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The mass production of Xiaomi automobile is just around the corner. Can we continue to write the myth of mobile phone?

With the intensification of competition in the automobile market, the strong are stronger and the weak are eliminated at an accelerated pace. For China automobile market, this year is destined to be an unsettled year full of variables and challenges.


Xiaomi car is coming.

Recently, a number of media visited Beijing Yizhuang Xiaomi Automobile Factory and found that it has started, and mass production is on the line.

According to the interface news report, an insider close to Xiaomi Automobile revealed that Xiaomi Automobile is now in the trial production stage, and this work has been carried out for less than one month. At present, Xiaomi produces about 50 prototype cars every week, and there are few workers at night. The above-mentioned insiders said, "Xiaomi Auto is expected to get the approval from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in the last two months, and it will be approved before the end of the year at the latest, and then mass production can begin."

In March 2021, Xiaomi officially announced the construction of a car, saying that it will invest 10 billion US dollars to enter the automobile industry in the next 10 years, and invest 10 billion yuan in the first phase; In July 2021, Xiaomi Auto Autopilot Department started recruitment. In September, Xiaomi Auto Co., Ltd. was incorporated with a registered capital of 10 billion yuan. On November 27, Beijing Economic Development Zone Management Committee signed a cooperation agreement with Xiaomi, announcing that Xiaomi Auto settled in Beijing Economic Development Zone; At the beginning of 2022, the Beijing Municipal People’s Congress issued the Work Report of the Beijing Municipal People’s Government, which mentioned that Xiaomi Automobile would be promoted to start construction. In March 2023, Xiaomi announced the first production car, which will be officially mass-produced in the first half of 2024.

Founder and Chairman of XiaomiLei Jun’s dream of building a car is not far from realization?

According to shanghai securities news, the photos of the road test of Xiaomi’s new car show that the first model of Xiaomi will be a coupe with a sliding back design. The front of the car is long, which is obviously different from people’s impression of pure electric vehicles. The new car is expected to have a closed front end design to further optimize its aerodynamic performance. In addition, although the car body is covered with thick camouflage, it can still be seen that the car is equipped with lidar equipment. In terms of vehicle parameters, previously, some bloggers exposed the battery pack information suspected of Xiaomi car nameplate on the platform.

From the exposure information, it is suspected that the battery pack parameters of the nameplate of Xiaomi automobile have a rated voltage of 726.7V, a rated capacity of 139Ah, a battery pack capacity of 101kWh, and a weight of 642kg. It is inferred that the first model of Xiaomi is likely to support 800V high-voltage fast charging.

Judging from the current price of vehicles with batteries with a capacity of more than 100kWh, for example, the price of the 100kWh version of Weilai ES6 is close to 400,000 yuan, and the price of the 100kWh version of Krypton 001 is 300,000 yuan.Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368)Above.

From the perspective of battery cost, it also determines that the pricing of Xiaomi car will not be too low.

According to the interface news quoted from Leopard Change, the models of Xiaomi coupe to be listed next year are divided into high-end version and low-end version. The high-end version is tentatively priced at 299,000 yuan and the low-end version is tentatively priced at 199,000 yuan.

However, according to the interface news report, Xiaomi insiders said that Xiaomi may make corresponding price adjustments according to market conditions next year, and this price may not be the final pricing.


Production is just around the corner, and more than 100 people apply for a single day.

According to the previous plan, Xiaomi Automobile Factory will be built in two phases. The first phase covers an area of nearly 720,000 square meters. It will be started in April 2022 and completed in June 2023. The second phase is planned to start in 2024 and be completed in 2025. Among them, the first phase includes four factories with an annual production capacity of 150,000 vehicles.

Among them, the No.1 workshop, which is divided into punching, welding and coating power batteries, to No.4 workshop and test building, has an annual production capacity of 150,000 vehicles, and the relevant workshops have passed the acceptance on June 12. According to the observation of the First Financial Reporter, the factories marked with serial numbers from 1 to 4 are patchy, and employees near the factory told reporters that the internal automobile factory has been in operation for a long time.

On August 23rd, the bidding and tendering trading system of Beijing’s engineering construction showed that the bidding announcement of Huanjing Road (Nanjie-Xinsi Road in Xinnan District) and municipal engineering (survey) supporting Xiaomi Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Base Project (Phase I) in Beijing Yizhuang New Town was released. The start of bidding for supporting roads indicates that the first phase of Xiaomi Factory has entered the final stage of completion.

With the approach of the overall completion of the first phase of the factory, the recruitment of Xiaomi Automobile and related R&D facilities have been carried out simultaneously.

According to the interface news report, at present, the Yizhuang factory of Xiaomi Automobile is recruiting workshop workers on a large scale, with a recruitment scale of about 100 people, with an average salary of 6,000 yuan to 7,000 yuan, and the working hours are 8 hours a day, with weekends off and ready to join.

The supplier who provides recruitment services for Xiaomi Automobile Factory revealed to the interface news that Xiaomi Automobile Factory has very strict recruitment standards for regular employees and has no relevant experience. The probability of successful application is very small, and even some workers who have worked in Mercedes-Benz, Tesla and other manufacturers will be eliminated because of insufficient preparation during the interview.

In addition, the age of most positions is limited to under 28 years old, and the minimum education requirement is secondary school or above, and the requirements can be relaxed appropriately for those with strong ability.

At the same time, the supplier also said that this round of recruitment is only for Xiaomi Automobile to prepare for mass production in the early stage. By the end of the year or early next year, Xiaomi Automobile will usher in a larger-scale recruitment. By then, the working hours and rest system of Xiaomi Automobile Factory will also be adjusted accordingly.

According to Cailian News Agency, according to a list of applicants provided by the security guard of "North Gate 1" of Xiaomi Automobile Factory, the positions include operators, repairmen, maintenance workers, logistics engineers and interns, among which interns account for more than 60%, and the number of people in a single day is 124. According to an applicant waiting to enter the factory, there are many people recruiting in the assembly workshop and painting workshop. In addition to the positions on the list, there are also quality-related positions. "Testing, quality inspection and equipment maintenance are also being recruited. Generally, the minimum (education) must be vocational high school or college or above."

An investor in the automobile industry told the First Financial Reporter that although the pattern of the new energy automobile industry is initially set, the market space is large enough, and the arrival time is not a decisive factor. Xiaomi Automobile can follow the advantages in the field of mobile phone supply chain, control the cost of the whole vehicle, focus on innovative technologies, and focus on competitive models with price and technical advantages.


New forces build cars to speed up shuffling

According to the data released by China Automobile Industry Association (hereinafter referred to as China Automobile Association), in the first half of the year, IAutomobile production and sales reached 3.788 million and 3.747 million respectively, up by 42.4% and 44.1% respectively, with a market share of 28.3%. On July 13th, Chen Shihua, Deputy Secretary-General of China Automobile Association, said at the theme forum of "Innovation for Innovation and Creating a New Highland for China’s Automobile Modernization Development" that in the first half of this year, new energy vehicles maintained a relatively fast growth rate. Overall, it is estimated that the sales volume of new energy vehicles in China will reach 9 million in the whole year.

However, with the intensification of competition in the automobile market, the strong are stronger and the weak are accelerated to be eliminated. For China automobile market, this year is destined to be an unsettled year full of variables and challenges.

In the first half of the year, a number of new power companies have stopped working. On July 5, Singularity Auto officially declared bankruptcy; On June 29, Freeman Shen, chairman of Weimar Automobile, was listed as a untrustworthy person and was restricted from high consumption; On June 16th, Sky Auto was listed as an executor of dishonesty by Cixi People’s Court for violating the property reporting system. On June 14th, two companies related to Baiteng-Nanjing Zhixing New Energy Vehicle Technology Development Co., Ltd. and Nanjing Zhixing Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. filed for bankruptcy; In addition, Aichi Automobile, Baoneng Automobile and Evergrande Automobile have also been repeatedly exploded, resulting in suspension of production and arrears of wages.

Cao Guangping, an independent researcher of New Energy and Intelligent Network, told China Automotive News that in recent years, China’s new energy automobile industry has experienced recession, epidemic and cruel market competition, especially after the baptism of price war, some automobile enterprises have fallen behind, which is normal.

The reasons are different: one is that it is difficult to get rid of subsidy dependence, the other is the lack of innovation mechanism and technology, or there are problems in the internal and external environment of enterprise operation, and it is difficult to mass-produce products or the lack of strategic resources such as financial and material resources.

At the beginning of this year, Tesla Model 3 and Model Y set off a price war that spread from the new energy vehicle market to the fuel vehicle market with the largest price reduction in history. Now, the price war in the first half of the year has just died down, and the price war in the second half of the year has started again. At present, more than ten car companies have announced new price adjustment strategies. In addition to Tesla, which has repeatedly announced price adjustments, it also includes head car companies such as SAIC Volkswagen and FAW-Volkswagen, and the market competition has once again reached a white-hot stage.

On September 1st, Tesla China announced that the new Model 3 was officially opened for pre-sale. On the same day, Tesla also offered a big price reduction measure. The price of high-end Model S Model S and Model X is lowered, and the price of Tesla Model S and Model X is lowered by 110,000 to 220,000 yuan.

Deng Chenghao, CEO of Deep Blue Auto, said that the current competition stage is no longer relying on one or two explosive cars to survive. Enterprises need continuous cash flow and cash reserves that can be used for market competition, and they are fighting for the overall operational efficiency, quality, scale, system capacity, etc.;Wang Chuanfu, chairman of the board of directors, bluntly said that enterprises must first have core technology to win. The transformation of new energy vehicles is a technological revolution, and enterprises with core technologies can survive. If they are simply assembled, the probability of survival is very small; Li Xiang, CEO of LI, said bluntly: "In the three-year knockout of smart electric vehicles (2023-2025), the three comprehensive capabilities of technical product delivery are rolled into the dead, and the barrel theory is indispensable."

At the moment when smart phones completely replace traditional mobile phones, smart cars are bringing new impacts to traditional cars. Nowadays, traditional automobile enterprises have also made efforts in the fields of intelligence and electrification, and the market competition has become increasingly fierce.

Source | Business School magazine is integrated fromCBN, Cailian, Interface News, shanghai securities news, China Auto News, NBD Auto, China Newsweek.

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Edit | Wu Meng

Why are you always out of fashion? Three truths you have to know about fashion!

You think fashion is only about others?

Do you think fashion is only about youth?

In fact, fashion is not a distant word!

Don’t be misunderstood by the definition of "unique, confident and out of fashion"

Fashion has a temperature

You have many fashion moments that you haven’t noticed yet ~

Fashion is in the details of your life.

Beautiful dress, perfect makeup

Strong muscles, delicate skin …

It’s all fashion

Appearance is an indispensable capital for women.

But thought determines the value of appearance.

Beauty without connotation is pale.

So if you want to be more beautiful, remember to practice both inside and outside.


Clothes can reflect a person’s heart.

Reveal her value preferences, lifestyle and personality cultivation. …

Clothes don’t necessarily see character.

But to some extent: clothing = emotional intelligence.

Therefore, correct dress is a compulsory course for everyone.

  • Refuse to blindly follow suit

Fashion should look for its own style, not blindly "follow the fashion"! Fashion, not piled up by money, focuses on grasping and inheriting the fashion concept. As long as a woman has a fashionable concept, she can dress herself elegantly without spending a lot of money. On the contrary, a woman has a lot of money, but she has no self-cultivation and fashion concept. At best, she is only the carrier of major brands. " Remember! Simplicity and exquisiteness are more important than fashion. If you are not good at wearing, are not sensitive to the coordination of colors, and don’t hold the trend elements properly, then don’t add too many things to yourself. Simple and natural, it can also be very beautiful!

  • Dare to break fashion rules

What is fashion? No one can define anything! Because it is variable, there is no fixed form. At least dare to innovate, break the rules, and add good taste to lead the trend, right?

Some people say: 40-year-old should not wear sneakers, it seems not stable enough; After 35, don’t wear pink, it’s too act young, you can’t wear suspenders, you can’t wear braided hair … But the real fashion is to find your personality, find your own things, and stick to it, not to follow suit, grandstanding, and wear clothes indiscriminately!

  • Investing in classic items

The so-called classic is not restricted by any conditions, not influenced by the trend, and can stand the test of time. No matter when and where you wear them, they are as fashionable and attractive.

That is to say, clothes are not much but fine. Buying more fashionable items that are not suitable for you is not as good as a fit and classic one. For example, white shirt, little black skirt, white T, windbreaker and jeans. …

Although these are basic models and versatile models in your wardrobe, investing in them once will really benefit you for a long time. No matter how many years have passed, it will make you chic and beautiful.

Of course, in addition to common clothes, shoe bag accessories are also essential, which helps to enhance the overall exquisiteness and taste.

The charm of classics lies not in luxury, but in the style, fabric and detail design, which becomes more and more brilliant with the passage of time.


  • Go shopping more, don’t always wait for others to dump links.

The most terrible thing about fashion course is not knowing nothing and having nothing, but waiting for others to tell her how to buy it.

You should know that good clothes are always hidden in unknown shops. You have never experienced the process of selecting and looking for beautiful clothes by yourself, and you will not feel the surprise and satisfaction of wearing that moment.

Although online shopping is becoming more and more common, physical stores are getting weaker and weaker, but we still encourage everyone to go shopping more, instead of waiting for others to dump links. Because only when you feel it yourself can you know the quality.

When buying clothes, don’t just look at the price and style, but also look at the fabric label and check the stitching on the side foot.

  • Know your body shape

If you want to dress well, you must first understand your body shape and learn to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses. Even if you don’t have a perfect figure, it doesn’t matter. At least you should have a heart for beauty.

If you are short, you should raise your waistline. If your legs are not good, you should learn to cover them. If you are black, don’t wear exaggerated bright colors. If you are fat, don’t wear them too short or too long. Clothes should not be too tight or too loose, and the fit will be just right.


Everyone is afraid of aging, especially women.

Skin condition is the most intuitive sign to reflect a person’s age.

But it should be understood that

Skin is one of the most important excretory organs in human body.

Instead of "absorbing organs"

  • Pay attention to makeup removal

The makeup remover is wrong, and the face value is scrapped! Some girls just study how to make makeup look good, so-so remove makeup every day, and some even wear makeup to sleep, which is really terrible! ! If you don’t remove makeup in time, or the makeup is not clean, it will lead to many skin problems: pigmentation, sunburn and freckles, skin aging, pore blockage, and more and more blackheads. …

Want to remove makeup and clean it without hurting the skin. Poke the picture below ~


  • Have a light diet and good work and rest habits.

Eating spicy, greasy and too sweet food often leads to exuberant oil secretion and aggravation of blackheads … People who eat greasy food are also prone to symptoms of blood heat, stomach heat accumulation and blood stasis, and these symptoms will further promote the growth of blackheads and closed mouths. Therefore, we must pay attention to diet and less oil! Less salt! Less sweet! Less spicy! To tell the truth, Xiaobian tried the best and best way to get rid of blackheads: exercise+diet+going to bed early. The skin condition is really good!

Good work and rest habits are the key to beauty! For girls, staying up late will lead to endocrine disorders, and our face is prone to imbalance of water and oil, too dry or too greasy. It is also common to explode acne and shut up. The most obvious point is that it is easy to have dark circles and bags under the eyes when staying up late … (You will only blame the eye cream for staying up late to cultivate immortality, which is really enough! )

When you want to know that you are plain, the dark circles and bags under your eyes are super obvious, which will make you look pale. Moreover, when making up, you should carefully conceal the concealer, even if it is well concealed. After concealing the concealer, the baby whose skills are not very good can be said to be terrible. The color is wrong, the makeup is not suitable, and it is mottled for one second … So, the babies try not to stay up late, don’t stay up late, don’t stay up late!


The beauty of a woman is not in her face.

It’s in posture.

Gestures are alive, faces are dead.

The so-called "state"

Refers to a woman’s temperament reflected in her bones.

Beauty or temperament, which is more important? In fact, this question is not difficult to answer! First of all, we should find out why people always emphasize "temperament". The primary reason should be that beauty cannot be preserved, and it will always be lost with age. It is also because with the growth of age, after the precipitation of a woman’s heart, the beauty of temperament will be more and more improved and more prominent, and temperament is more beautiful than beauty! No matter who you are, temperament is a very high compliment!

A woman with temperament, even if she is white-haired, is still as beautiful as a picture, and the years are never unbeaten! Temperament is the most advanced sexy of a woman!

A woman’s temperament is a kind of self-cultivation, which has nothing to do with age and has nothing to do with years.

Temperament is an inner involuntary exposure, not just superficial kung fu. Ta is not a high-grade lipstick, a gorgeous dress, and a pair of brand-name high heels can match it! If you don’t have some ink on your chest, you can use it in gorgeous clothes. This person has no temperament at all, but gives others a superficial feeling.

Therefore, if you want to improve your temperament and achieve outstanding temperament, in addition to dressing appropriately and speaking appropriately, you must constantly improve your knowledge, moral cultivation and enrich yourself! Only with distinctive speech and posture can people feel "powerful charm beyond appearance"

However, not many people are born with temperament! For most young girls, not being beautiful often means not having temperament. Temperament, most of them will not be ugly! Therefore, we must learn to be beautiful first. Let your surface be beautiful first, and at the same time slowly carve your inner self. What we want is not only beauty, or only temperament. We can have both!


A person’s posture has more influence on temperament than appearance! You can look around carefully, as long as a person holds his head high and shoulders high, he will exude noble temperament all over. Once you stoop, your appearance looks ten years older. Imagine that you have a pair of angel wings on your back. Feel these wings at any time, and the angel wings will make your posture beautiful!

A person’s temperament is internal self-cultivation, including external behavior, manners and attitudes towards others. Elegant, generous and natural temperament will give people a comfortable, kind and easy-going feeling.

Regardless of the sound quality and timbre, whispering is the first sign of temperament. However, if you are so quiet that you can’t even hear the other person talking, it means you lack confidence. People with temperament will speak in a voice that only the interviewee can clearly hear, and the choice of words is also one of the important standards to measure Ta temperament. In addition to basic polite expressions, the content of speech is also very important. It is a compulsory course for temperament beauty to stay away from rumors and not strongly advocate criticism. Remember, even if the conversation is not pleasant, don’t forget to express your gratitude!

The most effective way to show temperament is to move slowly and carefully. However, slowness does not mean that the slower the better, we should strive to do one thing accurately and accurately. In terms of agreement, temperament beauty should do what she says. If you can’t do it, you might as well take "don’t make an agreement with others casually" as a principle of temperament beauty.

Temperament is not learned, but cultivated! As a woman, you can’t say too much, but you should know everything. We can’t live every day with an empty head and nothing to do. But to have your own goals and focus on life and a hobby that suits you. Usually, you should learn more things and read more books (not reading 8 magazines). Learn to dance or exercise if you have nothing to do. Learn more about communication and listen to salon lectures that are helpful to you.

Slim down and talk about temperament! In fact, women with temperament know more about restraint and pay attention to eating habits, so as to maintain a beautiful posture and healthy and high-quality skin. On the contrary, women who are willful and indulgent, slim but often become a short-lived memory. Lack of self-management ability will make your body shape worse and worse. Therefore, by looking at a person’s figure, especially the way she decorates her figure, you can probably know her cultivation and temperament. If you have experienced the feeling of being fat, you can understand why you can enjoy a better life only if you lose weight. When you lose weight and become a more beautiful self, you can gradually feel the feeling full of possibilities.

Temperament is a state, a state of mind and an attitude towards life! To be a woman with temperament, she is beautiful and advanced!

Game recommendation in June: After "Tears of the King", another batch of masterpieces came strongly.

Text/a bowl of gourd

In the past May, I believe that many players’ time has been rounded up by the legend of zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Perhaps in order to avoid the limelight of Tears of the Kingdom, many masterpieces have chosen to be released in the following June.

Of course, in addition to these masterpieces, there are also many excellent new works and domestic games released this month, and the types and contents of the games are so rich that they will never let any player electronic sheep tail.

If you are tired of staying in mainland Heraru, it’s time to welcome these new games.

The first thing to introduce, of course, is the blockbuster that will be released on June 22nd in PS5-Final fantasy 16.

As a classic IP that has lasted for more than 30 years, after 7 years, the Final Fantasy (FF) series finally ushered in a brand-new series.

In fact, in recent years, FF series has been working for a long time and has not released excellent works.

Except for the online game FF14 and the old game remake FF7, the performances of the previously released FF13 and FF15 are actually unsatisfactory.

Therefore, this "FF16" is also shouldering the heavy responsibility of "reviving the glory" in addition to the expectations of players.

At the moment when the turn-based system is gradually declining, this time "FF16" changed the traditional gameplay and chose to move closer to the real-time combat mode.

Saying goodbye to the turn-based battle may be a little uncomfortable for some old players. But in the long run, it is also an appropriate decision to attract a bigger market.

In terms of plot, FF16 is still a familiar fantasy world style.

The story is set in a fantasy world inspired by medieval Europe and inspired by Game of Thrones, and revolves around a continent called Wallis Zea.

According to the news, the duration of the performance in the game alone is as high as 11 hours, and this time does not include the contents of the side tasks. It seems that players who like to watch the plot can relax.

Although the game has not been released yet, "FF16" seems to have been on the cusp of public opinion.

Firstly, FF16 was banned in some areas because it contained some adult content.

Secondly, because of the lack of "diversity" in the game, many European and American media and netizens attacked it.

The first trailer of FF16 was temporarily rated as 18 by PEGI.

For these questions, Yoshida always insists on his own decision.

He said that "players all over the world should have a consistent experience" and that "because Wallis Zeya, as the stage of FF16, is isolated from the world, there are bound to be some shortcomings in the diversity of characters", insisting on refusing to modify adult content and denying the existence of blacks in the game.

Being able to ignore the pressure of public opinion from the outside world and insist on telling your own story well, I think it is also worth letting the players who have been severely criticized recently for The Little Mermaid buy one to wash their eyes (music).

In addition to the highly anticipated FF16, Diablo IV, which will be officially released on June 6th, also has a high degree of topic.

At present, the global media rating of Diablo IV has been lifted, with IGN 9, GS 8 and MC rating websites all scoring 88, which is still very high overall.

Although the game has not yet been officially launched, from the situation of sealing and testing and media evaluation, most players are still satisfied with Diablo 4.

Judging from the gameplay, Diablo 4 is still a classic brush game.

Rich equipment and entries, different professional characteristics, although it is inevitable that there will be some torture and boredom in the process of liver, but the moment you brush out the equipment you want, it is absolutely full of sense of accomplishment.

Compared with the cartoon style of Diablo III, Diablo IV has a darker overall tone and a sharper style.

At the same time, the screen, scene and sound effects of the game have been improved a lot, and it has even been called "one of the best ARPG in history" by IGN editor.

Although Blizzard is no longer the glorious appearance of that year, it has now withdrawn from the mainland market because of short-sightedness.

But I have to admit that the Diablo series is still an emotional destination that many players can’t give up.

With the release of Diablo IV, it may once again set a new benchmark in the game industry and bring more shocking and exciting game experiences to players.

In addition to the two masterpieces mentioned above, the new work of Street Fighter series-Street fighter 6, will also meet with you on June 2.

At present, the media rating of Street Fighter 6 has been lifted.The average MC score reached an unexpected 92 points., ranked fourth in the year.

As the benchmark of 2D fighting games, Street Fighter 6 stands out among all the Street Fighter series.

The main reason for this is that the game provides players with an open world to explore freely.

In the "Travel Around the World" mode, players can not only customize their appearance, but also explore in the general "metropolis" of the open world, learn from their teachers and learn new moves to fight against their opponents.

Street Fighter 6 creates a role interface

Of course, in addition to the refreshing open-world gameplay, the game also adds some new gameplay in the fighting system-the pissing system.

The quarrelling bar is located under the blood bar, which is the first system added in Street Fighter 6.

Compared with the traditional energy bar, the quarrelling bar is full at the beginning, and players can use quarrelling to punch, giving ordinary attacks more effect and strength. However, it should be noted that the character will enter a weak state when the quarrelling is exhausted, so it is also a place to consider in the game to control the consumption of quarrelling reasonably.

Compared with traditional fighting, the pace of the game will be faster and smoother after adding quarrelling, which is a good design.

Generally speaking, Street Fighter 6 is a classic but refreshing game. On the basis of retaining the classics, it adds a lot of fresh gameplay and gives new vitality to the traditional fighting game.

I think, whether you are a fan of fighting games or not, you can try this new work.

The game that attracts the most attention of racing enthusiasts this month is, I think, the F1 23, which will be launched by EA on June 16th.

EA’s F1 series is a very popular racing game.

As an officially authorized game of Formula One World Championship, F1 has a group of loyal fans because it is closest to the real F1 competition.

Compared with the previous work, the performance of F1 23 has really improved a lot.

The handling of the vehicle has been upgraded, and the performance of the vehicle is more predictable. At the same time, the new vehicle physical system also makes the friction of the vehicle stronger when braking, accelerating and turning.

In addition, by adopting the situation of the real F1 team, the game has a better balance between aerodynamics and tire grip, the improvement of engine torque and inertia is more realistic, and the connection between players and vehicles is closer.

In addition to the improvement in vehicle performance, the story mode "braking point" of F1 has made a heavy return in this book.

The plot mode of this work mainly focuses on a fictional team "Konnersport Racing Team", in which two new drivers will face and overcome various difficulties and turning points to accomplish their ambition-to defeat F1 teams and drivers in today’s reality.

This game also returns to the "Red Flag Rule", which adds more drama and strategy to the event;

At the same time, in order to respond to the requirements of the player group, this game has also added an additional 35% distance, which is relatively balanced and more applicable than long sentences and short sentences.

On the whole, as a "new year’s goods" game, although there are not many changes in "F1 23", the new content is quite sincere this time, and I think it is worth the experience of racing enthusiasts.

Next is a real-time strategy game "Alien: Falling into the Dark" with a relatively small game type and a bird’s eye view.

Based on the classic movie Alien seriesAlien: Falling into the Dark, will be launched on June 20th.

As a real-time strategy game overlooking the corner, in Alien: Falling into the Darkness, the player will play the commander of the colonial marine corps and lead the soldiers in the squad to stop the explosion of alien creatures on the Forgotten Moon.

In the game, players command and give orders to four colonial marines to fight against all kinds of aliens in the game, rogue agents of Welland-Utani, and even creatures that have never appeared in the movie.

There are many large levels in the game, and players need to make tactical arrangements for the terrain.

More importantly, the enemy will change his attack strategy according to the player’s actions, which means that the player needs to make decisions at any time to deal with unexpected situations.

Therefore, the game is highly strategic and challenging, which requires players to have certain tactical thinking and reaction ability.

Of course, it is also an important part of the strategy game to make full preparations before the war and further improve the strength of the team.

In the game, players can freely arrange soldiers’ abilities, weapons, equipment and stunts, and at the same time, they can also study new technologies and develop their own bases.

I think this is the charm of RTS to deal with the difficulties to be faced and the unknown dangers.

Since Star of Roller Coaster and Star of Zoo, few other simulated construction games have been widely recognized and loved as these two games.

However, it was released on June 16th, and the game "Fantasy Paradise" released by Bandai Nanmeng Palace was produced by the team of "Island Tycoon", which still made me feel bright after experiencing many simulated business games.

Like similar games, in "Fantasy Paradise", players can customize the amusement facilities and landscape of the park and create their own dream amusement park.

But in addition to the custom content, this work also has a strong story, and has the main characters and a complete plot.

In the plot, the player plays the role of the founder of this amusement park, and builds an unprecedented amusement park step by step by accumulating experience.

Some of them are mainly facilities, props, etc. in amusement parks, while others focus more on business, management and revenue.

At the same time, the way to achieve the goal of the game is more tolerant, and it will not set very demanding difficulty requirements. Different players can have fun in the game.

It is worth noting that this work has a unique concept of "Impossification".

For example, in the game, you can not only make the roller coaster run on the track, but also install wings to make it fly in the air.

This also means that "Fantasy Paradise" can help you realize crazy ideas and ideas, give full play to your imagination, and build more whimsical amusement facilities.

This brand-new gameplay that jumps out of traditional thinking is undoubtedly one of the highlights that attract the old players who simulate business.

existThe maze of world trees Ⅰ·Ⅱ·Ⅲ HD REMASTERWhen it was announced that it would be released on NS and Steam platforms on June 1st, I believe many old players shouted "Yeqing Hui".

Labyrinth of the World Tree 3HD

Yes, as a game first launched on NDS, the series "The Labyrinth of the World Tree" produced by Atlus has a history of 16 years.

The maze of the world tree by NDS

Whether at that time or now, the gameplay of the game has to be said to be "unique".

In the game, players need to control five teams of adventurers with different occupations, face the sudden huge maze, and enter the powerful enemy regardless of danger.

Compared with the traditional JRPG, the plot of The Labyrinth of the World Tree is actually relatively weak.

But the game pays more attention to its unique gameplay-exploring the huge underground Jyukai maze by fighting again and again, and then drawing the map by yourself, looking for shortcuts and fighting against more powerful monsters.

In this HD remake, the game has made many improvements in view of the players’ opinions on the original works.

The remastered version provides three difficulty options on the basis of the past, so that different players can play with their most suitable difficulty.

At the same time, for NS players, especially PC players, who can’t draw a map with dual screens, the game also adds an automatic drawing mode to automatically record their positions in the map. To some extent, this also improves the game experience of some players.

Although the maze of the world tree series is not a particularly famous old game, for those players who have been deeply obsessed with this game, the high-definition screen and improved gameplay of this remastered version are enough to satisfy the nostalgic feelings of these players.

After a lapse of 12 years, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective released in NDS also ushered in a high-definition reproduction.

The game will be released on the whole platform on June 30th, and simplified Chinese has been added in this remastered version.

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective is a puzzle-solving game made by Qiaozhou, the producer of Reversing the Referee series.

Ghost trick: phantom detective by NDS

Although the game sold only 380,000 copies after its release, and its popularity was far less than that of the producer’s Reverse Referee series, in fact, the reputation of Ghost Trick among players is comparable to that of the Reverse Referee series.

In 18 years, Hideki Kamiya voted for "Ghost Trick 2" in the vote of "Which new work do you look forward to most?"

One of the most interesting is the unique gameplay of the game.

Unlike other games, the protagonist of the game is "dead" from the beginning.

The player needs to "possess" the soul of the protagonist to various objects (which must be dead) and move along one by one.

In addition to possession, the protagonist also has the ability to go back in time, which can go back four minutes, and repeat it indefinitely like extracting testimony in Reversing the Referee to solve the problem.

On the basis of the original gameplay of the game, this remastered version optimizes the screen, and at the same time, it also adds a collection function. You can use various illustrations and BGM in the "Illustration Collection" of the game.

It is worth mentioning that the game also invited Beichuan Baochang, a popular composer in charge of BGM, to arrange the original music at the same time.

I think for players who have played Ghost Trick or not, this remastered version can get a good game experience.

The game, which will also be remade this month, will be launched on June 15th.Layers of fear remake.

If you are a fan of horror games, or a player who is interested in horror games but is afraid to contact them, then you have definitely heard of the classic horror game "Layers of Fear".

Compared with "Resident Evil", a game that directly spreads flesh and blood in the picture, the picture performance of "Layers of Fear" is more restrained.

Canvas is the most in the game.

The unique visual and artistic style of the game makes players feel as if they are in a huge oil painting.

And the plot that is pressing step by step and the characters that are stripped of their cocoons are also very good for driving a frightening and insane psychological terror atmosphere, which is not only an environmental horror, but also a kind of fear in the heart, which makes people unable to calm down for a long time after customs clearance.

High praise of Steam community

This time, "Layer upon layer fear remake" uses Unreal 5 engine technology, and supports ray tracing, HDR and 4K resolution at the same time, making amazing visual effects and nightmare experiences as immersive and realistic as possible.

The remastered version includes Layers of Fear 1, Layers of Fear 2 and DLC. At the same time, it will also launch a brand-new DLC to tell the stories of writers who have never been told, and connect all the plots of the game together.

I believe that under the Unreal 5 engine, the thrill of the game will definitely be by going up one flight of stairs.

But if, like me, you still dare not continue playing the game for five minutes, you should carefully consider whether you can withstand a more realistic atmosphere of terror (sad).

Believe in Netease"Against the Cold" Mobile Games, is definitely one of the games that many players are very concerned about this month.

The first beta was started in August, 2001, and it has been brewing for so many years. Finally, the game will be officially released on June 30th.

As a martial arts MMO enthusiast, I have also played many similar games on the PC platform.

However, when I first saw the picture of the mobile game against the water, I still had a trance-like feeling of "Is this really played on the mobile phone platform?"

The screen of the game can be said to be absolutely superior to similar mobile games, and both the scenery on the road and the appearance details of the characters are particularly exquisite.

In addition to the images that fascinate countless appearance parties and scenery parties, there are various ways to play in the game. In addition to the main story and copy of the traditional martial arts MMORPG, there are also unique ways to play in the open world, such as adventure, solving puzzles and stealing teachers, which breaks the traditional MMO concept.

What is even more eye-catching is that the anti-cold mobile game also combines the recent hot AI technology, injecting "soul" into the NPCs in the game. In the game, you will find that these NPCs seem to have their own emotions like real people, and even whisper.

Judging from the internal test, the mobile game "Against the Water" is still very worth looking forward to.

If you are looking for an excellent martial arts mobile game, or want to experience a game world full of rivers and lakes, then the mobile game "Against the Water" is definitely a recommended choice.

Ok, that’s my June game recommendation.

Compared with May, which was covered by light, June can be said to be a month of small blowout of various games. There are not only the continuation of classic IP after many years, but also the sale of different types of games such as RTS and racing.

In the hot June, when you are tired of playing Tears of the Kingdom, I think there is always a game that can give you a coolness.

Premier League: Manchester United’s 1-0 winning streak! Casemiro scored 1 point in the last 2 rounds and entered the Champions League.

At 22 o’clock on the evening of May 20, Beijing time, in the 37th round of the Premier League in 2022-23, Manchester United beat Bournemouth 1-0 away and won two consecutive victories. In the last two rounds, they scored 1 point and entered the Champions League. Casemiro barbed the door and scored the only goal in the game.

1. Manchester United scored 69 points in 36 rounds, leading Liverpool, the fifth place, by 3 points in the case of one game less, and the latter only had the last round, so as long as Manchester United scored 1 point in the last two rounds, it would be able to lock in the top four and qualify for the Champions League next season.

2. casemiro’s wonderful barb goal, scoring for Manchester United in the last two times, both against Bournemouth.

Wonderful review

In the 5th minute, B scored a goal, and casemiro missed with his right foot from outside the penalty area.

In the 9th minute, Eriksson picked a pass, Senesi made a mistake, and casemiro scored a goal with his right foot barb, 1-0! Manchester United took the lead.

In the 21st minute, Anthony made a cross and Eriksson volleyed his left foot wide.

In the 27th minute, after Solanke got rid of the restricted area continuously, he shot with his right foot and was saved by Degea.

In the 37th minute, Sancho made an inverted triangle return from the left side of the penalty area, and Marchal missed the arc ball with his right foot.

In the 40th minute, Sancho’s pass was blocked, and casemiro’s long-range shot with his right foot was too positive.

In the 47th minute, Christie volleyed his left foot in the restricted area and was saved by Degea.

In the 63rd minute, B scored a goal, and Anthony’s left foot shot in the restricted area was blocked. Then Wehorst’s right foot volley in the middle road was saved.

In the 65th minute, Wanbisaka returned to the right side of the restricted area in an inverted triangle, and B fee kept up with his right foot volley and was blocked from the bottom line.

In the 76th minute, Eriksson’s left corner kick was cleared, and B Fei Ying volleyed the ball with his right foot and was saved by Neto.

In the 83rd minute, Moore pushed with his right foot in the restricted area and was saved by Degea.

In the 93rd minute, Senesi arched his left foot, volley, and hit it a little higher.

Player rating


Appearance lineup

Manchester United (4231): 1-Degea; 29- Wanpica, 19- Vallanet, 2- Lindelov, 23- Lukshaw; 18- casemiro, 14- Eriksson (86’39- McTominay); 21- Anthony (86’17- Fred), 8-B fee, 25- Sancho (72’49- Garnacho); 9- Marchal (57’27- Wehorst)

Bournemouth (4231): 13-Neto; 15- Smith (66’18- Vigna), 27- Zabal, 25- Senesi, 5- Kelly; 4- Cook, 8- Lerma; 7- Brooks (56’21- mol), 10- Christie (66’11- Ouattara), 32- Jayton; 9- Solanke

Guardiola: Arsenal are in an incredible state, but we are still competing.

Live on March 12 th, Manchester City 1-0 Crystal Palace, Manchester City coach Guardiola accepted an interview with Sky Sports.

Guardiola: "My experience is that it is very difficult for us to come here every time. When we came here, I always had a feeling that we played well, but we also had to think about the tenacity of our opponents. We are always fighting because we want to score more goals. They have’ weapons’, Zaha is there, Orlis, Ezer, and they have incredible threats. They have calm and outstanding offensive players, which is a matter of patience. They will delay time, so we must rush them. "

"Everything makes me satisfied, and we missed some opportunities to fight back. It’s not easy. They have six players defending in the penalty area, Harland has two guards and Gundogan has one guard. It’s a matter of patience. They are very tight on Harland. Alvarez is very important and we need him. We need him in midfield. He has some chances. Gundogan is an excellent player. He won the penalty and Harland did the rest. "

"After Cancelo left, we only had Walker and Gomez as full-backs. We had four central defenders, and the defense was very solid. All four of them are outstanding players, so we defended well. Of course, Arsenal are in an incredible state. We are still competing, Arsenal scored 50 points before. It was a typical winter game, a difficult game. We were there all the time, and then we won. Now we have to do everything, next Tuesday and Saturday, hoping to spend one of the best nights we have ever experienced at home, and we can do it again. "