标签归档 上海花千坊龙凤

LI’s revenue in the first quarter was 18.79 billion yuan, and its net profit was 933.8 million yuan.

  LI today released its financial report for the first quarter of 2023 as of March 31st. The financial report shows that LI’s total revenue in the first quarter was 18.79 billion yuan (about 2.74 billion US dollars), an increase of 96.5% compared with 9.56 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2022, and an increase of 6.4% compared with 17.65 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022. The net profit was 933.8 million yuan (about 136.0 million US dollars), while the net loss in the first quarter of 2022 was 10.9 million yuan, an increase of 252.0% compared with the net profit of 265.3 million yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022. Non-GAAP net profit was 1.41 billion yuan (about 205.9 million US dollars), an increase of 196.4% compared with the net profit of 477.1 million yuan in the first quarter of 2022, and an increase of 46.1% compared with the net profit of 967.6 million yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  Operating results in the first quarter:

  In the first quarter of 2023, the total number of vehicles delivered was 52,584, a year-on-year increase of 65.8%.

  By March 31st, 2023, LI had 299 retail stores covering 123 cities. At the same time, there are 318 service centers and car body and paint shops authorized by LI in 223 cities.

  In April 2023, LI delivered 25,681 vehicles, up 516.3% year-on-year.

  By April 30th, 2023, LI had 302 retail stores covering 123 cities. At the same time, there are 318 service centers and car body and paint shops authorized by LI in 222 cities.

  Financial performance in the first quarter:

  The total revenue was 18.79 billion yuan (about 2.74 billion US dollars), an increase of 96.5% compared with 9.56 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and 6.4% compared with 17.65 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  Automobile sales reached 18.33 billion yuan (about 2.67 billion US dollars), up 96.9% from 9.31 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and up 6.1% from 17.27 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  Other sales and service income was 459.7 million yuan (about 66.9 million US dollars), an increase of 81.4% compared with 253.4 million yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and an increase of 20.5% compared with 381.5 million yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  The cost of sales was 14.96 billion yuan (about 2.18 billion US dollars), an increase of 102.2% compared with 7.40 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and 6.2% compared with 14.08 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  Gross profit was 3.83 billion yuan (about 5.577 US dollars), an increase of 77.0% compared with 2.16 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and 7.4% compared with 3.57 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  The gross profit margin was 20.4%, compared with 22.6% in the first quarter of 2022 and 20.2% in the fourth quarter of 2022. The profit rate of automobile business was 19.8%, compared with 22.4% in the first quarter of 2022 and 20.0% in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  The total operating expenses were 3.42 billion yuan (about 498.7 million US dollars), an increase of 32.9% compared with 2.58 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and a decrease of 7.4% compared with 3.70 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  R&D expenditure was 1.85 billion yuan (about 269.7 million US dollars), an increase of 34.8% compared with 1.37 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and a decrease of 10.5% compared with 2.07 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  The expenditure on sales, general affairs and administration was 1.65 billion yuan (about 239.6 million US dollars), an increase of 36.8% compared with 1.20 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and 0.9% compared with 1.63 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  The operating profit was 405.2 million yuan (about 59 million US dollars), while the operating loss was 413.1 million yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and 133.6 million yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  Not according to US GAAP, the operating profit was 885.4 million yuan (about 128.9 million US dollars), while the operating profit in the first quarter of 2022 was 74.9 million yuan, an increase of 55.7% compared with the operating profit of 568.7 million yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  The net profit was 933.8 million yuan (about 136.0 million US dollars), while the net loss in the first quarter of 2022 was 10.9 million yuan, an increase of 252.0% compared with the net profit of 265.3 million yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  Non-GAAP net profit was 1.41 billion yuan (about 205.9 million US dollars), an increase of 196.4% compared with the net profit of 477.1 million yuan in the first quarter of 2022, and an increase of 46.1% compared with the net profit of 967.6 million yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  The basic and diluted earnings per share of American Depositary Shares (ADS) attributable to ordinary shareholders are 0.95 yuan (about 0.14 US dollars) and 0.89 yuan (about 0.13 US dollars) respectively, while the basic and diluted losses per share of ADS in the first quarter of 2022 are 0.01 yuan, and the basic and diluted earnings per share of ADS in the fourth quarter of 2022 are 0.26 yuan and 0.25 yuan respectively.

  According to Non-GAAP, the basic and diluted earnings per ADS belonging to ordinary shareholders are 1.44 yuan (about 0.21 US dollars) and 1.35 yuan (about 0.20 US dollars), respectively, while the basic and diluted earnings per ADS in the first quarter of 2022 are 0.49 yuan and 0.47 yuan respectively, and in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  By March 31st, 2023, the total amount of cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash, time deposits and short-term investments in LI was 65 billion yuan (about 9.46 billion US dollars).

  The operating cash flow was 7.78 billion yuan (about 1.13 billion US dollars), an increase of 324.3% compared with 1.83 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2022 and an increase of 58.0% compared with 4.93 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  Free cash flow was 6.70 billion yuan (about 975.9 million US dollars), compared with 502.0 million yuan in the first quarter of 2022, an increase of 105.8% compared with 3.26 billion yuan in the fourth quarter of 2022.

  Performance outlook:

  LI predicts that the delivery volume of automobiles in the second quarter of 2023 will be about 76,000 to 81,000, an increase of about 164.9% to 182.4% year-on-year.

  The total revenue will reach 24.22 billion yuan (about 3.53 billion US dollars) to 25.86 billion yuan (about 3.77 billion US dollars), an increase of about 177.4% to 196.1%.

Beijing auto show opens, 82 new cars start at home and abroad.

       Cctv newsThe Beijing International Auto Show, originally scheduled for April 21st, opened in Beijing yesterday (September 26th) after being postponed for more than five months. This is also the world’s first A-class international auto show since the COVID-19 epidemic. Against the background of the global epidemic and the international economic downturn, the heavy appearance of the Beijing Auto Show has a special role in boosting the morale of the global auto industry. Let’s go to the scene and have a look.

       Today, in the exhibition hall of auto china, new car launches are one after another. As the only international top-level auto show held in the world this year, the total exhibition area reached 200,000 square meters, and 785 vehicles were displayed, including 82 world first cars, which attracted almost all well-known automobile brands at home and abroad to participate.

       The new energy vehicles that debuted at the Beijing Auto Show accounted for 40% of the total, which truly achieved competition with fuel vehicles. Dongfeng Motor Group exhibited its own high-end new energy brand to the public for the first time, and launched the first mass-produced model to be listed next year, highlighting the interactive function between people and vehicles.

       The new cars exhibited by many car companies at the exhibition site are gradually younger for the first time to buy cars, and they are more and more suitable for the aesthetic orientation of the post-95 s and post-00 s in terms of design and main functions.

Exercise may accelerate your aging! I advise you to give up these five kinds of exercise.

As the saying goes, life lies in exercise. People who exercise regularly not only look well-proportioned, but also have relatively stronger immunity.

However, exercise can not only preserve one’s health, but also hurt one’s health. Once the wrong exercise method is adopted, it may not only be harmful to one’s health, but will be counterproductive.

Regular and proper exercise can improve blood circulation, promote metabolism, enhance immunity and delay aging.

Although sports bring many benefits,But we must pay attention to the way and moderate amount, and it is more important to choose the sports that suit you according to your age and physical condition.

In addition, we should pay attention to gradual exercise, increase or decrease the amount of exercise in a planned way, and warm up well before each activity to give the body an adaptive process.

Because improper exercise may endanger health and accelerate aging. Excessive exercise may lead to physical fatigue, damaged immune system, poor blood circulation, etc., and may even induce neurosis, leading to the destruction of the body’s own harmony.

The correct and suitable exercise method may enhance immunity and have the effect of keeping in good health, but if the exercise method is wrong, it will not be good for the body.

Do morning exercises at dawn.

Many people will choose to do morning exercises at dawn, thinking that the air quality is good at this time, but in fact, not only the light is dark in the morning, but also the temperature is relatively low, so it is easy to trip, or have a cold, upset stomach, or even induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, it is not recommended to do morning exercises at dawn.

2. Exercise blindly on an empty stomach

It is not recommended to exercise on an empty stomach.Especially diabetics, heart patients, people with poor gastrointestinal function, the elderly and so on.It is not suitable for exercise on an empty stomach.

It is best to eat some digestible food properly before exercise to avoid fainting from hunger. Of course, it is not recommended to eat too much before morning exercise, as long as you feel no longer hungry after eating.

3. Start without warm-up.

No matter when you exercise, proper warm-up preparation is necessary. If you start to exercise without sufficient warm-up, it is likely to induce sports injuries and lead to excessive cardiopulmonary burden.

It is suggested that the speed of warm-up should be slow to fast, the strength should be gradually increased, sweating slightly, and there is a slight sense of shortness of breath. The time is about 15 minutes.

4. Running is omnipotent

Although running is a highly respected sport, it is not a panacea. It can’t replace other sports and can’t meet all the needs of exercise. It is best to cross-train with other sports.

5, sweating is effective

Exercise is about persistence, not intensity or speed. If you don’t consider your own situation, in order to exercise for exercise 2, when the intensity of exercise is too high, it may make people tired, have too fast heart rate and raise blood pressure, which will hurt the body.

Academician Wang Longde of China Academy of EngineeringIt is suggested that adults must pay attention to some matters when exercising, and it is recommended to keep the exercise frequency.More than three times a weekDon’t stay still and exercise too much at once.

Some people don’t exercise at ordinary times, but exercise for several hours at a time on weekends, which is not right. Good exercise should insist on regular exercise.

Suggestion on exercise timeExercise for about half an hour every day on average.. Exercise intensity as far as possible.Ensure that the heart rate can reach the value of 170- age..

Proper exercise can enhance immunity, delay aging, prevent diseases, etc., but you must pay attention to choosing the exercise mode that suits you. After all, the wrong exercise mode is not good. Adults had better exercise more than three times a week, and the average exercise time per day should be controlled at about half an hour.


[1] Exercise may hurt your health? ! I advise you to give up these eight ways. CCTV life circle.2022-05-10

[2] How should adults exercise? Academician Wang Longde gave the following three suggestions. Medical Microvision.2021-06-24.

Reprinting is prohibited without the permission and authorization of the author.

The latest research found that exercising at this time every day is more helpful to control sugar!

The latest research shows that sugar friends exercise in the afternoon to help control sugar!

A recent study shows that afternoon exercise is more helpful to improve the blood sugar level of overweight or obese patients with type 2 diabetes. ①

The researchers found that the blood sugar level of diabetic patients who took moderate to high-intensity exercise in the afternoon decreased the most, especially in the first year of intensive lifestyle intervention. In addition, some researchers have found that afternoon exercisers are also more likely to reduce the dosage of hypoglycemic drugs.

Wu Na, chief physician of the Department of Endocrinology, Shengjing Hospital affiliated to China Medical University, wrote in the Health Times in 2019 that diabetic patients are advised to choose sports that are beneficial to whole-body exercise, conform to their hobbies, have strong maneuverability and are easy to adhere to for a long time, such as walking, jogging, gymnastics, swimming, climbing stairs, dancing, playing ball, cycling and playing Tai Ji Chuan. ②

Health times chart

It is suggested that these groups of people exercise in the afternoon.

1. Patients with heart disease: It is advisable to exercise in the afternoon or evening.

Qian Yufeng, an attending physician in the Department of Cardiology, Hangzhou First People’s Hospital, Zhejiang Province, wrote in the Health Times in 2016 that 6-9 am is the "early peak" of heart attack every day, because the human body is relatively short of water in the morning, and the blood is thick and prone to thrombosis. At the same time, the blood pressure in the morning is the highest in a day, which is easy to cause the shedding or rupture of atherosclerotic plaques, leading to acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. Therefore, it is best to avoid this peak period and arrange it in the afternoon or evening.

Exercise regularly, first of all, it is necessary to quantify, it is best to exercise for 3-5 days a week, and the heart rate should be controlled at no more than 100 times/minute after exercise, and it is appropriate to have no chest tightness and asthma. It is also necessary to make appropriate adjustments according to the patient’s age.

You can try the following three steps to exercise:

Prepare for 5-10 minutes first;

Then start normal exercise, such as walking, jogging, etc., lasting 15-30 minutes, which can also be extended according to the heart rate;

Finally, relax for 10 minutes to let the heartbeat slowly return to normal. ③

Zhang Jian, chief physician of the Heart Center of Beijing Chest Hospital, wrote in the Health Times in 2018 that patients with coronary heart disease should slow down or stop their activities if the following four signals appear during exercise.

1. Chest pain or angina pectoris;

2. Asthma or dyspnea that does not match the amount of exercise;

3, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, pale face, cyanosis, cold hands and feet or wet cold;

4. Physical and mental fatigue or muscle soreness, inappropriate heartbeat or blood pressure reaction, such as the heartbeat has exceeded 100 beats/min at rest, the heartbeat or blood pressure changes more than 20 beats/min or 20 mm Hg during activities within 3 weeks after myocardial infarction, and the heartbeat or blood pressure changes more than 30 beats/min or 30 mm Hg during activities within 6 weeks after myocardial infarction. ④

Second, patients with hypertension: it is best to exercise at noon or afternoon.

Cheng Yi, deputy chief physician of Cardiovascular Department of the First People’s Hospital of Suqian City, Jiangsu Province, wrote in 2022 that the best exercise time for patients with hypertension is generally at noon and afternoon every day, because the air in this period is relatively clean, and the air pollution is more serious in the morning and evening.

In addition, if you exercise too early in the morning, it is easy to increase your blood pressure. At the same time, you can eat something light before going out to exercise. ⑤

Third, patients with gout and high uric acid: it is best to exercise in the afternoon.

WeChat official account, from the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology of the Second People’s Hospital of Guangdong Province, issued a document in 2018, saying that it is not suitable for exercise in the acute stage of gout. At this time, it is necessary to rest, minimize joint activities, and stay in bed. If joint symptoms are serious, the affected limb can be braked.

It is best for gout patients to exercise in the afternoon, that is, after lunch to dinner. Choose some simple and gentle sports, such as walking, Tai Ji Chuan, aerobics, cycling and swimming, especially walking, cycling and swimming. It can be supplemented by appropriate resistance exercises and joint flexibility exercises. Start with a small amount of exercise, step by step, prevent excessive exercise, and take micro-sweating as the degree. ⑥

This article is synthesized from:

①Qian J, Xiao Q, Walkup MP, et al. Association of Timing of Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity With Changes in Glycemic Control Over 4 Years in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Fr om the Look AHEAD Trial. Diabetes Care. 2023 May 25:dc222413.

②2019-04-19 Health Times "Sugar Friends Exercise One Hour After Meal"

③2016-11-04 Health Times "Exercise for heart disease should be from bottom to top"

④2018-08-10 Health Times "Four Signals Prompt to Slow down Exercise"

⑤2022-02-18 Baidu Health "Cheng Yi" "What is the best exercise time for hypertensive patients? 》

6 2018-09-03 South China Gout Online "Disease Knowledge | Can you exercise after gout?" How to exercise? 》

Source: Health Times

"Football Manager 2024" homeless evaluation 8.4 points this damn and wonderful football.

At one o’clock in the morning, I took my eyes off the screen at the end of the game.

The coke can creaked when I pinched it.

"Buy clique, eat kickbacks, no tactics, substitution suicide; One will be unable to exhaust the three armies, so please give me a class, Tenghage. "

I opened "Football Manager 2024", which is a completely different world line-Manchester United is no longer the fish-eating team that was slaughtered by others, but once again embarked on the journey of triple crown.

This time, the official will also use the "parallel world" model as a propaganda point, but in fact it is to start a season without initial transfer.

The reason why "Football Manager" can make players fondle it, not only because it brings a parallel football world, so that you can make up for those regrets in reality, but also because it can help you become the uncompromising supreme leader of the team and make the players who are already millionaires bow to you. And you are in charge of their life and death: criticism, fines, decentralization of the reserve team, immediate dismissal, as long as you see them unhappy, then the game can satisfy you.

Of course, Football Manager can do more than that. It can satisfy almost all your wishes for the football world. Its player database is accurate to amateur leagues that ordinary people can participate in. The complexity of tactics allows you to accurately reproduce the concept of real football masters, and the freedom of operation gives you the possibility of doing everything in detail, and also allows you to entrust AI with full responsibility.

It can be said that whether you are a fan or not, Football Manager will gradually make you feel the charm of the whole football world.

Damn football, football is wonderful.

Compared with the previous generation’s minor repairs, this "Football Manager 2024" has made many fruitful changes. After about 50 hours of exploration, I think the most important adjustment in this work is the upgrade of the positioning ball system.

In fact, no matter corner kicks, free kicks or foul balls, they only account for a small part in football matches. Many times, it is difficult for you to see the team score goals directly with them.

But that doesn’t mean the set-pieces aren’t important. It is a unique part of tactics, which can directly create opportunities beyond defense and is also a magic weapon to defeat the strong with the weak.

Whenever I talk about the famous corner kick, I always think of the Champions League final between Manchester United and Bayern Munich at Camp Nou in 1999.

Dozens of seconds ago, Manchester United just equalized the score with a close-range shot, and in the subsequent corner kick, Beckham scored a long pass with precise guidance, Sheringham headed the ferry in front, and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, who was ambushed later, succeeded in overtaking at the last stoppage time.

At that time, Johansson, the president of the Football Association, was ready to present the Big Ear Cup to the Germans. However, when he walked out of the player’s aisle, he was shocked: "Why are the winning teams crying, while the losing team is dancing?"

It was this scene that Sir Alex Ferguson witnessed that led to the famous saying "Football, bloody hell".

This is the charm of the positioning ball, which has the power to create miracles in a moment. Now in Football Manager 2024, you finally have a chance to create a unique set of set-pieces tactics.

The game will provide complete guidance. You only need to answer a few questions briefly, and the coaching staff can help you tailor a set of appropriate corner kick tactics. After that, you can adjust each player’s position and responsibilities in detail.

You can let the air bully in the team attack the middle road, as long as you reach the ball, it will pose a fatal threat, but it will also be surrounded by heavy troops on the opposite side; If you send him to the near post or the far post, you can disperse the enemy’s defensive forces, but it will be easier for the goalkeeper to catch the ball or give the opposing players more reaction time.

Therefore, you need to let many attacking players take care of each other. Some people are responsible for pushing forward to distract the enemy, some people ambush in situ to try to head the ferry, some people meet at the top of the restricted area to fight for the second point, and some people secretly ambush a fatal blow. Only in this way can we find a chance in the well-defended attack zone 3.

Actual combat effect

Almost the same goal in the same game proves the power of a good corner kick tactic.

The tactical freedom of "Football Manager 2024" is not limited to this. You can refine the corner kick to play an inner arc ball or an outer arc ball, arrange players to open a tactical short corner kick near the corner flag area, or throw the football into the restricted area with a "Grenade tactic" when the foul ball is close to the restricted area. It can be said that in this generation, you can’t reproduce the volley world wave connected by two people, and no matter what set-pieces tactics you want to build, you have everything in the game.

It is worth mentioning that it may be because this generation has more options to "interfere with the opposing goalkeeper" when deploying players. In every season of "Football Manager 2024", the main goalkeeper will encounter much higher risk of injury than previous generations, and often will be absent for weeks or even more than a month because of cracked palms. Although this may weaken the team’s strength, it finally gives those substitute goalkeepers more opportunities to play.

Expert: This is the fracture price.

It’s hard to buy people, and it’s even harder to sell them.

Transfer transaction has always been the top priority in running the team, but this book has added two new mechanisms to the process of selling players.

Before selling the players, you can have a cup of tea with their agents and talk about whether any team wants to buy them.

They will tell the truth and take the initiative to help you contact the team to make an offer if there is an opportunity. And if even they don’t like the deal, you can almost give up.

Moreover, your conversation may only be regarded as a casual chat by the players, which is much milder than putting them on the transfer list or recommending them directly to other clubs, and will not make the players have any opinions on you.

If you are not satisfied with the quotation found by the broker, you can contact the middleman again and ask them to help you broker several deals, and you need to pay them an expensive intermediary fee. Fortunately, their feedback speed is usually fast enough to save you a lot of time.

These two new mechanisms seem to provide you with more means to sell players, but they don’t actually make the transfer transaction in Football Manager 2024 easier.

The reason is that this generation has the most outrageous rising speed of players’ worth, the most stingy team budget and the most savvy AI.

In the second summer transfer window of the game, Osman, who scored 16 league goals in a season, was worth 230 million euros, but even if I wanted to sell him, other teams had no money at all. Bayern and Manchester United, the only ones who have made an offer, are only willing to pay a mere 50 million.

However, the transfer budgets of the powerful teams in this play are surprisingly small. Even Newcastle, which is kept by Saudi local tyrants, has only 6 million euros left, while the middle and lower reaches, such as Bournemouth and Burnley, simply have no money left.

And according to the official, the AI ? ? coach in this game will also become more rational when buying people, not only paying attention to the player’s ability and potential (CA/PA), but also considering whether his key attributes meet the needs.

Therefore, even if Football Manager 2024 adds some auxiliary trading systems, it will only benefit marginal players who are not worth a few dollars. And if you want to sell the stars at a good price, it may be even more difficult than the previous ones.

What’s even more embarrassing is that even if your team has an oil dad in Football Manager 2024, you can’t wave money and hit people casually, because the fiscal fairness policy of this play is very strict.

Even if your transfer budget is as much as 300 million, but limited by financial fairness, you may only spend 60 million of it to buy people, and if you accidentally spend too much, you will have to sell players to even the bill or take the risk of suspension.

Of course, it does not rule out that it is caused by a BUG in the pre-experience version.

This is another problem for the coaches. At least, it is the first time for a player like me who has been playing the Football Manager series for seven years to run into a financial fairness policy in the game. Perhaps when you are thinking hard about how to balance the accounts, you can finally understand that it is not easy to manage the team’s finances in reality.

New league, new position

This generation of "Football Manager" also introduced Japan’s third-class J League for the first time.

The level of players in J1 League matches that of the British Championship, but limited by the prestige of the League, it may be difficult for you to dig up high-potential calves from Europe-even if the development of Japanese football is not what it used to be, they are not willing to bet their future on this far east island country. Moreover, the J League, which starts in spring and ends in autumn every year, is far from the European League, which usually starts in autumn. If you want to sign foreign aid, you may have to wait until the end of the whole season before they can join the team.

In addition, your experience in other leagues can basically be applied to J League. Compared with some low-level leagues, the budget of J League is quite sufficient. After all, the Kobe Victory Ship, which I expected to rank eighth when I started the file, also has a transfer budget of about 10 million euros available.

Let’s focus on the team itself again, and look at an optional position added by the full-backs in this game-Inverted Full-Backs (IFB).

This change is probably to better conform to the ever-changing football tactics. Although Barcelona had a similar tactical design in cruyff’s time, it was Guardiola who now coached Manchester City that really carried it forward.

The side and back waist will be retracted when controlling the ball, and will come to the back waist position to help the defenders create opportunities to pass the ball forward, while when there is no ball, they will return to the back line for traditional defense work. Representative players in this field are Cancelo in Manchester City, kyle walker today and Ram in Bayern.

Correspondingly, the central defender also increased the position of free agent. Similar to the flank and waist, he will insert forward to help the team pass the ball when holding the ball, and will retreat to the back line when defending. This new tactical requirement is different from the traditional "scavenger" and beckenbauer-style freemen, and it is also a play created by Guardiola for stones.

In order to cooperate with these two new positions, the players’ positions have become more intelligent now. For example, when the side and back waist push forward, you will see that the remaining three defenders also adjust their positions during the running, transforming the four-defender system into a defensive state more similar to that of the three-defender.

Of course, in fact, most players don’t really play tactics that carefully, but these brand-new designs can be regarded as providing a completely different system for those players who like to study tactics.

Other piecemeal changes

After upgrading the lighting and turf materials, the picture of "Football Manager 2024" has made gratifying progress. With the further adjustment of player animation and football trajectory in the previous work, it will also bring a lot of improvement to your watching experience.

The official comparison chart (the left is the previous work and the right is the present work)

In addition, when you created the coach, this book also added some optional accessories, including glasses, medals and face color. Of course, for me, I’m even more surprised to find that Football Manager doesn’t know when to pinch a female coach-although this is just an old function that has been around since last year.

What is limited to our play is still the pre-experience version of the game launched two weeks in advance, so there are still many outrageous bugs in it. For example, when adjusting the lineup in the game, you may find that after changing the positions of two players on the list, only an animated performance was played, but they still stayed in their original positions and did not move.

However, from last year’s experience, I believe that these bugs can basically be fixed after the game is officially released.

general comment

Perhaps Football Manager 2024 looks a little similar to the previous generation, but only when you actually experience it can you find that its changes in all aspects have changed the whole football world. It has made some outstanding upgrades to the set-piece system, added two brand-new tactical positions for the players, and also made some fine-tuning to the transfer trading system, plus some screen improvements, which is enough to make you feel that it is different from the previous experience.

Under the premise that "Football Manager 2025" has decided to switch to the Unity engine and there are many unknown factors, perhaps "Football Manager 2024" is the best simulation football game you can play under the traditional framework.

Prepare for Kim Min-jae’s farewell. Manchester United cash+Lindelov offer. Consider Naples to give me cash!

Prepare for Kim Min-jae’s farewell. Manchester United cash+Lindelov offer. Consider Naples to give me cash!

The latest transfer rumors between Manchester United and Kim Min-jae.

There is a strong interest in Jin Minzai this season. Manchester City, Tottenham Hotspur, Liverpool, etc., as well as Manchester United, which is intended to reinforce the central defender, have all been mentioned. Recently, even Newcastle United and Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) carrying "oil money" have participated in the competition.

It is natural to be interested. This season, Kim Min-jae has surpassed Italy and ranked among the best central defenders in the world. As soon as he entered Naples, he became the core. He made the existence of Kalidu coulibaly unknown in only one game, and led the team to win the league championship with steady performance.

The team closest to him is Manchester United. After the injuries of lisandro Martinez and Rapha?l Varane, Manchester United, which urgently needed to reinforce the central defender, chose Kim Min-jae as the suitable candidate. Reports about transfer rumors are coming out every day in England and Italy.

Manchester United is very active. The Italian media "Il Martino" said, "Manchester United informed Naples that they intend to pay the buyout fee of 56 million euros (about 80.4 billion won) from the first day to July 15." "Manchester United have expressed their intention to pay Min-jae Kim an annual salary of 9 million euros (about 12.9 billion won)," he said. Fabrizio Romano, an expert in European football transfer market, also reported on Kim Min-jae’s Manchester United through his podcast. He said: "Manchester United showed the greatest interest in introducing Kim Min-jae by paying the buyout clause."

And updated the latest news. That is, Manchester United is preparing a deal including cash and players to recruit Kim Min-jae.

The protagonist is Victor Lindelov. This is the resource that was nominated for "sale" with harry maguire in the summer transfer window, and Manchester United hope to use him to lead Kim Min-jae’s signing to a more favorable side. "Il Martino" said, "Manchester United is preparing to pay Kim Min-jae’s buyout clause. But they are also considering including Lindelov in the transaction. " The "Napoli Football" who sent the message from Naples said: "Kim Min-jae is preparing to say goodbye" and confirmed the transfer.

Of course, it is still unknown whether Lindelov’s selection will have a positive impact. Because Naples only wants cash. Il Martino reported that Aurelio De Laurentiis only wanted cash.

1-3! Bayern’s third-line collapse? High-level fatuous, cold feet brew bitter fruit, Na Shuai smiled.

In the 33rd round of the Bundesliga, Bayern’s first match was reversed by Leipzig 1-3, and the prospect of winning the championship was not optimistic. If Dortmund wins, it will overtake Bayern and lead the Bundesliga by 2 points.

After losing this game, Bayern scored only 68 points in 33 rounds of Bundesliga this season, which is their lowest score in the same period in the past 11 years.

Now the opportunity has come to Dortmund’s side. Dortmund made a mistake before, and now he is holding back his strength. And now the state is in good shape, and there are enough people in all positions. This is also the closest time for the old rocket to the salad plate.

In this game, everyone knows that Leipzig is desperate, but only the Bayern team doesn’t know that the spirits of the two sides are completely different in the whole game.

Compare the positive degree of both sides, and then look at Bayern under Heynckes and Frick. Whether they are ahead or behind, they are all fighting one by one. Now?

1-3! Bayern’s third-line collapse? The change of coach at the cold feet made the bitter fruit, and Na Shuai smiled. Before the coaching change, he lost three games, and after the coaching change, he drew two games and lost three games. When tuchel came, he also vowed to win the three championships, only to lose the German Cup in a few days.

When nagel Osman was here, at least three championships were very promising, and the odds of winning the Champions League even tied with Manchester City for the first place. It’s really amazing that tuchel can fight from the third line and bring it to nothing.

Looking back now, it was really unwise to change coaches at the beginning. As a result of this year, the whole club has problems from top to bottom, and no one wants to run away, but the management has a bigger problem.

Even the head coach who can lose the Bundesliga championship can still enter the new season. Bayern executives really have to seriously evaluate it. At least see if tuchel shows anything that can change the team’s ability? Don’t want to do it or can’t do it? Two months, nothing new and nothing changed. Can a center really solve all the problems?

Now Bayern doesn’t have a big center, but does nagel Mann? No, it’s the same. The three lines go hand in hand.

It is obvious that the top management changed coaches at the last moment for their own face. It is wise to change coaches at the end of this season. It is the last node of the season to change coaches, that is, to find trouble for themselves, and the results were not bad at that time.

I don’t know if Kahn has any problems, but Sally has a big problem. For so many years, I have never really strengthened the team.

The six-time champion signed a contract the summer before, and after winning the six-time champion, he fought infighting with Frick on the backhand. Backhand sent away Alaba and boateng, and abolished Frick’s main players.

After so many years, the replacement of the two wings has not been solved, and the players who signed for themselves at a high salary have been arbitrarily paid, and now the salary structure in the team has exploded.

Let Lewan go and sign a horse to fool the fans. I tried to force Neuer into the palace before, but now a lot of people have been signed in the defence, but now it’s really defensible. Professional ability is not good, playing politics and demagoguing people is something he understands. Only four big losses can punish the arrogance of dismissing the head coach in Bayern’s three-line championship competition.

Warriors, Lakers brewing four-way deal! Dreaming for James, Butler, and Treyan?

The NBA playoffs were in full swing, and Drummond Green was suspended by the league for an irrational foul on King’s center Sabonis Jr. Although the Warriors were very dissatisfied with the punishment result, fortunately, Green’s absence did not stop the Warriors from winning. The bad news is that the NBA hates Green’s bad behavior, and the Warriors are no longer the favourites supported by the league, which casts a shadow over their championship prospects. Dreamcatcher’s contract expires in one year, and he will have the player option next season. The Warriors management wants to send him away, and this summer will be the best opportunity.

Recently, according to Eddie Bitar, a reporter from the US media bleachers, the Warriors, the Lakers, the Hawks and the Heat are expected to discuss a four-way trading offer this summer, which involves five players including Butler, Trey Young, Dreamcatcher Green, Collins, and a first-round draft pick. The specific trading plan is as follows: 1. The Warriors send Drummond Green to get John Coe. 2. The Lakers sent eight villages (sign first and then change) to get Drummond Green; 3. The Hawks sent Trey Young+John Collins to get the first round signing of Jimmy Butler+Bacun +2023 Heat; 4. The Heat sent Jimmy Butler+the Heat signed Trey Young in the first round in 2023.

For the Warriors, Collins is 25 years old, with a height of 2.06 meters, a wingspan of 2.11 meters and a weight of 103 kilograms. He is a power forward, playing 30 minutes per game this season, contributing 13.1 points, 6.5 rebounds, 1.2 assists and 1 block, and shooting 50.8%. He is a representative figure of the players in the era of small ball in today’s league. He has outstanding running and jumping ability, flying all over the court, soft shooting feel and various offensive means. On the defensive end, he dares to fight physically, can chase and defend the backcourt players with fast speed, and can perfectly match the infinite defense system of the Warriors coach Cole. With the aging of Curry, Clay Thompson, Green and others, the Warriors’ management is making great efforts to cultivate the younger generation represented by Poole, Wiggins and Kumingga. Collins meets the needs of the Warriors’ management in terms of age, experience and tactical integration.

Pelinka, the general manager of the Lakers, hopes to use James’ surplus value to bring the 18th championship trophy to Los Angeles, thus surpassing the Celtics to take the top spot in one fell swoop. Although he recruited a large number of powerful role players before the trade deadline this season, this Lakers team lacks a defensive gate like Green, PJ Tucker and Smart, which often makes them feel powerless whenever they hit the critical moment. The joining of Dream Chasing will solve this problem. He has always praised James’s strength. If he can cooperate in Los Angeles this time, the hope of the Lakers winning the championship will be increased to a certain extent.

The Hawks’ record this season is not as good as expected. Trey Young is not for sale in Atlanta. Not long ago, he was selected as the most overrated player in the league by the American media The Athletic, which made Trey Young’s situation more and more difficult. His agent team will discuss the future development direction of the team with Eagle management after the playoffs. Jimmy Butler is a famous tough guy in the league. He is very comprehensive in skills and confident in shooting. CIC has great lethality and is used to taking over the game at critical moments. In addition, he is also a top-level flank defense expert, with both body shape, attitude and consciousness. Butler is like a restless catfish, and his joining will disturb the whole fish pond of the Hawks. This transaction of the Hawks management is expected to bring them closer to the championship.

ENI live broadcast room: three steps to build a smart factory in process industry

How many stages are there in the construction of smart factory in process industry?

How to make the overall framework of IT planning when the growth enterprises are intellectualized?

Why do enterprises need process management, when do they do it, where do they start and how do they do it?

On March 8, 2023, in the CIO live broadcast room of "Planning Elements and Paths of Digital Intelligence Construction of Process Manufacturing" jointly sponsored by ENI Economic and Information Network and Dell Technology Group, Wang Yimin, head of information technology in China District of Singapore Golden Eagle Group, shared the stage, construction value and path of intelligent factory construction in process industry; Qiu Feng, an intelligent manufacturing expert of China Printing Machine Industry Association and an instructor of Beiyin Graduate School, shared enterprise process management in detail through five W1s. Wu Tianyao, a senior industry consultant of the Empowerment Center of the Infrastructure Division in Greater China of Dell Technology Group, demonstrated the value of innovative technology in the digital transformation of enterprises based on the solutions of Dell Technology Group and the sharing of cases.

"CPS is the essence of intelligent manufacturing". In the keynote speech of "Planning of Smart Factory in Process Industry", Wang Yimin, head of information technology in China District of Singapore Golden Eagle Group, introduced the key points of building smart factory in process industry from the aspects of real-time transparency of production process, standardized management of operation and traceability of the whole process.

The construction of intelligent factory is divided into three stages: digitalization and automatic control, networking and intelligence. Wang Yimin introduced that the digitization and automatic control stage is mainly to digitize scenes, environments, equipment, objects, processes and processes. At this stage, the key work of enterprises focuses on industrial sensor installation, industrial process data collection and industrial real-time data collection; When the enterprise enters the networking stage, it will be transformed into the construction of collection and transmission network, the integration of production software and hardware, the collaborative construction of bottom automation, the construction of internal and external high-speed data networking, and the construction of industrial internet and cloud; At the intelligent stage, the key points of enterprise’s smart factory construction will be reflected in digital twin technology construction, cloud computing big data construction, data visualization and artificial intelligence application, intelligent operation inside and outside the factory and product life cycle.

90% of manufacturing enterprises in China are small and medium-sized enterprises. In the keynote speech "The Path and Application Scenarios of Digital Intelligence for Growth Enterprises", Wu Tianyao, a senior industry consultant of Empowerment Center of Infrastructure Division in Greater China of Dell Science and Technology Group, introduced the overall framework of IT planning for digital intelligence for growth enterprises, and shared the Top Design Report, Architecture Design Report and Project Planning Report with guiding value.

As the world’s leading provider of consulting services and IT products, Dell Technology Group can help enterprises to establish a digital factory integrating R&D, procurement, manufacturing, storage and transportation, sales and service, and realize vertical integration of the factory and horizontal integration of the enterprise value chain. Through intelligent IT technology+intelligent IT service, and adopting unique methodology, the supply chain collaboration mode is designed to create a comprehensive digital factory transformation scheme.

In addition, Wu Tianyao also introduced Dell Streaming Data Platform–SDP, edge computing platform, and Dell technology AI-ready solutions. For growing enterprises, Dell Technology provides subscription-based IT consumption model APEX FOD, which enables enterprises to have better cash flow and face market competition more flexibly. Through the sharing of scene-based applications, Wu Tianyao introduced the best practice delivery of the underlying infrastructure (computing power, storage) of Dell Technology Group and the landing delivery of edge AI.

Excellent methods are not inherited, responsibilities and rights are unclear, there are standards, and there is no solidification.

Why should an enterprise carry out process management, when, where to start and how to do it. In the next speech, Qiu Feng, an intelligent manufacturing expert of China Printing Machine Industry Association and an instructor of North India Graduate School, introduced why enterprises should do process management from three aspects: employees, enterprises and customers. At the same time, according to the characteristics of the development of enterprise growth life cycle, it was pointed out that it was not necessary to do process management at the stage of enterprise’s pioneering stage, but when the enterprise further developed and its scale gradually expanded into the development stage, it needed standardized operation. After entering the mature stage, the response of enterprise management is slow, and this stage needs to be optimized and rebuilt.

When talking about how to carry out process management, Qiu Feng shared it with the ring structure of planning, design, execution and optimization. He mentioned that when planning, enterprises need to investigate and analyze the pain points, identify the process list and priority, and formulate the process combing plan and project mechanism according to the actual situation of enterprises. In the implementation stage, it is necessary to publicize the process and coach employees to implement it, analyze the timeliness of process nodes, and collect the problems of process audit and operation.

After decades of development, the process industry, which is mainly composed of chemical industry, foundry, cement and biopharmaceuticals, has achieved great improvement in production technology, equipment and production process automation, but its overall development is still relatively extensive. How to solve the current challenges through reasonable digital intelligence planning and practice, and what new opportunities and scenarios will be provided by new digital technologies such as industrial internet, IoT and AI for digital intelligence in the industry are also the current concerns of enterprises.

We are innovative porters.

ChatGPT will have self-awareness in two or three years. How to prevent it from threatening human beings? Zhou Hongyi said so.

"The development of ChatGPT is not a matter of competition among several Internet companies, but determines whether China can accumulate this technology in the next industrial revolution." Zhou Hongyi, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and founder of 360 Group, told the Times Weekly reporter.

Zhou Hongyi has been elected as a member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Committee for two consecutive years, and "safety" has always been the key word of his proposal. Recently, the great breakthrough of ChatGPT has caused extensive discussion. Zhou Hongyi has talked openly about the development prospect of ChatGPT more than once, and also expressed his concern about the safety of artificial intelligence.

In Zhou Hongyi’s view, ChatGPT or Big Language Model is a milestone in the development of artificial intelligence. It is the starting point of general artificial intelligence and the turning point of strong artificial intelligence, so ChatGPT will bring an industrial revolution driven by strong artificial intelligence or general artificial intelligence.

ChatGPT is not only an enhanced version of search engine, but also more than a chat robot. It will reshape all digital applications and industries through the artificial intelligence services provided by SaaS. Zhou Hongyi said, "In this field, we can catch up."

At the National People’s Congress this year, Zhou Hongyi submitted a proposal, calling on China to catch up with the great leap of artificial intelligence big model technology represented by ChatGPT. People should pay more attention to the innovation mode behind technological breakthrough while paying attention to technological innovation.

Zhou Hongyi, member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and founder of 360 Group.

Promote the innovation and development of artificial intelligence big model technology

ChatGPT has caused a global heated discussion. This year, Zhou Hongyi proposed a large-scale artificial intelligence model technology represented by ChatGPT.

"We must find the law of industrial development in the research process." Zhou Hongyi said, for example, why is ChatGPT successful in the United States? Why did Americans take the lead in making it? Why can OpenAI and Microsoft cooperate? "Understanding these problems can promote relevant departments to formulate policy guidance conducive to the birth of China version of ChatGPT and promote the integration of universities, scientific research institutions and industrial companies in China." Zhou Hongyi said.

"We can’t just see how high its big model parameters are." Zhou Hongyi emphasized that the most important thing is to maintain a good and open culture of cooperation. In his proposal, Zhou Hongyi summed up three key factors for the success of ChatGPT-firstly, the "Microsoft +OpenAI" collaborative mode of production, research and research, secondly, the open innovation mode based on open source and crowdsourcing, and finally, the ecological innovation mode centered on the general big model.

Source: the creativity of the worm

Zhou Hongyi suggested that it is necessary to establish a collaborative innovation model of "large-scale scientific and technological enterprises+key scientific research institutions", build China’s "Microsoft +Open AI" combination, and lead the big model technology research; From the height of building a national strategic scientific and technological force, we should screen production and research institutions with good technical foundation, form an industrial synergy combination with complementary advantages, and give full play to the research advantages of scientific research institutions in key core technologies; At the same time, we will give full play to the advantages of large-scale scientific and technological enterprises in productization, engineering, scene, commercialization and data, and become the leading leader in tackling key problems and application of large-scale model technology.

He also proposed to support the establishment of a number of long-term open source projects of national artificial intelligence models to create an open and innovative ecosystem of open source crowdsourcing. Zhou Hongyi believes that the artificial intelligence big model should not be an advanced technology monopolized by a few companies, but should give full play to its industrial and social value.

Focusing on how to promote the technological innovation and development of artificial intelligence big model, Zhou Hongyi proposed to set up a number of national long-term projects in an open source mode for multiple technical routes, with "large-scale scientific and technological enterprises+key scientific research institutions" as the leader, and guide universities, scientific research institutions and innovative enterprises to form innovative ecological groups of multiple technical routes through open source, cooperation, crowdsourcing and ecological innovation modes. On the one hand, it can reduce the risk caused by the wrong choice of technical route, on the other hand, it can also avoid the monopoly of technological achievements in the hands of a few institutions and promote greater scientific and technological innovation and industrial development.

Not developing is the biggest insecurity.

ChatGPT drives a wave of entrepreneurial craze. Wang Huiwen, the co-founder of Meituan, Zhou Bowen, the former chairman of JD.COM Technical Committee, and Wang Xiaochuan, the former Sogou CEO, successively announced their retirement and entered this frontier field.

Technology giants have returned to the rivers and lakes, and Internet giants such as Ali, Tencent, Baidu and Byte have made statements one after another, which will increase investment in artificial intelligence. Under the craze, it is only a matter of time before China version of artificial intelligence language model and ChatGPT-like products appear.

OpenAI took the lead in developing ChatGPT. What did it do right?

Zhou Hongyi believes that OpenAI uses a large number of open source algorithms and papers, skillfully combines various open source achievements, and cooperates with Microsoft to solve the problems of engineering, computing power, data, product experience and business model. Secondly, like Apple’s App Store ecosystem, OpenAI cultivates vertical applications based on ChatGPT. In addition, user traffic is also very important, attracting users to use it, and at the same time, it can also feed and debug large language models based on manual tagging reinforcement learning. Finally, OpenAI has a long-term spirit and a pattern to make universal artificial intelligence innovations that change human beings.

In Zhou Hongyi’s view, China Internet companies have strong engineering ability and strong technology landing ability. "Now, ChatGPT has made a sample, based on open source technology, and there are no insurmountable obstacles. The rest is a matter of time." Zhou Hongyi firmly believes that "with the support of the state’s encouraging policies, China can achieve a better level of follow-up in two or three years."

The big model of artificial intelligence language has a high entry threshold, which is mainly reflected in both technology and capital.

Citic jiantou research report pointed out that the evolution of Transformer in network structure has brought about the improvement of parameters and model layers, which has caused the qualitative change of generative AI technical ability; At the same time, the advantage of parallelization allows it to train on a larger data set, which also promotes the development of pre-training models such as GPT.

As for why ChatGPT can answer questions, Zhou Hongyi told Times Weekly that the training materials for ChatGPT are very important. He pointed out that people mistakenly thought that since robots are chatting with people, they should learn chat materials. In fact, the chat materials generated by social tools have low knowledge content.

"When we chat, no one is talking about knowledge, but they are all lifting each other’s poles. There are many wisecracks and nonsense words." He explained that the chat robot trained in this way is more than "artificial mental retardation" or "artificial leverage", and the dialogue is illogical.

ChatGPT avoids this kind of corpus, just as a person is not necessarily good at expressing, but he is full of poetry and books, expressing elegance and logic, and everyone is willing to chat with such people. Zhou Hongyi emphasized that it is very important to feed ChatGPT with high-quality corpus.

Tuchong creativity

Artificial intelligence technology promotes social progress and also hides risks.

Zhou Hongyi is worried that if ChatGPT is allowed to input corpus without limitation, and get knowledge of searching and browsing the Internet at will, will the self-conscious GPT have the idea of being hostile to human beings after watching movies like Terminator?

After consciousness, ChatGPT may evolve into "eyes", "ears", "hands" and "feet" in the second step. At present, GPT has only "brain". If you add "eyes" and "ears", you can understand all kinds of images and videos of human beings and understand all kinds of audio, knowledge storage will advance by leaps and bounds, and the level of intelligence will also be greatly improved.

In the future, when ChatGPT accesses the API of the Internet and enters the era of the Internet of Everything, it is undoubtedly equivalent to having "hands" and "feet" and indirectly having the ability to control the world. By then, ChatGPT can not only buy air tickets on the webpage, but also take taxis, order takeout, and even manipulate various IoT devices through the webpage.

Finally, ChatGPT may be able to evolve itself. At present, ChatGPT can only write some simple codes. One day, when its code ability is improved, can it automatically look up its own code, correct the upgraded code, or even recompile a new version? If so, it will have the ability of self-learning and evolution, and realize the prospect of robot manufacturing robots.

Zhou Hongyi insists that the biggest insecurity is not developing artificial intelligence. "Whether humans will therefore go into destruction remains to be seen. However, we can’t stop developing technology, but know where the bottom line and boundary of technology are, so as to regulate the development of technology in the right direction. " Zhou Hongyi said.