligence", and greatly enhance the agricultural machinery value and product competitiveness.

(3) Build the ecological information center of intelligent agricultural machinery and realize the platform service ability of the company.

With the popularization and application of intelligent agricultural machinery in China, intelligent agricultural machinery will produce a large number of agricultural machinery operation data in the process of operation, and with the help of intelligent sensing terminals, a large number of farmland, soil and crop information data can be sensed and collected. The data resources of agricultural machinery, farmland, soil and crops are of great value, but at this stage, because China’s smart agriculture as a whole is still in its infancy, the overall development level is low, and the data resources of agricultural machinery, farmland, soil and crops are still in a relatively isolated and scattered state, which makes it difficult to exert their value.

Agricultural machinery cloud platform is the foundation and important tool for the collection and utilization of massive agricultural data resources. Through the application of big data mining analysis, virtualization technology, artificial intelligence and other technologies, the agricultural machinery cloud platform can provide a series of platform-based functional services such as intelligent agricultural machinery operation status monitoring, fault diagnosis, maintenance monitoring, precision operation online monitoring, remote intelligent early warning, remote intelligent monitoring and scheduling. At the same time, it can also realize the digital docking and information sharing of supply and demand resources of agricultural machinery ecological resources circle participants such as agricultural machinery owners, agricultural machinery cooperatives, farmers, agricultural enterprises, agricultural machinery enterprises, financial and insurance institutions, and provide them with a series of platform-based functional services such as customized business push, subsidy-assisted decision-making, supply and demand docking of farmland agricultural machinery operations, and agricultural materials trading.

The establishment of agricultural machinery cloud platform will help to promote the digitalization, intelligent connection and effective integration of data resources of agricultural machinery, farmland, agricultural machinery owners, agricultural machinery cooperatives, farmers, agricultural materials and other whole industrial chains, break the phenomenon of information islands in various fields of intelligent agricultural machinery ecology, thus building an intelligent agricultural machinery ecological information center and further enhancing the company’s platform service capability.

(4) an important carrier to realize the company’s leap-forward development and long-term sustainable development.

At present, the company has formed a series of cotton planting machinery products. In the core product cotton harvester, it has realized intelligence with the application of intelligent technologies and systems such as electronic monitoring system, integrated operating system, remote start-stop control and satellite navigation. However, there is still much room for intelligent improvement in the aspects of intelligent monitoring of machine state, intelligent operation control, intelligent early warning, intelligent visual recognition and automatic driving. In addition, the company’s current business is mainly to provide complete machine products and after-sales service, and it needs to further increase investment in the overall solution and platform service capability of intelligent agricultural machinery industry.

This project will introduce a series of high-end R&D talents by taking advantage of talents in Shanghai, which will effectively break through the bottleneck of the company’s high-end technical talents, significantly improve the company’s independent R&D ability and high-tech achievements transformation ability, and help the company greatly improve the intelligent level of agricultural machinery and equipment products and the platform comprehensive service ability during the whole cotton planting process.

Through the implementation of this project, the company will become the leader and enabler of digital, intelligent and intelligent changes in agricultural machinery ecology, and effectively enhance the company’s core competitiveness and industry influence. It will help the company to change from an agricultural machinery manufacturer to an intelligent agricultural machinery integrated solution service provider, realize the company’s progress to a technology-based and platform-based enterprise, and be conducive to the company’s long-term sustainable development.

3. Feasibility analysis of the project

(1) A good policy environment provides favorable conditions for project implementation.

In recent years, the state attaches great importance to the development of intelligent agriculture and intelligent agricultural machinery, including rural revitalization strategy, rural industrial development planning, agricultural mechanization, agricultural machinery and equipment development guidance, the No.1 document of the Central Committee, the national 14 th Five-Year Development Plan and other related policies, which clearly encourage and support the development of intelligent agricultural machinery and intelligent agriculture.

It is clearly stated in relevant policies such as Digital Agriculture and Rural Development Plan (2019-2025), National Rural Industry Development Plan (2020-2025), Implementation Plan for Industrialization of Key Technologies of Modern Agricultural Machinery, Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Industry, Fourteenth Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and Outline of Long-term Goals in 2035. Encourage research and development of key equipment technologies and intelligent control systems such as autonomous navigation of agricultural machinery, intelligent precision operation, intelligent operation monitoring and remote intelligent operation and maintenance management of agricultural machinery, promote the integrated application of intelligent sensing, intelligent analysis and intelligent control technologies and equipment, accelerate the research and development and industrialization of core components such as intelligent systems, and improve the intelligent level of agricultural machinery and equipment.

Support the deep integration of advanced technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, mobile Internet, intelligent control and satellite positioning with agricultural machinery equipment manufacturing technology and agricultural production and operation, support the construction of intelligent agricultural machinery Internet of Things platform and agricultural machinery operation and maintenance big data platform, accelerate the popularization and application of agricultural machinery operation monitoring, maintenance diagnosis, remote dispatching and other information service platforms, improve the informationization, mechanization and intelligence level of agricultural production process, and accelerate the development and construction of smart agriculture.

This project will focus on the research and development of intelligent agricultural machinery application system and agricultural machinery cloud platform, and the above policies have pointed out the direction for the construction of this project. The construction of this project meets the requirements of national rural revitalization, rural industrial development, agricultural machinery and equipment development and national economy, and a good national policy environment provides favorable conditions for the implementation of this project.

(2) Good application and implementation environment creates conditions for the development of the project.

This project mainly includes the research and development of agricultural machinery intelligent application system and the construction of agricultural machinery cloud platform. The main goal of the research and development of agricultural machinery intelligent application system is to form a series of scientific and technological achievements of agricultural machinery intelligent application system, realize the intelligence of agricultural machinery equipment in the whole cotton planting process of the company, greatly enhance the agricultural machinery value and product competitiveness of the company’s own products, and increase the promotion and application of the industry on this basis; The construction of agricultural machinery cloud platform is to effectively collect agricultural machinery and other agricultural machinery ecological related data resources, build an intelligent agricultural machinery ecological information center, and provide a series of platform-based functional services for agricultural machinery ecological participants with the help of technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence.

This project has a good application and implementation environment. Mainly as follows:

First, at the company level, as a leading enterprise in the field of cotton planting machinery in China, the company has formed rich accumulation in the field of cotton planting machinery with cotton harvester as its core product, and has good manufacturing capacity and market stock base, which has created good implementation conditions for the application of the intelligent application system of the project in the whole machine.

Secondly, at present, the overall intelligent development degree of agricultural machinery and equipment in the whole cotton planting process in China is low, and the intelligent application system of agricultural machinery has a good application prospect in this field.

Thirdly, at the level of agricultural machinery ecology, there are massive data resources in agricultural machinery, farmland and other links in the agricultural machinery ecology, which need to be effectively integrated and brought into play. Agricultural machinery ecological participants such as agricultural machinery owners, agricultural machinery cooperatives, farmers, agricultural machinery enterprises and agricultural enterprises have a large number of demand and supply services such as agricultural machinery intelligent control, mechanized crop harvesting services, agricultural machinery and agricultural resources supply, which need to be fully and effectively connected digitally to realize online resource docking and trading, which has laid a good foundation for the construction and implementation of agricultural machinery cloud platform.

Therefore, this project has a good application and implementation environment, which creates conditions for the development of the project.

(3) Perfect technical innovation mechanism and quality control experience provide a strong guarantee for the implementation of this project.

The company attaches great importance to technological research and innovation, and insists on relying on technological innovation to improve product quality and enhance enterprise competitiveness. After years of development, the company has formed a relatively perfect technological innovation mechanism such as R&D system, project management system and incentive mechanism.

The company has formulated the Control Procedure for New Product Design and Development, which regulates the whole process of design and development of new products and technologies from market research, project review, project establishment and project execution, ensuring the smooth development of products and technologies and realizing the scientific and standardized management of R&D projects. At the same time, the company has adopted necessary incentive systems and measures for R&D personnel, process technicians, production management personnel and other employees in various departments.

Reward the achievements of technology R&D innovation, production process optimization and benefit transformation of new products in different degrees, and actively guide research and development personnel, skilled workers and production management personnel to keep up with technology development trends and be close to market demand in R&D, so as to improve the success rate and market benefit of R&D, thus forming an effective incentive mechanism for R&D innovation and improving the enthusiasm and initiative of R&D personnel.

Perfect R&D system, project management system and incentive mechanism can effectively guarantee the smooth implementation of the company’s R&D projects, help stabilize the professional talent team, and then improve the development efficiency of the company’s new products, technologies and services. Therefore, the company’s perfect technological innovation mechanism will provide a strong guarantee for the implementation of this project.

(4) The rapid development of a new generation of information technology and intelligent control technology provides a guarantee for the implementation of the project.

In terms of next-generation information technology, with the rapid development of next-generation information technologies such as Internet of Things, Zhilian.com, big data and cloud computing in China and the increasing demand for new-generation information technologies in all walks of life, the technologies of Internet of Things, Zhilian.com, big data and cloud computing have penetrated into all walks of life. The application and popularization of new generation information technologies such as Internet of Things, Zhilian.com, big data and cloud computing are also accelerating. In terms of intelligent control technology, after years of development in China, the development of related disciplines, basic theoretical research and industrial machinery applications is also improving. With the gradual maturity of the application of related technologies, China’s new generation of technical personnel in the field of information and intelligent control has become more and more abundant, which has provided a guarantee for the implementation of this project.

4. Project investment estimate

(1) investment composition

The total investment of this project is 146,616,600 yuan, which includes 75,411,200 yuan for R&D and implementation, 54,199,000 yuan for software and hardware equipment purchase, 8,432,700 yuan for venue lease, 1,592,000 yuan for decoration project and 6,981,700 yuan for basic preparation.

5. Project site selection and construction scheme

(1) Project site selection

This project intends to obtain the project R&D office space in caohejing Emerging Technology Development Zone by lease. The relevant high-tech enterprises in this area are gathered, the transportation is convenient, the talent supply is sufficient, and it has a good location advantage. The project will be implemented in three years.

(2) Main raw materials and consumption of the project

The main raw materials of this project are all kinds of sensors, controllers, driving motors, display screens, etc., and the market supply is sufficient. The power consumption of this project is mainly electricity, and the infrastructure where the project is located is complete and the power and energy supply is guaranteed.

6. Environmental protection and measures taken

This project is an intelligent agricultural machinery R&D center and agricultural machinery cloud platform construction project, which mainly carries out the research and development of agricultural machinery intelligent application system and agricultural machinery cloud platform. The site used in the project is obtained through lease, and does not involve civil engineering; In the operation stage of the project, no industrial processing and manufacturing links are involved, and there is no industrial pollution discharge. During the operation of the project, a small amount of domestic garbage will be generated, which will be disposed by special cleaning and sanitation, and the generated domestic wastewater will be treated reasonably by sewage pipes, which will not cause pollution to the environment.

7. Economic benefit analysis of the project

The project itself does not directly bring economic income. The implementation of the project will greatly improve the intelligent level of the company’s products and the company’s platform service ability, help to enhance the company’s research and development strength, the ability to transform scientific and technological achievements, and enhance the company’s core competitiveness and industry influence, thus indirectly generating benefits for the company.

This report is a public part, and it is necessary to customize the feasibility study report for government projects, bank loans, investment decisions and other purposes to consult Sihan Industrial Research Institute.

Refuse to make the same mistake as Ronaldo! Messi or "forced" to renew his contract with Paris: 3 reasons for rushing to the Champions League+America’s Cup

On March 11th, Beijing time, according to Ole newspaper, Messi has decided to renew his contract with Grand Paris and continue to play for the French giants next season. So, why is Mei Qiu Wang willing to stay?

Messi’s contract with Greater Paris expired this summer, and the two sides started contract renewal negotiations after the World Cup, but they were once deadlocked. However, according to the Argentine media, he has only negotiated with Grand Paris at present, and Dali is also the only club that offers Messi, so the two sides are expected to continue to work together.

"The only quotation" reminds people of Cristiano Ronaldo. Last summer, Cristiano Ronaldo wanted to leave Manchester United, and Mendes looked around for a big family, but he was repeatedly rejected. No Champions League team was willing to make an offer for him. Until the break with Manchester United last November, Cristiano Ronaldo’s situation was the same, and he could only leave Europe and go far to Saudi Arabia.

For Messi, it seems that no other team wants him. With his age and high salary, the Premier League may not be able to adapt. Serie A and Bundesliga can’t afford it. In La Liga, the only way is to return to Barcelona, but laporta is only speculating and has not made an offer.

However, unlike Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi has at least not fallen out with the club, so he can choose to stay in Paris and continue to play in the five major leagues in Europe. This is the first point.

Secondly, Messi still hopes to play in the Champions League and win the fifth Champions League title to tie the historical record maintained by Cristiano Ronaldo and Real Madrid. The last time he won the championship, it was already in 2015. This is the biggest regret left by Mei Qiuwang’s career, and he will try his best to complete it before leaving Europe.

Although Greater Paris has stopped in the top 16 for two consecutive seasons, Qataris are reluctant to let Mbappé go, and Neymar, who has a longer contract, may stay. If we continue to introduce reinforcements and strengthen the lineup this summer, it will undoubtedly be an important stage for the Champions League, and at least the French champion will be guaranteed, won’t it?

Third, Messi also hopes to participate in the 2024 America’s Cup and strive to lead Argentina to successfully defend its title. Cristiano Ronaldo has become a substitute in the World Cup, and his position and importance in the Portuguese national team have declined. The Five Shield Corps has changed its coach, so he can go to Saudi Arabia to "self-destruct" after winning the 2016 European Cup.

Messi is different. He is still the number one core in Argentina. Without him, the strength of the Pampas Eagle will be greatly reduced, and Scalogni will be there. Therefore, in the last competition of the national team’s career, we must go all out, and only by staying in Europe and staying in the giants can we maintain our current excellent state.

Therefore, in the absence of other better options, Messi is likely to be "forced" to renew his contract with Greater Paris, play at the Prince Park Stadium for at least another year, and then follow Cristiano Ronaldo and go to the United States, Saudi Arabia or other places to support the elderly.