标签归档 南京龙凤1314

Cadres walk into the live broadcast room to promote products to help increase income (a new observation of cadres’ state)

Lu Hongping is broadcasting live in strawberry greenhouse. Photo by Han Xichen

Video screenshot of Gao Shilong’s live broadcast with goods. Information picture

Arjun (left) is bringing goods live. Information picture

  Editor’s note: The sudden epidemic situation has a great impact on the sales and circulation of agricultural products. In order to help overcome poverty and increase the income of fellow villagers, party member cadres in some places walked into the live broadcast room, or tried to introduce them on the spot, or used their talents to drain, trying to open up sales in the form of live broadcast with goods. What is the effect of the live broadcast of cadres with goods? In the long run, can a sustainable mechanism be formed, and what aspects need to be improved? This edition approaches the cadres who live broadcast with goods, pays attention to their thoughts and deeds, and talks about their wishes and hopes.

  "Friends, this is the blueberry I picked today. It tastes crisp and sweet and has high nutrition. Hurry to buy it in buy buy!" At 8 o’clock on the evening of March 25th, Lu Hongping, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Yanghe Town, jiaozhou city City, Shandong Province, munched on locally produced blueberries and interacted enthusiastically with netizens in the live broadcast room. At the bottom of the screen, the constant influx of netizens likes, sends flowers and leaves messages … … The sales of blueberries also went up, selling more than 500 kilograms that day.

  In order to alleviate the unsalable agricultural products caused by the epidemic, party member cadres from many places across the country joined forces with e-commerce and short video platforms to walk into the live broadcast room to help fellow villagers bring goods. Lu Hongping is one of them. However, unlike professional anchors, live broadcast is just a way for cadres to help get rid of poverty and serve the masses.

  Why did you walk into the live broadcast room?

  Products are unsalable, people are anxious, and cadres are worried. I look forward to bringing goods online to open up the situation.

  The day before the first webcast, Gao Shilong, the "anchor", stayed up almost all night. As the first secretary of Dabeishan Village, Longquan Town, Jingyu County, Jilin Province, the slow sales of local products in the village made him anxious to get angry in recent days.

  Talking about the original intention of doing live broadcast, Gao Shilong said frankly that he was "dissatisfied": "I saw some anchors carrying goods, and thousands of goods were robbed in a few seconds. I also want to try and bring goods to everyone."

  Someone once advised him to find a professional anchor, who is experienced and knows marketing, and the effect is not bad. However, most of the agricultural products in Dabeishan Village have low added value and short circulation cycle, so it is not worthwhile to pay for the anchor and calculate the economic account. What about the villagers’ live broadcast? Many people are too old to play live broadcast software. After much consideration, Gao Shilong decided to make his own venture. "Short videos and live broadcasts have entered thousands of households. If you can’t keep up with the rhythm, the goods will not sell well."

  Compared with Gao Shilong, who touched the net for the first time and crossed the river by feeling the stones, Arjun, the county magistrate of Henan Mongolian Autonomous County in Qinghai Province, is now a complete "online celebrity Talent". In a live broadcast at the beginning of the year, he, three cadres from other counties and five net reds brought goods worth 12 million yuan in five hours.

  Henan Mongolian Autonomous County, located at the junction of the three provinces, is rich in Hequ horses, Xueduo yaks and Euler sheep, and has a good foundation in animal husbandry. However, traffic congestion has caused "the smell of wine is also afraid of the depth of the alley." "Our products are not well-known and lack sales channels." Arjun is in a hurry.

  Two years ago, at a promotion meeting in the eastern coastal areas, an e-commerce company gave him advice to consider using short videos that are on the air. Arjun counted the account: it is too wasteful to take money to find a professional team soon after our county got rid of poverty; Show yourself, and worry that you will be considered "showing off".

  Thinking about it, Arjun chose to appear between being criticized and finding a market. Putting on a Mongolian costume and pointing to a flock of yaks behind him, Arjun shouted to the camera: "If you want to be good and thin, you should often eat more yak meat." Once this short video was launched, the click rate exceeded 30 million. Arjun was surprised and delighted.

  Now, from short video to live broadcast, Arjun calmly eats and chats with the screen, and introduces the customs and tourist attractions of Henan County to the netizens in the live broadcast room, which is handy and humorous.

  "Leading cadres need to do things rigorously and master new tools. I think it is also practical to bring goods live." Arjun said frankly that it is inevitable that there will be various voices on the Internet for the live broadcast of cadres, but only by daring to try can there be a way out. Every product sold is the best help for the masses.

  How to do it in the studio?

  Various forms, product fidelity, cadre endorsement, sales increased, but the sales model needs to be improved.

  On March 8, Gao Shilong, who first tested the live broadcast of water with goods, sold goods worth 7,000 yuan in four hours. This achievement is not outstanding on the internet, but the villagers are very satisfied. Previously, most of the time, the villagers in Dabeishan Village were squatting on the side of the road with a basket of mountain products, and they couldn’t sell much in a day.

  In the live broadcast room, he sincerely said: "Authentic, true story, really affordable, the promised nutritional content is not up to standard, and I will pay you an extra 20,000 yuan out of my own pocket." This self-confidence stems from his understanding of local agricultural products. Since he became the first secretary in the village, he has strictly controlled every link in building factories, grasping quality and shaping brands. Gao Shilong said: "For a few hours online, you have to work hard offline, and the quality must be guaranteed."

  In the past two years, e-commerce has developed rapidly, and live broadcasts have continued to be popular, but problems such as product fraud and difficulties in safeguarding rights have been constant. It is often the anchor who talks nonsense, but the products that consumers get are not satisfactory.

  "I bought his things for the first time, but thinking about the county magistrate’s endorsement should not be fake." Ms. Liu, who placed an order to buy Xueduo dried yak meat, bluntly said that the cadres in the live broadcast room are all real-name certifications, and consumers are more assured.

  Others came out of curiosity. On weekdays, cadres who are sitting in danger and doing things seriously walk into the live broadcast room. Can they put down their airs? Can you understand the online language?

  Jin Hongfeng, the branch secretary of Zhongping Village, Baicaogou Town, Wangqing County, Jilin Province, who has participated in the live broadcast for more than a year, summed up his "secret": singing in seven points and selling goods in three points. In the live broadcast room, he sang the famous Korean song "Red Sun Shines on the Frontier", and he also replied to the barrage sent by netizens. "In addition to selling goods, the live broadcast should also be able to have ‘ Emotional interaction ’ Can’t all be dry product introductions. "

  Because of his height of 2.04 meters, netizens call him "Golden Big Man". Netizens like it and have a high reputation. Jin Hongfeng simply named the local rice and spicy cabbage with this name. The highly personalized image creation has been praised and welcomed by netizens. Last month, a netizen from Heilongjiang came to the village and bought 2000 Jin of spicy cabbage in one breath.

  When cadres walked into the live broadcast room, they gained something and found problems. Lu Hongping, who walked out of the live broadcast room, found that the sales of blueberries declined in the days when the live broadcast was not available, and some netizens could not even find a sales link. The same trouble happened to Arjun. "Some netizens reported that the dried yak meat package was too big, and some people said that it was delivered too slowly." The link to the shopping yellow car in the Jin Hongfeng live page has not been added yet, and consumers have to jump several times if they want to place an order.

  From production and packaging to warehousing and logistics to distribution and after-sales, live delivery is a systematic project involving many links, not just a few hours in the live broadcast room. In this regard, some experts believe that the arrival of cadres can attract traffic; However, brand, word of mouth, efficiency, distribution, after-sales, etc., all need more professional design.

  Where is the prospect of bringing goods?

  Cultivate talents, make characteristics and strict standards, extend the industrial chain and make good use of resource endowment.

  In March of this year, more than 100 county mayors participated in the live broadcast of goods on major online platforms. For a time, the transformation of cadres into anchors was hotly debated by the society. However, there are also many netizens who believe that we should be wary of going through the motions and not turning the live broadcast into a "catwalk".

  "The live broadcast of cadres, the greater effort is actually outside the live broadcast room." Xin Feng, director of the Third Division of the Organization Department of Jilin Provincial Party Committee, said that it is normal to have challenges or even problems when you first come into contact with the live broadcast. The key is to regard the exposed problems as the driving force for improvement.

  In order to solve the problems of low brand and different live broadcast forms, the Organization Department of Jilin Provincial Party Committee initiated the establishment of the "First Secretary Association of Jilin Province" on the basis of preliminary investigation, deeply explored the live broadcast talents among the first secretaries in the village, and invested in the construction of live broadcast rooms, registered the only official account, and used a unified logo to try to change the situation of going it alone.

  "Since you can only be a part-time anchor, you must create more high-quality full-time anchors." Lu Hongping recently set his sights on the young people in the village, and planned to set up a delivery team to make the live delivery sustainable and normal.

  With the anchor, product quality and service experience should also be kept up in time. Arjun said that a bad review will almost make the newly accumulated word-of-mouth go down the drain. To have the confidence to shoot your chest in the live broadcast room, you must have excellent products and quality services.

  In the past, Arjun mostly only sold local dried yak meat, which only needed rough processing. However, there are more and more similar products. How to embody the characteristics, bring forth the new and extend the industrial chain, one problem after another. Arjun collects feedback from netizens during each live broadcast. "We produce what the market needs." Yak chops and special yogurts were put on the line one by one, and meat, milk, skin, hair and bone were processed into products in all directions, which made good use of local resource endowments and revitalized them.

  Grassroots cadres are working hard, and a number of powerful measures have been introduced one after another. Smooth circulation channels, promote accurate docking of production and marketing, and improve the market operation and scheduling mechanism are all helping the special anchors in front of the camera. (Reporter Xu Leipeng, Feng Jiang, Pan Junqiang and Li Jiading)

  People’s Daily (11th edition, April 2, 2020)

A "Strong Dialogue" between Human Wisdom and Artificial Intelligence —— CCTV’s science and technology challenge program "Wit is Extraordinary" will appear at the end of August.

Program recording site

  Cctv news(Reporter Liu Chunyan) Who is the "three-point king" with higher shooting percentage, Jeremy Lin, the superstar of the National Professional Basketball League, and the robotic arm controlled by sensors through the identification system? Can a drone equipped with a "brain" escape the smash of badminton player Bao Chunlai? In the first original scientific challenge program focusing on artificial intelligence in China, "Wit Beyond Man", a "strong dialogue" between human intelligence and artificial intelligence will be staged here, and the whole society will witness these processes and find the answer.

  The combination of science and art: four highlights

  On August 2nd, a news conference was held at the recording site of the phenomenal artificial intelligence program "Wit Beyond Man" co-sponsored by CCTV and China Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as CAS) and jointly produced by CCTV Comprehensive Channel and Changjiang Culture. This is by far the largest TV science popularization project involving the most extensive AI field and the largest number of researchers. It will be premiered in the prime time of CCTV-1 at the end of August.

  "Smart" aims to awaken people’s scientific curiosity through experiential interaction, show the future with artificial intelligence scientific and technological achievements, explore the boundary between human and AI capabilities, and explore the possibility of the relationship between them.

  It changes the cold posture of popular science programs, combines the rigor and interest of science, and focuses on "four highlights": science and big coffee help each other, "the strongest human" all debut, AI’s unique tricks, and original dance beauty. Combine "four characteristics": scientific, rigorous, interesting and authoritative.

  Zhang Guofei, deputy director of CCTV’s comprehensive channel, said in his speech: "Science is serious, and art is romantic and imaginative. It is our dream to try to open the channel between science and art and combine them to make the world better."

Wit witness group

Wit witness group

  Create two camps of "Wit Witness" and "the strongest human"

  The program also strives to build two camps, namely "Wit Witness Group" and "the strongest human". "Wit Witness Group" integrates various perspectives from the scientific, media and social circles. At present, the team members include scientists such as Yao Qizhi, Zhang Jianwei and Xu Ying, a researcher of Beidou navigation system of Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as Ke Jie, the youngest four-time champion in the history of Go in the world, a nine-stage Go player who has had a man-machine battle with AlphaGo, CCTV host Sa Beining and film actor Jiang Yiyan, etc. Everyone will ask questions from their own perspective based on their own experience and understanding.

  At the press conference, members of Wit Witness Group told their stories about science and technology.

  Zhang Jianwei, an academician of Hamburg Academy of Sciences and director of the Cognitive Center of Shenzhen Advanced Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, said: "With the development of artificial intelligence, we have achieved breakthroughs in game and recognition of artificial intelligence by using big data, but the distance of artificial intelligence in the physical world plus sensing and decision-making still has a long way to go. Through this program form, people can realize the development prospects of artificial intelligence and how far the combination of the physical world is."

  Xu Ying, a researcher of Beidou Navigation System of Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that he came to the program hoping to see the reconciliation between "the strongest human being" and the strongest wisdom, and hoped to spread the seeds of artificial intelligence to more people and cultivate more teams with three generations.

  Jiang Yiyan, a film and television actress, said that the public has a lot of thirst and questions about science and technology, and she asked them with these questions. "Robots appeared for the first time in the sci-fi movie Metropolis, and with the development of science and technology, the technology in many movies has been gradually realized. I also hope that the progress of science and technology will gradually bring changes and influences to life, so that more people can be freed from mechanized labor and feel more subtle emotions."

  Sa Beining, the host of CCTV, said that the witness group could ask questions from its own perspective. For example, the shooting robot arm misses every shot, and Jiang Yiyan asks: How about the robot arm hitting nobody? Asking questions from people in different fields can open more windows and let people see the difference between today and the future.

  In the program, the "strongest human" team, which consists of Jeremy Lin, the superstar of the National Professional Basketball League, Bao Chunlai, the national badminton player, Zhao Zhongxiang, the host of CCTV, and Lin Yu, the chief simulation portrait expert of Shandong Provincial Public Security Department, will challenge artificial intelligence.

  Bao Chunlai was very excited in the confrontation with the drone to play badminton. "In the past, in the training competition, the opponents were all people. This time it was a machine, and it felt very enjoyable. In my impression, artificial intelligence exists in TV and movies, and it can be very close to life. "

  Special idea: the audience floating in the air

Stage scene map

Stage scene map

  Creativity and content have achieved a "strong alliance", but how to show it?

  When people walk into the recording scene, they will find that the design and construction of dancing beauty such as the suspended audience seats in "Wit Beyond Man" presents a strong sense of science and technology and the future.

  The 11 "spaceships" on the recording site can accommodate 506 spectators. "Just now, in the audience, some people said that they had come to see how the audience got on. We used coercion wire to hang it, and the audience recorded it for two or three hours from the ladder. " General director Chen Qiyi said.

  The audience boarded the "spaceship" and had to fasten their seat belts after sitting firmly. Many people think they have entered the House of Representatives of Star Wars Rico Lausanne.

  The robotic arm held up the four corners of the ground to form a pyramid, and the cool opening made the host Gao Bo shout: "This is the coolest opening since I hosted my career! I seem to be from Mars. "

  "From the beauty design to the reality, the restoration degree of this beauty effect has reached 100%, which is better than we expected." Chen Qiyi, the general director, said: "In the past, we all had to learn from and copy from foreign countries, and there was little originality. Can China people make original programs? I think there is! This program is our answer, and I hope this stage can become the iconic symbol of "Wit". "

  As a popular science program focusing on artificial intelligence, "Wit Beyond Man" aims to become an accelerator in the innovation relay race, popularize scientific knowledge, spread scientific spirit, encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, improve the scientific literacy of the whole people, release the innovative wisdom of the whole people, and stimulate the innovative power of the whole people.

  It is reported that the program will end with an AI Festival, and CCTV and China Academy of Sciences will jointly award the "Wit Pioneer" award. All artificial intelligence projects that win in the program will have the opportunity to win the annual award.

Guangdong huinantian children calmly sleep with umbrellas. Netizen: Give northerners a little shock.

March 5, Zhongshan, Guangdong. How outrageous is Guangdong going back to Nantian? The ceiling of the room is full of water droplets, and the children in bed are calm and sleep with umbrellas. The party, Ms. Li, said that it was raining just these days and the walls were soaked, fearing that the children would get wet and catch a cold.

User comments:

Give northerners a little shock.

Everywhere is wet.

You have to wear a raincoat for this quilt, right

Guangdong huinantian children calmly sleep with umbrellas. Netizen: Give northerners a little shock.

Guangdong huinantian children calmly sleep with umbrellas. Netizen: Give northerners a little shock.

Shanghai Housing Authority: It is strictly forbidden for real estate brokers to fabricate and spread information about price increases, and will intensify investigation and punishment.

  Housing rent is directly related to the living cost and living standard of the renters, and has always been concerned by the public.

  On April 21st, Wang Zhen, director of Shanghai Housing Management Bureau, said when he was a guest on "Interview with People’s Livelihood in 2023" that Shanghai would take measures such as playing the role of "stabilizer" for affordable rental housing, prohibiting intermediaries from driving up prices, and establishing price monitoring and early warning to keep the housing rent level in Shanghai stable.

  Three measures to keep the housing rent level stable

  "In recent years, the housing rental market in Shanghai has been generally stable." Wang Zhen said that in order to keep the housing rent level in Shanghai stable, under the overall framework of the Price Law and in combination with the implementation of the Shanghai Housing Leasing Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), Shanghai will take measures from three aspects:

  The first is to play the role of "stabilizer" of affordable rental housing.It is clear that the rent of affordable rental housing should be lower than the market-oriented rent level of the same quality in the same lot, the rent should be below 10% of the market-oriented rent, and the annual increase should not be higher than the market-oriented rent increase in the same period and not higher than 5%. At the same time, it will be publicized to the public to guide market-oriented lessors to set reasonable prices.

  Second, it is strictly forbidden for housing leasing enterprises and real estate brokerage agencies to fabricate and spread price increase information., drive up prices, and be restrained by increasing investigation and self-discipline in the industry.

  The third is to establish a housing rental price monitoring and early warning mechanism.It is clearly stipulated in the "Regulations" that the municipal government can take price intervention measures such as price increase declaration, rent restriction or rent increase in accordance with the law under certain circumstances that the housing rent has increased significantly or may increase significantly.

  Incorporate lease management into social governance system

  On February 1st, the "Regulations" were officially implemented. Wang Zhen introduced that this legislation adheres to the problem orientation, focuses on practical problems, highlights the people’s livelihood attributes of housing leasing, and builds a housing leasing system with diversified suppliers, standardized business services and stable leasing relationship to meet the multi-level housing needs of residents in megacities. In the process of legislation, there are three main considerations.

  The first is to standardize leasing behavior.For the form of housing lease in which residents trade hand in hand, we should guide the parties to self-regulate and self-discipline by clarifying the rental requirements and standards and balancing the rights and obligations of the parties to the lease. For the three forms of listing and renting through real estate brokerage agencies, housing leasing enterprises acting as agents and centralized rental housing, we emphasize standardized management, and establish a whole-process supervision system from subject filing, real-name employment, housing verification, registration and filing to fund supervision, as well as relevant prohibitive provisions, so as to further improve market rules.

  The second is the coordinated development of the market and security.Strengthen forward-looking systematic planning, while promoting the stable and healthy development of the housing rental market, focus on accelerating the development of affordable rental housing, determine the system positioning, formulate special plans, clarify the construction and management requirements, and give full play to the demonstration and leading role of affordable rental housing in the entire housing rental system.

  The third is to bring lease management into the social governance system.While clarifying the responsibilities of the relevant departments of the city and district, aiming at the weak links and gaps existing in grassroots governance and the difficulties and problems encountered in the daily management of towns and villages, we will establish and improve the housing lease governance mechanism of urban planning, compartmentalization, responsibility of towns and villages, assistance from villages and industry self-discipline, strengthen the four-level linkage of cities, districts, towns and villages, and form a joint force with multiple governance to further enhance the effectiveness of grassroots governance.

  Write group rent into local legislation for the first time

  For the group rent behavior, the Regulations, on the basis of summing up the experience and practices of Shanghai’s group rent governance in recent years, first wrote the group rent into local legislation, taking a multi-pronged approach to further improve the efficiency of group rent governance.

  The first is to clarify the criteria for identifying group rents.The minimum rental unit, non-residential space that cannot be rented separately, the number of people living in each room and the per capita living area proposed by government regulations have been optimized and improved accordingly, and they have been raised to local legislation.

  The second is to optimize the law enforcement process of group rent.In view of the problems strongly reflected by the masses, once the group rent cases are discovered, they can be directly punished to improve the efficiency of law enforcement and increase the punishment, raising the fine from the original maximum of 100,000 yuan to the maximum of 200,000 yuan.

  The third is to highlight the key supervision of subletting.In view of the prominent problem of "second landlord" group rent in practice, it is clear that individuals who sublet houses for profit and engage in housing rental business activities should register as market participants according to law, and will be punished if they violate the regulations.

  The fourth is to implement the responsibility of territorial governance.Street offices and township people’s governments are required to regularly organize the investigation of hidden dangers of group rent. If illegal situations are found, they should urge rectification, start law enforcement procedures in a timely manner, and carry out rectification through joint law enforcement when necessary.

  Shanghai will rely on the refined urban management mechanism and work with relevant departments to study and formulate a plan to further improve the comprehensive management of group rents in Shanghai, issue documents to strengthen the management of individual housing subletting in Shanghai, and increase the guidance, supervision and support for the management of grassroots group rents.

  "The problem of group rent actually reflects that the supply structure of Shanghai housing rental market needs to be further improved. In the process of governance, we will adhere to the combination of unblocking and blocking." Wang Zhen said, on the one hand, vigorously promote the development of affordable rental housing; On the other hand, standardize the implementation of the "N+1" model of agency leasing, strictly supervise housing leasing enterprises to carry out agency leasing business, and promote the transformation from illegal group leasing to standardized sharing.

Today! Korean and Korean athletes began to ski together, and members of the Korean delegation were exposed.

       CCTV News:A head of South Korea’s Unification Ministry said today (January 31st) that a 45-member South Korean ski delegation took a charter flight to the DPRK this morning to conduct a two-day joint training at the Ma Yuling Ski Resort in North Korea.

       The person in charge said that the Korean delegation flew from Xiangyang Airport in Gangwon Province to Gema Airport in Yuanshan City, North Korea by charter flight this morning. After the joint training on February 1st, the Korean delegation will return to Xiangyang Airport by charter flight. At that time, the DPRK delegation will take the opportunity to visit South Korea with the Korean delegation, including Korean alpine skiers, cross-country skiers and coaches.


Maxiling ski resort

       It is understood that more than 20 of the 45 South Korean delegations who went to North Korea to participate in joint training were athletes, and other personnel included auxiliary personnel and joint interview groups. According to the schedule, Korean and Korean athletes will have freestyle skiing training on the first day of training, and joint training and friendly matches will be held on the second day of training.

       Previously, the ROK has been pushing the delegation to take a charter flight to the DPRK to participate in joint training. However, according to the latest US sanctions against the DPRK, aircraft passing through the DPRK are prohibited from entering the United States within 180 days. Therefore, the ROK has been negotiating with the United States recently, hoping that the United States will exclude the aircraft it took during its visit to the DPRK from the sanctions. It was not until this morning (January 31) that the ROK and the US reached an agreement on this matter.

       In fact, this time, Korean athletes went to the DPRK for joint training, and it was only after many consultations between the ROK and the DPRK and field visits by the advance team that they finally made it.


       On January 17, representatives of the DPRK and the ROK reached an agreement on a number of issues concerning the DPRK’s delegation to participate in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, including the joint training of Korean and Korean skiers at the Mashiling Ski Resort in North Korea.

       On January 23, a 12-member Korean advance team entered North Korea by land via the North-South Exit-Entry Office, and started a three-day trampling for the Korean-Korean joint cultural activities and joint skiing training.

       On the 24th, the South Korean advance team focused on the Maxiling Ski Resort and Gema Airport. During the three-day visit to the DPRK, the advance team all stayed at the Maxiling Hotel to inspect the accommodation facilities for Korean athletes going to the DPRK for joint training.

       Maxiling Ski Resort, located in Xinfengli, Yuanshan District, gangwon, North Korea, is one of the key construction projects in North Korea. It is about two hours’ drive from the Korean-Korean military demarcation line and about 200 kilometers from Pyeongchang. The ski resort was built in 2013 according to the instructions of Kim Jong-un, the top leader of North Korea, and includes a number of ski trails, a hotel, a helipad and a ski lift.

       60% of Koreans are optimistic about North Korea’s participation

       According to a survey released by a polling agency in South Korea today, about 60% of Koreans have a positive attitude towards North Korea’s participation in the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics. 1,074 adults in South Korea accepted the survey, and the results showed that 61% of the respondents gave positive comments on the participation of North Korean athletes, and 58% of the respondents had a positive attitude towards the joint cheerleading team between South Korea and North Korea.


       The PyeongChang Winter Olympics will be held from February 9 to 25. Kim Jong-un, the top leader of North Korea, expressed his intention to participate in the Winter Olympics for the first time in his New Year message on the 1st of this month, stressing the need to improve relations between the DPRK and the ROK in the new year, which received a positive response from the ROK.

Funny jokes: 10 jokes

1. Master puzzle master, do you never drink? "sin, sin. ""Don’t you drink before you become a monk? " "sin, sin." "I don’t understand this. How can it be a sin to drink before becoming a monk?" "You pig with no understanding at all, how many times have I said" drunk "!"

2. hilarious joke: eating jiaozi in the dumpling shop, the boss’s soup is delicious, holding a bowl and holding another bowl, stirring it in the soup pot with a spoon, suddenly seeing a turtle inside, smiling at the boss’s wife and saying, "Boss, no wonder your soup is so delicious, it’s enough!" The proprietress came and took a look, and her face changed. She looked up at the upstairs and shouted, "Smelly boy, the bathroom door is not closed again, and your turtle has fallen into the soup pot!" "

3. Husband and wife were shopping when suddenly the wife said, "A beautiful woman just gave you a look." The husband said, "She’s not in love with me, is she?" The wife said, "Love yourself! Probably people think that you are like the worker who cleaned the range hood for her family last time. "

4. I lied to my parents about sleeping at my best friend’s house for one night and secretly climbing the mountain with my boyfriend. My mother, who had just arrived at the top of the mountain in the morning, called. I deliberately said sleepily, "What’s wrong with mom? I haven’t woken up yet!" " Mom roared: "You sleepwalked for more than 20,000 steps, and you dare to tell me that you didn’t wake up?"

On Saturday afternoon, I took my five-year-old daughter Mei Mei for a walk in the park. Not far away, a fashionable and beautiful girl is holding a beautiful pet dog. Mei Mei ran over and danced to tease the puppy, praising the puppy for its beauty! The pretty girl looked at Mei Mei and proudly said to the puppy, "Good baby, did you hear that? Miss Sister praises you for your beauty! " I was very angry when I heard the pretty girl talk like this, so I took Mei Mei and turned to leave. When the pretty girl saw it, she quickly said to the puppy, "Will you be angry if my sister ignores you?" I was about to get angry, but my daughter Meimei asked the pretty girl leisurely, "Sister, you are beautiful, and this puppy is beautiful, too. It must have been born to you, right?"

6. When I was in junior high school, the landlord was very rebellious. Once, because of the teacher’s complaint, I was beaten by my mother when I came home from school. At that time, my brain was caught in the door and I knocked down my mother’s adult. Then she sat on the ground and cried silently, which made my heart cry. The landlord knelt down and apologized. I’m sorry I won’t fight back again! Mom gave me a look and asked, Really? I gave a sincere thank you, and she stood up slowly, walked to the balcony and took out a pole. . .

7. In my sophomore year, I made a female friend and took her home to meet my mother. Since then, my mother has ordered me to change my clothes, shoes, socks and even bags into NIKE. It was not until graduation that I broke up with my girlfriend because of different places that my mother was relieved to allow me to have other choices in brand. I asked my mother why. Mom smiled and said something that I still don’t understand: sons are the pride of mom! Your girlfriend is as beautiful as a star, and I don’t want anything to happen to you …

8. When I was at school, the school suddenly launched an anonymous grading assessment for the class teacher, just to say that I can counterattack. As a result, after class, I was called to lecture and said that I didn’t respect the teacher behind my back. It was all anonymous, so how did I know that I voted for 59 points? With a blink of an eye, I went, and the whole class evaluated 100 points. I was very polite to bring my name, and I was the only one who was anonymous.

9. Women usually call sanitary napkins bread. Once my period came early, I went to borrow them from my female colleagues. I didn’t bring them around, so I had to ask a woman who was not very familiar. I sat next to her and whispered, Do you have any bread? She stood up directly, opened the drawer and replied loudly, I have no bread, but I have cookies. Do you want to eat them? Take them all! I’m messy ~

10. The son said: You haven’t given me lucky money yet! I said ask your mother for it. The economy is in crisis this year. Then show him my wallet. My son looked at me piteously, pulled out a red envelope and stuffed it into me and said, Dad, it doesn’t matter, I’ll give you lucky money this year!

Psychology: 99% of emotional problems can be solved by "attitude"

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Some people say that most of the emotions you can’t maintain well will have root causes.

Regardless of the root cause of this answer, psychology lovers should first make it clear that emotion is subordinate to attitude. Attitude, on the other hand, is a relatively stable psychological tendency held by individuals towards specific objects (others, ideas, emotions or events, etc.). This psychological tendency often contains individual’s subjective evaluation and viewpoint, as well as the resulting behavioral tendency.

Now we know that emotion is a part of the whole attitude. It is in harmony with introverted feelings, intentions and habits in attitude.It is a psychological state of "attitude", which is a complex and stable physiological feedback and experience in physiology.

The "emotion" we are usually familiar with includes not only the sense of morality, but also the sense of value. It is embodied in human behavior, that is, love, happiness, hatred, disgust, beauty and other life feelings or basic attitudes.

Psychology lovers often have the thinking and habit of exploring and analyzing the essence of things, and they know that the attitude (emotional state) understood by ordinary people is not the same as the emotional attitude studied in psychology.

Ordinary people often attribute their attitude and emotion to individual personality, experience and immediate feedback, but completely ignore the root of "attitude". On the basis of this misjudgment, people often make wrong judgments or interpretations of other people’s emotional states.

Therefore, in order to clearly understand people’s emotions, it is necessary to clarify the "attitude" that can cover emotions and all kinds of psychological connections involved.

In the history of psychological development, the definition of "attitude" was first put forward by psychologists Spencer and Bein in 1862. They believe that, from the psychological level, people’s attitude is a kind of opinion that comes out first, and it is a "preconceived idea" and psychological tendency that leads individual judgment and thinking to a certain direction, that is, our daily psychological preparation.

On this basis, influenced by behaviorism in psychological research in 1930s, psychologist allport updated his predecessors’ analysis and judgment on attitude. He believes that people’s attitude is essentially a state of psychological and nervous preparation.

It is mainly organized through people’s life experience, and this "psychological and nervous preparation state" organized through experience affects the individual’s response to the situation. Obviously, allport’s definition emphasizes the role of individual experience in the formation of psychological attitude.

In 1948, psychologist Kreiger proposed that from the psychological point of view, it must be clear that attitude is actually the persistent organization of individuals’ motivation, emotion and perception of certain social phenomena in their daily lives. Like allport, Kreiger’s definition of attitude still emphasizes people’s subjective experience in the present.

However, more advanced than allport, Kreiger regards people as individuals who can think and actively construct things, rather than just passive life experiences.

In 1984, American psychologist Barker made a new conclusion about the concept and definition of "attitude".He believes that "attitude" is actually a psychological tendency of people to others, ideas or things. But he also stressed that people’s attitude is a subjective thing of ideas and opinions.

In modern times, psychologist Myers updated the definition of "attitude" again in 1993, and was recognized as a relatively perfect formulation of attitude so far. Myers believes that from the perspective of psychology, "attitude" is an "evaluative response" that people like or dislike something or someone, and this response is often manifested in people’s beliefs, emotions and tendencies.

Tracing back to the source, we clarify the connotation and extension of "attitude" and the development process of concept definition, mainly to explain the theme of "emotion" After all, emotion is contained in "attitude" and is a part of attitude. If you want to understand emotion and related problems, you should first understand the causes of emotion from the root.

If you look at the individual from the whole, you will obviously come to a biased conclusion; And only look at the overall (attitude) characteristics, but do not carefully analyze the individual (emotional) details, naturally can not see the whole picture of things.

Psychologist Myers believes that people’s attitude will inevitably involve three dimensions: emotion, behavioral intention and individual cognition. As mentioned above, the "emotion" that we usually think is the most familiar and understandable is a part of the whole self-attitude, which is in harmony with the introverted feelings and intentions in the attitude.In fact, individual emotion includes two aspects: moral sense and value sense, which are embodied in subjective feelings and experiences such as love, happiness, hatred, disgust and beauty in daily life.

From the perspective of value goal, people’s emotional expression can be divided into four categories: feelings for things, feelings for people, feelings for themselves and feelings for special things.

If we look at people’s emotions from a changing perspective, then people’s feelings about foreign things depend on the changes and tenses of their own values.According to the different ways and tenses of their own values, the ways people treat emotions can be divided into five specific forms:

Value Increase-Emotional Attitude: Pride

Reduced value-emotional attitude: shame

Value Increase-Emotional Attitude: Embarrassment

Future Value Increase-Emotional Attitude: Self-confidence

Future Value Decrease-Emotional Attitude: Inferiority

Darwin, an evolutionist, believes that the state of human organism and the development of biological organism are both a process of continuous evolution. This evolution process is embodied as follows: the biological species are constantly differentiated and increased,The cell structure in organisms has become more and more complex but more orderly, and the organizational function of organisms has been deepened and strengthened.

Obviously, as a subjective emotion, the emotional development of human beings is also a process of continuous evolution. This evolution is embodied in:

The manifestations of human emotions are constantly differentiating and increasing.

The hierarchical structure of emotion is increasingly complex but more orderly.

The behavior-driven ability of emotion has been constantly evolving and strengthened.

From Darwin’s theory of evolution, we can find that in the process of analyzing human emotions, if we apply the basic ideas of dialectical materialism and biological evolution to the emotional field together, a more scientific concept and judgment method of emotional evolution will be formed.

In this sense, the establishment of a "scientific theory of emotional evolution" by individuals is not only helpful for exploring the "logical structure" and "operational mechanism" of emotions and realizing "scientific emotional calculation and judgment", but also for the survival and quality of life of biological individuals.

In the long run, in today’s intelligent AI, scientific emotional concepts and judgment methods are also of great theoretical significance for scientists to develop emotional robots in the true sense.

We know that,Emotion is a subjective reflection of people’s value relationship. Therefore, the evolution and change of human emotion fundamentally originates from and depends on the evolution of value relationship in reality, that is, the evolution of human value relationship, which promotes the evolution of human emotion.

Objectively speaking, the development process of human value relationship is not only a slow quantitative change process, but also a changing process in which rapid qualitative change may occur. No matter from which aspect, it is a long, tortuous, natural, hierarchical and phased evolution process.

Therefore, if we look at the history of human emotion and its development from different dimensions, such as individual and society, individual and others, we will find that it is unscientific and idealistic to arbitrarily and unilaterally regard "emotion" as a unique thing of someone.

It is also mechanical and dogmatic to divide emotional simplicity into instinctive and dynamic categories. There is an inseparable relationship between emotion and social development, and between emotion and individual experience.

From reality, we can infer that the value relationship between people is in the process of continuous evolution.. Moreover, this evolutionary process can be divided into five basic stages:

Single factor value

Multi-factor value

Variable value
Diversity value

Multi-layer value

On the basis of this reality, there will be five stages of natural evolution of human emotions:

  • 1. Sexual emotion
  • 2. Rigid emotions
  • 3. Flexible emotions
  • 4. Intellectual emotion
  • 5. Rational emotion

Thus, emotion is a process of dynamic change and development, not a static process. In the development direction of emotional evolution, emotion is also manifested in the continuous differentiation and integration of emotion and individual cognition:

In the stage of sexual emotion, people’s cognition and emotion are completely confused and integrated;

In the rigid emotional stage, although people’s cognition and emotion are still in a state of confusion, they begin to show a trend of separation gradually;

In the stage of elastic emotion, people’s cognition and emotion will be further separated, and a new outline will gradually appear;

In the stage of intellectual emotion, people’s cognition and emotion begin to develop independently;

In the stage of rational emotion, people’s cognition and emotion can not only develop independently, but also integrate freely.

From the above classification, although emotion is always the subjective reflection of the human brain on the value relationship, it will continue to evolve and develop under the influence of various changes in reality, and its development and evolution direction fundamentally depends on the development direction of the value relationship in reality.

To sum up, we have described the physiological principle and dynamic evolution characteristics of emotion, and clearly understand that human emotion is not emotion, but a kind of physiological feedback and experience that changes and develops with the value relationship in reality.

In real life, many people lament that they can’t maintain a relationship, and it is easy to attribute the reason to the evolution of the other party and their own persistence, or other external reasons. In fact, emotion is an evolutionary process that constantly changes with the external environment, and it will not always stick to a certain state.

If we can establish a "scientific theory of emotional evolution", clearly know and explore the "logical structure" and "operational mechanism" of emotions, and realize "scientific emotional calculation and judgment", then we will avoid falling into daily physiological emotions and making misjudgments or misjudgments in emotions.It is no exaggeration to say that 99% of emotional problems can be solved in these ways.

– The End –

Author | Magic Little

Edit | A grain of rice

A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

References: Alfred Adler, translated by Zhou Lang. What does life mean to you [M]. International Culture Publishing Company, 2000.

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Arsenal are super nervous about tuchel’s appearance in Munich.

Declan Rice (West Ham United) proved himself to be the next generation of English midfielders in FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 in 2022, and his performance was limitless.
After joining the West Ham senior team in the 2016-17 season, Rice steadily gained opportunities, playing more than 30 games each season and starting 34 league games in the 2018-19 season. This season, he scored 3 goals and assisted once in 35 games. If you play the remaining two games, that means you will only miss one game.
As we all know, West Ham United has set a transfer fee of at least 100 million pounds (about 166.3 billion won) for Rice, because he knows the interests of many clubs. It is a kind of confidence to recruit people if you have money.
The British online media "Inside Football" reported an interesting situation on the 18th (Korean time) citing exclusive news. "Arsenal are trying to bid 85 million pounds (141.4 billion won) for Rice," he said. Rice, who signed a contract with West Ham United until June 2024, knows very well that this summer is a good time to leave. So is West Ham. It plans to improve its competitiveness by raising the amount of 16 million pounds (about 26.6 billion won) higher than the market price.
In addition to Arsenal, Chelsea, Manchester United, Juventus, Real Madrid and other big clubs have also been the targets of rumors, and Bayern Munich, which recently appointed Chelsea coach Thomas Tuchel, has also shown interest in Rice. .
Simple and clear. It is said that tuchel overestimated Rice’s ability and asked the management to bet that he must be present during the team reorganization. It means that Rice’s combat effectiveness and the ability to attack and defend are enough.
Considering that Arsenal will play in the UEFA Champions League (UCL) next season, coach mikel arteta is trying to recruit Rice. Rice lived up to her name in the first and second rounds of the Champions League semi-final against Alkmar, which set off transfer rumors.
Rice, who can choose teams, is on the rise. In this transfer market, fate seems to depend on who catches it.

Lampard: Arsenal’s deliberate loss is disgusting! Altta’s tough reply is unwilling to give in.

According to JBO Sports, Chelsea coach Frank Lampard expressed great dissatisfaction with Arsenal’s intentional loss. In the match between Arsenal and Nottingham Forest, Nottingham Forest stubbornly resisted under the pressure of relegation and finally defeated Arsenal with a score of 1:0. This result caused Arsenal to miss the championship completely, while Manchester City won the championship before the current round.

It is reported that the Chelsea team is extremely dissatisfied with Arsenal’s losing behavior. Head coach Lampard said in an interview with the media: "I think Arsenal’s behavior lacks professional ethics and sportsmanship. Every team should be responsible for its own achievements, rather than pushing the responsibility to others. "

Lampard also said that the team should win the game with its own strength, rather than relying on others’ losing behavior to qualify for the championship. He believes that this behavior is not only unfair to Chelsea, but also affects the reputation of the entire Premier League.

Arsenal manager Artta dismissed the accusation. In an interview, he said: "Our players made all efforts in the game, but we failed to win in the end. This is a difficult game and we didn’t lose on purpose. "

However, this incident still caused extensive discussion outside. Some fans and the media believe that this kind of losing behavior is an insult to sportsmanship and professional ethics and should be condemned and punished. Others believe that the team has the right to decide its own game strategy, and other teams have no right to interfere.

In any case, the occurrence of this incident will undoubtedly have a certain impact on the reputation of the Premier League. In the future, league organizers need to consider how to avoid such similar incidents from happening again to protect the fairness and competitiveness of the league.

Take what you need! In a stale marathon, runners pay for services.

Inscription: At the beginning, track and field events such as marathon were very far away from us ordinary people. At that time, we could only see that only a few people participated in the competition through TV or newspapers. After all, 42 kilometers was indeed a very long distance at that time. Around 2016, the right to host the marathon was relaxed, and the purpose of relaxation was very clear, that is, I hope to contribute to the national fitness. More than 1,000 marathons can be held in one year, and individual marathons can attract hundreds of thousands of people to sign up for tens of thousands of places. Everyone has a strong desire to exercise, but some people still have doubts about the marathon and think it is not necessary to participate.

The people who started the marathon really loved running, but they didn’t have the opportunity to show themselves and the recording equipment was not perfect, so maybe they didn’t know exactly how many kilometers they had run. It was the marathon that gave them such an opportunity. At that time, not only the registration fee was low, but also the competition for registration was not great. Basically, it was first come, first served. The number of places decided by lottery was only the product of the development of marathon in recent years. Slowly, the registration fee for the marathon has risen sharply, and more publicity has been given to the city while promoting national fitness. The materials distributed by one organizer alone contain too many useless things, and the commercial flavor is too strong, as if everything has gone bad.

However, for us runners, the enthusiasm for participating in the marathon is increasing. Many people think that there is no difference between running and participating in the competition, and it is unnecessary to spend money. This is a big mistake. Runners take money to enjoy the service of the competition. Others provide you with supplies, cheer for you, and take pictures of you, which can better satisfy your vanity and provide like-minded people with opportunities to compete in the same field. Therefore, this is why although the marathon is a bit stale, everyone still enjoys doing it. The reason is that they can get what they want. I just have what you want, so we will take a shot. This is something that anyone can understand.

However, not everyone can finish the marathon. We still have to choose a happy run, a half horse or a whole horse according to our own situation. Moreover, in line with the principle of health, ordinary people should not take part in every horse. It is enough to choose 1-2 marathons close to home a year, take some beautiful photos, send a beautiful circle of friends, gain praise from others and give themselves some motivation to run. Don’t race blindly, it will not only be meaningless, but also consume your body excessively. You will find that you may become old and ugly, and your hair will become thinner and thinner, so the money spent is too worthless. I hope this will resonate with the majority of runners.