I must go to the eight famous mountains in China in my life, and the scenery is more beautiful than the three mountains and five mountains: which famous mountains have you been to?

I must go to the eight famous mountains in China in my life, and the scenery is more beautiful than the three mountains and five mountains: which famous mountains have you been to?

There are many famous mountains and rivers in China. When many people mention famous mountains and rivers, their first impression is three mountains and five mountains. But besides them, there are more beautiful mountains than three mountains and five mountains. Have you been there? Xiaobian recommends eight famous mountains with beautiful scenery to you, and will never let you down.

1. Jiuhua Mountain is one of the "Four Famous Buddhist Mountains in China", the second famous mountain in Anhui, with an altitude of 1,342 meters. Although it is much lower than the 1,864 meters of Huangshan Mountain, the first famous mountain in Anhui, its reputation is not small, which may be mainly due to the blessing of the mysterious aura of Buddha. Located in Qingyang County, Chizhou City, Anhui Province, it is known as the "first mountain in the southeast". Legend has it that Li Bai’s poem "Looking at Jiuhua as a gift to Qingyang Wei Zhongkan" in the Tang Dynasty: "Yesterday, I was on Jiujiang, looking at Jiuhua Peak in the distance. Tianhe hangs green water and shows nine hibiscus. " It was renamed "Jiuhua Mountain". According to legend, it is the Dojo of Bodhisattva Diksitigarbha, and Buddhism believes that Bodhisattva Diksitigarbha is a symbol of "great filial piety" and "great wish".

Tickets for Jiuhua Mountain to 160 yuan are available for one to three days and all the year round.

The main punching points: ancient worship platform, immortal drying boots, Chenghua Temple, Tiantai Temple and rou Body Hall.

2. Sanqingshan: Sanqingshan, also known as Shaohua Mountain and Yashan Mountain, is located at the junction of Yushan County and Dexing City, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, China. It is named after the three peaks of Yujing, Yuxu and Yuhua, just like the three Taoist deities of Jade Qing, Shangqing and Taiqing sitting on the top of the mountain. Among them, Yujing Peak is the highest, with an altitude of 1819.9 meters. It is the fifth peak in Jiangxi and the highest peak in Huaiyu Mountain range, and it is also the source of Xinjiang. Sanqingshan Mountain is a famous Taoist mountain, a world natural heritage site, a world geological park, a national natural heritage and a national geological park.

Tickets for Sanqingshan Mountain: the full-price ticket is 245 yuan for getting on and off the ropeway, and the main punching points are: Fog Curtain Waterfall-Covered Bridge Coffee-Over Water Waterfall-Tianyu Waterfall-Heavenly Bath-Dead Wood Arranging-Butterfly Valley-Rock Climbing Feilada-Flower Valley on the other side-Yinglian Waterfall-Honglian Waterfall-Glass Watch Platform-Pearl Waterfall-Yulian Waterfall-Cuilian Waterfall-Emerald River.

3. Longhu Mountain: Longhu Mountain is located 20 kilometers southwest of Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province. In the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Daoling, the founder of Zhengyi Road, once made an alchemy here. According to legend, "Dan became a dragon and tiger", and the mountain was named after it. Among them, Tianmen Mountain is the highest, with an altitude of 1300 meters. Longhu Mountain is the eighth world natural heritage in China, a world geological park, a national natural and cultural heritage site and a 5A-level scenic spot.

Ticket price: bamboo raft, sightseeing bus in the park, tickets in 220 yuan, one day’s play time is enough.

Main punch-in attractions: Xianshuiyan, Zhengyiguan, Tianmen Mountain and Cliff Tomb.

4. Laojun Mountain in Luoyang: Laojun Mountain is located in Luanchuan County, Luoyang City. It is the main peak of Funiu Mountain, with an altitude of 2,200 meters. It is a national 5A-level scenic spot and also a watershed of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. The famous landscape of Laojun Mountain is sunrise, sea of clouds and snow scene. In winter, the snow scene is as beautiful as the oil painting of a thousand miles away. Legend has it that Laozi, the founder of Tao Te Ching, succeeded in practicing Buddhism here.

Ticket price: single ticket to 80 yuan, the cableway is calculated separately. The author will visit in 2017. It takes two days to walk up and down the mountain and only one day to ride the cable. If the weather is fine, you can stay at the top of the mountain for one night, and accommodation and meals are not expensive. The sunrise in the sea of clouds in the morning is very beautiful.

6. Wudang Mountain: Wudang Mountain, the holy land of Taoism in China, is the birthplace of famous Taoist mountains and Wudang martial arts, and is called "the unparalleled scenic spot in ancient times, the first fairy mountain in the world". Wudang Wushu is an important school of Chinese Wushu. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Taoist Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of wu-tang clan, and Zhu Di, the founder of Ming Dynasty, built the ancient Taoist temple complex of Wudang Mountain, which is now listed as a world cultural heritage. Wudang Mountain is also a national 5A-level scenic spot. It is said that the leader of the peasant uprising retired to Wudang Mountain.

Wudang Mountain can be visited for about a week, and the ticket is about 243.00 yuan.

The main punching attractions are Jinding, Nanyan Palace, Zixiao Palace and Taizipo.

7. Fanjing Mountain: Fanjing Mountain is located at the junction of Jiangkou, Yinjiang and Songtao in Tongren District, Guizhou Province. The highest peak, Phoenix Mountain, is the main peak of Wuling Mountain with a forest coverage rate of 95%. It is a rare Buddhist Dojo and nature reserve in China, and is the same as Wutai Mountain in Shanxi, Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang, Emei Mountain in Sichuan and Jiuhua Mountain in Anhui.

Tickets are about 80 yuan, so you can go up the mountain by cableway. If you are physically strong, you are advised to walk up the mountain, not only to exercise but also to enjoy the scenery along the way. Fanjing Mountain is advised to go up the mountain in good weather, otherwise you can’t see anything in the fog. If the weather is good, Fanjing Mountain scenery is a fairyland on earth.

8. Emei Mountain: Located in Meishan City, Sichuan Province, Emei Mountain is one of the "four famous Buddhist mountains" in China, with steep terrain and beautiful scenery. It is known as "Emei is the best in the world". The top of the Buddha is the highest, with an altitude of 3,099 meters, and the climate changes greatly. There are four seasons and ten miles of different days in one mountain, and the top of the mountain has three characteristics: sunrise, sea of clouds and starry sky.

Tickets around 160 yuan, the main punch-in attractions: Cliff Wonders, Huazang Temple, Jinding Copper Hall.

Except for the three mountains and five mountains, these eight famous mountains have beautiful scenery, each of which is more beautiful than the five mountains on the mountain. It is also a famous cultural mountain of Buddhism and Taoism. How many have you been to? Welcome to leave a message and express your suggestions.


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