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Attention! Six high-risk diseases hit in spring, and a wave of prevention and control guidelines was collected →

  It’s spring, and everything is reviving.

  Various pathogenic bacteria are also active.

  Many diseases are easy to "wake up" at this time

  Infectious diseases, allergic diseases, upper respiratory tract infections


  Have you done the protective measures?



  Spring is the season when influenza is easy to occur.

  Especially the elderly and children.

  In the case of weak resistance

  More vulnerable to the flu

  Prevention guide look here ↓

  Step 1: Wash your nose

  In spring, it is particularly prone to cold problems. After the resistance of nasal mucosa drops, the virus will enter the nasopharynx from the nose and induce a cold. A cold is caused by a cold virus that lives in the nasopharynx. Cleaning the nose often on weekdays can drive away the virus that lives in the nasal cavity and has a good effect on preventing colds.

  2. Go to less ventilated places.

  Cold diseases are easily infected through respiratory tract, and cold viruses spread very quickly in unventilated places.

  3. Supplement nutrition

  If you want to prevent colds, you need to supplement your body with nutrients, such as vitamin C and protein, which will help your body improve its resistance.

  4. Wear a mask when going out

  Respiratory diseases are highly contagious, and droplets are one of the main ways of transmission. Wearing a mask outside can effectively prevent respiratory diseases.

  5. Pay attention to hygiene

  It is forbidden to touch your face and mouth with dirty hands, wash your hands before and after meals, pay attention to hand washing and disinfection after going out and returning home, and clean your home frequently.


  Spring allergy

  spring has come and flowers are in bloom

  Pollen, catkin and other suspended substances in the air increased.

  The dormant insects also began to move.

  And people’s outdoor activities have increased.

  The probability of allergies will also increase.

  In addition, the temperature rises in spring.

  Mites, molds, etc. multiply rapidly.

  There are also a lot of mites hidden on the changing clothes and quilts.

  These are the sources of allergies.

  Common allergens

  There are inhalation, food and contact.

  Inhalable such as pollen, catkins, catkins, cold air,

  Dust mites, cat hair, dog hair and other animal fur.

  These cause allergic reactions through nasal inhalation.

  Foodstuffs such as fish, shrimp, crab, eggs, soybeans,

  Mango, red wine, nuts, etc.

  Contact such as leather, detergent, hair dye,

  Cosmetics, watches, etc

  Cause allergic reaction by contact with skin.

  Prevention guide look here ↓

  Step 1 avoid contact with allergens

  People with allergies should carefully observe what they may be allergic to and avoid contact. For example, people who are allergic to cat hair and dog hair should not keep pets at home. People who are allergic to pollen should wear long sleeves and masks when they go for an outing in spring, strengthen ventilation at home, and change sheets and fabric sofas frequently to avoid the breeding of mites.

  2. Desensitization therapy

  Let patients start with a small dose of allergens and gradually increase it, so that patients can gradually tolerate and reduce allergic reactions to some allergens. This method has a good effect on some patients, and there are certain risks.

  Step 3 enhance physical fitness

  The first is to ensure adequate sleep, change bad living habits, reduce staying up late, and exercise properly.


  hand-foot-and-mouth disease

  Hand, foot and mouth disease is an infectious disease caused by enterovirus.

  It is common in babies aged 1~4 years.

  Typical symptoms are fever, sore throat, runny nose,

  Cough, loss of appetite, etc

  Usually after 1~2 days of fever.

  In the mouth, hands, feet and buttocks of children

  There will be maculopapules or herpes like rice grains or soybeans

  No pain, no itching, no scab, no scar

  Prevention guide look here ↓

  1. Disinfect frequently and wash your hands frequently

  Don’t let children drink raw water and eat cold food. Children’s toys and articles that are often in contact with should be cleaned and disinfected regularly. Avoid close contact between children and children with hand, foot and mouth disease.

  Step 2 vaccinate

  Children aged 6 months to 5 years can be vaccinated to prevent hand, foot and mouth disease.



  In spring, liver qi is vigorous and fluctuates greatly.

  Therefore, the number of patients with eye diseases has also increased.

  One of the most common is pink eye.

  There are obvious characteristics when pinkeye occurs:

  Increased jealousy and eye secretions

  If it’s pinkeye caused by bacterial infection,

  Eye secretions are mostly sticky and pus-like.

  Pink eye caused by virus infection

  Eye secretions are mostly watery.

  Prevention guide look here ↓

  Pay attention to hygiene and isolation.

  Do not share towels, washbasins and other cleaning utensils with patients with pink eye, and wash your face with running water.


  Spring dermatitis

  In spring, catkins fly.

  Plus the wind is strong in spring

  Tickle and report to you.

  Dermatitis in spring is also prone to attack.

  Mainly manifested as desquamation, itching, dry pain and other symptoms.

  Some show erythema papules and scales.

  There are also some women who show increased freckles or increased brown spots.

  Prevention guide look here ↓

  1. Eat less allergic food.

  Eat less shrimps and crabs that are easy to cause skin allergies, and eat more foods containing vitamin A and fresh vegetables and fruits.

  2. Don’t use inferior cosmetics

  Try to change cosmetics and skin care products on your arm first to see if you are allergic. Don’t bathe too often, especially those with dry skin, and quit smoking and drinking.

  Step 3 do a good job of sun protection

  Avoid direct exposure to the sun, and it is best to wear a hat or scarf. It is best to wear a mask when going out, so as to avoid catkins touching the facial skin and causing itching.


  Anorectal diseases

  Anorectal diseases occur mostly in spring.

  Cold winter

  People’s pores are closed.

  Yang qi is trapped in the body.

  Plus people are used to tonic in winter.

  I prefer barbecue and rinse products.

  Causing heat accumulation in the stomach and intestines

  In the spring, the sun be the spirit.

  Heat accumulation surges and bets on anorectum.

  It is prone to constipation

  Prevention guide look here ↓

  Get up in the morning and have a cup of boiled water

  In autumn and winter, people eat well, wear thick clothes, live warm and have little activity, so the accumulated heat in the body can’t be properly distributed, and symptoms of getting angry often appear. Drinking boiled water has a good effect of removing accumulated heat in the body.

  2. Eat less spicy and hot food.

  Eat less spicy and hot foods, and eat more laxative foods such as Chinese cabbage, bamboo shoots and leeks.

  3. Walk more and do more activities

  The temperature in spring is more suitable for outdoor activities. Don’t sit indoors for a long time. Go out for a walk and play ball games to make the intestines crawl better.

  Source: The content is integrated from Health Times and CCTV Life Circle.

Source: CCTV 1

Central Meteorological Observatory: There will be strong convective weather in Shaanxi, Chongqing, Hubei, Anhui and Jiangsu.

CCTV News:According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, there will be strong convective weather in Shaanxi, Chongqing, Hubei, Anhui and Jiangsu.

1. Strong convective weather occurred in Jiangsu, Hubei, Guangdong and other places

From 05: 00 to 08: 00 on July 20, short-term heavy precipitation occurred in parts of northeastern Anhui, Jiangsu, eastern Hubei, western Zhejiang, western and southern Yunnan, central Guangdong and eastern Hainan Island, with an hourly rainfall of 20-50 mm and a local area of more than 60 mm; In addition, thunderstorms and strong winds occurred in the northern part of Inner Mongolia.

There will be strong convective weather in Shaanxi, Chongqing, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangsu and other places.

It is expected that from 14: 00 on July 20 to 08: 00 on July 21, Central Inner Mongolia, northern Heilongjiang, northwestern Liaoning, southern Gansu, northwestern and southwestern Shaanxi, central and northern Shanxi, central and southern Hebei, southwestern Beijing, western Shandong, southeastern Henan, most of Anhui, southern Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, eastern and southern Hubei, central and northern Hunan, northwestern and eastern Jiangxi, northeastern and southern Fujian, eastern and southern Sichuan, central and northern Chongqing, northern Guizhou, western and northern Yunnan and southwestern Guangxi. In addition, there will be thunderstorms or hailstorms in central and southeastern Inner Mongolia, southern Gansu, north-central Shaanxi, southeastern Hubei and northeastern Sichuan.

Strong convective weather: At present, it refers to the convective gale (≥ 17.2m/s), hail, short-term heavy precipitation

Third, disaster prevention suggestions

1. Pay attention to prevent casualties and equipment losses that may be caused by lightning, and pay attention to its impact on air transportation;

2. Pay attention to prevent short-term heavy precipitation from causing secondary disasters such as mountain torrents, mudslides and urban waterlogging;

3. Pay attention to prevent the collapse of structures such as sheds and billboards caused by thunderstorms and strong winds, as well as the impact on aerial work, water work and navigation;

4. Pay attention to prevent the possible impact of hail on crops and agricultural facilities.

Taking photos, punching cards and shopping, they are here to celebrate the New Year holiday.

Changjiang Daily Great Wuhan Client December 31st (trainee reporter Li Yijun)On New Year’s Day holiday, there was a festive atmosphere on the streets of Wuhan. On the afternoon of December 31st, on the Happy platform of Jianghan Road, children played and interacted in front of cute cartoon devices. Young people bought their favorite drink packages together and took photos as a souvenir. The whole family either had dinner or shared the fun of the game.
The Happy platform of Jianghan Road welcomes tourists. Trainee reporter Li Yizhen photo
The lovely installation at the entrance of the Happy platform on Jianghan Road is called Jijilong, which takes the traditional Chinese dragon as the basic shape and pink as the main tone, symbolizing good luck and adding color to the festive atmosphere.
Special interactive activities attract tourists to stop and watch. Trainee reporter Li Yizhen photo
In addition, the Happy platform of Jianghan Road also brought a series of performances to the public: Wuhan Regan Noodles Band performed in full swing; Nowadays, popular Coser (role-playing character) interacts with tourists; Liu Xinxin, the well-known manager of Hanka, had a happy interaction with everyone on the spot. People waved their light sticks and experienced a hearty performance in an immersive way.
Tourists receive colored balloons and feel the festive atmosphere. Trainee reporter Li Yizhen photo
The snack street, which has always been popular, once again welcomes the enthusiasm of the citizens in this New Year’s holiday, shopping and shopping, and never stops. Regan Noodles in Cai Linji, bean skin in Laotongcheng, dumplings in Tan Yanji … Tourists experience authentic snacks in Wuhan and local online celebrity snacks in Jianghan Road on the Happy platform, and feel the excitement and prosperity of the city.
[Editor: Ding Ke]
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Football News: In the past, the national football team was brave after being ashamed in the preliminaries, but now they can’t even play the battle of honor.

In the last two rounds of the Top 12, the national football team failed to win with 1 draw and 1 loss in the battle of honor. "Football News" wrote an article commenting that although the national football team was eliminated early in the past few preliminaries, it rarely lost the battle of honor after being eliminated. In this preliminaries, the national football team even kicked out the last "hero".

Looking back on the experience of the national football team in the preliminaries, the national football team can often perform well in the final stage of the group stage. Eighteen years ago, the national football team beat China and Hongkong 7-0 in the final round of the preliminaries, but lost to Kuwait by goal difference and missed the top ten. Four years later, the national football team, led by Dewey and Folado, was eliminated one round ahead of schedule, but it saved face by beating Australia in the final round away. In the 2011 preliminaries, China’s men’s soccer team led by Camacho beat Jordan 3-1 in the final round. Although it still failed to advance to the top 10, its performance can be regarded as "brave after shame".

Football News commented that in the past five preliminaries, the national football team rarely lost in the games after being eliminated, but now, the national football team has even kicked out the last hero.

Where did football come from?

  The origin of football can be traced back to the ancient ball game Cuju in China. Cuju’s original name was "Tuju", and the word Cuju first appeared in Historical Records Biography of Bian Que Canggong, while Cuju was called the ancient football in China. Before the Middle Ages in Europe, the Greeks and Romans began to play a football game. On a rectangular court, the Greeks and Romans put the ball on the white line in the middle and kicked it to the other court with their feet. At that time, it was called "Haba storm". In the early 19th century, football became popular in Europe at that time, especially in Britain and some Latin American countries, but the rules of football at that time were varied.

Where did football come from?

  Modern football originated in England. On October 26th, 1863, several football fans got together at Fremason Hotel in Queen’s Street, London, England, and discussed and established the English Football Association, which was the first football association established in the history of world football. Its establishment marked the birth of modern football. After that, people called October 26th, 1863 "Modern Football Day".

Premier League: Tottenham 1-3 brentford, Liverpool 1-1 Aston Villa, Manchester United 1-0 Bournemouth, Arsenal 0-1 Nottingham Forest.

In the early morning of May 21, 2023, Beijing time, the penultimate round of the 2022-23 season of the Premier League began to compete. Six games were held last night and this morning. After some fierce competition, the teams finally achieved different results. Among them, Tottenham lost 1-3 at home to brentford, Crystal Palace drew 2-2 away to Fulham, Liverpool drew 1-1 at home to Aston Villa, Manchester United beat Bournemouth 1-0 away, Wolves drew 1-1 at home to Everton, and Arsenal lost 0-1 away to Nottingham Forest. These games are very exciting, and every team is trying their best to win. Although some teams performed well, some teams lost. In a word, this game has brought wonderful football feasts to the fans.

In the Premier League, Arsenal once led Manchester City by eight points, but many fans still think that Manchester City will win the championship, although they need to win two more games. In the last round, after Manchester City beat Everton, Guardiola gestured with the number 2, as if to say that they needed two more games to win the championship. Next, Arsenal’s performance was really disappointing. First of all, they were defeated by Brighton at home, and then in the away game against Nottingham Forest, they gave their opponents a chance to avoid relegation and let Manchester City win the championship ahead of time. In the 18th minute of the game, Odegard passed the ball back directly to White, which led the opponent to instigate a counterattack and finally scored. Then, Arsenal collapsed completely. Both Jesus and Saca tried to make a penalty, but the referee didn’t make a penalty. Finally, navas tried his best to save the ball in the last 20 seconds of the game, but Arsenal still suffered a two-game losing streak of 0-1 away.

Liverpool performed quite well in the last four stages. They won seven games in a row and were unbeaten in nine rounds, which once filled the fans with expectations. However, just like when they competed with Manchester City for the title, stability still seems to be their shortcoming. In today’s home game against Villa, although Liverpool once tried to catch up, they could only accept the result of a draw. In the 19th minute of the game, Liverpool made a mistake in defence. konate fouled Villa and gave him a penalty. Fortunately, Watkins’ attack missed the doorframe and Liverpool escaped. However, Liverpool’s defence didn’t learn from this mistake, and only seven minutes later, they had a loophole again. Villa made many crosses in the frontcourt, and finally Luis’ oblique cross found Ramz who was unguarded. He volleyed the goal and opened the scoring for Villa. Although Liverpool kept fighting back and had some chances in the subsequent games, they failed to score goals. Until the 89th minute of the game, Liverpool passed the ball to the right continuously, and Salah broke into the restricted area with the ball. He passed the ball to the goal with the instep of his left foot, and firmino, who came off the bench, successfully volleyed it and pulled back a city for Liverpool.

At the same time that Liverpool lost, Manchester United played against Bournemouth, who had no desire for anything, and scored in just eight minutes. Eriksson picked the ball accurately on the left side of the top of the restricted area, Bournemouth’s defence made a mistake, and Senesi picked the ball between them, which was like a gift for casemiro. Casemiro took the ball and easily swept it into the net. Manchester United controlled the game with a dream start of 1-0. Although Manchester United didn’t rewrite the score again, they kept it steady until the 83rd minute, Bournemouth quickly counterattacked, Moore got a good chance to go to the right side of the penalty area and tried to push the far corner, but Degea bravely saved the goal. Manchester United successfully held on to Bournemouth’s threatening attack and finally got the last laugh with a score of 1-0.

In terms of standings, Manchester City won the championship three rounds ahead of schedule, which is the third consecutive championship and the second dynasty in Premier League history since Ferguson coached Manchester United. They have won five championships in the past six years, which is enough to prove their dominance. In the competition for the fourth place, Manchester United beat Newcastle slightly, although the goal difference was still ranked fourth. Liverpool can’t beat Villa. Although firmino grabbed a point for Liverpool at the last minute, he kept his theoretical hope for the fourth place, but this hope seems very slim. Because Newcastle and Manchester United only need one more point, they can sit firmly in the top four. In terms of relegation, Everton was unable to beat Wolves, while Nottingham Forest succeeded in relegation ahead of schedule after defeating Arsenal. Now only Leicester City, Everton and Leeds United are competing for the last place to avoid relegation. Let’s wait and see.

In the top scorer list, Norwegian player Harland, who is only 20 years old, has done well, and has scored 36 goals so far, leading the top scorer list. And England player Kane is not to be outdone, followed by 28 goals. However, it is very difficult for Kane to catch up with Harland because Tottenham only have the last round left, but he still has a chance to break through the spectacular score of 30+ goals. It is worth mentioning that Salah failed to score today, so he can’t be the fourth player to score 20+ goals this season. Mitrovic, on the other hand, has tied Watkins’ goals after his two goals, and raised the threshold of the top ten shooters to 14 goals.

Thank you for reading. I hope you have some knowledge of the latest Premier League matches. Football matches are always full of fierce competition and unexpected results, which makes people fascinated by the charm of sports. We will continue to provide you with more reports on sports events, so stay tuned.

Manchester City, which is fighting on the third line this season, wants to create team history?

At the beginning of the season, Manchester City’s first team brought in Harland, Phillips, Gomez and Akanji, which cost a total of 139.5 million euros.

Transfer information

First of all, let’s talk about the league. Arsenal has always occupied the top position in the league this season, but in Saturday’s game, Arsenal drew 3-3 at home with Southampton, and the league suffered three consecutive games. In the case of two more games, it was only 5 points ahead of Manchester City, the second place. This third-line Manchester City has given great hope of overtaking in corners, and there will be a showdown between Manchester City and Arsenal. If Manchester City can win Arsenal and win the rest of the games, then Manchester City will defend the Premier League title this season.

Premier League standings

In the Champions League match with Bayern in the middle of the week, Guardiola led the team to advance to the semi-finals of the Champions League with a total score of 4:1 with one win and one draw. This is the third consecutive year that Manchester City has reached the semi-finals of the Champions League. In the first two years, it fell on the way to the finals and semi-finals. With this year’s team configuration and the momentum of beating Bayern, Manchester City vowed to win the first big ear cup in the team’s history this year. Next, Manchester City will play away against Real Madrid, the king of the Champions League, on May 10th and face Real Madrid at home on the 18th. Whoever advances from these two teams will be this year’s Champions League champion. But personally, I am more optimistic about Manchester City’s promotion to the final, and this year is also the best time for Manchester City to win the Champions League.

Champions league promotion map

In the early morning of this morning, the semi-final of the 2022-2023 FA Cup was held at Wembley Stadium. In this game, Manchester City striker Mahrez scored three goals with a penalty and two sports goals to help the team advance to the FA Cup final. He also became the first player to score a hat trick in the FA Cup semi-final since Alex Dawson of Manchester United in 1958. The team scored 17 goals and conceded 0 goals in the FA Cup this season, becoming another team that reached the FA Cup final without conceding 0 goals since Everton in 1965-1966. The final opponent will be the winner between Brighton Seagull and Red Devils Manchester United.

FA Cup score

Summary: In the current state of Manchester City, it is not difficult to win the Hammers in the league. The key is to compete with Arsenal for the championship by six points. Today’s Arsenal League is in a low state with three consecutive draws. Facing Manchester City’s title race, it is also stressful. There is no doubt that this season’s Manchester City is very promising to hit the triple crown honor. If it really comes true, it will rival Manchester United’s triple crown glory. For Manchester United, this is a challenge to keep the record, and Guardiola will also break the curse that he can’t win the big ear cup after leaving Barcelona and Messi. We will wait and see.

The concept of "semi-Masuhe" has finally come true. 4,000 runners feel the fireworks on the banks of the Su River by running.

Liu Hui and Wang Weiqiu, reporters from Dongfang. com, reported on April 22nd that the sun was shining in the early morning, and a charming marathon started in front of the Tianan Qianshu, a landmark building on the Suzhou River in Putuo District. At 7: 00 am on April 22nd, 2023 Shanghai Suzhou Creek Half Marathon started, and citizens who love road running gathered together to share this sports feast.

In the end, Mari took the lead in crossing the finish line and won the championship in 1 hour, 03 minutes and 46 seconds. Liu Min won the first place in the women’s team in 1 hour, 13 minutes and 19 seconds. After waiting for 3 hours and 15 minutes, the first Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon ushered in the "closing time", and the race completion rate reached 98.78%.

Charming track, feel the vitality of "semi-Masuhe"

In recent years, Putuo District has served the people with high-quality supply, put forward the concept of "semi-Masuhe", realized the comprehensive connection of the coastline of Putuo section of Suzhou River for 21 kilometers, and made every effort to build a world-class waterfront of "semi-Masuhe". The semi-Marseille of Suzhou River in Shanghai in 2023 also made people feel the fireworks on the banks of Suzhou River.

The theme of this year’s competition is "Shanghai-style fireworks land, new vitality of Suzhou River", which connects industrial civilization and modern creative buildings spanning a hundred years in series and depicts an unparalleled charm track.

The starting point of the event is located in Dayang Jingdian Tianan Qianshu (Moganshan Road) and the end point is Banmashuhe Park (Yunling East Road). The track passes through Putuo landmark buildings such as Tianan Qianshu, Shanghai Mint Museum and Banmashuhe Park, with a total length of 21.0975 kilometers and a total of 4,000 participants.

Runners can feel the bright red genes, heavy industrial civilization, surging development vitality, colorful mass life and pleasant ecological base along the "semi-Masu River".

Escort the whole process and work together to build a barrier for the event.

The 2023 Shanghai Suzhou River Half Marathon is the first time to be held. As one of the stops in the series of horse races, the race at the entrance of "Suzhou River Half Horse" puts the safety of runners in the first place, and insists on the high standard of "horse quality". The Organizing Committee of the Games cooperates closely with the operation team, medical rescue team, public security team and volunteer team to create a multi-dimensional, full coverage and quick response security system.

The competition has built a perfect and scientific safeguard barrier for runners. At the start and end of the track and along the way, in addition to street security personnel, 917 volunteers from Putuo District and universities in Shanghai, together with more than 130 referees, woven a safety net. On that day, 21 medical stations were set up, with 12 ambulances and nearly 100 medical staff along the way, and 3 designated hospitals were set up. 200 first-aid volunteers were distributed in the medical stations and provided medical support along the way. Among them, 25 groups of cycling first aid teams were escorted, with obvious signs 100 meters in front of the medical rescue points along the way, followed by ambulances and assisted by volunteers and staff along the runners’ running route.

At the same time, during the event, the police of the traffic police detachment of Putuo Public Security Bureau rode motorcycles to clear the way, and the police of the special police detachment rode police bicycles to escort the whole event. Puhuan Company carries out comprehensive rectification and comprehensive three-dimensional cleaning along the track to ensure the overall environment of the track route is clean and tidy. At Jiangning Road Station of Line 13 near the starting point, Shanghai Metro No.2 Operation Co., Ltd. has formulated a series of emergency plans, set up lounge chairs and signboards in the station hall, and arranged volunteers to guide the contestants to the venue to ensure the smooth progress of the competition.

All kinds of supply stations are set up along the track. From 5 km onwards, drinking and drinking stations are set up every 5 km, and from 7.5 km onwards, drinking and water stations are set up every 5 km. There are four energy supply stations in the whole process, and there are ice stations and spray stations along the way. Participants can take a proper amount of ice cubes for physical cooling, so as to achieve the effect of quickly recovering their physical strength.