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Delineate the red line of behavior, share the blacklist, live broadcast with goods, and wear the rule of law "golden hoop"

  □ Reporter Zhao Chenxi

  With the increasing popularity of online shopping, many people are no longer satisfied with their own drawings and introductions, so they order shopping from the e-commerce platform, but need some people to give "professional" recommendations and explanations, which also makes the live broadcast more and more hot.

  According to the Statistical Report on the Development of Internet in China, as of December 2020, the number of live webcast users in China reached 617 million, of which 388 million were e-commerce users, an increase of 123 million compared with March 2020, accounting for 39.2% of all netizens, ranking first in the number of live webcast users.

  However, while some people earn a lot of money by live broadcasting, many merchants and anchors with goods take advantage of the loopholes in content review and supervision and management of live broadcasting platforms to make false propaganda and sell fake and shoddy goods, which seriously damages the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

  In this regard, on April 23rd, the State Internet Information Office, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, the State Administration of Market Supervision, and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television jointly issued the Measures for the Management of Webcast Marketing (for Trial Implementation), which will take effect on May 25th.

  Liu Junhai, director of the Institute of Commercial Law of Renmin University of China, said in an interview with the Daily Rule of Law that no matter how big the Internet is, it is no bigger than the French Open. The promulgation of the Measures will put a golden hoop of the rule of law on the live broadcast industry and effectively rectify the chaos in the industry.

  "the first law" of live broadcast with goods

  In the China E-commerce Legal Report 2019-2020 issued by the Economic and Social E-commerce Research Center of the domestic e-commerce think tank network, "the risk of live broadcast with goods" is one of the "Top Ten E-commerce Legal Risks in 2019-2020".

  The reporter noted that long before the joint release of the seven departments, the relevant departments issued a number of specifications related to webcasting in 2020.

  In June, 2020, the Media Shopping Professional Committee of China Business Federation drafted and formulated the group standard of live shopping industry, "Operation Management and Service Specification for Live Shopping (Draft for Comment)", which stipulated the basic requirements, product quality requirements, operator management, live broadcast personnel and other aspects of live shopping management and service. This specification is the first national standard in the live shopping industry.

  On June 24th, 2020, China Advertising Association issued the Code of Conduct for Webcast Marketing, which is applicable to the webcasting marketing activities in which merchants, anchors and other participants sell goods or provide services to users in the form of live broadcast on e-commerce platforms, content platforms, social platforms and other online platforms. This code is the first special code on webcasting marketing activities in China.

  On June 30, 2020, Zhejiang E-commerce Promotion Association issued "Training and Evaluation Standard for Live E-commerce Talents", which is the first domestic standard for live e-commerce practitioners.

  Although some norms have been issued by relevant departments, in the view of Yang Chunbao, a senior partner of Dacheng (Shanghai) Law Firm, these norms are scattered and have a low level of effectiveness. When handling or hearing related complaints or cases, market supervision and law enforcement departments and judicial organs can only rely on universal laws such as e-commerce law and advertising law. Therefore, it is urgent to issue a targeted and high-level regulation to regulate all kinds of chaos in the webcast industry.

  Yang Chunbao believes that the promulgation of the "Measures" undoubtedly makes up for this problem, and makes detailed provisions on the respective obligations and legal responsibilities of the main practitioners in this industry, which is the "first big law" to regulate the marketing of webcasting at present.

  Define the age limit for practitioners.

  Nowadays, more and more minors are exposed to live webcasts. Apart from being viewers, it has also been revealed that some minors were packaged as anchors with goods and used "immature" words to promote products.

  The "Measures" subdivide the live broadcast publishers engaged in live broadcast marketing activities into live broadcast room operators and live broadcast marketers, and set a clear age limit, requiring natural persons to be at least 16 years old; Minors over the age of 16 who apply to become live marketers or live room operators shall obtain the consent of their guardians.

  Liu Junhai pointed out that minors, as anchors with goods, are easy to be used by some businesses and marketing teams, and will also have a bad demonstration effect on society, which should be explicitly prohibited.

  If the underage anchor is "not deeply involved in the world", then some relatively well-known anchors with goods are suspected of "knowingly committing crimes".

  In May, 2020, Liu Ergou, a network anchor with more than 18 million fans, showed in a live broadcast with goods that the paper towels he sold were 1,800 grams. After purchasing, consumers found that the paper towels received were only 500 grams, which was a serious problem.

  In November, 2020, Simba, a live broadcast anchor with tens of millions of fans, falsely advertised a flavor beverage with a bird’s nest content of only 0.014% as a commodity with a high bird’s nest content in a live broadcast.

  Not only that, some businesses that intend to promote are also frequently subjected to "routines" by network anchors and their teams.

  At present, the main revenue models of anchor goods are divided into three modes: pure pit fee, pure commission or commission plus pit fee, in which "commission" means that the anchor draws a share according to the sales volume of the live broadcast room, and the higher the sales volume, the more it is divided; The pit fee is a fixed appearance fee for the anchor to introduce and publicize the goods.

  In order to gain high income, it is not uncommon to cheat in the live broadcast room. The high popularity of supporting anchor pit fees can be faked, and fans, viewers, likes and interactions can also be purchased in batches at low prices. Some anchors even hire a brushing team to purchase goods first and then return them one after another. Some merchants revealed that the live broadcast of the goods cost 150,000 yuan, but the final return rate was as high as 90%, and all the goods were pressed in their hands.

  In response to all kinds of chaos, the "Measures" clearly stipulate that live broadcast operators and live broadcast marketers engaged in online live broadcast marketing activities should abide by laws and regulations and relevant state regulations, follow social public order and good customs, and truly, accurately and comprehensively publish information on goods or services. At the same time, it also stipulates that practitioners should not publish false or misleading information to deceive or mislead users; It is forbidden to market fake and shoddy goods, which infringe intellectual property rights or do not meet the requirements for protecting personal and property safety; It is forbidden to fabricate or tamper with eight red lines, such as transactions, attention, views, likes and other data traffic fraud.

  Strengthen the protection of consumers’ rights and interests

  The biggest loss of live broadcast rollover is consumers. China Consumers Association has repeatedly pointed out that it is difficult for consumers to protect their rights in the field of live broadcast.

  In Liu Junhai’s view, the illegal cost of offenders is lower than the illegal income, while the cost of consumer rights protection is higher than the rights protection income, which is the key reason for the repeated illegal activities of live broadcast.

  In order to strengthen the protection of consumers’ rights and interests, the Measures stipulate that consumers jump to other platforms to buy goods or receive services through links in live broadcast rooms and QR codes. In case of disputes, relevant live broadcast marketing platforms should actively assist consumers to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests and provide necessary evidence and other support. Operators and marketers of live broadcast rooms shall perform their responsibilities and obligations to protect consumers’ rights and interests according to laws and regulations, and shall not deliberately delay or refuse legitimate and reasonable demands put forward by consumers without justifiable reasons.

  Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, believes that the provisions of the Measures are an extension of the consumer rights protection law in the field of live delivery, especially requiring the platform to provide necessary evidence of rights protection, which provides support for consumers’ rights protection.

  Throughout the past cases, there were problems with live broadcast, consumers’ rights and interests were damaged, and the anchor was questioned, but the live broadcast platform was often "lucky to escape". The "Measures" focus on compacting the responsibilities of the live broadcast platform, requiring the live broadcast platform to establish and improve mechanisms such as account registration and cancellation, information security management, marketing behavior norms, protection of minors, protection of consumers’ rights and interests, personal information protection, and network and data security management.

  In view of the live broadcast room with a large number of fans and a large transaction amount, the Measures further strengthened supervision, requiring the platform to take preventive measures such as real-time inspection by special personnel and extending the storage time of live content. At the same time, the platform is required to take measures such as blocking live broadcasts, closing accounts, being blacklisted, and joint punishment for violations.

  Zhao Zhanling, a special researcher at the Intellectual Property Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, pointed out that live broadcast is real-time. At present, it is mostly solved by reporting and complaining afterwards, and measures such as real-time inspection stipulated in the Measures help to strengthen prevention in advance.

  It is worth noting that in order to avoid the problem of water control in Kowloon, the Measures propose that the seven departments establish and improve the working mechanisms such as clue transfer, information sharing, consultation and judgment, education and training, and do a good job in the supervision and management of webcasting marketing according to their respective responsibilities, and share information on the list of live marketing market entities that seriously violate laws and regulations, and carry out joint punishment according to law.

  While welcoming the strongest supervision, Zhao Zhanling also hopes that the anchors with cargo can improve their legal awareness and regulate their own behaviors. The anchor promotes the products he manages, and his role is the product seller. If the propaganda content is false, it is suspected of fraud; If you do propaganda for businesses, their roles are advertising operators and publishers, and you need to fulfill the obligation to review the authenticity and legality of the advertising content of businesses as advertisers, otherwise you will be suspected of violating the advertising law and bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

"Marriage" with AI, 5G can "manage" itself.

  Photo courtesy of vision china

  A very important feature of 5G is that at the protocol layer, the Internet and communication networks have truly integrated. Therefore, many of our algorithms in the computer field and technologies in the Internet field can be more easily implemented in the 5G network.

  Dean of Tsinghua University Intelligent Industry Research Institute, Zhang Yaqin

  "Ah, Wuhuan, you have one more ring than Sihuan." Many people have a similar understanding of 5G: 5G is 1G more than 4G, movies download in seconds, and video on demand is smooth … …

  In the latest issue of Telecommunications Science, an article titled "The Next Decade of Communication Artificial Intelligence" shows people a completely different prospect of 5G communication applications: the future communication network can be highly autonomous. Through deep integration with artificial intelligence, 5G communication can realize "three selves", that is, parameters are self-configured, performance is self-optimized, and faults are self-cured.

  On May 4th, Zhang Yaqin, one of the co-authors of the paper, an academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and president of Tsinghua University Intelligent Industry Research Institute, said in an interview with the Science and Technology Daily reporter that the communication industry is moving towards 5G, and it will soon move towards 6G. Just watch the video faster and the signal is better. That’s not 5G.

  What is the real 5G? Why do 5G networks "marry" with artificial intelligence?

  Only with artificial intelligence can we break through these bottlenecks.

  "The combination of 5G and artificial intelligence is an urgent matter." Wei Leping, one of the co-authors of the paper, deputy director of the Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and director of the Science and Technology Committee of China Telecom Group Company, is most concerned about the energy consumption of 5G.

  Compared with a 4G base station, a 5G base station consumes 3.5— of energy under half load. Four times. "If the value generated by 5G is not enough to pay the electricity bill, it will become a bottleneck for the widespread landing of 5 G." Wei Leping said that the optimization ability of artificial intelligence may solve this problem, so relevant departments, enterprises and other institutions need to dig, standardize and promote with a sense of urgency.

  In addition to data limit and energy consumption bottleneck, artificial intelligence is also urgently needed for the management of huge networks.

  "The 4G communication network system is enormous, and the types of networks are also very complicated. Up to now, I haven’t counted how many networks there are. Therefore, it is very difficult to manage these networks, not to mention organic integration and collaborative improvement. " Wei Leping said that the situation of 5G is more complicated, and it is even more impossible to manage such complicated resources manually. Therefore, it is very necessary for artificial intelligence to intervene, put forward early warning and give pre-judgment, and greatly improve the management efficiency of 5G networks.

  In the past 10 years, they have "danced in chains"

  As early as a decade ago, the communication industry has already seen the potential value of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

  "In the beginning, some foreign operators were full of confidence in realizing the self-organization, self-optimization and self-healing of communication networks in the 3G stage, hoping to partially realize the automation and intelligence of the networks in the 3G stage." Dr. Ouyang Ye, one of the co-authors of the paper, Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President of AsiaInfo Technology recalled that in 2008, the industry began to define the self-organizing network at the international standard level for the first time.

  It stands to reason that in the next 10 years, self-organizing networks should usher in a period of rising development, but this is not the case.

  "In the past 10 years, American and some European telecom operators have deployed some self-optimizing network (SON) systems independently or in a mixed way, trying to integrate artificial intelligence into the planning, construction, maintenance and optimization of communication networks, but the overall effect has not reached expectations." Ouyang Ye said that this happened because the 2G and 3G networks themselves, including their ecology, software and hardware, equipment interfaces, etc., were not built according to the concept of intelligence, and the network elements themselves did not support artificial intelligence in the stage of standardization construction, and it was difficult to connect with artificial intelligence, network interfaces and signaling systems. It’s like inviting a famous doctor to treat a disease, but the patient himself doesn’t accept injections and medicines.

  3G network is like an "iron plate", and the integration with artificial intelligence has become "dancing in chains".

  It was not until the emergence of 5G that this situation ushered in a turning point.

  Zhang Yaqin explained: "A very important feature of 5G is that at the protocol level, the Internet and communication networks have truly integrated. Therefore, many of our algorithms in the computer field and technologies in the Internet field can be more easily implemented in 5G networks. "

  Therefore, in the construction of 5G infrastructure in China, we should consider the integration of artificial intelligence and leave an interface for the integration of artificial intelligence.

  To this end, the author of this paper calls on the builders of the communication industry to further open up the network standardization interface, give artificial intelligence the opportunity to fully empower and inject wisdom into the network infrastructure, network management operation and maintenance system, business support system, etc., and take 5G and artificial intelligence as technology "combination" to further release the potential.

  Wisdom "neurons" germinate in desk work

  Back in February, 2017, the Second Working Group on Services and Systems of the International Organization for Standardization 3GPP began to study the intelligent network elements of the 5G core network. They defined a network element with network data analysis function: the nodes of a communication network can collect personalized information of users, form a unique personal portrait, analyze it through the portrait, and then provide the analysis results to the decision-making level.

  This is the first time that mobile communication has defined standardization in the core network architecture since 1G to 5G, and requires the deployment of network artificial intelligence network elements.

  "The intelligentization of 5G starts from standardization, which is a characteristic of the communication field, because the so-called communication must be connected to transmit information. And standardization is to avoid ‘ Chickens talk to ducks ’ The premise. " Ouyang Wei said.

  On the other hand, the network element with "soul" is the foothold of artificial intelligence algorithm and model in 5G network. Through the network element, the ability of artificial intelligence is "injected" into the 5G network, and the nodes in the 5G network will gradually have different intelligent functions, and the network element will be able to participate in the decision control of the control plane of the core network in a comprehensive and real-time manner.

  Since then, the new components of network intelligence have been enriched.

  In June 2017, china communications standards association launched the research on the application of artificial intelligence in telecommunication networks.

  In February 2018, the Open Wireless Access Network Alliance was established to open the "Android version" of the mobile information artificial intelligence framework.

  In June, 2020, China Mobile and AsiaInfo Technology formally introduced the concept of federated learning into the 3GPR17 standard for the first time, forming the first global international standard of federated learning in the 5G field.

  "In terms of 5G network intelligence, China operators and manufacturers are in the first camp." Ouyang Ye said that at present, in the key standards organizations for the intelligentization of 5G communication networks (including 3GPP, Global System for Mobile Communications, etc.), China manufacturers have a very high degree of participation, and together with more international manufacturers, they are working together to promote the intelligentization of 5G.

  In 2023, the mobile communication network will realize initial intelligence.

  "We expect that by 2023, the mobile communication network will realize initial network intelligence and initially build a network element of network artificial intelligence." Ouyang Ye told reporters that by this step, communication artificial intelligence will reach L2 level (primary intelligent autonomous network).

  From 2023 to 2027, the communication network will evolve to L3 or even L4 level. At that time, the intelligent network can do more advanced things, such as "catching thieves".

  Wei Leping gave an intelligent scene of transmission network. "The optical fiber is cut off, which happens many times every year. At present, an optical fiber bears the capacity of 8T, and once it is cut off, it is very harmful. But with artificial intelligence, you can make an early warning. " Wei Leping said that the optical fiber must be stressed before being cut off. Once stressed, sensitive artificial intelligence can know in advance that the signal is abnormal and even locate it accurately.

  The attitude of relevant experts is relatively conservative as to whether the complete autonomy of the 5G intelligent network can be achieved by 2028.

  "In 2027 and 2028, it is very likely that the first version of 6G international industry standard will be released. This key node determines whether artificial intelligence can continue to play a core role in the process of evolution to 6G. If the attempt at 5G fails, its importance and status will also become lower." Ouyang Wei said.

  In Zhang Yaqin’s view, in the era of data 3.0 where everything is data, a network that can’t learn autonomy is embarrassing and useful.

  Whether 5G or 6G communication networks can achieve a perfect high degree of autonomy in the next 10 years is unknown, but the dream of "unmanned" runs through the hearts of every scientific researcher and industrial worker who is obsessed with artificial intelligence.

Funny jokes: 10 jokes

1. Master puzzle master, do you never drink? "sin, sin. ""Don’t you drink before you become a monk? " "sin, sin." "I don’t understand this. How can it be a sin to drink before becoming a monk?" "You pig with no understanding at all, how many times have I said" drunk "!"

2. hilarious joke: eating jiaozi in the dumpling shop, the boss’s soup is delicious, holding a bowl and holding another bowl, stirring it in the soup pot with a spoon, suddenly seeing a turtle inside, smiling at the boss’s wife and saying, "Boss, no wonder your soup is so delicious, it’s enough!" The proprietress came and took a look, and her face changed. She looked up at the upstairs and shouted, "Smelly boy, the bathroom door is not closed again, and your turtle has fallen into the soup pot!" "

3. Husband and wife were shopping when suddenly the wife said, "A beautiful woman just gave you a look." The husband said, "She’s not in love with me, is she?" The wife said, "Love yourself! Probably people think that you are like the worker who cleaned the range hood for her family last time. "

4. I lied to my parents about sleeping at my best friend’s house for one night and secretly climbing the mountain with my boyfriend. My mother, who had just arrived at the top of the mountain in the morning, called. I deliberately said sleepily, "What’s wrong with mom? I haven’t woken up yet!" " Mom roared: "You sleepwalked for more than 20,000 steps, and you dare to tell me that you didn’t wake up?"

On Saturday afternoon, I took my five-year-old daughter Mei Mei for a walk in the park. Not far away, a fashionable and beautiful girl is holding a beautiful pet dog. Mei Mei ran over and danced to tease the puppy, praising the puppy for its beauty! The pretty girl looked at Mei Mei and proudly said to the puppy, "Good baby, did you hear that? Miss Sister praises you for your beauty! " I was very angry when I heard the pretty girl talk like this, so I took Mei Mei and turned to leave. When the pretty girl saw it, she quickly said to the puppy, "Will you be angry if my sister ignores you?" I was about to get angry, but my daughter Meimei asked the pretty girl leisurely, "Sister, you are beautiful, and this puppy is beautiful, too. It must have been born to you, right?"

6. When I was in junior high school, the landlord was very rebellious. Once, because of the teacher’s complaint, I was beaten by my mother when I came home from school. At that time, my brain was caught in the door and I knocked down my mother’s adult. Then she sat on the ground and cried silently, which made my heart cry. The landlord knelt down and apologized. I’m sorry I won’t fight back again! Mom gave me a look and asked, Really? I gave a sincere thank you, and she stood up slowly, walked to the balcony and took out a pole. . .

7. In my sophomore year, I made a female friend and took her home to meet my mother. Since then, my mother has ordered me to change my clothes, shoes, socks and even bags into NIKE. It was not until graduation that I broke up with my girlfriend because of different places that my mother was relieved to allow me to have other choices in brand. I asked my mother why. Mom smiled and said something that I still don’t understand: sons are the pride of mom! Your girlfriend is as beautiful as a star, and I don’t want anything to happen to you …

8. When I was at school, the school suddenly launched an anonymous grading assessment for the class teacher, just to say that I can counterattack. As a result, after class, I was called to lecture and said that I didn’t respect the teacher behind my back. It was all anonymous, so how did I know that I voted for 59 points? With a blink of an eye, I went, and the whole class evaluated 100 points. I was very polite to bring my name, and I was the only one who was anonymous.

9. Women usually call sanitary napkins bread. Once my period came early, I went to borrow them from my female colleagues. I didn’t bring them around, so I had to ask a woman who was not very familiar. I sat next to her and whispered, Do you have any bread? She stood up directly, opened the drawer and replied loudly, I have no bread, but I have cookies. Do you want to eat them? Take them all! I’m messy ~

10. The son said: You haven’t given me lucky money yet! I said ask your mother for it. The economy is in crisis this year. Then show him my wallet. My son looked at me piteously, pulled out a red envelope and stuffed it into me and said, Dad, it doesn’t matter, I’ll give you lucky money this year!

People who swim for a long time will receive these four "surprises". Do you know which one?

The summer solstice has just passed, and many places are "surrounded" by high temperature. How to cool off the heat has become a topic that everyone talks about after dinner.

When it comes to cooling off summer heat, many people will choose swimming besides eating iced watermelons and ice cream and hiding in air-conditioned rooms.

Swimming is not only cool, but also helpful to health, but swimming incorrectly may also cause "trouble".

So, what benefits can swimming bring? What should I pay attention to when I swim?

1. Enhance cardiopulmonary function

The British "International Journal of Water Sports Research and Education" has clearly pointed out that swimming is rightEnhance human heart and lung functionIt has positive significance.

Because when swimming, the friction of water on the human body will strengthen the heart.Blood reflux velocityAt the same time, increase the heart and brainBlood transfusion volumeIt can prevent and even treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Step 2 lose weight and shape

When swimming, the resistance in water is in the air.12 timesIt takes great physical strength to overcome it.

In this process, the excess in the bodyFat and glycogenWill be consumed and eventually play a rolelose weightThe purpose.

At the same time, swimming asSystemic exerciseLong-term persistence can also achieve the effect of shaping.

Step 3 reduce asthma

Swimming is good for improving the nervous system.Thermoregulation functionEnhance the adaptability of the human body to cold and hot changes, especially children, after swimming often.Physical fitness and disease resistance of organismWill be improved and reduce the onset of asthma.

4. Joint protection and lumbar protection

The weight of people in water is only one-eighth of that on land, so there is basically no load on the joints when swimming, which also helpsEnhance bone mineral densitySo swimming can not only make the body fully active, but alsoWill not hurt the joints..

In addition, the buoyancy generated in the water makes the human spine horizontal, which canReduce the burden on the spine, reduce the pressure on the neck and lumbar spine, there areLumbar protectionThe role of.

Swimming has always been regarded as a sport suitable for all ages, but we should still pay attention to safety during swimming, especially to prevent these three diseases.

First, sudden deathThe swimming intensity is too high, which exceeds the heart load. At this time,Cardiac insufficiencySudden death may occur. The doctor suggested,Overtime, physical exhaustionPeople had better not go swimming.

In addition,Variation of water temperatureExtremely easy to causeSevere contraction of blood vesselsAnd increase the incidence of sudden death, so in addition to fully warming up before swimming, we should also pay attention.After getting used to the water temperature.Swimming again.

Second, vaginitisThe swimming pool is a public place. If women swim in an unclean swimming pool, they may get infected with bacteria.Reduce the mechanism of vaginal anti-bacteriaAnd cause vaginitis problems.

Advise women toRegular swimming poolSwimming, and want toStaggered menstrual periodAt the same time, avoid direct contact with the ground.

Third, molluscum contagiosumThe water monkey is an infectious skin disease. Because of the large number of people in the swimming pool, if disinfection is not thorough, a large number of germs may breed and cross-infect.

Swimming is good, but some people try not to swim.

  • Patients with heart disease, including congenital heart disease, untreated coronary heart disease, viral myocarditis and so on. This kind of patient swims vigorously and may appear.Insufficient oxygen and blood supply to the heartProblem, very easy.arrhythmiaAnd even sudden death.
  • Patients with emphysema (chronic bronchitis). When swimming, the water pressure will increase the pressure on the chest and abdomen, leading to the appearance of patients.Dyspnea, hypoxiaIsopulmonary dysfunction.
  • Ear disease patient. When swimming, water will enter the human ear canal or bring in a lot of bacteria, which will aggravate ear diseases.
  • epileptic. In the process of swimming, it is very dangerous if epilepsy suddenly occurs.

  • Red eye patient. Pink eye disease is caused by bacterial infection and can spread quickly in water.
  • Dermatological patient. Including all kindsTinea, allergic dermatosisAnd so on, may aggravate their own condition at the same time, the disease will be transmitted to others.
  • Menstrual women. During menstruation, bacteria are more likely to enter women’s uterus and cause infection problems, which in turn leads to women.Irregular menstruation, vaginitis and other problems.

Before swimming, you should do it wellAdequate warm-up exercise, helpImprove the excitability of the nervous systemAnd let the organs enter a state of movement to prevent palpitation, dizziness, shortness of breath and other phenomena after entering the water, andIncrease the range of joint motionAvoid cramps or joint injuries during swimming.

Second, rememberDon’t swim on an empty stomach, there may be physical exhaustion, causing accidents.

In addition,Swim immediately after strenuous exercise.It is also taboo, because the swimming heart load will increase infinitely at this time, and the body temperature will plummet, which maycatch coldIn addition, it can also cause severe contraction of blood vessels, leading toSudden death.

It is also very important that we shouldChoose places with more people.Swimming, especiallyOld people, beginners and children., should put an end to swimming alone, it is best to swim together with family and friends.

Swimming can not only cool down and relieve summer heat, but also exercise, which has many benefits. However, before swimming, we must make adequate preparations and exercise, and at the same time pay attention to the swimming time should not be too long.


[1] You don’t know so many benefits of swimming? ".People’s Network-Popular Science China. 2016-10-10

[2] Prevention of Sudden Death in Swimming Season. Health Times.2016-05-05

Reprinting is prohibited without the permission and authorization of the author.

The latest ranking of the Basketball World Cup was released: the French men’s basketball team topped the list, and the China men’s basketball team rose to 16th place.

On August 5th, Beijing time, after each team played in the warm-up match, the strength ranking of the World Cup teams changed. The French men’s basketball team rose to the first place, the American men’s basketball team ranked second, the Australian men’s basketball team ranked third, and the China men’s basketball team rose to the sixteenth place, which was recognized.

As we all know, Li Kaier officially joined the China Men’s Basketball Team and has been training with the team. Although the performance of the China men’s basketball team in the first three warm-up matches was very poor, after the adjustment, the China men’s basketball team won two consecutive victories, beating the Egyptian men’s basketball team and the Cape Verdean men’s basketball team successively, with excellent performance. Although Li Kaier didn’t play, his performance in training was excellent, and he was praised by China men’s basketball coach Jorjevich, which is expected to help China men’s basketball team get Olympic tickets.

In addition, this year’s American men’s basketball team has no big-name stars to join, which also gives other teams a chance to win the championship. At present, the French men’s basketball team, the Australian men’s basketball team, the Spanish men’s basketball team, the Slovenian men’s basketball team, the Canadian men’s basketball team, the German men’s basketball team and the Lithuanian men’s basketball team are all the main players, and they are expected to challenge the American men’s basketball team. In addition, Jokic, the core player of China’s opponent Serbia’s men’s basketball team in the group match, decided not to play in the World Cup, so the strength of Serbia’s men’s basketball team declined obviously and missed the championship.

In addition, from the current situation, the gap between the teams in this World Cup is not big, so the game is bound to be very exciting and worth looking forward to by all fans! ! !

The whole market: Inzaghi will continue to coach Inter Milan and prepare to discuss the transfer strategy with Mallota.

Live on May 20th According to all market reports, Inzaghi will continue to coach Inter Milan and will discuss the transfer strategy with Mallota this summer.

According to the report, although Inzaghi understands that the club has been supporting him, he also understands that the club has been evaluating the situation in real time. From this point of view, it is very important for Inzaghi to win the Milan derby and advance to the Champions League final. Inzaghi is good at controlling the situation and the cup, and he is leading Inter Milan to dream of the Champions League.

Zhang Kangyang, president of Inter Milan, had confirmed the position of Inzaghi Jr. Now, it seems that Inzaghi Jr. will continue to coach Inter Milan next season. Next, Inzaghi will hold a meeting with Mallota and Ausilio to discuss the transfer strategy this summer, so as to know whether Inter Milan will try to buy out Lu Kaku, introduce someone as a substitute for Correa and skrinjar, whether it can resist other teams’ offers to lautaro, what strategy the team will adopt if brozovic leaves the team, the signing strategy of goalkeeper and winger and the renewal of some players.

In short, there are still many uncertain things in the future of Inter Milan, and many positions may go in and out, but Inzaghi will continue to coach Inter Milan and become the nucleus of Inter Milan’s future.