Pioneer evolution, intelligent driving and pushing! BYD Song L will launch a smart driving model, which will be officially listed in June.

Pioneer evolution, intelligent driving and pushing! BYD Song L will launch a smart driving model, which will be officially listed in June.

BYD Song L Smart Driver debuted in auto china in 2024, equipped with DiPilot 100 "Eye of God" advanced intelligent driver assistance system, which is expected to be added in June. It is reported that the price of a new car may be around 250,000 yuan.

Since its listing, Song L has made great strides. In just four months, its sales volume has broken 34,000 vehicles, and its performance in the 200,000-level market is quite bright. It can achieve such a good result because Song L meets the comprehensive needs of users for face value, control, intelligence and space, and it is called the most worthwhile B-class pure electric SUV with a class of 200,000.

Avant-garde aesthetics, appearance must be the focus

Since its debut, Song L has gained the reputation of "the most beautiful hunting SUV". The appearance adopts the aesthetic design of "Pioneer Dragon Face", the body posture is vigorous, the tail shape is wide and full, and the hunting temperament is very recognizable. The adaptive electric tail and frameless door are both aesthetic and functional, and they are also matched with narrow front tires and wide rear tires that are only available in luxury cars. The interior is inspired by the "Chinese knot" and builds a layered, light and surrounding spatial order, which not only shows the oriental charm, but also integrates modern trends and scientific and technological elements. Song L’s design is pioneering but not curious, and his personality is not niche, which has been widely favored by the intellectuals and middle class.

Star technology blessing, strength breaks through the upper limit

"E-platform 3.0, CTB, Yunqi -C" three star technical blessings, so that Song L is not only more attractive, but also a powerful faction with the ultimate control.

Based on E-platform 3.0, Song L has four characteristics of "safety, high efficiency, intelligence and aesthetics", which not only achieves the maximum output power of 380kW and zero acceleration of 4.3 seconds, but also has the longest cruising range of 662 kilometers. Under the blessing of CTB battery body integration technology, the torsional stiffness of Song L’s body is 40,400 Nm/kWh, comparable to that of millions of luxury cars; "Space utilization rate" and "energy density" have also been greatly improved, and you can have both low-lying modeling and spacious space. Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system has millisecond damping adjustment speed, accelerates sudden braking and has no obvious pitching. High-speed cornering, stable handling, perfect balance of comfort and handling.

The appearance of Song L broke the inherent impression that "cars under 200,000 are not worthy of manipulation" in the automobile circle.

Pioneers continue to evolve and push higher-level intellectual driving.

At this year’s Beijing Auto Show, BYD Dynasty announced that Song L’s smart driving model will be promoted in June, and the pioneer will continue to evolve to build a smarter travel life for users.

Song L Smart Driving will be equipped with DiPilot 100 "Eye of God" advanced intelligent driving assistance system, with up to 12 ultrasonic radars, 5 millimeter-wave radars and 11 cameras, providing high-speed navigation (high-speed navigation-assisted driving), automatic parking assistance (APA), mobile phone remote parking (RPA), short-range parking service (AVP), lever change (ILCA) and automatic emergency braking (automatic emergency braking). Provide users with a safer, more comfortable and more efficient intelligent travel experience.

Since its listing, Song L has brought enough surprises to the market, and the subsequent promotion of smart driving is bound to be even more powerful, once again breaking through the upper limit of performance and experience and reshaping the new benchmark of B-class pure electric SUV value.

Source: Correspondent Feng Wei

Editor: Ding Yi

Proofreading: Xiong Xiangning

Audit: Cang Shujun


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