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OEM Xiaomi car, is it?

It is reported that it will be OEM. On October 19, in response to the above rumors, BAIC Blue Valley responded that the company did not receive relevant information.

Beiqi Blue Valley rose 22.18% for three consecutive trading days in recent days. On the evening of October 18th, it was announced that the daily operation of the company had not changed significantly.

According to reports, informed sources revealed that Xiaomi had approached at the end of August this year to discuss matters related to OEM new energy vehicles, but the two sides failed to reach a final cooperation.

In addition, it is reported that Xiaomi has negotiated with Chery, Brilliance and other car companies, which may be responsible for production, while Xiaomi is responsible for sales, but the specific results are not yet known.

Xiaomi Automobile plans to build a vehicle factory in Yizhuang, Beijing in two phases. The first phase of the factory has been basically completed and put into use, with a production capacity of 150,000 vehicles per year. Lei Jun’s goal in 2024 is to sell 100,000 vehicles.

It is reported that after the first coupe model of Xiaomi Automobile, it plans to launch an SUV model, but it does not consider rebuilding the production line, so it turns to negotiate OEM production with other automobile manufacturers to achieve two-track advancement.

According to the plan, Xiaomi Automobile will be officially mass-produced in the first half of 2024, and it is getting closer and closer to the first half of 2024.

In terms of investment, the financial report shows that Xiaomi’s investment in innovative business such as smart electric vehicles in 2022 is RMB 3.1 billion. By the end of 2022, the size of the R&D team of automobile business was about 2,300 people.

Regarding the configuration and price of Xiaomi car, there have been many reports on the Internet, and even the road test data have been sent online. Insiders pointed out that the high-end version of Xiaomi Automobile is priced at 250,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan.

It seems that everything is ready for Xiaomi to build a car. However, regarding the qualification of building a car, there is no clear official news yet.

There are indications that Xiaomi Automobile is progressing smoothly and getting closer and closer to the press conference. However, at this time, Bloomberg gave rice noodles full of expectations.Spilled itA pot of cold water, they reported that Xiaomi has not got the qualification to build a car.

It is also reported that Xiaomi has obtained the production qualification of electric vehicles, but the official has not officially responded. The mass production of Xiaomi automobile may be unknown before it is officially qualified to build a car.

Since the official announcement of the car in March 2021, more than two years have passed, and Xiaomi has not let consumers see the real appearance of the car. The so-called official map that flowed out before always gave people the feeling of still hiding half her face from us behind her guitar.

So far, all kinds of news about the progress of Xiaomi Auto’s car-making have basically come from the network. The news seems to be a lot, but it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Say a few more words

According to Lei Jun, the goal of Xiaomi Automobile in the future is to strive to enter the top five in the world within 15 to 20 years, and Lei Jun also said before that to enter the top five, the annual sales may exceed 10 million.

Xiaomi, who is eager to catch up with the wind, is the only choice for Xiaomi, compared with Baidu, Huawei and other enterprises, and it is a little late to enter the game. However, Xiaomi’s research and development expenses are not too much in the entire automobile industry chain.

In fact, there is not much time left for Xiaomi automobile to enter the market, but if it is to form differentiated competitiveness in a short time, time is even more urgent.

Rumors about Xiaomi automobile are flying all over the sky.For this car company, the core asset is actually Lei Jun.To put it more directly, it is the credibility of Lei Jun.. After all, Xiaomi’s mobile phone has dominated the rivers and lakes for so many years, and Lei Jun’s credibility is still very high, which is much stronger than Jobs who still stays in the United States.

Press conference | Raising the basic pension for retirees of enterprises and urban residents

Recently, the Press Office of Rushan Municipal People’s Government held a press conference on the adjustment of the basic pension for retirees. The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Social Insurance Center introduced the relevant situation and answered questions from reporters.

In 2021, Rushan City raised the basic pension for retirees of enterprises and urban residents in the city according to the unified arrangements of the higher authorities. Among them, the standard of basic pension for urban residents has been raised from 154 yuan per person per month to 162 yuan. The adjustment of enterprise basic pension adopts the method of combining quota adjustment, hook adjustment and appropriate tilt.

Quota adjustment

65 yuan’s pension will be increased every month.

Hook adjustment

Increase the pension according to the following two parts:

1. Determine the monthly increase according to 1.2% of my basic pension in December 2020.

2, enterprise retirees adjusted according to the payment period. According to my payment period, determine the monthly increase, among which, for the part below 15 years (inclusive), 1 yuan will be increased every month for every full year; For the part of more than 16 years to 25 years, the 1.3 yuan will be increased every month for every full year; For the part of more than 26 years to 35 years, the 1.6 yuan will be increased every month for every full year; For the part of more than 36 years to 45 years, the 1.9 yuan will be increased every month for every full year; For the part that has been over 46 years, 2.2 yuan will be added every month for every full year. The payment period includes the deemed payment period, excluding the additional years converted from special types of work; If the payment period is less than 1 year, it shall be calculated as 1 year.

Appropriate inclination

1. Before December 31, 2020, for retirees who have reached the age of 70 and under 75 (calculated by the date of birth confirmed by the regulations when going through retirement procedures, the same below), who have reached the age of 75 and under 80, and who have reached the age of 80, the pensions of 15 yuan, 30 yuan and 60 yuan will be increased respectively per person per month.

2. During the period from January 1 to December 31, 2020, the number of enterprise retirees who reach the age of 70, 75 and 80 (excluding the one-time payment of the insured by the enterprise) will increase in 290 yuan, 190 yuan and 360 yuan respectively per person per month, and the one-time payment of the insured by the enterprise will increase in 70 yuan, 60 yuan and 120 yuan respectively per person per month.

In 2021, there were more than 80,000 enterprise retirees who adjusted the basic pension in Rushan City, and the monthly average pension was increased by 129 yuan, and the basic pension for enterprise retirees was reissued by 63.06 million yuan; The basic old-age pension for urban residents has been raised by 5%, and the average treatment level has reached 198 yuan per person per month, with a replacement amount of 890,000 yuan. At present, all of them have been paid in place.

ask a question






In recent years, the treatment of retirees is improving every year, and many flexible employees also want to participate in the endowment insurance for enterprise employees. How do flexible employees pay for insurance? How is the base and proportion of paying endowment insurance premium stipulated?

Flexible employees can voluntarily apply for insurance payment. Flexible employees who are under 60 years of age and under 50 years of age can apply for insurance registration at Windows 2 and 3 of Area C on the second floor of Rushan Citizen Service Center with their ID cards or temporary residence permits, and can pay after registration.

Individual industrial and commercial households and flexible employees who participate in enterprise endowment insurance in their personal capacity, the amount of their pension insurance premiums shall be determined by multiplying the payment base stipulated by the state and the province by the payment ratio.

The current regulations are as follows: the payment base can be selected between 60% and 300% of the average salary of employees in full-caliber urban units in this province, and the payment ratio is 20%; Among them, 8% is credited to personal account and 12% to overall fund. For example, the payment in 2021 can be selected in the range of 3746 yuan to 18726 yuan. If the base of 3746 yuan is selected, the insurance premium to be paid in 2021 is 3746×20%×12=8990.40 yuan. There is 3746×8%×12=3596.16 yuan in personal account, which can be inherited.

When the insured persons who participate in the basic old-age insurance for enterprise employees as flexible employees reach retirement age (men over 60 years old and women over 55 years old), if the accumulated payment period is over 15 years, the pension will be paid according to the regulations. Among them: female flexible employees who have been employed in a flexible way and continue to pay endowment insurance premiums after the termination or termination of labor relations with the original enterprise after the enterprise has paid the insurance premium for 10 years, their retirement age is still 50 years old. If the female flexible employment insured payer has been employed in the enterprise for 10 years, his retirement age will still be 50 years old.


What should I do if employees reach the statutory retirement age and the payment period is less than 15 years?

According to the regulations, if the employees of an enterprise have paid the fees at the statutory retirement age for less than 15 years, they can extend the payment to 15 years. "Social Insurance Law" before the implementation of the insured, extended payment after 5 years is still less than 15 years, you can pay a one-time payment to 15 years.


Excuse me, under what circumstances can I repay the endowment insurance for enterprise employees? How to pay back?

If the employer and the employee have not insured or paid the old-age insurance premium during the labor (personnel) relationship, they can pay the old-age insurance premium for the period that they have not insured or paid. The specific policies shall be implemented in accordance with the Notice of Shandong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security on Improving the Payment Policy for Employees’ Basic Endowment Insurance (Lu Ren She Gui [2019] No.13).

To pay back as an employee of the unit, the unit shall submit a written application and go through the formalities of paying back in the social insurance agency where the unit is insured; When applying for overdue payment, the following materials should be provided: ID card and original file of the payer, salary income credentials and other original materials corresponding to the reasons for overdue payment. Among them, if the one-time payment exceeds three years, legal documents issued by administrative departments such as people’s courts, auditing departments, labor inspection or labor and personnel dispute arbitration committees shall be provided.

The state clearly stipulates that people who are over the retirement age and do not meet the requirements shall not be included in the basic old-age insurance for employees by means of one-time payment. At the same time, it is stipulated that individual industrial and commercial households without employees and all kinds of flexible employees are not allowed to increase the payment period by making up the payment afterwards.


Recently, Shandong Province announced the upper and lower limits of the social security payment base. According to the requirements, who needs to pay the base difference and how to pay it?

According to the relevant data calculated by the provincial statistics department, the average salary of employees in full-caliber urban units in the province in 2020 was 74,906 yuan, with an average of 6,242 yuan per month. In 2021, the upper limit of employee social security payment base was 18,726 yuan, and the lower limit was 3,746 yuan. According to the regulations of the province, if the monthly payment base of employees at the beginning of the year was less than 3,746 yuan, it should be repaid according to 3,746 yuan.

Among them, the individual make-up part of the employees who are on-the-job and change their work units is withheld and remitted by the current unit to complete the make-up business, and the individual does not pay the make-up fee; The social security relationship has been transferred to the new insured place, died for some reason, went abroad and other accounts have been settled, and individuals do not make up the difference.

Individuals who need to make up the difference mainly include those who have stopped paying after leaving the company and flexible employees (including those who have gone through retirement procedures). The amount and data of personal makeup are automatically generated by the social security system, and the time for personal makeup payment is until December 2021.

Those who pay fees when the enterprise leaves the company need to bring their ID cards to the tax window in Zone D on the second floor of the Citizen Service Center to pay the fees.

Flexible employees can make up the difference through the WeChat applet "Shandong Tax and Social Security Payment" and Alipay "Citizen Center-Social Security-Social Security Payment-Flexible Employment-Special Payment", or they can take their ID cards to the tax window in Zone D on the second floor of the Citizen Service Center for payment.

Original title: "Press Conference | Raising the basic pension for retirees of enterprises and urban residents"

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In spring, come to Beijing to see the best movies in the world.

  The 8th Beijing International Film Festival will be held from April 15th to 22nd. As one of the main units of the film festival, "Beijing screening" will be held in 32 film institutions and colleges and universities in Beijing during this period. At 12 noon on April 1, the "Beijing Exhibition", which is full of good films, was fully invoiced. According to the statistics of Taobao Film’s website, the box office was 2 million in one minute, 3 million in two minutes, 6 million in five minutes and 9 million in 12 minutes after invoicing, and the legendary "Beijing International Film Festival Speed" reappeared in the rivers and lakes.

  Ticket sales reproduce "Beijing International Film Festival speed"  

  On March 28th, on the day when the "Beijing Exhibition" package was invoiced, this year’s "Beijing Exhibition" showed an incredible magical speed — — 100 sets of classic Bergman master series, sold out in 10 seconds; 100 sets of Jurassic Park 25th anniversary series, sold out in 7 seconds; 100 Batman series, sold out in 7 seconds; 100 sets of X-Men series, sold out in 14 seconds. After the official invoicing at 12 noon on April 1, the box office will be 2 million in one minute, 3 million in two minutes, 6 million in five minutes and 9 million in 12 minutes. Compared with last year, the speed of ticket sales has more than doubled. Among them, "The Grand Budapest Hotel" was snapped up in five scenes in 10 seconds, becoming the fastest sold-out film, followed by "Titanic" in six scenes sold out in 12 seconds and "Chongqing Forest" in four scenes sold out in 15 seconds.

  Similar to previous ticket sales, the most popular films in this year’s "Beijing Exhibition" are still well-known films. For example, the Oscar-winning film Escape from Desperate Town, wes anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel, Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai, blood simple by the Cohen Brothers, Cameron’s Avatar, Titanic and Nolan’s Dunkirk. It is worth mentioning that some unpopular minority films have also achieved good box office results after invoicing, especially the sub-section "Beijing City Affairs" which is closely related to Beijing City. In particular, the films shown in this section, such as Neighbor, Old Things in the South of the City, and Good Morning Beijing, are very popular with young audiences who are used to buying tickets on the Internet. These films travel through time and space through the lens, making the audience feel the unique charm of the old Beijing city.  

  Pay more attention to communication besides screening.  

  Beijing International Film Festival has been pursuing the aesthetic style of China’s films, and "Beijing Exhibition" also pays more attention to providing face-to-face communication and sharing opportunities for creators, scholars and fans. According to the introduction of the Beijing International Film Festival Organizing Committee, nearly 80 film pre-screening and post-screening exchanges and salon lectures have been confirmed, among which more than 40 domestic film exchanges will be held, with an unprecedented scale. Among them, China Film Archive’s latest 4K restored versions of horse thief and Yellow Land will be premiered, and the famous director Tian Zhuangzhuang will attend the post-screening activities of horse thief; One of the key filmmakers in this Beijing exhibition — — Ms. Feng Hsu, a famous Hong Kong film producer and actress, will bring seven films she participated in and created to talk with film researchers, among which the 4K restored version of Rolling Red Dust was shown in Beijing for the first time. Ghost by Huang Shuqin, a famous fourth-generation director, is one of the most outstanding feminist films in China, while Dasheng Zheng, a literati director, recently filmed the latest masterpiece Village Drama, both of which use the elements of traditional opera, but explain the modern concept consciousness from a completely different perspective. In addition to the theme of the works, the two directors are still in a mother-child relationship. This time, we specially arranged for the two films to be shown in series, and invited director Dasheng Zheng to participate in the exchange. I believe that the multiple echoes inside and outside the play will make the activities more interesting and more academic.

  Not only that, "Beijing Exhibition" also adheres to the purpose that Beijing International Film Festival always pays attention to the new strength of domestic films, and chooses "Rain Boots of Wangza" written and directed by the new generation director La Huajia, supervised by Pema Tseden and shot by famous photographer Lv Songye as the opening film of domestic films. Du Jiangdu, the film’s main creator and this year’s domestic film promoter and young actor, will appear on the scene to interact with the audience. Just won the Golden Tiger Award at the 47th Rotterdam Film Festival, "A Boundless North" is an absurd comedy full of rural magical realism, with a unique perspective and strong style. Director Cai Chengjie, producer and photographer Jiao Feng will also participate in the post-screening exchange in Beijing International Film Festival.

  Apart from building a bridge for interactive dialogue between fans and creators, the organizing committee of the 8th Beijing International Film Festival is also committed to making "Beijing Exhibition" another important platform for exchanges and cooperation between China and the global film industry. Ruben Ostlund, winner of the Palme d ‘Or in Cannes, a member of the international jury of the Tiantan Award and a famous director, will appear in the post-screening activities of the film Rubik’s Cube. Classic films from Czech Republic, Poland and Serbia, countries along the Belt and Road Initiative, and new works from Canada, the northern country, will also have a grand screening and a number of meeting activities during the "Beijing Exhibition". It is particularly worth mentioning that the technological innovation and perceptual exploration brought by VR art have become an integral part of the world’s important film festivals, and this year it has also been integrated into the Beijing screening. The organizing committee specially set up a VR unit to invite award-winning works and latest masterpieces from world-famous film festivals, bringing unprecedented and refreshing immersion experience to Beijing International Film Festival fans. Beijing Morning Post reporter Yang Lianjie

Smooth sailing, China table tennis advances into "Grand Slam"

  Fukuhara Ai

    Men’s singles three tigers will advance to eight generals

    According to Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, 21st, in the men’s singles table tennis competition of the Beijing Olympic Games, with the typical "China speed" and "three tigers in table tennis", they easily beat their opponents and advanced to the quarterfinals.

    Before the game, China’s main rivals, South Korean star Ryu Seung-min, German "golden boy" Bohr and Belarusian samsonov, were eliminated by other opponents, and they missed the opportunity to compete with China players.

    Wang Liqin, the former king, eliminated Shi Lage, a famous European player, 4-0. Earlier, Wang Hao eliminated Han Yang of Japanese team 4-1. Ma Lin, who started at the same time as Wang Liqin, also beat Greek glinka by the same score at another table.

    Three China players advanced to the quarter-finals, reflecting the amazing "China speed": Wang Hao took 29 minutes, Wang Liqin took 25 minutes and Ma Lin took 26 minutes.

    The first two rounds were bye-bye. As the seed player, the "Three Tigers of Guoping" didn’t show up until the third round. On the same day, she played two sets in a row, first reaching the top 16 at noon and then entering the top 8 at night.

    On the next match day, Wang Hao will meet Gao Lize, Wang Liqin will fight Tan Ruiwu and Ma Lin will fight Sang Eun Oh. Only two European players, Croatian primorac and Swedish persson, will also compete in the semi-finals. The prospect of China’s men’s singles gold medal is becoming clearer.

    Women’s singles three will break into the semi-finals

    China’s Zhang Yining, Guo Yue and Wang Nan all made it to the semi-finals of women’s table tennis singles at the Beijing Olympic Games on the evening of 21st.

    Last night, the women’s singles quarter-finals started. Zhang Yining first played against Feng Tianwei of the Singaporean team, fighting for four sets, and Zhang Yining beat her opponent 4-1.

    Wang Nan met Tieyana of Hongkong team in China in the quarter-finals. The two sides have played against each other many times in history and know each other well. However, Tieyana was in a very poor state yesterday. She lost the first two games with a disparity score of 5: 11 and 4: 11. Although she pulled back one game with 13: 11 in the third game, the fourth and fifth games reappeared in a depressed state, losing two games with 2: 11 and 4: 11. In this way, Wang Nan defeated his opponent by a total score of 4: 1 and entered the semi-finals.

    Young Guo Yue’s opponent in the quarterfinals is Wu Xue of Dominica. There was no suspense in the game, and Guo Yue easily won 4-0 in straight sets.

    In the other quarter-final, Li Jiawei of Singapore defeated Wang Chen of the United States, becoming the only non-China player in the women’s singles semi-finals.

    Shi Zhihao, head coach of China women’s table tennis team, believes that all three players of China team have played their normal level so far, and China team will continue to strive for winning the women’s singles gold medal tomorrow.

    The semifinals and finals of women’s table tennis singles will be held on the 22nd. The two semifinals will be played against Zhang Yining against Li Jiawei and Guo Yue against Wang Nan. (Meng Xin)

    Fukuhara Ai smiled and left.

    Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 21st-Japanese player Fukuhara Ai used to cry when she lost, but after losing to China’s Zhang Yining in the women’s singles eighth final of the Beijing Olympic Games on August 21st, Fukuhara Ai left the field with a smile.

    "I’m quite satisfied with my performance in this competition, and I’m also very satisfied with my performance in the whole Beijing Olympic Games. If I get out of 100 points, I can get 90 points," Fukuhara Ai said.

    After the match with Zhang Yining on the 21st, Fukuhara Ai’s journey to the Beijing Olympic Games stopped: "I am in a good state of mind, and it is an honor to play against a world champion like Zhang Yining at the Olympic Games." On the 20th, Fukuhara Ai also told reporters that Zhang Yining might not play well due to the pressure at home. On the 21st, Fukuhara Ai told reporters, "I miscalculated yesterday, and Zhang Yining was not nervous at all in today’s game, and played very well."

    However, Fukuhara Ai also has regrets in this Olympic Games, that is, she failed to win a medal. She said: "It is a pity that the Japanese team failed to win a medal in both the team and the singles, but we have brought everything we usually train into full play, and there is nothing to regret if we tried our best."

    Put on a spare racket.

    Zhang Yining’s heart is half cold.

    "When the referee asked me to play with a spare racket, my heart went cold at once." Zhang Yining said after the game on the evening of 21st.

    According to Zhang Yining, when the match with Singaporean player Feng Tianwei was about to start, the referee suddenly informed her that her racket was unqualified and asked her to play with a spare racket. "I don’t know what’s wrong with my racket now, maybe it’s because the glue is too thick. The sponge on the spare racket is still three years ago, and the quality is much worse. I’m a little lacking in confidence before the game starts. "

    Before the game, Zhang Yining was generally thought to beat Feng Tianwei easily, but the game was full of tension. Zhang Yining struggled to win the first game with 13: 11, and lost the second game with 12: 14. Zhang Yining won the next three games, but the scores were very close, with 14: 12, 12: 10 and 13: 11 respectively.

    "After changing the spare racket, the temperature and radian of the power are somewhat different from those of the normal racket, and it is very awkward to fight. It’s not easy to beat your opponent. " Zhang Yining said.

    After the game, the referee took away Zhang Yining’s spare racket, and it is said that it will be tested again. Zhang Yining reluctantly told reporters that she had temporarily lost a racket. According to Xinhua News Agency

    Jiao Zhimin:

    National ball dominance does not depend on sea tactics.

    China table tennis team is getting closer and closer to achieving the goal of "Grand Slam" in this Olympic Games. Jiao Zhimin, a famous former China table tennis player and world champion, who now lives in South Korea, wrote an article revealing the secret.

    Jiao Zhimin revealed: "The founder of’ straight double-sided play’ is Liu Guoliang, the coach of China table tennis national team. He is a typical backhand player. Liu Guoliang realized that it was hard to hit the backhand straight, so he tried to stick rubber on the back of the racket to hit the ball. I didn’t expect this to become an opportunity for China table tennis to make a milestone development. Then Marin and Wang Hao became familiar with this style of play. Among them, Wang Hao can master the double-faced play more skillfully, making it reach the peak. "

    In the eyes of most people, China table tennis dominates the world, relying only on a huge basic training system and a steady stream of talents. However, as a world champion who used to be the standard-bearer of table tennis in China, Jiao Zhimin has a different view. "China table tennis coaches are always faced with the problem of how to dominate the world. They have been racking their brains to study new technologies. As a result, there are even players who play table tennis alternately with their left and right hands in China, who can hit the ball forehand in any direction, although this technology is not mature enough to appear on the international stage. "

    "Foreigners think that table tennis in China relies on the sea of people tactics because they don’t see the efforts made by coach China to develop new technologies." Jiao Zhimin said.

Editor: Shang Yanrong

Shooting is always stuck to the face? Learn to retreat in 4 minutes, and Harden has to call you Master.

Everyone is on the wild court.

There will always be guys who are tough on defense.

As soon as you get the ball, he sticks to his face and fights.

Don’t give me any room to shoot.

Bring a set of teaching today.

Harden’s step-back shot

Everyone knows that Harden is the most powerful master in active duty.

Moreover, this trick is becoming more and more popular in wild courts and NBA.

At this time, someone will ask.

How can I get Harden to call you Master?

I’m sorry

I’m talking about this harden.

Get down to business

Harden’s retreating steps are various.

Retreat after routine and spying.

Step back after the ball is dropped, and step back after the emergency stop.

They are all moves worth learning.

As for the double retreat.

Just like the video said.

As long as you have courage, you can use it

Video source: BENCHPLAYER51

Fan Ziming+80 million yuan transfer stagnation! Qi zhou insists on not giving in, and the transfer will eventually be difficult to achieve.

Recently, Fan Ziming accepted an interview with the media and said that he had been informed by the club that he did not need to go to Xinjiang for the time being. This also means that qi zhou’s transfer has stalled again. As the transfer came to an end, the media also exposed the details of the transfer between Beijing Shougang Team and Xinjiang Team. It is reported that after the initial mediation of the Basketball Association, Xinjiang Team and Beijing Team conducted communication and negotiations for several months. Finally, Beijing Team was willing to hand over Fan Ziming and pay Xinjiang Team and qi zhou 40 million yuan respectively, but it was stopped because the payment cycle fee violated the regulations of the Basketball Association. According to the regulations of the Basketball Association, clubs and players can’t have transactions other than salary, and this 40 million yuan violates the regulations.

As a state-owned enterprise, Beijing Shougang Team is relatively standardized in accounting transactions, and cannot pay the transfer fee to qi zhou privately. Therefore, it is hoped that the Basketball Association will come forward as a guarantee. However, it is the biggest concession that the Basketball Association can "turn a blind eye" to this matter. Now, the guarantee put forward by Beijing Shougang Team obviously makes the Basketball Association violate its own rules, which obviously will not be approved by the Basketball Association. In addition, the stagnation of qi zhou’s transfer also shows that qi zhou’s brokerage team is not willing to give up this 40 million yuan worth of fees. Earlier, when the Shanghai team and Xinjiang team negotiated the transfer of qi zhou, the Shanghai team offered Yuan Tangwen+70 million yuan (35 million yuan each) as a bargaining chip, but it didn’t succeed in the end.

Judging from the stagnation of this transfer, the focus is that the 40 million yuan paid by Beijing Shougang Team to qi zhou violates the regulations of the Basketball Association. Therefore, if qi zhou gives up this 40 million yuan, the transfer will proceed smoothly. But from the current point of view, it is obvious that qi zhou’s brokerage team would rather stop the transfer than give up this 40 million yuan. However, the result of unwilling to give up 40 million yuan is that qi zhou can’t leave the Xinjiang team, and qi zhou won’t play for the Xinjiang team again. As a result, he can only continue to play in overseas leagues, and his income drops sharply, his appearance is limited, and his ability declines … Because the regulations of the Basketball Association come first, if other clubs pay the transfer fee to qi zhou through other means, it is equivalent to leaving a hidden danger. Once it is reported or traced, the result can be imagined.

Therefore, under the premise of not violating the regulations, qi zhou must give up the transfer fee, which is equivalent to "leaving home clean". Although qi zhou gave up the high transfer fee, I think the club is not only very willing to pay the top salary, but also try to give qi zhou more subsidies from winning bonuses and other aspects, so that qi zhou can return to the domestic league. By contrast, it seems that this result is better, but I don’t know why qi zhou and the brokerage team are unwilling to make concessions.

Sneijder on the Champions League final: Facing Barcelona in 10 years, people also think that we are doomed to failure.

Live on May 21st, when interviewed by Gazzetta dello Sport, Inter Milan star Sneijder talked about the 2010 Champions League semi-final and the upcoming Champions League final between Inter Milan and Manchester City.

Do you still remember the stadium atmosphere when you faced Barcelona in the semi-final of the Champions League in 2010?

"Of course, the scene is like a fairy tale, and I will never forget it. The San Siro will be unique on some nights. The scene against Milan the other day reminds me of the stadium atmosphere when I played against Barcelona in the Champions League semi-final 13 years ago. Accompanied by Materazzi, the’ crazy’ brother, it is even more interesting. "

Do you think Inter Milan have a chance to win the championship against Manchester City this time?

"There is no impossible game. Of course, there are difficult games, but in a single round, anything can happen and Inter can achieve anything. In addition, when facing Barcelona in 2010, people also felt that we were doomed to fail, but on the contrary, we proved that we could compete with Barcelona and win the game. "

In 2010, you won the semi-final against Guardiola’s almost perfect team. This time Inter Milan will face Guardiola again. Do you think Inter Milan can win in the same way?

"The team is different, the player structure is different, and football has also changed. Guardiola has been making tactical innovations, and he has an extraordinary team. Although Guardiola’s frontcourt is gorgeous, the defense line is not airtight, and there may always be some gaps. Then in terms of physical confrontation, Inter Milan is great, Inter Milan is very organized and disciplined, and can give feedback when facing Manchester City. "

But Manchester City has Harland. He is like a monster. How will you stop Harland?

"Harland may be the most destructive center player in European football at present, but no team can win by one player alone. In this case, Inter must work together with Qi Xin, and the whole team will participate in the defense. However, there are too many threatening players in Manchester City, so it is useless to just pay attention to and defend Harland. They also have De Braune and Mahrez, who have defended Harland. Maybe De Braune will seek shooting opportunities and defend De Braune. Maybe Mahrez is empty again. Inter Milan must unite as one, not afraid of strong enemies, and hold their heads high. "

Can lautaro be a key Mr Milito?

"That’s what I think, lautaro and Milito are Argentine fighters. Lautaro can follow Zanetti’s example. In the derby, lautaro wore the captain’s armband of Inter Milan. I think lautaro has the appearance of Zanetti and Milito, and he can be a beautiful fairy tale of the Nerazzurri. "

Lautaro is on the shortlist for the Golden Globe Award. If he can play a key role in the Champions League final, do you think lautaro deserves the Golden Globe Award?

"lautaro must think that winning the Champions League with Inter Milan is the best thing. Moreover, lautaro has won the World Cup, which is a very heavy trophy. In general, I think lautaro is very strong, he is still growing, and now he is at the peak. "

Chasing the light | Feel the scenery with running, and add a touch of green to "Suhe Half Horse"

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Chasing the light | Feel the scenery with running, and add a touch of green to "Suhe Half Horse"

"The first time I ran half a horse on the Suzhou River, the track was so beautiful!"

Liu Min, a female special guest.

Cross the finish line in 1 hour, 13 minutes and 19 seconds.

Become the champion of the women’s team in this competition.

But compared with the bright results that I ran out of.

Liu Min’s greatest feeling is the beautiful scenery on both sides of the track.

At 7 o’clock on April 22,

The morning sun shines on Jin Hui.

The 2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon, which was held for the first time, started with the gun fired.

There are 4,000 participants in the competition.

Different from other events, it mainly uses municipal roads to plan the track.

The track of the first "Suhe Half Horse" was two thirds.

Located along the Suzhou River.

Mary crossed the finish line first.

Won the championship in 1 hour, 03 minutes and 46 seconds.

Liu Min became the first in the women’s group.

The race completion rate reached 98.78%

"Leave the best resources to the people"

A hundred years ago, Suzhou Riverside was the birthplace of modern national industry.

With the opening of Suzhou waterfront at the end of 2020,

"Semi-Masuhe" has become the golden business card of Putuo District in Shanghai.

A "semi-Masuhe" vitality show belt that is livable, suitable for business, suitable for travel and suitable for music was born.

The wind blows thousands of trees and waters.

"Semi-Masuhe" 18 Bay

Penetration of space along Suzhou Creek

Let both sides of the beautiful river turn into cultural and sports venues for citizens.

Ran past Shanghai Textile Museum and Gu Zhenghong Memorial Hall …

Human landscape and natural landscape complement each other.

A brand-new track

Connected in series along the Suzhou River, the "mother river" in Shanghai.

Ruins of industrial civilization sites

And modern creative buildings.

Thick industrial civilization, colorful mass life and pleasant ecological base.

Many runners are intoxicated and linger.

Liu Min said: "Especially when running through the half Masuhe Park.

I can’t help looking around.

I almost forgot that I was here to compete.

I’m going to visit the park after running. "

Feel the city scenery with running.

It is a unique experience of marathon.

Shanghai has focused on people’s needs in recent years.

Reasonable arrangement of production, living and ecological space

Let the city become a paradise where people can live and work.

It also brings more surprises to marathon runners around the world.

In Putuo District, Shanghai, the venue of this "Su River Half Horse"

The 21km coastline of Putuo section of Suzhou Creek has been fully connected in recent years.

We are building a world-class waterfront on this basis.

21 kilometers is close to the distance of a half marathon.

This has also become the origin of "Su River Half Horse"

Feel the city scenery with running.

It is becoming a new expectation for more runners.

On the same day, Daning Functional Zone 2023 Shanghai Jing ‘an Women’s Half Marathon fired the gun and started.

Players cross the international film and television circle around the "DreamWorks" in the central city of Shanghai.

Passing Lingshi Road, which is known as the "Cosmic E-sports Center"

Passing through commercial landmarks such as Daning Music Square …

"Both sides of the Pujiang River are already running resorts.

More good places are still emerging.

Where to run?

Now it is a happy worry. "

Runner Jia Li said.

In the future, a series of mass sports events

It will also focus on the "semi-Masu River"

Paddle boards, frisbees, football, drones …

Colorful series of mass sports events of "about fighting Su River"

Will last from April to December.

Reporter: Wu Zhendong, Xu Dongyuan, Fang Zhe, Xin Mengchen

Reporter: Liu Yang

Editor: Ji Jiadong, Zheng Zhi

Why Ancelotti, Guardiola and Mourinho are the three famous coaches in the European League?

Mourinho is one of them. The reason is very simple. With the investment of Rome now, he can lead the team to the top four of the Europa League, and the league is temporarily ranked fourth. After all, Juventus has been added back temporarily, which is already very good.

Mourinho’s achievements in Rome in the past two years are actually very successful. For many reasons, Rome could not bring in good players in the past two years, but Mourinho got some players such as Dibala on his own face, and this season’s Europa League has achieved good results with these players.

Champion of the Europa League, temporarily in the top four in Serie A and the top four in the Europa League this season. This achievement is very good for Rome now. Mourinho is indeed a powerful coach. After leading many games this season, Rome used intensive defensive counter-attack tactics and then succeeded. Mourinho is the only one of the three coaches who is short of funds.

Guardiola is also a successful coach. Perhaps many people say that anyone can go to Manchester City. Of course, it will not be so easy. There are many stars and the management of the locker room is also difficult.

Guardiola has won the championship every year since he led the team, which started when Barcelona coached. Of course, there are still three trophies in Manchester City, so there is still a chance to win the championship trophy this season. That’s what makes him great. Let Cancelo leave directly this season, which also shows his ability to manage the dressing room.

And judging from this performance, Guardiola may even win the Champions League trophy in Manchester City this season. If he does, it will be a dream come true. Although he has won the Champions League trophy before. The gap between the league and Arsenal has narrowed now, and it is even close to catching up, so Guardiola has entered the semi-finals of the Champions League for three consecutive years, and this result is also very convincing.

Carlo Ancelotti is also on the list, and it is really good that he can make such a Real Madrid enter the semi-finals of the Champions League.

Ancelotti is the most distinctive of these three people, because Ancelotti’s style is what players have, and if they are well kneaded, they will have good results. In fact, some veterans in Real Madrid have fallen sharply now, but the team’s performance is still ok. This is the ability. Ancelotti belongs to the relatively simple type of coach, but he has led Real Madrid to good results.

He led different teams to win the Champions League trophy and the League trophy, and this is even worse. Is that the only thing these three coaches can do? These are the three coaches who seem to be the strongest in Europe this season. They all made their teams play an extraordinary level and solved the problems when the team encountered injuries.

Sassuolo executives: Will Fratesi join Rome? We will try our best to meet the requirements of the players.

Live broadcast: On March 11th, when interviewed by the reporter of Corriere dello Sport, Carnevali, CEO of Sassuolo, talked about the rumors of Fratesi and Rome.

Carnevali said: "We should have a correct attitude. Sassuolo should be regarded as a springboard for players to join the giants. Fratesi has all the strength to make a leap forward, and now we must try to reach an agreement that can satisfy our three parties. We will find the best solution. In addition to economic factors, we will also try our best to meet the requirements of the players themselves. "

"We have been investigating Bovi and volpato in Rome. Before that, Rome sent many high-potential teenagers to us for training, giving us a high split, such as Politano and Lorenzo pellegrini."

According to the whole market, besides Roma, Juventus are also paying attention to Fratesi.

(real steel fist)