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China A-share game sector strengthened against the trend on Wednesday.

  China news agency, Beijing, March 13 (Reporter Chen Kangliang) China A shares were "cold" on Wednesday, and all the major stock indexes fell, but the game sector strengthened against the trend.

  According to the data of Oriental Fortune, a financial data service provider, the game sector rose by 4.52% that day, leading the way. In terms of individual stocks, the share prices of Dasheng Culture, Huicheng Technology, Caesar Culture and century huatong all gained daily limit (up by 10%).

  Wang Liying, an analyst in orient securities, said that the main reason for the strength of the game sector on that day was that with the recovery of the popularity of the A-share market, the rotation effect of the sector was enhanced, and the game sector had the momentum to make up for the increase due to the relatively small increase in the previous period. In addition, there are many positive news about the game industry recently, including the upcoming Game Developers Conference and the expected return of Blizzard games to the China market, which are conducive to activating the popularity of this sector.

  According to media reports, the annual Global Game Developers Conference will be held in the near future. As an influential industry summit in the global game industry, this conference will show the latest progress of AI-enabled games with artificial intelligence (AI) as the key word.

  Zhang Heng, an analyst at Guosen Securities, said that the current China game version number is normalized, which is conducive to the stable release of high-quality products; New technologies such as AI are expected to promote the game industry to reduce costs, increase efficiency and innovate interaction methods, thus bringing about business model innovation. Combined with the valuation level of the sector, we are optimistic about the investment value of the game sector.

  As far as the overall performance of the market is concerned, as of the close of the day, the Shanghai Composite Index reported 3043 points, a decrease of 0.4%; The Shenzhen Component Index reported 9604 points, a decrease of 0.27%; The growth enterprise market index reported 1895 points, down 0.57%. (End)

The Spring Festival goes to the grassroots | Licun business district has a strong flavor, and the Spring Festival Lantern Festival is very lively

Zhang Wei, an all-media reporter on the Peninsula

  On February 12th, Licun business circle was full of flavor and excitement. In Licun Pedestrian Street, the reporter saw that dragon dance, lion dance, yangko dance, all kinds of delicious snacks, red sugar balls, rings, roller coasters, speed skating and other recreational activities and folk customs were splendid, which attracted many citizens.

  During the day, the pedestrian street is full of popularity. When the lights are on, the whole Licun business circle is full of annual flavor. All the lanterns on the pedestrian street will be lit, and the street trees on both sides of the road will be brightly lit. The night market in Licun Leke City is delicious and popular. The major commercial complexes in the business circle are very lively. Create a festive and peaceful Spring Festival atmosphere.


The young footballer will not admit defeat: a victory at the end of three years.

  On August 15th, Beijing Evening News reported that in recent years, the Hundred Teams Cup has opened a children’s group, which has truly realized that football starts with dolls, and many parents have teamed up with their dolls to participate in the Hundred Teams Cup. There is such a team called "elite football team" in the primary school group of the 31st Beijing Evening News Sports Window Hundred Teams Cup this year. These children have teamed up to participate in the Hundred Teams Cup children’s group since they were five years old. This year, they are all seven years old.

  Two years ago, parents (Weibo) formed this "elite football team" for their children and participated in the 29th Hundred Teams Cup with great interest. I didn’t know that on the field, I didn’t win one of the five games, and I lost 21 goals, which made the children cry. Ms. Wang, the parent of striker Xiao Jiang, said: "My son always watches Guoan players play football and especially likes Guoan team. We also support him to play football, but we didn’t expect such a big gap with others. Our original plan was like the national football team in 2002. The goal of the competition was to score a goal and win a game, and strive to qualify for the group. As a result, we didn’t score a goal, but it was all a net negative goal. " In fact, Xiao Jiang’s family is the staff of the Guoan team. The family fully supports Xiao Jiang and the elite team, and they are somewhat unyielding.

  In the second year, elite teams began to train every weekend. As long as parents have time, everyone will gather in the Olympic Sports Park to charter the venue and let the children train together. The weekend training was really effective. In the 30th Hundred Teams Cup, the elite team finally scored for the first time. But after five games, the dolls still haven’t won a victory.

  This year, the dolls of the elite team have all been promoted from kindergarten to the first grade of primary school. The distance between schools has not widened the distance between elite young players, but the strength of the team has expanded. Mr. Chen, the leader of the elite team, said: "In recent years, we will meet with all the strong teams in Beijing every weekend, and we will learn from each other. The children’s level has improved and our parents have also known each other. The children exercised with the ball and the parents became friends with the game. "

  This year, in the first match of the 31st Hundred Teams Cup, the elite team swept their opponents 11-0 and won their first victory in the Cup. The little players clap their hands with the team leader and coach again and again to celebrate the victory. This kind of happiness can’t be exchanged for any money. However, in the next four games, the elite team won 2 games and lost 2 games, and still failed to qualify for the group. However, parents say that they just love watching children’s energy, winning laughter and losing tears, and they can face setbacks positively and act like men. Next year’s Hundred Teams Cup, we will come again.

  Our reporter Chen Ying J080   

  Our reporter Ping Liu photo J163

After divorcing Pippen, Larsa has changed multiple boyfriends. Jordan’s son is the best, and his brother and sister are excited.

The NBA star continued to take a vacation, and time passed so quickly that it came to August in a blink of an eye.

In the past 2-3 months, Pippen’s ex-wife Larsa Pippen has become one of the most concerned celebrities in the league. Her popularity once surpassed Booker’s ex-girlfriend Jenna, as well as former NBA champion khloe kardashian and the famous kim kardashian.

When it comes to Kardashian, many fans will think of it as "the best defensive team in the NBA". Once upon a time, Larsa and Kardashian sisters were close friends, especially kim kardashian and khloe kardashian. They used to go out on vacation, attend parties, fashion activities and be models together. Two years ago, Larsa took a fancy to tristan thompson, who was dating khloe kardashian at that time. Larsa and Thompson went out for a room date many times. Khloe kardashian didn’t know all this, but Larsa told Thompson about dating directly in an interview with TV station to show off. khloe kardashian was very angry, and the Kardashian sisters broke up with Larsa.

Larsa and Pippen, a famous NBA player, had a long and wonderful time after they got married. Larsa gave birth to four children for Pippen, and their marriage lasted for 23 years. Two months ago, when Larsa was interviewed, he recalled his married life. Larsa said: "I am actually very happy after 23 years of marriage. I have to exercise with Pippen four times a day. During the 23 years of marriage, I almost never stopped." Hearing Larsa’s words, many fans gave Pippen a thumbs-up in succession. It seems that Pippen was also "gifted" in those days.

Perhaps the 23-year marriage has exhausted all the novelty, and Pippen occasionally goes out to make love, so Larsa divorced Pippen in a rage. After the two sides separated, Larsa began to look for boyfriends. His goal was aimed at the NBA, from Molander to Timberwolves star Beasley, as well as tristan thompson and Larsa.

At the end of last year, Larsa started dating Jordan’s son markus jordan in Miami. They spent Christmas and New Year together, and now they have been dating for more than half a year. A few days ago, Marcus took Larsa to play golf. Three hours ago, Larsa took a photo of himself and his boyfriend Marcus. Although Larsa is 16 years older than Marcus, there is no generation gap between them.

In the past several boyfriends, Marcus is the richest and treats Larsa with the most care. Marcus used to be called Aunt Larsa, but now he is called Baby directly. Some fans said that it was very exciting for Larsa to do this, and her ex-husband Pippen was very angry.

The latest ranking of the Basketball World Cup was released: the French men’s basketball team topped the list, and the China men’s basketball team rose to 16th place.

On August 5th, Beijing time, after each team played in the warm-up match, the strength ranking of the World Cup teams changed. The French men’s basketball team rose to the first place, the American men’s basketball team ranked second, the Australian men’s basketball team ranked third, and the China men’s basketball team rose to the sixteenth place, which was recognized.

As we all know, Li Kaier officially joined the China Men’s Basketball Team and has been training with the team. Although the performance of the China men’s basketball team in the first three warm-up matches was very poor, after the adjustment, the China men’s basketball team won two consecutive victories, beating the Egyptian men’s basketball team and the Cape Verdean men’s basketball team successively, with excellent performance. Although Li Kaier didn’t play, his performance in training was excellent, and he was praised by China men’s basketball coach Jorjevich, which is expected to help China men’s basketball team get Olympic tickets.

In addition, this year’s American men’s basketball team has no big-name stars to join, which also gives other teams a chance to win the championship. At present, the French men’s basketball team, the Australian men’s basketball team, the Spanish men’s basketball team, the Slovenian men’s basketball team, the Canadian men’s basketball team, the German men’s basketball team and the Lithuanian men’s basketball team are all the main players, and they are expected to challenge the American men’s basketball team. In addition, Jokic, the core player of China’s opponent Serbia’s men’s basketball team in the group match, decided not to play in the World Cup, so the strength of Serbia’s men’s basketball team declined obviously and missed the championship.

In addition, from the current situation, the gap between the teams in this World Cup is not big, so the game is bound to be very exciting and worth looking forward to by all fans! ! !