标签归档 夜上海

Xiaomi Auto is about to appear in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and more information is exposed.

With the approaching of Guangzhou Auto Show, more and more car companies choose to throw out some "explosive materials" in the near future, while Xiaomi Auto, which is well versed in Internet gameplay, has chosen Weibo as the main battlefield, with remarkable results. A few days ago, a well-known car blogger with tens of millions of fans in the whole network once again exposed a lot of key information about Xiaomi Automobile in Weibo, and then this Weibo was deleted. However, the screenshots of the content have already spread widely. At this point, the outline of Xiaomi car gradually became clear.

The following is some information that Xiaomi Automobile can almost determine (although it can’t guarantee 100% authenticity). We will present it to you in several dimensions.

Model: medium and large four-door coupe

First of all, the brand of Xiaomi Automobile is called "Xiaomi Automobile", which is easy to remember and easy to remember. This is confirmed. The first car launched by Xiaomi Automobile is a "C-class eco-technology car". The specific body size of Xiaomi Automobile circulated before is 4860 * 1980 * 1666 mm. Whether it is accurate or not needs further official announcement. After all, the official positioning is "C-class", so the length of the new car may approach 5 meters. In the sub-model part, combined with the spy photos that have been revealed before, the first model of Xiaomi Automobile adopts a four-door coupe design, which directly targets the electric coupe of a German ultra-luxury brand. Is it quite expected? It is expected that within this week, we will be able to see the real car in the latest application information of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.    

To tell the truth, it’s not easy to locate the sports style of the medium and large sports pure electric coupe, similar to Weilai ET7, Zhijie S7 and Aouita 12. At present, there has never been a so-called "explosion" in this model. After all, no matter how hot the pre-sale of new cars is, it still has to land on the specific insurance number. If Xiaomi wants to make this new car go, it is bound to work harder on the price.

Battery configuration: 800V platform is not exclusive, and there are 400V blade batteries for entry.    

According to the earlier exposure information, the high-profile model of Xiaomi Automobile will adopt an 800V platform, and the battery is a 101kWh Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited Kirin ternary lithium battery pack with a CLTC cruising range of about 800km;; With the further release of the news, we learned that the entry-level model of Xiaomi Automobile will be equipped with a blade battery of 400V platform.Obviously, the 400V platform version will have more advantages in cost control. I believe that the entry-level model equipped with blade batteries is actually the model that Xiaomi Automobile hopes to take. As for the high-profile model of the 800V version, it is to boost the brand image.

Features: 澎湃 OS bonus, the whole ecology of people and cars.

As mentioned earlier, Xiaomi Automobile is positioned as a "C-class eco-technology car" for the new car. Besides the body size, the word "ecology" is particularly important. The achievement of "eco-technology" cannot be separated from Xiaomi 澎湃 OS system which has just appeared recently.

If Xiaomi’s mobile phone, Xiaomi’s car and even Xiaomi’s home appliances share a system, then the interconnection of Xiaomi’s ecology will naturally form. At the previous Xiaomi conference, we actually saw the "tip of the iceberg" of Xiaomi 澎湃 OS interconnection function. For example, the shooting content of the roof camera can even flow directly into the WeChat video call. This experience is still very attractive and it is also a big selling point of Xiaomi Automobile. I believe that more similar functions will be realized in the future.

How much will Xiaomi car sell?

According to the above information, we have a general understanding of Xiaomi Automobile, which will be declared by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Although the big V predicted the price at 300,000-400,000 yuan, according to the above information, the actual landing price of Xiaomi Automobile should not be so high.    

According to the plan, Xiaomi Automobile will be officially listed in the first half of 2024. During this period, the prices of various models will be adjusted many times until the press conference. In fact, according to the brand tonality of Xiaomi brand, which emphasizes cost performance, this information exposure has multiple temptations, and it is extremely possible to "reverse" the final pricing of vehicles.

If Xiaomi Automobile adheres to the initial intention of "cost performance" and if Lei Jun’s previous statement of "gambling all the reputations of his life" is true, then the pre-sale price of Xiaomi Automobile is around 200,000, which may be possible.

Here, it is boldly predicted that the pre-sale price of Xiaomi will be less than 200,000 yuan, and the high-profile models will have full models similar to the first commemorative edition, which will raise the price to about 350,000 yuan.

Write it at the end

It took less than three years from the approval and landing of Xiaomi Automobile Factory in Yizhuang, Beijing, and even the trial loading of Xiaomi Automobile. Is this a new record for a new force to build a car? To achieve this speed, we need not only Xiaomi’s efforts and confidence, but also the cooperation of many aspects. It seems that the ambition of Xiaomi Automobile is really unusual!    

The Battle at Lake Changjin and other films won the honor of Zhang Ziyi by the media of the film channel.

Special feature of 1905 film network On the evening of September 3rd, the 2022 Film Channel Media Honor Night, hosted by the Film Channel Program Center and co-sponsored by the Tongzhou District People’s Government of Beijing, was held in the Central District of the Grand Canal Cultural Tourism Scenic Spot in Beijing (Tongzhou) — — Tongzhou Canal Cultural Square was held.

The 15 media attention honors that attracted much attention and expectation were announced one by one that night. In the end, it won the honor of the jury and became the most concerned film by the media. The director who is most concerned by the media is obtained by; The first director’s tube is honored by the chapter "Poetry" in "My Father and I". The hero and heroine who are most concerned by the media are awarded respectively. The host of the movie channel, Ying Ling and Yun Wei co-chaired the party.

The Battle at Lake Changjin’s "My Father and I" and other films have received media attention.

Zhang Ziyi first won the honor of new director;"I look forward to reporting to the audience with a feature film."

In the past 19 years, as a national mainstream media, the film channel has gathered media strength and public attention, and made continuous efforts to promote the vigorous development of China films. With the help of the film channel, media honor has become a high-profile film honor, representing the media’s continuous concern for the film industry.

In 2022, for the first time, Media Honor opened its voting channel to the media of the whole society, and convened media practitioners from all over the country to participate in the selection with a professional, objective and true professional attitude. From August 26th to September 1st, a total of 12,370 media people from 1,421 media organizations participated in the voting.

In the end, the film The Battle at Lake Changjin won the honor of the jury of the Media Honor Night of the Film Channel. The film also won the single honor of screenwriter and visual effects. Jiang Defu, the film producer, first thanked all his colleagues in the film industry for their support of The Battle at Lake Changjin and the 230 million viewers’ love for the film. He also expects Bona Film to bring you more excellent works in the future.

Click to watch the video:The Battle at Lake Changjin was honored by the jury of the Media Honor Night of the Film Channel.

The film that receive that most media attention belongs to Me and my fath. Zhang Ziyi, who directed the chapter "Poetry", won his first directorial honor. From the actors who have won many awards to the director who is the most concerned by the media, Zhang Ziyi is filled with emotion: "Life is very meaningful, and there will be many unexpected things that will happen like that. You will change your perspective and challenge obstacles that you have never encountered." Having gone through the limitations and fragility of his first novel, Zhang Ziyi also gained unprecedented courage. At the scene, she also said that she looked forward to one day being able to report to the audience with her own feature-length works.

The "sister" in the poem, as the smallest honor winner of the night, won the honor of a new actress who was most concerned by the media. The new actor who received the most media attention was won by. In the middle school, he grew from a young soldier to the cutest and bravest volunteer army. In the future, he also looks forward to using this spirit to walk more steadily and further on the road of performance.

Yolanda won the honor again.

Zhang Songwen won the most popular actor in the media.

Yolanda, an actress who just won the "Hundred Flowers Award" not long ago, once again won the most attention of the media by virtue of her accurate performance in the Chinese Doctors on the media honor night. People in the media praised her performance "Even if the mask covers her face, it is still rich in temperature", which can convey emotions with her eyes and let us see the nobility of angels in white’s soul. In his speech, Yolanda expressed gratitude for meeting the role of Wen Ting. The person who presented her with the honor made no secret of her appreciation of Yolanda’s acting skills: "I am willing to cooperate with her with zero pay."

Click to watch the video: Yolanda won the media honor night of 2022 movie channel, and the heroine who received the most attention from the media gave a speech.

Movies that touched countless audiences helped Zhang Songwen win the title of the most popular leading actor in the media. Li Dazhao, a revolutionary ancestor, traveled through time and space again at the last moment of his life through Zhang Songwen’s performance, connecting with the young audience. Zhang Songwen said with emotion that it is a great encouragement for him to gain such a heavy affirmation in the 20th year after graduating from Beijing Film Academy. I will always remember the role I played and continue to be an actor with the strength he gave.

Click to watch the video: Zhang Songwen delivered a speech on the honor of the leading actor who received the most media attention in the media honor night of 2022 movie channel.

The supporting actor and actress who are most concerned by the media are awarded the honor of the middle and the leading role respectively. The representative of "Back to Tibet" received the honor instead of Kimba, who was filming a new film in Tibet, and thanked him and the whole team for their hard work under difficult conditions. Qi Xi used "children nourished by movies" to describe his feelings along the way as an actor: "This time, the children were really encouraged." In addition, Muye Wen, the director of Miracle Stupid Kids, also won the most attention from the media after Hundred Flowers Award.

Click to watch the video: Actor Qi Xi shares her feelings of getting the most attention from the media as a supporting actress.

Filmmakers gather in Beijing City Sub-center.

The canal surges to witness the new miracle of the Millennium city.

After the innocent rain, a tower shadow recognized Tongzhou. On the Media Honor Night of 2022 Film Channel, filmmakers and media people gathered in the Beijing City Sub-center, which not only witnessed the dust of 15 honors settled, but also became the starting point for filmmakers to set off and climb the artistic peak again.

Click to watch the video: MoMo Wu, CiCi and Snow Kong sang "The Light Falling in Life" on the same stage.

Musicians and singers such as,,,,,,,, Julia,,,, Zhang Yingxi, Chen Xiaoduo also sang the waterfront of the Millennium City Canal, bringing many melodious movie music and classic songs to the audience.

Click to watch the video: Dany Lee and Li Wenhan sang "The Sense of the Times"

Click to watch the video: Justin sings the movie Sniper and the song Young Man.

Click to watch the video: Dai Peini brings songs to skewer.

In order to cooperate with the Media Honor Night of the 2022 Film Channel, the Media Center of the Film Channel also launched the "Direct Media Honor Night of the Film Channel" to broadcast live media. Follow the host of the movie channelGuo WeiDan LiQiaojunRoman, boating on the surface of the Grand Canal, strolling around the Moon Island in the Grand Canal Forest Park, riding the Green Heart Park, and visiting the intersection of the five rivers and the first line of Daguanglou & HELIP; … In addition to natural beauty,Wildfire and Spring Breeze Fight against the Ancient City, Mozart in Outer Space and beginning of the great revival.The location of the film is to combine the Beijing City Sub-center with the film more closely.

The Media Honor Night of 2022 Film Channel came to a successful conclusion by the canal. Tongzhou, the Millennium city in the new era, will embark on a new journey together with China films, and work together to write a wonderful chapter in the future. The media honor of the film channel will also continue to live up to its mission, be upright, innovative and brave, witness the media people to advise the development of the film with truth, and sincerely accompany the filmmakers to illuminate the road of light and shadow with their feelings.

Beauty giants will raise prices again! Your beauty is more expensive.

Zhongxin. com, July 11th Title: Beauty giants will raise prices again! Your beauty is more expensive.

Zhongxin Financial Reporter Zuo Yukun

"Estee Lauder has increased the price of cosmetics across the board, and a bottle of cream has increased by tens of yuan overnight." "The price of skin care products in duty-free shops is as low as the foot, and I am embarrassed to start with more than 30% off."

In the recent beauty circle, these two diametrically opposite sounds overlap. What is the wind blowing in the "beautiful industry"?

Data Map: Customers buy cosmetics at the duty-free shop in Haikou Riyue Plaza of Zhongmian Group. China News Service reporter Luo Yunfei photo

Price increase again! This year’s "Score Two"

In July, the brands of cosmetics giant Estee Lauder quietly started a new round of price increases.

A salesperson of Hailan Mystery, a high-end skin care brand owned by Estee Lauder, told the China-Singapore financial reporter that the price adjustment of the counter began around July 2. "Not all of them have gone up. The main price increases are creams, eye creams, refined milk, etc., but they are really popular and not to be sold."

"This is the second price increase this year, with an average increase of 50-100 yuan." The salesperson said.

Xiao Chen, a long-term consumer of Estee Lauder brand skin care products, recently found that the price of a set of "eye cream+face cream" she often bought recently increased in 140 yuan in official website. "I just bought a set of 618, and suddenly I saw the price increase in official website. I am happy that I bought the goods before the price increase, but I am sad that it will be expensive to buy them later."

The price changes of the same product in Estee Lauder flagship store in June (above) and July (below).

An Estee Lauder brand salesperson in Beijing also confirmed the price increase to reporters: "The price increase of a single bottle is basically tens of yuan, but it is not only rising in China, but also the overall price adjustment of the group. We received the notice in early June."

According to the salesperson, Estee Lauder basically raises its price twice a year, and the last price adjustment was in January this year.

The reporter combed social platforms and media information and found that besides Estee Lauder, other brands of L ‘Oré al Group, such as helena rubinstein and Guerlain of LVMH (Moet Hennessy-louis vuitton Group), also adjusted their prices in July. Even the make-up lines of luxury brands such as GUCCI and Burberry also showed a trend of rising prices, and the increase of skin care products was mostly around 5%.

Big dive! Duty-free and purchasing have "broken prices"

But it is also the Estee Lauder brand, which is another scene among the consumer groups who buy through duty-free shops and purchasing.

"Two bottles of Estee Lauder 15ml eye cream suit, the flagship store should be around 1000 yuan. I spent more than 400 yuan at the beginning of the year to buy it in a duty-free shop, thinking I had made a big profit. As a result, since the end of June, the price of duty-free shops has directly’ dived’ to 297 yuan, 238 yuan or even 218 yuan. The one I bought at the beginning of the year has not been opened yet, and I feel a big loss. " Consumer Ms. Liu told reporters.

Price difference between flagship store (left) and duty-free shop (right).

"The activities of Hainan Duty Free Shop are very strong and the channels are assured. Sometimes the date is not very good, and some may only have a shelf life of more than half a year. " Ms. Liu said, however, large discounts of duty-free shops can only be purchased with information about outlying islands, and some that don’t need information about outlying islands may cost about 50 yuan.

In addition to tax-free channels, the situation of "fracture price" also appears in the purchasing world. Meng Ming (pseudonym), an employee in the beauty industry, is also a makeup agent. The sharp price drop is not good news for her.

"For example, an eye shadow of TF brand, the price of the official flagship store is 750 yuan, and the previous purchasing price is basically stable around 450 yuan. In May of this year, foreign shopping malls were discounted to more than 300 yuan, so I started with a batch of goods. As a result, the goods have not been sent to China yet, and they have dropped by more than 100 yuan, which makes me and my customers very embarrassed. " Meng Ming said.

As for the reasons for the continuous downward adjustment of prices, she mentioned that in recent years, due to the epidemic, tourists have decreased and international freight rates have increased, and many goods in foreign shopping malls cannot be sold, so they will choose to reduce prices. Especially if there is a new version, the shopping mall will clear the old version.

In addition, a new low-cost channel is quietly emerging in the beauty industry recently, that is, bonded warehouse sources that also enjoy policy dividends. In addition to the conspicuous "bonded warehouse" label on the shopping platform, such products also appear in the live broadcast of many anchors, and the price can even be as low as 2-3 fold of the flagship store.

"This kind of goods are basically delivered directly from bonded warehouses around the country, and they also enjoy preferential policies such as taxation. A more remarkable feature is that there is often an’ import tax’ when paying." Meng Ming said that bonded goods also have their own channels and policies, but the price drop is also related to the epidemic.

"First of all, most of China’s bonded warehouse cosmetics come from duty-free shops in South Korea and Japan, and outbound travel has dropped sharply, and a large amount of inventory will flow into China with strong consumption power; Secondly, Shanghai and Shenzhen, the key areas of bonded warehouses in China, have seen outbreaks this year, which is estimated to have also led to a backlog of some goods. Merchants will also ship at reduced prices in order to turn over funds and prevent expiration. " Meng Ming explained.

Data map: cdf Haikou Duty Free Shop. Photo by Wang Ziqian

Is the price increase for "price reduction"?

"Brand price adjustment is normal, especially for international brands, which basically only go up or down. Because the price reduction will have a serious negative impact on the main consumers of the brand, it will make them think that the product is’ not worth the money’. " Mr. Cheng, who has been engaged in the beauty industry for many years, told reporters that the price increase of this round of beauty giants may be precisely because they are "anxious".

In the first quarter of this year, the performance of major beauty giants in China or the Asia-Pacific market was generally not very good. In the first quarter, Shiseido Group’s sales in China decreased by 20.6% year-on-year, Amore Pacific’s sales in China decreased by 10%, and Estee Lauder Group’s sales in Asia Pacific decreased by 3.91% year-on-year.

On the one hand, the price of raw materials has risen, and the goods can’t be sold. On the other hand, it is necessary to maintain the posture of’ can’t reduce prices’. Under the contradiction, the price must be raised first, because there is room for’ price reduction’ when the price is raised."Mr. Cheng said.

In the past 618 shopping festival, many beauty brands began to "shop" for discounts: brands that have always been stingy with gifts launched the promotion of "buy a bottle of formal clothes and send a bottle of formal clothes" for the first time in the live broadcast room; The prices of liquid foundation, moisturizing cream and other products that have never been discounted are almost halved. This price reduction or "disguised price reduction" is actually a compromise of beauty giants.

At the beginning of this year, Procter & Gamble brand announced that due to the rising transportation, materials, labor and other costs during the epidemic and the rising prices of raw materials brought about by global inflation, all its top ten products had raised prices. Subsequently, in its third-quarter financial report released in April, Bao’s clean sales increased by 7% year-on-year, which was directly related to the price increase.

"Overall, as an important starting point for stimulating the performance of international beauty companies, how to grasp the common goal of China consumers or international beauty companies." It is generally believed in the industry. (End)

Game recommendation in August 2023: Mecha, magic, strategy, start the fantasy adventure in August.

In August, the game lineup was enriched again. In addition to masterpieces such as Armored Core 6 and Bode Gate 3, there are also many interesting indie games. A9VG continues to recommend new tours in August. What games do you want to play? Come and have a look with me.

Video version(release date/platform/language, etc.)

High definition video address

Text version of the work information:

Duguang Danqing Record (Preemptive Experience Edition)

Date: August 1st.

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: clearance action, adventure, ink and wash style

Introduction: The 2D+Z-axis horizontal board action fighting game under the mythical background has the style judgment and mechanism of the fighting game, which needs rich elements such as action combo through reaction and operation, clean and refreshing action, multi-role and hidden mechanism, nonlinear main line play, chess cultivation mode and so on.

Thronefall (Preemptive Experience Edition)

Date: August 2nd.

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: strategy, urban construction, tower defense

Introduction: In Thronefall, we try to strip away all unnecessary complexity in the classic strategy game and combine it with a proper amount of slashing. Build your base during the day and defend it at night until your last breath. Can you find the right balance between economy and defense? Do you need more archers, thicker walls or extra mills? Will you keep the enemy out with a longbow, or will you ride at them? Tonight will be a difficult night, but nothing is more gratifying than seeing the sun rising over your little kingdom and welcoming a new day.

Bode Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3

Date: August 3rd (September 6th, PS5 edition)

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: RPG

Introduction: Gather your team, return to the forgotten country, and start a legendary story that records friendship and betrayal, sacrifice and survival, and the temptation of supreme power. Mysterious forces are waking up in your body, and all this comes from parasites planted in your brain by the mind-snatcher. Resist it. Fight the darkness with the power of darkness. You can also choose to accept this corruption and become the ultimate evil. The next-generation RPG created by the creative team of "Divine World: Original Sin 2" will be unfolded in the D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) world.

Roaming guide of Babel

A Guidebook of Babel

Date: August 3rd.

Platform: NS, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: puzzle solving, adventure, plot

Introduction: A story adventure game with butterfly effect as the core. You will board the fantastic ship named Babel and experience a bizarre reincarnation journey … Travelers’ wishes and regrets are intertwined here. Are you ready to pick up a pen and rewrite everything they have experienced?

Colorful wings: rain forest butterfly

Flutter Away

Date: August 3rd.

Platform: NS, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: exploration, collection, relaxation

Introduction: Enjoy the tranquility of Amazon rainforest in this comfortable short nature exploration game. As a butterfly researcher who participated in the five-day activity tour, players can explore nearby trails, take photos, make friends with animals and record the discoveries along the way!

White photo album: winter memories

WHITE ALBUM: Memories like Falling Snow

Date: August 4th.

Platform: PC(Steam)

Language: Traditional Chinese

Type: visual novel, love, plot

Introduction: The content of the game is based on the PC version of "White Album-Spelled Winter Memories-"released in 2012 (currently discontinued), and has been adjusted to support Windows 11. The main actors are Aya Hirano, Mizuki Nana, Masu Nozomi, Megumi Takamoto, Haruka Tomatsu, Romi Park and Satou Rina.

Several rice

かぞぇ rice

Date: August 4th.

Platform: PC

Language: Japanese

Type: Zen, leisure, hardcore

Introduction: such as the name of the game, the gameplay counts how many grains of rice are in a bowl of rice. In normal mode, a bowl of 2000~4000 grains of rice will be randomly generated, with 500~1000 grains in simple mode and 4000~8000 grains in hard core mode.


Date: August 5th.

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, NS, PC.

Language: Chinese

Type: samurai, hand painting, 2D fighting.

Introduction: The story background of "Sclash" is set in Japan during the feudal period. This is a bushido world where swords are used to execute a one-shot killing. Players will play a samurai and train themselves to grasp the timing of the sword killing and make a correct total judgment to complete the challenge of one-shot killing. The game provides 5 operable characters, 16 battle stages and more than 50 skin appearances. Besides offline and online battle modes, there is also a story mode for players to experience.

Legendary wrestler


Date: August 8th.

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, NS, PC, iOS, Android.

Language: Chinese

Type: role-playing, wrestling, adventure

Introduction: the fate collision of doubles wrestling! The passion adventure of the ultimate pixel wind, the romantic collision between professional wrestling and RPG. A large number of wrestling stars such as "Macho Man” Randy Savage will take you to the stage and win glory. This heroic journey is not just an epic mission, it is the mission of The Legendary Wrestler!

Chaoji party

Chickenoidz Super Party

Date: August 8th.

Platform: NS, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: multi-person, cooperation, leisure

Introduction: This is a multi-player action shooting game with a bird’s-eye view for up to 4 people. You can play games locally or online through Steam. Use a series of incredible weapons, special equipment, and even mutations to steal the limelight. Beat your opponent out of the water and tear everything around you to pieces. Raise the irritated feathers and become the ultimate winner of the chicken fight.

I am the future: a leisurely doomsday life

I am Future

Date: August 9th.

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: Construction, Sandbox, Life Simulation

Introduction: "I am the future" is a leisure survival game, in which players will build a warm and comfortable roof camp in the flooded last city. Build farms, cook delicious food, disassemble tools to make resources, hire cute robots to automatically handle chores, and uncover the mystery behind the extinction disaster.

Hyperdimensional game Neptune GameMaker R:Evolution

Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution

Date: August 10th.

Platform: PS5/4, NS

Language: Japanese

Type: RPG, quadratic

Introduction: "Adult Neptinu", a girl who travels in many dimensional worlds, will be the president of the game company, and together with three new goddesses, set off a revolution of game manufacturers.

Lost gods: role-playing musicals

Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical

Date: August 10th.

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, NS, PC.

Language: Chinese

Type: plot, adventure, single person

Introduction: gods, love, murder, and musicals? ! In this world, Greek gods hide the mortal world; And you will play Grace, bringing friends, rivals and lovers into your music world with touching music, thus changing your destiny and uncovering the mystery of the death of the "last muse".

Sanglingji decoction

Zombie Soup

Date: August 10th.

Platforms: NS, PC, PS4/5

Language: Chinese

Type: action shooting, overlooking angle, barrage.

Introduction: People in the town have become zombies! Ricky, a teenager on a graduation trip, was involved in this storm when he first arrived. In order to save the girl "Ashley" kidnapped by Dr. Evil, she resolutely took the mysterious talking skeleton "MC Cool Lou" to embark on the adventure of saving the United States by a hero.

Waiting for him will be hordes of zombies, well-designed challenges, and leaders with absurd and bizarre abilities.

Fanchang strategy


Date: August 10th.

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: strategy, turn-based and role-playing.

Introduction: Banchou Tactics is a turn-based strategy RPG featuring Japanese unhealthy youth. In a city in Japan, a bloody dispute between three universities began a few years ago. Rong University, Nakamura Industrial University, and Hong Kong University. Three high-efficiency into madness.

the millionaire of 3 kingdoms v

The Millionaire of 3 Kingdoms V

Date: August 10th.

Platform: PC(Steam)

Language: Chinese

Type: turn-based, strategy and card.

Introduction: The classic strategy game landed on Steam, [added 3vs3 battle system] [optional master upgraded to 21] [freely allocated pet upgrade and learning points] [collected resources to build historical buildings] [increased equipment to 5 parts] [launched a timely turnaround battle with over 100 kinds of clever cards] [one-machine four-person battle mode]

Dust-laden mainland

Atlas Fallen

Date: August 11th.

Platforms: PS5, XSX|S, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: Action, Role Playing, Exploration

Introduction: Rise in the dust and walk against the sand in this eternal land, which is full of ancient dangers, mysteries and fragments of the past. Use powerful sand power weapons and superpowers to fight spectacular superpowers and hunt legendary monsters.

Warring States Dynasty (Preemptive Experience Edition)

Sengoku Dynasty

Date: August 11th.

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: simulation, adventure, role-playing

Introduction: In an open world of feudal Japan, villages were built and managed. Survive, explore, meet unique characters and build your dynasty. Choose to fight alone or cooperate with others.

Space mechanic simulator

Space Mechanic Simulator

Date: August 11th.

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: simulation, space, leisure

Introduction: Become a space mechanic! Get your hands dirty, explore the depths of space, and repair broken machines. Use charts and tools to diagnose problems, carry out maintenance, manage your resources, and watch the simulated machine come to life. Or just stare at the beauty of the solar system.

Westward Journey-Liulizhan

Journey to the West Glass Cup

Date: August 14th.

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: 2D platform, plate cleaning action, roguelike

Introduction: This is a horizontal action adventure game, interspersed with rougelike and puzzle-solving elements, and with the three realms where monsters and ghosts coexist as the background, telling the story of Lao Sha and other westward journey characters before learning the scriptures, in which the player’s perspective will follow the bearded protagonist to collect glass fragments and cross this dangerous and enchanting world.

Moving around 2

Moving Out 2

Date: August 15th

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, NS, PC.

Language: Chinese

Type: cooperation, leisure

Introduction: "Moving around" is back, and it is even weirder than before. Now there is an online play mode! Go back to Packmore and use your moving technology to shuttle between new dimensions and some old love. Help rebuild Smooth Moves and become a star employee of F.A.R.T (furniture planning and moving master)!

Pathfinder (Preemptive Experience Edition)


Date: August 16th.

Platform: PS5/4, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: role-playing, action, adventure

Introduction: Become a pathfinder, shine brilliantly on your own road and game style, and repel the hostile forces occupying your world at the same time. Control chaos, and shape and make endless adventures with friends by yourself, because pathfinders will be stronger if they unite.

Kasimov (Preemptive Experience Edition)


Date: August 17th

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: role-playing, tactics

Introduction: In this dark turn-based looting and evacuation RPG, play a mercenary of a well-fought private armed company. Challenge the cruel battle and manage your spaceship, pile up the way forward with the lives of countless clones, and finally unlock the dark secret that threatens the life of the whole universe.

Shadow deception: cursed pirates

Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew

Date: August 17th

Platforms: PS5, XSX|S, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: strategy, tactics, role-playing Introduction: Welcome to the lost Caribbean! In this stealth strategy game, join a ghost ship with a fresh soul and gather a group of cursed pirate crew. Accept the supernatural forces gladly to fight against the fierce inquisition army, and then obtain the mysterious treasure of the legendary Captain Mordechai.



Date: August 18th

Platforms: PS5, XSX|S, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: Strategy, Colonization, Survival

Introduction: Gold is a single-player adventure strategy game. To survive in this dark fantasy world, you must build your own town, but if you want to win, you must conquer the darkness lurking outside the city gate.

Smurf go-karting

Smurfs Kart

Date: August 22nd

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, NS, PC.

Language: Chinese

Type: racing, cartoon, multiplayer

Introduction: Who is the fastest Smurfs in town? This will be the question you need to answer in this dynamic go-kart racing game in the Smurfs world! The whole family can choose a Smurf, its go-kart and special power, and then you can start wild racing! Start perfectly, find a shortcut, use the right props at the right time, and surpass your opponent! Whether you are a novice or an experienced driver, you can play alone or with friends and family … Try to win the first prize and show others who is the fastest Smurfs!

Legend of the immortal

Immortals of Aveum

Date: August 22nd

Platforms: PS5, XSX|S, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: action, fantasy, first person

Introduction: The Legend of the Immortal is a first-person magic shooting game, and the game story revolves around the protagonist "Jacques"; Facing this precarious world, Jacques joined the elite battlemage order and undertook the mission of saving the nation.


Fort Solis

Date: August 23rd.

Platform: PS5, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: thriller, cinematic, adventure

Introduction: The framework of Solisburg is built on the ground and underground. The base includes various locations, and each location has its own surface and subsurface checkpoints. Players can explore the surface damaged by the storm and isolated from the world, without any light, creepy maintenance passages, or help many departments such as engineering, medical care and communication to ensure the daily operation of Solisburg. As the story unfolds, you can revisit these places at will to learn more about the story, or continue to serve as the background of Jack’s fate as time goes by.

Jisu Cycling 5


Date: August 25th.

Platforms: PS5, XSX|S, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: motorcycle, sports, racing.

Introduction: In RIDE 5, get your engine running and get ready to rush to the track. This will be an adrenaline-filled game experience at any time, so real that it seems that it is really going beyond the limit. In this ultimate motorcycle game, you will find your favorite motorcycle and keep discovering new surprises! You can race on more than 35 tracks and collect as many as 200 motorcycles from world-renowned car factories. Each design element is designed to give you a real motorcycle driving experience.

Blasphemy of God II

Blasphemous II

Date: August 25th.

Platforms: PS5, XSX|S, NS, PC(PS4 and XB1 versions will be launched later).

Language: Chinese

Type: Galaxy-like Demon City, Action, 2D

Introduction: "Penitent No.1" woke up in "Blasphemy of God 2" and once again fell into an endless journey against "miracle". Go deep into this dangerous new world, which is full of mysteries and secrets waiting for you to discover. Many terrible enemies will stop you from completing your goal. You must fight your way out and find a way to completely end this cycle.

Armored core 6: realm skyfire


Date: August 25th.

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: Mecha, Combat, Action

Introduction: "Armored Core 6: Skyfire" is a brand-new action game born after Bandai Nanmenggong Entertainment and FromSoftware re-examined the concept of "Armored Core" series of games by using the accumulated knowledge and experience in the development of various action games. Players can play in various ways by assembling AC. According to the choice of parts, in addition to the attack mode, the action and combat mode will also bring changes. Players can plan different unique body strategies to challenge different tasks.

Bee island

Bee Island

Date: August 26th

Platform: PC

Language: Chinese

Type: Strategy, Sandbox, Construction

Introduction: Control the hive and protect it from enemy attacks. Building factories, world miracles and national defense. Study technology and use nuclear weapons if necessary, but don’t let the enemy hurt the queen!

Goodbye, volcano high.

Goodbye Volcano High

Date: August 29th

Platform: PS5/4, PC

Language: English and Japanese

Type: Music, Plot, Hand-painted

Introduction: Goodbye volcano high is a film narrative adventure about love, change and the end of an era. After the last year of high school, they tried to get things done before graduation.

Under the blue waves

Under the Waves

Date: August 29th

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: ocean, atmosphere, exploration

Introduction: "Under the Blue Waves" is a narrative-driven adventure game, which shows the swallowing power of sadness. The story takes place in the depths of the North Sea in the 1970s, a fantasy world of science and technology in the future. In the story, professional diver Stan will struggle to overcome a major change in his life and embrace a new future. The loneliness in the deep sea became the concentrated expression of his inner state, and when Stan was immersed in the loneliness imposed on himself, he began to experience one bizarre event after another under the blue waves. He will eventually have to make a hard choice …

Agatha christie-hercule poirot: The London Case

Agatha Christie: Hercule Poirot – The London Case

Date: August 29th

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, NS, PC.

Language: Chinese

Type: adventure, action, visual novel.

Introduction: In this detective adventure game, you will become a famous detective hercule poirot and cooperate with Lloyd’s of London to ensure the transportation, protection and sales of precious paintings in Ramaglia. This painting will be the core exhibit in the new exhibition of the London Museum, in addition to other church art works borrowed from Brussels. For the first time, players will cooperate with Arthur Hastings, Poirot’s famous partner in the book, to solve new mysteries together. In the thrilling new chapter of hercule poirot’s youth, experience new places, adventures and partners.

Strategic thinking: the spirit of freedom

Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty

Date: August 29th

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, PC

Language: Chinese

Type: turn-based tactics, military, World War II.

Introduction: This is a turn-based strategy game driven by the history of World War II. You will lead the Finnish army, which is short of manpower, to participate in the winter war, the continuation war and the Lapland war, so that your country will not be swallowed up by the red threat. Don’t Molotov!

Nightmare in the daytime: Sandcastle 1994

Daymare: 1994 Sandcastle

Date: August 30th.

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, PC(NS version will be launched later).

Language: Chinese

Type: horror, third-person shooting, survival

Introduction: This is a third-person story-driven survival horror game, and the last part, Nightmare 1998, has been well received by critics. Dalila Reyes (formerly a government spy), who became a secret agent, shouldered the mission of HADES (Six Nuclear Rescue and Search Department) and went into the most famous and mysterious place in the world.

Sea of stars

Sea of Stars

Date: August 30th.

Platforms: PS5/4, XSX|S, XB1, NS, PC (PS+ 2nd and 3rd gear and XGP are added for the first time).

Language: Chinese

Type: turn-based, role-playing, pixel

Introduction: This is a turn-based role-playing game that pays tribute to the classics. Players will play the role of two sons of the double solstice, gathering the power of the sun and the moon to cast the magic of star eclipse, so as to fight against the horrible creation under the evil flesh and blood warlock.

Happy samba rock and roll party

Samba de Amigo: Party Central

Date: August 30th.

Platform: NS

Language: Chinese

Type: rhythm, music, somatosensory.

Introduction: This work is a brand-new series of rhythmic action game Samba de Amigo, which has won high praise on arcade, DC, Wii and other platforms and can be easily played by anyone. Take Joy-Con of NS as a sand hammer, aim at the time when the "rhythm ball" flying with the music enters the effective area, and find the right angle to swing Joy-Con! Players can dance or pose according to the instructions on the screen and enjoy the fun of the game in the cheerful rhythm of popular music.

Trinity 5: clockwork conspiracy

Trine 5: A Clockwork Conspiracy

Date: August 31st

Platforms: NS, PC, PS4/5, XSX|S, XB1.

Language: Chinese

Type: action adventure, platform, puzzle solving, cooperation.

Introduction: In the fifth series of games, three heroes with the same soul will fight against the most cruel and treacherous enemies and crush their ambition to control the kingdom. Time is pressing, come and save the world.

How 2 Escape

Date: August 31st

Platform: PC, NS, Xbox, PS

Language: English

Type: puzzle solving, cooperation, multi-player.

Introduction: an escape simulation game, two players need to cooperate in asymmetric game mode and equipment. The first player showed the role of being trapped on the train on the PC, exploring and playing with the environment. The second player will use the special free companion application to get all kinds of information, and try to understand how to help the first player and escape from this unfortunate trip. (Get the free How 2 Escape companion application on iOS and Android)

The wild ball emperor Lai Yiye fought NBA Wiggins? Turn millions of fans into clowns?

This summer, I didn’t want to meet Lai Yiye. This spiteful remark has successfully become a very classic spiteful remark in the basketball field in Tik Tok. Because the wild ball emperor Lai Yiye chose to train in Zhejiang in the summer, polish his basketball skills and restore his physical condition, mainly because he had a recurrence of his old injury in the crazy game before, so he also found that his proud "fastest first step" breakthrough had disappeared, and he failed to play the leading role he should have at the critical moment when the team needed him most. Mr. Lai, who only shoots, can really be described as a tiger who has lost his teeth. Therefore, Mr. Lai also silently shed tears in the channel of the players’ locker room.

Defeated away, lost two games in a row! If Brother Alphabet doesn’t come back, the Heat will eliminate the Bucks.

The letter brother was injured for two games, which was a great opportunity for Middleton to prove himself. He was scolded in the regular season and had to look for face in the playoffs.

Why Wen is far from disappointing? You said he played well. The team is currently in a disadvantage position. You said he played poorly. The data also has a score of early 20. In the final analysis, it is not a matter of good or bad, but a matter of value or not.

A month ago, Middleton rejected the two-year 80 million renewal contract offered by the Bucks, and then asked for 150 million for three years. The negotiation was not very smooth, and this time it was even more hopeless.

The stag’s basic dish is on the letter brother. If he can play, the stag will flourish. On the contrary, it is mediocre. What matters is not the shooting, but the star. If Middleton insists on getting an annual salary of 50 million, it is very likely to leave the team in the offseason.

Regarding the Heat, we still insist on the previous speculation that losing to the Hawks in the play-off is not a lack of strength, but is deliberately picking the bucks to play, which is also in line with the temperament of this Heat.

Butler is cruel and cruel. You succeeded in revenge in the playoffs. This time, it’s my turn to perform.

Compared with the Celtics, the Heat is really better at fighting bucks. After all, the talent is not so bad, and it will not be too difficult to match.

Everyone in the green army can hold the ball, lock the double flowers and the rest of his teammates come forward. If you play bucks, you just need to focus on taking care of Brother Alphabet, even though Holliday is fierce in the regular season, in fact, the playoffs are also unpredictable.

As for Middleton, as I said at the beginning, it’s ok to be a deputy, but it’s hard to see him lead the team to reverse the direction of the whole series.

The Heat broke Hiro at the start, but there was also good news.

Binbin, who has been put on the trading shelf for many times due to state problems, has come back to life like a dead tree in the playoffs. At present, he made 10 of 13 three-pointers and hit an exaggerated 76.9%. Today, he scored 20 points in 24 minutes on his birthday night.

The lack of scoring points in attack is a long-standing problem for the Heat. It is really crucial that Binbin can stand up and play a role at this time. If he shoots accurately, Butler will feel great and the Heat will be able to return to the park.

If Brother Alphabet still can’t play in the next game, and holds the lead, but also continues to play at home and take down the match point, then the hope of this round of series black eight is very great.

If Black Eight succeeds, it will be another legendary chapter in Butler’s career, and then this matter is really hot.

Tiger’s ex-girlfriend wants gag removed

Tiger Woods’ ex-girlfriend has filed a lawsuit seeking to be released from a nondisclosure agreement that she says the golf star made her sign in 2017, court filings showed.

Erica Herman, who lived with Woods at his Florida mansion until late 2022, filed the request in Florida court.

According to records, Herman’s attorneys are arguing that the NDA she signed is “invalid” under the Speak Out Act. It makes NDA unenforceable in cases involving sexual assault and harassment.

On the filing which reads “Does this case involve allegations of sexual abuse?” Herman’s attorneys have chosen “Yes.”

What does spa mean?

Spa refers to: water to achieve health, healthy water. SPA refers to the use of water resources combined with bathing, massage, smearing skin care products and aromatherapy to promote metabolism and satisfy human vision, taste, touch, smell and thinking to achieve a pleasant enjoyment of body and mind.

SPA is a soothing and stress-relieving method composed of professional beauty therapists, water, light, aromatic oils, music and other elements, which can help people achieve body, mind and spirit fitness effects. The discussion on the origin of the word SPA has a word that runs through it, that is, “hydrotherapy”, which reflects the important role of water in the field of healing in ancient times and in early European spa culture.
Types of spas:

There are many kinds of SPA, from ordinary bath massage, to aromatherapy massage using various mineral waters and aromatic oils, to the popular “parent fish” bath that gnaws dead skin flakes, as well as chocolate and coffee SPA. However, there are other more special spa treatments around the world, there are intoxicating beer spas, sensational snake spas, and even crude oil spas that use oil as bath water.