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Guo Fucheng’s new work was shortlisted for the Tokyo International Film Festival 10.29 world premiere

1905 movie network news byZheng BaoruiProducer,Huang QingxunDirector, Guo Fucheng andMiriam YeungTogether with a number of powerful actorsWan Ziliang,Bao Qijing,Zhang DamingAnd so on to perform social hot talk realistic moviesSince the filming, because the subject matter is true and touching, it has been attracting the attention of the industry. The film is inspired by the general tragic situation of the current society, depicting a group of little people at the bottom of society who meet in a 24-hour restaurant by chance.

Recently, "Mai Passerby" was invited to participate in the 32nd "Tokyo International Film Festival" (TIFF), shortlisted for the" Asia Future "section, which focuses on encouraging new Asian directors. This project focuses on innovative and diverse shooting themes, and features the" Best Asian Future Film Award ".

It is reported that "Mai Passerby" has received high praise in the film festival selection committee, because the shooting topic is highly exploratory, and all the actors have outstanding performances, especially the poor financial talent played by the male protagonist Guo Fucheng in the film, which is more "amazing" and "washed away the lead". Therefore, Guo Fucheng, together with the director and crew, will appear at the film festival, and "Mai Passerby" will be scheduled to have its world premiere on October 29 at the film festival.

"Being able to participate in the grand film festival before the film’s release and receiving encouragement from the industry is also a affirmation," said Mr. Kwok. "I’m looking forward to walking the red carpet with the film crew and sharing with you at the world premiere the little bits and pieces between each actor and character in this drama and the mental journey in front of the stage and behind the scenes."

When director Huang Qingxun learned that he was invited to attend the film festival and was shortlisted for the "Asian Future" section, he expressed his excitement and encouragement: "I am very honored to be able to participate in this prestigious film festival for the first time. In addition to thanking Zheng Baorui for the escort of the producers, I also want to thank the strong actors for supporting my new director, so that I have a very beautiful shooting journey."

The Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) is one of the largest and highest-profile film festivals in the Japanese-speaking region and the only category A competition-type international film festival event in Japan recognized by the International Association of Film Producers (FIAPF). The 32nd edition of the "Tokyo International Film Festival" will be held in Roppongi, Tokyo from October 28 to November 5 this year.

Lingao Volleyball Championship | The Haikou team reversed Chengmai 3-2 to win the first game.

  New Hainan Client, Nanhai Net February 19 news (Reporter Liang Zhenwen) On February 19 th, the "Chinese Dream Working Beauty"-"Witt Cup" 2024 Hainan (Lingao) Trade Union Elite Volleyball Championship entered the second competition day. The first game was played by Haikou vs Chengmai. Chengmai entered the state early and won two games first. After Haikou made adjustments, it pulled three games in a row and won the game with a 3:2 reversal.

  Haikou vs chengmai team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

  Because both teams regretted losing on the first match day, this game is particularly important, and the outcome will directly affect the final ranking. In the first game, Chengmai team took the lead in opening up the situation and took a 4-0 lead by blocking and smashing. Haikou team caught up with the score by adjusting and relying on defense, and temporarily fell behind by 3:7. Because the whole team in Haikou was not in the state, the offensive cooperation was wrong, and the spike was out of bounds, falling behind by 3:9, so we can only call it a time-out to adjust. Chengmai team is in a hot state, blocking, cross-attacking, fast-spiking and scoring, further expanding the lead with 15:8. In the end, Chengmai team defeated Haikou team at 21:16 and won the first game.

  Haikou vs chengmai team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

  In the second game, Haikou team adjusted its game state, and Chengmai team continued its game state in the previous game. From the beginning, the score was tight, and it was even at 3:3. Subsequently, Chengmai team quickly opened the score by 8:4 through defense. Haikou team can only call a time-out for adjustment. Unfortunately, the players were in poor condition, and they were still further pulled by Chengmai, falling behind by a huge score of 6:15. Surprisingly, Chengmai team called a time-out adjustment at this time, and Haikou team was able to breathe and adjust quickly, catching up with the score through defense, with 15:19. The final score was 21:17, and Chengmai team narrowly won the second game, leading with a total score of 2:0.

  Haikou vs chengmai team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

  At the beginning of the third game, Haikou team continued the momentum of the second game and temporarily led Chengmai team by 2:0. Subsequently, Chengmai team adjusted and slowly caught up with the score, but still fell behind at 7:10. Seeing that our team’s attack has been frustrated repeatedly, Chengmai team called for a pause to adjust. However, Haikou maintained its advantage, firmly defended, and continued to maintain its lead at 18:13. Chengmai team relied on serving and defending, chasing 3 points in a row and biting the score by 16:19. Finally, with the service, Haikou beat Chengmai at 21:17 and pulled back a game. The total score is still 1:2 behind.

  Haikou vs chengmai team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

  In the fourth game, both sides fought for the start, and Haikou led by 4:2. Chengmai team broke the opponent’s pass by serving, stabilized the defense and caught up with the score of 4:4. By strengthening defense, Haikou team played its own offensive characteristics and established a lead of 8:4. Then, by serving, he scored three points in a row and further expanded his lead with 11:4. Haikou team maintained its state, Chengmai team failed to adjust, and Haikou continued to expand its lead with 17:7. In this game, Haikou team won the next game with a huge score advantage of 21:11. The total score is 2:2, and the two sides are tied.

  Entering the fifth game of the deciding game, Haikou team continued its previous state and took a temporary lead of 3:1. Seeing that the situation was wrong, Chengmai team quickly called a time-out and made adjustments. The Haikou team continued its state, and maintained its lead by 9:3 through defense. Seeing that the adjustment was fruitless, the Chengmai team could only call a time-out again and make a second adjustment. The effect is not obvious, and Chengmai still falls behind at 5:11. The two sides fought again, and the Haikou team continued to lead at 14:8. Although the Chengmai team slowly recovered its state and approached the score with 13:17. Haikou team immediately called a time-out to make adjustments, and then scored in succession. Haikou finally won the game with a total score of 3:2 at 21:15.

  Haikou vs chengmai team. Reporter Wang Chengxian photo

  At present, Haikou team has two wars, one win and one loss. Chengmai lost both wars and basically missed the championship.

  The event was exclusively named by Hainan Weite Electric Group Co., Ltd.. Hainan Provincial Department of Tourism, Culture, Radio, Film and Sports is the guiding unit. The organizer is Lingao County People’s Government. Hainan Daily Newspaper Group, Lingao County Federation of Trade Unions and Lingao County Tourism, Culture, Radio, Film and Sports Bureau are the organizers. The co-organizers are Nanhai Net and Southern Metropolis Daily. Supporting units: Hainan Lingao Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd., Master Kong, Hainan Lan ‘an Sporting Goods Co., Ltd. and Hainan Carmei Sports.


"The most fashionable corrupt official" was sentenced to 13 years in prison. All the clothes were international famous brands (photo)

Ding Meng, a former cadre of land acquisition office in Shapingba District, was sentenced to 13 years in prison for accepting bribes of 1.6 million yuan.

  background for news stories: corrupt officials took bribes of 1.6 million yuan to buy 200 pairs of shoes to give prosecutors a "fashion class"

  Yesterday morning, Ding Meng, a former cadre of land acquisition office in Shapingba District who prided himself on being fashionable and fond of buying luxury clothes and teapot tea sets, said loudly "I want to appeal" after learning the result of his 13-year imprisonment.

  City No.1 Intermediate People’s Court found that Ding Meng illegally accepted other people’s property totaling more than 1.6 million yuan during his tenure.

  Yesterday morning, in the 20th court of the First Intermediate People’s Court, Ding Meng was taken in. He wore a black casual cotton-padded jacket on his upper body, an orange coat from the detention center, casual pants and cloth shoes on his lower body. It didn’t look "fashionable", but his clothes were tasteful.

  It was found by the First Intermediate People’s Court that at the beginning of 2006, he was assigned to the "Xiyong Micro-Power Park Land Acquisition Office" by the Shapingba District Land Acquisition Office to be responsible for the land acquisition and demolition work in Xiyong Town. Ding Meng took advantage of his position in the demolition compensation work, and used the methods of modifying the original data afterwards to correct mistakes for others, falsely listing land compensation, falsely increasing the area, falsely reporting the compensation object, etc., to seek benefits for the demolition compensation of duck sheds, office areas and factories, as well as compensation for machinery and equipment, and accepted property from Cen and Hu. From January 2006 to September 2007, Ding Meng received bribes of 1,614,193 yuan.

  Ding Meng’s bribes were used to buy two mid-range cars, expensive teapot, brand-name clothes and other consumption. After the incident, Ding Meng himself or through relatives and friends withdrew the money of RMB750,000 and a car. After the trial, the No.1 Intermediate People’s Court held that Ding Meng, as a national staff member, took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others and illegally accepted other people’s property totaling more than RMB 1.6 million, which constituted the crime of accepting bribes. He was sentenced to 13 years’ imprisonment, deprived of political rights for 3 years and confiscated property of RMB 80,000.

  The judge asked, "Ding Meng, do you appeal?" He said loudly that "he wants to appeal" and "the judge can answer questions after the judgment is unclear." Ding Meng said, "I haven’t thought clearly yet, I want to think about it."

  He took bribes. He was fashionable.

  -At the beginning of 2006, he was assigned to the "Xiyong Micro-Power Park Land Acquisition Office" by the Shapingba District Land Acquisition Office to be responsible for land acquisition and demolition in Xiyong Town.

  -From January 2006 to September 2007, he received bribes of 1,614,930 yuan from others.

  -He can’t even look at leather shoes below 1000 yuan. Prosecutors found more than 200 pairs of brand-name leather shoes from his home.

  -He won’t buy a suit under 10,000 yuan. There are more than 100 clothes in his family, almost all of which are top international brands.

  -He has more than 100 teapot tea sets at home. Among these tea sets, the most expensive is 10,000 yuan, with a total value of over 100,000 yuan.

  Greedy for money has enriched itself and damaged the country.

  The court found that Ding Mengyi received more than 2.6 million yuan in compensation for others, which caused heavy losses to the country.

  Collect money to handle affairs

  In January, 2006, Wang thought that the compensation for the duck shed demolition in Huawan Community, Xiyong Village, Xiyong Town, Shapingba District was too low, and Li asked Ding Meng to increase the compensation amount. Ding Meng changed the compensation standard of Wang’s duck shed from a simple shed to a brick asbestos tile structure by correcting mistakes, which made Wang get more than 140 thousand yuan in compensation. Wang Moumou gave Ding Meng RMB 80,000 through Li Moumou, and Ding Meng and Li Moumou shared the money equally.

  In June, 2006, He Moumou thought that the compensation for the duck shed demolition in Cenjiaba Community, Banana Garden Village, Xiyong Town, Shapingba District, which was operated by her husband in partnership with others, was too low, and asked Ding Meng to increase the compensation for her through Cen. Ding Meng changed the compensation standard of duck shed from simple shed to brick asbestos tile structure by correcting mistakes, so that He Moumou’s husband received compensation of more than 390 thousand yuan again. He Moumou gave Ding Meng RMB90,000 through Zou.

  At the end of June, 2007, Cen, the legal representative of Anping Poultry Farm in Shapingba District, found Ding Meng, and asked him to take care of her during the compensation for demolition. Ding Meng inflated the duck shed and land area of the farm and raised the compensation standard, which made Cen get nearly 1 million yuan more compensation. Zou gave Ding Meng a bank card with RMB 500,000 and cash of RMB 50,000. Ding Meng bought a Camry car and other expenses.

  Cheat money to buy a car

  At the end of June 2007, Hu Moumou, the legal representative of Laijiaqiao Machinery Parts Factory in Shapingba District, asked Ding Meng to take care of the demolition compensation through Li Moumou. After Ding Meng received RMB 200,000 from Hu through Li Moumou, he accepted the non-original invoices of the machinery and equipment provided by the enterprise and increased the office area, so that he received an additional compensation of about RMB 500,000. On September 4, 2007, Ding Meng never received the remaining "benefit fee", fearing that the other party would not pay for it, so he first ordered a Reiz car, and then found Hu Moumou and asked him to write a cash check for 264,193 yuan.

  In June 2007, Lu Moumou, the person in charge of Yugui Weaving Factory in Shapingba District, found Ding Meng through Huang Moumou and asked him to take care of him during the demolition compensation. Ding Meng increased the workshop area, modified the workshop structure, and inflated the machinery and equipment, which enabled the enterprise to obtain more than 300,000 yuan in compensation. Lu Moumou successively gave Ding Meng RMB 130,000 through Huang Moumou.

  In September 2007, Hu Moumou, the legal representative of Chongqing Longlisheng Machinery Parts Co., Ltd., found Ding Meng through Hu Moumou and Li Moumou, and asked him to take care of him during the demolition compensation. Ding Meng made the company get more than 300,000 yuan in compensation by inflating the factory area, machinery and equipment. Hu Moumou gave Ding Meng RMB300,000 through Li Moumou. Our reporter Yang Ye.

  Love fashion, don’t buy a suit below 10 thousand yuan

  The prosecutor investigating the case said that Ding Meng had a strong interest in luxury goods such as top international brand shoes and clothes. He once admitted to the prosecutor that he basically wouldn’t look at leather shoes below 1000 yuan. The prosecutor found more than 200 pairs of brand-name leather shoes from his home. Ding Meng claimed that he was a very "demon" and was particularly fond of pointed leather shoes. He had a pair of Gucci leather shoes and bought them for more than 10,000 yuan.

  Besides leather shoes, collecting famous brand clothes is also his hobby. Almost all of the more than 100 clothes in his family are top international brands, such as Armani, Versace, Burberry, etc. A suit of Cavucci in his closet is worth nearly 40,000 yuan. As far as suits are concerned, he won’t buy it below 10,000 yuan. Just after the incident, when the prosecutor questioned him, he said that a Nike T-shirt he was wearing at that time belonged to his cheaper clothes and was worth about 800 yuan.

  But interestingly, because there are too many leather shoes and clothes, he doesn’t have such a big wardrobe and shoe cabinet at home, so he has to put these expensive brand-name leather shoes and clothes into two big woven pockets. What really can’t fit, all open at home. He told the prosecutor that these clothes were never bought in Chongqing. He once said that they were not available in shopping malls in Chongqing, and even if they were available, they were not authentic. Some of his clothes were bought from Hong Kong through friends, and some were bought by himself by flying to Hong Kong. The other part is to log on to the official website of these costumes, look at the styles and order them from the Internet.

  In addition to clothing, Ding Meng’s other hobby is drinking tea. Therefore, he is also very fond of teapot tea sets. He has more than 100 teapot tea sets at home.

  Among these tea sets, the most expensive is 10,000 yuan, with a total value of over 100,000 yuan. (Reporter Yang Ye)

Editor: Gao Song

Increment of inclusive finance’s service to rural revitalization and expansion

  Inclusive finance is an important force for rural revitalization. Since the beginning of this year, financial institutions have made active efforts in inclusive finance, drawing fresh water from finance to irrigate all kinds of agriculture-related entities, especially to solve the problem that financing is difficult and expensive for small and micro-agricultural entities. How to get through inclusive finance’s blocking points in agriculture-related fields? How to improve the service coverage of inclusive finance? Next, we need to continue to deepen the writing of inclusive finance.

  Building a Multi-service System

  Inclusive finance has made great progress since it was put forward. The inclusive finance concept has not only been deeply rooted in people’s hearts, but also established a multi-level supply and service system. From the perspective of agriculture-related financial services, various financial institutions actively promote rural revitalization, focus on the field of financial services, actively rationalize the mechanism, expand the scope and improve the quality, and accurately irrigate the living water of finance into the fields.

  Recently, the State Council issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting High-quality Development in inclusive finance", which pointed out the direction for the implementation of inclusive finance. The "Implementation Opinions" proposes to guide all types of banking institutions to adhere to positioning and healthy competition. Promote all kinds of banking institutions to establish and improve a long-term mechanism that dares to lend, is willing to lend, can lend and will lend. Experts said that banking institutions should not rush into the field of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". Different banks should develop characteristic financial products based on the characteristics of their own customer groups and serve the field of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" step by step.

  From a macro point of view, financial institutions are accelerating the construction of inclusive finance, and the path and road map of inclusive finance’s service to agriculture, countryside and farmers have become clearer. For example, large and medium-sized banks set up inclusive finance business department to extend the service scope of inclusive finance by establishing franchise mechanisms such as separate credit plans; Local corporate banks combine their own positioning, strengthen inclusive finance’s strategic orientation, and use their popularity and geographical advantages to serve small and micro, "three rural" customers; Policy banks will cooperate in lending business in key areas in inclusive finance.

  Ye Yindan, a researcher at China Bank Research Institute, said that it is of great significance to emphasize the construction of multi-level financial services when serving rural revitalization. Constructing multi-level financial services can meet the financing needs of small and micro enterprises and farmers in rural areas. Traditional financial institutions have high approval standards for loans to small and micro enterprises and farmers, and it is difficult to meet their financing needs. The construction of multi-level financial services can introduce more non-bank financial institutions and social capital to participate in rural financial services, provide more flexible and convenient loan channels, help small and micro enterprises and farmers solve capital problems and promote their development and growth.

  With the deepening of inclusive finance, the coverage of financial services has gradually expanded, especially the basic financial services in counties and rural areas have developed rapidly. At present, 97.9% of the country’s banking institutions cover villages and towns, basically realizing that villages and towns have institutions, every village has services and every family has an account. At the end of the third quarter of 2023, the balance of agricultural loans in local and foreign currencies was 55.8 trillion yuan, up 15.1% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 1.1 percentage points higher than that at the end of last year. In the first three quarters, it increased by 6.63 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.17 trillion yuan.

  The continuous growth of agriculture-related loans is the concrete embodiment of "agriculture, countryside and farmers" of precision drip irrigation in inclusive finance. The relevant person in charge of the State Financial Supervision and Administration said that comprehensively promoting rural revitalization is an important task of building an agricultural power in the new era, and more financial resources should be allocated to the fields of agriculture, rural areas and farmers to better meet their diversified and multi-level financial needs.

  Guarantee investment in key areas

  Since the beginning of this year, banking institutions have focused on farmland construction, rural characteristic industries and other key areas, strengthened services in inclusive finance, increased sustained investment in agriculture, and achieved remarkable results in rural revitalization.

  Inclusive finance should strengthen the foundation of farmland construction for rural revitalization. This year, the Guiding Opinions on Financial Support for Promoting Rural Revitalization in an All-round Way and Accelerating the Construction of an Agricultural Power issued by the People’s Bank of China and the State Financial Supervision Administration clearly stated that in accordance with the requirement of gradually building all permanent basic farmland into high-standard farmland, we should focus on key areas such as soil improvement and farmland irrigation and drainage facilities, give differentiated policy inclinations in the subject of loans, repayment methods and loan term, and explore and promote comprehensive improvement in the whole region to help build, transform and upgrade high-standard farmland.

  "inclusive finance can play an important role in promoting the construction of high-standard farmland." Ye Yindan said that the construction of high-standard farmland needs a lot of capital investment, including investment in land consolidation, water conservancy facilities and agricultural machinery. However, due to the lack of funds for farmers and grass-roots village collectives, it is difficult to bear high investment costs. At this time, institutions in inclusive finance can provide financial support for its high-standard farmland construction by providing loans and credit guarantees, so as to alleviate the pressure of capital investment.

  In addition, it is also the focus of inclusive finance’s efforts to help rural characteristic industries with credit, and financial institutions should increase the financing of characteristic industries. "With this working capital, the Hakka smoked chicken factory in the village will be able to produce at full capacity." Li Zhenqiu, head of Tianbei Village Stock Economic Cooperative in Dajishan Town, quannan county City, Jiangxi Province, said that at the end of each year, the local Hakka smoked chicken sales increased substantially. In the past, due to the lack of working capital, the village collective cooperatives had problems such as falling behind in production capacity and losing customers. In order to broaden the financing channels of characteristic industries, quannan county United Rural Commercial Bank launched the appointment of "financial village officials" to inject financial living water into agriculture-related industries such as agricultural enterprises, cooperatives and large-scale farmers. From January to October this year, the "financial village official" model issued a total of 2.683 billion yuan of agricultural loans, benefiting 9664 farmers.

  "Characteristic industry is an important sector to realize rural revitalization, and it is the key to increase farmers’ income and stabilize agricultural development. There are weak links in its development that need effective support from inclusive finance services." Wu Dan, a researcher at China Banking Research Institute, said that the bank’s inclusive business should meet the needs of differentiated products and services in key rural areas and enhance the sense of financial acquisition of rural inclusive groups. Inclusive finance’s support for rural industries should be orderly and focused, and the characteristic industries in key rural areas should be accurately drip-irrigated, so as to solidly promote China’s rural revitalization and achieve comprehensive achievements.

  Inclusive finance enables the development of key rural areas, which can touch the capital demand of agricultural business entities with large quantity, wide range and small amount. Experts said that with the support of financial institutions’ inclusive business, the development of rural key areas can obtain periodic and regional resource scheduling, and the problem of information asymmetry of agricultural entities will be gradually solved, which will promote the more rational allocation of financial resources to the "three rural" areas and promote the sustainable development of rural small and micro-business entities.

  Innovating and optimizing financial products

  Innovating and optimizing financial products and reducing financing costs are the important goals of inclusive finance’s development. For a long time, whether it is individual farmers or village collective organizations, the high financing cost is a common problem, which restricts the development of rural industries. Judging from the current rural financial products at the grass-roots level, inclusive finance, an individual banking institution, has the characteristics of single loan product structure, high interest rate and slow lending, and the phenomenon of high customer access threshold and low loan availability is more common.

  For example, in order to reduce financial risks, many banking institutions generally have additional mortgage guarantee requirements for financial products. This form of mortgage guarantee has undoubtedly raised the threshold for capital access for the majority of small farmers with light assets. In addition, due to the current situation of cumbersome credit procedures and insufficient humanized services in grass-roots financial institutions, and the fact that grass-roots financial institutions will consider financial risk prevention, they often use restrictive means to curb the actual demand for agricultural credit.

  Experts said that financial institutions should enrich financial products and services that support the development of farmers and optimize credit loan services for farmers. Credit loans have high requirements for financial institutions’ financial technology level and asset strength. It is not only time-consuming and laborious to tailor credit files for users by traditional methods, but also requires huge financial support. In order to comprehensively promote the implementation of rural revitalization strategy and help the development of new rural collective economy, financial institutions need to constantly innovate credit loan products to meet the financial needs of agricultural customers.

  The credit business of rural collective economic organizations is an important part of inclusive finance and agriculture-related loans of China Construction Bank. "Collective Credit Loan" is a credit loan product developed by CCB for rural collective economic organizations. Recently, the first "collective credit loan" in China was successfully launched in Shaanxi Ankang Cailiang Community Economic Cooperative, with a credit amount of 5 million yuan. The head of the grass-roots government team of the institutional business department of CCB said that in order to help rural areas revitalize high-quality development, CCB has provided "accurate portraits" for more than 13,000 rural collective economic organizations across the country, provided credit evaluation for financing services, improved the convenience of financing for rural collective economic organizations, and solved the pain points of less products, expensive services and long process in the rural market.

  Reduce financing costs and strengthen the resilience of agriculture-related subjects. Experts said that for commercial banks, continuously innovating loan products and reducing financing costs are conducive to rapidly increasing the scale of inclusive loans and expanding new customer groups while consolidating existing customers. In the future, commercial banks need to innovate the digital business model to solve the problem of expensive financing, further strengthen the docking of scenes with agriculture-related subjects, so as to adapt to the needs of different industries and different customer groups, and then promote the expansion of financial services to rural areas.

From the trend actor to the popularity of beans, the star is red or not, just look at this ~

In addition to beautiful little brothers and sisters in Korean dramas, there are scenes that will appear in almost all Korean dramas, that is, whether it is barbecue or fried chicken, whether it is a happy event or trouble, wine alone or dinner (just look at underage relatives and friends, hahahahahaha) ▼


If you drink too much, you can not only express your feelings through alcohol ▼


Sister Yu becomes smaller and cuter ▼


Courage becomes fat ▼


Can also assist love, ▼


Successfully counterattack and win friends who have been embarrassed for many years ▼


However, Korean dramas are Korean dramas after all, and people who drink too much know the pain of getting drunk, so they still have to do what they can ~

In South Korea, the most direct criterion to test whether a star is red or not is advertising endorsement, especially the national fried chicken and alcohol advertisements. Among female stars, besides cosmetics, being able to endorse another product is a symbol of high popularity, and that is the indispensable thing for Koreans on the wine table-shochu. ▼


Part1: the debate of soju model, from tough guy to love beans,

The competition in the Korean shochu industry is extremely fierce, and the spokesperson has become an important part, which directly determines the sales volume. Just walk into a restaurant and there are either beer advertisements or shochu advertisements on the wall.

It is said that because men love soju more, most of the advertisements for soju are female stars; Women prefer beer, so beer advertisements are mostly male stars. The criterion for the president to choose cass and hite is to see which one speaks for it, and suddenly it makes sense. ▼


In the early years, male stars were also used in the advertisements of shochu. Just like the original shochu, the entrance was rich, like a middle-aged man who was still in Do not forget your initiative mind after experiencing the world. At that time, the wine bottle was not green. ▼


After that, I experienced a period of actor endorsement and popular actress endorsement, and the Korean drama was in its heyday ~

It is said that when using an actor, the sales volume of soju is low. ▼


Later, I had to rely on actresses to save it, and the merchants’ research on users’ psychology was also very thorough, and they kept embracing changes ~▼


The spokespersons are almost all actresses, and the advertising pictures are also very cool. Can you recognize all these young ladies? ▼


I saw Park Min Young ▼ who had not yet become a gold secretary.


And Anglenala, who is still a bright girl ▼


Part2: From the trend actress to the popular woman who loves beans, it depends on whether it is red or not.

(* The following brand endorsements are incomplete statistics, excluding sub-brand line endorsements and short-term joint endorsements)

When it comes to shochu, we have to talk about the brand of shochu. As a traditional brand with a long history in Korea, Zhenlu has a very high advantage among Koreans in terms of market share and brand image.

1. True dew

Korean traditional brands are true, and the previous spokespersons are also very well-known national artists.

Li Yingai (1998 ~1999), Park Zhumin (2001), Jin Zhenen (2002), Ji-yeon Choi (2003), Jin Taixi (2004), sung yuri (2005), Sang-mi Nam (2006), Jin Yazhong (2007) and Jin Minzhen (2007).


Li Yingai, whose "Dae Jang Geum" was popular all over Asia, became the first female star to endorse shochu in 1999, and chose Zhenlu Company in Li Yingai, and the sales volume of alcohol quadrupled in one year. ▼


A closer look shows that these spokespersons are the most popular Korean drama actresses in those years, which is simply a chronicle of Korean drama ~

I especially like Miss Jin Taixi ▼


During the period, there were also various attempts to join male spokesmen and men and women to speak together. ▼


Until 2014, the national sister IU began to be the spokesperson ~

IU(2014 -2018)


In 2014, the old brand shochu Zhenlu made a change, targeting young people, and the spokesperson was replaced by a lively and fresh national sister, IU.


In 2018, in order to strengthen female consumers aged 20-30, Park Seo Jun, a man of great trend, was added as the co-spokesperson.


IU is the longest-lived brand spokesperson of Zhenlu. At the end of the endorsement, I was also given a gold dress with the name of IU to thank Zhenlu.

Irene (2019-present) ▼


In December 2018, Irene, the captain of SM women’s group Red Velvet, became the new spokesperson of Zhenlu. At that time, the popular candidates judged by netizens included Zheng Caiyan, who was born in proudce101, Yuner and singer Xuanmei.

Brand means Irene is very suitable for the brand image of "pure as dew", and I hope her image will attract more young consumers.

The advertisement is also really beautiful ~ ▼


About Irene’s drinking capacity, there was once.Completely inedible and particularly inedible.In two ways, she once revealed her drinking capacity in the program. In her heyday, she could drink three bottles of soju, but she could not drink beer and red wine.

2, the first drink and the first music ()

In 2006, the first drink, the first music () and the good drink () came out and joined the brand war of shochu ~

The young first drink and music became the competitors who kept catching up with the real dew, behind which was Lotte Group, the fifth largest consortium in Korea at that time. As the biggest competitor of Zhenlu, the first drink and the first music successfully reversed the company’s situation by relying on advertising stars, completely breaking the situation that the Korean drama hostess occupied the shochu advertising market, and the sexy and bold style was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In 2006-2007, the main spokespersons were actors such as Li Yingya and Hye-seon Ku, and later joined Lee Hyo Ri.


"The Queen of Soju" Lee Hyo Ri (November 2007 ~ April 2012) ▼


After renewing the contract for 8 times, the market share of Chuyin Chule rose to 15% in five years. In five years, Chuyin Chule Company sold 2 billion bottles of shochu. So far, whenever it comes to shochu, it will definitely think of Lee Hyo Ri, a veritable "queen of shochu with goods".

Merchants even put a photo of Lee Hyo Ri on the bottom of the glass, so that men can meet their goddess after drinking.


Hyolyn, Koo Hara and Hyun-a Kim (2013) ▼


Gao Junxi (2013) ▼


Shin Min A (2014 -2016) ▼


Xiuzhi (2016-present)

In recent years, Xiuzhi, the first love of the people, has been chosen as the spokesperson, hoping to win a broader consumer group. ▼


But I really didn’t understand the recent "dadada dadada" advertisement ~


Hao Tian Hao Yin ()

Early spokespersons included actresses such as Han-byeol Park, Zhao Yunxi and Su-jin Park. ▼


My favorite is Park BoYoung (2016-2017), cute and playful ▼


Advertising is also very playful, always thinking of the classic image of a little cook ~ ▼


In 2018, the speaker was Son Na Eun, a member of Apink ▼


Teacher Bai Zhongyuan, the food king, has also endorsed it. In 2019, the latest spokesperson was changed to proudce101, and Se Jeong, a member of gu9udan, ▼


It seems that the spokesperson of shochu has begun to enter the era of women’s groups and love beans.


Most other brands also choose female stars as spokespersons.

I saw "Please Answer 1988", Miss Deshan Huili (Maple Leaf Soju) ▼


In 2018, someone made a map of Korean shochu brand. Which spokesperson do you prefer?

Ps: Mom Wood is really red in 2018 ~ ▼


Part3: users first, consumers decide the change of taste.

The taste of shochu is similar. In order to compete in sales volume and attract more users, shochu company constantly ponders its sales strategy. In addition to changing advertising models according to the market, it also makes many changes to the degree and taste.

Wit merchants and drinkers have also carried out various transformations on shochu, such as steamed dumplings (bomb liquor = shochu+beer) ▼


If you can perform a stunt at dinner, you are definitely the most beautiful boy in the team ▼


However, friendly reminder, although steamed dumplings can neutralize the tastes of two kinds of wine and give birth to new tastes, no matter where the wine is mixed, it is easier to get drunk, so don’t try it easily ~


Mix fruit, red vinegar, drinks, etc., reduce the degree in disguise and update the taste ▼


Lotte conducted a survey on 4,400 drinkers from October 2013 to October 2014. Consumers expressed dissatisfaction with the taste and aroma of shochu, and many people expected it.Low-alcohol liquor with reduced alcohol smell and bitterness.Fruit wine is ready to come out ~

Therefore, in 2014, Chuyin Chule introduced grapefruit shochu with grapefruit juice, which became the pioneer of fruit shochu.

In May 2015, a series of fruit wines were produced, which reduced the original 16.6-degree wine to 3.3~13.5 degrees. After that, various companies began to challenge fruit wines in a fancy way, and the latest one was the oldest true dew (September 2016).


Although the real dew is late, there are still many directions to try. For example, for people who like soft and sweet taste, the peach soda wine dew is tooting (), and the alcohol content is only 3%. The image of IU in the advertisement is deeply rooted in people’s hearts. ▼


Like the president, who is not used to the bitter taste of shochu, and who wants a drink because of watching a Korean drama by Amway, the fruit wine is perfect, but the taste of the goose is more like a soda drink. After drinking it several times, she gave up.


I wonder what everyone likes to drink?

I must go to the eight famous mountains in China in my life, and the scenery is more beautiful than the three mountains and five mountains: which famous mountains have you been to?

There are many famous mountains and rivers in China. When many people mention famous mountains and rivers, their first impression is three mountains and five mountains. But besides them, there are more beautiful mountains than three mountains and five mountains. Have you been there? Xiaobian recommends eight famous mountains with beautiful scenery to you, and will never let you down.

1. Jiuhua Mountain is one of the "Four Famous Buddhist Mountains in China", the second famous mountain in Anhui, with an altitude of 1,342 meters. Although it is much lower than the 1,864 meters of Huangshan Mountain, the first famous mountain in Anhui, its reputation is not small, which may be mainly due to the blessing of the mysterious aura of Buddha. Located in Qingyang County, Chizhou City, Anhui Province, it is known as the "first mountain in the southeast". Legend has it that Li Bai’s poem "Looking at Jiuhua as a gift to Qingyang Wei Zhongkan" in the Tang Dynasty: "Yesterday, I was on Jiujiang, looking at Jiuhua Peak in the distance. Tianhe hangs green water and shows nine hibiscus. " It was renamed "Jiuhua Mountain". According to legend, it is the Dojo of Bodhisattva Diksitigarbha, and Buddhism believes that Bodhisattva Diksitigarbha is a symbol of "great filial piety" and "great wish".

Tickets for Jiuhua Mountain to 160 yuan are available for one to three days and all the year round.

The main punching points: ancient worship platform, immortal drying boots, Chenghua Temple, Tiantai Temple and rou Body Hall.

2. Sanqingshan: Sanqingshan, also known as Shaohua Mountain and Yashan Mountain, is located at the junction of Yushan County and Dexing City, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, China. It is named after the three peaks of Yujing, Yuxu and Yuhua, just like the three Taoist deities of Jade Qing, Shangqing and Taiqing sitting on the top of the mountain. Among them, Yujing Peak is the highest, with an altitude of 1819.9 meters. It is the fifth peak in Jiangxi and the highest peak in Huaiyu Mountain range, and it is also the source of Xinjiang. Sanqingshan Mountain is a famous Taoist mountain, a world natural heritage site, a world geological park, a national natural heritage and a national geological park.

Tickets for Sanqingshan Mountain: the full-price ticket is 245 yuan for getting on and off the ropeway, and the main punching points are: Fog Curtain Waterfall-Covered Bridge Coffee-Over Water Waterfall-Tianyu Waterfall-Heavenly Bath-Dead Wood Arranging-Butterfly Valley-Rock Climbing Feilada-Flower Valley on the other side-Yinglian Waterfall-Honglian Waterfall-Glass Watch Platform-Pearl Waterfall-Yulian Waterfall-Cuilian Waterfall-Emerald River.

3. Longhu Mountain: Longhu Mountain is located 20 kilometers southwest of Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province. In the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Daoling, the founder of Zhengyi Road, once made an alchemy here. According to legend, "Dan became a dragon and tiger", and the mountain was named after it. Among them, Tianmen Mountain is the highest, with an altitude of 1300 meters. Longhu Mountain is the eighth world natural heritage in China, a world geological park, a national natural and cultural heritage site and a 5A-level scenic spot.

Ticket price: bamboo raft, sightseeing bus in the park, tickets in 220 yuan, one day’s play time is enough.

Main punch-in attractions: Xianshuiyan, Zhengyiguan, Tianmen Mountain and Cliff Tomb.

4. Laojun Mountain in Luoyang: Laojun Mountain is located in Luanchuan County, Luoyang City. It is the main peak of Funiu Mountain, with an altitude of 2,200 meters. It is a national 5A-level scenic spot and also a watershed of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. The famous landscape of Laojun Mountain is sunrise, sea of clouds and snow scene. In winter, the snow scene is as beautiful as the oil painting of a thousand miles away. Legend has it that Laozi, the founder of Tao Te Ching, succeeded in practicing Buddhism here.

Ticket price: single ticket to 80 yuan, the cableway is calculated separately. The author will visit in 2017. It takes two days to walk up and down the mountain and only one day to ride the cable. If the weather is fine, you can stay at the top of the mountain for one night, and accommodation and meals are not expensive. The sunrise in the sea of clouds in the morning is very beautiful.

6. Wudang Mountain: Wudang Mountain, the holy land of Taoism in China, is the birthplace of famous Taoist mountains and Wudang martial arts, and is called "the unparalleled scenic spot in ancient times, the first fairy mountain in the world". Wudang Wushu is an important school of Chinese Wushu. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Taoist Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of wu-tang clan, and Zhu Di, the founder of Ming Dynasty, built the ancient Taoist temple complex of Wudang Mountain, which is now listed as a world cultural heritage. Wudang Mountain is also a national 5A-level scenic spot. It is said that the leader of the peasant uprising retired to Wudang Mountain.

Wudang Mountain can be visited for about a week, and the ticket is about 243.00 yuan.

The main punching attractions are Jinding, Nanyan Palace, Zixiao Palace and Taizipo.

7. Fanjing Mountain: Fanjing Mountain is located at the junction of Jiangkou, Yinjiang and Songtao in Tongren District, Guizhou Province. The highest peak, Phoenix Mountain, is the main peak of Wuling Mountain with a forest coverage rate of 95%. It is a rare Buddhist Dojo and nature reserve in China, and is the same as Wutai Mountain in Shanxi, Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang, Emei Mountain in Sichuan and Jiuhua Mountain in Anhui.

Tickets are about 80 yuan, so you can go up the mountain by cableway. If you are physically strong, you are advised to walk up the mountain, not only to exercise but also to enjoy the scenery along the way. Fanjing Mountain is advised to go up the mountain in good weather, otherwise you can’t see anything in the fog. If the weather is good, Fanjing Mountain scenery is a fairyland on earth.

8. Emei Mountain: Located in Meishan City, Sichuan Province, Emei Mountain is one of the "four famous Buddhist mountains" in China, with steep terrain and beautiful scenery. It is known as "Emei is the best in the world". The top of the Buddha is the highest, with an altitude of 3,099 meters, and the climate changes greatly. There are four seasons and ten miles of different days in one mountain, and the top of the mountain has three characteristics: sunrise, sea of clouds and starry sky.

Tickets around 160 yuan, the main punch-in attractions: Cliff Wonders, Huazang Temple, Jinding Copper Hall.

Except for the three mountains and five mountains, these eight famous mountains have beautiful scenery, each of which is more beautiful than the five mountains on the mountain. It is also a famous cultural mountain of Buddhism and Taoism. How many have you been to? Welcome to leave a message and express your suggestions.

Original today’s football: Juventus vs Verona Givicente vs Braga

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Original today’s football: Juventus vs Verona Givicente vs Braga

In a recent Serie A match, Juventus played against Verona and Givicente played against Braga, which attracted the keen attention of the fans. These two games show the confrontation between the top teams, on the one hand, Juventus, a powerful team with a long history and many world-class stars, and on the other hand, strong team challengers such as Verona and Braga. Next, let’s learn more about these two wonderful games!

First, let’s take a look at the match between Juventus and Verona. Juventus, as the overlord of Serie A, has always been a powerful symbol.

Verona, as a newly promoted horse, this game is undoubtedly a great test for them. However, after the game started, Verona showed great strength. Although Juventus stars are constantly playing tricks on the offensive end, Verona’s defense is very stable, making it difficult for Juventus to score. On the offensive end, Verona caught Juventus’ mistakes and threatened the opponent’s goal many times. When the final whistle sounded, the game ended in a 0-0 draw. Juventus’ winning streak ended, while Verona scored a valuable draw.

Next, we turn to the match between Givicente and Braga.

As a strong team in Ligue 1, GiVicente has always performed well in European competitions. Braga, on the other hand, represents the rookie of Portuguese football. They have shown great strength in recent years. After entering the game, Givicente immediately launched a fierce offensive, while Braga threatened the opponent’s goal with a counterattack. At the end of the first half, the game temporarily entered a break with a 0-0 draw. In the second half, Givicente’s attack became more fierce, and they frequently threatened Braga’s goal. Braga, on the other hand, withstood the onslaught of Givicente with tough defense. Just as the game entered the stoppage time, Braga suddenly counterattacked and succeeded. Captain Orleans broke the deadlock and took the lead for Braga.

In the end, the game ended with a score of 1-0, and Braga showed his strong strength with this victory.

Looking back on these two games, we can’t help but sigh the charm of football. Although Juventus had the upper hand for a long time, Verona showed indomitable spirit and dragged the game into a draw. The match between GiVicente and Braga was full of suspense and drama. Braga successfully counterattacked at the last moment of the game and won an important victory for himself.

To sum up, these two games left a deep impression on people.

Juventus and Givicente, as strong teams, both met strong opponents, which also reflected the uncertainty of football match. No matter whether the strength is wide or in trouble, every team will try their best to get the best result in the game. This is our favorite football spirit. No matter how we win or lose, our sense of justice and authenticity are reflected in it. Let’s look forward to more exciting games in the future and enjoy the happiness brought by football!

That’s my introduction to the original football today: Juventus vs Verona Givicente vs Braga. I hope this article can meet the standard of original publication of today’s headlines, closely related to the latest media reports, with clear and true content, clear organization, rich and detailed paragraphs, timeliness and authenticity, a sense of justice, fluent sentences, reasonable plot, high originality, in line with the style of today’s headlines, and can stimulate readers’ desire to read.

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Lv Xiaoming, a famous basketball player, and Chen Jiawei, a rope skipping teenager, helped China’s sports development with 361 during the Asian Games torch relay.

Flames jump in the sun, cheers spread in the crowd, and the torch relay of Hangzhou Asian Games is in full swing. In this grand ceremony, the torchbearers holding the flame high are undoubtedly the focus of the camera. They are outstanding representatives from all walks of life, but also important messengers of the Asian Games spirit.

As professional athletes in their respective fields, Lv Xiaoming, a famous basketball player, and Chen Jiawei, a jumping rope star, are also among the torchbearers of the Hangzhou Asian Games. With vigorous posture, they hand in hand with 361 to pass on "China Love" to the next stick.

Lv Xiaoming, a famous basketball player, loves never to leave.

"As long as you get to the stadium, you are very passionate, that is, love! Basketball is very important in my life. " Lv Xiaoming used to be a famous defender in China Men’s Basketball Professional League, and became the assists king in CBA League for three consecutive seasons, and was also selected for the China Men’s Basketball Team. Because of his love for basketball, he still paid attention to the future and development of basketball in China after retiring, and took root in basic basketball training. Over the years, he trained a large number of young players and became one of their first mentors. He also opened the basketball camp-"Lv Xiaoming basketball camp" in his own name, and now the training camp has become a resounding signboard in the field of domestic basketball youth training, which has been recognized by both inside and outside the industry.

Lv Xiaoming’s love for sports and his support for youth sports coincide with 361. For a long time, 361 has invested a lot of resources and energy in the field of youth sports, and its own IP "Touching the ground and burning" has been established as a professional basketball event, which has specially added junior group events. On May 13th, Lv Xiaoming and 361 jointly launched the # Assisting Future # program, and jointly launched the "Touching the Ground and Burning Young basketball camp" in Chengdu, and served as the head coach of 361 Junior Basketball, personally guiding the younger generation of basketball fans and igniting their basketball enthusiasm and dreams.

Chen Jiawei, a jumping rope star, insists on making breakthroughs.

Chen Jiawei, who has been selected into the national skipping team for many times, participated in the World Skipping Championships and the Asian Skipping Championships, and is a member of the lecturer group of the Guangzhou Skipping Association. At the age of 17, he has achieved * in various competitions at home and abroad and won numerous awards.

Chen Jiawei’s close friend relationship with 361 was established in sports, and he was a loyal user of 361. In his view, 361 brand is professional, young and energetic, and its sports equipment surprises him in comfort, wear resistance, scientific and technological content and design. Now he wears professional rope skipping equipment provided by 361 in every training and competition, especially the rebound and shock absorption of rope skipping shoes and other scientific and technological applications have greatly helped him.

Chen Jiawei is a representative in the field of youth sports, and 361 continues to empower more teenagers who love sports like him. Not long ago, in the 2023 World Rope Skipping Championship, 361 helped China rope skipping national team to win 20 gold, 11 silver and 5 bronze medals, and broke four world records in succession, contributing to promoting the health of Chinese teenagers.

For ordinary people, skipping is a simple and economical way of exercise, which can be used for entertainment and physical exercise, but for professional skipping athletes, it is a sport that needs repeated practice, and it takes persistence day after day to achieve a breakthrough and achieve good results.

Chen Jiawei once said: "If I encounter difficulties in training, I will practice more myself, such as speed skipping. If I can’t break my best result, I will work harder on speed. Of course, the speed of training may be boring and you need to jump very simply, which requires long-term persistence to break through yourself. "

Chen Jiawei’s love for the sport of skipping rope is also poured behind her persistence. Chen Jiawei said frankly that he was selected by the teacher to join the skipping team at first, and he held the mentality of "giving it a try", but he gradually became fond of this sport in the process of trying, and now skipping has become a career he loves. Not only that, Chen Jiawei said that sports are contagious and influenced by himself. Many students around him also love sports as much as him, and often run and play ball together.

andThree hundred and sixty-oneHand in hand to help "China loves, from generation to generation"

Both Lv Xiaoming and Chen Jiawei are influencing more teenagers with their own personal experiences and practical actions, and vividly interpreting the connotation of "China’s love is passed down from generation to generation".

Nowadays, Lv Xiaoming and Chen Jiawei, as athletes who have made great achievements in their respective fields, have been selected as the torchbearers of the Asian Games to participate in the torch relay, which is also recognition and encouragement for their professional strength in sports. At the same time, 361, as a national sports brand of China *, has been deeply involved in the field of sports specialty for many years, committed to providing sports enthusiasts with high-quality sports equipment and support, and has sponsored many large-scale international sports events such as the Asian Games and the Olympic Games, and has become one of the most important "boosters" for the development of sports in China. The combination of professional athletes and professional sports brands will provide strong support for the development of sports in China.

The torch relay of the Asian Games is connected with the past, symbolizing inheritance and conveying a positive spirit. With the help of this important ceremony, Lv Xiaoming and Chen Jiawei passed on their persistence and love for sports to more people. At the same time, as the official partner of the four consecutive Asian Games, 361 is once again facing the world, so that more people can see the strength and elegance of China’s national sports brand!

Where did football come from?

  The origin of football can be traced back to the ancient ball game Cuju in China. Cuju’s original name was "Tuju", and the word Cuju first appeared in Historical Records Biography of Bian Que Canggong, while Cuju was called the ancient football in China. Before the Middle Ages in Europe, the Greeks and Romans began to play a football game. On a rectangular court, the Greeks and Romans put the ball on the white line in the middle and kicked it to the other court with their feet. At that time, it was called "Haba storm". In the early 19th century, football became popular in Europe at that time, especially in Britain and some Latin American countries, but the rules of football at that time were varied.

Where did football come from?

  Modern football originated in England. On October 26th, 1863, several football fans got together at Fremason Hotel in Queen’s Street, London, England, and discussed and established the English Football Association, which was the first football association established in the history of world football. Its establishment marked the birth of modern football. After that, people called October 26th, 1863 "Modern Football Day".

The wild ball emperor Lai Yiye fought NBA Wiggins? Turn millions of fans into clowns?

This summer, I didn’t want to meet Lai Yiye. This spiteful remark has successfully become a very classic spiteful remark in the basketball field in Tik Tok. Because the wild ball emperor Lai Yiye chose to train in Zhejiang in the summer, polish his basketball skills and restore his physical condition, mainly because he had a recurrence of his old injury in the crazy game before, so he also found that his proud "fastest first step" breakthrough had disappeared, and he failed to play the leading role he should have at the critical moment when the team needed him most. Mr. Lai, who only shoots, can really be described as a tiger who has lost his teeth. Therefore, Mr. Lai also silently shed tears in the channel of the players’ locker room.