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Exam! Have you read all the recent reports about us in the mainstream media?

During the May 1 International Labor Day holiday, the People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV and other mainstream media published and broadcast many news reports related to the aviation industry. So, have you read all these reports with rich connotations and huge information?

Let’s test it together ~ ~

Top secret before the exam

A survey of mainstream media reports on the aviation industry.



Student number:

1. Multiple choice questions (Only one answer to the following questions is correct. Please choose the correct option from the alternative answers and fill in the serial number of the correct option in brackets. 5 points for each small question, 15 points in total)

1. What does the machining tolerance of () mm mean? This is equivalent to one hundred and twenty-fifth of the diameter of human hair, which is difficult to realize even with CNC machine tools. This is more accurate than the manual filing limit in the textbook, and it comes from the hands of Fang Wenmo, the chief skill expert of the aviation industry Shenyang Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. and the "post-80 s". (Source: Xinhua News Agency’s new media "Pay tribute to ingenuity! They deserve to be praised ")

A. 0.0068 mm

B. 0.00068 mm


Reference answer

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2. On May 1st, 2021, a special program on May 1st International Labor Day was broadcast on CCTV. What is the theme of this program? (Source: CCTV News pays tribute to the workers and welcomes the founding of the party for a hundred years! "Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty-Always March with the Party, New Journey, Special Program of May Day 2021")

A. pay tribute to the workers and welcome the centenary of the founding of the party! Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty —— Always forge ahead with the Party.

B. pay tribute to the workers and welcome the centenary of the founding of the party! Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty —— Always forge ahead with the Party in a new era


Reference answer

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3. The posture adjustment of the fuselage requires extremely high accuracy, and the deviation of each part of the fuselage with a total length of 50 meters cannot exceed () mm.. This is like an elephant, there can be no error in the size of ants. In the past, it took more than a dozen people to work together in one month. Today, it only takes two or three people a day. The team led by Hu Yang has achieved zero breakthrough in digital assembly of large aircraft and fuselage, with a hundred times higher efficiency and millimeter accuracy. (Source: CCTV’s "Great Country Artisans and Skills to Serve the Country", which is broadcast on several key columns of CCTV’s comprehensive channel and news channel. )

A. 0.5 mm

B. 0.05 mm


Reference answer

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Look at the pictures and talk (please match the pictures with appropriate words according to the information provided, with 10 points for each question, totaling 20 points)

4. Please choose an essay for the following pictures.

(Source: Xinhua News Agency, "Dare to melt the sun and the moon and cast ingenuity" model worker "torch in their hands")

A. Fang Wenmo polishes parts in Fang Wenmo’s studio.

B. Fang Wenmo polishes parts in the craftsman’s studio in Daguo.


Reference answer

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5. Please choose an essay for the following pictures.

(Source: CCTV. com, look at "The exposure of the refueling screen of the night sky of the J-15 carrier aircraft")

A. the training of refueling in the air is called "threading the needle in the air" and "centimeter-level flight", and the difficulty is self-evident. It is even more thrilling to carry out this training under the condition of low light at night, and it is also recognized as the top flight course in the world. A few days ago, several J-15 carrier-based fighters of a naval carrier aviation unit continuously carried out night air partner refueling training.

B. The night gave me black eyes, but I used them to look for light.


Reference answer

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Third, reading comprehension (read the written materials provided and answer the corresponding questions, 15 points for each question, a total of 30 points)

6. As soon as the modification training was over, Gu Chenyu immediately bought a plane ticket and flew to Chang Yao’s side. When I saw him at the airport, Chang Yao’s heart was more complicated. In the face of her missing boyfriend, the first feeling turned out to be strange. After a big hug, the small temper and emotions that had been waiting for months finally vanished. Chang Yao said: "This is probably the truest taste of missing." (Excerpt from: People’s Daily new media "Too sweet! It was love at first sight between pilots and aviation engineers.

Excuse me, what exactly is the truest taste of missing in the bold part of the text? ( )

A. my heart is very complicated.

B. The feeling at first sight turned out to be strange. After a big hug, the small temper and emotions that had been waiting for months finally vanished.


Reference answer

Click on the blank space to see the answer.


7. Aviation people often say, "There is no parking lot in the air, and there is no regret medicine for flight test". Fang Wenmo said: "Just like playing the piano and throwing basketball, the basic skills of our locksmith depend on boring and monotonous repeated practice until muscle memory is formed." (Excerpt from: Xinhua News Agency’s new media "Pay tribute to ingenuity! They deserve to be praised ")

What does the author want to express through the bold part of the text? ( )

A. Behind the heavy equipment of the country, the high-tech technology and the projects that break through the limits of human beings, it is inseparable from the persistent concentration, Excellence, meticulousness and pursuit of Excellence of the workers who uphold the spirit of artisans.

B. Aircraft flight test cannot be practiced repeatedly.


Reference answer

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Four, composition (35 points)

8. Please pay attention to "Aviation Industry" WeChat WeChat official account, and write your feelings about aviation people and aviation industry in the message! Welcome to grab the sofa.


Reference answer

Click on the blank space to see the answer.

Welcome to leave a message

I wish the candidates extraordinary performance and excellent results!

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Peter Pan is ready to compare scores with you ~

There will be a mysterious gift waiting for you.

Iron powder must be seen.

Original title: "Exam! Have you read all the recent reports about us in the mainstream media? 》

Read the original text

On the first day of pre-sale, "Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars", which set a record for Chinese movies at the box office, was refunded by more than 1 million people or was caused by mistakes i

According to the data of the ticketing platform, as of December 16, the number of refunds for "Twinkle, Twinkle and Bright Stars" exceeded 1 million, and the average refund rate of the two platforms was 18.1%.

Usually, the film refund rate is generally 2% to 8%, and some netizens think that the pre-sale box office of the film is "filled with water". In this regard, some netizens in the official Douban group of "Twinkle, Twinkle and Bright Stars" analyzed that the extremely high refund rate was caused by the mistakes of the theater and the film.

Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, bright stars is a fantasy romantic film directed by Chen Xiaoming and Zhang Pan, written by Zhang Pan, Duan Yule, Wang Yichao and Chen Xiaoming, starring Qu Chuxiao and Karlina, and starring Jinna and Jiang Yunlin. The film was created by the original team of the same name online drama, and it was scheduled to be released in major theaters across the country on December 30, 2023. And open the pre-sale on December 5.

The online drama "Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars" was launched in iQiyi in January 2022. According to Yunhe data, the average effective broadcast of each episode during the hot broadcast period exceeded 19.95 million, making it the most popular drama in 2022.

The movie Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Stars, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle On December 6th, the pre-sale box office of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars" exceeded 100 million 23 days before its release. As of December 17th, the total pre-sale box office of Twinkle, Twinkle and Bright Stars has exceeded 258 million yuan.

This article comes from: Hot Express


Badminton in China, desperate reversal

How much can a badminton match burn? Not long ago, the Sudirman Cup gave the answer.

China Badminton Team defeated Japan 3-2 in the semi-final in the Sudirman Cup World Badminton Mixed Team Championship in 2023 (hereinafter referred to as "Su Cup"), and then defeated South Korea 3-0 in the final to achieve the "three consecutive championships" of Su Cup.

The China badminton team fought for seven hours in the game of reversing the Japanese victory, and finally achieved a comeback, which is legendary. Relevant insiders told China Newsweek that this was a "great reversal" example that could be recorded in the history of China badminton team.

Chen Qingchen and Jia Yifan, who witnessed this reversal and finally won the championship together with the China Badminton Team, have returned to Chengdu Shuangliu Table Tennis and Badminton Base and started preparing for the Hangzhou Asian Games.

After training, they recalled the trip to China Newsweek.

Chen Qingchen/Jia Yifan helped Guoyu advance to the final of the Soviet Cup. Photo/Zhongxin Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bo

Try again 100 times, and you may not win.

May 20th is the semi-final day of the Soviet Cup, and the China badminton team will face the old rival Japanese team.

In the first match of that day, the China Badminton Team did not send Zheng Siwei/Huang Yaqiong, who ranked first in the world, but Feng Yanzhe/Huang Dongping, who ranked seventh in the world. Because "IELTS Team" used too much physical energy to beat Indonesian team hard before, but Feng Yanzhe/Huang Dongping met Japanese team Yamashita Gongping/Shinohara Cailiu twice, and both won.

Contrary to expectations, Feng Yanzhe/Huang Dongping failed to beat their opponents as expected to continue their record of total victory, and the total score of China badminton team fell behind 0-1.

In the subsequent men’s singles competition, Shi Yuqi, ranked tenth in the world, played against Nara Okada, ranked third in the world. Shi Yuqi reversed the victory and tied the total score of both sides to 1-1.

In the women’s singles competition, Chen Yufei, the world’s fourth Tokyo Olympic champion, lost to Akane Yamaguchi, the world’s number one, and China’s total score was 1-2 behind Japan.

In the next men’s doubles competition, Liu Yuchen and Ou Xuanyi, the men’s doubles team, were once pushed to the edge of the cliff. They fell behind at 16:20 in the deciding game, and if they lost another point, they would lose the men’s doubles point, while the Chinese national badminton team would also stop the semi-final with a big score of 1-3 and miss the Su Cup championship.

Many spectators at the scene began to leave, thinking that the fate of China’s semi-final exit could not be rewritten. Many viewers in front of the TV also turned off the TV.

The commentator said at that time: "China is facing four match points when the whole team is out! Will miracles happen? We are waiting for a miracle. "

The combination of Liu Yuchen and Ou Xuanyi was reversed. Photo/Zhongxin Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bo

Chen Qingchen and Jia Yifan clearly remember that Liu Yuchen/Ou Yiyi said to himself before playing: "We will win this point and then let you play."

But when they saw their opponents holding four match points, Chen Qingchen and Jia Yifan began to feel complicated and tangled.

"We are very unwilling. We really hope that our teammates can create miracles, but according to the normal situation, we have a hunch that it is difficult to catch up." Chen Qingchen said that he and Jia Yifan were really ready to take the racket back into the bag.

But then, the miracle that Honggang expected really appeared.

The Japanese team only needed one more point to advance, and returned the ball out of bounds three times in a row, so that the Liu Yuchen/Ou Weiyi team scored three points in a row. With the score approaching, Liu Yuchen/Ou Weiyi also completely let go of their hands and feet. They fought more and more bravely and scored 3 points, completing a magical reversal on 22-20.

Chen Qingchen and Jia Yifan really came out, and helped the China badminton team finally win.

In the semi-final, the China badminton team played for nearly seven hours before defeating the Japanese team, and in the final, it took three and a half hours to win the championship from the Korean team.

"After the game, everyone resumed and thought that if we played the game against Japan 100 times again, we might not win, but now we won!" Jia Yifan told China Newsweek that in his national team career, there have been many thrilling games in the past, but there has never been a game like this one in which teammates "pulled back" the fate of the team when they were so far behind.

"In fact, we are also very sober. This Su Cup is the first stop of the Paris Olympic Games. It is very exciting to win the championship, but we still have to start from scratch. We also hope that all our teammates can realize their highest dreams in the Paris Olympic Games." This is Chen Qingchen/Jia Yifan’s voice.

Su cup can’t be lost.

In Chen Qingchen’s view, the reason why the China badminton team can withstand such pressure is to start from the preparation before the Su Cup.

This year, the Su Cup was held in Suzhou, China, which was the first badminton world competition held in China in three years after the international sports events returned to normal order. Zhang Jun, chairman of China Badminton Association, gave the whole team a "vaccination" at the preparatory meeting of the Su Cup: "The pressure of this competition will definitely be great, and all players and coaches should try their best to eliminate interference and concentrate on the field."

Chen Qingchen recalled: "At the end of April, we also participated in the Asian Championships in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. From the end of the Asian Championship to the opening of the Su Cup, it is less than two weeks, about 10 days of preparation. Under normal circumstances, players should adjust for a few days after the end of the last race, but in order to prepare for the Su Cup, almost everyone did not adjust, so they directly went into the Su Cup to prepare for the war. "

Jia Yifan thinks that the Soviet Cup is different from the Tokyo Olympic Games. "In the Tokyo Olympic Games, Chen Qingchen and I didn’t win the gold medal in the women’s doubles, but in our opinion, it is also a good result to try our best to win the silver medal. We didn’t lose anything. The Su Cup is different. The China Badminton Team has been the champion for a long time, and we were once a member of the previous Su Cup champion team. If we lose, the final feeling is that we once had it, but this time we lost it in our hands. "

In May 1987, the Board of Directors of the International Badminton Federation was held in Beijing, at which it was decided to set up the World Badminton Mixed Team Championship from 1989. In memory of Dick Su Diman, the founder of Indonesian Badminton Association and former vice president of International Badminton Federation, and to thank him for his contribution to the world badminton, the champion cup of this competition was named "Sudirman Cup".

Since the 4th Sudirman Cup in Lausanne, Switzerland in 1995, China has shown a strong dominance in the Su Cup. Counting this championship, China won 13 championships, including one for four consecutive championships, one for six consecutive championships and one for three consecutive championships.

In the memory of Chen Qingchen and Jia Yifan, I lost the Su Cup on the Australian Gold Coast in 2017 and failed to achieve seven consecutive championships, which is always my own heart.

Chen Qingchen/Jia Yifan fought in the Su Cup. Photo/Zhongxin Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bo

In Chen Qingchen’s view, the Su Cup can be reversed and finally won, which is the result of the failure and the experience and promotion of all the national badminton players over the years. "Numerous large and small events in the middle have enabled this team to accumulate more experience, which has also improved everyone’s experience and pressure."

After the match against the Japanese team, Jia Yifan watched the video of the men’s doubles chasing points at the last minute. "I see the slow motion captured by the camera, and I feel that there is a blaze in the eyes of Liu Yuchen and Ou Xuanyi, which is a state of selflessness. In that state, both of them will no longer pay attention to the score, nor will they think about the consequences if the China badminton team loses at home and loses the championship. At that moment, they certainly don’t have any other thoughts. Therefore, we must also do it without distractions to win. "

In addition, the relationship of unity, trust and mutual tolerance among teammates of the national team is also the "password" for the national team to achieve a great reversal.

"Every round of the Sudirman Cup team competition is a three-win system of five games. Regardless of the semi-finals and finals, the opponents are also very high-ranking and very powerful opponents, which means that there may indeed be losses and wins during the competition. After all, no one dares to clap his chest and say that the China team can beat their opponents 3-0 every game, so there will be a fault tolerance rate in such a game. " Chen Qingchen told China Newsweek.

"Like Yu Fei and Dong Ping, although we didn’t get points in the semi-final, the feelings between us are very good, and it is impossible to complain about the teammates who lost points. On the contrary, we will try our best to forget the previous results, try our best to make up for our teammates and regain the advantage for the team. This time, some of them lost points, and we came to the top. Then next time, it may be that we lost points and they came to the top. "

She laughed when my hands and feet were cold.

According to official public data, the box office of this Su Cup is about 30 million yuan, and Guoyu fans have a huge momentum. Jia Yifan revealed: "We started from the hotel to participate in the competition, or returned to the hotel after the competition, and fans always called our names at the door of the hotel. Many fans and friends gave me private messages and rushed to grab tickets, saying that they would spend huge sums of money to watch our game … "

The cheering of fans, the concern of family members and the expectation of the media have invisibly put more pressure on the athletes. The nature of the Sudirman Cup team competition also makes it easy for every athlete to bear the burden of "wanting to win and being afraid of losing", fearing that his poor performance will drag down the team and be accused of "pulling his legs" by the outside world.

Chen Qingchen and Jia Yifan both said that they were under great pressure before the game.

"From the first day I came to Suzhou, I was in a tight state until Chen Yufei won the championship with the last ball landing team in the final, and I felt relieved from the pressure." Chen Qingchen recalled.

In Jia Yifan’s eyes, partner Chen Qingchen is a person with a strong sense of national honor and collective honor. She revealed that during the more than 10 days of preparation for the Sudirman Cup, Chen Qingchen was really pressured by "only winning but not losing" and had too many tears.

"She is not satisfied with the quality of training, crying; Poor sleep quality, crying; Thinking that the game is 2-2 may not be able to stand the pressure, or cry. " In the face of Jia Yifan, whose partner is under pressure and is the team’s happy fruit, there is no good way.

"The women’s doubles match was scheduled for the last game. Our performance may determine whether the team can move on and decide the ownership of the champion. If we don’t perform well, no one can remedy it later, so we are really afraid of dragging our feet on this group. " Chen Qingchen said. "I always put pressure on myself like this, and the effect may not be good, but as Jia Yifan said, I made the difficulty to the extreme before the game, and I didn’t think it was difficult when I encountered difficulties again in the real game."

Compared with Chen Qingchen, Jia Yifan chose another way to go out for a walk. "I wanted to find a bookstore to visit, but I ended up in a lottery shop. 30 yuan had a scratch, and I scraped out 300 yuan." Jia Yifan was in a good mood in an instant, and his training state increased greatly.

Chen Qingchen also felt "beaming" emotionally. She also listened to Jia Yifan’s suggestion, went to the bookstore to buy a book and went back to the dormitory to read it. Her mood was much calmer and she completed the final stage of high-quality preparation.

Chen Qingchen and Jia Yifan often observe teammates such as Chen Yufei and Shi Yuqi. Before the big game, teammates were struggling together.

Jia Yifan observed very carefully. "You see Chen Yufei, even if she won the Olympic champion, she is also in a state of pressure to prepare for the competition. She is also a person who encounters adversity, doubt and pressure, and her emotions will be written on her face, but she is always full of fighting spirit to meet the next challenge and eager to prove herself. The same is true for Shi Yuqi. When preparing for the Su Cup, I watched him turn back and sprint with the young players to practice his physical fitness. Young athletes are very aggressive, but Shi Yuqi will always benchmark a performance goal and practice until he wins. "

Chen Yufei and Shi Yuqi fought in the Su Cup. Photo/Zhongxin Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bo

"In fact, my teammates and I may encounter some emotional ups and downs. At first, as teammates, they may not ask directly, but everyone has a high emotional intelligence, and they will find an opportunity to give some comfort and encouragement with some’ tips’ to help each other decompress. In fact, there are many such small things in the team. Often these encouragements are all about seeing the truth in the details, which is very warm. " Chen Qingchen said.

Jia Yifan told China Newsweek: "We are finally going to play the Japanese game. The experienced physical fitness coach urgently asked us to warm up by turning back. All the teammates came to high-five us one by one, and I was nervous at that time. "

"Just when my hands and feet were cold, I saw Chen Qingchen laughing and laughing. She said let me try it, so that I could relax." Jia Yifan said.

Author: Ye Everest

Liu Yifei was photographed in the hospital and was accidentally worn by netizens. The baby was white and glowing.

On September 17th, some netizens ran into Liu Yifei filming in the hospital on the public platform, which triggered a heated discussion.

The netizen wrote in the photo: "The goddess is beautiful. The yellow skirt is really beautiful, white and thin. It is very eye-popping in the crowd."

In the exposed photos, Liu Yifei’s head is long and white, and she caresses the little girl’s hair from time to time, which is very gentle.

Another netizen also took photos at the scene and praised Liu Yifei: "This woman should only be in the sky, and the world can get a few times."

Previously reported > >

"Fairy Sister" Liu Yifei is 36 years old! Tang Yan sent birthday wishes for 9 years in a row, and Kara Wai took a photo of his face. 1314: Happy birthday, Princess Sisi, love you forever.

On August 25th, Liu Yifei, the fairy elder sister, celebrated her 36th birthday, and Tang Yan, Kara Wai, took photos and sent birthday wishes.

At noon that day, Tang Yan took a beautiful photo of Liu Yifei and sent her birthday wishes: "Happy birthday, dear Princess Sissi, may everything you hope for be safe and everything you wish for come true! Everything is beautiful around you! "

It is reported that this is the ninth consecutive year that Tang Yan sent birthday wishes to Liu Yifei.

Later, Kara Wai, who collaborated with Liu Yifei on Ghost Story, took a photo and sent a blessing: "Happy birthday, I love you forever!" She also deliberately stuck 1314, very attentively.

In the photo, Liu Yifei and Kara Wai took a selfie with their shoulders pressed against their faces, and they were in excellent condition.

According to public information, Liu Yifei was born on August 25th, 1987, and she was titled "Sister of the Immortal" when she debuted. She once starred in the Golden Powder Family, Legend of the Sword and the Chivalrous Man, The Condor Heroes, Eight Dragons, Bronze Sparrow, Mulan, Dream of China and other works.

Two FMVP can’t get into the hall of fame? Famous mouth: Leonard is brilliant, but it is difficult to rank him.

He has won the championship twice and successfully won two championship trophies. At the peak of his career, he was even regarded as the first striker in the league on a par with Jordan by fans. But just a few years later, some commentators are questioning that he may not even be qualified to enter the NBA Hall of Fame.

Recently, some commentators publicly stated in the podcast program that it is undeniable that Ke Huailunna is brilliant and skilled, but it is difficult for him to rank in NBA history, and even his qualification for entering the Hall of Fame is open to question. After all, a player who has only played 12 games in a season, why should he compare himself with those players who have stacked their careers with a lot of games?

Since joining the Clippers, there have been more and more doubts about Leonard, especially his erratic injuries and poor attendance. In the past two seasons, Leonard has played only a handful of games, especially in the playoffs. The gap between Leonard’s games and players such as James, Durant and Curry is really too big. Although he was really strong at his peak, as the commentator said, it was really difficult to give Leonard a clear historical position in his career.

However, according to the 75th anniversary celebration held by the league before, Leonard was on the list of 75 superstars in NBA history. Is a player who is qualified to be selected into the top 75 not even qualified to enter the Hall of Fame? This is a bit too exaggerated. You know, even McGrady and Yao Ming, who don’t deserve the championship and MVP, can be elected to the Hall of Fame, not to mention Leonard, who can lead the Raptors to win the first championship trophy in team history. What do you think of this?

73 minutes to kill, 2-3! China women’s football team was defeated in the top four at the age of 22, with a goal and a 1-0 reversal.

Basketball and badminton, a unique media for fans.

Just after winning the Golden Globe Award, Zhang Linyan, a 22-year-old talented international of China women’s football team, became the top star of the Swiss women’s super team. This is also the first Golden Globe Award for China women’s football players studying abroad, which is of great significance. However, winning the prize is not Zhang Linyan’s ultimate goal, because at present, the Cao Meng women’s football team is going through the championship elimination tournament. Zhang Linyan scored one goal in each of the quarter-finals and led the team to the semi-finals, against the Zurich women’s football team, which scored 44 points in the regular season, ranking second, 6 points ahead of the Cao Meng women’s football team.

Due to the strong strength of the opponent, Cao Meng Women’s Football Team sent all the main players in this game. Zhang Linyan wore No.18 and continued to serve as the front waist. Zurich women’s football team used the 451 formation, and the away game was still relatively conservative, so the defense was stable first. Although Cao Meng used the 433 attack formation, it was still mainly defensive after the opening, especially for the blocking of two flanks, which left Zurich women’s football team at a loss.

In the 13th minute, Cao Meng women’s football team won a free kick and Rachel scored a goal. After losing the ball, the Zurich women’s football team launched a massive attack, and the Cao Meng women’s football team had a solid defense, but there was a loophole in the half-time injury stoppage. Laura seized the opportunity to help the Zurich women’s football team equalize the score, and the two sides returned to the lounge 1-1.

In the 61st minute, Sailana helped Zurich women’s football team overtake the score and lead 2-1. At this point, Zhang Linyan stood out and scored a long-range goal in the 68th minute to equalize the score. However, only five minutes later, Sailana scored twice and finished the lore. In the end, Zurich women’s football team beat Cao Meng women’s football team 3-2.

Because it is the first leg of the semi-final, Zurich women’s football team has the first chance, and the second leg is the home court, so it has the promotion opportunity. The next last stand of Cao Meng women’s football team means elimination, so it is necessary to win, and Zhang Linyan has also been cornered. In addition to winning the game, she has to strive for more goal difference, which shows that the game is more difficult. However, as a Golden Globe winner, Zhang Linyan needs to face more and greater challenges, which is also her trip to Europe.

Bo Yu said sports: La Liga coach confirmed that brentford wanted to buy out, and the transaction cost was 24 million euros.

Although Barcelona escaped with the La Liga title this season, there is no need to reveal the sports reasons in great detail; Nor should we worry that the 35-year-old player will have a decisive influence in the top European competitions in the next few seasons. Considering the club’s persistent difficulties in the league’s restrictions on their debts and salary caps, making this move financially feasible is an obstacle, but President Joan laporta hopes to achieve this goal.

Messi’s return will provide a huge public relations impetus and may reopen a huge global income source for the Spanish champion, and the prospect of Messi leading the club to win another Champions League trophy is also attractive.

Manchester City, which is fighting on the third line this season, wants to create team history?

At the beginning of the season, Manchester City’s first team brought in Harland, Phillips, Gomez and Akanji, which cost a total of 139.5 million euros.

Transfer information

First of all, let’s talk about the league. Arsenal has always occupied the top position in the league this season, but in Saturday’s game, Arsenal drew 3-3 at home with Southampton, and the league suffered three consecutive games. In the case of two more games, it was only 5 points ahead of Manchester City, the second place. This third-line Manchester City has given great hope of overtaking in corners, and there will be a showdown between Manchester City and Arsenal. If Manchester City can win Arsenal and win the rest of the games, then Manchester City will defend the Premier League title this season.

Premier League standings

In the Champions League match with Bayern in the middle of the week, Guardiola led the team to advance to the semi-finals of the Champions League with a total score of 4:1 with one win and one draw. This is the third consecutive year that Manchester City has reached the semi-finals of the Champions League. In the first two years, it fell on the way to the finals and semi-finals. With this year’s team configuration and the momentum of beating Bayern, Manchester City vowed to win the first big ear cup in the team’s history this year. Next, Manchester City will play away against Real Madrid, the king of the Champions League, on May 10th and face Real Madrid at home on the 18th. Whoever advances from these two teams will be this year’s Champions League champion. But personally, I am more optimistic about Manchester City’s promotion to the final, and this year is also the best time for Manchester City to win the Champions League.

Champions league promotion map

In the early morning of this morning, the semi-final of the 2022-2023 FA Cup was held at Wembley Stadium. In this game, Manchester City striker Mahrez scored three goals with a penalty and two sports goals to help the team advance to the FA Cup final. He also became the first player to score a hat trick in the FA Cup semi-final since Alex Dawson of Manchester United in 1958. The team scored 17 goals and conceded 0 goals in the FA Cup this season, becoming another team that reached the FA Cup final without conceding 0 goals since Everton in 1965-1966. The final opponent will be the winner between Brighton Seagull and Red Devils Manchester United.

FA Cup score

Summary: In the current state of Manchester City, it is not difficult to win the Hammers in the league. The key is to compete with Arsenal for the championship by six points. Today’s Arsenal League is in a low state with three consecutive draws. Facing Manchester City’s title race, it is also stressful. There is no doubt that this season’s Manchester City is very promising to hit the triple crown honor. If it really comes true, it will rival Manchester United’s triple crown glory. For Manchester United, this is a challenge to keep the record, and Guardiola will also break the curse that he can’t win the big ear cup after leaving Barcelona and Messi. We will wait and see.

The registration of the Society Competition 2008 2023 Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Innovation Competition was officially launched.

The registration channel for the 2023 Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Innovation Competition was officially opened! The contest was co-sponsored by China Artificial Intelligence Society and Yuhang District People’s Government of Hangzhou, undertaken by Zhejiang Hangzhou Future Science and Technology City (Haichuang Park) Management Committee, and co-organized by Beijing Iron Man Technology Co., Ltd. Based on an international perspective, the competition will focus on cutting-edge technology and application innovation, promote academic exchanges, personnel training, technological development and cross-border application and integration in the field of artificial intelligence, and build a talent exchange platform and industrial ecosystem for artificial intelligence.

Algorithm challenge

Track 1: imaging NLP-medical imaging diagnosis report generation

Track 2: Giga Rendering-A New Perspective Rendering Based on a Billion Pixel Sparse Image

Hardware challenge

Track 1: Service Robot Competition for the Elderly

Track 2: Deep Learning Smart Car Competition

Track 3: unmanned competition

Algorithm challenge

Track 1: It is divided into four stages: registration-team formation, preliminary, semi-final and final.

Sign up & Team up (March 10th–April 20th)

The opening time of the registration system is 10:00 Beijing time on March 10th, 2023, and the deadline is 12:00 noon on April 20th, 2023.

Preliminaries (March 21st–April 21st)

Rematch (April 28th–May 19th)

Final (June 9)

Track 2: It is divided into three stages: registration-team formation, online competition and final competition.

Sign up & Team up (March 10th–May 4th)

The opening time of the registration system is 10:00 Beijing time on March 10th, 2023, and the deadline is 17:00 Beijing time on May 4th, 2023.

Online Competition (March 10th–May 10th)

Final (June 9)

Hardware challenge

Registration & Team Building (March 10th-May 20th, 2023)

Final (June 6-June 9, 2023)

Competition official website: https://gaiic.caai.cn/

Algorithm challenge

Event e-mail:

Track 1 data@tsinghua.edu.cn

Track 2 challenge@gigavision.cn

QQ group for event exchange (choose one):

Track 1 566353409/75834321

Hardware challenge

Event Email: bd@artrobot.com

Event exchange QQ group:

Track 1 558080765

Track 2 558719690

Track 3 480558608

04 tournament award

Algorithm challenge

The total prize money of the competition is 850,000-920,000 RMB, and all prizes are pre-tax.

Hardware challenge

The total prize money of the competition is 400,000 RMB, and all prizes are pre-tax.

Champion: 20,000 yuan/team, and the instructor 10,000 yuan/team.

Runner-up: 15,000 yuan/team and 8,000 yuan/team for the instructor.

Third runner-up: 10,000 yuan/team, and the instructor is 5,000 yuan/team.

First prize: 3,000 yuan for each team and 2,000 yuan for each instructor, a total of 5 teams.

Second prize: 2000 yuan per team, a total of 10 teams.

Third prize: 1000 yuan for each team, a total of 15 teams.

* The above is the award setting of a single event, and there are three events in the hardware event.

Other awards:

Creative Award: 4,000 yuan/team, totally 4 teams.

05 media cooperation

ChatGPT is hot out of the circle? Wait, the pig farm also has black technology.

Recently, ChatGPT has been popular. Before that, Wang Huiwen, the co-founder of Meituan, released the AI ? ? hero list, announced that he would pay for himself, and set up Beijing Lightyear Technology Co., Ltd. to confirm his entry. Later, there was an extreme dialogue between programmers from big factories and ChatGPT. From emotional consultation, project management to novel creation, ChatGPT was almost omnipotent and omnipotent (PS, Xiaobian was trembling with fear).

Behind the explosion of ChatGPT is everyone’s embarrassment and concern for the field of artificial intelligence. So is there any application of artificial intelligence technology in the field of pig breeding? How do they combine?


The Origin and Development of Artificial Intelligence Technology

Artificial intelligence technology is a branch of computer science. The original intention of its creation is that scientists hope that computers can imitate human intelligence, so that machines can handle complex things.

Artificial intelligence can be traced back to 1950, and Allen Matheson Turing put forward the famous "Turing Test" [which refers to asking questions to the testee through some devices (such as keyboards) when the testee is separated from the testee (a person and a machine). After many tests, if the machine makes the average participant make more than 30% misjudgment, then the machine has passed the test and is considered to have human intelligence.

In the same year, he published the paper "Computing Machine and Intelligence", and put forward and tried to answer the question "Can a machine think?". After the paper was published, it received extensive attention and discussion, and Turing was later called "the father of artificial intelligence".

In 1956, John McCarthy (computer scientist and cognitive scientist), an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Dartmouth College, located in the small town of Hannos in the eastern United States, invited a group of big coffee scholars including Marvin Minsky (winner of Turing Prize in 1969) and Claude Shannon (founder of information theory) to hold an academic conference. The conference mainly discussed topics such as machine imitating human intelligence, including: how to program computers, neural networks, calculation scale theory, mechanical theory (referring to self-learning), randomness and creativity.

Dartmouth Conference has been held for more than two months. Although the participants did not reach an agreement, they agreed on a word for the discussion: Artificial Intelligence (AI). At this point, the word artificial intelligence began to appear in people’s field of vision, and 1956 was also called the first year of artificial intelligence. After that, the theoretical research and practical application in the field of artificial intelligence continued to break through (see the development history of AI for details).

(Image from Demeo Consulting Wang Wei)

Before ChatGPT, the last time artificial intelligence was widely concerned was in May 2017, when Alphago defeated Li Shishi, the world Go champion, by a score of 4: 1, and will face Ke Jie, a player from China, at the world internet conference in Wuzhen. You know, after Li’s defeat in artificial intelligence, Ke Jie made a statement in the media: Even if Alpha Dog beats Li Shishi, it can’t beat me.

Before the start of the competition, Ke Jie had high hopes and was once regarded as "the last hope of mankind". However, the reality is cruel. Alphago(Master) beat Ke Jie, a talented teenager in China, with a score of 3: 0.

After the on-site interview, Ke Jie once choked:Playing chess with AlphaGo is too painful, AlphaGo is too calm, it is too perfect, and I can’t see any hope of victory.. So why is "artificial intelligence" technology so powerful?


Analysis of artificial intelligence technology

Artificial intelligence mainly includes five core technologies, namely computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing, robotics and biometrics.

Computer vision is a science that studies how to make machines "see", which means that cameras and computers are used to identify, track and measure targets instead of human eyes, and further graphic processing is carried out, so that computers can be processed into images that are more suitable for human eyes to observe or send to instruments for detection.

Machine learning is the core of artificial intelligence technology, which enables intelligent machines to simulate human behavior independently with the support of algorithm complexity theory, convex analysis, statistics and other disciplines. Machine learning refers to how to improve the performance of specific algorithms in empirical learning, that is to say, machine learning is based on massive data or past experience to optimize the performance standards of computer programs.

To put it simply, this process is similar to personal self-reflection, which is to review past experiences and then adjust the optimization behavior so as to do better next time. But different from personal reflection, personal reflection has limited sources of experience, while machine learning is based on a huge database given by developers, with wider sources of experience and data and more timely feedback based on goals.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a variety of theories and methods to study how to achieve effective communication between people and computers in natural language. Natural language processing is a science integrating linguistics, computer science and mathematics, which can be mainly applied to machine translation, public opinion monitoring, automatic summarization, viewpoint extraction, text classification, question answering and so on.

Robot refers to performing tasks such as working or moving through programming and automatic control. Robots have the basic characteristics of perception, decision-making, execution, etc., which can assist or even replace human beings to complete dangerous, heavy and complicated work and improve work efficiency and quality. At present, sweeping robots have entered the daily life of the public.

Biometric technology is closely combined with high-tech means such as optics, acoustics, biosensors and biostatistics through computers, and uses the inherent physiological characteristics (such as fingerprints, faces, irises, etc.) and behavioral characteristics (such as handwriting, voice, gait, etc.) of human bodies/creatures to identify their identities, such as "face recognition" and "pig face recognition".

Therefore, artificial intelligence can be understood as imitating human information input (images, words, sounds, etc.), information processing (based on the correct thinking model in the past) and then action execution, and constantly strengthening various abilities in the process to achieve the set goals and continue to improve. The core of artificial intelligence lies in deep learning, that is, continuous feedback and continuous optimization based on strategy.

The mechanism of deep learning is similar to the deliberate practice learning method proposed by Florida psychologist Anders Millard J. Erickson. Anders pointed out that the key factor to distinguish a person’s mediocrity and Excellence in the professional field is the degree of deliberate practice. The longer the deliberate practice, the higher the professional level. Deliberate exercises mainly include four elements:Clear goals, staying away from the comfort zone, concentration and timely feedback.. Different from human deliberate practice, the deliberate practice process of the machine has no emotion, so it is more efficient to execute.

Just a few months after Alphago(Master) defeated Ke Jie, in October of 17, DeepMind team published a new paper in Nature magazine, and launched a new generation of product AlphaGo( Zero). The paper points out that Alphago(Zero) reached the level of Alphago(Master) in only 21 days, and when Alphago(Zero) played the 40th day, it had already defeated all previous programs and won the world Go championship.

Afterwards, the industry put forward three cores for Alphago to quickly reach the top level in the world: first, it adopted a learning algorithm combining machine learning and neuroscience; Second, in Google’s powerful cloud computing system, more than 30 million steps of professional chess player’s chess manual have been learned through a large amount of data analysis; Third, throughThe ever-increasing self-gameFind a better idea than the basic chess manual. Artificial intelligence technology is created by human beings, and the achievements in some aspects are far beyond human beings, which may also be worth thinking and learning.


Application of artificial intelligence technology in pig farm

The combination of artificial intelligence technology and agriculture can be traced back to March 2015. Li Keqiang, then Premier of the State Council, put forward the action plan of "internet plus" for the first time in his government work report; In July of the same year, the State Council issued the Action Plan on Actively Promoting the internet plus (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan).

The Action Plan clearly puts forward to actively promote the modern agriculture in internet plus, and points out that it is necessary to establish standardized scale livestock and poultry breeding bases and aquatic healthy breeding demonstration bases,Promote the popularization and interconnection of intelligent devices such as accurate feed delivery, automatic disease diagnosis and automatic waste recycling.. The release of Action Plan opened the historical curtain of agriculture in internet plus.

After that, AI technology, like other emerging Internet technologies, was gradually applied to the practice of agricultural industry. On the one hand, new cutting-edge technology, on the other hand, traditional agriculture, how do they combine? What kind of sparks will break out?

Scenario 1: Pig farm monitoring and pig inventory

Since the outbreak of African swine fever in 2018, biosafety has been crucial for aquaculture enterprises. Under the traditional breeding mode, people and things inside and outside the pig farm are complicated, and materials, vehicles, birds and animals come in and out frequently. It is extremely difficult and time-consuming to achieve effective supervision. For example, in the process of dissecting dead pigs, improper wearing of protective clothing by operators may cause the spread of diseases in pig farms. It is difficult to pass the manual on-site review, and it is impossible to supervise all the time. By using technologies such as artificial intelligence and Internet of Things, employees’ misconduct can be identified and early warning signals can be conveyed to managers in time, which can effectively avoid the risk of disease spread.

In addition, artificial intelligence technology can also be used to count and estimate the number of pigs. In the traditional breeding process, pig dealers need to go to the pigsty for on-site counting and weighing in the pig selling process. By using the camera above the pig farm combined with artificial intelligence technology, the pigs in the pen can be counted in real time, so as to achieve the effect of remote pig watching and real-time weight estimation.

The AI patrol and early warning interface of "Pig Xiao Zhi" of rural credit cooperatives.

Scheme of intelligent pig farm with integrated rural credit, mathematics and intelligence for message or private message consultation

Scene 2: Intelligent dung cleaning robot and inspection robot

Pig farm is a model of large-scale farming. Large-scale farming and high manure output are difficult problems that plague the operation of enterprises. In traditional farming mode, manual cleaning is usually needed, and the labor input cost is high in the process of manual cleaning. Some pig farms use water to clean manure, which consumes a lot of water, and at the same time, it is easy to cause high humidity in pig houses and cause health problems of pigs. By using artificial intelligence technology to develop a dung sweeping robot, it can effectively solve the problems of difficult cleaning, reducing water consumption and saving costs.

Similarly, robots developed by combining intelligent speech recognition and visual recognition technologies can cruise around the pigsty all day, find abnormal pigs (such as fever and shivering) in the pigsty in time, prevent and control diseases in advance, and effectively resolve the risk of disease infection.

Mu Yuan inspection robot

The above are only typical application scenarios of artificial intelligence technology in pig farms. With the expansion of business scale and the improvement of cost control and biosafety requirements of enterprises, the combination of artificial intelligence technology and pig breeding is becoming closer and closer.



At last year’s Deep Bay Meeting, in view of the application of intelligence in pig farms, Qin Yinglin, chairman of Mu Yuan Co., pointed out: "It takes three years for us to train an excellent employee, and many employees are unqualified for three years, which takes five or even ten years. But we want to make a machine in the assembly line, and gather all our wisdom of raising pigs. We are producing this very quickly now, and producing thousands of units a day is equivalent to producing the corresponding number of laborers. "

It can be seen that artificial intelligence technology has been applied on a large scale in the farms of some enterprises. With the continuous development and mature application of technology, it is certain that "unmanned pig farms" and "unmanned farms" will eventually come true.


Talking about the development of AI from ChatGPT, consulting with Deme.

Nature is heavy: human beings have misunderstood the dopamine mechanism in the brain! ? Top Edition AlphaGo Enlightens Brain Science, Quantum Bit

Qin Yinglin’s Sharing in Deep Bay Meeting, Wandou Agricultural Science.

Guiding Opinions on Actively Promoting "internet plus" Action, the State Council