标签归档 广州约茶

Science fiction sense, Geely Galaxy starship prototype official picture released

  [Autohome new car official picture] On June 19, we obtained the official picture of the interior of Geely Galaxy’s large SUV – (|) prototype car. The new car is developed based on the GEA architecture and was unveiled at the Beijing Auto Show. At the same time, the official said that the flagship SUV of the car positioning technology will apply the latest self-developed Sandian technology.



  Judging from the official map released this time, the car will adopt the design concept of "bringing heaven and earth into my hut", and the overall design is unique. Specifically, the car uses a large number of straight lines and streamlined shapes to combine, with fabric, wood grain and chrome elements, which greatly enhances the texture of the car. At the same time, the center console adopts a T-shape, and the top is an integrated screen with a trapezoidal design. With the trend of hidden air conditioning, the visual hierarchy is rich.






  At the same time, the car uses a classic double-spoke steering wheel, with inductive touch buttons on both sides and circular meters below. It is worth mentioning that in front of the center armrest, Geely Galaxy Starship is equipped with a small screen tilted towards the driver’s side and circular touch buttons, or a control panel for functions such as multimedia or air conditioning, to enhance the convenience of control during driving.

Geely Automobile, Galaxy Starship 2025, basic model

Geely Automobile, Galaxy Starship 2025, basic model

  In a simple review, the appearance of the Galaxy Starship adopts the "Ripple of Light" design, and the overall shape is very burly. With the shape of the through-type light strip, it is highly recognizable. From the side of the body, its straight waist line and the raised eyebrow lines at the front and rear make this car feel full of muscles. At the same time, the straight roof line design allows it to have ample head space in the rear row. As for the rear of the vehicle, it adopts a through-type taillight group and a chic diffuser below to enhance the sense of fashion and sports.

  It is understood that Galaxy Starship is developed based on the GEA architecture, applying a new generation of Raytheon electric hybrid, Galaxy 11-in-1 intelligent electric drive, AI intelligent audio surrounded by panoramic sound, AI intelligent seat, Galaxy AI digital wizard, AI digital chassis and other top technologies of the galaxy, innovatively integrating intelligent driving, big data, artificial intelligence and cloud computing. At the same time, Geely also injected the Xingrui AI model into the seat to create the world’s first AI intelligent seat. According to voice commands, it can not only complete steering, moving, lying down in the car to form a flexible space combination, but also fully automatically drive out of the car and complete the last mile of intelligent travel according to navigation. (Text/Autohome Zhouyi)

Mense falls off in flight and tires fall off during takeoff. Boeing has frequent accidents.

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 13th, Summary | Frequent accidents Boeing is caught in aviation safety dilemma.

  Xinhua news agency reporter

  Mense (built-in emergency door) falls off during flight, the engine catches fire in the air, and the tire falls off during takeoff … … Recently, Boeing Company of the United States has been caught in an aviation safety dilemma, and different types of passenger planes have been involved in safety accidents, and related investigations and audits have also exposed many problems.

  The US media reported on the 11th that the FAA found many problems after reviewing the production of Boeing 737 MAX series passenger aircraft. Among the 89 audit contents, 33 Boeing failed, many problems were classified as failure to follow established manufacturing processes, procedures or operating instructions, and some were quality control records; Among the 13 items of audit accepted by Boeing airframe supplier, Binrui Aviation Systems Company, 7 items have problems, including the related audit of aircraft Mense.

  On the 11th, a Boeing 787-9 passenger plane flying from Sydney, Australia to Auckland, New Zealand experienced a "technical failure" during the flight, and the fuselage shook violently, causing at least 50 injuries. Since Latham Airlines, the operator of the passenger plane involved, is headquartered in Chile, the Civil Aviation Administration of Chile has indicated that it will cooperate with the New Zealand Traffic Accident Investigation Committee to investigate the accident.

  Since the beginning of this year, Boeing passenger plane safety accidents have occurred frequently. On March 7th, when a Boeing 777-200 of United Airlines flew to Osaka, Japan, took off from San Francisco, USA, a tire on the left main landing gear fell off. The falling tire debris damaged several cars in the airport employee parking lot. On March 4th, a Boeing 737 of United Airlines flying from Houston to Fort Myers was forced to return due to engine fire shortly after take-off. On February 19th, a Boeing 757-200 of United Airlines flying from San Francisco to Boston was prepared to land at Denver International Airport due to wing damage. On January 13th, a Boeing 737 passenger plane of Japan’s All Nippon Airways cracked in the front glass of the cockpit during the flight, and immediately returned … …

  Boeing also had a "falling door" accident at the beginning of the year. On January 5th, a Boeing 737 MAX 9 passenger plane of Alaska Airlines took off, and a Mense fell off on the side of the cabin. Investigators found that four bolts that should have fixed Mense in place were missing. The accident occurred only about two months before the passenger plane was delivered to Alaska Airlines. Since then, Boeing 737 MAX 9 passenger planes have been grounded for inspection in the United States and many places around the world, and some passenger planes have exposed problems such as loose parts during inspection.

  A series of safety accidents have aggravated people’s concerns about Boeing’s quality control problems. DPA recently reported that the number of Boeing 737 MAX series passenger planes delivered by Boeing Company in February was greatly reduced. "After a dramatic incident in January, this aircraft manufacturer is now under pressure to improve quality control".

  In a statement on February 28th, the FAA asked Boeing to make a comprehensive action plan within 90 days to solve its "systematic quality control problem". Mike Whitaker, director of the bureau, said: "Boeing must re-examine all aspects of its quality control process and ensure that safety is the company’s guiding principle."

  In addition to the intervention of the FAA, Boeing was also investigated by national transportation safety board and the US Department of Justice for the above-mentioned Mense shedding accident. Boeing said it would cooperate with relevant investigations and audits. However, Jennifer Hormendi, president of national transportation safety board, said that Boeing did not cooperate with the investigation.

520, this movie is for everyone who loves movies.

Today is May 20th.
On this special day, I want to recommend a movie about "love" to everyone.
In other words, a love letter written to the movie and also to every audience.
This film tells "the sincere confession of a great director".

He has an engineer father, who taught him how to think rationally and how to turn modern technology into his best creative tool.
He also has a pianist’s mother, who taught him the perception of art and a natural desire for expression as an artist.
The growing environment laid the foundation for him to dream.
However, how to turn a hobby of "wasting money" into a career that can "make money" and how to face the tear between the two are still issues throughout his adolescence.
He was bullied on campus because of his Jewish identity, or was traumatized by his parents’ divorce.
But all these eventually became his creative nourishment, the motif of his life’s creation.
Every great director will have his own autobiographical story.
Now, it’s finally Spielberg’s turn to tell this story.
The Dreammaker directed by Steven Allan Spielberg was the winner of last year’s Oscar hit, the Golden Globe Award for Best Drama and the People’s Choice Award at the Toronto Film Festival.
So far, the freshness of rotten tomatoes is still as high as 92%.
I am also glad to see that this film will be released in China on May 25th. This is a rare film that we must see on the big screen.
This film is the best of the year in many people’s minds, and it is also praised by many people as "the most touching film of the year".
It’s really hard not to be moved by it.
Because it’s so sincere.
Unlike many films with the same nostalgic theme, in Dreammaker, you will not see a narcissism of successful people looking back on the past, nor will you see a bubble gum-style self-beautification.
On the contrary, director Spielberg, who was 76 years old, still had a childlike heart.
He told a story about growth and family in a very plain and restrained tone.
He also used such a plain and restrained tone to reveal some of the most "tearing" moments in his childhood.
So, is this movie about pain?
On the contrary, it tells—
Still "love."
The A side of the story is how a teenager who loves movies grows up with the encouragement of his parents.
In the winter of 1952, Sammy watched the first film in his life accompanied by his parents.
Before the film was shown, he was crying in the car and didn’t dare to go into the cinema, as if it were the maw of a wild animal, which would devour him young.
But after the film was shown, he looked at the shiny screen and lost his words in an instant.
For the first time, he understood that the movie was a dazzling dream.
Because there was a train in the movie, his parents bought him a train toy as a gift.
But what really attracted him was not the train itself, but how to record the picture of the train collision with a camera.
He became addicted to recording everything with a camera.

At first, it was a family video, with sisters playing together and family camping together.
Later, it became a movie at school, a gun battle and a drama.
He taught himself by himself and learned the most important thing:
The existence of the camera is not only to record the truth.
You can also edit, splice and reconstruct the truth in your own way to create your own truth.
But the most important thing is always "seeing".
Because movies are about seeing.
On the b side of the story, it is about the family of teenagers.
You will find that, coincidentally, every time he succeeds in film creation, it always seems to be accompanied by some kind of life tear.
When his father encouraged him to shoot a camping documentary for his mother, he stumbled across another truth about his mother in this documentary.
However, when the campus documentary he made was broadcast at the graduation party and everyone was cheering for his work, he had to bear the pain of his parents’ divorce and breaking up with his first love alone.
Under the seemingly bright and warm tone of the whole movie, there always seems to be a faint and melancholy background.
Although it is cruel, it is very real. It shows us that movies are not reality, and movies are not a good medicine for reality.

Every time Sammy tries to do it allImmersed in the movie, reality will give him a hard whip, which will make him pull away from it, and he will have to taste the tearing feeling between reality and the movie alone.
So, when did Sammy make up his mind to pursue film art?
Perhaps it was at the moment when he understood what a "movie" really was.
At the beginning of the film, the camera was really just a toy, and making movies was just an escapist hobby.
But the most crucial and turning point happened to be that Sammy discovered the secret of his mother’s infidelity through the lens of the camera.
He repeatedly confirmed his mother’s movements and eyes from the seemingly unimportant lens edge, and confirmed that she really admired another man.
At this moment, the film is no longer an escape from reality, but helps Sami "see" the reality.
In other words, he helped Sammy open another realistic perspective.
Originally, for him, family meant unconditional tolerance, understanding and support; But now he understands that there is another person’s sacrifice behind it.
It was the mother who made the sacrifice: she gave up her career as a pianist and suppressed her feelings.
In the scene that struck him like lightning, what he saw was not betrayal, but sacrifice.
It was his mother’s sacrifice that fulfilled his dream-maker.
Family is like a balance, and someone has to make sacrifices.
Mothers will make sacrifices for their husbands and children.
Children also have to make sacrifices for their father’s work.
In the second half of the film, their family moved to California, and Sammy had to face the new campus environment and the bullying from his classmates.
However, in their family history, there always seems to be a "crazy" gene that is desperate to pursue what they love.
Maybe when he comes back at midnight, Sammy often thinks of what his uncle who works in the circus said.
"Family, art, will tear you apart"
"We are addicts, and art is our antidote"
"Family is our love."
"But we will be crazy about art."

Mothers also need to make choices.
And at this moment, the "dreamer" once again played the magic:
It is precisely because everyone in the film, no matter what choice he makes, starts from his own heart. So they also got the tolerance and understanding of their families.
Through these choices, what the film tries to convey to us is a life attitude about "love": "Love what I love and dream as much as I can".
You never have to be sorry to be yourself. You can be anyone you want to be.
Only by finding your own love and creating your own life dreams can you meet all the splendor in life.

Because I am very sure that this is a movie that we must watch on the big screen.
From the first shot, it was born for the cinema.
It is also about the "love" of filmmakers.
In the film, you will see many historical eggs, The Train Comes into the Station, The King of the Opera, and john ford, the guest role of director david lynch himself …
You will also see many classic films in the film, including many prototypes of Spielberg’s own future films.
For example, all the films shown in the film that the protagonist shot in his early days are really the works of Spielberg himself when he was young. He re-filmed these materials with great interest, as if he had relived his childhood with the audience.
For many years, Spielberg himself was a Hollywood "myth".
In this film, he re-examined this myth and told us all that "myth is only human".
The director tries to explore some contradictory and contradictory motifs in the film-technology and art, family and self, film and reality. The tear between them runs through the whole movie.
And in the end, perhaps the answer we want to know most as an audience is-
What is a movie?
Maybe the movie is a dream.
We hope to use movies to dream and make up for the dissatisfaction in life.
But dreams will "betray" you: every time Sammy is happy because of the movie, reality will bring him pain.
Perhaps the film is a perspective, a kind of cognition.
The eyes of the camera can capture what the human eye can’t see and what the human heart can’t capture.
It can jump the horizon and take you to another level of reality.
It broke your dreams, your fantasies.
It is a reality in itself.
After that, the film seems to have "surpassed" the reality.
In the second half of the film, the director filmed a plot that many people thought was worth pondering.
Sammy was bullied in his new school.
But when he had the opportunity to pick up the camera, he not only didn’t make a fool of the bully in the camera, but filmed the other side as handsome, tall and shining like Apollo.
Why would he do that?
Even the school bully doesn’t understand himself.
And Sammy said, "I just want to make my movie better."
As a director, he sacrificed his feelings and his pain before restoring the "truth" of a film.
For him, the film is neither a mirror of reality, nor a dream, nor a playground, but an imagination to make up for regret.
A movie is a movie, his art and his creation.
He can give everything for creation.
Therefore, when the screen lights up, he will see his own beam of light.
The existence of movies is not used to escape from reality, nor to reconstruct reality.
Movies are another reality.
This is his love for movies.
In other words, "film" itself is also a metaphor.
Throughout life, people are torn between reality and dreams, between responsibility and love.
Each of us has our own "movie", but how much are you willing to pay for your love?
Movies are Spielberg’s "choice".
And each of us has our own choices.
I believe that almost everyone has been accompanied by at least one Spielberg movie in their childhood.
Schindler’s List, E.T., Jurassic World, Artificial Intelligence Ready Player One …
These movies not only carry Spielberg’s dreams, but also our memories and our reality.
Movies are dreams, Spielberg is a dreamer, and we have all seen ourselves in his world and the reality of another dimension.
This time, what he said is his "dream maker".
Anyway, on May 25th, I will go to see The Dreamer again. Because this is not only a movie, but also the true meaning of his childhood, family, life and dreams. It’s a meeting between each of us and Spielberg.

How should parents give reasonable guidance to children who use new media to become younger?

Chen Qingwen, an associate professor at Tongji University, pointed out that parents should balance the opportunities and risks of the Internet when guiding their children to surf the Internet. Photo courtesy of respondents

A chart based on interview data of Chen Qingwen’s team. Photo courtesy of respondents

  I believe many people have had this experience: in some public places, "Xiong Haizi" played games or watched videos with electronic devices such as mobile phones and tablets, and the volume was so loud that parents turned a blind eye. Relevant research reports show that in China, children’s use of new media tends to be younger and more entertaining.

  On the one hand, new media devices that can be networked, such as mobile phones and tablets, have grown up with a new generation of children and once became a "part" of their bodies; On the other hand, the powerful educational function and interpersonal communication use of new media also make it a sharp weapon for learning and communication.

  As the mother of a post-00 generation child, Chen Qingwen, an associate professor at Tongji University’s College of Art and Media, faces the same problem: How and how often do children use new media? How should parents guide their children to use new media reasonably?

  With these questions, Chen Qingwen and his team randomly interviewed 30 families of children aged 3-10 in Shanghai to learn about children’s use of new media, parents’ attitude and involvement in children’s use of new media, and children’s views on parental involvement. On this basis, suggestions are given, and the research results are published in the core journal "Journalist" in August 2019.

  From "TV Children" to "New Media Children"

  As a post-1970s generation, Chen Qingwen admitted that he "grew up watching TV". When he was a graduate student at Fudan University 15 years ago, he studied the newly-emerging children’s channel in China. She said that the transition from "TV children" to "new media children" was even faster than the growth of a generation. And this change has brought a kind of trouble to parents: it is difficult to guide children to use new media reasonably with reference to their own experience.

  Some people may ask, how can they bring up the next generation when there was no TV in the older generation?

  "Because the new media is more interactive, participatory and creative than the traditional media, but without learning and guidance, children may just regard the new media as TV or game consoles." Chen Qingwen explained that, at the same time, new media are everywhere, and the content is all-encompassing, which is very different from traditional TV and other media. You can leave TV at home, but you can’t live without the Internet and mobile phones. In modern cities, "portable" and "always online" have become the common points for people to use new media.

  Chen Qingwen felt that "new media children" were born from the moment parents provided their children with new media equipment.

  Among the 30 families interviewed, one-third of the children have their own new media equipment, and the other two-thirds share it with their parents, many of whom will leave their unused new media equipment for their children to use. In terms of use, most children play games, followed by watching videos, and the third is the homework assigned by the school.

  According to statistics, more than half of the children use it for a long time, especially on weekends, almost for more than two hours a day. In the trend, many children in the kindergarten group have used new media for a long time, and the use time tends to lengthen with age. In addition, compared with the primary school group, the kindergarten group has a higher proportion of its own new media equipment, which shows that the use of new media is younger.

  In March this year, the Research Report on the Internet Use of Minors in China in 2018 jointly issued by the Youth Rights Protection Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and China Internet Information Center showed that as of July 31, 2018, the number of underage netizens in China reached 169 million, and the Internet penetration rate of minors reached 93.7%, which was significantly higher than that of the national population (57.7%) in the same period. According to the report, this is a direct manifestation of the expansion of Internet coverage and the decline of mobile traffic charges in China in recent years, and it is also closely related to minors’ strong interest in the Internet, strong learning ability and great application demand.

  Don’t let machines take the place of parents’ company

  In the interview, the research team found that children’s use of new media is mostly due to lack of companionship, especially preschool children. Because parents are busy and have no friends to play with, children have to turn to mobile phones and tablets; With the increase of age, more and more children choose new media.

  Some parents even choose to use new media instead of themselves to accompany their children. In public places such as restaurants, children are often seen watching videos while eating, perhaps just to let their parents "have a good meal". "She is good with this and doesn’t make any noise, as long as she doesn’t make any noise." A mother said.

  The interview also found that with the increase of age, more and more children are more willing to choose new media than playing with friends; And the older children are, the less satisfied they seem to be with their new media use time. Most of the respondents in the primary school group felt that their use time was insufficient, and one girl felt that two hours a day was not enough.

  "When parents use new media instead of accompanying their children, the actual price paid is likely to be huge." Chen Qingwen pointed out in the research report, "As they get older, they are more likely to rely on new media. At this time, even if their parents want to accompany them, they may continue to immerse themselves in communication with machines. When machines replace humans to accompany children, even if people come back, the relationship between children and machines is unbreakable. "

  Chen Qingwen combined expert opinions and personal experience to give some suggestions to parents. "If you want to control underage children’s use of new media, try not to let them own their own equipment, just lend it to him, that is to say, give children the right to use it, while parents retain the right to control it. As for the balance between control and privacy, you need wisdom."

  She also said that although the current academic research is inconclusive about when to start controlling children’s use of new media, she feels that parents who are determined to control their children should take action as soon as possible. "It would be much better to let him know that parents should take care of it early than suddenly."

  Why can other children play computer games, but I can’t?

  In this "equipment battle", "children crying and parents yelling" is a common scene. The research team found that most children’s tricks are crying and "lai", and they can play as long as they can until their parents take away the equipment.

  Interestingly, on the question of whether parents are worried about their children’s use of new media, parents’ attitudes are polarized: 17 are worried, and 13 are not worried, either very supportive or very opposed.

  In the interview, some parents thought that "this is a trend" and "this thing will be accepted sooner or later", so they were not worried at all. A mother said: "everyone has it, but they just can’t fall behind." If she doesn’t understand, she feels like she is behind others and can’t keep up. "

  The attitude of parents who hold opposite opinions is also very clear, and their concerns are mainly reflected in three points: First, they are afraid of their children’s addiction; The second is to worry about the harm to vision; The third is to worry about the negative impact of inappropriate content such as violence.

  Chen Qingwen believes that such "two extremes" attitude makes parents’ work of disciplining their children in trouble. "Why he can I can’t, this is a child’s question. For example, children will say that classmates can use computers when they go home. Why can’t I? "

  Another reason is the change of family education style in China. “‘ Authoritative education ’ It is not easy to work. In the past, parents could answer no, but now they are likely to get a crying and keep asking. After all, children’s energy is much better than ours. "

  The research team also found that, as in the TV era, the way parents intervene in their children’s use of new media is mainly "restriction", and the time limit is more than the content limit.

  Most parents in the interview only know that their children are playing games or watching videos, but they don’t know what games or videos their children are playing. Some academic studies believe that restrictive guidance strategies can not only effectively help solve the problems that children may encounter on the Internet, but also easily lead to the decline of the quality of parent-child relationship or frequent conflicts.

  For children who are out of control, whether they cry, lose their temper or cheat, the parents interviewed said: "Let her cry", "Ignore her" or "yell at him", and some parents will be patient and reasonable, but children will still enter the cycle of yelling if they don’t listen.

  The mother of a 9-year-old boy said that she usually talks reason first and scolds him if she doesn’t listen. If she scolds him, she will have to yell at him at him at a higher volume. If she doesn’t, she will have to be punished, such as not using new media for a few days or increasing the number of homework. Most parents can insist on not using their children’s noise, but the children’s crying or losing their temper will continue.

  Academic research proves that parents’ positive intervention is more effective.

  "We just did a small-scale interview in Shanghai." Chen Qingwen said, "If you want to give scientific advice, you need to do extensive and long-term investigation and research in different cities and rural areas across the country."

  But before that, some countries encountered these problems earlier than China, and their academic research may provide reference.

  Chen Qingwen introduced that since the 1980s, the research on parents’ involvement in children’s media use has been popular in the United States. After 1990, the American government emphasized the role of parents in family policy, and related research received more attention. The research points out that the two main intervention methods adopted by parents are "making rules" and "restricting"; The actual behavior of parents can be divided into positive intervention methods such as parent-child discussion and negative intervention methods such as prohibiting or restricting use, and parents adopt the mode of sharing viewing between parents and children.

  In another paper on the use of new media by minors by British scholars in 2007, the author divided the intervention strategies of parents for their children to use new media into four categories. In addition to joint use and restricted use, parents will also adopt "technology restrictions", that is, use technology software or set restrictions on their children to prevent them from using unauthorized digital media content; And monitor children’s use of websites, letters and games in different ways. Their conclusion is that when parents take active measures to intervene their children’s use of new media, such as sharing or discussion, the negative influence of their children’s use of new media can be effectively reduced.

  Domestic research on the media also believes that parents’ intervention can bring positive results.

  For example, in the psychological aspect, the correct intervention of parents and families can reduce teenagers’ psychological anxiety, help build self-confidence and self-esteem and affect teenagers’ mental health; In terms of learning and risk reduction, parents’ active intervention in media use can improve teenagers’ learning effect, reduce the possible negative impact of violent content in the media, affect the formation of children’s gender role attitude, reduce children’s fear response to media content, and reduce some network risks that children may encounter.

  At the same time, parents’ ideas and the motivation and methods of intervention are extremely important.

  Foreign studies have found that the more parents want the Internet to have a positive effect on their children and think that the Internet will have a negative impact on their children, the more they will get involved in their children’s use of new media. Domestic research also points out that the more time online is strictly restricted by parents, the more recreational motivation teenagers tend to use the Internet.

  "The key point may not be whether children should use new media or how to use new media at all, but where the parents are and where the children’s minds are. Studies in different fields have pointed out that modern society is busier than before, and how parents create a happy parent-child environment will become an increasingly important issue. Quality companionship between parents and children is one of the necessary conditions for shaping parents. " Chen Qingwen’s interview report wrote.

  Communicate with your child with your heart

  What do children think of their parents’ control? The interview results show that on the whole, half of the children think that their parents are reasonable; At the same time, with the growth of children’s age, the proportion of recognition of parents’ intervention control has increased. And "making rules together" and "keeping your word" have become the common standards for children to measure the rationality of parental discipline.

  Taking nine children in the kindergarten group in the interview report as an example, Min Min, a 4-year-old (all minors below are pseudonyms), feels that his parents are much more in charge; Tingting, 5, feels that her parents don’t care much because they are reasonable. Zhu Zhu, a 5-year-old, said that she was afraid of her father because he was very fierce when he was angry and would say, "I’m telling you! I’m telling you! No matter how, I will kick you downstairs "; Kiki, Doll and Lingling, both 6 years old, are afraid of their mother and think her mother is too fierce.

  Among the 21 children in the primary school group, 13 children feel that parental control is reasonable, 5 children feel unreasonable, and 3 children are uncertain. Xiao Han, a third-grade student, told the interviewer that she felt that the parental control was sometimes reasonable and sometimes unreasonable. The unreasonable reason was that the mobile phone was forcibly taken away before the agreed time. "My mother said several times that she would play for me for 10 minutes. I didn’t expect that when it was almost two minutes, she said that it was 10 minutes. I didn’t want to, so my mother dragged me away. She said that it was evening and I couldn’t play any more."

  The interview report suggests that from the perspective of social environment, there are two urgent things: first, timely education courses related to new media literacy should be provided at different stages of children’s growth; The second is to improve parents’ ability to master new media and new technologies.

  "Not all parents have time and energy to participate or study independently. I think we can start with school education and issue some principles and suggestions for children to take back to their parents." Chen Qingwen explained.

  In addition to improving their understanding of new media and technologies, parents should also attach importance to communication between parents and children and accompany their children to use new media by guiding participation. Especially in the method of making rules, parents need to talk to their children often. "In fact, kindergarten children have a very clear concept, this is good, how long should it take. If the rules are made by the children themselves, or if the parents discuss with him, the children will be more willing to abide by them. "

  When attending international academic conferences, Chen Qingwen often discusses these issues with foreign scholars: when to give children new media equipment, how long the screen time should be in a day, and when to let children have their own social media accounts. "Although some organizations will give suggestions, for example, the screen time is no more than one hour or two hours a day, and general social software suggests that people are over 14 years old, but parents have different ideas, different social situations, different family situations, and different children, so you can refer to some research-based suggestions, but in the end you have to find a way that suits you. I don’t think there is an absolute standard."

  "According to the needs" is Chen Qingwen’s main basis. Her son rarely contacted new media when he was in kindergarten, but when he saw that other children had their own mobile phones, he said that he also wanted to have their own mobile phones. But this wish has not been realized until now that his son is going to middle school, because his son has no need to carry a mobile phone. When she entered middle school, her son needed a computer for some of his homework. The school asked for a laptop for her child, so she bought the laptop she wanted, but only if it was used for study and could not be loaded with games. "At present, the school has just started, and there are still any problems in the future. I am also walking and watching."

  "In our research, we found that intentional is better than unintentional. As long as you are intentional, children can feel it. My suggestions are: teach students in accordance with their aptitude, learn from each other, and communicate with your heart. From the perspective of communication, intentional communication can enhance feelings and reduce misunderstandings, which is actually the most effective method. " Chen Qingwen said. (China Youth Daily China Youth Network Trainee reporter Wei Qimeng)

Brands transmit fashion power and help the consumer market warm up in the New Year.

As the Spring Festival approaches, the fashion consumer market is very lively, and many big brands make frequent moves: the surprise debut of the first store, the release of new series, and the release of heavy products … Brands collide with colorful ideas with excellent works to interpret the new fashion in autumn and winter, convey modern power, add creative kinetic energy to the winter consumption season, and further stimulate consumers’ enthusiasm in the new season.
Delvaux unveiled its first flagship store in mainland China.
Recently, Delvaux settled in the central part of Beijing Wangfu. It is reported that Delvaux Beijing Wangfu Central Flagship Store is the first flagship store in mainland China, which is in the same strain as Delvaux’s flagship stores all over the world. Wangfu Central Flagship Store displays Belgian culture with traditional design techniques, and inherits and transmits the fusion of the cultures of Brussels and Beijing.
Delvaux Wangfu Central Flagship Store is ingenious and unique in style. The appearance is made of glass and metal, which reminds people of the industrial glory of the Crystal Palace in Victorian London, and at the same time realizes the ingenious interaction between internal and external space, just like every exquisite masterpiece of Delvaux. Stepping into the main hall, Versailles parquet floors and two rare display cases are introduced, which were created by the Jeanselme family, a Parisian furniture maker, whose exquisite furniture covers many past styles including Renaissance, Louis XIV, 15th and 16th periods. Belgium’s iconic Flemish-style cabinets have undergone modern interpretation and are skillfully integrated into the left bar lounge.
Showcase made by Jeanselme family, a Parisian furniture maker.
The VIP room is decorated with the imperial red tone, paying tribute to the Forbidden City in Beijing. The wall is decorated with 12 hand-made brass "totems" with geometric shapes from 1960s. The decoration was originally installed in Abernathy Pavilion Villa in Palm Springs, California, USA, reflecting the modern style of California desert in the mid-20th century.
Jean-Marc Loubier, global CEO of Delvaux, stressed that in today’s increasingly standardized and homogeneous luxury goods, the brand will strive to make leather works, humanistic services and spaces show individuality and uniqueness.
The first in mainland China.SKIMS
Valentine’s Day limited time experience store debutLane Crawford
A few days ago, Lane Crawford and SKIMS presented "SKIMS Valentine’s Day Limited Experience Store" in Chengdu International Financial Center, which will be limited to open from now until February 8, 2024. Kim kardashian, co-founder and creative director of SKIMS, said: "The launch of the limited-time Valentine’s Day experience store in Chengdu for the first time is an important milestone in the sustainable development of SKIMS in Asia and the world. I can’t wait for consumers to experience our brand, products and the unique style behind it."
The Red Star News reporter learned that this SKIMS Valentine’s Day Limited Time Experience Store specially sells Valentine’s Day series items, including underwear, home clothes and limited gift sets. In addition to Valentine’s Day series items, customers can also go to the store to buy SKIMS classic fits everywhere, SeamlessSculpt and Cotton series.
With love as the medium, Lane Crawford and SKIMS have built a dreamy pink world that belongs to Chengdu alone. The space adopts the trademark rounded corner design and bright surface treatment of SKIMS brand, and the pink main color is matched with the heart-shaped display to show the sweet Valentine’s Day atmosphere. Whether it is the soft line design or the eye-catching color full of luster, SKIMS’ brand style and unique personality advocating freedom and comfort are everywhere.
In addition to the rich in-store experience, the pink storm between Lane Crawford and SKIMS also swept the city. From now on, the brand will specially build a pink double-decker bus, and will land on the landmark Twin Towers in Chengdu in a limited time to attract fashionable people in the city to a romantic appointment.
2024 COLLECTION is officially released.
Recently, GENTLE MONSTER officially launched the 2024 COLLECTION.
GENTLE MONSTER builds a brand-new goggles shape with pioneering design language and exquisite details. The imaginative line trend with bold colors fully shows the brand’s unique aesthetics and style. The innovative and bold silhouette is cleverly mapped through the lens of photographer ELIZAVETA PORODINA, showing the visual aesthetics of pioneer and hazy coexistence.
Explore the distinctive 2024 GENTLE JELLY series under the lens of photographer ELIZAVETA PORODINA.
Long Teng ying chun Huan Xin Yan
New upgrade of H&M Chengdu Heshenghui Store
Recently, Hennes & Mauritz AB (hereinafter referred to as "H&M") appeared in Chengdu Heshenghui with its newly upgraded storefront image. It is reported that the store marks that H&M actively responds to the changes in consumer demand and constantly seeks innovation to enhance consumers’ shopping experience.
The brand-new store upgrade brings a fresh and bright style different from the past, introducing vibrant wood grain wall columns, green plants and other elements to decorate, and matching with soft natural colors, creating an elegant and charming Nordic "Sen" atmosphere. All the lighting in the store adopts new environmental protection LED, which not only lights up the shopping mood for consumers, but also adds a warm rest area for customers to rest and wait, creating a comfortable and comfortable high-quality sustainable fashion consumption space.
Drawing on traditional colors and visual symbols, H&M combines comfortable texture, diverse styles and holiday dress requirements to launch the 2024 Spring Festival collection. The image of Xianglong, a symbol of wisdom and courage, has undergone multiple deductive changes, reshaping the meaning of a beautiful new year with various postures and opening a new journey with dazzling eyes.
The reporter learned that H&M 2024 Spring Festival series has been put on sale at H&M national stores, HM.COM.CN online stores, H&M WeChat APPlet mall, H&M Tmall official flagship store, H&M JD.COM official flagship store and H&M official app simultaneously since January 18th.
At the beginning of the new year, H&M aims to present consumers with higher quality and more shopping choices with a brand-new image, and jointly start a brand-new fashion journey.
Red Star Journalist Jaco Hou Peiyang
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Counting 33 films scheduled for the first half of the year, when the film market was "spring"

Following the China film marketThe second best-selling Spring Festival stall in historyAfter that,Many schedules in the first half of the year are once again "lively"The "post-Spring Festival file" has resurfaced. As of February 3rd, there were 33 official films in China in the first half of the year (see the table below for details).
Watchmaking: Huang can, data source: cat’s eye professional edition schedule calendar

Compared with the same period of last year, an important trend in 2023 is the increase in the number of Hong Kong films and imported films.

The Hong Kong film "When the Wind Comes Again", originally scheduled to be released in mid-February, was temporarily filed until the Lantern Festival on February 5. Directed and written by Weng Ziguang, starring Tony Leung Chiu Wai and Aaron Kwok, the film reinterprets the story of the four Hong Kong detectives. On March 3rd, the movie "Broken Net" is a slogan of "Three Best Actors Assemble", with Aaron Kwok as a programmer, Yam Tat-wah as a police officer and Lin Jiadong as a villain. Following the popularity of The Knockout, black and white crime action movies are expected to continue this popularity.

2023 is also a great year for the works of Andy Lau and Aaron Kwok. At present, there is a movie Wandering Earth 2 in Andy Lau, and there are five films to be shown-Crisis Route, Operation Moscow, Stealth, Mr. Red Carpet and Goldfinger. Aaron Kwok also has five works to be shown, such as When the Wind Comes Again in February, Disconnected from the Internet in March, Anti-drug 3 in the summer, and Temporary Robbery and Inside Story in the second half of the year. Since last year, Hong Kong films have shown a trend of going out of the trough. Tomorrow’s Battle won the highest box office in Hong Kong’s film history, Still Think You Are the Best became the most popular Hong Kong-made comedy, and The Corridor of Justice achieved a double harvest in topic and word of mouth. It is expected that Hong Kong films will continue to "rejuvenate" in 2023.

Watchmaking: Huang Can

In February, there were also the late Marvel superhero Panther 2, Ant Man and Wasp Girl: Quantum Frenzy, and the last film released in Marvel Comics was Spider-Man: Heroic Expedition in 2019. From the perspective of the Marvel universe, Panther 2 is the final work of the fourth stage of the Marvel movie universe, while Ant Man and Hornet Woman: Quantum Frenzy (Ant Man 3) is the beginning of the fifth stage, and the two films are regarded as a connecting link. According to Cat’s Eye Professional Edition, Black Panther, the previous work, made 662 million box office in China, and Ant Man 2: The Hornet Woman Appears made 831 million box office, with a solid fan base, which will attract a batch of Marvel Comics powder into the cinema.

DC Chaoying’s new work "Thunder Shazan! The wrath of the gods is also scheduled for March 17, but the previous box office "Thunder Shazan! "Only 294 million yuan, the box office is expected to be small. China Ping Pong, which will be released on the same day, will also play head-on with the above-mentioned super-English movies.

"China Table Tennis" has been changed twice before, the first time isOn January 16th, it was announced that it would be extended to January 24th (New Year’s Day). However, the Spring Festival was released for two days, and the box office was less than 40 million. The official said that the publicity and distribution team had serious mistakes and shortcomings in decision-making, preparation and promotion, which caused the film to fall into a particularly passive situation during the Spring Festival, and then it was officially released nationwide on February 17. The film had a good reputation when it was screened, and the douban score was 7.0. But under the attack of several superhero movies,The expected "window period" of "China Ping Pong" has not been realized, and it is doubtful whether it can be "Jedi counterattack" as the title says.

China Ping-Pong and Thunder Shazan! Poster of wrath of the gods

In terms of imported films, two popular Japanese animated films "Journey to the Bell Bud" and "Detective Conan: The Ghost of Baker Street was confirmed to be introduced. According to the schedule calendar of Cat Eye Professional Edition,Detective Conan: The Ghost of Baker Street will be released on April 4th.Detective Conan: The Ghost of Baker Street premiered in Japan on April 20, 2002, with a douban score as high as 9.1, which was re-released in the mainland 21 years later.

Journey of bell budsThe schedule is to be determined. The filmIt was released in Japan on November 11th, 2022. At present, its box office performance ranks third in the box office list of Japanese domestic films in 2022, and it was shortlisted in the main competition unit of the 73rd Berlin International Film Festival. It is a Japanese animated film that was shortlisted in the main competition unit again after 21 years after Spirited Away in Miyazaki Hayao. Previously, many films of Makoto Shinkai have accumulated high box office in China, with "Your Name" earning 570 million yuan and "The Son of the Weather" earning 288 million yuan. With high reputation and Makoto Shinkai’s healing style, the number of people who want to see "Journey to Bell Bud" is 254,000, and that of Taobao Film is 116,000.

Valentine’s Day, Qingming Festival and May Day are three important dates in the first half of the year. On February 14th, Valentine’s Day, five love movies were scheduled-Sadness Without Tears, Take a look at me again, Fast Bodyguard, Battle Around the Sea and Love of Populus euphratica. Among the five films, "Sadness Without Tears" has 37,000 people who want to see it, ranking first. Coupled with the Spring Festival movies being shown, there are many types of Valentine’s Day movies. Last year, the total box office of Valentine’s Day was 520 million yuan. Considering the relatively stable demand of lovers, romantic films will have a place on that day. It is expected that this year’s Valentine’s Day will usher in a small peak of "post-Spring Festival files".

There are two domestic films scheduled in early April-Cosmic Exploration Editorial Department on April 1st and Dragon and Horse Spirit on April 7th. This year, Tomb-Sweeping Day only has a one-day holiday on Wednesday, April 5th, and there are no holidays and minor holidays, so the slotting effect is not obvious. Therefore, the two films chose the wrong peak to be released on Saturday. "Cosmic Exploration Editorial Department" byHong WangWei, Frant Gwo, producer, had previously won many awards at Pingyao International Film Festival and Beijing International Film Festival, and was shortlisted for Rotterdam International Film Festival. At present, the douban has reached 8.6 points, with a total of 2074 people scoring. "Dragon Horse Spirit" was written and directed by Yang Zi, starring Jackie Chan and Liu Haocun, recreating Jackie Chan’s classic action comedy. The former focuses on "high reputation" and the latter focuses on "strong lineup". The performance of the two films is worth looking forward to.

At present, three films have been officially announced in the May 1st file, namely, the road comedy Unfamiliar with Family Fun, the air combat movie King in the Sky andSubject of criminal prosecutionProcuratorial Fengyun.

Stills of "King of the Sky"

Of the three films, King of the Sky has the highest expectation. The King of the Sky was originally scheduled for the National Day in 2022, but three days before its release, it was suddenly announced that it was changed, and the release plan was adjusted "in order to present better production effects". The film, starring YiBo, Hu Jun and Zhou Dongyu, is one of the key projects of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and one of the first batch of key literary and artistic creation projects with the theme of "Centennial Party Building" and "All-round Well-off Society". Starring in traffic and endorsement by official media, The King of the Sky broke 10 million at the box office within 9 hours of pre-sale on National Day last year. Taobao Film wanted to see 624,000 people, and Cat’s Eye wanted to see 403,000 people, which will be the strongest competitor in May 1st.

Generally speaking, in the first half of 2023, the number and types of domestic films were rich, and the addition of Hong Kong films, Super British films and Japanese films provided the audience with fresher and more diversified choices. The movie-watching consumption enthusiasm released by the Spring Festival stalls will continue further, and the "spring" of China film industry is going on.


Guests from both sides of the Taiwan Strait gather in Qingdao, Shandong Province to talk about economic and trade exchanges and industrial cooperation.

  Zhongxin. com Qingdao, November 25 (Hu Yaojie and Zhang Xiaopeng) The cross-strait (Qingdao) economic and trade exchange and cooperation conference was held in Shinan District, Qingdao, Shandong Province on the 25th. The conference attracted more than 200 guests from the political and business circles on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to talk about cross-strait economic and trade exchanges and industrial cooperation.

  At the meeting, Zhou Ning, vice president of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait, said in his speech that Taiwanese businessmen and enterprises are supporters, participants and beneficiaries of the peaceful development of cross-strait relations. He believes that with the all-round advancement of Chinese modernization, it will be more favorable for Taiwanese businessmen and enterprises to rely on the strong development support of the motherland and the development stage will be broader. The Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits will continue to improve policies and measures that benefit Taiwan compatriots and enterprises, protect the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan businessmen and enterprises in accordance with the law, and help them integrate into the new development pattern and participate in high-quality development.

  Li Zhenghong, president of the All-China Association of Taiwan Province Compatriots Investment Enterprises, said that the steady and rapid growth of the mainland economy has injected a shot in the arm for Taiwan-funded enterprises to take root in the development of the mainland. Taking Qingdao, the venue of the conference, as an example, he said that accelerating the construction of a new development pattern and promoting high-quality development have provided new impetus for Qingdao’s development and expanded a broader space for Taiwanese businessmen to share new opportunities for Qingdao’s development. In the future, the National Friendship Association of Taiwan Province Compatriots Investment Enterprises will continue to play a bridge role, leading more Taiwanese businessmen to pay attention to, invest in and take root in Qingdao, and continue to write a new chapter for economic and trade exchanges and cooperation between Qingdao and Taiwan.

  Zhang Liansan, director of the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Shandong Province, said that Shandong and Taiwan Province have always had frequent exchanges, close cooperation and fruitful results. Taiwan-funded enterprises have made positive contributions to promoting high-quality economic and social development in Shandong. In the future, the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Shandong Province will continue to promote cross-strait economic exchanges and cooperation, deepen cross-strait integration and development in various fields, and improve the systems and policies for promoting the well-being of Taiwan Province compatriots.

  At the conference, a centralized signing ceremony was held, and a number of cooperations were carried out and theme exchanges were carried out. An exhibition on the achievements of economic and trade integration between Qingdao and Taiwan was held at the conference site, which showed the elegance and development achievements of some Taiwan-funded enterprises in Qingdao. It is reported that this conference, with the theme of "integrating development and creating a win-win situation", is jointly sponsored by Qingdao Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office and Qingdao Taiwan Province Compatriots Investment Enterprise Association, aiming at promoting cross-strait economic and trade exchanges and cooperation. (End)

Smooth sailing, China table tennis advances into "Grand Slam"

  Fukuhara Ai

    Men’s singles three tigers will advance to eight generals

    According to Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, 21st, in the men’s singles table tennis competition of the Beijing Olympic Games, with the typical "China speed" and "three tigers in table tennis", they easily beat their opponents and advanced to the quarterfinals.

    Before the game, China’s main rivals, South Korean star Ryu Seung-min, German "golden boy" Bohr and Belarusian samsonov, were eliminated by other opponents, and they missed the opportunity to compete with China players.

    Wang Liqin, the former king, eliminated Shi Lage, a famous European player, 4-0. Earlier, Wang Hao eliminated Han Yang of Japanese team 4-1. Ma Lin, who started at the same time as Wang Liqin, also beat Greek glinka by the same score at another table.

    Three China players advanced to the quarter-finals, reflecting the amazing "China speed": Wang Hao took 29 minutes, Wang Liqin took 25 minutes and Ma Lin took 26 minutes.

    The first two rounds were bye-bye. As the seed player, the "Three Tigers of Guoping" didn’t show up until the third round. On the same day, she played two sets in a row, first reaching the top 16 at noon and then entering the top 8 at night.

    On the next match day, Wang Hao will meet Gao Lize, Wang Liqin will fight Tan Ruiwu and Ma Lin will fight Sang Eun Oh. Only two European players, Croatian primorac and Swedish persson, will also compete in the semi-finals. The prospect of China’s men’s singles gold medal is becoming clearer.

    Women’s singles three will break into the semi-finals

    China’s Zhang Yining, Guo Yue and Wang Nan all made it to the semi-finals of women’s table tennis singles at the Beijing Olympic Games on the evening of 21st.

    Last night, the women’s singles quarter-finals started. Zhang Yining first played against Feng Tianwei of the Singaporean team, fighting for four sets, and Zhang Yining beat her opponent 4-1.

    Wang Nan met Tieyana of Hongkong team in China in the quarter-finals. The two sides have played against each other many times in history and know each other well. However, Tieyana was in a very poor state yesterday. She lost the first two games with a disparity score of 5: 11 and 4: 11. Although she pulled back one game with 13: 11 in the third game, the fourth and fifth games reappeared in a depressed state, losing two games with 2: 11 and 4: 11. In this way, Wang Nan defeated his opponent by a total score of 4: 1 and entered the semi-finals.

    Young Guo Yue’s opponent in the quarterfinals is Wu Xue of Dominica. There was no suspense in the game, and Guo Yue easily won 4-0 in straight sets.

    In the other quarter-final, Li Jiawei of Singapore defeated Wang Chen of the United States, becoming the only non-China player in the women’s singles semi-finals.

    Shi Zhihao, head coach of China women’s table tennis team, believes that all three players of China team have played their normal level so far, and China team will continue to strive for winning the women’s singles gold medal tomorrow.

    The semifinals and finals of women’s table tennis singles will be held on the 22nd. The two semifinals will be played against Zhang Yining against Li Jiawei and Guo Yue against Wang Nan. (Meng Xin)

    Fukuhara Ai smiled and left.

    Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 21st-Japanese player Fukuhara Ai used to cry when she lost, but after losing to China’s Zhang Yining in the women’s singles eighth final of the Beijing Olympic Games on August 21st, Fukuhara Ai left the field with a smile.

    "I’m quite satisfied with my performance in this competition, and I’m also very satisfied with my performance in the whole Beijing Olympic Games. If I get out of 100 points, I can get 90 points," Fukuhara Ai said.

    After the match with Zhang Yining on the 21st, Fukuhara Ai’s journey to the Beijing Olympic Games stopped: "I am in a good state of mind, and it is an honor to play against a world champion like Zhang Yining at the Olympic Games." On the 20th, Fukuhara Ai also told reporters that Zhang Yining might not play well due to the pressure at home. On the 21st, Fukuhara Ai told reporters, "I miscalculated yesterday, and Zhang Yining was not nervous at all in today’s game, and played very well."

    However, Fukuhara Ai also has regrets in this Olympic Games, that is, she failed to win a medal. She said: "It is a pity that the Japanese team failed to win a medal in both the team and the singles, but we have brought everything we usually train into full play, and there is nothing to regret if we tried our best."

    Put on a spare racket.

    Zhang Yining’s heart is half cold.

    "When the referee asked me to play with a spare racket, my heart went cold at once." Zhang Yining said after the game on the evening of 21st.

    According to Zhang Yining, when the match with Singaporean player Feng Tianwei was about to start, the referee suddenly informed her that her racket was unqualified and asked her to play with a spare racket. "I don’t know what’s wrong with my racket now, maybe it’s because the glue is too thick. The sponge on the spare racket is still three years ago, and the quality is much worse. I’m a little lacking in confidence before the game starts. "

    Before the game, Zhang Yining was generally thought to beat Feng Tianwei easily, but the game was full of tension. Zhang Yining struggled to win the first game with 13: 11, and lost the second game with 12: 14. Zhang Yining won the next three games, but the scores were very close, with 14: 12, 12: 10 and 13: 11 respectively.

    "After changing the spare racket, the temperature and radian of the power are somewhat different from those of the normal racket, and it is very awkward to fight. It’s not easy to beat your opponent. " Zhang Yining said.

    After the game, the referee took away Zhang Yining’s spare racket, and it is said that it will be tested again. Zhang Yining reluctantly told reporters that she had temporarily lost a racket. According to Xinhua News Agency

    Jiao Zhimin:

    National ball dominance does not depend on sea tactics.

    China table tennis team is getting closer and closer to achieving the goal of "Grand Slam" in this Olympic Games. Jiao Zhimin, a famous former China table tennis player and world champion, who now lives in South Korea, wrote an article revealing the secret.

    Jiao Zhimin revealed: "The founder of’ straight double-sided play’ is Liu Guoliang, the coach of China table tennis national team. He is a typical backhand player. Liu Guoliang realized that it was hard to hit the backhand straight, so he tried to stick rubber on the back of the racket to hit the ball. I didn’t expect this to become an opportunity for China table tennis to make a milestone development. Then Marin and Wang Hao became familiar with this style of play. Among them, Wang Hao can master the double-faced play more skillfully, making it reach the peak. "

    In the eyes of most people, China table tennis dominates the world, relying only on a huge basic training system and a steady stream of talents. However, as a world champion who used to be the standard-bearer of table tennis in China, Jiao Zhimin has a different view. "China table tennis coaches are always faced with the problem of how to dominate the world. They have been racking their brains to study new technologies. As a result, there are even players who play table tennis alternately with their left and right hands in China, who can hit the ball forehand in any direction, although this technology is not mature enough to appear on the international stage. "

    "Foreigners think that table tennis in China relies on the sea of people tactics because they don’t see the efforts made by coach China to develop new technologies." Jiao Zhimin said.

Editor: Shang Yanrong

When I go home for the New Year, I want to blow the audience (with 23 beauty products recommended)

The Spring Festival is coming soon. Before meeting relatives, friends and classmates from all walks of life, do we have to prepare carefully and whitewash our faces?

In this issue, Xiao Daochang specially compiled a beauty and skin care strategy to help everyone burst into the audience!

Image source: the idea of the worm

The foundation of skin care is moisturizing. If moisturizing is not done well, no matter how gorgeous makeup is, it is no use.

Xiaodaochang made a word-of-mouth comparison of 22 popular moisturizing creams from six aspects: moisturizing, absorbability, skin feeling, texture, smell and gentleness.

Below 200 yuan, we recommend Muscle Research Extreme Moisturizing Cream and Baique Ling Moisturizing Essence; In the price range from 200 yuan to 500 yuan, we recommend Clarins Moisturizing Cream and Yuemu Source Caffeine Revitalizing Moisturizing Curd; Above 500 yuan, we recommend Estee Lauder fresh and bright red pomegranate cream.

If we only look at the moisturizing effect,FAB soothing repair cream, Elizabeth Ya Dun compound cream, Kiehl’s high moisturizing cream, Estee Lauder fresh and bright red pomegranate cream, SK-II revitalizing essence cream.It will stand out.

Feeling that moisturizing cream is not enough, many people will focus on anti-wrinkle cream. It’s just that anti-wrinkle can’t be achieved immediately. It’s a long skin care project.

Xiaodaochang made a word-of-mouth comparison of 16 popular anti-wrinkle creams from seven aspects: firming anti-wrinkle, moisturizing, absorption, skin feeling, texture, smell and gentleness.

We recommend the price range from 100 yuan to 500 yuan.HBN retinol firming and revitalizing night cream; We recommend the price range from 500 yuan to 1000 yuan.Kiehl’s multiple firming face cream; Above 1000 yuan, we recommend it.Guerlain Royal Orchid Cream.

If we only look at the effect of firming and anti-wrinkle,Helena rubinstein revitalizing and soothing cream, Xiulike firming and firming essence cream, HBN retinol firming and firming night cream, Kiehl’s multiple firming and firming face cream, Clarins revitalizing and elastic night cream.It will stand out.

Time is urgent. If you can’t start from skin care, you need air cushion foundation to save the field. Xiao Daochang measured 14 kinds of air cushion foundations and powder pastes, and recommended 3 kinds of air cushion foundations to Jimei.

The first paragraph isAijing 20 Essence Concealer Foundation. The face is natural, the concealer effect is good, the makeup is ok, and the makeup is slightly removed at the end of the day.

The second paragraph isNARS bright and durable air cushion liquid foundation. Obedience, no floating powder, natural makeup, may not be suitable for large oil skin.

The third paragraph isL ‘Oré al’s Constant Glowing Glossy Matte Concealer Lightpad Cream. The concealer effect is amazing, the skin color is well-balanced, and the makeup feeling is a little thick, but the makeup effect is good.

As the saying goes, "make the finishing point", eye shadow can be said to be the sublimation part of the whole makeup. Xiao Chang measured 22 kinds of eye shadows and recommended two kinds of eye shadow discs to Jimei.

The first paragraph isTOM FORD Magic Classic Four-color Eye Shadow Disc. It has the reputation of "Hermes" in eye shadow. The whole color scheme makes the eye makeup look Leng Yan and intellectual, the addition of peach color reveals a little liveliness, and the silver thin flash point is painted in the center of the eyelid, which is quite layered.

The simple four colors are full in color and fine in powder. After the model tried it out, she commented that the smudge was very good, the flash was a little flying, and the dosage of the deepest color should be controlled, otherwise it would easily turn into smoky makeup.

The second paragraph isUrban Decay Naked Eye Shadow Disc. Warm matte earth color system, with a shimmering pearl, no color can be left idle. After the model tried it out, she made a crazy call, and her eyes were clean and clear, low-key and gentle. The overall color test of the arm is quite harmonious, with high color rendering and fine powder. Matte colors are quite friendly to swollen eyelids.

White becomes a light and becomes the most beautiful baby in the crowd. How to choose whitening essence?

Xiaodaochang made a word-of-mouth comparison of 16 popular whitening essences from seven aspects: whitening, spot fading, lightening, moisturizing, absorption, skin feeling and gentleness.

Below 500 yuan, we recommend.Olay white plastic essence, L ‘Oré al scientific whitening triple white essence, Clinique whitening multi-effect essence.; Above 500 yuan, we recommend it.Ou Tili Zhenmei Brightening and Whitening Essence, Clarins Brightening and Whitening Spot Essence, Kiehl’s Brightening and Whitening Balanced Brightening and Lightening Spot Essence.

If we only look at whitening, lightening and lightening,Ou Ti Li Zhen Mei Brightening Essence, Clarins Brightening Whitening Spotting EssenceIt will stand out.

Among them,Ou Ti Li Zhen Mei Brightening EssenceThis product has a sales history of more than 20 years, and the patented ingredient is grape seed extract. In addition, the formula also contains other antioxidant and repair components, including vitamin E acetate, bisabolol and squalane.

Oh, oh, by the way, hair can’t be ignored, and a beautiful hair fills the temperament in an instant.

In this paper, 14 hot-selling repair shampoos were compared in terms of softness, anti-rashness, cleanliness, refreshment, dandruff removal and smell.

We recommendDove Intensive Nourishing and Repairing Shampoo, Sassoon Repairing Water-nourishing Shampoo, Pan Ting Deep Bubble Hydrating and Moisturizing Water-nourishing Shampoo (nourishing type), Kashi Nourishing and Constant Care Shampoo No.2..

Among them,Dove intensive nourishing and repairing shampooIn addition to the basic repair ingredients such as panthenol and glycerin, keratin with certain moisturizing and exfoliating effects and hydrolyzed keratin with protective effect on hair are also added, and the effect of smoothing and moisturizing is quite good.

Although it uses anionic surfactant SLES (sodium lauryl polyether sulfate), it can reduce the irritation of SLES to some extent by compounding amphoteric surfactant CAPB (cocoamido propyl betaine).

It should be noted that the preservative used in Dove shampoo is Carsone, which has potential contact sensitization. Excessive use may cause itching, redness and swelling of the skin, which is not very friendly to sensitive muscles.

[Special Statement]: The original data used in this article are all from the official website of the e-commerce platform, and the data is objective and true. The brand mentioned in this report only represents this type of product, and does not represent the evaluation status of other models of the same brand.

Psychology: 99% of emotional problems can be solved by "attitude"

Cultivate the most interesting and practical psychology every day.

Some people say that most of the emotions you can’t maintain well will have root causes.

Regardless of the root cause of this answer, psychology lovers should first make it clear that emotion is subordinate to attitude. Attitude, on the other hand, is a relatively stable psychological tendency held by individuals towards specific objects (others, ideas, emotions or events, etc.). This psychological tendency often contains individual’s subjective evaluation and viewpoint, as well as the resulting behavioral tendency.

Now we know that emotion is a part of the whole attitude. It is in harmony with introverted feelings, intentions and habits in attitude.It is a psychological state of "attitude", which is a complex and stable physiological feedback and experience in physiology.

The "emotion" we are usually familiar with includes not only the sense of morality, but also the sense of value. It is embodied in human behavior, that is, love, happiness, hatred, disgust, beauty and other life feelings or basic attitudes.

Psychology lovers often have the thinking and habit of exploring and analyzing the essence of things, and they know that the attitude (emotional state) understood by ordinary people is not the same as the emotional attitude studied in psychology.

Ordinary people often attribute their attitude and emotion to individual personality, experience and immediate feedback, but completely ignore the root of "attitude". On the basis of this misjudgment, people often make wrong judgments or interpretations of other people’s emotional states.

Therefore, in order to clearly understand people’s emotions, it is necessary to clarify the "attitude" that can cover emotions and all kinds of psychological connections involved.

In the history of psychological development, the definition of "attitude" was first put forward by psychologists Spencer and Bein in 1862. They believe that, from the psychological level, people’s attitude is a kind of opinion that comes out first, and it is a "preconceived idea" and psychological tendency that leads individual judgment and thinking to a certain direction, that is, our daily psychological preparation.

On this basis, influenced by behaviorism in psychological research in 1930s, psychologist allport updated his predecessors’ analysis and judgment on attitude. He believes that people’s attitude is essentially a state of psychological and nervous preparation.

It is mainly organized through people’s life experience, and this "psychological and nervous preparation state" organized through experience affects the individual’s response to the situation. Obviously, allport’s definition emphasizes the role of individual experience in the formation of psychological attitude.

In 1948, psychologist Kreiger proposed that from the psychological point of view, it must be clear that attitude is actually the persistent organization of individuals’ motivation, emotion and perception of certain social phenomena in their daily lives. Like allport, Kreiger’s definition of attitude still emphasizes people’s subjective experience in the present.

However, more advanced than allport, Kreiger regards people as individuals who can think and actively construct things, rather than just passive life experiences.

In 1984, American psychologist Barker made a new conclusion about the concept and definition of "attitude".He believes that "attitude" is actually a psychological tendency of people to others, ideas or things. But he also stressed that people’s attitude is a subjective thing of ideas and opinions.

In modern times, psychologist Myers updated the definition of "attitude" again in 1993, and was recognized as a relatively perfect formulation of attitude so far. Myers believes that from the perspective of psychology, "attitude" is an "evaluative response" that people like or dislike something or someone, and this response is often manifested in people’s beliefs, emotions and tendencies.

Tracing back to the source, we clarify the connotation and extension of "attitude" and the development process of concept definition, mainly to explain the theme of "emotion" After all, emotion is contained in "attitude" and is a part of attitude. If you want to understand emotion and related problems, you should first understand the causes of emotion from the root.

If you look at the individual from the whole, you will obviously come to a biased conclusion; And only look at the overall (attitude) characteristics, but do not carefully analyze the individual (emotional) details, naturally can not see the whole picture of things.

Psychologist Myers believes that people’s attitude will inevitably involve three dimensions: emotion, behavioral intention and individual cognition. As mentioned above, the "emotion" that we usually think is the most familiar and understandable is a part of the whole self-attitude, which is in harmony with the introverted feelings and intentions in the attitude.In fact, individual emotion includes two aspects: moral sense and value sense, which are embodied in subjective feelings and experiences such as love, happiness, hatred, disgust and beauty in daily life.

From the perspective of value goal, people’s emotional expression can be divided into four categories: feelings for things, feelings for people, feelings for themselves and feelings for special things.

If we look at people’s emotions from a changing perspective, then people’s feelings about foreign things depend on the changes and tenses of their own values.According to the different ways and tenses of their own values, the ways people treat emotions can be divided into five specific forms:

Value Increase-Emotional Attitude: Pride

Reduced value-emotional attitude: shame

Value Increase-Emotional Attitude: Embarrassment

Future Value Increase-Emotional Attitude: Self-confidence

Future Value Decrease-Emotional Attitude: Inferiority

Darwin, an evolutionist, believes that the state of human organism and the development of biological organism are both a process of continuous evolution. This evolution process is embodied as follows: the biological species are constantly differentiated and increased,The cell structure in organisms has become more and more complex but more orderly, and the organizational function of organisms has been deepened and strengthened.

Obviously, as a subjective emotion, the emotional development of human beings is also a process of continuous evolution. This evolution is embodied in:

The manifestations of human emotions are constantly differentiating and increasing.

The hierarchical structure of emotion is increasingly complex but more orderly.

The behavior-driven ability of emotion has been constantly evolving and strengthened.

From Darwin’s theory of evolution, we can find that in the process of analyzing human emotions, if we apply the basic ideas of dialectical materialism and biological evolution to the emotional field together, a more scientific concept and judgment method of emotional evolution will be formed.

In this sense, the establishment of a "scientific theory of emotional evolution" by individuals is not only helpful for exploring the "logical structure" and "operational mechanism" of emotions and realizing "scientific emotional calculation and judgment", but also for the survival and quality of life of biological individuals.

In the long run, in today’s intelligent AI, scientific emotional concepts and judgment methods are also of great theoretical significance for scientists to develop emotional robots in the true sense.

We know that,Emotion is a subjective reflection of people’s value relationship. Therefore, the evolution and change of human emotion fundamentally originates from and depends on the evolution of value relationship in reality, that is, the evolution of human value relationship, which promotes the evolution of human emotion.

Objectively speaking, the development process of human value relationship is not only a slow quantitative change process, but also a changing process in which rapid qualitative change may occur. No matter from which aspect, it is a long, tortuous, natural, hierarchical and phased evolution process.

Therefore, if we look at the history of human emotion and its development from different dimensions, such as individual and society, individual and others, we will find that it is unscientific and idealistic to arbitrarily and unilaterally regard "emotion" as a unique thing of someone.

It is also mechanical and dogmatic to divide emotional simplicity into instinctive and dynamic categories. There is an inseparable relationship between emotion and social development, and between emotion and individual experience.

From reality, we can infer that the value relationship between people is in the process of continuous evolution.. Moreover, this evolutionary process can be divided into five basic stages:

Single factor value

Multi-factor value

Variable value
Diversity value

Multi-layer value

On the basis of this reality, there will be five stages of natural evolution of human emotions:

  • 1. Sexual emotion
  • 2. Rigid emotions
  • 3. Flexible emotions
  • 4. Intellectual emotion
  • 5. Rational emotion

Thus, emotion is a process of dynamic change and development, not a static process. In the development direction of emotional evolution, emotion is also manifested in the continuous differentiation and integration of emotion and individual cognition:

In the stage of sexual emotion, people’s cognition and emotion are completely confused and integrated;

In the rigid emotional stage, although people’s cognition and emotion are still in a state of confusion, they begin to show a trend of separation gradually;

In the stage of elastic emotion, people’s cognition and emotion will be further separated, and a new outline will gradually appear;

In the stage of intellectual emotion, people’s cognition and emotion begin to develop independently;

In the stage of rational emotion, people’s cognition and emotion can not only develop independently, but also integrate freely.

From the above classification, although emotion is always the subjective reflection of the human brain on the value relationship, it will continue to evolve and develop under the influence of various changes in reality, and its development and evolution direction fundamentally depends on the development direction of the value relationship in reality.

To sum up, we have described the physiological principle and dynamic evolution characteristics of emotion, and clearly understand that human emotion is not emotion, but a kind of physiological feedback and experience that changes and develops with the value relationship in reality.

In real life, many people lament that they can’t maintain a relationship, and it is easy to attribute the reason to the evolution of the other party and their own persistence, or other external reasons. In fact, emotion is an evolutionary process that constantly changes with the external environment, and it will not always stick to a certain state.

If we can establish a "scientific theory of emotional evolution", clearly know and explore the "logical structure" and "operational mechanism" of emotions, and realize "scientific emotional calculation and judgment", then we will avoid falling into daily physiological emotions and making misjudgments or misjudgments in emotions.It is no exaggeration to say that 99% of emotional problems can be solved in these ways.

– The End –

Author | Magic Little

Edit | A grain of rice

A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

References: Alfred Adler, translated by Zhou Lang. What does life mean to you [M]. International Culture Publishing Company, 2000.

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