标签归档 苏州哪里有便宜的快餐

Shen Tengchong is on the hot search! On March 11, Shen Teng suddenly rushed to the hot search, just because there was a woman.

Original title: Shen Tengchong is hot! On March 11, Shen Teng suddenly rushed to the hot search, just because there was a woman.

The subtle interaction between stars and police

On the stage of hot search, there is never a lack of some unexpected surprises. On August 11th, a picture made netizens laugh: Shen Teng’s photo with a policewoman was not only funny, but also aroused many conjectures.

Express one’s will by holding things.

In the picture, the policewoman clings to Shen Teng, showing a thumb, while Shen Teng is expressionless, with her hands behind her back, as if she were in a weird theater.

Figurative rhetoric

Netizens have speculated whether Shen Teng "stepped on thunder"? Why do you look like ice and look like you’re in custody? This photo reminds people of the subtle interaction between the stars and the police.

Beginning of quotation sentence

"It’s not the first time that I’ve become a brother", which seems to be the consensus of netizens. In this photo, Shen Teng’s expression doesn’t smile, which makes people feel as if he is "suspected".

Common sayings, proverbs, jokes, golden sentences

This can’t help but remind people of the photos of Bo Huang, Faye Wong and other stars with the police. One identified the crime scene and the other was taken away. The posture and expression can really influence the temperament of a photo.

Deep combination

"When taking a photo with the police, the posture and expression are very new!" This sentence seems to be a lesson that stars should remember. Shen Teng’s "no smile" this time has also become the focus of discussion among netizens.

Subtle interaction

Behind this confusing picture, there may be more unknown stories hidden. The photo of the police and the stars is both interesting and meaningful. Perhaps it is this subtle interaction that makes people enjoy it.

Editor in charge:

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a blue rainstorm warning.

  CCTV News:The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a blue rainstorm warning at 10: 00 on July 26:

  It is estimated that there will be heavy rains in parts of southwestern Heilongjiang, western Jilin, eastern Qinghai, Sichuan Basin, western and southern Chongqing, central and western Guizhou, southern Shandong, northern Jiangsu, eastern Zhejiang and Taiwan Province Island from 14: 00 on July 26 to 14: 00 on July 27. Among them, there will be heavy rains in parts of eastern Sichuan Basin, western Chongqing, northern Guizhou and southeastern Zhejiang, and heavy rains in parts of eastern and southern Taiwan Province Island. Some of the above areas are accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall (the maximum hourly rainfall is 20 ~ 50 mm, and the local area can exceed 80 mm), and there are strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds.

  Defense guide:

  1, the government and relevant departments in accordance with their duties to prepare for the storm;

  2. Schools and kindergartens should take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of students and children;

  3. Drivers should pay attention to road water and traffic jams to ensure safety;

  4, check the city, farmland, fish pond drainage system, ready for drainage.

SARFT talks about historical themes: personal imagination can’t replace historical conclusion

Source: Beijing Youth Daily

On November 30th, the State Administration of Radio and Television and China Institute of History, China Academy of Social Sciences jointly held the "Symposium on the Creation of Historical TV Plays", which deeply discussed the related topics of the creation of historical TV plays. Zhu Yonglei, member of the party group and deputy director of the State Administration of Radio and Television, put forward three suggestions: First, we should firmly establish a grand historical view, grasp the historical development trend of the past, present and future, and persist in guiding the correct creative direction with Marxist historical materialism; Second, we must persist in taking the people as the center, observe the reality in the historical context, and build the spiritual home of the Chinese nation; Third, we should change our creative ideas from time to time, be brave in innovation, strive for perfection and originality in shooting and production, and strive to create a number of outstanding works.

Zhu Yonglei said that China has a long history and complicated historical phenomena. It is necessary to choose from the vast amount of historical information, historical events and historical figures, so as to "choose the right topic, tell a good story and shoot a fine product", select, combine and reproduce historical materials, correctly express history and reproduce history artistically. It is necessary to grasp the essence from the whole and through the phenomenon from the connection, and guide the audience to clearly understand the direction of historical development. "In particular, important issues concerning the construction of the Chinese nation community, such as nationality, culture and national unity, cannot be replaced by personal guesses and inconclusive academic interpretations. In terms of theme selection and characterization, we must firmly grasp the historical trend and the overall process of the development of the Chinese nation, and avoid only the personalization, strangeness and marginalization of history, or just from the standpoint of localities and departments, and we must resolutely oppose the creative direction of historical nihilism. "

The creation of historical drama can’t just focus on emperors and princes, but always turn around the axis of imperial power, making the space of historical drama smaller and smaller, even falling into a dead end. The creation of historical dramas should strive to explore richer historical perspectives, cultural perspectives and life perspectives, and embody the people’s role in promoting creative practice in historical development through vivid artistic images and novel artistic techniques. "Historical TV series should not only have the events in front of the old Wang Xietang, but also have fireworks flying into the homes of ordinary people."

Zhu Yonglei pointed out that the innovation of historical drama is unique and eclectic, which never means abandoning the original and drifting with the flow. At present, there are indeed some creators who lack an accurate understanding and correct grasp of historical materialism and grand historical view. Some works are fictionalized about important historical events and historical figures, and their creative ideas still focus on the power struggle of emperors and generals and the harem life, ignoring the shaping of people’s images and the grasp of historical mainstream trends. There are still a few works that regard historical space as a universal excuse and fig leaf for lacking artistic level and artistic logic, and even a hotbed for breeding dross, which tends to be vulgarized, kitsch and suspended overhead.

He emphasized that promoting the healthy development and creative prosperity of historical TV dramas is one of the priorities of SARFT at present and during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. For key historical dramas, SARFT will provide whole-process service guidance, whole-process quality management, allocate resources for the whole industry, and assemble good writers, good directors and good actors for creative shooting.

Text/reporter Zu Weiwei

Controversy! Jeff, the new captain of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team, may make a new decision, and the reason is revealed!

Controversy! Jeff, the new captain of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team, may make a new decision, and the reason is revealed!

The emergence of Jeff, the new captain of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team, has caused some controversy. Some fans have doubts about whether he can be the captain. However, the management is firm about Jeff’s choice, and thinks that his leadership and team consciousness are enough to lead the team to success. Jeff himself also said that he would try harder and go all out to respond to the fans’ expectations. Jeff’s appointment as the new captain of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team has undoubtedly aroused various voices among fans. The management of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team firmly believes that Jeff is the best candidate, and they believe that Jeff’s leadership temperament and team consciousness are the key to the team’s success. On the court, he showed extraordinary dominance and leadership, as well as the ability to play a stabilizer role in the team.

In addition, he is always the leader of his teammates off the court and has established a close cooperative relationship for the team. The management believes that Jeff as the new captain is the best choice for Guangdong men’s basketball team to win the championship in the future. However, it is undeniable that some fans’ controversy about Jeff becoming the captain is also reasonable. Being a captain is not only about the performance of basketball skills, but also includes leadership, emotional management and tactical decision-making. For a top team like Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team, the captain’s responsibility and pressure are enormous. Some fans are worried about whether Jeff can keep calm at critical moments and how to adjust tactics and motivate players in adversity.

These concerns are reasonable to some extent, because the captain’s role is not only to celebrate the victory, but also to lead the team unswervingly when it is difficult. Jeff himself is full of determination and confidence to become the new captain. In an interview, he frankly knew that the fans had high expectations of him, but he also said that he would respond to these expectations with greater efforts and all-out efforts. He believes that becoming a captain is a new challenge and a great honor in his career. He said that he will work closely with the coaching staff, learn and improve his leadership ability, and lead the team towards the goal of championship. As the new captain of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team, Jeff will face a series of advantages and challenges.

First of all, as a captain, he will have more voice and influence, be able to better communicate with coaches and management, and strive for better resources and support for the team. His leading position in the team will also make his teammates trust him more and be more willing to obey his command. However, the duties of the captain are also accompanied by great pressure and challenges. He needs to stand up when the team encounters difficulties, boost morale and lead the team out of the trough together. At the same time, he also needs to constantly improve his level on the court and become a model and example for the team. Looking ahead, the importance of Jeff as captain is self-evident. He will show his skills and leadership on the court, and he will also face the judgment of all parties.

However, no matter what challenges he faces, Xu Jie said that he would go all out and do his best to bring more honor and glory to the Guangdong men’s basketball team. Only time will tell whether Jeff can be the captain, but he has become an important symbol for fans and Guangdong men’s basketball team, symbolizing a new chapter and a new beginning. Let’s look forward to more brilliant achievements of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team under his leadership.

Ren Junfei, the old captain, will be transformed into a coach!

Ren Junfei, the old captain, will be transformed into a coach!

Ren Junfei is the old captain of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team. However, due to his age, his condition has declined seriously. Therefore, the work arrangement of Guangdong men’s basketball team is to make him formally transform into a coach after the contract expires. At present, Ren Junfei is still with the team as a player and coach, but it is no longer appropriate to be the captain again. The team hopes that he can provide valuable experience for young players in his new role. Ren Junfei, the old captain of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team, has always been a symbol of the team. However, time waits for no one, and the growing age is an unavoidable reality for a professional basketball player. With the passage of time, Ren Junfei’s physical fitness and competitive state gradually declined, which became more and more obvious on the court.

Once the edge is no longer, he began to feel a little overwhelmed in the face of increasingly fierce competition pressure. There are many reasons for the decline in state. On the one hand, the gradual decline of physical fitness is a factor that cannot be ignored. Physical training and rehabilitation nursing of professional athletes are important, but the growth of age will inevitably weaken these effects. On the other hand, many years’ career has brought many injuries to Ren Junfei. Although he has been trying to recover and persist in training, the hidden dangers left by these injuries cannot be completely eliminated, which also affects his play on the field. Facing the reality, the management of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team made a wise decision. They are well aware of the contribution of the old captain, but they also know that it is not conducive to the development of the team to let him serve as captain again.

Therefore, they decided to formally transform Ren Junfei into a coach after his contract expired. This decision is not only a respect for Ren Junfei, but also a responsibility for the future of the team. After the transformation, Ren Junfei will be able to focus on giving full play to his advantages as a coach and bring more help to the team and young players. At present, Ren Junfei, as a player and coach, still participates in training and competitions with the team. Although he can’t make great contributions to the offensive and defensive ends of the team on the court as in the past, his influence on the coaching bench can’t be underestimated. As a veteran with rich experience, Ren Junfei knows how to mobilize players’ fighting spirit and potential, and can also give them valuable advice and guidance at critical moments. His existence is a positive energy for the whole team.

The new role has brought new expectations to Ren Junfei. As a coach, he will have the opportunity to establish more in-depth contact with the young players of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team. Young players usually admire the experience and opinions of their predecessors, so Ren Junfei’s teaching will surely be valued by them. He can teach young players skills and tactics on the training ground, and can also provide them with guidance on life and career planning in daily life. This will be a mutually beneficial process, which will not only help the growth of players, but also help Ren Junfei find new satisfaction and value. Looking ahead, Ren Junfei’s transformation as a coach may face some challenges. From player to coach, we need a process of role change and adaptation.

He needs to learn to keep a balance in his new identity, not only to keep close to the players, but also to play a rigorous and decisive coaching role. However, with the passage of time and the accumulation of experience, I believe that Ren Junfei will adapt to the new role better and better, and continue to contribute to the future development of Guangdong men’s basketball team. At the turning point of his career, Ren Junfei interpreted a real leader with his own decision. He did not hesitate to choose to transform into a coach and contribute his wisdom and experience to the future of the team and young players. His decision may make some fans feel sorry, but more people will understand and support his choice.

At this new starting point full of challenges and opportunities, we are looking forward to seeing Ren Junfei continue to ignite the basketball dream of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team with his wisdom and enthusiasm!