Why not reuse Shabazz? Du Feng is no fool! Marchand Brooks ushered in a great test.

Why not reuse Shabazz? Du Feng is no fool! Marchand Brooks ushered in a great test.

The CBA playoffs are in full swing, and Guangdong, which has attracted much attention, is fighting hard against Guangsha series. The two teams each win the next game at home, and both sides return to the same starting line. The decisive moment will be arranged in Dongguan Bank Sports Center, and the last place to advance to the semi-finals will be generated.

In these two series, Guangdong Hongyuan did not reuse the newly signed foreign aid Shabaz-Muhammad. His first game was not activated, and the second game only appeared for more than 3 minutes, and even the soy sauce was not ranked.

As we all know, Guangdong signed Shabazz before the playoffs, with the purpose of letting him put out the fire and asking him to play the role of savior at some time in the playoffs. But the reality is that Du Feng doesn’t value him at all, which makes many fans don’t understand Du Feng’s operation. Isn’t that a waste of club resources?

Some netizens think that against Guangsha, Du Feng doesn’t need to use all the killer weapons. He always has to save one hand and use it in the next round against Liaoning to catch Liaoning off guard. But Guangsha is not a soft persimmon. They have pushed Guangdong to the edge of a cliff. Don’t think that it will be stable to return to Guangdong’s home court. Anything can happen in competitive basketball. Guangdong does not still maintain the strength of the former CBA overlord, and it is completely possible to be upset. At this time, if the club is still considering hiding its strength, it is really inappropriate.

Actually, Du Feng is not a fool. If Shabazz can use it, he will let it rust? Du Feng also has misgivings. Once the trade rashly lets Shabazz play, if the performance is not good, it will be a disaster. Not only will the team’s strength be affected, but Shabazz’s self-confidence will be correspondingly reduced. On the one hand, Du Feng wanted Shabazz to keep the killer’s hunger, so as to replace his greatest power.

Another aspect is that Shabazz has been absent from the battle for a long time, and he may be far from meeting the expectations of the club. Desperate to let him play will have the opposite effect. For today’s sake, players from Du Feng and Guangdong can only keep running in with Shabazz in training, so that he can be more familiar with Guangdong’s system and integrate into the team’s chemical reaction as soon as possible. Foreign aid, after all, is foreign aid, and Shabazz has a good reputation. If it works at a certain time in G3, the probability of Guangdong’s promotion will be greatly improved.

In addition, another uncertain factor in Guangdong is Ma Shang-Brooks, whose state is too erratic. He was able to score three points in G1 and struggled in G2. Du Feng gave him unlimited right to fire, which is true, but it really needs to be divided into different occasions. It is obvious that Ma Shang is afraid of confrontation now, afraid of being injured again. If he has concerns about playing, he will naturally be unable to exert his greatest power. Looking at Ma Shang in prosperity, Du Feng in adversity, and weems in despair, this sentence is quite useful. Compared with weems, Ma Shang after the injury is really too lame.

In the life-and-death battle, Ma Shang is facing a great test. If Guangdong is eliminated, it is estimated that it will be difficult for Ma Shang to get a contract renewal!


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