Ministry of Culture and Tourism: In the first three quarters, the number of domestic tourists reached 3.67 billion, and the tourism income reached 3.7 trillion yuan.

Ministry of Culture and Tourism: In the first three quarters, the number of domestic tourists reached 3.67 billion, and the tourism income reached 3.7 trillion yuan.

On December 14th, the Press Office of the State Council held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Opening by Authorities", introducing the situation of accelerating the construction of a strong cultural country and promoting the high-quality development of culture and tourism, and answering reporters’ questions.

Du Jiang, Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism, said that in the first three quarters of this year, the number of domestic tourists reached 3.67 billion, and the tourism revenue reached 3.7 trillion yuan, up 75% and 114% respectively. Residents’ tourism demand has been released in a centralized way, and residents’ travel has increased substantially. While driving the expansion of related consumption, it also promoted economic recovery.

"This year’s tourism market can indeed be described as hot." Du Jiang said that in the next step, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will also promote a series of brand building such as a new batch of national cultural and tourism consumption demonstration cities, national tourist resorts, 5A-level scenic spots, and national night culture and tourism consumption gathering areas, so as to stimulate residents’ cultural and tourism consumption willingness and help market players to resume development.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Dong Xin


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