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Chen He Weibo responds to "divorce" rumors: life gathers less and leaves more

Screenshot of Chen He Weibo

  Responding to recent divorce rumors on Weibo, Chen He apologized that "I was wrong" and that "I didn’t maintain this family well."

  The original text of Weibo is as follows:

  I was wrong!

  Please spare us, three days of violent storms, madness and collapse that I have never experienced before.

  I’m sorry I hid my divorce from everyone.

  It has been almost half a year since Xu Jing and I signed the divorce agreement. We broke up peacefully, nothing else.

  14 years of relationship is not easy, really not easy. It’s beautiful, precious, and important. But really, nothing in this world can be so perfect. We all work hard to make this family better, but because our lives are getting farther and farther away, my work is getting more and more busy. Many things really make it impossible for you to maintain.

  I took at most ten days off for the whole year last year. A lot of work is undeniable, too much worldly sophistication. At most 3 scenes are stuck. Let alone going home, it’s hard for me to even take a look at her. It’s unfair to her. There is very little communication between us at the very least. These are all my fault.

  In fact, I shouldn’t say this. Every family has a difficult scripture to read. I believe that all those who have been in love will understand. Every relationship cannot be perfect. It must be the dedication and sacrifice of two people. But if you can’t persevere and get tired, if you persevere, it will become a kind of pain and suffering. Do you want to continue? Do you have to continue? Sometimes letting go is not necessarily the worst choice. This decision is very difficult, really difficult. It’s really, really painful. We have mustered up a lot of courage to continue our lives. We are really exhausted and really want to live like an ordinary person. I really hope so much!! Please don’t say any more! Please don’t disturb her and give her a personal space. She is not from this circle.

  We broke up not for any other reason, but because I didn’t maintain this family well! It’s my fault!

  Please! I don’t have any ambitions! I don’t want to threaten anyone either. One show and one movie pushed me to this point, which is what I never expected. I wanted to do a good comedy from the beginning of acting, bring happiness to everyone, and make everyone happy! Happy! Happy! I’m really just an ordinary person!!

  I just got divorced and didn’t do anything to hurt the world. So many fake news are overwhelming, like a net pressing down on me like a mountain. These three days, I admit to being the darkest and most terrifying three days of my life. I really can’t take it anymore!! I’m sorry! Please give me a little space! A little privacy! I respect everyone, and please give me the last little bit of respect! My parents are also about to collapse, because the stress of these days is seriously debilitating, and I’m really about to collapse. If you can’t accept it, I can finish the job I’m taking now and stop acting. I’m really just an ordinary person who just wants a simple life. Please. Give me some privacy and space! My marriage is over, don’t ruin my parents… please stop talking about it. Please…

  Chen He’s profile

  Chen He is a Chinese mainland actor from Changle City, Fujian Province. He graduated from the Performance Department of Shanghai Theater Academy in 2008.

  In 2009, he starred in Zeng Xiaoxian, a "good man" in the urban romantic comedy "Love Apartment". In the same year, he played Cheng Xiaohe in the TV series "Days with Stewardesses".

  In 2010, he played Zeng Xiaoxian in "Love Apartment Gaiden" and "Love Apartment 2".

Nongfu Spring and the media’s "water war" bottled water standards are questioned

Nongfu ****** quarreled with the ******* Times, ******* News and other media over the issue ** bottled water standards. Nongfu ****** has published full-page advertisements in major media since April, insisting that the water quality ** its products is fine. The media, on the other hand, took the water quality standard loophole ** Nongfu ****** as a breakthrough and continuously reported heavily.

Drinking water, tap water, natural spring water, mineral water… The two sides were at odds, but consumers were confused.

Nongfu Spring and the media currently disagree.

The media criticized the "water quality standards" – the internal production standards ** Nongfu ******, and the local drinking water standards in Zhejiang Province, where the company is located, which are lower than the national standards. On May 3, the ******* News published an article titled "How many secrets are there in bottled water that are not known to the public?". The article said that the local standards (landmarks) in Zhejiang Province that Nongfu ****** refers to are obviously inferior to the national standard for tap water, which has been criticized by public opinion. The article asked: "Zhejiang landmarks that should have been’abolished by themselves’ five years ago have been used by enterprises for many years. Have the relevant enterprises and departments committed negligence or even illegal acts?"

So far, a number ** provinces, including Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, Guangdong and Hebei, have issued local standards for "mountain ****** water," some called "natural ****** water" and some called "natural mountain ****** water." In fact, the country has already formulated national standards for "natural mineral water," but localities have established "mountain ****** water" landmarks. Some mountain ****** water landmarks have looser requirements for mineral content, The ******* News said.

Nongfu Spring insists that the "actual water quality" of its products meets the standards. The company published a full-page statement in the Oriental Morning Post and Jiefang Daily on May 3 with the sad headline – "People are doing it, the sky is watching".

Nongfu Spring stressed in the statement that the quality of its products is not only better than GB5749 (National Drinking Water Standard), but also better than the US FDA Bottled Drinking Water Quality Standard.

The two sides seem to be "the donkey’s head is not right," and they are not talking about the same thing: one talks about low standards, and the other says that the actual production quality is no problem.

So far, there has been no test report on the actual water quality of Nongfu Spring. Things have become a bit absurd: if the water quality of Nongfu Spring is indeed better than the national standard and "landmark", why not directly modify the company’s production standards? But on the other hand, if the water of Nongfu Spring is indeed substandard, isn’t it the most direct response for the media to buy a bottle of water and send it to the testing agency to get a report?

This war of words has been quarreling for more than a month, but the two sides did not show a fatal "trump card", which really confused ordinary consumers.

The dispute over the "standard door" of Nongfu Spring originated from a press conference.

On April 9, China Resources Yibao Pure Water took the lead in launching the "China Bottled Water corporate social responsibility proposal" in the sunshine hall of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. At this meeting, Chen Yue, general manager of China Resources Yibao’s public relations department, read the "proposal" as a corporate representative, and called on industry colleagues to take the initiative to take responsibility for the environment, society and people’s drinking water safety.

The next day, an article in the ******* Times "Nongfu ****** is accused ** being inferior to tap water" pushed Nongfu ****** to the forefront ** public opinion. In response, Nongfu ****** issued a statement saying that the quality ** Nongfu ******’s drinking natural water products has always been higher than any existing drinking water standards in the country; Nongfu ****** has reason to believe that the mastermind behind the scenes is China Resources Yibao.

According to Nongfu Spring, as early as March 22, China Resources Yibao launched a text advertisement to chronicle all the water pollution incidents in China in the past 10 years, and then pointed out that "Do you still dare to drink the water transported by nature?" The slogan pointed directly at Nongfu Spring.

"This is Nongfu Spring taking the right seat, and it has nothing to do with China Resources Yibao," Chen Yue said in an interview with China Times on April 16. "If you are right, you will not be afraid of others saying it. They always take the right seat, and there is nothing we can do." Chen Yue said that China Resources Yibao has officially sued Nongfu Spring in the Nanshan District Court of Shenzhen, and it only costs 1 yuan in terms of economic claims, mainly to restore reputation.

Nongfu Spring and the media's "water war" bottled water standards are questioned

Market competition? Media marketing?

The New Financial Observer quoted data provided by China Investment Consulting on April 21, saying that the top three brands in the drinking water industry are Master Kong, Nongfu Spring, and Wahaha, with a market share of 23%, 22%, and 18%.

"In recent years, the domestic bottled water market has been relatively stable. Due to the strong grasp of channels by major companies and the lack of major moves in products, its market share has not changed significantly," Jian Aihua, a food industry researcher at CIC Consulting, told New Finance.

"Nongfu Spring has developed very rapidly in the past two years, and problems will only occur because of the rapid development." The above observers believe.

In the fiercely competitive bottled water market, Nongfu Spring has always been a master marketer. The slogan "Nongfu Spring is a little sweet" is well known. Unfortunately, this advertising slogan, which has brought many benefits to Nongfu Spring, was also brought to court by a consumer in Yangzhou in 2002. According to media reports, the consumer believed that Nongfu Spring did not have the "sweet" taste as the advertising slogan said, so he demanded compensation of 1 yuan. The court held that Nongfu Spring Company did not give a clear answer to the "sweet" in the advertisement, so it should compensate the plaintiff for the loss of postage and transportation costs due to rights protection. Because of the loss of the lawsuit, Nongfu Spring had to give up the use of this advertising slogan.

Nongfu Spring has also benefited from the media marketing wars.

On April 24, 2000, Yangshengtang, the parent company of Nongfu Spring, announced that it had stopped producing purified water that year because "experiments have shown that purified water is not good for health". Nongfu Spring’s advertisement also demonstrated the comparison of purified water and natural water, and concluded that purified water is not good for health. The move caused a strong reaction in China’s drinking water industry and opened the war over the source (species) of packaged drinking water in China.

At that time, the Chinese bottled water market was still dominated by companies such as Wahaha and Robust.

On August 6, 2008, the "Daily Economic News" took the lead in publishing an unconfirmed online article reporting that "Master Kong’s mineral water source is actually tap water", revealing the whole incident.

The relevant person in charge of the public relations department of Master Kong said that the mineral water produced by Master Kong’s Hangzhou production base is indeed filtered by the urban tap water through the water filtration system. The Master Kong water source incident immediately attracted widespread attention from Beijing, Shanghai and other media, and the media report escalated.

On August 8, 2008, Master Kong Holdings Co., Ltd. published the "Instructions for Master Kong Drinking Mineral Water" for the first time on its official website: "The’drinking mineral water ‘produced by the company is based on pure water and adds mineral raw materials that meet the national standard of’food additives and nutritional additives’, which fully meets the definition of the category of’drinking mineral water ‘in the national standard GB10789 Beverage General Rules. At the same time, considering product safety and hygiene, the company uses water sources, whether using tap water, groundwater or other natural water, in line with the national standard GB5749’Drinking Water Hygiene Standard’."

On September 2, 2008, a month after the "Water Source" scandal lasted, the top executives of water industry giant Tingyi attended a press conference for the first time, and publicly apologized to the invited media in Beijing and Tianjin for the cognitive difference caused by the "selection of high-quality water" in the advertisement of mineral water products. But the Daily Economic News immediately commented on the incident with the theme of insincere apology.

The media has been at the forefront of food safety issues, providing supervision services for ordinary consumers and gaining newspapers a position beyond commercial interests.

However, on May 2, "******* Business Daily" inferred that Nongfu ****** was "a lot ** unsalable" based on the "9.9 yuan/box" exchange promotion information in the supermarket, and the product "few people care about it, and the goods are covered with a layer ** ash." It is a little doubtful that such an inference is too arbitrary.

How will this Nongfu ****** "standard door" end? If the ******* Times can’t catch the actual water quality problem ** Nongfu ******’s products, this battle over "standards" seems to have no direct relationship with ordinary consumers. The only certainty is that this "water battle" between Nongfu ****** and the media will continue tomorrow. If the victory ** the media can be exchanged for the victory ** the people’s interests, it will be the best ending.

Hengda Motor suspends production of Hengchi 5 due to lack of funds.

Recently, Hengda announced that after 900 vehicles were delivered, the Tianjin factory of Hengda Motor suspended production of Hengchi 5 due to lack of funds. Previously, Hengda Motor suspended other factories and concentrated resources on production in the Tianjin factory. This time, the Tianjin factory suspended production, indicating that Hengchi announced a complete shutdown for a period of time. Hengda Motor plans to resume production in May 2023.

Previously, on March 23, Hengda Automobile announced that Hengchi 5 is in continuous mass production, and more than 900 Hengchi 5 have been delivered since sales. In order to concentrate financial resources to support the mass production of Hengchi 5, the company continues to promote cost-saving measures, including optimizing the staff structure. At the same time, Hengda Automobile admits that there is a risk of production suspension if it cannot obtain new liquidity. However, if the company can seek financing of more than RMB 29 billion in the future, plans to launch a number of flagship models, and hopes to achieve mass production, under such a plan, the cumulative unleveraged cash flow from 2023 to 2026 is expected to reach between RMB 7 billion and RMB 5 billion.

It is reported that in 2019, Hengda officially released the new energy vehicle brand Hengchi. It has said that it will take 3 to 5 years to build the world’s largest and most powerful new energy vehicle company, and reach the goal of producing and selling 5 million vehicles within 10 years. At first, Hengda Automobile completed the layout of the whole vehicle, motor, battery and other production sectors through a series of acquisitions. Two years before the official announcement of the car, Hengda Automobile invested about 47 billion yuan in the new energy business. After the mass production date of Hengchi’s new car was delayed several times, Hengchi 5 real car finally appeared in April 2022, and started delivery at the end of that year. The first 100 owners picked up the car. As of April this year, Hengchi 5 delivered more than 900 vehicles.

"China Quality News" [Information Channel]

China Hengda has been notified of the court lawsuit and has been recovered 2.15 billion

On the evening of December 5, China Evergrande announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the Company and three related subsidiaries have received a notice of litigation issued by the Intermediate People’s Court of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China, and Jinbi Property has proposed to recover approximately RMB 1.9963125 billion and approximately RMB 152.0628 million from the Company and three related subsidiaries for the enforcement of its RMB 2 billion deposit certificate pledge guarantee by the bank.

I must go to the eight famous mountains in China in my life, and the scenery is more beautiful than the three mountains and five mountains: which famous mountains have you been to?

There are many famous mountains and rivers in China. When many people mention famous mountains and rivers, their first impression is three mountains and five mountains. But besides them, there are more beautiful mountains than three mountains and five mountains. Have you been there? Xiaobian recommends eight famous mountains with beautiful scenery to you, and will never let you down.

1. Jiuhua Mountain is one of the "Four Famous Buddhist Mountains in China", the second famous mountain in Anhui, with an altitude of 1,342 meters. Although it is much lower than the 1,864 meters of Huangshan Mountain, the first famous mountain in Anhui, its reputation is not small, which may be mainly due to the blessing of the mysterious aura of Buddha. Located in Qingyang County, Chizhou City, Anhui Province, it is known as the "first mountain in the southeast". Legend has it that Li Bai’s poem "Looking at Jiuhua as a gift to Qingyang Wei Zhongkan" in the Tang Dynasty: "Yesterday, I was on Jiujiang, looking at Jiuhua Peak in the distance. Tianhe hangs green water and shows nine hibiscus. " It was renamed "Jiuhua Mountain". According to legend, it is the Dojo of Bodhisattva Diksitigarbha, and Buddhism believes that Bodhisattva Diksitigarbha is a symbol of "great filial piety" and "great wish".

Tickets for Jiuhua Mountain to 160 yuan are available for one to three days and all the year round.

The main punching points: ancient worship platform, immortal drying boots, Chenghua Temple, Tiantai Temple and rou Body Hall.

2. Sanqingshan: Sanqingshan, also known as Shaohua Mountain and Yashan Mountain, is located at the junction of Yushan County and Dexing City, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, China. It is named after the three peaks of Yujing, Yuxu and Yuhua, just like the three Taoist deities of Jade Qing, Shangqing and Taiqing sitting on the top of the mountain. Among them, Yujing Peak is the highest, with an altitude of 1819.9 meters. It is the fifth peak in Jiangxi and the highest peak in Huaiyu Mountain range, and it is also the source of Xinjiang. Sanqingshan Mountain is a famous Taoist mountain, a world natural heritage site, a world geological park, a national natural heritage and a national geological park.

Tickets for Sanqingshan Mountain: the full-price ticket is 245 yuan for getting on and off the ropeway, and the main punching points are: Fog Curtain Waterfall-Covered Bridge Coffee-Over Water Waterfall-Tianyu Waterfall-Heavenly Bath-Dead Wood Arranging-Butterfly Valley-Rock Climbing Feilada-Flower Valley on the other side-Yinglian Waterfall-Honglian Waterfall-Glass Watch Platform-Pearl Waterfall-Yulian Waterfall-Cuilian Waterfall-Emerald River.

3. Longhu Mountain: Longhu Mountain is located 20 kilometers southwest of Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province. In the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Daoling, the founder of Zhengyi Road, once made an alchemy here. According to legend, "Dan became a dragon and tiger", and the mountain was named after it. Among them, Tianmen Mountain is the highest, with an altitude of 1300 meters. Longhu Mountain is the eighth world natural heritage in China, a world geological park, a national natural and cultural heritage site and a 5A-level scenic spot.

Ticket price: bamboo raft, sightseeing bus in the park, tickets in 220 yuan, one day’s play time is enough.

Main punch-in attractions: Xianshuiyan, Zhengyiguan, Tianmen Mountain and Cliff Tomb.

4. Laojun Mountain in Luoyang: Laojun Mountain is located in Luanchuan County, Luoyang City. It is the main peak of Funiu Mountain, with an altitude of 2,200 meters. It is a national 5A-level scenic spot and also a watershed of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. The famous landscape of Laojun Mountain is sunrise, sea of clouds and snow scene. In winter, the snow scene is as beautiful as the oil painting of a thousand miles away. Legend has it that Laozi, the founder of Tao Te Ching, succeeded in practicing Buddhism here.

Ticket price: single ticket to 80 yuan, the cableway is calculated separately. The author will visit in 2017. It takes two days to walk up and down the mountain and only one day to ride the cable. If the weather is fine, you can stay at the top of the mountain for one night, and accommodation and meals are not expensive. The sunrise in the sea of clouds in the morning is very beautiful.

6. Wudang Mountain: Wudang Mountain, the holy land of Taoism in China, is the birthplace of famous Taoist mountains and Wudang martial arts, and is called "the unparalleled scenic spot in ancient times, the first fairy mountain in the world". Wudang Wushu is an important school of Chinese Wushu. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Taoist Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of wu-tang clan, and Zhu Di, the founder of Ming Dynasty, built the ancient Taoist temple complex of Wudang Mountain, which is now listed as a world cultural heritage. Wudang Mountain is also a national 5A-level scenic spot. It is said that the leader of the peasant uprising retired to Wudang Mountain.

Wudang Mountain can be visited for about a week, and the ticket is about 243.00 yuan.

The main punching attractions are Jinding, Nanyan Palace, Zixiao Palace and Taizipo.

7. Fanjing Mountain: Fanjing Mountain is located at the junction of Jiangkou, Yinjiang and Songtao in Tongren District, Guizhou Province. The highest peak, Phoenix Mountain, is the main peak of Wuling Mountain with a forest coverage rate of 95%. It is a rare Buddhist Dojo and nature reserve in China, and is the same as Wutai Mountain in Shanxi, Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang, Emei Mountain in Sichuan and Jiuhua Mountain in Anhui.

Tickets are about 80 yuan, so you can go up the mountain by cableway. If you are physically strong, you are advised to walk up the mountain, not only to exercise but also to enjoy the scenery along the way. Fanjing Mountain is advised to go up the mountain in good weather, otherwise you can’t see anything in the fog. If the weather is good, Fanjing Mountain scenery is a fairyland on earth.

8. Emei Mountain: Located in Meishan City, Sichuan Province, Emei Mountain is one of the "four famous Buddhist mountains" in China, with steep terrain and beautiful scenery. It is known as "Emei is the best in the world". The top of the Buddha is the highest, with an altitude of 3,099 meters, and the climate changes greatly. There are four seasons and ten miles of different days in one mountain, and the top of the mountain has three characteristics: sunrise, sea of clouds and starry sky.

Tickets around 160 yuan, the main punch-in attractions: Cliff Wonders, Huazang Temple, Jinding Copper Hall.

Except for the three mountains and five mountains, these eight famous mountains have beautiful scenery, each of which is more beautiful than the five mountains on the mountain. It is also a famous cultural mountain of Buddhism and Taoism. How many have you been to? Welcome to leave a message and express your suggestions.

The new history of the B club game "Starry Sky" Steam is low: 298 yuan →208.6 yuan.

On December 5th, IT House reported that the B-club game "Starry Sky" opened a discount on Steam, and after 30% discount, it reached a low price in the national history, with the original price of 298 yuan and the current price of 208.6 yuan.

IT House previously reported that since the release of Starry Sky on September 6th this year,The total number of players on PC and Xbox has exceeded 12 million.. According to Microsoft CEO Spencer, there will be a lot of support for Starry Sky, and about 250 people in the studio are still developing the game.

It is worth mentioning that "Starry Sky" has a total of 82,603 evaluations on Steam.Among them, 68% are favorable.The evaluation is "mixed".

Introduction to the game:

Starfield comes from the creation of Starfield, the first brand-new universe created by Bethesda Game Studios, who has won numerous praises and brought The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4 to everyone for more than 25 years. This new generation role-playing game sets the background in the vast universe. Here, you can create any characters, explore the world and experience unprecedented freedom. Embark on this epic journey and discover the ultimate mystery of human civilization.

In 2330, mankind has stepped out of our solar system and settled on a new planet, and space travel has become a daily life of mankind. In the biggest game of Bethesda Game Studios to date, you will join the Star Organization, a group of space explorers looking for rare artifacts in the galaxy, and start a journey to explore the vast universe.

FIFA Football World official website Entrance

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Official website Entrance: Click here.

Go shopping again > >

Saturday’s SMG basketball strong file: the storm strives to rebound, and Mercury impacts the winning streak.

Saturday 301 Women’s Basketball Team Seattle Storm VS Phoenix Mercury 2023-08-06 10:00

On the visiting team’s Seattle storm:

Storm is in a very depressed state this season. At present, it ranks first from the bottom in the Western Conference with 6 wins and 20 losses. At present, the team is averaging 78.2 points and losing 84.8 points. The offensive and defensive ends are quite collapsed, with a net loss of 6.6 points per game. Storm relies heavily on Lloyd, the core scoring champion, this season. At present, Lloyd has played 24 games, averaging 24.6 points per game, and her three-point outside shooting rate is as high as 40.3%. However, Lloyd’s personal data can only help her keep the league scoring champion. As for the team’s record, she is still seriously behind, so she can only ensure more wins and avoid the position of vice squad leader. In the last round of the league, Storm had been a guest in the East for revenge and fanaticism after losing 10 games in a row. Lloyd led a team to welcome the long-lost 2-game winning streak, but Lloyd then scored 31 points against Pegasus and sat in front of Seattle’s house. Finally, Storm defeated his opponent 65-76 at home, and Storm missed the 3-game winning streak.

The home team Phoenix Mercury:

Mercury has been in a serious decline this season. At present, it ranks second from the bottom in the Western Conference with 7 wins and 19 losses. At present, the team is averaging 76.6 points and 83.4 points per game. The offensive and defensive ends are very collapsed. At present, the team is losing 6.8 points per game. In the new season, it was impossible to play at a normal level when Grena returned to the team. Mercury recently ushered in Dorothy’s return. As a result, the core center Grena fell down because of mental health problems. Fortunately, the team just won the dream of revenge 91-71 at home, and the team avoided a five-game losing streak. The legendary scoring champion Dorothy, 41, scored 42 points in this game. In this game, Mercury continues to sit in Phoenix, and they hope to continue to revenge and repel the storm. After all, the storm’s previous two home and away encounters were all victories to shoot down Mercury. In this game, Dorothy still needs to strive for a complete victory to help the team revenge.

Historical record: In the last 6 matches, Mercury won 4 games and lost 2 games.

Leeds United manager picked up a 5-pound note and handed it to the fourth official. After being rejected, he put it in his pocket for heated discussion.

In the 37th round of Premier League, West Ham played against Leeds United at home. In this crucial battle of relegation, there was an interesting scene: Leeds United coach Al Daisy  found a note worth 5 pounds on the sidelines, and he did not hesitate to give it to the fourth official beside him with a smile. Unfortunately, the other party refused to accept this gift. Seeing this scene, Al Daisy  was still smiling, and like a wild crane, he put the 5-pound note into his pocket. This move seems to be a reappearance of the old tradition, which makes people laugh.

In the 37th round of the Premier League, Leeds United team was challenged by two powerful teams, West Ham and Tottenham, which means a life-and-death relegation battle for Leeds United. Victory or failure will have a far-reaching impact on the team’s fate. It is at this critical moment that Leeds United coach Al Daisy  has become a key figure with high hopes from fans. His rich coaching experience and deep understanding of the Premier League have given the team more opportunities and advantages in this life-and-death battle. As a seasoned football coach, Al-Daisy  plays a particularly important role in the team. He plays a leader who guides and leads the team forward. Through his accurate analysis of the game and tactical deployment, Leeds United will give full play to its own strength and proud team spirit in this key battle, and inject a shot in the arm for the team’s relegation road.

In the 37th round of the Premier League, Leeds United faced double challenges from West Ham and Tottenham. For Leeds United, this means that they must seize every opportunity to score goals and strive to stay ahead in the life-and-death relegation battle. In the 17th minute, Leeds United finally got their chance. Mckenney’s foul ball went into the penalty area, and Rodrigo seized the opportunity to blast his opponent’s goal with a volley, winning an important goal for Leeds United, giving them a 1-0 lead. This goal not only shows Rodrigo’s excellent shooting, but also highlights the team’s spirit of cooperation and tactical cooperation, which makes Leeds United fans feel relieved and injects a booster into the team’s relegation road.

Al-Daisy  paced back and forth on the sidelines, and suddenly he found a golden piece of paper shining near the sidelines. He quickly took a step and bent down to pick it up. The paper money has a peculiar smell of ink, which makes people can’t help smelling it again and again. When Al Daisy  found that it was a banknote with a high denomination, he began to search for ways to spend this wealth around him and put it in his pocket with a little pride.

Al Daisy  is over 70 years old. He smiled and handed a 5-pound note to the substitute referee who was in charge of placarding on the sidelines, as a thank you for their hard work, as well as encouragement and support. The front and back of the paper money are clearly visible, with exquisite patterns and profound meanings printed on it, which reflects the British culture and historical background. However, the grim-faced 4th official unceremoniously pushed Al Daisy  away, as if everything he did was regarded as nothing. Al Daisy  was embarrassed and helpless. He didn’t expect such a reaction, but he firmly believed that kindness and honesty would be rewarded and recognized.

Al Daisy  returned to the sidelines, with an embarrassed smile on his face and turned to leave. He held a 5-pound note in his hand and handed it to the teaching assistant beside him with emotion. He never thought that the teaching assistant didn’t accept it. Ale Daisy ‘s heart sank slightly, the smile on his face solidified, and he looked puzzled. But he didn’t give up. He turned and walked over to another substitute referee who was in charge of the sideline, trying to hand him this note as a thank-you and support for their hard work. But it was rejected, making Al Daisy  even more helpless. He can’t help but wonder whether these officials really understand and recognize his enthusiasm and sincerity. However, Al Daisy  still firmly believes in his kindness and integrity, and believes that those excellent qualities will always be rewarded and recognized. Therefore, he walked into the field silently, full of love and trust in his heart, and full of confidence and courage even when he was coldly and misunderstood.

Al-Daisy  returned to the sidelines, smiled awkwardly, and handed the 5-pound bill to the teaching assistant beside him with emotion, but was unexpectedly rejected. He didn’t give up, and when he tried to ask another substitute referee who was in charge of the sidelines, he was also rejected. Al Daisy ‘s heart sank slightly, and his face was puzzled. He began to wonder whether officials really understood his enthusiasm and sincerity. In any case, this paper money represents his gratitude and support for his hard work in this competition, so he put it in his wallet, expecting to get due reward and recognition in the future. Al-Daisy  turned away with a little depressed expression, just like the fleeting attack, which made the coach who came to comfort him in a hurry feel a little distressed. He raised his head, reached for the 5-pound note and handed it to the teaching assistant beside him, silently expecting the other person’s approval, but it was rejected. He tried to pass the money to another substitute referee on the sidelines to express his gratitude to the referees for their hard work, but it was also in vain. Al Daisy ‘s brow wrinkled, and he began to wonder whether those officials really understood his enthusiasm and sincerity. However, this 5-pound note still represents his devotion and efforts to the game, so he gently put it into his pocket.

When Al Daisy  left the stadium, he smiled and leaned over to pick up a 5-pound note scattered on the grass. At this time, there are no spectators and players on the field, and this scene seems a bit funny. He held the money in his hand and was deeply moved. This banknote represents his deep love for this Premier League game, and it is also his firm belief and investment in football. He seems to be deeply moved by this seemingly insignificant bill, which is a precious wealth for him. He stroked the bill gently, his eyes soft and focused. At this moment, he seems to have projected his soul on this banknote. In his eyes, this paper money represents a value beyond money. The weight of coins has long been surpassed and changed in his heart, and it has become a deep gratitude and support. This game, he has passed the young and impulsive age, but his inner love for football and passion for the game are still so strong. He put the bill in his pocket, as if it were a precious stone. This banknote will accompany him and witness his unremitting pursuit and investment in football.

Some media made fun of the fact that Al Daisy  picked up the 5-pound note during the competition. ESPN, for example, joked that Al Daisy  was trying to buy off the referee with money, but was firmly rejected. SPORTbible, the account for playing stalk, used a pun. They said that Al Daisy  picked up the money, but it was rejected by the fourth official, so he quickly put it in his pocket. This is an old tradition. In fact, this ironic statement implies a meaning that in the past case of English coach Sam, he was dismissed after just 67 days because of his behavior of allegedly trading power and money with a third party. In this way, these media seem to imply that Al-Daisy ‘s behavior may be inappropriate and needs to be sufficiently vigilant.

In this relegation battle between West Ham and Leeds United, Leeds United coach Al Daisy  found a 5-pound note and became the focus. Al Daisy  handed the money to the fourth official, but the other party refused to accept it, so he put his wallet in his pocket again. Some media hinted at the impropriety of Al-Daisy ‘s behavior by teasing, so there was a lot of discussion in the football circle for a while.

Thank you, Zidane! 115 million nail houses let go, Mourinho is happy, and Real Madrid has no worries for 10 years.

Real Madrid finally found a solution to Azar’s "problem", thank you, Zidane! RMC Sport’s report made Real Madrid fans ecstatic. Although they will lose the legendary coach of the Champions League for three consecutive years, they can finally say goodbye to Azar! In addition, there is good news: Mourinho is the first choice for Real Madrid’s new coach, and the madman is likely to return to the Bernabeu in 2024! Florentino’s big plan is about to take shape, and a new generation of Galaxy warships can accept any challenge.

According to RMC Sport, Zidane is getting closer to Juventus, and the French coach will not consider returning to Real Madrid to replace Ancelotti. In fact, Zidane has always been a popular candidate for Real Madrid’s new coach, but florentino has higher plans. For this reason, together with the fact that Zizu left the stadium for too long, Zidane finally chose Juventus. In addition, the invitation of Paris Saint-Germain has never been in Zidane’s plan.

The current difficulty is that allegri’s contract with Juventus will not expire until 2025. If Zidane goes to Juventus, the Bianconeri will have to fire allegri early. Allegri’s annual salary at Juve is 7 million euros, which means that Juve may have to pay at least 20 million euros to terminate the contract.

In fact, there is another important reason for Real Madrid to give up Zidane, that is, to get rid of Azar with the help of Zizu. The fact is, this move is very effective. According to the western media "DC" report, Azar has let go, and he accepted the suggestion of following Zidane to Juventus. The transfer fee of 115 million is just a performance, and Real Madrid has spent far more money on Azar. If Zidane hadn’t insisted on bringing Azar to the Bernabeu, Real Madrid wouldn’t have suffered this boring loss.

Like Zidane, Juve can’t afford Azar’s high salary. There are only two feasible options: Azar’s salary is greatly reduced or Real Madrid pays part of it. Theoretically, both schemes are possible, because Azar owes Real Madrid and the players have reason to make concessions. Real Madrid pays part of the salary, which is also beneficial to Real Madrid’s future plans, at least they can reduce some expenses. For Azar, this is also an act to save his career, because he has no playing time at Real Madrid.

Zidane goes to Juve, so who will take over from Ancelotti? Western media gave the answer a long time ago, and florentino’s first choice was Mourinho! Mourinho’s contract with Rome also expires in 2024, and the time is very consistent. In addition, Mourinho has achieved success in Rome, and it is not surprising that they can play in the Champions League next season. In terms of Rome’s strength, it is almost impossible for them to compete in the Champions League, but Mourinho is successful if he can appear in this series. There is no doubt that leaving Rome, Mourinho is worthy of the city.

2024 is a crucial year for Real Madrid! This summer, Real Madrid will focus on Mbappé and Harland, which is a brand-new Galaxy warship. Without an experienced helmsman, the warship is likely to sink. This is also the main reason why Real Madrid chose Mourinho instead of Zidane. Florentino has been paving the way for Real Madrid, and he plans to make Real Madrid almost invincible in the next 10 years. The term of office is about to expire. At that time, 78-year-old Lafayette can only help Real Madrid as a bystander!