Car purchase benefits Zhenjiang "2023 Eleventh Auto Show" opened.

Car purchase benefits Zhenjiang "2023 Eleventh Auto Show" opened.

  During the holidays, besides going out to play and tasting delicious food, everyone is also very enthusiastic about seeing cars and buying cars. Today (9.29) morning, the "2023 Eleventh Large-scale Auto Show" jointly sponsored by Zhenjiang Municipal Bureau of Commerce and Zhenjiang Wenguang Group opened in the Municipal Sports Convention and Exhibition Center, with more than 40 automobile brands and over 1,000 models appearing at the auto show, which was very popular on the first day.

  The 3-day auto show was held in the form of joint exhibition of internal and external venues, with a total exhibition area of over 20,000 square meters. 43 automobile brands, including Audi, Cadillac, Volvo, Lincoln, Tesla, BAIC and Tanks, participated in the exhibition, covering imports, joint ventures and new energy sources, meeting the diverse consumer needs of citizens. Mr. Li, a citizen of Zhenjiang, told reporters: "I want to buy the kind that I go out to play by myself."

  Different from the past, the biggest highlight of this auto show is that the on-site car purchase can enjoy up to 3,000 yuan of government digital RMB subsidy, which also brings full benefits to consumers. In addition, merchants have also introduced multiple surprises to make profits and give consumers preferential benefits.

  The 11th large-scale auto show realized the organic integration of automobile consumption scenes, automobile consumption subsidies and profit-making by merchants, which brought a better consumption experience to the general public. Cheng Feng, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of Zhenjiang Municipal Bureau of Commerce, said: "It includes not only cars to promote consumption, but also green household appliances and so on. We will also carry out more forms and themes of consumption promotion activities with our urban areas and our major large shopping malls and complexes, hoping to bring more and better consumption experiences and more benefits to our citizens in Zhenjiang."

  ("Zero Distance" reporter/Hu Yan Zhenjiang TV editor/Guo Zheng)


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