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Tencent won the 12th "China Charity Award" Charity Project and Charitable Trust Award, Donation Enterprise Award

On September 5, the 12th "China Charity Award" selection and commendation conference was held in Beijing. Tencent won the "China Charity Award" – the donation enterprise award; recommended by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Tencent’s government-enterprise cooperation, and jointly organized the implementation of the "Cultivator Revitalization Plan" won the "China Charity Award" – Charity Project and Charitable Trust Award.

The "China Charity Award" is awarded by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and is currently the highest government award in the field of public welfare and charity in our country. Since 2011, Tencent and related public welfare and charity projects have been honored in the "China Charity Award" for seven consecutive years.


In 2007, Tencent established the first public welfare foundation in the Internet industry, the Tencent Charity Charity Foundation, which continues to make donations in the fields of basic scientific research, poverty reduction and disaster relief, education assistance, ecological environmental protection and traditional culture protection, and established the Tencent Charity platform to provide digital support for charitable organizations to carry out public fundraising. It is understood that in the reference period of the 12th "China Charity Award", the total donation of Tencent from 2020 to 2021 exceeded 3.10 billion yuan. At the same time, under the guidance of the mission of "science and technology for good", many businesses and teams of Tencent actively, continuously and widely participate in various public welfare and charitable activities through donation of resources, co-construction projects, technical support, volunteer services and other means. In April 2021, Tencent put forward the "Sustainable Social Value Innovation" strategy, and over the past two years, it has continued to explore in the fields of basic scientific research, educational innovation, rural revitalization, ecological environment, public emergency response, adapting to the elderly and assisting the disabled, and public welfare digitalization.

As Tencent’s benchmark project to help rural revitalization, the "Cultivator Revitalization Plan" was officially launched in May 2021. It aims to focus on the training of rural governance backbones and leaders of new agricultural business entities, and to develop and provide digital tools for grassroots governance backbones for free to help rural talents explore the "golden key" of rural revitalization according to local conditions. After a year of pilot practice, in April 2022, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the "Notice on the Implementation of the" Cultivator "Revitalization Plan", which is promoted nationwide. It plans to use three years to achieve the goal of online training 1 million people and offline training 100,000 people through the combination of online and offline. It is understood that the plan is a national first in digitally assisting the construction of rural revitalization talent teams, and it is also the first nationwide and large-scale digital training project for rural talents.

So far, the "Cultivator Revitalization Plan" has been implemented in 30 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) across the country, with a total of 499 classes and a total of 240,000 people trained. The "Village-level Affairs Management Platform" designed and developed by the project covers 10,000 villages across the country, serving more than 7.36 million villagers. In cooperation with the provincial offices of Guangdong, Sichuan, Hubei, Qinghai, Fujian and other provinces, the personalized "Guangdong Governance Beauty" "Sichuan Good Governance" "Hubei Participation" "Qingsong Governance" "Fujian Governance" and other rural governance digital platforms have also been applied one after another, effectively improving the level of intelligent, refined and professional rural governance.

The comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization is a major decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee, and a major historical task to promote the Chinese path to modernization. As a leading Chinese digital technology enterprise, Tencent has been actively involved in rural revitalization for a long time. Xiao Liming, vice-president of sustainable social value at Tencent and head of Tencent SSV Village Development Laboratory, said: "In the exploration of sustainable social value innovation in the rural field, Tencent adheres to the principle of’government-led, farmers-dominated, Tencent-assisted, and social co-creation ‘, and continues to explore systemic solutions for endogenous rural revitalization through product innovation, technological innovation, and model innovation."

Zhang Tianzuo, chief pastor of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and director of the Rural Cooperative Economic Guidance Department, pointed out: "The’Cultivator Revitalization Plan ‘is not only an important measure to implement the relevant decisions and arrangements of the central government, but also coordinated with Tencent’s’Sustainable Social Value Innovation’ Strategy and Development Direction, and more importantly, it is in line with the practical needs of rural governance and industrial development." He believes that the "Cultivator Revitalization Plan" is a successful case of social forces participating in rural revitalization.

Yuanxiao is delicious, so you should eat it skillfully and eat it well.

  Today is the Lantern Festival, also known as Shangyuan Festival, Xiaoyuanyi Festival, Yuanxi Festival or Lantern Festival, which is an important festival in Chinese New Year customs. The first month is January, which is called "Xiao" in ancient times. The fifteenth day of the first month is the first full moon night in a year, so it is called Lantern Festival. On this happy day of the whole family, Yuanxiao, which symbolizes reunion, happiness and sweetness, is a must-have food for every household. Professor Zhang Zhilong, a special expert in the State Council, a famous Chinese medicine practitioner in Tianjin, and the chief physician of the Acupuncture Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Zhongyan, suggested to the public that Yuanxiao should be eaten skillfully when it is delicious, pay attention to protecting the mouth and stomach at the right time, choosing people to eat to prevent diseases, choosing cooking methods to reduce blood sugar and fat, eating in moderation, reasonable collocation and exercising after eating, so as to eat nutritious and healthy.

  Eat the mouth-protecting stomach at the right time

  Three Yuanxiao and a half bowls of rice can be eaten with extra meals.

  Zhang Zhilong said that the main material of Yuanxiao is glutinous rice. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that glutinous rice has the effect of warming the body and moistening dryness. "Herbal Classic Shu" records that glutinous rice "supplements the spleen and stomach and benefits the lung and qi. If the spleen and stomach are supplemented, the middle warmer and the stool is solid. Warming can nourish qi, and gas filling is self-heating. " Therefore, eating Yuanxiao in moderation can achieve the effects of warming the spleen and stomach, resisting the cold and regulating qi. There are bean paste, black sesame seeds, peanuts and various nuts in the stuffing of Yuanxiao. Nut raw materials have high nutritional value, and bean paste is also rich in nutrients. However, Yuanxiao, the size of table tennis, is a "three high" food with high sugar, high fat and high fever. The saying "three Yuanxiao and half a bowl of rice" is reasonable.

  First of all, a lot of white sugar and lard will be mixed into sweet stuffing such as sesame or bean paste, which tastes sweet and delicious, but contains a large amount of sucrose and oil. The oil content of three medium-sized Yuanxiao is equivalent to the oil of a plate of cooking. Secondly, generally speaking, the glutinous rice flour used in three Yuanxiao is equivalent to the rice used in one rice bowl, with an energy of about 175 kilocalories. After eating three or four sweet dumplings, you have basically absorbed the calories of a normal meal of rice. Therefore, Yuanxiao should not be eaten more, and the intake of staple food should be reduced appropriately, and it should be avoided to be used with foods with high sugar and high fat, so as not to induce other diseases.

  In addition, in addition to nutritional factors, Yuanxiao is sticky and easy to stay in the stomach and stagnate the spleen, so it is not suitable for dinner. Especially when breakfast is eaten on an empty stomach, it is easy to have indigestion, pantothenic acid and heartburn. It is suggested that Yuanxiao be eaten as dessert or at 90 o’clock after breakfast in the morning or at an extra meal in the afternoon, two or three at a time. It is best to eat warm food, not too hot or too cold, too hot can easily cause oral or digestive tract mucosal burns; Too cold is easy to hurt the stomach and affect digestion. It is best not to eat Yuanxiao for supper, otherwise it will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. It is best to exercise for more than two hours before going to bed after eating Yuanxiao.

  Choose people to eat and prevent diseases.

  Seven groups of people should be careful when eating Yuanxiao.

  "In addition to timely and appropriate consumption, Yuanxiao, as a food with high sugar, high oil, high calorie and difficult to digest, is not suitable for everyone. Sugar friends’ and’ wind friends’ need to eat Yuanxiao scientifically and not let’ sweetness’ become a burden. " Dr. Song Linling from the Department of Gout, Zhu Xianyi Memorial Hospital of Tianjin Medical University said.

  Song Linling said that the main raw material of Yuanxiao is glutinous rice flour. Compared with wheat flour, glutinous rice flour is more likely to raise blood sugar. At the same time, its stuffing is rich in sugar and fat. Sugar in food can raise blood sugar, and fat is also a master of making blood sugar rise persistently. Therefore, Yuanxiao has a great influence on blood sugar, so "sugar friends" should be temperate in eating Yuanxiao. For patients with hyperuricemia or gout, eating Yuanxiao needs more attention. Because the stuffing of Yuanxiao contains a lot of fructose, after eating a lot of fructose, the fructose content in blood increases, which accelerates the release of purine, thus increasing the serum uric acid, especially in gout patients.

  First of all, when blood sugar is well controlled and stable, you can eat Yuanxiao in moderation; If the blood sugar fluctuates greatly, the control is not ideal or there are serious complications, it is best not to eat it. Secondly, if you eat Yuanxiao, you must reduce the staple food accordingly. Eat three Yuanxiao and lose half a bowl of rice. Third, stuffing-free dumplings are more "safe". Yuanxiao stuffing not only contains sugar, but also contains a lot of solid oil, which has considerable heat. Small dumplings without stuffing are more in line with the dietary requirements of "sugar friends" and "wind friends". Fourth, eating Yuanxiao can be matched with some low-fat and high-fiber foods, such as beans, vegetables, bacteria and algae, and cooking methods such as steaming, boiling and stewing are used. The staple food is high-fiber coarse grains to slow down the speed of blood sugar rise. Special reminder to "sugar friends" is to be wary of sugar-free traps. With the improvement of people’s health awareness, many businesses have also launched sugar-free Yuanxiao. In fact, sugar-free Yuanxiao just does not add sucrose, but also contains starch, oil and so on. Eating more is easy to raise blood sugar and blood lipid.

  Zhang Ming, deputy director of the Nutrition Department of the Third Central Hospital of our city, said, "In addition to patients with diabetes and gout, patients with hyperlipidemia, hypertension and some gastrointestinal diseases, as well as the elderly and infants under 3 years old, eating Yuanxiao in large quantities also has certain risks." Patients with gastrointestinal diseases, including esophagitis, gastroenteritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, intestinal malabsorption, digestive tract ulcer, etc., eating a lot of Yuanxiao may aggravate the original gastrointestinal diseases. Patients with biliary and pancreatic diseases had better not eat fried yuanxiao. Most elderly people have decreased digestive function, tooth loss, and slow swallowing reflex, which may cause the throat of Yuanxiao to get stuck due to rapid swallowing, resulting in difficulty in breathing or even suffocation. Therefore, the elderly must not eat Yuanxiao while it is hot, but chew slowly. For infants, glutinous rice is sticky, and children under 1 year old are likely to stick Yuanxiao in the esophagus; Children aged 1-2 are not easy to chew peanuts in glutinous rice balls; Children with respiratory diseases should eat Yuanxiao as little as possible to avoid aggravating their illness; Older children should not rush to eat the whole Lantern Festival, but should divide it into 1/3 to 1/2 to prevent accidents.

  Cooking hypoglycemic lipid by selective method

  Steaming is a healthy way to open Yuanxiao.

  Zhang Ming also reminded the public to pay attention to the date of food production, whether the packaging is well sealed, whether the shape of Yuanxiao is complete, and whether there are obvious cracks and powder removal. After purchase, it should be frozen and stored in time, and it should be taken out quantitatively within the validity period. Pay attention to check whether the appearance of Yuanxiao produced on the spot is gray, dark and moldy, and whether there is any odor. The deteriorated Yuanxiao with hard skin and slightly sour taste is likely to cause food poisoning. Yuanxiao is best to buy as you eat, and don’t store it for too long. When purchasing fillings, we should pay attention to the nutritional value, learn to read the nutritional label of food, choose varieties with clear ingredients and few additives, and try to choose low-sugar and low-fat varieties.

  Zhang Zhilong suggested that people cook Yuanxiao by boiling and steaming to avoid frying Yuanxiao. Fried yuanxiao is not only unsafe to splash, but also increases its heat, and it is easy to destroy nutrients and produce carcinogens.

  When cooking Yuanxiao, you should master four points: boiling water. Boil the water with strong fire, then put the Yuanxiao into the pot, gently push it away with the back of the spoon, and let the Yuanxiao rotate a few times so as not to stick to the bottom of the pot; Cook gently. After the Lantern Festival is boiled in the pot until it floats, it is necessary to quickly switch to slow fire. At this time, if it is still cooked with strong fire, it will break if it keeps rolling, and it is easy to cook outside and hard inside. Add cold water. After the Yuanxiao is put into the pot, an appropriate amount of cold water should be added every time it is opened, so as to keep it in a rolling state. After boiling for two or three times, it can be cooked for a while, and then it can be taken out for eating. The dumplings cooked in this way are soft and hard, sweet and delicious; Change the soup frequently. After the Yuanxiao is cooked in two or three pots, the soup thickens, which greatly restricts the activity of water molecules, so it should be boiled in water. Otherwise, it will be cooked slowly and easily caught. (Zhao Jin)


On the same day, in the women’s volleyball final of Hangzhou Asian Games, China beat the Japanese team 3-0 and won the championship.
On October 7th, China team player Yuan Xinyue (second from right) celebrated the score in the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Yushe
On October 7th, China team player Diao Linyu saved the ball in the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Yushe
On October 7th, China player Wang Yuanyuan (right) blocked the net in the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Yushe
On October 7th, China players Li Yingying (front left) and Wang Yuanyuan (front right) celebrated their scores in the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Yushe
On October 7th, China head coach Cai Bin (second from right) conducted the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Yushe
On October 7th, China team player Wang Mengjie (left) celebrated the score in the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Yushe
On October 7th, China team players (former) celebrated the championship. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Yushe
On October 7th, China team player Wang Yuanyuan (fifth from the right) celebrated the championship with his teammates after the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Yushe
On October 7th, Li Yingying, a player of China team, padded the ball in the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Yushe
On October 7th, China player Diao Linyu (right) passed the ball in the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Yushe
On October 7th, China players paid tribute to the audience after winning the championship. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Yushe
On October 7th, China team player Wu Mengjie (left) spiked in the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Yushe
On October 7th, China players were celebrating the championship. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Yushe
On October 7th, China players Wang Yuanyuan, Gao Yi and Yuan Xinyue (left to right) celebrated their championship after the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Yushe

Brands transmit fashion power and help the consumer market warm up in the New Year.

As the Spring Festival approaches, the fashion consumer market is very lively, and many big brands make frequent moves: the surprise debut of the first store, the release of new series, and the release of heavy products … Brands collide with colorful ideas with excellent works to interpret the new fashion in autumn and winter, convey modern power, add creative kinetic energy to the winter consumption season, and further stimulate consumers’ enthusiasm in the new season.
Delvaux unveiled its first flagship store in mainland China.
Recently, Delvaux settled in the central part of Beijing Wangfu. It is reported that Delvaux Beijing Wangfu Central Flagship Store is the first flagship store in mainland China, which is in the same strain as Delvaux’s flagship stores all over the world. Wangfu Central Flagship Store displays Belgian culture with traditional design techniques, and inherits and transmits the fusion of the cultures of Brussels and Beijing.
Delvaux Wangfu Central Flagship Store is ingenious and unique in style. The appearance is made of glass and metal, which reminds people of the industrial glory of the Crystal Palace in Victorian London, and at the same time realizes the ingenious interaction between internal and external space, just like every exquisite masterpiece of Delvaux. Stepping into the main hall, Versailles parquet floors and two rare display cases are introduced, which were created by the Jeanselme family, a Parisian furniture maker, whose exquisite furniture covers many past styles including Renaissance, Louis XIV, 15th and 16th periods. Belgium’s iconic Flemish-style cabinets have undergone modern interpretation and are skillfully integrated into the left bar lounge.
Showcase made by Jeanselme family, a Parisian furniture maker.
The VIP room is decorated with the imperial red tone, paying tribute to the Forbidden City in Beijing. The wall is decorated with 12 hand-made brass "totems" with geometric shapes from 1960s. The decoration was originally installed in Abernathy Pavilion Villa in Palm Springs, California, USA, reflecting the modern style of California desert in the mid-20th century.
Jean-Marc Loubier, global CEO of Delvaux, stressed that in today’s increasingly standardized and homogeneous luxury goods, the brand will strive to make leather works, humanistic services and spaces show individuality and uniqueness.
The first in mainland China.SKIMS
Valentine’s Day limited time experience store debutLane Crawford
A few days ago, Lane Crawford and SKIMS presented "SKIMS Valentine’s Day Limited Experience Store" in Chengdu International Financial Center, which will be limited to open from now until February 8, 2024. Kim kardashian, co-founder and creative director of SKIMS, said: "The launch of the limited-time Valentine’s Day experience store in Chengdu for the first time is an important milestone in the sustainable development of SKIMS in Asia and the world. I can’t wait for consumers to experience our brand, products and the unique style behind it."
The Red Star News reporter learned that this SKIMS Valentine’s Day Limited Time Experience Store specially sells Valentine’s Day series items, including underwear, home clothes and limited gift sets. In addition to Valentine’s Day series items, customers can also go to the store to buy SKIMS classic fits everywhere, SeamlessSculpt and Cotton series.
With love as the medium, Lane Crawford and SKIMS have built a dreamy pink world that belongs to Chengdu alone. The space adopts the trademark rounded corner design and bright surface treatment of SKIMS brand, and the pink main color is matched with the heart-shaped display to show the sweet Valentine’s Day atmosphere. Whether it is the soft line design or the eye-catching color full of luster, SKIMS’ brand style and unique personality advocating freedom and comfort are everywhere.
In addition to the rich in-store experience, the pink storm between Lane Crawford and SKIMS also swept the city. From now on, the brand will specially build a pink double-decker bus, and will land on the landmark Twin Towers in Chengdu in a limited time to attract fashionable people in the city to a romantic appointment.
2024 COLLECTION is officially released.
Recently, GENTLE MONSTER officially launched the 2024 COLLECTION.
GENTLE MONSTER builds a brand-new goggles shape with pioneering design language and exquisite details. The imaginative line trend with bold colors fully shows the brand’s unique aesthetics and style. The innovative and bold silhouette is cleverly mapped through the lens of photographer ELIZAVETA PORODINA, showing the visual aesthetics of pioneer and hazy coexistence.
Explore the distinctive 2024 GENTLE JELLY series under the lens of photographer ELIZAVETA PORODINA.
Long Teng ying chun Huan Xin Yan
New upgrade of H&M Chengdu Heshenghui Store
Recently, Hennes & Mauritz AB (hereinafter referred to as "H&M") appeared in Chengdu Heshenghui with its newly upgraded storefront image. It is reported that the store marks that H&M actively responds to the changes in consumer demand and constantly seeks innovation to enhance consumers’ shopping experience.
The brand-new store upgrade brings a fresh and bright style different from the past, introducing vibrant wood grain wall columns, green plants and other elements to decorate, and matching with soft natural colors, creating an elegant and charming Nordic "Sen" atmosphere. All the lighting in the store adopts new environmental protection LED, which not only lights up the shopping mood for consumers, but also adds a warm rest area for customers to rest and wait, creating a comfortable and comfortable high-quality sustainable fashion consumption space.
Drawing on traditional colors and visual symbols, H&M combines comfortable texture, diverse styles and holiday dress requirements to launch the 2024 Spring Festival collection. The image of Xianglong, a symbol of wisdom and courage, has undergone multiple deductive changes, reshaping the meaning of a beautiful new year with various postures and opening a new journey with dazzling eyes.
The reporter learned that H&M 2024 Spring Festival series has been put on sale at H&M national stores, HM.COM.CN online stores, H&M WeChat APPlet mall, H&M Tmall official flagship store, H&M JD.COM official flagship store and H&M official app simultaneously since January 18th.
At the beginning of the new year, H&M aims to present consumers with higher quality and more shopping choices with a brand-new image, and jointly start a brand-new fashion journey.
Red Star Journalist Jaco Hou Peiyang
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I found it! 30 years ago, the proprietress of Four Seasons Beauty turned out to be her!

"These two stores can earn hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands a year."
Recently, an interview video 30 years ago became a hit.
Doing business in hangzhou sijiqing that year.
The face and words of the young proprietress,
Let netizens shout: shocked for a whole year!
Who is she?
After 30 years, what happened to her?
Network-wide attention
The beautiful proprietress 30 years ago, found it!
In this old image in 1993, a young girl opened a shop in the Sijiqing clothing market. When interviewed by reporters, she smiled and said:"These two stores have to earn hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands a year, which is no problem."
After the content was issued, it caused widespread concern.
Partial screenshot
At the same time, many netizens lamented in the comment area:"The temperament is too good" "It’s elegant to wear and talk" "It’s cool to wear a face value" …
Soon, many netizens reported that this is Zhuji, surnamed Lou.
I was only 20 years old when I was interviewed.
When I was young, I chose to go out and rush
Ms. Lou said that many friends told her about it yesterday, but she was not particularly surprised and surprised. She recalled that she was about 20 years old when she was interviewed.
Speaking of the business situation in that year, Ms. Lou said,At that time, materials were in short supply,In fact, this kind of market is thriving all over the country.
There are a group of frolicters in every era, and standing at this outlet may be the lucky ones.
"I felt that the market was relatively prosperous as a distribution center for commercial logistics at that time, so I wanted to join.At that time, going to Sijiqing was the forefront.. "Therefore, with the idea of being fearless of heaven and earth, Ms. Lou resolutely chose to go out and take a trip.
At the same time, she is also full of expectations for young people. "Every era belongs to young people. I hope that young people now have a little courage and go for it when they think of anything."
In the face of everyone’s concern,Ms. Lou feels honored and indifferent."Thank you very much for your interest in that era."
"People of our age will be nostalgic, and children may be interested in the previous era … There are many reasons for this video to be popular, and it may be calm in a few days." Ms. Lou said.
At present, Ms. Lou has retired.For her other recent situation, she admits that she doesn’t want to disclose too much.
Every era has a batch.
Young people full of vigor and vitality
I hope we will always be brave and free!
Embrace your best self!
Source: Zhuji Xishi Eye
Editor Zhong Wei Review Xie Jun Du Haifeng

"Changsha Nightlife" exposed a new notice. Zhou Dongyu sent Ahu、Yue a good friend card.

1905 movie network news Producer, Zhao Xiaoshi, screenwriter and director, starring,,, Wu Haochen, Bai Yufan, Zhou Siyu, Wu Jun, Luo Gang, specially starred, and friendship starred in the film released the "One Night in Changsha" notice.

The preview aims at the ordinary people living in Changsha, taking an invitation for a night tour as a guide, and all the joys and sorrows that happened in the sleepless night are laid out. Love, affection and friendship complement each other in the night, making people really feel that behind the heat of Changsha nightlife is the temperature of human feelings. In the preview, LAY’s talk show about Hunan flavor was released for the first time, which was impressive. In addition, the preview also exposed the joining of Zhou Dongyu and Ahu、Yue for the first time. The two seemed to be in "breakup negotiations". As soon as Zhou Dongyu appeared, he sent Ahu、Yue a good friend card, which made the audience curious about their story with Changsha. The film will be released nationwide on April 28th, showing the infinite charm of Changsha, a city in online celebrity.

Zhou Dongyu Ahu、Yue surprises to join the breakup scene.

LAY talks about the last talk show.

How can I spend a beautiful night in Changsha? I believe that the preview of "Changsha Nightlife" and "One Night in Changsha" can give a vivid and vivid answer. YIN FANG and Zhang Jingyi performed Changsha native Yazi and Mei Tuo. They met by chance and made a night trip to Changsha. Sophie Su and Wu Haochen became masters of food stalls in the middle of the night, and the food was busy. The phrase "four-handed butter, less spicy and packed away" vividly reflected the hot atmosphere in the store; Good brothers Bai Yufan and Zhou Siyu overlook the night view of the city on the Ferris wheel after work, and can’t help but sigh, "It’s really nice to see the city at such a high place for the first time"; The talk show actor played by LAY revealed his heart to the audience and bluntly said that this was his last talk show; Zhou Dongyu and Ahu、Yue starred in a couple who are about to break up. They are having a long talk in the middle of the night to start a confession. "I will never meet someone as good as you are to me again" … … The preview shows the multiple ways of opening in Changsha at night. The flashing neon, the bustling crowd and the smell of fireworks from food stalls contain infinite possibilities of life.

It is worth mentioning that this is LAY’s first appearance as a talk show actor, and the intimate interaction with the audience in the preview makes people more curious about his complete performance in the feature film. Zhou Dongyu and Ahu、Yue surprise to join and play a couple, and the break-up scene is exposed for the first time in the preview. Zhou Dongyu launched a "Good Man Card" for Ahu、Yue, which filled the aesthetic atmosphere of BE as soon as he appeared. Ahu、Yue’s acting as the true color of Hunan Yazi also made the content of "Xiang" in the film climb again.

"Their last night is also every night in Changsha."

The night in the city wraps up life and resonates with people.

If Changsha is the leading role of the film, then the ordinary little people living in Changsha are the well-deserved protagonists of the film. The preview can be said to show the gathering and parting, love and sorrow of ordinary people in Changsha at night. The last cup of milk tea, the last meeting, the last talk show, and the last powder making … … The important nodes that belong to their lives have been witnessed one by one under the night in Changsha. "The last time" means that the past is closed, and it also symbolizes that the new hope for the future is about to open. In ordinary days, it is through all kinds of unforgettable "last time" that they can walk out of a unique life. As the trailer says, "Their last night is also every night in Changsha, and life comes and goes, and every night is always new." In this way, all kinds of life go through the long night in Changsha to reach the heart, meeting, parting, laughing, sadness, staying and leaving … … All left an indelible mark on the "last night".

As a native of Hunan, YIN FANG, Zhang Jingyi, LAY and Ahu、Yue were deeply impressed by their true colors in the preview. In the previous interview, when asked about the most impressive Changsha dialect, Zhang Jingyi once mentioned her line "You want it" in the film. In the preview, her performance showed the fierceness and frankness of Changsha Meituo. LAY, who plays a talk show actor, said that he likes watching jokes in Changsha dialect very much. In his eyes, Changsha is a hospitable and warm place.

The film "Changsha Nightlife" is produced by Chen Kexin and Zhao Xiaoshi, written and directed by Zhang Ji, starring YIN FANG, Zhang Jingyi, Sophie Su, Wu Haochen, Bai Yufan, Zhou Siyu, Wu Jun and Luo Gang, with LAY as the special star and Zhou Dongyu and Wang Lixin as the friendly stars. It will be released nationwide during the May Day holiday on April 28th.