标签归档 佛山桑拿

Wu Yanzu, Hu Ge, Xu Zhengxi, Leonardo, who is the most handsome in 10 years of comparison

  People’s Daily Online, Beijing, July 20 (Reporter Li Yan) In order to get rid of the burden of "pure idol school", many male stars in the entertainment industry insist on constantly challenging their acting skills, so that people are fascinated by their handsome appearance while also being impressed by their performance skills. Let’s take a look at these male gods who are obviously beautiful but have to rush their acting skills.

  Wu Yanzu can be said to be a benchmark for the appearance of male stars in the entertainment industry. When he debuted with "Beautiful Youth Love", he conquered countless audiences with his flawless face and was the dream lover of thousands of women. In fact, he often deliberately chose some breakthrough characters to hone his acting skills. For example, in the movie "New Police Story", he played the arrogance and contempt of an extremely rich second generation to the fullest, so that everyone affirmed his acting skills and thoroughly remembered this high-value "powerful faction".

  From Li Xiaoyao ten years ago to Mei Changsu ten years later, Hu Ge has undergone a perfect transformation from a boy to a man, and has also successfully transitioned from a beauty school to a acting school. After the broadcast of "Langya Bang", Hu Ge’s immersive interpretation has won repeated praise. After losing the burden of idols, he has allowed us to see the excellent acting skills that have been accumulated over the years.

  Xu Zhengxi has always been depicted as a "affectionate knight", and his handsome appearance has brought him countless fan girls. In the movie "Bounty Hunter", he played the mad and perverted red-haired villain Tommy, with a crazy expression and exaggerated movements, making fans shout "too grandiose" but unable to stop loving him. This time, although his image has changed greatly, this reversal has also brought enough recognition to his acting skills, so that many people have labeled him a "powerful".

  "Little Plum" Leonardo is really loved and hated. He, who used to be comparable to the atomic bomb, seems to feel that his high appearance covers up his acting skills. Gradually, his figure is out of shape and his face has changed shape, and he has completely become a "powerful person". Whether it is "The Wolf of Wall Street" or "Shutter Island", we can feel his powerful performance ability.

  When it comes to Jack Gyllenhaal, the first thing we think of is his handsome appearance and lingering love in "Brokeback Mountain". In his early years, he entered the entertainment industry because of his handsome appearance and gradually became known. In the 13-year-old "Old Enemy", Gyllenhaal appeared in a decadent face full of hawthorn, wearing a wide suit and a pair of khaki trousers that lost muscles and bones, looking haggard. In the film, he played two roles alone, and his acting made everyone feel ashamed, creating a classic image for the acting career again.

Jackie Chan invites Lin Fengjiao to create a new song "Youth Story" and sing "Crying into a Family Class"

1905 movie network news Those who are familiar with Jackie Chan know that this international superstar is famous all over the world for his good Chinese kung fu; behind him, there is a Jackie Chan international stunt team known for "not afraid of death" – Chengjiaban. On May 31, 2018, Jackie Chan launched his new song "Youth Story". The lyrics of this song are Jackie Chan’s inner monologue, describing his excitement and inevitable emotions on the eve of the 40th anniversary celebration of Chengjiaban. The lyrics are straight to the heart, and the feelings are delicate and full of true feelings. In order to sing their true feelings, Jackie Chan and his wife Lin Fengjiao personally participated in the composition, composed by the famous Chinese lyricist Wang Pingjiu and the famous Chinese musician Zhao Jialin. Jackie Chan said, "What should be said and what should be understood is all in the song."

On the last day of May, the song that has been written for many years finally stepped on the tail of spring and went online. Jackie Chan, who is 64 years old this year, also stood on the tail of his youth and told his fans the story of his youth. The netizens commented, "I dare not listen to this song. When I listen to it, I think of my best friend in college, but she is no longer there." "If there was a person who worked hard together in your youth, you will understand this song."


Jackie Chan invited Lin Fengjiao to participate in the creation, self-destructed, and lost sleep all night for the brothers’ party

The reason why a song is moving is not only because of the beautiful singing, but also because of the singer’s own life story. The original intention of "Youth Story" was not to make a music album, but a song specially produced by Jackie Chan for the 40th anniversary celebration of the family class. The song has a simple melody and simple lyrics, but it touches people’s hearts because it is full of true feelings.

When Jackie Chan started writing this song, he first thought of inviting his wife Lin Fengjiao to participate. It is not difficult to guess why: one is because Lin Fengjiao knows Jackie Chan best; the other is because she has the same deep feelings for these brothers as Jackie Chan. In fact, from the beginning of the establishment of the family class, Lin Fengjiao has taken care of all the brothers in the family class for forty years. After the song "Youth Story" was completed, Jackie Chan sang a cappella to his wife in person, and Lin Fengjiao once heard tears collapse.


"I woke up several times the night before we met/I have been grasping the past in my hand/I am afraid of missing the appointed time/A ticket takes my youth to wander/Back to the past", this is a lyric of Jackie Chan’s "Youth Story". Such a kung fu superstar who has traveled all over the world with his bare hands, such a screen hero who jumps down from a high-rise building without blinking his eyes, at that moment, he was sleepless because of a party. Many people who have been away from home for many years will have the feeling of timidity in their hometown, and Jackie Chan is the same. Since its establishment in 1976, Chengjia Class has been following Jackie Chan in the wind and rain, and today it is the eighth generation. For more than 40 years, the members of the older generation of Chengjia Class have had their own careers and have traveled all over the world.


Uneasy because of deep feelings, afraid of change because of missing. On the night before the reunion, Jackie Chan was very tormented. He couldn’t wait to see all his brothers, but he was also afraid that he would be estranged because of being separated for too long. "It’s been 40 years of traces/40 years of heart/How eager to meet you/See if it changes". Fortunately, at the 40th anniversary celebration of the family class the next day, all but five members of the family class from all over the world arrived, and these five members did not show up because they were no longer alive. As long as the heart is still there, neither time nor distance can change anything.


As June graduation season approaches, sing your youth story with Jackie Chan

"A goodbye won’t go far/Keep your eyes in your heart/Take another long-lost photo." Many people who heard this song at the 40th anniversary celebration of the Chengjia class said: "The Story of Youth, when I listen to it, I think of my youth, I think of my best friends in high school and college." Just as the graduation season in June, Jackie Chan’s "Story of Youth" is also very suitable for the theme of graduation parting. College students and high school students who are about to leave campus will definitely have a special feeling when they listen to this song. Indeed, just like the Chengjia class, after graduation, the classmates all go their separate ways, busy in the world, and many close friends never have the opportunity to see each other again. Jackie Chan chose to release his new song in the graduation season, and also wanted to use his life experience of more than 60 years to give a piece of advice to the newly graduated students: cherish your youth, cherish those who have worked hard and worked hard with you, because "no matter how wonderful life is/it is only a moment/having you is forever".


It is reported that after the launch of "Youth Story", Jackie Chan and his team will launch a series of online and offline activities with the theme of "Youth Story" in June. Jackie Chan hopes that by singing the song "Youth Story", more people can share their youth stories together and cherish the people around them more.

Xiaomi Auto is about to appear in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and more information is exposed.

With the approaching of Guangzhou Auto Show, more and more car companies choose to throw out some "explosive materials" in the near future, while Xiaomi Auto, which is well versed in Internet gameplay, has chosen Weibo as the main battlefield, with remarkable results. A few days ago, a well-known car blogger with tens of millions of fans in the whole network once again exposed a lot of key information about Xiaomi Automobile in Weibo, and then this Weibo was deleted. However, the screenshots of the content have already spread widely. At this point, the outline of Xiaomi car gradually became clear.

The following is some information that Xiaomi Automobile can almost determine (although it can’t guarantee 100% authenticity). We will present it to you in several dimensions.

Model: medium and large four-door coupe

First of all, the brand of Xiaomi Automobile is called "Xiaomi Automobile", which is easy to remember and easy to remember. This is confirmed. The first car launched by Xiaomi Automobile is a "C-class eco-technology car". The specific body size of Xiaomi Automobile circulated before is 4860 * 1980 * 1666 mm. Whether it is accurate or not needs further official announcement. After all, the official positioning is "C-class", so the length of the new car may approach 5 meters. In the sub-model part, combined with the spy photos that have been revealed before, the first model of Xiaomi Automobile adopts a four-door coupe design, which directly targets the electric coupe of a German ultra-luxury brand. Is it quite expected? It is expected that within this week, we will be able to see the real car in the latest application information of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.    

To tell the truth, it’s not easy to locate the sports style of the medium and large sports pure electric coupe, similar to Weilai ET7, Zhijie S7 and Aouita 12. At present, there has never been a so-called "explosion" in this model. After all, no matter how hot the pre-sale of new cars is, it still has to land on the specific insurance number. If Xiaomi wants to make this new car go, it is bound to work harder on the price.

Battery configuration: 800V platform is not exclusive, and there are 400V blade batteries for entry.    

According to the earlier exposure information, the high-profile model of Xiaomi Automobile will adopt an 800V platform, and the battery is a 101kWh Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited Kirin ternary lithium battery pack with a CLTC cruising range of about 800km;; With the further release of the news, we learned that the entry-level model of Xiaomi Automobile will be equipped with a blade battery of 400V platform.Obviously, the 400V platform version will have more advantages in cost control. I believe that the entry-level model equipped with blade batteries is actually the model that Xiaomi Automobile hopes to take. As for the high-profile model of the 800V version, it is to boost the brand image.

Features: 澎湃 OS bonus, the whole ecology of people and cars.

As mentioned earlier, Xiaomi Automobile is positioned as a "C-class eco-technology car" for the new car. Besides the body size, the word "ecology" is particularly important. The achievement of "eco-technology" cannot be separated from Xiaomi 澎湃 OS system which has just appeared recently.

If Xiaomi’s mobile phone, Xiaomi’s car and even Xiaomi’s home appliances share a system, then the interconnection of Xiaomi’s ecology will naturally form. At the previous Xiaomi conference, we actually saw the "tip of the iceberg" of Xiaomi 澎湃 OS interconnection function. For example, the shooting content of the roof camera can even flow directly into the WeChat video call. This experience is still very attractive and it is also a big selling point of Xiaomi Automobile. I believe that more similar functions will be realized in the future.

How much will Xiaomi car sell?

According to the above information, we have a general understanding of Xiaomi Automobile, which will be declared by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Although the big V predicted the price at 300,000-400,000 yuan, according to the above information, the actual landing price of Xiaomi Automobile should not be so high.    

According to the plan, Xiaomi Automobile will be officially listed in the first half of 2024. During this period, the prices of various models will be adjusted many times until the press conference. In fact, according to the brand tonality of Xiaomi brand, which emphasizes cost performance, this information exposure has multiple temptations, and it is extremely possible to "reverse" the final pricing of vehicles.

If Xiaomi Automobile adheres to the initial intention of "cost performance" and if Lei Jun’s previous statement of "gambling all the reputations of his life" is true, then the pre-sale price of Xiaomi Automobile is around 200,000, which may be possible.

Here, it is boldly predicted that the pre-sale price of Xiaomi will be less than 200,000 yuan, and the high-profile models will have full models similar to the first commemorative edition, which will raise the price to about 350,000 yuan.

Write it at the end

It took less than three years from the approval and landing of Xiaomi Automobile Factory in Yizhuang, Beijing, and even the trial loading of Xiaomi Automobile. Is this a new record for a new force to build a car? To achieve this speed, we need not only Xiaomi’s efforts and confidence, but also the cooperation of many aspects. It seems that the ambition of Xiaomi Automobile is really unusual!    

Apple’s incoming AI mobile phone "iPhone moment" is coming?

When mobile phone manufacturers rushed to add more AI, 2024 was called "the first year of mobile AI". However, Apple, which has always been regarded as the pioneer of smart phones, has been slow to act. Recently, Apple announced that it would abandon the car-making project, and it is turning to the field of generative AI in an all-round way, and news related to AI mobile phones is constantly coming out. For Apple, in the face of declining sales and market, price reduction is the competition for the stock market, while AI is the preemption of the incremental market.

beijing business today

Introducing external large model

According to foreign media reports quoted people familiar with the matter on Monday, Apple and Google are actively negotiating, hoping that Google’s generative artificial intelligence model Gemini will support some new functions of iPhone software this year. In addition, the source also revealed that Apple recently discussed with OpenAI and considered using the GPT model.

It is reported that Apple is preparing new functions based on its self-developed artificial intelligence model for the upcoming iOS 18, but these are all concentrated on devices, not through the cloud. Therefore, Apple is also looking for some partners to support generative artificial intelligence functions, including the ability to create images and write articles based on simple tips.

After giving up the car-making project, Apple is currently facing tremendous pressure in the field of artificial intelligence. Compared with competitors Microsoft and Google, Apple has been slow to introduce generative artificial intelligence, and Google and Microsoft are already integrating artificial intelligence into their products. Last month, Apple CEO Tim Cook said that the company planned to disclose more about its plans to put generative artificial intelligence into use later this year, adding that the company was making "significant" investments in this field.

The cooperation negotiations that broke out this time may mean that Apple’s efforts in artificial intelligence are not as far as some people hope. Therefore, people familiar with the matter said that Apple’s move to find partners may be wise. If the negotiations are successful, Apple will gain new functions in generative artificial intelligence, and Gemini will gain a key advantage in having billions of potential users.

At the same time, it also means that the two companies will "kiss each other." According to the agreement reached between Google and Apple, Google pays Apple billions of dollars every year, making its search engine the default option for Safari web browsers on iPhone and other devices. It is worth mentioning that in view of the huge scale of both parties, the potential agreement may lead to further antitrust review of the two companies.

Apple’s process related to AI mobile phones has always attracted much attention. In 2023, many media reported that Apple was developing a big model Ajax. In January 2024, some developers found Siri’s code related to OpenAI and ChatGPT in the developer preview version of Apple’s operating system iOS 17.4. The code shows that Apple is developing a new version of Siri supported by a big model. This has triggered speculation in the industry about iOS 18 that has not yet been launched. Many people think that iOS 18 will deeply integrate generative AI technology and redo iOS built-in applications with AI, especially Siri.

Save sales

For Apple, AI mobile phone is a brand-new and huge market. Since entering the China market in 1993, Apple has always been regarded as the representative of high-end mobile phones. In the era of smart phones, Nokia, the "tears of the times", was eliminated; There are many domestic flip phones whose names can’t be remembered. It seems that only Apple will never fail. However, 30 years later, this situation has undergone a subtle change.

Recently, the report released by Furui Group said that in 2023, the sales volume of Apple mobile phones in China dropped slightly by 3%, and the sales volume in the first week of 2024 plummeted by 30% compared with the same period in 2023. The report also predicts that the sales of Apple’s mobile phones in China may show a double-digit decline in 2024 in the face of multiple attacks from China brands such as Huawei and Xiaomi. Subsequently, Apple reported that China’s revenue dropped by 13%.

In order to cope with the weak demand in the smart phone market, Apple China official website recently launched a rare promotion campaign to reduce the price of its iPhone 15 series products by 500 yuan, including the most expensive iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Major General Ding, an industry observer, told the beijing business today that the price reduction of Apple official website showed that the sales of iPhone 15 series were less than expected before, and there was pressure to clear inventory at the end of the year. Under the multiple pressures of the high-end local brands in China, represented by Huawei, and the launch and sale of Samsung’s flagship new machine Galaxy S24 series, Apple needs to release the old inventory as soon as possible and lay the foundation for the new machine sales in 2024.

In Major General Ding’s view, Apple’s strategic adjustment is relatively slow. In terms of imaging technology, it has been overtaken by the head brand of the Android camp, but it is slow in folding screens and AI models, resulting in the gradual loss of users.

Canalys analyzed that in the past two years, thanks to the steady demand of the high-end smart market, Apple iPhone has shown tenacious vitality. However, the re-emergence of Huawei in Chinese mainland and local competition will pose a challenge to Apple’s sustained growth when the demand for high-end mobile phones in other major markets such as North America and Europe tends to be stable. "In the new year, Apple must seek new market growth points and ecosystem advantages to revitalize the iPhone business." Canalys wrote in the report.

Samsung Galaxy S24 series mobile phones are regarded as a strong proof that AI affects sales. According to official data, the sales volume of Galaxy S24 series has exceeded 1 million units in 28 days after it was launched in South Korea, which has set a new record for the sales volume of Samsung S series mobile phones to exceed one million units, which is three weeks faster than that of the previous Galaxy S23 series.

Coincidentally, although Samsung released its own Gauss model in November 2023, the Galaxy S24 series uses Google’s Gemini, and the China version uses Baidu’s ERNIE Bot. At present, the main AI functions of Galaxy S24 series include two-way real-time translation during call and creative image editing.

How far is AI iPhone?

After the explosion of ChatGPT last year, Huang Renxun, CEO of NVIDIA, put forward that "the iPhone time of AI is coming", indicating that the AI industry has reached a point like the revolutionary subversion brought to the mobile phone industry when the iPhone was born.

Today, AI’s real iPhone may be coming. However, many people think that we still have a long way to go with the veritable AI mobile phone. According to some insiders, no matter whether the big model is self-developed or open, the products that have been labeled with AI mobile phones are nothing more than image processing, search and other functions, which are far from the real intelligent form.

Gartner, a research organization, pointed out that AI mobile phones should be equipped with corresponding hardware and software functions, which can realize seamless integration and efficient execution of AI driving functions and applications on mobile phones; These phones can run basic or fine-tuned AI models locally and generate new derivative versions of content, strategies, designs and methods. In other words, only when AIGC actually runs on the terminal can AI be considered as landing on the mobile phone.

Zhang Xiaorong, dean of the Institute of Deep Science and Technology, believes that in terms of value potential, AI is expected to refresh the business model of the mobile phone industry and even reconstruct the previous pattern. But at the present stage, the strategic awareness of mobile phone manufacturers is far ahead of technology and ecology. Building momentum around the concept may boost sales in the short term, but the vision is not equal to reality after all.

Zhang Xiaorong mentioned that it should also be noted that while AI mobile phones enhance the sense of experience, they will also cause users’ anxiety about data and personal privacy. At present, users who have doubts about App snooping data can also use different Apps to distinguish them, and avoid privacy leakage by not letting an app get too much data. Assuming that the AI ? ? mobile phone can get through all the apps, users naturally cannot avoid it.

At this level, the AI ? ? phone has not yet ushered in its iPhone moment, but obviously, it is worth waiting for.

Source: beijing business today reporter Zhao Tianshu

Process Editor: U022

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Guangdong huinantian children calmly sleep with umbrellas. Netizen: Give northerners a little shock.

March 5, Zhongshan, Guangdong. How outrageous is Guangdong going back to Nantian? The ceiling of the room is full of water droplets, and the children in bed are calm and sleep with umbrellas. The party, Ms. Li, said that it was raining just these days and the walls were soaked, fearing that the children would get wet and catch a cold.

User comments:

Give northerners a little shock.

Everywhere is wet.

You have to wear a raincoat for this quilt, right

Guangdong huinantian children calmly sleep with umbrellas. Netizen: Give northerners a little shock.

Guangdong huinantian children calmly sleep with umbrellas. Netizen: Give northerners a little shock.

What is the solution to the abnormal sound of golf brakes?


Solution to abnormal sound of golf brake;

1. If it’s screaming, first check whether the brake pads are running out (the alarm disc sounds). If it’s a new disc, check whether there are any foreign objects caught between the brake disc and the disc.

2. If it is muffled, it is mostly a problem with the brake caliper, such as the wear of the movable pin and the falling off of the spring piece;

3, if it is filar silk called more problems, calipers, brake discs, brake pads may have problems. In case of abnormal brake sound, it is recommended to go to the repair shop for inspection and treatment in time for driving safety. Golf is a classic hatchback small family car launched by FAW-Volkswagen. In terms of body size, its length, width and height are 4199mm, 1786mm and 1479mm respectively, and its wheelbase is 2578 mm.

4. It is recommended to go to 4S for inspection and solve it for you free of charge. Possible situation and treatment: If it is screaming, the first thing to check is that the brake pads are almost used up (the alarm sounds). If it is new, check whether there is any foreign matter between the brake disc and the brake disc.

The financial opening is fast and steady, and foreign capital is overweight and laid out in China market.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 23rd, china securities journal published an article on the 23rd, titled "Financial Opening, Steadily Stabilizing Foreign Capital Plus Layout in China Market". According to the article, Faba Agricultural Bank Wealth Management Co., Ltd. opened and became the fifth foreign-controlled joint venture wealth management company in China. One of Japan’s largest asset management institutions-Sumitomo Mitsui Private Equity Fund Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Sumitomo Mitsui, has completed the filing and can develop its business in China … With the steady progress of China’s financial opening up, foreign financial institutions have accelerated their efforts to "grab the beach" in China market in recent years. The insiders believe that it is necessary to further benchmark international best practices and rules, create a market-oriented, rule-of-law and international first-class business environment, and steadily and orderly promote the two-way opening of institutional financial industry.
Financial opening-up is deepening.
In recent years, the financial management department has actively and orderly promoted the opening of the financial industry, and achieved positive results, including the substantial relaxation of market access for financial services, the deepening of financial market opening, and the steady progress in RMB internationalization.
(Profile picture, issued by Xinhua News Agency)
Data show that by the end of 2022, foreign banks had established 41 foreign-funded corporate banks, 116 branches of foreign banks and 135 representative offices in China, with a total of 911 business institutions and total assets of foreign banks reaching 3.76 trillion yuan. Overseas insurance institutions have set up 68 foreign-funded insurance institutions and 79 representative offices in China, with total assets of foreign-funded insurance institutions reaching 2.26 trillion yuan.
"After more than 40 years of unremitting exploration, China’s financial industry has achieved’ four trends’ as a whole." Huo Xuewen, chairman of Bank of Beijing, said that, specifically, access management has moved from a positive list to a negative list, the opening mechanism has moved from one-way introduction to two-way opening, international cooperation has moved from active participation to active governance, and regional opening has moved from multi-point exploration to comprehensive breakthrough.
"For foreign investors, China financial assets represented by RMB assets have diversified investment value, actual capital allocation needs and fundamental support." Pang Yao, chief economist and research director of Jones Lang LaSalle Greater China, believes that foreign financial institutions can accelerate their entry into, participation in and deep cultivation of China’s financial market, and global investors can pay attention to, allocate and hold China’s financial assets and cast the best vote of confidence for China’s economic growth and social development with real money.
(subhead) Continuously optimize policy arrangements
Experts said that the recent actions of the regulatory authorities also showed that the support for financial openness continued to increase. A few days ago, the People’s Bank of China and the foreign exchange bureau held a forum for foreign-funded financial institutions and foreign-funded enterprises, which released a positive signal to further promote high-level opening up.
Pan Gongsheng, governor of the People’s Bank of China, said that the next step will be to conscientiously implement the requirements of "the State Council’s Opinions on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Increasing Attracting Foreign Investment", continuously optimize policy arrangements, create a market-oriented, rule-of-law and international first-class business environment, continuously improve the quality and efficiency of financial services, and help to open to the outside world at a high level.
"Opening to the outside world is China’s basic national policy, and it is also the core requirement for deepening the structural reform of the financial supply side and promoting high-quality economic development." Shang Fulin, the former chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, believes that it is necessary to further benchmark international best practices and rules, steadily and orderly promote the two-way opening of the institutional financial industry, better integrate with the international market, make better use of the international and domestic markets, give full play to the advantages of the two resources, improve the quality and efficiency of the international economic cycle, serve to build a new development pattern of double cycle, and provide a solid foundation and guarantee for coping with external financial shocks.
Experts said that in the future, financial opening needs to accelerate the establishment and improvement of unified market system rules, establish a fair, transparent and standardized market system, and create a first-class business environment with marketization, rule of law and internationalization; Constantly improve the financial infrastructure and deepen and expand the interconnection between domestic and foreign markets; Accelerate the establishment of a modern central bank system, promote financial institutions to speed up the improvement of internal governance, speed up the shortcomings of the regulatory system, and enhance the ability of risk early warning and prevention. (End)

Huichang, Jiangxi: Parent-child Garden Celebrates New Year’s Day

Kindergartens carry out a variety of parent-child garden activities. Liu Zhaochun
Kindergartens carry out a variety of parent-child garden activities. Liu Zhaochun
Kindergartens carry out a variety of parent-child garden activities. Liu Zhaochun
Kindergartens carry out a variety of parent-child garden activities. Liu Zhaochun
Kindergartens carry out a variety of parent-child garden activities. Liu Zhaochun
Kindergartens carry out a variety of parent-child garden activities. Liu Zhaochun
On December 27th, No.10 Kindergarten in Huichang County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province launched a variety of parent-child garden activities. Performing programs, writing Spring Festival couplets, cutting window grilles, making rings, and tasting delicious food … Children are immersed in a pleasant atmosphere accompanied by their parents, feeling the warmth of the kindergarten family and welcoming the arrival of 2024 with joy.

Shandong International Trade and Investment Innovation Case Exhibition and Exchange Meeting Held in Jinan

Reporter Ren Leilei
On December 19th, the "Exhibition and Exchange Meeting of International Trade and Investment Innovation Cases in Shandong Province in 2023" was held in Jinan, sponsored by Shandong Provincial Committee of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Popular Newspaper Group and undertaken by Qilu Yidian. The purpose of the conference is to discover and promote a number of replicable and referential international trade and investment innovation cases, sum up experience, build consensus, help enterprises to explore and innovate, strengthen their confidence, and jointly discover, cultivate and store business opportunities.
At present, the world’s century-old changes are accelerating, economic globalization is facing a countercurrent, international trade and investment are under pressure in both directions, and the global innovation map and economic structure are being profoundly adjusted. Enterprises in our province face difficulties, dare to try, keep innovation, forge ahead, and try their best to grab orders, expand markets and stabilize exports. From January to October this year, the total import and export volume of the province increased by 2.8% year-on-year, exports increased by 2.4%, and imports increased by 3.4%.
Meng Xiangdong, Party Secretary and President of Shandong CCPIT, delivered a speech.
Meng Xiangdong, Party Secretary and President of Shandong CCPIT, said that standing at a new historical starting point and shouldering new historical tasks, the CCPIT will base itself on its functional orientation, connect government and enterprises, integrate inside and outside, smooth supply and demand, continue to work hand in hand with the industrial and commercial circles, focus on the two major tasks of "weaving the enterprise network and expanding the circle of international friends", and strive to become the first choice for overseas industrial and commercial circles to enter Shandong and the first channel for Shandong industrial and commercial circles to "go global".
Speech by Bi Sidong, Party Secretary, Chairman and President of Popular Newspaper Group
Bi Sidong, Party Secretary, Chairman and President of Popular Newspaper Group, reviewed the founding history of Qilu Evening News, and said that Popular Newspaper Group will focus on its main business, aim at building a platform with national influence commensurate with the status of Shandong Province, and drive the group’s new round of reform and innovation with scientific and technological innovation, so as to accelerate the reshaping of the influence of party media in the all-media era. Constantly strengthen reform and innovation, constantly strengthen the strength of the media, and create a good public opinion atmosphere for Shandong’s economic and social development.
Wu Changqi, Professor of Shandong University and Dean of School of Management, delivered a keynote speech.
At the meeting, Wu Changqi, Professor of Shandong University, Dean of School of Management and Executive Deputy Director of Peking University Institute of International Management, gave a keynote speech entitled "Internationalization Development Strategy of China Enterprises in a Multipolar World". He profoundly expounded the challenge of "distance cage" faced by China enterprises to go global from the aspects of cultural distance, institutional distance, geographical distance and economic distance, and put forward his own suggestions on the internationalization development strategy of China enterprises.
It is reported that this year marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of Shandong CCPIT. On December 19th, 1978, the provincial party committee and government approved the establishment of Shandong Council for the Promotion of International Trade in Qingdao. Over the past 45 years, the Provincial Council for the Promotion of International Trade has worked hand in hand with enterprises, actively seized the opportunity of economic globalization, effectively responded to the impact of the international financial crisis, and jointly wrote and witnessed one innovation case after another and business legends in the history of opening up in our province.
Representatives from four enterprises, including Lushang Group Freda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Shandong National Economic and Technical Cooperation Co., Ltd., Jinan Pate Machinery Co., Ltd. and Shandong Longteng Wood Industry Co., Ltd., shared innovative cases of international trade and investment.
At the meeting, 16 innovative cases of international trade and investment in the province were released. These innovative cases were recommended by the Council for the Promotion of International Trade in 16 cities in Shandong Province and collected by Qilu Yidian. After initial evaluation, re-evaluation, comprehensive expert evaluation opinions and online popularity voting, they were produced. Innovative cases cover traditional manufacturing, high-tech fields, service industries, investment institutions and other fields, and have made progress in international trade and investment innovation, which has a leading role in demonstration.

The five-year average salary is 23.43 million. Stay in Maka? Anji wishful thinking is divided into two steps: 5 for 1 and then accumulating the first round of signing.

Laurie Markkanen was the fastest-growing player in the 22-23 season, averaging 34.4 minutes and getting 25.6 points, 8.6 rebounds and 1.9 assists, with a shooting percentage of 49.9% and a three-point shooting percentage of 39.1%. He became the top striker in the East and was selected into the All-Star team. Markkanen ushered in the highlight of his career at the age of 25, and he will continue to lead the Finnish men’s basketball team to the World Cup this summer.

Marca’s performance in the European Championship last summer was unparalleled, averaging 27.9 points, 8.1 rebounds and 2.4 assists. His shooting percentage was 54.2%, his shooting percentage from three-pointers was 40.5% and his shooting percentage from free throws was 90.6%. At that time, the whole world said that Marca’s future was bound to be boundless, and as a result, he really broke out in the Jazz.

On July 27th, NBA reporter Michael Schmidt reported that the Jazz may negotiate with Markkanen to renew the contract in advance this summer. He can sign a contract with a maximum of 81.9 million yuan for five years, including 17.25 million yuan in 23-24 season and 18.04 million yuan in 24-25 season (only 6 million yuan is guaranteed, and it will be fully guaranteed on draft night), making a total of 117.19 million dollars for five years, with an average salary of only 23.43 million dollars.