Guangdong huinantian children calmly sleep with umbrellas. Netizen: Give northerners a little shock.

Guangdong huinantian children calmly sleep with umbrellas. Netizen: Give northerners a little shock.

March 5, Zhongshan, Guangdong. How outrageous is Guangdong going back to Nantian? The ceiling of the room is full of water droplets, and the children in bed are calm and sleep with umbrellas. The party, Ms. Li, said that it was raining just these days and the walls were soaked, fearing that the children would get wet and catch a cold.

User comments:

Give northerners a little shock.

Everywhere is wet.

You have to wear a raincoat for this quilt, right

Guangdong huinantian children calmly sleep with umbrellas. Netizen: Give northerners a little shock.

Guangdong huinantian children calmly sleep with umbrellas. Netizen: Give northerners a little shock.


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