Lingao Volleyball Championship | The Haikou team reversed Chengmai 3-2 to win the first game.

Lingao Volleyball Championship | The Haikou team reversed Chengmai 3-2 to win the first game.

  New Hainan Client, Nanhai Net February 19 news (Reporter Liang Zhenwen) On February 19 th, the "Chinese Dream Working Beauty"-"Witt Cup" 2024 Hainan (Lingao) Trade Union Elite Volleyball Championship entered the second competition day. The first game was played by Haikou vs Chengmai. Chengmai entered the state early and won two games first. After Haikou made adjustments, it pulled three games in a row and won the game with a 3:2 reversal.

  Haikou vs chengmai team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

  Because both teams regretted losing on the first match day, this game is particularly important, and the outcome will directly affect the final ranking. In the first game, Chengmai team took the lead in opening up the situation and took a 4-0 lead by blocking and smashing. Haikou team caught up with the score by adjusting and relying on defense, and temporarily fell behind by 3:7. Because the whole team in Haikou was not in the state, the offensive cooperation was wrong, and the spike was out of bounds, falling behind by 3:9, so we can only call it a time-out to adjust. Chengmai team is in a hot state, blocking, cross-attacking, fast-spiking and scoring, further expanding the lead with 15:8. In the end, Chengmai team defeated Haikou team at 21:16 and won the first game.

  Haikou vs chengmai team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

  In the second game, Haikou team adjusted its game state, and Chengmai team continued its game state in the previous game. From the beginning, the score was tight, and it was even at 3:3. Subsequently, Chengmai team quickly opened the score by 8:4 through defense. Haikou team can only call a time-out for adjustment. Unfortunately, the players were in poor condition, and they were still further pulled by Chengmai, falling behind by a huge score of 6:15. Surprisingly, Chengmai team called a time-out adjustment at this time, and Haikou team was able to breathe and adjust quickly, catching up with the score through defense, with 15:19. The final score was 21:17, and Chengmai team narrowly won the second game, leading with a total score of 2:0.

  Haikou vs chengmai team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

  At the beginning of the third game, Haikou team continued the momentum of the second game and temporarily led Chengmai team by 2:0. Subsequently, Chengmai team adjusted and slowly caught up with the score, but still fell behind at 7:10. Seeing that our team’s attack has been frustrated repeatedly, Chengmai team called for a pause to adjust. However, Haikou maintained its advantage, firmly defended, and continued to maintain its lead at 18:13. Chengmai team relied on serving and defending, chasing 3 points in a row and biting the score by 16:19. Finally, with the service, Haikou beat Chengmai at 21:17 and pulled back a game. The total score is still 1:2 behind.

  Haikou vs chengmai team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

  In the fourth game, both sides fought for the start, and Haikou led by 4:2. Chengmai team broke the opponent’s pass by serving, stabilized the defense and caught up with the score of 4:4. By strengthening defense, Haikou team played its own offensive characteristics and established a lead of 8:4. Then, by serving, he scored three points in a row and further expanded his lead with 11:4. Haikou team maintained its state, Chengmai team failed to adjust, and Haikou continued to expand its lead with 17:7. In this game, Haikou team won the next game with a huge score advantage of 21:11. The total score is 2:2, and the two sides are tied.

  Entering the fifth game of the deciding game, Haikou team continued its previous state and took a temporary lead of 3:1. Seeing that the situation was wrong, Chengmai team quickly called a time-out and made adjustments. The Haikou team continued its state, and maintained its lead by 9:3 through defense. Seeing that the adjustment was fruitless, the Chengmai team could only call a time-out again and make a second adjustment. The effect is not obvious, and Chengmai still falls behind at 5:11. The two sides fought again, and the Haikou team continued to lead at 14:8. Although the Chengmai team slowly recovered its state and approached the score with 13:17. Haikou team immediately called a time-out to make adjustments, and then scored in succession. Haikou finally won the game with a total score of 3:2 at 21:15.

  Haikou vs chengmai team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

  At present, Haikou team has two wars, one win and one loss. Chengmai lost both wars and basically missed the championship.

  The event was exclusively named by Hainan Weite Electric Group Co., Ltd.. Hainan Provincial Department of Tourism, Culture, Radio, Film and Sports is the guiding unit. The organizer is Lingao County People’s Government. Hainan Daily Newspaper Group, Lingao County Federation of Trade Unions and Lingao County Tourism, Culture, Radio, Film and Sports Bureau are the organizers. The co-organizers are Nanhai Net and Southern Metropolis Daily. Supporting units: Hainan Lingao Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd., Master Kong, Hainan Lan ‘an Sporting Goods Co., Ltd. and Hainan Carmei Sports.



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