Do you want to try the "night economy" like "literary fan" in nightlife?

Do you want to try the "night economy" like "literary fan" in nightlife?

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 5th (Reporter Wang Chenyang) There are more than 90 rooms on five floors, in which the audience follows the actors to watch the plot, and different routes will experience different plots. This is the charm of the immersive drama Sleepless Night. This drama, introduced from new york to Shanghai, has almost sold out since it was staged at the end of 2016. The Shanghai edition of Sleepless Night won the 24th Global Theme Entertainment Outstanding Performance Award in 2018.

  Ms. Wang, a Shanghai resident who has already "brushed", said that "Sleepless Night" has changed the conventional drama experience, and exquisite performances, props, scenes, etc. have combined people’s understanding of the environment with their understanding of the story. "This drama is not simply staged at night, but incorporates night elements into the drama, making it easier for people to fall into the atmosphere created by the drama."

  How do you choose to relax after a busy day’s work? Brush dramas, watch variety shows and play games … … Might as well leave the sofa, go out of the house and feel the "literary fan" of the fiery "night economy". Night tours of museums, 24-hour cinemas and bookstores, and immersive dramas … … Colorful cultural activities suitable for all ages have lit up the "night economy".

  In the distant Dunhuang, there is also a situational performance "See Dunhuang Again" made in China. The audience followed the actors’ guidance to change the scenery and feel the thousand-year history of the Western Regions. Zhang Qian, Wang Wei and Taoist Wang who discovered Dunhuang appeared one by one, which was quite vivid.

  As night falls, the income from a series of theatrical performances has a strong pulling effect on economic development. According to the Report on the Development of Shanghai Cultural Industry in 2018, there were more than 30,000 performances in Shanghai in 2018, with more than 16 million audiences and performance income of 1.8 billion yuan. In 2018, the performance markets in various places were very hot. The audience in Beijing performance market exceeded 11 million, and the box office income exceeded 1.7 billion yuan. Guangdong’s performance market revenue was about 5.5 billion yuan, an increase of 8% year-on-year.

  Liu Yunkan, deputy managing partner of Oliver Wyman Consulting, believes that the connotation of "night economy" is constantly expanding. Nightlife is no longer synonymous with bars and nightclubs, but carries an experience, including various cultural performances and cultural facilities.

  Public cultural facilities in many places have also opened their doors at night for tourists or citizens to experience for free. The National Museum opened an evening service this summer, and it was extended to close at 9 pm every Sunday for 10,000 people to make an appointment. From July to September, 14 museums in Huangpu District and Baoshan District of Shanghai were opened at night. Before August 30th this year, the new Anhui Museum will be closed until 9 pm every Friday, and a special exhibition "hall of mental cultivation Cultural Relics Exhibition of the Forbidden City" will be opened. Sichuan Museum is regularly open until 9 pm in summer.

  The public is very enthusiastic about the opening of public cultural facilities at night. This year’s Lantern Festival, the Palace Museum opened its first night event, and it was hard to get a ticket for the "Night of the Forbidden City". The Louvre Museum in France and the British Museum in Britain all have relatively mature night performances. Netizen’s arterial shadow said: "The night exhibition environment is better and the time schedule is abundant. For office workers, it is very welcome to open night shows."

  Compared with the extension of the opening hours of museums, 24-hour cinemas and bookstores provide "night owls" with a space to fully enjoy their cultural life at night. Daguangming Cinema and Guotai Cinema became the first batch of "24-hour cinemas" in Shanghai, delaying the number of film screenings to zero. Beijing Sanlian Taofen Bookstore and Hangzhou Yuelanshu 24-hour study room allow bookworms to dive into the sea of ink-scented books all night.

  The reporter found that Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Jinan, Nanjing, Chengdu and other cities have all proposed to prosper the night economy, among which "culture" is a high-frequency word. Beijing’s policy requires creating a "cultural IP" for night consumption. Shanghai, on the other hand, proposes to enrich the types of formats and increase the supply of cultural tourism projects.

  Li Zhenhui, general manager of Taiping Bridge Project in Xintiandi, China, said that the development of "night economy" is to meet and guide people’s demand for high-quality life, and it is a phenomenon that economy and culture blend with the change of modern urban lifestyle. Developing "night economy" is not only to boost night consumption, but also to develop "night space" and create "night culture".

  Recently, Li Zhenhui was also hired as the "CEO of Nightlife" in Huangpu District, Shanghai, to assist the competent authorities in their work, so as to better and comprehensively develop the "night economy" in commercial districts and provide people with high-quality cultural consumption experience. "This new identity gives me a dual vision as a manager and a consumer to feel the new world ‘ Nightlife ’ I hope to create a cultural and social destination for everyone. " Li Zhenhui said.


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