标签归档 上海后花园龙凤

Zhong Nanshan’s speech was connected with two hot search teams to respond.

"Because there are no patients.

Phase III clinical trials can only be done abroad. "

Recently, Academician Zhong Nanshan.

Invited to attend the 2021 graduation ceremony of University of Science and Technology Shanghai.

One of his "Versailles" speeches

Connect two hot searches

Why does China’s vaccine research and development seem to be slow?

"Because there are no patients."

In a speech

Talking about the development of COVID-19 vaccine in China.

Zhong Nanshan said that 71 vaccines are being developed in China.

Nine of them are in phase III clinical trials.

Two of them were approved by the World Health Organization for emergency use.

It has been included in the emergency use list.

  △ Image source: Shanghai University of Science and Technology

Zhong Nanshan said:

"Because prevention and control are effective in China.

We can’t be in China.

Do the third phase clinical trial.

Because there are no more patients.

Therefore, phase III clinical trials can only be done abroad. "

Many netizens lamented.

"One mouth is old Versailles!"

"This Versailles is super like it!"

Team Zhong Nanshan responded:

Thanks to everyone who supports the fight against the epidemic with practical actions

This morning (July 6)

Academician Zhong Nanshan’s innovative research team

Official account @ Nanshan Breathe

Respond to this matter and rush to the hot search again.

Responded that

This kind of discourse is called Versailles by netizens.

In fact, we need everyone

Support you against the epidemic with practical actions.

Wear a mask and be socially isolated.

No spitting, timely vaccination.

Thank you to all the workers from all walks of life who participated in the fight against the epidemic.

And support you in fighting the epidemic with practical actions.

  Producer Wang Xingdong

  Editor-in-Chief Zhang Zhida

  Editor Wu Siyu Zhao Yuqi

A quick tutorial on football, which teaches you to become an elegant girl who knows the ball.

Recently, football fans have celebrated the Spring Festival again.

The Spanish national derby has begun again!

It is always difficult for girls to understand such things as football.

Why is it so attractive to boys!

So today, Brother Hunzi will tell you something about football (especially my sister paper who doesn’t know the ball).

# Football # # World Cup # # Football rules # # Football play # # Spanish national derby #

How should parents give reasonable guidance to children who use new media to become younger?

Chen Qingwen, an associate professor at Tongji University, pointed out that parents should balance the opportunities and risks of the Internet when guiding their children to surf the Internet. Photo courtesy of respondents

A chart based on interview data of Chen Qingwen’s team. Photo courtesy of respondents

  I believe many people have had this experience: in some public places, "Xiong Haizi" played games or watched videos with electronic devices such as mobile phones and tablets, and the volume was so loud that parents turned a blind eye. Relevant research reports show that in China, children’s use of new media tends to be younger and more entertaining.

  On the one hand, new media devices that can be networked, such as mobile phones and tablets, have grown up with a new generation of children and once became a "part" of their bodies; On the other hand, the powerful educational function and interpersonal communication use of new media also make it a sharp weapon for learning and communication.

  As the mother of a post-00 generation child, Chen Qingwen, an associate professor at Tongji University’s College of Art and Media, faces the same problem: How and how often do children use new media? How should parents guide their children to use new media reasonably?

  With these questions, Chen Qingwen and his team randomly interviewed 30 families of children aged 3-10 in Shanghai to learn about children’s use of new media, parents’ attitude and involvement in children’s use of new media, and children’s views on parental involvement. On this basis, suggestions are given, and the research results are published in the core journal "Journalist" in August 2019.

  From "TV Children" to "New Media Children"

  As a post-1970s generation, Chen Qingwen admitted that he "grew up watching TV". When he was a graduate student at Fudan University 15 years ago, he studied the newly-emerging children’s channel in China. She said that the transition from "TV children" to "new media children" was even faster than the growth of a generation. And this change has brought a kind of trouble to parents: it is difficult to guide children to use new media reasonably with reference to their own experience.

  Some people may ask, how can they bring up the next generation when there was no TV in the older generation?

  "Because the new media is more interactive, participatory and creative than the traditional media, but without learning and guidance, children may just regard the new media as TV or game consoles." Chen Qingwen explained that, at the same time, new media are everywhere, and the content is all-encompassing, which is very different from traditional TV and other media. You can leave TV at home, but you can’t live without the Internet and mobile phones. In modern cities, "portable" and "always online" have become the common points for people to use new media.

  Chen Qingwen felt that "new media children" were born from the moment parents provided their children with new media equipment.

  Among the 30 families interviewed, one-third of the children have their own new media equipment, and the other two-thirds share it with their parents, many of whom will leave their unused new media equipment for their children to use. In terms of use, most children play games, followed by watching videos, and the third is the homework assigned by the school.

  According to statistics, more than half of the children use it for a long time, especially on weekends, almost for more than two hours a day. In the trend, many children in the kindergarten group have used new media for a long time, and the use time tends to lengthen with age. In addition, compared with the primary school group, the kindergarten group has a higher proportion of its own new media equipment, which shows that the use of new media is younger.

  In March this year, the Research Report on the Internet Use of Minors in China in 2018 jointly issued by the Youth Rights Protection Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and China Internet Information Center showed that as of July 31, 2018, the number of underage netizens in China reached 169 million, and the Internet penetration rate of minors reached 93.7%, which was significantly higher than that of the national population (57.7%) in the same period. According to the report, this is a direct manifestation of the expansion of Internet coverage and the decline of mobile traffic charges in China in recent years, and it is also closely related to minors’ strong interest in the Internet, strong learning ability and great application demand.

  Don’t let machines take the place of parents’ company

  In the interview, the research team found that children’s use of new media is mostly due to lack of companionship, especially preschool children. Because parents are busy and have no friends to play with, children have to turn to mobile phones and tablets; With the increase of age, more and more children choose new media.

  Some parents even choose to use new media instead of themselves to accompany their children. In public places such as restaurants, children are often seen watching videos while eating, perhaps just to let their parents "have a good meal". "She is good with this and doesn’t make any noise, as long as she doesn’t make any noise." A mother said.

  The interview also found that with the increase of age, more and more children are more willing to choose new media than playing with friends; And the older children are, the less satisfied they seem to be with their new media use time. Most of the respondents in the primary school group felt that their use time was insufficient, and one girl felt that two hours a day was not enough.

  "When parents use new media instead of accompanying their children, the actual price paid is likely to be huge." Chen Qingwen pointed out in the research report, "As they get older, they are more likely to rely on new media. At this time, even if their parents want to accompany them, they may continue to immerse themselves in communication with machines. When machines replace humans to accompany children, even if people come back, the relationship between children and machines is unbreakable. "

  Chen Qingwen combined expert opinions and personal experience to give some suggestions to parents. "If you want to control underage children’s use of new media, try not to let them own their own equipment, just lend it to him, that is to say, give children the right to use it, while parents retain the right to control it. As for the balance between control and privacy, you need wisdom."

  She also said that although the current academic research is inconclusive about when to start controlling children’s use of new media, she feels that parents who are determined to control their children should take action as soon as possible. "It would be much better to let him know that parents should take care of it early than suddenly."

  Why can other children play computer games, but I can’t?

  In this "equipment battle", "children crying and parents yelling" is a common scene. The research team found that most children’s tricks are crying and "lai", and they can play as long as they can until their parents take away the equipment.

  Interestingly, on the question of whether parents are worried about their children’s use of new media, parents’ attitudes are polarized: 17 are worried, and 13 are not worried, either very supportive or very opposed.

  In the interview, some parents thought that "this is a trend" and "this thing will be accepted sooner or later", so they were not worried at all. A mother said: "everyone has it, but they just can’t fall behind." If she doesn’t understand, she feels like she is behind others and can’t keep up. "

  The attitude of parents who hold opposite opinions is also very clear, and their concerns are mainly reflected in three points: First, they are afraid of their children’s addiction; The second is to worry about the harm to vision; The third is to worry about the negative impact of inappropriate content such as violence.

  Chen Qingwen believes that such "two extremes" attitude makes parents’ work of disciplining their children in trouble. "Why he can I can’t, this is a child’s question. For example, children will say that classmates can use computers when they go home. Why can’t I? "

  Another reason is the change of family education style in China. “‘ Authoritative education ’ It is not easy to work. In the past, parents could answer no, but now they are likely to get a crying and keep asking. After all, children’s energy is much better than ours. "

  The research team also found that, as in the TV era, the way parents intervene in their children’s use of new media is mainly "restriction", and the time limit is more than the content limit.

  Most parents in the interview only know that their children are playing games or watching videos, but they don’t know what games or videos their children are playing. Some academic studies believe that restrictive guidance strategies can not only effectively help solve the problems that children may encounter on the Internet, but also easily lead to the decline of the quality of parent-child relationship or frequent conflicts.

  For children who are out of control, whether they cry, lose their temper or cheat, the parents interviewed said: "Let her cry", "Ignore her" or "yell at him", and some parents will be patient and reasonable, but children will still enter the cycle of yelling if they don’t listen.

  The mother of a 9-year-old boy said that she usually talks reason first and scolds him if she doesn’t listen. If she scolds him, she will have to yell at him at him at a higher volume. If she doesn’t, she will have to be punished, such as not using new media for a few days or increasing the number of homework. Most parents can insist on not using their children’s noise, but the children’s crying or losing their temper will continue.

  Academic research proves that parents’ positive intervention is more effective.

  "We just did a small-scale interview in Shanghai." Chen Qingwen said, "If you want to give scientific advice, you need to do extensive and long-term investigation and research in different cities and rural areas across the country."

  But before that, some countries encountered these problems earlier than China, and their academic research may provide reference.

  Chen Qingwen introduced that since the 1980s, the research on parents’ involvement in children’s media use has been popular in the United States. After 1990, the American government emphasized the role of parents in family policy, and related research received more attention. The research points out that the two main intervention methods adopted by parents are "making rules" and "restricting"; The actual behavior of parents can be divided into positive intervention methods such as parent-child discussion and negative intervention methods such as prohibiting or restricting use, and parents adopt the mode of sharing viewing between parents and children.

  In another paper on the use of new media by minors by British scholars in 2007, the author divided the intervention strategies of parents for their children to use new media into four categories. In addition to joint use and restricted use, parents will also adopt "technology restrictions", that is, use technology software or set restrictions on their children to prevent them from using unauthorized digital media content; And monitor children’s use of websites, letters and games in different ways. Their conclusion is that when parents take active measures to intervene their children’s use of new media, such as sharing or discussion, the negative influence of their children’s use of new media can be effectively reduced.

  Domestic research on the media also believes that parents’ intervention can bring positive results.

  For example, in the psychological aspect, the correct intervention of parents and families can reduce teenagers’ psychological anxiety, help build self-confidence and self-esteem and affect teenagers’ mental health; In terms of learning and risk reduction, parents’ active intervention in media use can improve teenagers’ learning effect, reduce the possible negative impact of violent content in the media, affect the formation of children’s gender role attitude, reduce children’s fear response to media content, and reduce some network risks that children may encounter.

  At the same time, parents’ ideas and the motivation and methods of intervention are extremely important.

  Foreign studies have found that the more parents want the Internet to have a positive effect on their children and think that the Internet will have a negative impact on their children, the more they will get involved in their children’s use of new media. Domestic research also points out that the more time online is strictly restricted by parents, the more recreational motivation teenagers tend to use the Internet.

  "The key point may not be whether children should use new media or how to use new media at all, but where the parents are and where the children’s minds are. Studies in different fields have pointed out that modern society is busier than before, and how parents create a happy parent-child environment will become an increasingly important issue. Quality companionship between parents and children is one of the necessary conditions for shaping parents. " Chen Qingwen’s interview report wrote.

  Communicate with your child with your heart

  What do children think of their parents’ control? The interview results show that on the whole, half of the children think that their parents are reasonable; At the same time, with the growth of children’s age, the proportion of recognition of parents’ intervention control has increased. And "making rules together" and "keeping your word" have become the common standards for children to measure the rationality of parental discipline.

  Taking nine children in the kindergarten group in the interview report as an example, Min Min, a 4-year-old (all minors below are pseudonyms), feels that his parents are much more in charge; Tingting, 5, feels that her parents don’t care much because they are reasonable. Zhu Zhu, a 5-year-old, said that she was afraid of her father because he was very fierce when he was angry and would say, "I’m telling you! I’m telling you! No matter how, I will kick you downstairs "; Kiki, Doll and Lingling, both 6 years old, are afraid of their mother and think her mother is too fierce.

  Among the 21 children in the primary school group, 13 children feel that parental control is reasonable, 5 children feel unreasonable, and 3 children are uncertain. Xiao Han, a third-grade student, told the interviewer that she felt that the parental control was sometimes reasonable and sometimes unreasonable. The unreasonable reason was that the mobile phone was forcibly taken away before the agreed time. "My mother said several times that she would play for me for 10 minutes. I didn’t expect that when it was almost two minutes, she said that it was 10 minutes. I didn’t want to, so my mother dragged me away. She said that it was evening and I couldn’t play any more."

  The interview report suggests that from the perspective of social environment, there are two urgent things: first, timely education courses related to new media literacy should be provided at different stages of children’s growth; The second is to improve parents’ ability to master new media and new technologies.

  "Not all parents have time and energy to participate or study independently. I think we can start with school education and issue some principles and suggestions for children to take back to their parents." Chen Qingwen explained.

  In addition to improving their understanding of new media and technologies, parents should also attach importance to communication between parents and children and accompany their children to use new media by guiding participation. Especially in the method of making rules, parents need to talk to their children often. "In fact, kindergarten children have a very clear concept, this is good, how long should it take. If the rules are made by the children themselves, or if the parents discuss with him, the children will be more willing to abide by them. "

  When attending international academic conferences, Chen Qingwen often discusses these issues with foreign scholars: when to give children new media equipment, how long the screen time should be in a day, and when to let children have their own social media accounts. "Although some organizations will give suggestions, for example, the screen time is no more than one hour or two hours a day, and general social software suggests that people are over 14 years old, but parents have different ideas, different social situations, different family situations, and different children, so you can refer to some research-based suggestions, but in the end you have to find a way that suits you. I don’t think there is an absolute standard."

  "According to the needs" is Chen Qingwen’s main basis. Her son rarely contacted new media when he was in kindergarten, but when he saw that other children had their own mobile phones, he said that he also wanted to have their own mobile phones. But this wish has not been realized until now that his son is going to middle school, because his son has no need to carry a mobile phone. When she entered middle school, her son needed a computer for some of his homework. The school asked for a laptop for her child, so she bought the laptop she wanted, but only if it was used for study and could not be loaded with games. "At present, the school has just started, and there are still any problems in the future. I am also walking and watching."

  "In our research, we found that intentional is better than unintentional. As long as you are intentional, children can feel it. My suggestions are: teach students in accordance with their aptitude, learn from each other, and communicate with your heart. From the perspective of communication, intentional communication can enhance feelings and reduce misunderstandings, which is actually the most effective method. " Chen Qingwen said. (China Youth Daily China Youth Network Trainee reporter Wei Qimeng)

Experts in the billiard room opposite the school: further expand and clarify the connotation and scope of "places where minors are not allowed to enter"

  "Can you open a mahjong room near the primary school?" Recently, Ms. Li from Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province called for advice.

  Ms. Li said that in order to make it convenient for her daughter to go to school, her family moved to the school district opposite the school and found a mahjong hall downstairs. Not only can the children see the mahjong crackling inside on the way after school, but the mahjong sound at night often lasts until midnight, which greatly affects their study and rest.

  "I heard that dance halls can’t be opened near primary and secondary schools, so should mahjong halls be banned?" Ms. Li said.

  To this end, the reporter conducted an investigation and interview.

  □ Our reporter Zhang Shoukun

  Not long ago, the Regulations on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency in Guangdong Province (revised draft for comments) was publicly solicited from all walks of life, among which Article 38, "Business restrictions around schools", aroused widespread concern.

  This article proposes that Internet service business places, commercial song and dance entertainment places, commercial entertainment places and other places that minors are not allowed to enter according to laws and regulations should not be set up within 200 meters around primary and secondary schools. What are the "places where minors are not allowed to enter"? Netizens have different opinions.

  The reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" recently visited Beijing, Tianjin, Anhui and other places, and interviewed many parents. At present, places such as Internet cafes, KTV and game halls are rarely seen within 200 meters of primary and secondary schools, but there are still some mahjong halls, chess rooms, billiards rooms and other places. Some parents think that these places are also "places that minors should not enter" and should be far away from the school.

  Experts interviewed pointed out that minors’ self-control is relatively weak, and they are easily tempted and addicted by the outside world. It is necessary to build an iron wall to protect minors and purify the surrounding environment of primary and secondary schools. Relevant departments should issue relevant regulations, further expand and clarify the connotation and scope of "places that are not suitable for minors to enter", and include places that have not been explicitly banned but actually cause harm to the growth of minors in the "ban", strengthen daily supervision, and keep them away from the surrounding areas of schools to better create a good and comfortable growth environment for primary and secondary school students.

  Chess room opens its doors to students.

  Opposite a middle school in Suzhou, Anhui Province, there is a billiard room that has been open for more than ten years, and its business is booming every day. Teacher Zhang of the middle school noticed that there were many students in school uniforms in the billiards room, and some of them looked like young minors, which made him quite worried.

  "Many of the people who come here to play ball are junior high school students and high school students. They have also met several primary school students who are not much higher than the pool table, smoking a cigarette in one hand and holding a club in the other, and their mouths are full of dirty words. Sadly, sometimes students can still be seen in the billiard room when it is clearly class time. " Teacher Zhang said that the next roadside step from the main entrance of the school is the billiard room, and many teachers and parents hope that this billiard room can be moved.

  In the shopping mall opposite a primary school in Suzhou, several 24-hour self-help mahjong halls have been opened in recent years, and students are not restricted to enter. Some teachers reported that some students went across the street to play as soon as school was over. He went into the mahjong room and observed that most of the students who went there were middle school students nearby and occasionally primary school students.

  He described the scene of students playing mahjong to reporters like this: "Eat, touch, bar, and be stupid … …” Accompanied by a burst of slightly excited voices, the children quickly and skillfully touched cards and played cards, and the "national curse" blurted out, almost the same as playing mahjong with adults. Similar scenes have been staged in many places.

  Some time ago, Ruizhou Street, Gao ‘an City, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province received a report from the residents in the jurisdiction: "There is a mahjong hall downstairs in the 20 th building of a residential area in Gao ‘an City. There is a primary school opposite the mahjong hall, and the mahjong hall is less than 500 meters away from the school. As a result, many parents in the school went to the mahjong room after sending their children to school, and then took them to the mahjong room for dinner after school, which seriously affected the children’s study. "

  The Law on the Protection of Minors clearly stipulates that places such as commercial entertainment places, bars, and Internet service places that are not suitable for minors’ activities shall not be set up around schools and kindergartens.

  In the investigation, the reporter found that Internet cafes, tobacco shops and KTV are rarely seen within 200 meters around the school, but chess rooms, mahjong halls and billiards rooms are still common, and many participants are minors.

  If the scope of "nearby" is expanded to 500 meters, mahjong halls and billiards rooms will be more common. The reporter inquired about several primary and secondary schools in Hedong District, Tianjin, and found that there are often many mahjong halls and billiards rooms within 500 meters of the school.

  It is understood that some of these places existed before the school was built, while others were opened after the school was completed. It is worth noting that some chess rooms, mahjong rooms and billiards rooms often do not actively verify the identity information of consumers, and minors can enter and leave at will.

  It is easy to lead students to get into bad habits.

  Then, can chess rooms, mahjong halls and billiards rooms be opened around primary and secondary schools? Are these places "commercial entertainment places" that are not suitable for minors’ activities in the law on the protection of minors?

  Through the search, the reporter noticed that many operators had asked similar questions to local government departments, and the responses from different places were not consistent.

  Fu ‘an Municipal Bureau of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Fujian Province replied that according to the Regulations on the Administration of Entertainment Places, entertainment places refer to song, dance, entertainment and other places that are for profit and open to the public and consumers entertain themselves. Teahouses, bars and chess rooms belong to other service places other than entertainment places. Billiards room is not a place of entertainment.

  The Education and Sports Bureau of Suzhou City, Anhui Province replied that the distance between the newly established entertainment venue and the school should not be less than 200 meters in response to the question of whether it is compliant to open a billiard room 150 meters away from the school. The distance from hospitals and institutions shall not be less than 50 meters.

  Recently, the Regulations on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency in Guangdong Province (Revised Draft for Comment) was publicly solicited for opinions from all walks of life, including the "bottom-up" clause and other places where minors are not allowed to enter according to laws and regulations. Some people think that, according to this regulation, "places where minors are not allowed to enter" such as mahjong halls and chess rooms cannot be opened within 200 meters of the school.

  Tian Xiangxia, deputy secretary-general of the Juvenile Law Research Association of Shanghai Law Society, told the reporter that although the chess room, mahjong room and billiards room do not belong to the category of entertainment places stipulated in the regulations on the management of entertainment places promulgated by the State Council, minors often go in and out of these places, which is easy to cause and produce bad behavior. Starting from implementing the basic principle that the law on the protection of minors under the superior law is most conducive to the protection of minors, Guangdong local regulations clarify the areas where the superior law is not clearly defined or vaguely defined, which is the embodiment of the rational exercise of local legislative authority.

  From a practical point of view, Wang Mingyu, a lawyer of Beijing Yinghe Law Firm, said that although the law does not explicitly stipulate that chess rooms, mahjong halls, billiards halls and other places should not be located within 200 meters of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, combined with the actual situation, there are more or less gambling behaviors in these places at present, and the composition of people entering and leaving is extremely complicated, and the quality of personnel is mixed, and smoking is not completely prohibited in the places, which is very easy to induce minors to make friends with bad social people and get involved in smoking and drinking.

  "At the same time, these places often attract undesirable people to gather, causing social security problems such as fighting and even robbery, which poses a threat to the personal safety of minors. Therefore, the above places should not be opened near primary and secondary schools." Wang Mingyu said.

  Relevant definitions need to be further clarified.

  According to public information, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, Shanghai and other places have clearly stipulated that chess rooms should not be located within 200 meters of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens. Some interviewed parents suggested that there are still a large number of chess rooms, mahjong halls and billiards rooms around the school at 300 meters, 400 meters and 500 meters. It is difficult to stop the pace of minors from going. From the perspective of ensuring a good growth environment for minors, the scope of "surrounding" primary and secondary schools should be appropriately expanded, and at the same time, the supervision of minors entering and leaving these places should be strengthened.

  In this regard, Wang Mingyu quite agrees. In his view, in view of the situation of minors entering and leaving these places at will, although the nature and management of chess rooms, mahjong halls, billiards rooms and other places are not clearly defined in relevant laws and regulations at present, it has become a blank area of supervision. However, these venues are open to the public for the purpose of making profits, and consumers entertain themselves. At the same time, they have the nature of indoor sports and can be identified as recreational sports business venues. We should refer to the relevant provisions of the applicable law on the protection of minors and require operators to set up signs prohibiting minors from entering or restricting them in a prominent position. If it is difficult to determine whether a minor is a minor, he shall be required to show his identity certificate.

  Yu Zhiyun, a lawyer of Beijing Cube (Shenzhen) Law Firm and a senior consultant of the Education and Insurance Committee of Shenzhen Lawyers Association, believes that legislation should be further improved to clarify that chess rooms, mahjong rooms and billiards rooms should not be opened near primary and secondary schools, and those that have been opened should be closed within a time limit.

  "The nature of these places is similar to that of KTV, and they should be regarded as commercial entertainment places, but the size of the venues and the consumers are different. In practice, the activities carried out in these places often have the nature of gambling, and even there are primary and secondary school students ‘ End ’ The situation of the activity. Whether it’s just onlookers or yourself ‘ End ’ It is easy for minors to develop bad habits and get infected with bad habits, which is not conducive to the growth of minors. " Yu Zhiyun said.

  In addition, some experts pointed out that some of these places are set up in the basements or property rooms of residential buildings, and there are objective situations such as lack of fire-fighting facilities, emergency exits, indoor non-smoking, etc. These situations not only endanger the physical and mental health of minors, but also have hidden dangers of more injuries caused by unqualified facilities in case of fire and other emergencies. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen supervision over the existing places around the campus, and resolutely ban those that endanger the physical and mental health of minors.

  The reporter found out that many activities have been carried out in Xiangtan, Hunan, Jianyang, Sichuan, Nanjing, Jiangsu and other places to manage the chess room, mahjong hall and billiards room around primary and secondary schools, such as withholding the business license of the chess room and taking away the mahjong table, and ordering the store to relocate as soon as possible, and it is not allowed to open before it is relocated.

  Tian Xiangxia believes that before the law is clear, it is necessary to balance the protection of minors and social protection in chess rooms, mahjong halls and billiards rooms that have been set up around schools, and the principle of "old methods for the elderly and new methods for newcomers" can be adopted. For relevant market entities that existed before the introduction of local regulations in Guangdong and other places, from the perspective of strengthening daily supervision and inspection, minors are strictly prohibited from entering. After the promulgation of local regulations, it is forbidden to set up new chess and card rooms, mahjong halls and billiards rooms within 200 meters around the campus, and strictly enforce the law, and shut down and punish violators.

  Wang Mingyu suggested that, except that these places can’t be opened near the school, these places should be marked with minors’ restricted entry signs in a prominent position, which can refer to similar regulations for minors to play online games, such as playing for up to 2 hours on weekends. Timely guide and persuade minors to return. Establish a business ledger, indicating the information of the residents. If it is difficult to determine whether they are minors, they should be required to show their identity documents. In view of the illegal reception of minors, the relevant administrative departments should strengthen supervision, order them to make corrections within a time limit, warn them, confiscate their illegal income, and impose corresponding fines; Refuses to correct or if the circumstances are serious, it shall be ordered to suspend business for rectification or revoke its business license.

  The experts interviewed believe that the revision of the regulations on the prevention of juvenile delinquency in Guangdong Province is an opportunity to clarify the "fuzzy zone" around primary and secondary schools in the form of laws and regulations, thus filling possible loopholes in supervision.

  "With the rapid development of society, the forms of entertainment places and game places are becoming more and more diversified. The formulation of laws and regulations is often a step behind, and the solution can be to further clarify the definition and connotation of relevant places by laws and regulations, so as to avoid the problem of ‘ Fuzzy zone ’ Different law enforcement standards caused by different understandings have led to law enforcement disputes. " Yu Zhiyun said.

  Wang Mingyu suggested that, referring to the way of soliciting opinions on the supervision of script entertainment venues, a filing system should be adopted and filed in the cultural and tourism administrative departments, so as to find out the base and prepare for the next industry supervision and compliance. Strengthen the supervision of administrative organs, and the administrative departments of culture and tourism, as the competent departments of the industry, unite with the departments of public security, market supervision, urban management and law enforcement, fire rescue, etc., clarify the specific division of labor, and implement the supervision duties of chess rooms, mahjong halls, billiards rooms and other places. Carry out special actions for outstanding problems such as unlicensed operation, further strengthen territorial responsibility, and formulate normalization plans, thus improving comprehensive supervision efficiency and governance effect.

  "At the same time, family education and school education should also be taken seriously. Parents should master the correct ways and methods of education, pay attention to emotional communication with children, and establish a healthy family atmosphere. Schools should help students establish a correct outlook on life and values, strengthen mental health education, pay attention to students’ comprehensive quality training and all-round development of physical and mental health, and reduce students’ entry into such places. " Wang Mingyu said.

What is "Jiangnan"

Author: Hu Yifeng

At the opening ceremony of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, the "osmanthus drum", qiantang bore, green water and green mountains, elegant national style, poetry and painting of Jiangnan and the humanistic Asian Games complement each other, which vividly shows the freshness, agility, massiness and elegance contained in the cultural image of "Jiangnan". Looking back at the literary and artistic works that have been popular in recent years, such as the dance drama "Never Gone Radio Wave" and "Only Green", and the Spring Festival Evening program "Memorizing Jiangnan" and "Jibu Bridge", many of them have their own "Jiangnan style". So, what is "Jiangnan"? How is the "Jiangnan Faner" tempered?

In the Song Dynasty, Liu Yong’s "Looking at the Tide of the Sea" begins with the saying that "the southeast is victorious, the three Wu cities are prosperous since ancient times", and the "three Wu" and "Qiantang" here are important geographical symbols and pronouns of Jiangnan. The description in the poem, "Sanqiu Guizi, Shili Lotus", "Qiang Guan Qing, Ling Ge Pan Night" has been passed down through the ages, which can be described as exquisite. But it is somewhat exaggerated to say that this place has been prosperous since ancient times. Even if we put aside the corner of Hangzhou, from the perspective of the broad "Jiangnan", this "land of beauty" repeatedly chanted by poets has gone through a long evolution process before it has completed its own cultural shaping.

Photo of Wu Guanzhong in Suzhou Water Street

"Jiangnan" literally means south of the Yangtze River, but its meaning has changed in different contexts. Jiangnan, which is commonly known today, is also known as Jiangdong or Jiangzuo in history. "Jiangdong", which is "thinking about Xiang Yu so far and refusing to cross Jiangdong", generally includes "Jiangnan" in people’s minds today. The TV series "nirvana in fire" is set in the Southern Liang Dynasty in the south of the Yangtze River, and Mei Changsu’s nickname is "Jiang Zuo Mei Lang". There was a "Jiangnan Road" in the Tang Dynasty, covering a vast area, including most areas south of the Yangtze River. Since then, "Jiangnan", as the concept of administrative division, has changed with the changes of dynasties, and gradually withdrew from the historical stage until the Qing Dynasty. As a geographical concept, "Jiangnan" is gradually fixed as Suzhou, Songjiang, Changzhou, Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Huzhou in Taihu Lake Basin. It is also in the historical evolution of cultural exchanges and accumulation that culture has outperformed the frequent changes of administrative divisions with its unique charm, and fixed the poetic Jiangnan in the history of Chinese civilization.

In fact, in the eyes of people in the Central Plains in the pre-Qin period, Jiangnan was a barbarian land with tattooed hair, and its man Shang Yong was aggressive, which was quite different from the "Jiangnan Fan" that people are familiar with today. From the Qin Dynasty to the early Han Dynasty, most areas in the south of the Yangtze River were still in the primitive agricultural era of "plowing with fire and water". Although "there are no people who are frozen and hungry, and there is no family with a daughter", and because "the south of the Yangtze River is wet and her husband dies young", the image of this land in people’s minds at that time is not lovely. When Jia Yi was demoted as a teacher of Changsha King in the Western Han Dynasty, he was worried about life in the south, fearing that he would not live long. However, it didn’t take long for the situation to change quietly. After the Han dynasty, the global temperature dropped, and the climate in the south of the Yangtze River became suitable for farming and living, which ushered in a godsend opportunity to change one’s life and rebuild oneself. If land reclamation and economic development have laid a material foundation for the prosperity of Jiangnan, then profound and extensive cultural exchanges have continuously injected vitality into the formation of "Jiangnan Faner".

Historically, during the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Han Dynasty, and the period from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms, especially after the Yongjia Rebellion in the Western Jin Dynasty, the Anshi Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty, and the Jingkang Rebellion in the Northern Song Dynasty, the cultural spread and integration with the large-scale migration of population as the carrier conformed to the general trend of natural environment changes, refreshing the face of Jiangnan again and again, and prompting "Jiangnan" to enter its own cultural time.

Historian Qian Mu thinks: "When the Eastern Jin Dynasty crossed to the south, the Yangtze River basin formally represented the traditional China". After Yongjia, a large number of aristocratic families from the Central Plains took refuge in the south. Most of them had high cultural attainments. The elegant aristocratic culture injected poetic connotation into Jiangnan at that time, which effectively promoted the transformation from "wuyue Wind" to "Jiangnan Culture". "Sui Shu" wrote about the cultural situation in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, saying: "Clothes and objects, pictures and notes, and broadcasting and moving, all belong to Jiangzuo. On the occasion of the Jin and Song Dynasties, there were many studies, and between Qi and Liang, the history was rich. " During this period, many important cultural achievements came from northern immigrants or their descendants. Fan Zhen’s Theory of Deity Extinction, Zhong Rong’s Poems, Zhou Xingsi’s Thousand-Character Works and Liu Xie’s Wen Xin Diao Long are all examples. In the Tang Dynasty, the wealth and prosperity of Taihu Lake basin became more and more obvious. "It was endowed with the world and Jiangnan lived in the 19th … Zhejiang and Zhejiang lived in the 19th, while Susong Changjiahu was based on the 19th of Zhejiang." After the Anshi Rebellion, "most of the gentry crossed the river east with their families", in the words of the poet Li Bai, "all the well-dressed men in the world avoided Soochow, and Yongjia moved south, but they were not satisfied here". According to some scholars’ statistics, from the perspective of the number of poets in the whole Tang Dynasty, the north far surpassed the south, but after the Anshi Rebellion, the number of poets in the south increased substantially, which was comparable to that in the north.

People’s West Lake Feng Zikai information picture

With the change of Jingkang, the Song Dynasty moved southward, and Jiangnan made further efforts on the road of cultural development. As Jin Fu said in Qing Dynasty, Jiangnan was just a country before Han and Tang Dynasties. Since Qian Liu stole it, the Southern Song Dynasty was peaceful, and the people gathered together to make a land monarch, so it became a fortune. According to research, this great population migration began in 1126 (the first year of Jingkang) and lasted until 1279, with a total population of 5 million, which greatly exceeded the population in the south. Long-lasting immigrants spread throughout the Yangtze River basin and even today’s Hainan Island, and the largest distribution of immigrants is in Jiangnan, where the political center of the Southern Song Dynasty is located. On the one hand, "most of the scholars in the northwest are in Qiantang", where many scholars and great scholars gather, and scholars such as Li Qingzhao and Xin Qiji stay, which greatly promotes the development of culture and scholarship; On the other hand, the gathering of a large number of professional artists has promoted the prosperity of citizens’ culture. According to The Old Story of Wulin, there were more than 20 places of entertainment "Wazi" inside and outside Hang Cheng in the Southern Song Dynasty, and the audience reached more than a thousand people for a long time. There are more than 50 cultural performances and more than 500 artists. They either tell historical stories and folk legends, or perform acrobatic circus or acrobatic shadow play.

When the stars move, the text will follow. When history marched into the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Jiangnan culture was presented to the world in a mature and gorgeous manner. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, on average, more than one out of every seven scholars came from Jiangnan. A quarter of the top scholars in the Ming Dynasty came from Jiangnan. Jiangnan accounted for more than half of the top scholars in Qing Dynasty, so that Wang Wan, a scholar in Suzhou, called the top scholar a local "native product". The pride in the imperial examination field reflects the overall improvement of Jiangnan cultural strength. As the cultural symbols of this period, most of the famous works such as Dream of Red Mansions, Sanyan Erpai and Peony Pavilion are imprinted with Jiangnan, and it is these cultural classics that directly shape the image of Jiangnan that has been passed down to this day.

It can be seen that "Jiangnan Faner" is a product of history. As the saying goes, "the southeast is endowed with wealth, and the literati in the left of the river are lost". The description of the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River and the interpretation of the cultural spirit in the south of the Yangtze River are the key points to promote this historical process. As mentioned above, "Jiangnan" generally corresponds to Taihu Lake Basin geographically, and its most moving, popular and refined expression is "there is heaven above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below". If you compare "Jiangnan Faner" to a gorgeous costume, Suzhou and Hangzhou are undoubtedly the most competent models. The fame of Suzhou and Hangzhou has spread hand in hand, and it is inseparable from the literati’s wonderful pen. According to Chai Degeng’s research, Suzhou and Hangzhou even started from Bai Juyi, and Suzhou and Hangzhou were mentioned five times in his poems, such as "Suzhou and Hangzhou were once famous counties", "Suzhou and Hangzhou are famous counties in the south of the Yangtze River" and "I am 57 years old, and I am honored" in Three Songs of My Year. Party A and Party B have three subjects, and Suzhou and Hangzhou are the owners. I am even more proud that I have worked in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Among Bai Juyi’s many poems about Jiangnan, Recalling Jiangnan is the most popular, which vividly expresses his attachment to Jiangnan. When we read this famous article, we will find that "water" is one of the most important contents in Jiangnan images. Geographically, "the terrain leans to the southeast, and Wu Zhi is in the lowest position in the southeast, so it is advisable to have more water". In this water town, Zeguo, the ancestors explored a complete water conservancy system, "to drain it in case of prostitution, and to irrigate it in dry years." From Xie Lingyun’s Poems on Mountain Living and Zhang Yuan’s Poems on Southern Expedition in the Southern Dynasties to Su Shi’s Poems and Songs on the South of the Yangtze River, to Zhu Ziqing’s Poems and Songs on Qinhuai River and Feng Zikai’s Poems and Songs on the South of the Yangtze River in modern times, the appearance rate of "water" is probably the highest.

There are many boats when there is more water. Water and boats constitute the unique geographical environment and lifestyle of Jiangnan, and also shape the aesthetic background of Jiangnan style. The Night Sailing Boat by Zhang Dai in Ming Dynasty is a online celebrity book with a score of 9 on a reading website, and its creativity comes from the unique landscape of "Night Sailing Boat" prevailing in the south of the Yangtze River. In water towns, boats are used in all aspects of life. There are "book boats" for buying books, "account boats" for collecting rent, "doctor boats" for visiting doctors, "wedding boats" for marrying brides, and "incense boats" for serving pilgrims. Jiangnan people, "not only husbands can operate boats, but also women can." There are also groups who make a living on the boat, just as the fishing song in Yangcheng Lake sings, "A net boat is the world, and the reed is used as a tile cabin as a bed." The bow of the boat cooks food, and the clothes are hung in the boat. " The ship in the south of the Yangtze River has a meaning beyond daily necessities and directly involved in cultural production and consumption. Chongzhen’s "Songjiang Prefecture Records" records that "at the beginning, there were sailing boats, mountain boats, seat boats and long-distance boats, but now they are wave boats, floor boats, Zhu Lan, Cuimu, Jingru and Jinglu", which shows that the boats are diverse and rich. Li E, a Qing Dynasty writer, wrote the Book of Lake Boats specially for the cruise ships in Hangzhou West Lake, which recorded nearly 100 kinds of cruise ships. In the Qing Dynasty, Suzhou, Jinling and other places also provided catering services for cruise ships, which were called "traveling boats" and "fire eating boats". Ships are not only used to swim the lake, but also used as a "stage". In this regard, there is a vivid record in the notes of the Qing Dynasty, "Su Jun feasted on the gods of the New Year, and every time he played on the bow of the Huqiu Mountain Pond. There is a theater in the boat, and dishes are prepared at the stern. The audience also called Sha Fei, Niu Tongue and other ships to be alongside them. ""Every year, we race the city and drive the railing barge in partnership.Traveling between Shanbang and Yefangbang, hoping to sell their skills. Every time you arrive at a boat, you must put on your robe and hat, hand in your eyes, and bow in the front cabin. Moving out, the value of the cable ranges from one to two hundred. " Even Martino Martini, a missionary who came to Hangzhou in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, said, "It’s true that rowing on the lake is more comfortable and pleasant than anything else in the world.". In modern times, all kinds of ships active in water towns are still an indispensable part of Jiangnan style. In Lu Xun’s "Social Drama", he watched the play on the bow and cooked the arhat beans on the boat, which is the case. When Feng Zikai lived in Tongxiang’s hometown, he often put books, clothes and other things into the "painting boat". Wherever he shook it "by night", he went ashore to sketch and paint, and the interesting works such as "The Barber Shop in the Wild" and "Three Empresses" were born in this way.

Culture in the south of the Yangtze River is picturesque, full of melodies, intoxicating and profound, which is dizzying and unforgettable. For thousands of years, Jiangnan Faner, which has been refined in the frequent interaction between nature and humanity, history and humanity, fortune and human feelings, has been active in the literary world with its unique charm, condensed in local customs and folk customs, and engraved into people’s lives and memories.

Guangming Daily (16th edition, October 20th, 2023)

Source: Guangming Net-Guangming Daily

From "Beauty" to "Fashion": The "Second Start" of China Beauty Town

The scene of the 4 th International Rose Culture Festival was taken by Zhou Sunyu

The scene of the 4 th International Rose Culture Festival was taken by Zhou Sunyu

Huzhou, April 27 (Reporter Shi Zinan) "Although the proportion of beauty cosmetics in New Zealand is small, it has great development potential. I hope that the beauty industry in New Zealand can further exchange and cooperate with China Beauty Town. " Xiang Youliang, Commercial Officer of the Commercial Office of the Consulate General of New Zealand in Shanghai, said this at the 4th International Rose Culture Festival, which opened on 27th.

Xiangyou Liangkou Beauty Town is located in Daixi Town, Wuxing District, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. At present, a whole cosmetics industry chain has been formed here, which ranks among the three major cosmetics gathering areas in China and is listed as the only core carrying area of cosmetics industry in Zhejiang Province during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period.

Tourists punch in at Rose Manor. Photo by Zhou Sunyu

Every time he comes to the beauty town, Xiang Youliang has different feelings. The superior geographical location and perfect beauty industry chain all make him "moved". "With the opportunity of the International Rose Culture Festival, you can also learn about the specific situation of the beauty industry and explore another possibility of economic and trade cooperation between China and New Zealand."

Beauty can be said to be the "ancestral" label of Daixi. Thousands of years ago, Daixi area was the famous origin of begonia flowers in the south of the Yangtze River, and it was also the base for planting roses for local people in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Taking the International Rose Culture Festival as an opportunity, the town is committed to deeply cultivating the "beautiful" industry, and now it has become the highland of the beauty industry in the heart of the Yangtze River Delta.

After visiting Daixi personally, Feng Tao, a professor from Universities of Applied Sciences, got a deeper understanding of the industry and ecological environment of the beauty town. What he didn’t expect was that everything related to the production and sales of cosmetics, starting from the cultivation of raw materials, including research and development, production, packaging and sales, can be found in the beauty town.

"Different from the other two major cosmetics industry clusters, beauty towns have great cooperation space in division of labor and industrial chain extension." On the same day, eight projects, including nano-carrier research and development project, biological project and high-end beauty experience project, were officially signed with the beauty town, with a total investment of 650 million yuan.

Tourists are enjoying flowers. Photo by Zhou Sunyu

Nowadays, as one of Huzhou’s "Five Grains" plans, Daixi has also been entrusted with the important mission of industrial upgrading, constantly exploring beauty as the core, and implanting new formats such as eco-tourism, fashion marketing and functional support into the industrial chain to create a brand-new "fashion valley".

According to Cheng Jia, member of the Standing Committee of Xing Wu District Committee and secretary of the Party Committee of Daixi Town, "The theme of’ Fashion Valley’ is’ Fashion’, focusing on improving the fashion industry chain; The value concept is’ Lohas’, emphasizing a healthy, environmentally friendly, fashionable, organic and natural lifestyle. "

In recent years, Daixi has been upgraded from "beauty" to "fashion" and "beauty", realizing industrial enrichment and functional extension; From "small town" to "valley", the spatial characteristics have been upgraded, and the organic transformation from "green mountains and green hills" to "Jinshan Yinshan" has been realized.

On-site, the industrial tourism route of Beauty Town was released simultaneously. Focusing on the theme of beauty, it provided tourists with an all-round, multi-perspective, immersive and experiential tour route from four perspectives: welcoming customers, industrial gathering, beauty center and ecological beauty valley, and committed to enabling every visitor to redefine beauty.

According to Min Yun, deputy mayor of Huzhou Municipal People’s Government, the release of this industrial tourism route is an important practice to promote the integration and development of beauty industry and tourism industry.

"Industrial integration is an irreversible trend in the development of modern industries and a key step and an important starting point in the development of global tourism. Strengthening the integration of beauty industry with agriculture, tourism, culture, commerce and other industries is conducive to optimizing resource allocation and extending the whole industry chain. " Min Yun said.

What he said is true. At a time when industrial integration has become an inevitable trend of economic and social development, the innovative model of "industry+ecology+culture+tourism" has gradually transformed the industrial dividend of the beauty town into green kinetic energy for high-quality development, and will continue to release more "fashion" wonderful. (End)

Source: China News Network

Manchester City has won the Premier League three times in a row, only two finals away from the triple crown, and the best team in history is about to be born.

With Arsenal losing 1-0 to Nottingham Forest, Manchester City locked in the Premier League title three rounds ahead of schedule. Manchester City has won the Premier League three times in a row. In the past six years, it has only fallen behind the champion once and won the Premier League five times. Manchester city can be said to be one of the most successful teams in football today, and one of them can even be removed.


Behind the success of Manchester City, we have to mention their coach Guardiola. Since Guardiola took over Manchester City in 2016, he has made a major transformation of the team. He rebuilt the team and led them to get the best Premier League results in history in an unprecedented way, with more than 100 points in a single season and the highest number of goals in a single season. Guardiola extended his success from Barcelona to Bayern Munich and reached another peak in Manchester City.


Guardiola’s success mainly lies in his mastery of football tactics and strategies. He can always adapt to the game and make the players play their best in the most effective way. In other words, he is a very good tactician. His lineup rotation strategy is also excellent. In some important games, he will choose to send different starting lineups, which leads to the opponent’s inability to cope. At the same time, he is also a very good psychologist. Guardiola can give players confidence and strength, and inspire their fighting spirit and greatest potential. This is very important for the success of Manchester City.


In addition, the success of Manchester City is also attributed to every player in the team. From Harland to De Braune, from Gundogan to Aker and Akanji, everyone in the Manchester City squad has made important contributions to the team. Their efforts and talents are a major factor in Manchester City’s reversal of Arsenal’s winning the Premier League title this season. Whether you are a loyal supporter of Manchester City or an amateur of football, you can’t deny that there is a real team spirit behind Manchester City’s success. As a player and opponent of Manchester City, everyone knows that this team is built on extraordinary skills and excellent management. More importantly, they have a firm determination, which is a necessary condition for winning the competition.


Not only winning the game, Manchester City is also spreading the beauty of football to the whole world. Their players and coaches have become one of the most important benchmarks in football, and at the same time, they are also helping the sport become a more popular cultural phenomenon. Finally, just like football is a team sport, the success of Manchester City is the result of teamwork. This team has demonstrated persistent and consistent efforts and dedication, as well as a true love for football and team spirit. This is a historic achievement that deserves the respect and reverence of all football fans and players all over the world.

Now Manchester City has successfully won the Premier League title, only two finals away from the treble. The FA Cup final will face Manchester United, the same city rival, and the Champions League final will face Inter Milan. Manchester City aims to win the treble! We will wait and see!

Manchester United is determined to solve the problem! Serie A 40 million frontrunners+Kane forced to go to the shire.

Manchester United has made remarkable progress under the leadership of Tenghahe this season, but the weakness of the front still plagues Manchester United, which is anxious to revive.

The data is the most convincing. They scored 51 goals in 35 Premier League games, averaging 1.45 goals per game, while Manchester City scored 92 goals in 35 games, averaging 2.63 goals per game.

Rachford, the top scorer of Manchester United, is good enough, but he has only scored 18 goals so far, which is far from Tenhah’s 36 goals.

Strengthening the strength of the front line has become Manchester United’s first choice next season. The Times reported that Manchester United had targeted two strikers.

Their number one prey must be Kane. Although Kane is 30 years old, he has scored 27 goals this season and is still a prolific striker.

Tottenham Hotspur is another four-empty season, and Kane has already had the idea of a transfer. Manchester United is a good choice. I just hope Kane won’t stage a farce of failing to move to Manchester City.

Another target for Manchester United is Danish striker Heilund of Serie A Atalanta. Last summer, Atlanta bought the 20-year-old soccer potential star for 17 million euros.

He is a traditional center with good back skills, and scored 7 goals in 29 Serie A appearances. Now he is worth 40 million pounds, and Real Madrid, Juventus and Inter Milan are also among the competitors.

Once United win Kane and Heylund, Marchal will definitely leave.

The concept of "semi-Masuhe" has finally come true. 4,000 runners feel the fireworks on the banks of the Su River by running.

Liu Hui and Wang Weiqiu, reporters from Dongfang. com, reported on April 22nd that the sun was shining in the early morning, and a charming marathon started in front of the Tianan Qianshu, a landmark building on the Suzhou River in Putuo District. At 7: 00 am on April 22nd, 2023 Shanghai Suzhou Creek Half Marathon started, and citizens who love road running gathered together to share this sports feast.

In the end, Mari took the lead in crossing the finish line and won the championship in 1 hour, 03 minutes and 46 seconds. Liu Min won the first place in the women’s team in 1 hour, 13 minutes and 19 seconds. After waiting for 3 hours and 15 minutes, the first Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon ushered in the "closing time", and the race completion rate reached 98.78%.

Charming track, feel the vitality of "semi-Masuhe"

In recent years, Putuo District has served the people with high-quality supply, put forward the concept of "semi-Masuhe", realized the comprehensive connection of the coastline of Putuo section of Suzhou River for 21 kilometers, and made every effort to build a world-class waterfront of "semi-Masuhe". The semi-Marseille of Suzhou River in Shanghai in 2023 also made people feel the fireworks on the banks of Suzhou River.

The theme of this year’s competition is "Shanghai-style fireworks land, new vitality of Suzhou River", which connects industrial civilization and modern creative buildings spanning a hundred years in series and depicts an unparalleled charm track.

The starting point of the event is located in Dayang Jingdian Tianan Qianshu (Moganshan Road) and the end point is Banmashuhe Park (Yunling East Road). The track passes through Putuo landmark buildings such as Tianan Qianshu, Shanghai Mint Museum and Banmashuhe Park, with a total length of 21.0975 kilometers and a total of 4,000 participants.

Runners can feel the bright red genes, heavy industrial civilization, surging development vitality, colorful mass life and pleasant ecological base along the "semi-Masu River".

Escort the whole process and work together to build a barrier for the event.

The 2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon is the first time to be held. As one of the stops in the series of horse races, the race at the entrance of "Suzhou River Half Horse" puts the safety of runners in the first place, and insists on the high standard of "horse quality". The Organizing Committee of the Games cooperates closely with the operation team, medical rescue team, public security team and volunteer team to create a multi-dimensional, full coverage and quick response security system.

The competition has built a perfect and scientific safeguard barrier for runners. At the start and end of the track and along the way, in addition to street security personnel, 917 volunteers from Putuo District and universities in Shanghai, together with more than 130 referees, woven a safety net. On that day, 21 medical stations were set up, with 12 ambulances and nearly 100 medical staff along the way, and 3 designated hospitals were set up. 200 first-aid volunteers were distributed in the medical stations and provided medical support along the way. Among them, 25 groups of cycling first aid teams were escorted, with obvious signs 100 meters in front of the medical rescue points along the way, followed by ambulances and assisted by volunteers and staff along the runners’ running route.

At the same time, during the event, the police of the traffic police detachment of Putuo Public Security Bureau rode motorcycles to clear the way, and the police of the special police detachment rode police bicycles to escort the whole event. Puhuan Company carries out comprehensive rectification and comprehensive three-dimensional cleaning along the track to ensure the overall environment of the track route is clean and tidy. At Jiangning Road Station of Line 13 near the starting point, Shanghai Metro No.2 Operation Co., Ltd. has formulated a series of emergency plans, set up lounge chairs and signboards in the station hall, and arranged volunteers to guide the contestants to the venue to ensure the smooth progress of the competition.

All kinds of supply stations are set up along the track. From 5 km onwards, drinking and drinking stations are set up every 5 km, and from 7.5 km onwards, drinking and water stations are set up every 5 km. There are four energy supply stations in the whole process, and there are ice stations and spray stations along the way. Participants can take a proper amount of ice cubes for physical cooling, so as to achieve the effect of quickly recovering their physical strength.

Defeated away, lost two games in a row! If Brother Alphabet doesn’t come back, the Heat will eliminate the Bucks.

The letter brother was injured for two games, which was a great opportunity for Middleton to prove himself. He was scolded in the regular season and had to look for face in the playoffs.

Why Wen is far from disappointing? You said he played well. The team is currently in a disadvantage position. You said he played poorly. The data also has a score of early 20. In the final analysis, it is not a matter of good or bad, but a matter of value or not.

A month ago, Middleton rejected the two-year 80 million renewal contract offered by the Bucks, and then asked for 150 million for three years. The negotiation was not very smooth, and this time it was even more hopeless.

The stag’s basic dish is on the letter brother. If he can play, the stag will flourish. On the contrary, it is mediocre. What matters is not the shooting, but the star. If Middleton insists on getting an annual salary of 50 million, it is very likely to leave the team in the offseason.

Regarding the Heat, we still insist on the previous speculation that losing to the Hawks in the play-off is not a lack of strength, but is deliberately picking the bucks to play, which is also in line with the temperament of this Heat.

Butler is cruel and cruel. You succeeded in revenge in the playoffs. This time, it’s my turn to perform.

Compared with the Celtics, the Heat is really better at fighting bucks. After all, the talent is not so bad, and it will not be too difficult to match.

Everyone in the green army can hold the ball, lock the double flowers and the rest of his teammates come forward. If you play bucks, you just need to focus on taking care of Brother Alphabet, even though Holliday is fierce in the regular season, in fact, the playoffs are also unpredictable.

As for Middleton, as I said at the beginning, it’s ok to be a deputy, but it’s hard to see him lead the team to reverse the direction of the whole series.

The Heat broke Hiro at the start, but there was also good news.

Binbin, who has been put on the trading shelf for many times due to state problems, has come back to life like a dead tree in the playoffs. At present, he made 10 of 13 three-pointers and hit an exaggerated 76.9%. Today, he scored 20 points in 24 minutes on his birthday night.

The lack of scoring points in attack is a long-standing problem for the Heat. It is really crucial that Binbin can stand up and play a role at this time. If he shoots accurately, Butler will feel great and the Heat will be able to return to the park.

If Brother Alphabet still can’t play in the next game, and holds the lead, but also continues to play at home and take down the match point, then the hope of this round of series black eight is very great.

If Black Eight succeeds, it will be another legendary chapter in Butler’s career, and then this matter is really hot.