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Peace, sunshine and fairness! This year’s college entrance examination, these practical measures are very powerful.

  In a few days, the college entrance examination is coming. This year, the number of applicants for the college entrance examination was 10.71 million, and 945,000 invigilators and examiners were arranged. This is the largest organized collective activity in China since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, and it is a major test for the prevention and control of the epidemic normalization. How to ensure the safety, peace of mind, fairness and justice of candidates to take the exam, these practical measures to understand.

  How to do epidemic prevention in college entrance examination? National Health Commission released 10 key measures for epidemic prevention in college entrance examination.

  Official website, National Health Commission, recently released 10 key epidemic prevention measures for the 2020 college entrance examination, which mentioned that all candidates and examination staff can only enter the examination center if their body temperature is below 37.3℃. Candidates who have respiratory symptoms such as fever and cough on the day of the exam will be allowed to use the standby isolation examination room. In low-risk areas, a preventive disinfection should be carried out for the examination room after the examination every day, and in non-low-risk areas, a preventive disinfection should be carried out after the examination of each subject.

  At the same time, candidates in low-risk areas should wear masks before entering the examination room, and they can decide whether to wear them after entering the examination room. Candidates in alternate isolation examination rooms and high-risk areas should wear masks all the time. Staff and invigilators wear masks throughout the whole process, and invigilators and staff in isolated examination rooms must wear work clothes, medical protective masks and disposable gloves, etc., and can wear protective clothing when necessary.

  Ten key measures involve the corner of the epidemic prevention work in the college entrance examination, so as to escort the candidates to take the exam safely.

  Ministry of Education: The highest standards and strictest measures go all out to do a good job in the 2020 college entrance examination.

  Official website, the Ministry of Education, issued a notice on July 2nd, stating that the education department and the member units of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference on the Unified National Education Examination should strictly do a good job in epidemic prevention, examination safety, examinee service, enrollment and other work of the college entrance examination with the highest standards and strictest measures, so as to ensure the realization of "safe college entrance examination", "sunshine college entrance examination" and "fair college entrance examination".

  In terms of enrollment, in view of the hot and difficult issues concerned by the masses, the internal supervision of college enrollment will be strengthened, and a management system of "collective research and collective decision-making" will be established. The discipline inspection and supervision department will supervise the enrollment of colleges and universities throughout the process, encourage colleges and universities to hire social supervisors to participate in the enrollment work, and realize "double supervision" within the system and the public.

  At the same time, seriously carry out the re-examination of freshmen’s admission, and resolutely cancel their admission qualifications and deal with them seriously for those freshmen who cheat, cheat in exams, get extra points or attempt to impersonate; Those who register for school will cancel their school status and will not be electronically registered as freshmen; At the same time, cooperate with public security, discipline inspection and supervision departments to find out the truth and investigate the responsibility of relevant personnel according to law and discipline.

  Many measures in four aspects cover the whole process of the college entrance examination, which makes the cage of the system tighter and makes the candidates feel at ease and practical.

  Public security organs will open three green channels to serve college entrance examination candidates.

  Zhang Zuoliang, deputy director of the Public Security Administration of the Ministry of Public Security, recently introduced that during the college entrance examination this year, the public security organs will open three green channels to serve candidates:

  First, the green channel for resident ID cards. Candidates who need to be expedited and have their ID cards renewed will be given priority in acceptance, certification and delivery. At present, this work has been implemented, and more than 32,000 identity cards have been urgently processed for college entrance examination candidates.

  The second is the green channel for nursing examination. During the college entrance examination, local police officers on duty will provide emergency access facilities for candidates who forget to bring their ID cards, admission tickets, encounter traffic jams and other difficulties, and help candidates arrive at the examination room on time.

  The third is to rescue the green channel. The police on duty will quickly send police and deal with the vehicles that have broken down and traffic accidents, and help contact the vehicles to transfer students if necessary.

  Candidates for the college entrance examination in some parts of China can make an online reservation for the candidates’ car.

  According to Xinhua News Agency, Gaode Map is currently launching the "examinee car" service in many cities such as Beijing. Candidates for the college entrance examination can make an appointment directly online. After the appointment is successful, candidates can enjoy free one-to-one and peer-to-peer delivery and acceptance services during the college entrance examination.

  At present, love motorcades in Beijing, Chongqing, Wuhan, Xuzhou, Lianyungang, Zhengzhou, Qinhuangdao, Zhangjiakou, Jiujiang and other cities have settled in the "examinee car". The team has asked all the team members to check the condition of the car before sending it, communicate with the reserved candidates and survey the route in advance.

  In the aspect of epidemic prevention, in order to ensure health, drivers are required to measure their body temperature before leaving the car every day, wear masks all the time, be ventilated frequently, and be disinfected immediately after completing each pick-up task.

  Experts advise college entrance examination students to improve their immunity. Don’t be greedy and blindly tonic.

  As the college entrance examination approaches, how to scientifically improve the immunity of college entrance examination students is a concern of many parents. Nutrition and health care experts remind parents not to give their children too much greasy food, and not to supplement candidates with too much protein and fatty food. Diet should be light.

  At the same time, when the weather is hot, it is not recommended for college entrance examination students to eat too much cold drinks and carbonated drinks, not to be greedy for cold food and not to eat too much at dinner, so as not to increase the burden on the digestive system of candidates and affect their sleep.

  Don’t give too many supplements and health products to college entrance examination students, so as not to cause overnutrition and increase the burden on liver and kidney. In addition to ensuring comprehensive nutrition and regular diet, candidates should be encouraged to adhere to moderate exercise and improve their immunity. (Compilation/Wang Ying)

Arsenal have no title for 19 years! In 248 days, it topped the list but set an embarrassing record. The third time, it suffered a big reversal.

On May 21st, Beijing time, Arsenal lost 0-1 to Nottingham Forest, sending Manchester City to win the championship ahead of time, but they missed the Premier League championship for 19 consecutive years! The hope I just saw was dashed again.

When was the last time Arsenal won the Premier League title? 2003-04 season, 19 years ago! At that time, they won the championship unbeaten under the leadership of Wenger, which was the only time in the history of the Premier League. However, it was the culmination of glory and the beginning of decline.

Since then, Arsenal has never been involved in the Premier League trophy, and it has degenerated into fighting for four. Until 2018, Wenger regretted leaving, and so on. And his successor, emeri, also failed to recover.

However, this season, under the training of Artta, the gunman suddenly rose and led all the way. At the beginning of April this year, he once led the second Manchester City by as much as 8 points, and it is very promising to break the spell!

However, at the critical moment, they habitually dropped the chain. After a series of three consecutive draws, they lost to the Blue Moon 1-4 in the battle of Tianwangshan, handing over the top throne that had been held for 248 days.

In the final sprint, Arsenal lost to Brighton and Nottingham Forest one after another, leaving Manchester City at home! There are only 2 wins in the last 8 rounds, which is really a complete collapse.

You know, after 248 days at the top of the list, but ultimately failed to win the championship, Arsenal created an extremely embarrassing Premier League historical record! The previous holder was Newcastle, which held the top spot for 212 days in 1995-96, but was reversed by Manchester United.

In the 2002-03 season, Arsenal stayed at the top of the list for 189 days, and in the 2007-08 season, they stayed for 156 days, all of which were turned over, which can be said to be an "old tradition".

Romano: Szoboszlai will cancel the contract for 70 million euros and may leave the team this summer.

Live on May 21st, Romano reported that the price of the termination clause of Red Bull midfielder Szoboszlai in Leipzig was 70 million euros.

Early this morning, Leipzig beat Bayern Munich 3-1. After the game, when asked about his potential transfer in the summer by German Sky Sports, Szoboszlai avoided answering. He directly said, "The next question …"

Romano said that Szoboszlai’s termination clause cost 70 million euros, and it is believed that the Hungarian international will leave the team this summer.

Szoboszlai, 22, made 44 appearances for Leipzig this season, contributing 9 goals and 13 assists.

(goblin killer)