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Tencent won the 12th "China Charity Award" Charity Project and Charitable Trust Award, Donation Enterprise Award

On September 5, the 12th "China Charity Award" selection and commendation conference was held in Beijing. Tencent won the "China Charity Award" – the donation enterprise award; recommended by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Tencent’s government-enterprise cooperation, and jointly organized the implementation of the "Cultivator Revitalization Plan" won the "China Charity Award" – Charity Project and Charitable Trust Award.

The "China Charity Award" is awarded by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and is currently the highest government award in the field of public welfare and charity in our country. Since 2011, Tencent and related public welfare and charity projects have been honored in the "China Charity Award" for seven consecutive years.


In 2007, Tencent established the first public welfare foundation in the Internet industry, the Tencent Charity Charity Foundation, which continues to make donations in the fields of basic scientific research, poverty reduction and disaster relief, education assistance, ecological environmental protection and traditional culture protection, and established the Tencent Charity platform to provide digital support for charitable organizations to carry out public fundraising. It is understood that in the reference period of the 12th "China Charity Award", the total donation of Tencent from 2020 to 2021 exceeded 3.10 billion yuan. At the same time, under the guidance of the mission of "science and technology for good", many businesses and teams of Tencent actively, continuously and widely participate in various public welfare and charitable activities through donation of resources, co-construction projects, technical support, volunteer services and other means. In April 2021, Tencent put forward the "Sustainable Social Value Innovation" strategy, and over the past two years, it has continued to explore in the fields of basic scientific research, educational innovation, rural revitalization, ecological environment, public emergency response, adapting to the elderly and assisting the disabled, and public welfare digitalization.

As Tencent’s benchmark project to help rural revitalization, the "Cultivator Revitalization Plan" was officially launched in May 2021. It aims to focus on the training of rural governance backbones and leaders of new agricultural business entities, and to develop and provide digital tools for grassroots governance backbones for free to help rural talents explore the "golden key" of rural revitalization according to local conditions. After a year of pilot practice, in April 2022, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the "Notice on the Implementation of the" Cultivator "Revitalization Plan", which is promoted nationwide. It plans to use three years to achieve the goal of online training 1 million people and offline training 100,000 people through the combination of online and offline. It is understood that the plan is a national first in digitally assisting the construction of rural revitalization talent teams, and it is also the first nationwide and large-scale digital training project for rural talents.

So far, the "Cultivator Revitalization Plan" has been implemented in 30 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) across the country, with a total of 499 classes and a total of 240,000 people trained. The "Village-level Affairs Management Platform" designed and developed by the project covers 10,000 villages across the country, serving more than 7.36 million villagers. In cooperation with the provincial offices of Guangdong, Sichuan, Hubei, Qinghai, Fujian and other provinces, the personalized "Guangdong Governance Beauty" "Sichuan Good Governance" "Hubei Participation" "Qingsong Governance" "Fujian Governance" and other rural governance digital platforms have also been applied one after another, effectively improving the level of intelligent, refined and professional rural governance.

The comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization is a major decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee, and a major historical task to promote the Chinese path to modernization. As a leading Chinese digital technology enterprise, Tencent has been actively involved in rural revitalization for a long time. Xiao Liming, vice-president of sustainable social value at Tencent and head of Tencent SSV Village Development Laboratory, said: "In the exploration of sustainable social value innovation in the rural field, Tencent adheres to the principle of’government-led, farmers-dominated, Tencent-assisted, and social co-creation ‘, and continues to explore systemic solutions for endogenous rural revitalization through product innovation, technological innovation, and model innovation."

Zhang Tianzuo, chief pastor of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and director of the Rural Cooperative Economic Guidance Department, pointed out: "The’Cultivator Revitalization Plan ‘is not only an important measure to implement the relevant decisions and arrangements of the central government, but also coordinated with Tencent’s’Sustainable Social Value Innovation’ Strategy and Development Direction, and more importantly, it is in line with the practical needs of rural governance and industrial development." He believes that the "Cultivator Revitalization Plan" is a successful case of social forces participating in rural revitalization.

Pioneer evolution, intelligent driving and pushing! BYD Song L will launch a smart driving model, which will be officially listed in June.

BYD Song L Smart Driver debuted in auto china in 2024, equipped with DiPilot 100 "Eye of God" advanced intelligent driver assistance system, which is expected to be added in June. It is reported that the price of a new car may be around 250,000 yuan.

Since its listing, Song L has made great strides. In just four months, its sales volume has broken 34,000 vehicles, and its performance in the 200,000-level market is quite bright. It can achieve such a good result because Song L meets the comprehensive needs of users for face value, control, intelligence and space, and it is called the most worthwhile B-class pure electric SUV with a class of 200,000.

Avant-garde aesthetics, appearance must be the focus

Since its debut, Song L has gained the reputation of "the most beautiful hunting SUV". The appearance adopts the aesthetic design of "Pioneer Dragon Face", the body posture is vigorous, the tail shape is wide and full, and the hunting temperament is very recognizable. The adaptive electric tail and frameless door are both aesthetic and functional, and they are also matched with narrow front tires and wide rear tires that are only available in luxury cars. The interior is inspired by the "Chinese knot" and builds a layered, light and surrounding spatial order, which not only shows the oriental charm, but also integrates modern trends and scientific and technological elements. Song L’s design is pioneering but not curious, and his personality is not niche, which has been widely favored by the intellectuals and middle class.

Star technology blessing, strength breaks through the upper limit

"E-platform 3.0, CTB, Yunqi -C" three star technical blessings, so that Song L is not only more attractive, but also a powerful faction with the ultimate control.

Based on E-platform 3.0, Song L has four characteristics of "safety, high efficiency, intelligence and aesthetics", which not only achieves the maximum output power of 380kW and zero acceleration of 4.3 seconds, but also has the longest cruising range of 662 kilometers. Under the blessing of CTB battery body integration technology, the torsional stiffness of Song L’s body is 40,400 Nm/kWh, comparable to that of millions of luxury cars; "Space utilization rate" and "energy density" have also been greatly improved, and you can have both low-lying modeling and spacious space. Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system has millisecond damping adjustment speed, accelerates sudden braking and has no obvious pitching. High-speed cornering, stable handling, perfect balance of comfort and handling.

The appearance of Song L broke the inherent impression that "cars under 200,000 are not worthy of manipulation" in the automobile circle.

Pioneers continue to evolve and push higher-level intellectual driving.

At this year’s Beijing Auto Show, BYD Dynasty announced that Song L’s smart driving model will be promoted in June, and the pioneer will continue to evolve to build a smarter travel life for users.

Song L Smart Driving will be equipped with DiPilot 100 "Eye of God" advanced intelligent driving assistance system, with up to 12 ultrasonic radars, 5 millimeter-wave radars and 11 cameras, providing high-speed navigation (high-speed navigation-assisted driving), automatic parking assistance (APA), mobile phone remote parking (RPA), short-range parking service (AVP), lever change (ILCA) and automatic emergency braking (automatic emergency braking). Provide users with a safer, more comfortable and more efficient intelligent travel experience.

Since its listing, Song L has brought enough surprises to the market, and the subsequent promotion of smart driving is bound to be even more powerful, once again breaking through the upper limit of performance and experience and reshaping the new benchmark of B-class pure electric SUV value.

Source: Correspondent Feng Wei

Editor: Ding Yi

Proofreading: Xiong Xiangning

Audit: Cang Shujun

Employees use computers to read novels at work, and the dismissed labor department intervened in the investigation.

The personnel documents of the company seen by the reporter.

  The labor department of a large enterprise in Shunde intervened in the investigation and asked the company to "advocate humanized management"

  Recently, a mysterious informant sent an internal report from a large electronics company in Shunde to the email address of this newspaper, saying that two workers were "immediately dismissed" because they found that they were reading novels on computers at work and sleeping at their posts.

  In the email, the informant mentioned the strict personnel management regulations recently promulgated by a large company, saying that "some trivial matters in the regulations can lead to the dismissal of employees; The real implementation of the results is stricter than the promulgated regulations! "

  The reporter then contacted the relevant departments in Shunde and received the investigation report yesterday afternoon. The Shunde district government attached great importance to this matter, sent people to conduct a special investigation on the dismissal of the enterprise, and has urged the company to pay economic compensation and notice in lieu to the dismissed employees in accordance with the Labor Contract Law and other relevant laws and regulations. In view of the fact that it is still in the shadow of the financial crisis, the relevant departments in Shunde District have asked the company to "advocate humanized management". "It is very unreasonable to dismiss people just because of a small fault." A staff member of the district government told reporters.

  Report: Being fired for chatting while sleeping was punished.

  The personnel management regulations recently formulated by a large company in Shunde set many harsh conditions, such as "no snacks during office hours, and the labor contract is terminated for those who have accumulated twice", "Playing mobile phones and chatting during office hours, and the labor contract is terminated for those who have accumulated twice …" Recently, a mysterious e-mail was sent to our newspaper’s email address, and the attachment stated the whole story of a large company in Shunde dismissing two employees. Among them, Tan was immediately dismissed for reading novels with a computer during office hours. Other employees were punished by 300 yuan’s "education fund" for chatting, playing mobile phones and listening to music.

  The mysterious informant said that the previously promulgated regulations stipulated that two violations would be found before dismissal; But now, just because an employee is found reading a novel on a computer, he is fired immediately. "The result of his actions is even more shocking!"

  Investigation: Sleeping employees are compensated

  After receiving the relevant email, the reporter immediately reported it to the relevant departments in Shunde District and attached relevant information. Yesterday afternoon, after an investigation by the Shunde district government, it was proved that this was the case. A staff member who participated in the investigation said that the enterprise’s practices were not satisfactory. "Although the current economic environment is not optimistic, such harsh dismissal regulations are unreasonable in managing workers."

  After investigation, it was found that Qin, who was fired from reading novels at work, had applied to the company for resignation in mid-February this year and was approved by the company before being found out of the so-called "violation of discipline"; Under the supervision of the labor department, Xu, who was fired because of a sleepiness, has reached a consensus and signed an agreement to terminate the labor relationship. At the same time, the labor department requires the company to pay economic compensation and notice in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

  Relevant departments: advocate humanized management

  The staff of relevant departments in Shunde told reporters that this incident has attracted considerable attention from the district government. "Although it is only an individual incident, in the immediate environment, the welfare of workers and all aspects of protection should be well supervised, and large-scale vicious layoffs should not be allowed in enterprises."

  The material of the mysterious whistleblower was completely true after investigation by relevant departments in Shunde. The relevant departments in Shunde District have asked the company to strengthen communication with employees, advocate humanized management, and try to give priority to criticism and education in dealing with individual employees’ violations and listen to employees’ demands. (Reporter Ceng Yi’s photo report)

Editor: Fan Jing

Hot hot! Hot weather "online" and South-North steaming "sauna"

  This week, the hot and muggy weather with the largest range, the strongest intensity and the longest duration this year was launched nationwide, and the south and the north "steamed saunas" together. Especially yesterday, the high temperature range was expanded to the widest, affecting about 800 million people, and the somatosensory temperature in some places even exceeded 55 C. However, in the future, there is no sign of "stopping" in high temperature weather, and the high temperature heat wave will continue to wreak havoc before the end of July.

  The temperature was slightly adjusted back in early August.

  In the past week, the heat is not enough to describe the summer scene in Shencheng. From time to time, the high temperature hits the 37℃ hot summer line, and thunderstorms report on time every day.

  Yesterday, Shanghai issued the first high-temperature orange warning signal this summer, and the city’s temperature exceeded 36℃, setting a new high-temperature record this summer. Four or five days from now, it is still difficult for the city to get rid of the sunny and hot summer, and the extreme maximum temperature will be around 37℃.

  When will this wave of high temperature "go to fire"? According to the latest forecast, the "barbecue" mode may only be eased in early August. At that time, the city will be at the southern edge of the subtropical high, controlled by the southeast wind, and the temperature will be adjusted back. However, the extreme maximum temperature is still 34℃~35℃.

  Typhoon "Lily" is hard to cool down.

  According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, Typhoon No.6 this year, "Lily", was formed in the southeast sea of Japan yesterday morning. According to the forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, "Lily" has no direct relationship with China and has no influence on China’s sea area.

  The Central Meteorological Observatory reminded that there were fewer typhoons in July this year than in the same period of normal years. After entering August, typhoons will enter the "peak period" of the whole year, and the situation of preventing Taiwan cannot be ignored. At present, there is a tropical disturbance in the South China Sea, which tends to develop into a typhoon in the later stage, and will land on the coast of Hainan in China, bringing wind and rain effects to Hainan and other places. The landing time is about the end of July to the beginning of August.

  Air conditioning boot map release

  Before the end of July, the cooking mode will continue in many places in China, and the high temperature will spread to 16 provinces and cities across the country. China Weather Network, the official website of China Meteorological Bureau, has published "Early Warning Map of Air Conditioning Startup" and "Early Warning Map of National Hot Cry" for several days.

  According to meteorological data, from 1990 to 2018, the summer night temperatures in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou showed a rising trend. On the 28th, China’s high temperature range continued to expand, and the degree of heat increased. Therefore, the "air conditioning startup warning" suggests that the night temperature in 10 major cities such as Nanjing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Changsha and Guangzhou should remain above 28℃.

  (Reporter Ma Dan)  

Two FMVP can’t get into the hall of fame? Famous mouth: Leonard is brilliant, but it is difficult to rank him.

He has won the championship twice and successfully won two championship trophies. At the peak of his career, he was even regarded as the first striker in the league on a par with Jordan by fans. But just a few years later, some commentators are questioning that he may not even be qualified to enter the NBA Hall of Fame.

Recently, some commentators publicly stated in the podcast program that it is undeniable that Ke Huailunna is brilliant and skilled, but it is difficult for him to rank in NBA history, and even his qualification for entering the Hall of Fame is open to question. After all, a player who has only played 12 games in a season, why should he compare himself with those players who have stacked their careers with a lot of games?

Since joining the Clippers, there have been more and more doubts about Leonard, especially his erratic injuries and poor attendance. In the past two seasons, Leonard has played only a handful of games, especially in the playoffs. The gap between Leonard’s games and players such as James, Durant and Curry is really too big. Although he was really strong at his peak, as the commentator said, it was really difficult to give Leonard a clear historical position in his career.

However, according to the 75th anniversary celebration held by the league before, Leonard was on the list of 75 superstars in NBA history. Is a player who is qualified to be selected into the top 75 not even qualified to enter the Hall of Fame? This is a bit too exaggerated. You know, even McGrady and Yao Ming, who don’t deserve the championship and MVP, can be elected to the Hall of Fame, not to mention Leonard, who can lead the Raptors to win the first championship trophy in team history. What do you think of this?

Howard: Harden is a younger Kobe. I could have stayed with the Lakers longer.


Dwight Howard, whose name was once a big MAC in the NBA, was a common rival of Yao Ming and Kobe Bryant. However, time flies and Howard’s career has experienced ups and downs. Recently, he talked about James Harden in a program and evaluated his cooperation with Kobe.

Howard said that he regards James Harden as a younger Kobe Bryant. Although he didn’t mean to disrespect James, at that time he felt that his combination with James could become a new OK combination. He believes that cooperation with James will be better than cooperation with Kobe. If he can carefully consider his decision without emotion, he will probably stay with the Lakers.

Recalling the 2012-13 season, Howard and Kobe only cooperated for one season, and then they had an open conflict. Howard accused Kobe of being a "bully", while Kobe retorted that Howard was not tough enough. In the offseason in 2013, Howard chose to join the Rockets and became a teammate with James Harden.

However, the cooperation between Howard and Harden did not achieve much success. Although Harden gradually played the level of a historical offensive player, Howard began to decline seriously from the Lakers period. His personal level and reputation plummeted, and he finally joined the Eagle in 2016 and began his wandering career.

Last season, Howard moved to Taiwan Province League in China, trying to find himself. However, although he used to be the top center in NBA, the passage of time and his own changes have made the world of Warcraft in the inside thread a memory.

For Howard, his career is full of regrets and possibilities. If he can get better cooperation with Kobe Bryant and Harden respectively, or be more stable during the Lakers period, his career may be different. However, the reality is cruel, and now Howard needs to face his own decline and new challenges.

Nevertheless, Howard’s experience is still instructive to many fans. His career tells us that even in the face of difficulties and challenges, we need to stick to our beliefs and try to find ways to cooperate with others in order to succeed. Although Howard’s career can no longer be brilliant, his story is still worth remembering and thinking about.

Three fronts collapsed, AC Milan was in chaos, and Hong Niao announced the dismissal of Paolo Maldini and the cleaning of four players.

Three fronts collapsed, AC Milan was in chaos, and Hong Niao announced the dismissal of Paolo Maldini and the cleaning of four players.

AC Milan was once run by Pioli, who defeated Juventus and Inter Milan last season and won the top of the league again 11 years later. But this season, Milan’s performance has plummeted, and this strong gap makes their gold owner Red Bird Company very dissatisfied.

After Hong Niao, a big American group, joined, AC Milan not only failed to make any progress, but even declined, which made the owner of the club very angry. According to common sense, with the encouragement of the new boss and huge investment, Milan should be able to take this opportunity to move on. However, after being defeated by Inter Milan in the Champions League, Milan fell into a four-game losing streak. Without the Champions League ticket, AC Milan will lose 100 million pounds next season, which is equivalent to the entire income of the team for three seasons.

Hong Niao company therefore pushed the responsibility to Maldini. The management of AC Milan is basically decided by Maldini. Although he is not on the field, he will still intervene in the team’s affairs, which is why Maldini will be responsible for the team. Now, the relationship between Maldini and Hong Niao team has been completely broken. With his personality and absolute control over Milan, it has given sponsors a great psychological burden, so there is almost no doubt about his departure.

From the team’s point of view, AC Milan will also face a big change this summer. Gill’s contract with Ibrahimovic is coming to an end, and only one of them can stay at most. Judging from the present situation, Gill is the most likely person to stay. In addition, Diaz is likely to return to Real Madrid, because the Galactic Fleet is preparing to exchange Diaz for Bellingham’s transfer fee. In midfield, Bakayoko, a valuable but incompetent "waste", will eventually become a free man.

Therefore, in order to strengthen the team’s strength, Milan will eliminate four players. Now, Liverpool have set their sights on Chelsea’s Chick and Frankfurt’s striker Kamata, and are looking for a backup player for Deo. Maybe Pioli can survive this change. He is gentle and has no regrets, but in AC Milan’s view, Pioli is a puppet. Although it can be controlled, it will not help the development of the club much.

Brief introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The development history of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be traced back to 1950s. The following are the main stages of the development history of AI:

  1. Logical reasoning and problem solving (1950s-early 1960s): The early AI system was based on symbolic logic, and solved problems through logical reasoning of facts and rules. However, this method has limitations, and it is difficult to deal with a large number of uncertain and fuzzy information.
  2. Machine learning and pattern recognition (1960s-1980s): The research of AI began to turn to machine learning and pattern recognition. Machine learning is a method to learn and optimize algorithms by training data, while pattern recognition is a method to realize intelligence by identifying and classifying patterns. These methods have been widely used in image recognition, speech recognition and natural language processing.
  3. Expert system and knowledge representation (1980s-1990s): AI research began to pay attention to expert system and knowledge representation. Expert system is an intelligent system based on expert knowledge and inference rules, which can simulate the decision-making process of human experts. Knowledge representation is a method to organize knowledge and information into a form that can be processed by computer, and it is an important foundation to realize AI.
  4. Statistical learning and deep learning (1990s-2010s): With the continuous development of computer hardware and algorithms, AI research began to pay attention to statistical learning and deep learning. Statistical learning is a machine learning method based on statistical model and data analysis, which can handle a large number of data and complex nonlinear relationships. Deep learning is a machine learning method based on neural network, which can handle more complex and high-dimensional data.
  5. Self-learning and multi-modal AI(2010 to present): AI system is gradually realizing the ability of self-learning and self-optimization, and can continuously improve its own model and algorithm according to feedback and data. Multi-modal AI is an AI technology that can handle a variety of data types and perceptual information, including images, voices, texts, etc., and can realize more comprehensive and intelligent human-computer interaction.

Important events:

  • In 1956, the concept of artificial intelligence was put forward at Dartmouth Conference, which marked the birth of AI.
  • In 1962, Arthur Samuel developed a self-learning program, which was an early application of machine learning.
  • In 1969, Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert published Perceptrons, which revealed the limitations of single-layer neural networks and promoted the development of neural networks.
  • In 1975, John Holland developed genetic algorithm, which is an optimization algorithm that imitates the process of biological evolution.
  • In 1981, Japan launched the first commercial robot WABOT-1.
  • In 1997, IBM’s deep blue supercomputer defeated Kasparov, the world champion of chess, indicating that computers can surpass human intelligence in some fields.
  • In 2011, IBM’s Watson artificial intelligence system defeated human players in the program "Dangerous Edge".
  • In 2016, AlphaGo defeated Li Shishi, the world champion in the Go competition, marking an important step in the application of artificial intelligence in complex games.
  • In 2018, the GPT-2 model developed by OpenAI made a major breakthrough in the field of natural language processing, which can generate high-quality natural language texts.

The latest development trend:

  1. Self-learning: AI system is gradually realizing the ability of self-learning and self-optimization, and can continuously improve its own model and algorithm according to feedback and data.
  2. Deep learning: Deep learning is a machine learning method based on neural network, which can handle a large number of data and complex nonlinear relationships, and is one of the main trends of current AI development.
  3. Artificial intelligence chip: Artificial intelligence chip is a chip specially designed for AI application, which can realize efficient calculation and data processing and is an important technical support for AI popularization and application.
  4. Multi-modal AI: Multi-modal AI is an AI technology that can handle a variety of data types and perceptual information, including images, voices, texts, etc., and can realize more comprehensive and intelligent human-computer interaction.
  5. AI and Internet of Things: The combination of AI and Internet of Things can realize more intelligent and efficient automatic production and management, including intelligent energy, intelligent transportation, smart home and other fields.
  6. AI Ethics and Law: With the continuous development and application of AI technology, AI ethics and legal issues have attracted more and more attention, including privacy protection, data security, and responsibility distribution.

In short, the development trend of AI technology is diverse, involving algorithms, chips, data and applications. In the future, AI technology will continue to develop and apply in depth, bringing more convenience and innovation to mankind.

No Messi? Mbappé went too far, and the fans shouted: The pattern is too small, and Messi hurried away.

Paris Saint-Germain has just been out of the Champions League, missed the quarter-finals for two consecutive seasons, and immediately ushered in the 27th round of Ligue 1, and went to the away game against relegation team brest. In this game, Paris didn’t finish the winner until the 90th minute, and narrowly missed 3 points. However, Mbappé’s forced shooting made Messi very unhappy, and fans shouted that Messi should not renew his contract, so let’s go in the summer window.

There is a huge gap between the two teams’ paper strength, and Paris Saint-Germain mainly forms a siege. In the 37th minute, Mbappé’s powerful shot outside the restricted area was saved, and Sohler succeeded in making up the shot. However, before the end of the half-time, there was a serious loophole in the defense of Greater Paris, and Ramos watched Aunola equalize.

In the 62nd minute, there was a controversial scene. At that time, Fabian Ruiz made a direct pass to the restricted area, Messi took advantage of the situation to make the ball, and Mbappé rubbed his right foot and kicked the ball out of bounds. It is not difficult to see from the slow motion that Messi was speechless and bowed his head and left directly.

Why is Messi disappointed? The reason is very simple. We can easily see that Messi was in an unguarded state when Mbappé kicked off. If Mbappé chooses to cross, the high probability will turn into a goal.

Although a good striker is fed by bullets, it is understandable that Mbappé is unique as a striker. But Messi has no one to defend and doesn’t pass the ball. It’s really too much.

This season, Mbappé signed a super contract, and he also has the power to surpass the players. When a teammate doesn’t pass the ball to him, Mbappé will express his displeasure in public. However, when Mbappé has a chance to kick, his eyes are often only on the goal, and he will not pass the ball to Messi and Neymar most of the time.

In the 90th minute, in the backcourt of Paris, the ball was broken to fight back. Messi put his leg in place and sent a precise straight plug to assist Mbappé to score a goal, which was the 300th assist in Messi’s club career.

There is no harm without comparison, and many fans feel unworthy for Messi. A fan said: "Mbappé only has himself and data in his eyes. What is the difference with his idol Cristiano Ronaldo?" There are also fans who commented: "The pattern of Mbappé is too small, and I don’t know how to reciprocate at all. It will be difficult to achieve great things in the future."

As we all know, Messi has previously rejected the salary reduction and contract renewal in Paris, and he is likely to leave the team this summer. Therefore, some fans said that as long as Mbappé stays in the team, no matter how strong Messi is, he is just a tool for director Tim to brush data and compete for the Golden Globe Award. In this case, it is better to leave early, and there is no need to continue to suffer indignities!