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The first staff Chinese billiards match was held in full swing.

Original title: The first Chinese billiards competition for employees was held hotly.
Taizhou Daily News (trainee reporter Xue Ruwei, reporter Bao Ren) In order to continuously enrich employees’ cultural and sports activities and create a healthy, civilized, high-spirited and full-time employee culture, on the morning of December 11th, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, in conjunction with the Municipal Billiards Association, held the "China Life Cup" final of the first Chinese-style billiards competition for employees in Taizhou in the downtown Ding Junhui Billiards Club.
The final attracted a total of 128 players from 22 teams in the city to start a duel, which was held for two consecutive days on the 11th and 12th. At the scene of the competition, the players were all concentrated, and each beautiful goal won the cheers and applause of the audience. After the intense competition on the first day, 128 players finally passed three rounds of group elimination (five wins in nine games) and produced the top 16 players. On the 12th, these 16 players will take part in two rounds of elimination (best of 13 games), semi-final (best of 17 games) and final (best of 21 games) to decide the champion. This competition is sponsored by Taizhou Federation of Trade Unions, assisted by Taizhou Billiards Association and undertaken by Taizhou Ding Junhui Billiards Club.
The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions said that the holding of the Chinese billiards competition for employees is not only a pragmatic measure for the trade unions to implement cultural inclusiveness, but also a display of the good spirit of Taizhou employees. The Municipal Federation of Trade Unions will continue to carry out colorful and diverse sports and cultural activities, and urge employees to transform their fighting spirit and vitality in the competition into their future work, so as to win glory on all fronts to promote the high-quality development of Taizhou.
Source: Taizhou Daily

Ignite the "fire" of winter tourism

Source: [Ningxia Daily]

This winter, Yinchuan focused on emerging consumption hotspots, new consumption formats and trendy consumption scenes, and created five characteristic themes, 66 winter tourism projects and 112 sub-activities according to local conditions, presenting new products, new formats, new scenes, new ways of playing and new concessions of Yinchuan’s winter cultural tourism in multiple dimensions, and giving full play to the promotion of winter tourism marketing to the cultural tourism market.

Offering tourists a "big meal" of cultural tourism with rich cultural flavor and many new ways to play, so that tourists can experience the different winter in magical Ningxia in one stop. It must be said that the relevant departments have really made great efforts in tourism promotion. When it comes to visiting Ningxia, most people think that the best time period is the warmer weather season, and winter is the off-season of tourism. In fact, tourism has no off-season market, only off-season ideas. Seasons have never been the key factor that restricts the development of tourism. The key is whether the seasons can make a different feeling. Even if winter is not the most beautiful season in the traditional sense of Ningxia, as long as it is done with characteristics, it can ignite the "fire" of off-season tourism and give tourists a different experience.

To "break the ice" in the off-season, thoughts must be "thawed" first. Pursuing the "difference" of winter tourism is rooted in the change of thinking mode and working mode. Continue to explore the characteristic culture, enrich the tourism format, gather the tourist popularity, improve the industrial chain, carefully study what are their own characteristics and advantages, and then, with the confidence of winning and effective measures, promote the winter tourism market to flourish, which will surely make more tourists feel the unique winter scenery, come to Ningxia and fall in love with Ningxia.

This article comes from Ningxia Daily and only represents the author’s point of view. The national party media information public platform provides information dissemination and dissemination services.


The latest ranking of the Basketball World Cup was released: the French men’s basketball team topped the list, and the China men’s basketball team rose to 16th place.

On August 5th, Beijing time, after each team played in the warm-up match, the strength ranking of the World Cup teams changed. The French men’s basketball team rose to the first place, the American men’s basketball team ranked second, the Australian men’s basketball team ranked third, and the China men’s basketball team rose to the sixteenth place, which was recognized.

As we all know, Li Kaier officially joined the China Men’s Basketball Team and has been training with the team. Although the performance of the China men’s basketball team in the first three warm-up matches was very poor, after the adjustment, the China men’s basketball team won two consecutive victories, beating the Egyptian men’s basketball team and the Cape Verdean men’s basketball team successively, with excellent performance. Although Li Kaier didn’t play, his performance in training was excellent, and he was praised by China men’s basketball coach Jorjevich, which is expected to help China men’s basketball team get Olympic tickets.

In addition, this year’s American men’s basketball team has no big-name stars to join, which also gives other teams a chance to win the championship. At present, the French men’s basketball team, the Australian men’s basketball team, the Spanish men’s basketball team, the Slovenian men’s basketball team, the Canadian men’s basketball team, the German men’s basketball team and the Lithuanian men’s basketball team are all the main players, and they are expected to challenge the American men’s basketball team. In addition, Jokic, the core player of China’s opponent Serbia’s men’s basketball team in the group match, decided not to play in the World Cup, so the strength of Serbia’s men’s basketball team declined obviously and missed the championship.

In addition, from the current situation, the gap between the teams in this World Cup is not big, so the game is bound to be very exciting and worth looking forward to by all fans! ! !

Jose Mourinho saw through the hypocrisy of Serie A, the arrival of a new official announcement, which spread to Rome and Milan, and Inter Milan changed coaches to speed up.

As the "traffic manager" of Serie A, Mourinho’s every move always attracts media coverage. After leading the team to win the 29th Serie A match, Rome ranked third in the standings. When the Portuguese coach was asked about his feelings, he said bluntly: To be exact, Rome ranked fourth, after all, Juventus actually accumulated 59 points. At that time, people thought that "madman" had become modest, but now people know his implication!

You know, before the start of the 31st round, Serie A officials announced the restoration of Juventus’ deducted 15 points, while allegri’s team did rank third in the standings and Rome was fourth! As for Juventus’ resumption of deducted points, Mourinho also revealed more, saying that this kind of thing can’t be taken seriously, and even more bluntly, Serie A actually returned the points of the "Bianconeri" in January, just delaying the official announcement!

Starting with Mourinho’s words, we can understand the hypocrisy of Serie A. After all, it is Serie A that wants to thoroughly investigate financial fraud, and it is also Serie A that wants to severely punish financial fraud teams. After Juventus was deducted 15 points, Serie A even reported that it would continue to deduct the "Bianconeri" points and not rule out the possibility of kicking the team out of Serie A. Now it seems that everything is more like taking part in accidental amusement!

In fact, during the deduction of points from Juventus, an interesting thing happened, that is, the Naples Fans Association and the Italian Association for the Protection of Environment and Consumer Rights applied to deprive Juventus of its achievements in three seasons from 2018 to 2021. Among them, because the "Bianconeri" won the Serie A championship in 2018-2019, the relevant parties thought that the trophy should be given to Naples, the second place at that time.

However, it is obvious that Serie A can return Juventus points, and naturally it will not listen to the suggestions of fan associations and other organizations and further make things difficult for the "Bianconeri"! Of course, at present, people including Agnelli are still grounded, and the appeals of a number of people are rejected, which seems to be the last stubbornness of Serie A!

On the other hand, Juventus’ recovery of points has had an impact on the pattern of Serie A’s competition for the fourth place. Before the start of the 31st round, the difference between them and Lazio, which ranked second, was only 2 points, and it is entirely possible to place them in the second place before the end of the season! However, the rankings of Rome, AC Milan and Inter Milan declined, with Rome ranked fourth and Milan ranked fifth and sixth respectively.

Judging from the competitive state, it remains to be seen whether the Milan duo can grab the top four in Serie A and then qualify for the Champions League next season, which also means that the change of coach of the "Nerazzurri" is on the agenda! According to Matteo Barzaghi, a reporter from Inter Milan, if you can’t win the top four in Serie A and qualify for the Champions League next season, then Inzaghi will leave the team and the player’s contract renewal will be suspended!

Indeed, the Champions League has become a major factor in Inter Milan’s continued life. So far this season, Zhang Kangyang has won more than 80 million euros in prize money through the Champions League competition, which means that he doesn’t need to sell key personnel during the summer transfer window, and if he can finally win the championship, the team will still have 20 million euros in prize money. Obviously, it is very necessary for Inter Milan to play in the Champions League. If it can’t be done, then Inzaghi’s class will not be regrettable!