标签归档 上海贵族宝贝

Shanghai Housing Authority: It is strictly forbidden for real estate brokers to fabricate and spread information about price increases, and will intensify investigation and punishment.

  Housing rent is directly related to the living cost and living standard of the renters, and has always been concerned by the public.

  On April 21st, Wang Zhen, director of Shanghai Housing Management Bureau, said when he was a guest on "Interview with People’s Livelihood in 2023" that Shanghai would take measures such as playing the role of "stabilizer" for affordable rental housing, prohibiting intermediaries from driving up prices, and establishing price monitoring and early warning to keep the housing rent level in Shanghai stable.

  Three measures to keep the housing rent level stable

  "In recent years, the housing rental market in Shanghai has been generally stable." Wang Zhen said that in order to keep the housing rent level in Shanghai stable, under the overall framework of the Price Law and in combination with the implementation of the Shanghai Housing Leasing Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), Shanghai will take measures from three aspects:

  The first is to play the role of "stabilizer" of affordable rental housing.It is clear that the rent of affordable rental housing should be lower than the market-oriented rent level of the same quality in the same lot, the rent should be below 10% of the market-oriented rent, and the annual increase should not be higher than the market-oriented rent increase in the same period and not higher than 5%. At the same time, it will be publicized to the public to guide market-oriented lessors to set reasonable prices.

  Second, it is strictly forbidden for housing leasing enterprises and real estate brokerage agencies to fabricate and spread price increase information., drive up prices, and be restrained by increasing investigation and self-discipline in the industry.

  The third is to establish a housing rental price monitoring and early warning mechanism.It is clearly stipulated in the "Regulations" that the municipal government can take price intervention measures such as price increase declaration, rent restriction or rent increase in accordance with the law under certain circumstances that the housing rent has increased significantly or may increase significantly.

  Incorporate lease management into social governance system

  On February 1st, the "Regulations" were officially implemented. Wang Zhen introduced that this legislation adheres to the problem orientation, focuses on practical problems, highlights the people’s livelihood attributes of housing leasing, and builds a housing leasing system with diversified suppliers, standardized business services and stable leasing relationship to meet the multi-level housing needs of residents in megacities. In the process of legislation, there are three main considerations.

  The first is to standardize leasing behavior.For the form of housing lease in which residents trade hand in hand, we should guide the parties to self-regulate and self-discipline by clarifying the rental requirements and standards and balancing the rights and obligations of the parties to the lease. For the three forms of listing and renting through real estate brokerage agencies, housing leasing enterprises acting as agents and centralized rental housing, we emphasize standardized management, and establish a whole-process supervision system from subject filing, real-name employment, housing verification, registration and filing to fund supervision, as well as relevant prohibitive provisions, so as to further improve market rules.

  The second is the coordinated development of the market and security.Strengthen forward-looking systematic planning, while promoting the stable and healthy development of the housing rental market, focus on accelerating the development of affordable rental housing, determine the system positioning, formulate special plans, clarify the construction and management requirements, and give full play to the demonstration and leading role of affordable rental housing in the entire housing rental system.

  The third is to bring lease management into the social governance system.While clarifying the responsibilities of the relevant departments of the city and district, aiming at the weak links and gaps existing in grassroots governance and the difficulties and problems encountered in the daily management of towns and villages, we will establish and improve the housing lease governance mechanism of urban planning, compartmentalization, responsibility of towns and villages, assistance from villages and industry self-discipline, strengthen the four-level linkage of cities, districts, towns and villages, and form a joint force with multiple governance to further enhance the effectiveness of grassroots governance.

  Write group rent into local legislation for the first time

  For the group rent behavior, the Regulations, on the basis of summing up the experience and practices of Shanghai’s group rent governance in recent years, first wrote the group rent into local legislation, taking a multi-pronged approach to further improve the efficiency of group rent governance.

  The first is to clarify the criteria for identifying group rents.The minimum rental unit, non-residential space that cannot be rented separately, the number of people living in each room and the per capita living area proposed by government regulations have been optimized and improved accordingly, and they have been raised to local legislation.

  The second is to optimize the law enforcement process of group rent.In view of the problems strongly reflected by the masses, once the group rent cases are discovered, they can be directly punished to improve the efficiency of law enforcement and increase the punishment, raising the fine from the original maximum of 100,000 yuan to the maximum of 200,000 yuan.

  The third is to highlight the key supervision of subletting.In view of the prominent problem of "second landlord" group rent in practice, it is clear that individuals who sublet houses for profit and engage in housing rental business activities should register as market participants according to law, and will be punished if they violate the regulations.

  The fourth is to implement the responsibility of territorial governance.Street offices and township people’s governments are required to regularly organize the investigation of hidden dangers of group rent. If illegal situations are found, they should urge rectification, start law enforcement procedures in a timely manner, and carry out rectification through joint law enforcement when necessary.

  Shanghai will rely on the refined urban management mechanism and work with relevant departments to study and formulate a plan to further improve the comprehensive management of group rents in Shanghai, issue documents to strengthen the management of individual housing subletting in Shanghai, and increase the guidance, supervision and support for the management of grassroots group rents.

  "The problem of group rent actually reflects that the supply structure of Shanghai housing rental market needs to be further improved. In the process of governance, we will adhere to the combination of unblocking and blocking." Wang Zhen said, on the one hand, vigorously promote the development of affordable rental housing; On the other hand, standardize the implementation of the "N+1" model of agency leasing, strictly supervise housing leasing enterprises to carry out agency leasing business, and promote the transformation from illegal group leasing to standardized sharing.

Aofei Entertainment: The company has the core ability to continuously create high-quality IP content, and insists on investing a lot of resources to create fine animation content works every year.

According to the news of Securities Star, Aofei Entertainment (002292) answered investors’ concerns on the investor relations platform on November 27th.

Investors:Why does your company continue to have no works launched?

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello! The company has the core ability to continuously create high-quality IP content, and insists on investing a lot of resources to create fine animation content works every year. This year, many animated series have been broadcast, such as Super Flash 14, Super Flash Culture in China, Sheep Village Guardian 6: Braving Four Seasons City, Sheep Village Guardian 7: Wandering in the Mysterious Ocean, Hurricane spirit of war’s Sword Spinning Gyro 2, Dinosaur Guardian of Quantum Team, Balala’s Little Devil’s Star Edge Butterfly Qi, Meng Chicken Team 5, and Super Flash: Le Di Acceleration. I suggest you pay attention to official Weibo and WeChat WeChat official account such as Aofei Entertainment, Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, and Balala Little Magic Fairy to learn more about the latest information of the company’s animation content. thank you

Investors:As of November 20, 2023, how many shareholders are there in the company? Thank you!

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello, except for the semi-annual report, annual report and other regular reports or other important matters requiring the disclosure of the number of shareholders, the number of shareholders at other time points is not the legal disclosure information. In order to protect the interests of shareholders, it is inconvenient for the company to provide relevant information such as the register of shareholders and the number of shareholders without verifying the identity of shareholders. Therefore, according to the relevant information disclosure rules and internal requirements of the company, the company mainly discloses the relevant shareholders and the number of shareholders in regular reports or specific matters. If you want to know the number of shareholders at other time points, please bring your own shareholding certificate and valid identification to the company to handle the inquiry business. Thanks for understanding!

Investors:Hello, Secretary Dong! Now that Tik Tok is developing too fast, does the company attach importance to the cooperation with Tik Tok? Do other companies have any advantages compared with Tik Tok’s cooperation? It is hoped that the company and Tik Tok will further expand the cooperation space on the basis of stable cooperation. thank you

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello! Following the development trend of the new media industry, the company has expanded the communication reach mode and scope, and built different types of all-round new media content reach channels including network video platform, IPTV, OTT, audio platform and short video platform. At present, the company has opened several official IP accounts such as Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, Armor Warrior and Super Flash on short video platforms such as Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker, and then actively explores more possibilities in linkage promotion, derivative creation and brand announcement. Thank you for your attention!

Investors:Does Shenzhen, where Aofei Entertainment has a 12% stake, see whether technology has space photography technology? Do you have VR photography technology? What it has been used for.

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello! Shenzhen has seen the development of technology with two-wheel drive of software and hardware, and it has strong competitiveness in the field of VR ultra-high definition video and intelligent video conferencing machine: in the field of VR panoramic ultra-high definition video, professional-grade panorama camera Obsidian series (12K, 8K), 5G+8K VR live broadcast system, consumer-grade panorama camera QooCam series and other products have been mass-produced; In the field of video conference, products such as Kandao Meeting, Kandao Meeting Pro and Kandao Meeting S have been launched. I suggest you go to see the official website of Science and Technology and WeChat WeChat official account for more information. Thank you for your attention!

Investors:Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Big Wolf 9: When is it scheduled to be released? Probably winter vacation or summer vacation

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello! The project of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf 9" is progressing as scheduled, and it is planned to be officially released next year. At present, the specific schedule has not been determined. I suggest you pay attention to the relevant information pushed by "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf" or "Aofei Entertainment" official Weibo and WeChat WeChat official account. Thank you for your attention!

The above contents are compiled by Securities Star according to public information and generated by algorithm, which has nothing to do with the position of this website. Securities Star strives for but does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, effectiveness and timeliness of all or part of this information (including but not limited to text, video, audio, data and charts). Please contact us if you have any questions. This article is for data collation, and does not constitute any investment advice for you. Investment is risky, so please make a careful decision.

Observation on the first anniversary of Guizhou rural basketball "going out of the circle"

  Deep in Miao Ling, the night falls. In Taipan Village, Taijiang County, Qiandongnan Prefecture, the stadium is brightly lit and cheers are endless. Compared with a year ago, the scene is equally warm and the atmosphere is equally happy, but the stadium in the village has become the scene of the national and American country basketball competition.

  Since July 12th, last year, the "June 6th" New Year’s Basketball Tournament held by villagers in Taipan Village spontaneously became popular all over the network due to the fiery live atmosphere and grounded running style.

  In response to the ardent expectations of the broad masses of peasants for physical fitness and healthy life, the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the General Office of the State Sports General Administration jointly issued a notice in early June to hold the National and American Country Basketball Competition (Village BA) to help comprehensively promote rural revitalization and accelerate the construction of an agricultural power.

  On June 20th, the opening match of this event was held in Taipan Village, and the farmers’ basketball team of Qiandongnan Prefecture of Guizhou Province played against the farmers’ basketball team of Linxia Prefecture of Gansu Province at home. In October, the finals of the competition will also be held in Taipan Village. Within a year, a basketball match spontaneously organized by a small mountain village gave birth to a national competition, which is really rare.

Where is the fire?

The three rounds of events that made Taipan Village hot "out of the circle" took place from July 12 to August 9 last year. During the "June 6th" New Festival Basketball Tournament in Taipan Village, the semi-final of the "beautiful countryside" Basketball League in Guizhou Province and the beautiful countryside Basketball Exchange Tournament in cooperation with Foqian, the average audience per game exceeded 15,000. However, due to the limited capacity of the venue, more than 10,000 people lingered outside because they failed to enter the site.

The hot scene on the scene spread rapidly across the whole network through short videos. In the end, the three-round country basketball game was viewed more than 1 billion times on the whole network and was nicknamed "Village BA" by netizens.

Where is the fire in a basketball game in a small mountain village?

The country basketball game originated in Miaoling Mountain, which is closely related to the local minority culture and long basketball tradition. Yang Dezhao, the county magistrate of Taijiang County, said that there are many ethnic festivals in Taijiang County, and there is a saying in the local area that "every festival must be played and basketball must be played first". Whenever a basketball game starts, villagers from ten miles and eight townships will flock to it. In order to participate in and watch basketball games, many villagers who go out to work will travel thousands of miles back to their hometown.

There are more than 270 households with more than 1,100 people in Taipan Village, and about two-thirds of the villagers play basketball. Zhang Shoushuang, secretary of Taipan Village, said: "Since 1936, Taipan Village has held at least one basketball game every year, and it has never stopped. The ball game in my hometown is a kind of homesickness. "

Cen Jianglong, president of Taipan Village Basketball Association, used to work outside the home, and he had to take special leave every year to hold a basketball match. Last year, he simply quit his job and went back to the village to open a restaurant near the stadium with his wife. Whenever there was a basketball match in the village, business was booming.

There is no electronic screen, no commercial advertisement, only a concrete floor painted with plastic in front of the village committee, but the players on the court are running and dunking with all their strength, and the fans in the stands are cheering and shouting, which makes the basketball game with simple hardware "full of atmosphere". In the short aerial video that was originally madly forwarded, there were a sea of people inside and outside the stadium, all people on the hillside and the roof, and all the trees and ladders were "hung" with the audience. The popularity of the competition and the enthusiasm of the villagers have infected netizens all over the world through the images with great impact.

Some games go on until 4 am the next day, from dawn to dark, and then to dawn, and few spectators leave early, which is called "dawn culture" locally.

The tradition of the project and the passion of the masses are the basis for the initial popularity of "Village BA". The competition has a village flavor, and the cultural characteristics add a fire to the continued popularity.

The competition was held spontaneously by the villagers, and all the contestants were villagers. During the intermission, Miao’s brothers and sisters presented Miao’s characteristic songs and dances, which added luster to the competition. In the "Village BA" finals in March this year, a song "Love of My Life" sung in Miao language triggered a lot of interaction and was sung on multiple online platforms.

The prizes of the competition are local yellow cattle, fragrant sheep, fragrant pigs, etc. Even the explanation of the game is mixed with the local dialect and Miao language … … Chang Hai, Party Secretary and Director of Qiandongnan Culture, Sports, Radio, Film and Television Tourism Bureau, believes that the country basketball game won the grounding gas, distinctive and strong village flavor floating inside and outside the Internet.

Where is the "win"?

The successful experience of Taiwan Basketball Village Competition is regarded as a "Taijiang model" for rural sports to boost rural revitalization.

With the further consolidation of the results of poverty alleviation, the villagers have a rich life and their demand for spiritual and cultural life is growing. Pan Nianjing, director of the Propaganda Department of Taijiang County Committee, said that Taijiang County has made great efforts to coordinate the connection between urban and rural areas and paid attention to the coordinated promotion of "material prosperity" and "spiritual prosperity". Basketball activities have been integrated into the daily life of Taijiang people, constantly inspiring and satisfying people’s yearning for a better life.

Driven by "Village BA", the regional GDP of Taijiang County reached 4.498 billion yuan last year, up 9% year-on-year, ranking first in the province. At the end of March this year, the first "beautiful countryside" basketball league finals in Guizhou Province took only three days, which led Taipan Township to receive 181,900 tourists and realized a comprehensive tourism income of 55.16 million yuan. On June 20 this year, on the day of the opening ceremony of the national and American country basketball competition, the comprehensive tourism income of the township exceeded 35 million yuan.

Taking advantage of the east wind of the "out of the circle" of the event, the sales of local agricultural special products, national costumes and special handicrafts have also increased one after another. Zhang De, the first resident secretary of Taipan Village, said that it is a good way for Taipan Village to make good use of the signboard of rural basketball games, to help tourists, support production and promote literature through competitions, to develop and strengthen the village collective economy, and to strengthen the integration of agriculture, sports and tourism.

Now, in Taipan Village, we can see the fiery scenes of villagers’ renovation and renovation of houses everywhere. Yang Pinggui, a villager in Taipan Village, is building a four-story villa with a total area of 1,000 square meters. He said: "I want to make the building a homestay and get a little light from the country basketball game."

No matter in the future planning of the rural basketball match, or in the rural landscape and industrial development, Taipan Village insists on letting the villagers be the masters. Zhang De said: "Taipan Village has held four villagers’ congresses to discuss the renovation plan and future development of the stadium, and the relevant practices have been agreed by 80% of the villagers. There is something to discuss, and everyone’s reasons are discussed by everyone, which has become a magic weapon for Taipan Village to adhere to the dominant position of villagers and provide some inspiration for grassroots governance. "

"Village BA" has become popular so far, and tourists from all over the country come here. Wang Bin, director of the Religious Affairs Bureau of Taijiang County, believes that the sports event has developed from a local recreational and sports activity to a sports event for people of all ethnic groups all over the country. "This hot basketball game has created a platform for people of all ethnic groups to build, share and work together. As tourists from all ethnic groups watch basketball games, enjoy national song and dance performances and taste ethnic specialties, the sense of the Chinese nation community is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

Taking sports as a platform and doing a good job in the article "Sports Plus" not only shows the multi-function of sports, but also makes "Village BA" win multiple effects: it not only enriches cultural life, stimulates rural economy, but also enhances national unity and promotes grassroots governance. Yang Dezhao said: "In the new round of rural revitalization, rural sports cannot be absent."

Where is the "difficulty"?

When the news came that the national and American country basketball competition was held and the finals were settled in Taipan Village, Taijiang County, the young people in Taipan Village were boiling. But in addition to excitement, there are also concerns.

Zong Shifa, an associate professor in guizhou minzu university, said that it is a good thing for "village BA" to be launched nationwide, but it is difficult to maintain "village flavor". Many netizens are worried that some places will lose their local authenticity due to excessive government intervention, capital intervention or commercial speculation.

The notice of launching the national and American country basketball competition pointed out that it is necessary to uphold the principle of "farmers are the main body, pragmatic and simple, safe and orderly, and farmers are interested in farming". Zong Shifa said that "the four principles of running the competition need to be implemented to the end to prevent the risk of going out of shape".

Many villagers’ meetings were held in Taipan Village, and it became a decision supported by the villagers that "village BA" should be named "village". Wang Zaigui, the commentator of the country basketball match, said that in the early days when the country basketball fire broke out, many companies came to provide sponsorship, but asked the match to advertise their products. "Such a request is too commercialized and goes against the original intention of the country basketball game, so we all declined." Wang Zaigui said.

"village BA" is on fire, and the flow is there. However, it is not easy to change "flow" into "reserve", let attention change into consumption, and let "instant fire" change into "constant fire". It is necessary to use the brand of "Village BA" to do a good job in project investment, maintain a balance between commercial operation and agricultural interest, and explore the integrated development of agricultural sports, culture and tourism. In this regard, Wang Jun, executive deputy magistrate of Taijiang County, said frankly that Taijiang County still needs to "take the pulse" and "support" and "need more guidance and help from relevant departments and experts".

The ability to host the competition and security are also challenges.

For Taipan Village, time is not enough, not only for the start of the new basketball horse race on June 15th, but also for the finals of the National and American Country Basketball Competition in October.

"To be honest, there is a certain pressure, but we will do our best to adhere to high standards." Cen Jianglong said that this "June 6th" basketball competition is also a test of the ability to host the upcoming finals of the National and American Country Basketball Competition.

It is conceivable that there will be a large number of foreign tourists, and reception and security will be tested. Taijiang County proposed to further strengthen the organization of sports events, do a good job in transportation, security, meteorology, medical care and sanitation, strengthen risk prevention and improve the level of emergency management.

Since last year, Taipan Village has added more than 10,000 basketball stand seats, built 1,000 square meters of parking lots, renovated 2,500 square meters of mobile booths and renovated 40,000 square meters of walls. These days, in order to welcome the upcoming two competitions, the village committee of Taipan Village has also mobilized villagers to carry out environmental remediation and risk investigation. "Around the stadium, on both sides of the road, in front of the house and behind the house, etc. have become key rectification areas, and strive to avoid safety accidents during the competition and leave a good impression on fans and tourists." Yan Jianglong said.

(Reporter Li Li Ou Dian Qiu Jiang Cheng Xu Shihao)

Xinhua News Agency, Guiyang, July 11th

After James retires, who will be the next face of the NBA?

After the opening of the 2023-24 season, it will also be James’ 21st season in the NBA, and James is about to celebrate his 39th birthday, which is a step closer to James’ retirement. The topic of retirement has to be put on the agenda. Who will be the next face figure in the NBA after James’ retirement?

Although James was still able to score 28.9 points, 8.3 rebounds and 6.8 assists last season, it was obvious from last season that James was completely unable to compare physically with a few years ago, and the offensive end was still excellent in the regular season, but it has become the norm for the defensive end to leak people, and there are often situations in which the defense is not active, which is completely impossible in previous years. After entering the playoffs, James defended actively, but because the defensive end consumed a lot of physical strength, the offensive end obviously declined. People have to feel that time makes people old, and James has entered the end of his career. After Lao Zhan retires, who can hold up the facade of the NBA?

1. Curry

The first person I can think of now is Curry. Curry is 35 years old, and his playing style doesn’t eat the body. Now he is still in the peak state. Curry is not only the most influential player in the era of small ball, but also his hard honor is the first person under James, with four championships, two MVPs, two scoring titles and four times, which is enough to support Curry to become a new alliance facade.

2. Durant

Durant is only 34 years old this year. Although he has suffered a serious injury, he is still in the same state after coming back. He is still the best scorer in the league. He already has two FMVPs, one MVP, four scoring titles and six hard honors. The Suns he joined are the first favourites to win the championship next season, and this former Wang also has a chance to win the facade of the league.

3, the letter brother

Brother Alphabet, who is only 28 years old this year, has surpassed many Hall of Fame players, including one FMVP, two MVPs, one best defensive player, five bouts of play and four times of one defense. Last season, he averaged 31.1 points, 11.8 rebounds and 5.7 assists. He has not even reached the real peak, and now he has the strength of the top five in the league, and the future should not be underestimated.

4. Jokic

Also at the age of 28, Jokic became the darling of the league after leading the Nuggets to win the first championship in team history last season. He had an FMVP, two MVPs, and played for three times. Last season, he averaged 24.5 points, 11.8 rebounds and 9.8 assists, almost becoming the third player in NBA history to average a triple-double on the regular court. After entering the playoffs, he was still at ease even in the face of a top inside defender like Thick Eyebrows, averaging 30 points and 10 assists in the playoffs.

Now the NBA is facing a very embarrassing thing. After James retired, it is reasonable to say that Curry and Durant took over, but Curry and Durant are not young. Not everyone is like James, and they can still maintain such terrible athletic ability at the age of 38. And the next thing that can lift the situation is the letter brother and Jokic, but both of them are international players, which is not what the league wants to see. Tatum, which the alliance strongly supports, has not yet gained anything.

Who do you think will be the first player in the league after James retires?

Manchester City has won the Premier League three times in a row, only two finals away from the triple crown, and the best team in history is about to be born.

With Arsenal losing 1-0 to Nottingham Forest, Manchester City locked in the Premier League title three rounds ahead of schedule. Manchester City has won the Premier League three times in a row. In the past six years, it has only fallen behind the champion once and won the Premier League five times. Manchester city can be said to be one of the most successful teams in football today, and one of them can even be removed.


Behind the success of Manchester City, we have to mention their coach Guardiola. Since Guardiola took over Manchester City in 2016, he has made a major transformation of the team. He rebuilt the team and led them to get the best Premier League results in history in an unprecedented way, with more than 100 points in a single season and the highest number of goals in a single season. Guardiola extended his success from Barcelona to Bayern Munich and reached another peak in Manchester City.


Guardiola’s success mainly lies in his mastery of football tactics and strategies. He can always adapt to the game and make the players play their best in the most effective way. In other words, he is a very good tactician. His lineup rotation strategy is also excellent. In some important games, he will choose to send different starting lineups, which leads to the opponent’s inability to cope. At the same time, he is also a very good psychologist. Guardiola can give players confidence and strength, and inspire their fighting spirit and greatest potential. This is very important for the success of Manchester City.


In addition, the success of Manchester City is also attributed to every player in the team. From Harland to De Braune, from Gundogan to Aker and Akanji, everyone in the Manchester City squad has made important contributions to the team. Their efforts and talents are a major factor in Manchester City’s reversal of Arsenal’s winning the Premier League title this season. Whether you are a loyal supporter of Manchester City or an amateur of football, you can’t deny that there is a real team spirit behind Manchester City’s success. As a player and opponent of Manchester City, everyone knows that this team is built on extraordinary skills and excellent management. More importantly, they have a firm determination, which is a necessary condition for winning the competition.


Not only winning the game, Manchester City is also spreading the beauty of football to the whole world. Their players and coaches have become one of the most important benchmarks in football, and at the same time, they are also helping the sport become a more popular cultural phenomenon. Finally, just like football is a team sport, the success of Manchester City is the result of teamwork. This team has demonstrated persistent and consistent efforts and dedication, as well as a true love for football and team spirit. This is a historic achievement that deserves the respect and reverence of all football fans and players all over the world.

Now Manchester City has successfully won the Premier League title, only two finals away from the treble. The FA Cup final will face Manchester United, the same city rival, and the Champions League final will face Inter Milan. Manchester City aims to win the treble! We will wait and see!

Take what you need! In a stale marathon, runners pay for services.

Inscription: At the beginning, track and field events such as marathon were very far away from us ordinary people. At that time, we could only see that only a few people participated in the competition through TV or newspapers. After all, 42 kilometers was indeed a very long distance at that time. Around 2016, the right to host the marathon was relaxed, and the purpose of relaxation was very clear, that is, I hope to contribute to the national fitness. More than 1,000 marathons can be held in one year, and individual marathons can attract hundreds of thousands of people to sign up for tens of thousands of places. Everyone has a strong desire to exercise, but some people still have doubts about the marathon and think it is not necessary to participate.

The people who started the marathon really loved running, but they didn’t have the opportunity to show themselves and the recording equipment was not perfect, so maybe they didn’t know exactly how many kilometers they had run. It was the marathon that gave them such an opportunity. At that time, not only the registration fee was low, but also the competition for registration was not great. Basically, it was first come, first served. The number of places decided by lottery was only the product of the development of marathon in recent years. Slowly, the registration fee for the marathon has risen sharply, and more publicity has been given to the city while promoting national fitness. The materials distributed by one organizer alone contain too many useless things, and the commercial flavor is too strong, as if everything has gone bad.

However, for us runners, the enthusiasm for participating in the marathon is increasing. Many people think that there is no difference between running and participating in the competition, and it is unnecessary to spend money. This is a big mistake. Runners take money to enjoy the service of the competition. Others provide you with supplies, cheer for you, and take pictures of you, which can better satisfy your vanity and provide like-minded people with opportunities to compete in the same field. Therefore, this is why although the marathon is a bit stale, everyone still enjoys doing it. The reason is that they can get what they want. I just have what you want, so we will take a shot. This is something that anyone can understand.

However, not everyone can finish the marathon. We still have to choose a happy run, a half horse or a whole horse according to our own situation. Moreover, in line with the principle of health, ordinary people should not take part in every horse. It is enough to choose 1-2 marathons close to home a year, take some beautiful photos, send a beautiful circle of friends, gain praise from others and give themselves some motivation to run. Don’t race blindly, it will not only be meaningless, but also consume your body excessively. You will find that you may become old and ugly, and your hair will become thinner and thinner, so the money spent is too worthless. I hope this will resonate with the majority of runners.

News Calendar | April 23rd World Book Day

April 23 rd

World Book Day

I am full of life, and I am full of poetry and books.

The full name of "World Book Day" is "World Book and Copyright Day", also known as "World Book Day". The original idea came from the International Publishers Association. In 1995, UNESCO declared April 23rd as "World Reading Day", which was also the anniversary of the death of the famous Spanish writer Cervantes and the famous British writer Shakespeare.

The keynote declaration of World Reading Day is: "I hope that people scattered around the world, whether old or young, whether you are poor or rich, whether you are sick or healthy, can enjoy reading, respect and thank the masters of literature, culture and scientific thought who have made great contributions to human civilization, and can protect intellectual property rights."

As the window of China’s reform and opening-up, Shenzhen has been unswervingly promoting reading for all. In Shenzhen, block bookstores and specialty bookstores can be seen everywhere, and the mega-bookstore is the first to lead the trend; The library is always packed, and citizens line up to study; The annual Shenzhen Reading Month is a common "cultural carnival" for the citizens … Scenes of warm and comfortable reading witness the development of Shenzhen’s urban spirit.

In 2013, UNESCO awarded Shenzhen the title of "Global Model City for Reading for All", which is the highest honor that the organization awarded to global cities on reading for all.

Today in those days Shenzhen News

In 2021, Shenzhen was awarded the title of "City of Great Beauty" and "City of Comfort"

On April 23rd, 2021, the 2020-2021 "China Good Life City Release Ceremony" was held in Chengdu, and Shenzhen was awarded "Great Beauty City" and "Comfortable City". "China Good Life City Launch Ceremony" relies on the data of the largest survey of people’s livelihood feelings in the world-"China Good Life Survey", and the evaluation results are obtained by model calculation.

2019 Guangdong college entrance examination new plan announced

On April 23, 2019, the Information Office of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province held a press conference to inform that the provincial government issued the "Implementation Plan for Deepening the Comprehensive Reform of College Entrance Examination System in Guangdong Province" after being reviewed and filed by the Ministry of Education, marking the official launch of a new round of comprehensive reform of college entrance examination in Guangdong Province. The examination is divided into summer college entrance examination and spring college entrance examination, and the undergraduate examination subjects adopt the "3+1+2" model.

In 2011, Jingji 100 Building was capped.

On April 23, 2011, Jingji 100 Building, a key city construction project in Shenzhen, was successfully capped at a height of 441.8 meters, which set a new record for the highest building in Shenzhen at that time. In addition, 180,000 dreams from all walks of life were also sealed at the top floor of the building, and Jingji 100 became the first urban landmark building to record the "peak dream" of Chinese people.

Today’s species:gardenia


"Gardenia blossoms, so lovely, is a faint youthful pure love …" Walking on the streets of Pengcheng in early summer, the breeze is mixed with the long fragrance of flowers. It is gardenia.

Gardenia has a long history of cultivation in China, and it was planted artificially in the Han Dynasty. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Well, wine vessels are also. Zi resembles it, hence the name. The common saying is’ 中中’. " In ancient books, gardenia with double petals was called "white toad".

"Gardenia blossoms are as white as silver." The most obvious feature of gardenia is six white petals, which, together with jasmine and Prynne, is called "Three Whites" in the rainy season in the south of the Yangtze River.

The fruit of gardenia is a famous dye since ancient times, which is used to smudge yellow. It was even used to dye the emperor’s robes in the Han Dynasty.

Gardenia’s white flowers and rich fragrance have left many good memories for people. In many areas, flower farmers will cut their own flowers and sell them, while girls will buy them back or tie them in their hair or keep them indoors.

Today’s celebrities

[China]Wei Yuan (April 23, 1794—March 26, 1857) was an enlightenment thinker, politician and writer in the Qing Dynasty. He believed that the theory of learning should be based on the principle of "putting the world into practice" and advocated learning advanced western science and technology. He was the first representative of intellectuals who "opened their eyes to see the world" in modern China. His Map of the Sea Country puts forward the central idea of "learning from foreigners to control foreigners", which is an epoch-making masterpiece.

The reason of C Ronaldo’s bleak evening scene: mistaking the platform for ability

C Ronaldo has gone far away to the desert, so that the hot sunshine in the desert can cure the injury and pain of the defeated plum ball king!

At the age of c, he has gone to the desert, and his competitive career has been finalized.

Although there is a lot of wealth, it seems to be happy! But its heart is painful!

As we all know, Ronaldo is aloof and arrogant, and I am the only one!

I take the super plum ball king as my responsibility all my life, and pursue honor, glory and data all my life.

C Ronaldo has been a technical career for more than ten years, and his money has been free and his wealth has been satisfactory; It cares more about face, scenery and honor.

During C Ronaldo’s career, during his years in Real Madrid, he won four Golden Globes and four Champions League games, which strengthened his confidence and courage, boasted himself the first, second and third place in the world, was extremely inflated and self-mad.

C Ronaldo’s greatest misfortune is to regard the platform as an ability! It is the real Madrid platform and personal efforts that have made its real Madrid years dazzling!

C Ronaldo left Real Madrid, moved to Juventus and Manchester United, accomplished nothing, and never won the Golden Globe Award, Sir, or the Champions League again! 16 lang in the Champions League every year! Its juventus years are incomplete!

C Ronaldo’s national team was ruined, and fans said that it was lying in the European Cup. Although it was exaggerated, it was not groundless!

C Ronaldo’s World Cup achievement is hands-free, which is a stain on his life! Causing 10 zeros in the World Cup to be bleak. Single-core team leader has the best score in the top 16.

After the dark years after Real Madrid, nothing was achieved after the World Cup.

C Luo Fang understands that it is the Real Madrid platform and Lafayette that have made its brilliant Real Madrid era. I mistook the Real Madrid platform for my ability, woke up like a dream, and wanted to return to Real Madrid and relive the beauty. But the vicissitudes of life, powerless, was rejected by Real Madrid! I have to go to Saudi Arabia to waste the rest of my life!

Life is like this, when you miss the opportunity, it may be a lifetime of regret and regret!

How can Messi stay in Greater Paris?

In 2023, the Greater Paris Champions League once again became 16 Lang, which is quite sad!

Special size World Cup golden balls and golden boots, is that the level?


Messi’s vision, passing and dribbling are still the top in the world!

Mbappé’s shot, in that year, was still heavy, and he also improved his dribbling skills …

Neymar was in its prime, and Ramos was still domineering. Such a powerful Paris has repeatedly suffered setbacks, which puzzled many readers!

In fact, although Greater Paris is rich, its layman leads the expert, which is the root of the team’s failure!

If they don’t change, Messi and Mbappé will leave!

What is the difference between a steam room and a sauna?

I always can’t tell the difference between sweat steaming and sauna, I don’t think there is any difference between the two, so what is the difference between sweat steaming and sauna? Which is better, steam or sauna?
First, the principle is different
Sweat steaming mainly uses the energy field formed by the negative ions, far-infrared rays, and micro-currents released by tourmaline to act on the human body and stimulate the body to generate heat energy; while sauna uses high-temperature water vapor to act on the skin from the outside and conduct heat into the body. .

Second, the temperature is different
The steaming temperature is around 42-45 degrees Celsius, and the scientific steaming time is 40-60 minutes. People will not feel suffocated during the sweating process, and the breathing will be very smooth; the sauna temperature can reach 60-70 degrees Celsius, when the human body can only stay 5-10 minutes, if the time is too long, you will feel chest tightness and shortness of breath.

  1. Perspiration effect
    The sweat discharged by the steaming has no sweat smell, which will make the human skin smooth, which can have the benefits of beauty, body beauty, and disease conditioning. However, it should be noted that it is not suitable to shower within 6 hours after the steaming, as the shower will detract from the health care of the steaming. The sweat is sticky and has a smell of sweat, and it is necessary to take a bath after the sauna to remove the smell of sweat.
  2. Operation method
    Sweat steaming is through physical conditions such as far infrared rays, negative ions, expanding substances and trace elements to expand the pores of the human body in a high temperature manner, discharge toxic substances in the body, and achieve the effect of health care; while the sauna uses steam to make the deep skin heat effect under high temperature conditions. , and then achieve the effect of expelling toxins in the body through the pores that are enlarged under high temperature.