标签归档 魔都新茶论坛

Shanghai Housing Authority: It is strictly forbidden for real estate brokers to fabricate and spread information about price increases, and will intensify investigation and punishment.

  Housing rent is directly related to the living cost and living standard of the renters, and has always been concerned by the public.

  On April 21st, Wang Zhen, director of Shanghai Housing Management Bureau, said when he was a guest on "Interview with People’s Livelihood in 2023" that Shanghai would take measures such as playing the role of "stabilizer" for affordable rental housing, prohibiting intermediaries from driving up prices, and establishing price monitoring and early warning to keep the housing rent level in Shanghai stable.

  Three measures to keep the housing rent level stable

  "In recent years, the housing rental market in Shanghai has been generally stable." Wang Zhen said that in order to keep the housing rent level in Shanghai stable, under the overall framework of the Price Law and in combination with the implementation of the Shanghai Housing Leasing Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), Shanghai will take measures from three aspects:

  The first is to play the role of "stabilizer" of affordable rental housing.It is clear that the rent of affordable rental housing should be lower than the market-oriented rent level of the same quality in the same lot, the rent should be below 10% of the market-oriented rent, and the annual increase should not be higher than the market-oriented rent increase in the same period and not higher than 5%. At the same time, it will be publicized to the public to guide market-oriented lessors to set reasonable prices.

  Second, it is strictly forbidden for housing leasing enterprises and real estate brokerage agencies to fabricate and spread price increase information., drive up prices, and be restrained by increasing investigation and self-discipline in the industry.

  The third is to establish a housing rental price monitoring and early warning mechanism.It is clearly stipulated in the "Regulations" that the municipal government can take price intervention measures such as price increase declaration, rent restriction or rent increase in accordance with the law under certain circumstances that the housing rent has increased significantly or may increase significantly.

  Incorporate lease management into social governance system

  On February 1st, the "Regulations" were officially implemented. Wang Zhen introduced that this legislation adheres to the problem orientation, focuses on practical problems, highlights the people’s livelihood attributes of housing leasing, and builds a housing leasing system with diversified suppliers, standardized business services and stable leasing relationship to meet the multi-level housing needs of residents in megacities. In the process of legislation, there are three main considerations.

  The first is to standardize leasing behavior.For the form of housing lease in which residents trade hand in hand, we should guide the parties to self-regulate and self-discipline by clarifying the rental requirements and standards and balancing the rights and obligations of the parties to the lease. For the three forms of listing and renting through real estate brokerage agencies, housing leasing enterprises acting as agents and centralized rental housing, we emphasize standardized management, and establish a whole-process supervision system from subject filing, real-name employment, housing verification, registration and filing to fund supervision, as well as relevant prohibitive provisions, so as to further improve market rules.

  The second is the coordinated development of the market and security.Strengthen forward-looking systematic planning, while promoting the stable and healthy development of the housing rental market, focus on accelerating the development of affordable rental housing, determine the system positioning, formulate special plans, clarify the construction and management requirements, and give full play to the demonstration and leading role of affordable rental housing in the entire housing rental system.

  The third is to bring lease management into the social governance system.While clarifying the responsibilities of the relevant departments of the city and district, aiming at the weak links and gaps existing in grassroots governance and the difficulties and problems encountered in the daily management of towns and villages, we will establish and improve the housing lease governance mechanism of urban planning, compartmentalization, responsibility of towns and villages, assistance from villages and industry self-discipline, strengthen the four-level linkage of cities, districts, towns and villages, and form a joint force with multiple governance to further enhance the effectiveness of grassroots governance.

  Write group rent into local legislation for the first time

  For the group rent behavior, the Regulations, on the basis of summing up the experience and practices of Shanghai’s group rent governance in recent years, first wrote the group rent into local legislation, taking a multi-pronged approach to further improve the efficiency of group rent governance.

  The first is to clarify the criteria for identifying group rents.The minimum rental unit, non-residential space that cannot be rented separately, the number of people living in each room and the per capita living area proposed by government regulations have been optimized and improved accordingly, and they have been raised to local legislation.

  The second is to optimize the law enforcement process of group rent.In view of the problems strongly reflected by the masses, once the group rent cases are discovered, they can be directly punished to improve the efficiency of law enforcement and increase the punishment, raising the fine from the original maximum of 100,000 yuan to the maximum of 200,000 yuan.

  The third is to highlight the key supervision of subletting.In view of the prominent problem of "second landlord" group rent in practice, it is clear that individuals who sublet houses for profit and engage in housing rental business activities should register as market participants according to law, and will be punished if they violate the regulations.

  The fourth is to implement the responsibility of territorial governance.Street offices and township people’s governments are required to regularly organize the investigation of hidden dangers of group rent. If illegal situations are found, they should urge rectification, start law enforcement procedures in a timely manner, and carry out rectification through joint law enforcement when necessary.

  Shanghai will rely on the refined urban management mechanism and work with relevant departments to study and formulate a plan to further improve the comprehensive management of group rents in Shanghai, issue documents to strengthen the management of individual housing subletting in Shanghai, and increase the guidance, supervision and support for the management of grassroots group rents.

  "The problem of group rent actually reflects that the supply structure of Shanghai housing rental market needs to be further improved. In the process of governance, we will adhere to the combination of unblocking and blocking." Wang Zhen said, on the one hand, vigorously promote the development of affordable rental housing; On the other hand, standardize the implementation of the "N+1" model of agency leasing, strictly supervise housing leasing enterprises to carry out agency leasing business, and promote the transformation from illegal group leasing to standardized sharing.

Today! Korean and Korean athletes began to ski together, and members of the Korean delegation were exposed.

       CCTV News:A head of South Korea’s Unification Ministry said today (January 31st) that a 45-member South Korean ski delegation took a charter flight to the DPRK this morning to conduct a two-day joint training at the Ma Yuling Ski Resort in North Korea.

       The person in charge said that the Korean delegation flew from Xiangyang Airport in Gangwon Province to Gema Airport in Yuanshan City, North Korea by charter flight this morning. After the joint training on February 1st, the Korean delegation will return to Xiangyang Airport by charter flight. At that time, the DPRK delegation will take the opportunity to visit South Korea with the Korean delegation, including Korean alpine skiers, cross-country skiers and coaches.


Maxiling ski resort

       It is understood that more than 20 of the 45 South Korean delegations who went to North Korea to participate in joint training were athletes, and other personnel included auxiliary personnel and joint interview groups. According to the schedule, Korean and Korean athletes will have freestyle skiing training on the first day of training, and joint training and friendly matches will be held on the second day of training.

       Previously, the ROK has been pushing the delegation to take a charter flight to the DPRK to participate in joint training. However, according to the latest US sanctions against the DPRK, aircraft passing through the DPRK are prohibited from entering the United States within 180 days. Therefore, the ROK has been negotiating with the United States recently, hoping that the United States will exclude the aircraft it took during its visit to the DPRK from the sanctions. It was not until this morning (January 31) that the ROK and the US reached an agreement on this matter.

       In fact, this time, Korean athletes went to the DPRK for joint training, and it was only after many consultations between the ROK and the DPRK and field visits by the advance team that they finally made it.


       On January 17, representatives of the DPRK and the ROK reached an agreement on a number of issues concerning the DPRK’s delegation to participate in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, including the joint training of Korean and Korean skiers at the Mashiling Ski Resort in North Korea.

       On January 23, a 12-member Korean advance team entered North Korea by land via the North-South Exit-Entry Office, and started a three-day trampling for the Korean-Korean joint cultural activities and joint skiing training.

       On the 24th, the South Korean advance team focused on the Maxiling Ski Resort and Gema Airport. During the three-day visit to the DPRK, the advance team all stayed at the Maxiling Hotel to inspect the accommodation facilities for Korean athletes going to the DPRK for joint training.

       Maxiling Ski Resort, located in Xinfengli, Yuanshan District, gangwon, North Korea, is one of the key construction projects in North Korea. It is about two hours’ drive from the Korean-Korean military demarcation line and about 200 kilometers from Pyeongchang. The ski resort was built in 2013 according to the instructions of Kim Jong-un, the top leader of North Korea, and includes a number of ski trails, a hotel, a helipad and a ski lift.

       60% of Koreans are optimistic about North Korea’s participation

       According to a survey released by a polling agency in South Korea today, about 60% of Koreans have a positive attitude towards North Korea’s participation in the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics. 1,074 adults in South Korea accepted the survey, and the results showed that 61% of the respondents gave positive comments on the participation of North Korean athletes, and 58% of the respondents had a positive attitude towards the joint cheerleading team between South Korea and North Korea.


       The PyeongChang Winter Olympics will be held from February 9 to 25. Kim Jong-un, the top leader of North Korea, expressed his intention to participate in the Winter Olympics for the first time in his New Year message on the 1st of this month, stressing the need to improve relations between the DPRK and the ROK in the new year, which received a positive response from the ROK.

Do you want to try the "night economy" like "literary fan" in nightlife?

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 5th (Reporter Wang Chenyang) There are more than 90 rooms on five floors, in which the audience follows the actors to watch the plot, and different routes will experience different plots. This is the charm of the immersive drama Sleepless Night. This drama, introduced from new york to Shanghai, has almost sold out since it was staged at the end of 2016. The Shanghai edition of Sleepless Night won the 24th Global Theme Entertainment Outstanding Performance Award in 2018.

  Ms. Wang, a Shanghai resident who has already "brushed", said that "Sleepless Night" has changed the conventional drama experience, and exquisite performances, props, scenes, etc. have combined people’s understanding of the environment with their understanding of the story. "This drama is not simply staged at night, but incorporates night elements into the drama, making it easier for people to fall into the atmosphere created by the drama."

  How do you choose to relax after a busy day’s work? Brush dramas, watch variety shows and play games … … Might as well leave the sofa, go out of the house and feel the "literary fan" of the fiery "night economy". Night tours of museums, 24-hour cinemas and bookstores, and immersive dramas … … Colorful cultural activities suitable for all ages have lit up the "night economy".

  In the distant Dunhuang, there is also a situational performance "See Dunhuang Again" made in China. The audience followed the actors’ guidance to change the scenery and feel the thousand-year history of the Western Regions. Zhang Qian, Wang Wei and Taoist Wang who discovered Dunhuang appeared one by one, which was quite vivid.

  As night falls, the income from a series of theatrical performances has a strong pulling effect on economic development. According to the Report on the Development of Shanghai Cultural Industry in 2018, there were more than 30,000 performances in Shanghai in 2018, with more than 16 million audiences and performance income of 1.8 billion yuan. In 2018, the performance markets in various places were very hot. The audience in Beijing performance market exceeded 11 million, and the box office income exceeded 1.7 billion yuan. Guangdong’s performance market revenue was about 5.5 billion yuan, an increase of 8% year-on-year.

  Liu Yunkan, deputy managing partner of Oliver Wyman Consulting, believes that the connotation of "night economy" is constantly expanding. Nightlife is no longer synonymous with bars and nightclubs, but carries an experience, including various cultural performances and cultural facilities.

  Public cultural facilities in many places have also opened their doors at night for tourists or citizens to experience for free. The National Museum opened an evening service this summer, and it was extended to close at 9 pm every Sunday for 10,000 people to make an appointment. From July to September, 14 museums in Huangpu District and Baoshan District of Shanghai were opened at night. Before August 30th this year, the new Anhui Museum will be closed until 9 pm every Friday, and a special exhibition "hall of mental cultivation Cultural Relics Exhibition of the Forbidden City" will be opened. Sichuan Museum is regularly open until 9 pm in summer.

  The public is very enthusiastic about the opening of public cultural facilities at night. This year’s Lantern Festival, the Palace Museum opened its first night event, and it was hard to get a ticket for the "Night of the Forbidden City". The Louvre Museum in France and the British Museum in Britain all have relatively mature night performances. Netizen’s arterial shadow said: "The night exhibition environment is better and the time schedule is abundant. For office workers, it is very welcome to open night shows."

  Compared with the extension of the opening hours of museums, 24-hour cinemas and bookstores provide "night owls" with a space to fully enjoy their cultural life at night. Daguangming Cinema and Guotai Cinema became the first batch of "24-hour cinemas" in Shanghai, delaying the number of film screenings to zero. Beijing Sanlian Taofen Bookstore and Hangzhou Yuelanshu 24-hour study room allow bookworms to dive into the sea of ink-scented books all night.

  The reporter found that Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Jinan, Nanjing, Chengdu and other cities have all proposed to prosper the night economy, among which "culture" is a high-frequency word. Beijing’s policy requires creating a "cultural IP" for night consumption. Shanghai, on the other hand, proposes to enrich the types of formats and increase the supply of cultural tourism projects.

  Li Zhenhui, general manager of Taiping Bridge Project in Xintiandi, China, said that the development of "night economy" is to meet and guide people’s demand for high-quality life, and it is a phenomenon that economy and culture blend with the change of modern urban lifestyle. Developing "night economy" is not only to boost night consumption, but also to develop "night space" and create "night culture".

  Recently, Li Zhenhui was also hired as the "CEO of Nightlife" in Huangpu District, Shanghai, to assist the competent authorities in their work, so as to better and comprehensively develop the "night economy" in commercial districts and provide people with high-quality cultural consumption experience. "This new identity gives me a dual vision as a manager and a consumer to feel the new world ‘ Nightlife ’ I hope to create a cultural and social destination for everyone. " Li Zhenhui said.

What is culture? Is there a culture in West Renye Fang?

What is culture? What does culture mean? This has to start with ancient Chinese. Wen is a generic word of Wen. As a noun explanation, text is texture, representation and trace. As a verb explanation, the text is interlaced, described and portrayed. Astronomy, for example, means that celestial bodies are scattered all over the night sky and staggered, naturally forming a big picture of stars.

Xinghan brilliant

Oracle Bone Inscriptions shows that on the left is a man facing west, and on the right is a man turning east, just like a man tossing and turning while sleeping. It means that things change, change and come into being. Including the transformation from one form to another, or even another thing. For example, actors make up, incarnate everything, and educate all the people.

the banlance of yin and yang

Based on the exquisite ancient prose above, we believe that the meaning of culture is like that of people who engrave chapters, which are staggered and turned into a fine chapter. The result of tattooing is culture, and the text is transformed. The purpose of tattoo is to change, and the text is to change it.

keep on chipping away/work with perseverance

The extended meaning of culture can mean using tools and wealth that change life, such as Neolithic culture, agricultural culture, rural culture, industrial culture and modern culture.

The extended meaning of culture can also indicate the information or customs of transforming ideas, such as Confucian culture, Taoist culture, Buddhist culture, Mozi culture and other Chinese excellent traditional cultures, as well as Japanese samurai culture, western jungle culture, merchant culture and other animal cultures.

Use culture to change people.

Is there a culture in West Renye Fang? The answer is clear to you.

Thank you for reading.

# Culture # # Oracle Bone Inscriptions # # Traditional culture #

Aofei Entertainment: The company has the core ability to continuously create high-quality IP content, and insists on investing a lot of resources to create fine animation content works every year.

According to the news of Securities Star, Aofei Entertainment (002292) answered investors’ concerns on the investor relations platform on November 27th.

Investors:Why does your company continue to have no works launched?

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello! The company has the core ability to continuously create high-quality IP content, and insists on investing a lot of resources to create fine animation content works every year. This year, many animated series have been broadcast, such as Super Flash 14, Super Flash Culture in China, Sheep Village Guardian 6: Braving Four Seasons City, Sheep Village Guardian 7: Wandering in the Mysterious Ocean, Hurricane spirit of war’s Sword Spinning Gyro 2, Dinosaur Guardian of Quantum Team, Balala’s Little Devil’s Star Edge Butterfly Qi, Meng Chicken Team 5, and Super Flash: Le Di Acceleration. I suggest you pay attention to official Weibo and WeChat WeChat official account such as Aofei Entertainment, Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, and Balala Little Magic Fairy to learn more about the latest information of the company’s animation content. thank you

Investors:As of November 20, 2023, how many shareholders are there in the company? Thank you!

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello, except for the semi-annual report, annual report and other regular reports or other important matters requiring the disclosure of the number of shareholders, the number of shareholders at other time points is not the legal disclosure information. In order to protect the interests of shareholders, it is inconvenient for the company to provide relevant information such as the register of shareholders and the number of shareholders without verifying the identity of shareholders. Therefore, according to the relevant information disclosure rules and internal requirements of the company, the company mainly discloses the relevant shareholders and the number of shareholders in regular reports or specific matters. If you want to know the number of shareholders at other time points, please bring your own shareholding certificate and valid identification to the company to handle the inquiry business. Thanks for understanding!

Investors:Hello, Secretary Dong! Now that Tik Tok is developing too fast, does the company attach importance to the cooperation with Tik Tok? Do other companies have any advantages compared with Tik Tok’s cooperation? It is hoped that the company and Tik Tok will further expand the cooperation space on the basis of stable cooperation. thank you

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello! Following the development trend of the new media industry, the company has expanded the communication reach mode and scope, and built different types of all-round new media content reach channels including network video platform, IPTV, OTT, audio platform and short video platform. At present, the company has opened several official IP accounts such as Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, Armor Warrior and Super Flash on short video platforms such as Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker, and then actively explores more possibilities in linkage promotion, derivative creation and brand announcement. Thank you for your attention!

Investors:Does Shenzhen, where Aofei Entertainment has a 12% stake, see whether technology has space photography technology? Do you have VR photography technology? What it has been used for.

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello! Shenzhen has seen the development of technology with two-wheel drive of software and hardware, and it has strong competitiveness in the field of VR ultra-high definition video and intelligent video conferencing machine: in the field of VR panoramic ultra-high definition video, professional-grade panorama camera Obsidian series (12K, 8K), 5G+8K VR live broadcast system, consumer-grade panorama camera QooCam series and other products have been mass-produced; In the field of video conference, products such as Kandao Meeting, Kandao Meeting Pro and Kandao Meeting S have been launched. I suggest you go to see the official website of Science and Technology and WeChat WeChat official account for more information. Thank you for your attention!

Investors:Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Big Wolf 9: When is it scheduled to be released? Probably winter vacation or summer vacation

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello! The project of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf 9" is progressing as scheduled, and it is planned to be officially released next year. At present, the specific schedule has not been determined. I suggest you pay attention to the relevant information pushed by "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf" or "Aofei Entertainment" official Weibo and WeChat WeChat official account. Thank you for your attention!

The above contents are compiled by Securities Star according to public information and generated by algorithm, which has nothing to do with the position of this website. Securities Star strives for but does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, effectiveness and timeliness of all or part of this information (including but not limited to text, video, audio, data and charts). Please contact us if you have any questions. This article is for data collation, and does not constitute any investment advice for you. Investment is risky, so please make a careful decision.

Li Kaier was interviewed: I feel very excited about the debut of Italy in the final on the 6th.

On August 5th, Beijing time, the China men’s basketball team beat Cape Verde 86-66 in the first game of the Trentino Cup to advance to the final, and will compete against the Italian team on August 6th. Li Kaier didn’t appear in the first game. He said in an interview with CCTV that he would join the first show in the final (August 6). Some China fans went out to watch the photos of the China men’s basketball team and took photos with a group of national men’s basketball players, including photos with Li Kaier on the sidelines.

Li Kaier completed naturalization at the end of July, and then went to Slovenia to meet the China men’s basketball team. It’s just that Li Kaier didn’t play in the previous warm-up match with Egypt or Cape Verde, and he will make his debut against Italy.

Li Kaier’s mother and wife, both of whom have already flown to Italy, naturally want to witness Li Kaier’s joining debut. However, in the face of the weak Cape Verde team, Joljevic did not send Likel to play, but against the strong host Italy, which became his best opportunity to make his debut.

Li Kaier himself also exposed the training video through social media, and wrote: "Ready to debut, looking forward to the first battle." Li Kaier’s meaning has been quite understood. His first show will be against Italy. "I will play tomorrow, and I am very excited about it!"

Some China fans had already gone to the scene to watch the China men’s basketball team beat Cape Verde by 20 points, and also took a series of photos with China men’s basketball players, including a photo with Li Kaier on the sidelines.

The fan also wrote through social media: "The changes brought by Qiao Shuai are visible to the naked eye. Xiao Cui played really well today, and Zhang Zhenlin completely pushed up the front line. China team cattle. "

Development trend and future prospect of artificial intelligence technology

With the rapid development of science and technology, artificial intelligence has become one of the hottest topics. Artificial intelligence refers to the technology that simulates human intelligence by computer to realize the ability of independent thinking, learning, judgment and action. In the past few years, artificial intelligence has developed rapidly, made many significant achievements and been widely used in various fields.

The development of artificial intelligence technology has brought many advantages. First of all, it can greatly improve production efficiency and labor utilization rate, and bring more economic and social value to enterprises and society. Secondly, artificial intelligence can provide more accurate data and analysis results to help people better predict and solve problems. In addition, artificial intelligence can also reduce the repetition, complexity and danger in work and improve work efficiency and safety.

However, artificial intelligence also faces some challenges and problems. First of all, the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology may lead to the disappearance of some occupations or the replacement of human skills. Secondly, the development of artificial intelligence may bring some ethical and moral problems, such as privacy protection, data abuse and so on. At the same time, there may be deviations and misjudgments in the algorithms and decisions of artificial intelligence, and it is necessary to strengthen supervision and regulation.

In order to give full play to the advantages of artificial intelligence, we need to take some countermeasures. First of all, we need to strengthen the research and innovation of artificial intelligence technology and accelerate the application and promotion of artificial intelligence technology in various fields. Secondly, we need to strengthen the supervision and regulation of artificial intelligence technology, establish relevant laws and moral standards, and protect human rights and interests. Finally, we need to improve people’s skill level and adaptability through education and training, so as to prepare for future career development.

In a word, artificial intelligence is a promising technology, which brings many conveniences and advantages to human beings. However, we also need to recognize the challenges and problems faced by artificial intelligence technology and take some countermeasures to ensure that the development of artificial intelligence can better serve human needs and interests.

What is the difference between a steam room and a sauna?

I always can’t tell the difference between sweat steaming and sauna, I don’t think there is any difference between the two, so what is the difference between sweat steaming and sauna? Which is better, steam or sauna?
First, the principle is different
Sweat steaming mainly uses the energy field formed by the negative ions, far-infrared rays, and micro-currents released by tourmaline to act on the human body and stimulate the body to generate heat energy; while sauna uses high-temperature water vapor to act on the skin from the outside and conduct heat into the body. .

Second, the temperature is different
The steaming temperature is around 42-45 degrees Celsius, and the scientific steaming time is 40-60 minutes. People will not feel suffocated during the sweating process, and the breathing will be very smooth; the sauna temperature can reach 60-70 degrees Celsius, when the human body can only stay 5-10 minutes, if the time is too long, you will feel chest tightness and shortness of breath.

  1. Perspiration effect
    The sweat discharged by the steaming has no sweat smell, which will make the human skin smooth, which can have the benefits of beauty, body beauty, and disease conditioning. However, it should be noted that it is not suitable to shower within 6 hours after the steaming, as the shower will detract from the health care of the steaming. The sweat is sticky and has a smell of sweat, and it is necessary to take a bath after the sauna to remove the smell of sweat.
  2. Operation method
    Sweat steaming is through physical conditions such as far infrared rays, negative ions, expanding substances and trace elements to expand the pores of the human body in a high temperature manner, discharge toxic substances in the body, and achieve the effect of health care; while the sauna uses steam to make the deep skin heat effect under high temperature conditions. , and then achieve the effect of expelling toxins in the body through the pores that are enlarged under high temperature.