The wild ball emperor Lai Yiye fought NBA Wiggins? Turn millions of fans into clowns?

The wild ball emperor Lai Yiye fought NBA Wiggins? Turn millions of fans into clowns?

This summer, I didn’t want to meet Lai Yiye. This spiteful remark has successfully become a very classic spiteful remark in the basketball field in Tik Tok. Because the wild ball emperor Lai Yiye chose to train in Zhejiang in the summer, polish his basketball skills and restore his physical condition, mainly because he had a recurrence of his old injury in the crazy game before, so he also found that his proud "fastest first step" breakthrough had disappeared, and he failed to play the leading role he should have at the critical moment when the team needed him most. Mr. Lai, who only shoots, can really be described as a tiger who has lost his teeth. Therefore, Mr. Lai also silently shed tears in the channel of the players’ locker room.


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