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What software does smart TV use to watch movies? The drama-chasing artifact is recommended to be convenient and easy to use!

The 818 Carnival has passed. Do you have a new TV that has been planting grass for a long time? What software do you need for friends who just got the TV to follow the drama happily? After all, TV, as a household appliance in the living room, plays, movies and variety shows are its most common functions. Today, Xiaobian will recommend several free and easy-to-use drama-chasing artifacts, and collect resources from the whole network to help you find what you want to see.
1. Dangbei Film and Television
Dangbei Film and Television is a kind of resource integration software. Its content is authorized by many platforms, such as iQiyi, Youku, Tencent Video, PPTV, Huashu, etc. It brings together high-quality film and television dramas at home and abroad, and has a large number of ultra-clear and 4K resources, variety children’s animation and other programs. Don’t worry about the content, you can find everything you want.
Recent hit dramas such as Summer of the Band, China New Rap, Pretty Scholar and Happiness Knocking on the Door can be watched for free. It is worth mentioning that the software will also update the topics in real time according to the recent hot spots, such as the classic review of director Chen Musheng’s works and the Qixi topic.
2. Hulu video
Hulu video is a movie-watching artifact for finding good movies. Different from other drama-following software, Hulu video focuses on intelligent recommendation, and helps you find the movie you really want to see through daily recommendation, wonderful preview, rich menu viewing, free watching, screening hall and other multi-dimensional ways. In terms of content, there are many classic old films, such as Godzilla, The Son of the Weather, Happy and Big Big Wolf, and Ip Man, which can be watched for free.
In the "Watch Together" area, you can invite friends and relatives to watch together in my screening room, send barrage to spit and chat, or join other people’s screening rooms to watch the drama with others and experience the fun of watching movies and spitting.
3. renren film and television
Renren Film and Television is a relatively niche drama-chasing software, which may not have the latest popular domestic TV series, but it is a paradise for European, American, Japanese and Korean drama or movie lovers. Friends who like European, American, Japanese and Korean film and television works should not miss it. Naoki Banzawa, Flowers of Evil, Outlaws, and Super Project are all available, and both new and old European, American, Japanese and Korean film and television works can be found on them.
Different from other drama-chasing software, Renren Film and Television has a special function: broadcasting on the side. You can automatically cache the movie offline when you watch it, and you can watch it without the internet the next time, so you don’t have to worry about the bad network and the jam.
4. Pumpkin movies
Pumpkin movie started as a horror movie, and the brand logo is also a demon image. But now it is not just horror movies. Pumpkin movie is a customized product that provides genuine movie and television content, without any advertisement, and the account is universal. Although some movies are not free, for new users, the first login will send members, which is equivalent to being free at first.
In terms of content, there are many foreign films, such as "Intruder" and "5 is the most perfect number", which are all broadcast alone in pumpkin movies, and the resources are still ok.
5. Beep Beep TV Edition
It is also a good drama-following software. Besides the well-known anime dramas and some up main videos, there are also some classic movies, TV series and homemade variety shows to watch. There are domestic TV dramas in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, such as Unnatural Death, Escape is Shameful but Useful, Eighteen-year-old Sky, The Temptation of Going Home, etc. There are movies such as Your Name and Godfather, etc. Recently, there are two self-made variety shows, Happy Buddies and Rap New Generation, which can be advertised free of charge.
The above is the drama-following software I highly recommend, which can be downloaded in Dangbei market. You can install it with one click by searching for the first letter of the application, enriching your TV application and enjoying the big screen life. If you have any recommendations, please leave a message in the comment area to share ~

Academic Exchange Conference on Huangdi Culture: Six "firsts" about Huangdi Sacrifice

In order to deeply explore the values in history and culture, the Qingming Festival Huangdi Ceremony in Xuanyuan will be held in the Hundred Days of 1898. In 2018, the Qingming "Huangdi Culture Academic Exchange Conference" was held in Xi ‘an People’s Building from April 2 to 6. Scholars and professors from Tsinghua University, Nanjing University, Northwest University, Taiwan Province University of Politics, Taiwan Fu Jen Catholic University and other institutions discussed the origin of Huangdi culture and Chinese civilization in Chinese history.
Huangdi Mausoleum Oriental IC Data Map
Since the death of the Yellow Emperor, the Chinese nation has started offering sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor. Sima Qian’s Records of the Yellow Emperor’s Biography records that "the Yellow Emperor collapsed and was buried in Qiaoshan", which is the Huangdi Mausoleum in Qiaoshan, huangling county, Shaanxi today. According to the records in Historical Records, "Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, led 180,000 troops to levy a return from the North, sacrificed the Yellow Emperor to Qiaoshan, prayed for Sendai, and left Jiabai behind", the sacrificial activities of the Huangdi Mausoleum have been recorded for more than 2,000 years.
huangdi mausoleum
Six "firsts" offered by the Yellow Emperor in history
"Regarding the Yellow Emperor’s sacrifice, it can be said with certainty that the imperial court has a history of at least 2,000 years in the Yellow Emperor’s mausoleum, while the history of sacrificing the Yellow Emperor is much longer. There are several firsts in history, which need to be mentioned. "Zhang Maoze, vice president of the Yellow Emperor Research Association in Xuanyuan, Shaanxi Province, put forward six firsts on the sacrifice of the Yellow Emperor at the exchange meeting.
First, the first sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor was a public sacrifice of the imperial court, which happened after the death of the Yellow Emperor, about 5,000 years ago. Zuo Che, the minister of the Yellow Emperor, "cut the wood into the image of the Yellow Emperor, and the handsome princes worshipped it" ("Bamboo Annals").
Second, offering sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor became a court system, which was 4,000 years ago at the time of Shun. "On the Lu Language of Mandarin" says: "Therefore, there is Yu’s funeral (sound emperor, offering sacrifices) to the Yellow Emperor, whose ancestors were Zhuan Xu, and whose suburbs were Yao and Zong Shun. Xia Houshi was the ancestor of the Yellow Emperor and Zhuan Xu, and he lived in the suburbs. " You Yu is Shun and his descendants; Sacrificing the Yellow Emperor is the ancestor worship and system.
Third, the emperor who attended or presided over the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor for the first time was Zhou Muwang of the Western Zhou Dynasty, nearly 3,000 years ago. According to the biography of Mu Tianzi, Zhou Muwang "rose to the hill of Kunlun Mountain to see the palace of the Yellow Emperor, and was buried in Fenglong to serve as a reminder to future generations".
Fourthly, the earliest temple dedicated to the Yellow Emperor was built in the fourth year of King Wei Lie of Zhou Dynasty (422 years ago, more than 2,400 years ago), and Qin Linggong "served as a place to worship emperors and heaven and earth in ancient times, and offered sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor" (Book of Closing Zen in Historical Records).
Fifth, the first public sacrifice of the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor was presided over by the emperor, which was in the first year of Emperor Wudi’s Yuanfeng (the first 110 years), more than 2000 years ago. Sima Qian’s Historical Records of Filial Piety and the Book of Enchanting Zen both recorded that Emperor Wu "patrolled the northern part of Shuofang, mustered more than 100,000 soldiers, and also offered sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor’s Tomb and Bridge Mountain", which is the earliest record of the royal sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor’s Mausoleum. This set a precedent for later offering sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor in the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, that is, the public sacrifice of the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Emperor Guangwu, Ming Di and Emperor Zhang all recorded sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor.
Sixth, the setting of the Mausoleum and Temple of the Yellow Emperor, the materials that can be seen at present, dates back to the seventh year of Tang Daizong Dali (772), more than 1,200 years ago. The imperial court set up officials to manage the mausoleum and temple of the Yellow Emperor, and sent officials to sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor on time, which became a system. It can be seen that the sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor, as well as the public sacrifice to the Yellow Emperor by local governors and even by the central court in the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, has a long history and a long tradition.
huangdi mausoleum
Zhang Maoze believes that the public sacrifice to the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty marks the maturity of the worship of the Yellow Emperor and the finalization of the ritual of the Yellow Emperor. The great development and stereotype of the worship of the Yellow Emperor was mainly in the Western Han Dynasty. "This is a profound historical background. During the Warring States period, the theory of Huang Lao, which advocated the integration of various schools, rose, and the Yellow Emperor was respected by some intellectuals. The Han dynasty ruled the world with filial piety, and ancestor worship developed greatly, which was in line with its basic national policy. The study of Huang Lao dominated for half a century in the early Han Dynasty, and it was natural that the status of the Yellow Emperor was promoted. According to the theory of "five virtues begin at the end", the Han Dynasty should be the master of Tude, and if the color is still yellow, the Yellow Emperor will be taken seriously, which is in line with the "destiny" and the worship of the five emperors in the early Han Dynasty, one of which is the worship of the Yellow Emperor; Huangdi Neijing, a famous medical and pharmaceutical work under the guise of Huangdi, appeared. In terms of national policy, in order to maintain the multi-ethnic unified empire, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty began to consciously build a spiritual home for all ethnic groups: first, he respected Confucianism alone and advocated Confucian classics; The second is to promote the construction of the Three Cardinal Principles and Five Permanent Ethics (loyalty to the monarch and filial piety are the core); The third is to implement the etiquette of respecting Tao. Hosting and participating in the Huangdi Mausoleum’s public sacrifice by himself should also be regarded as one of his important activities in building a national spiritual home. "
In the Xuanyuan Temple at the foot of Qiaoshan Mountain, 46 ancient monuments are neatly displayed in the stele gallery on the west side. "Six years of Jiayou in Northern Song Dynasty", "Six years of Jin Mingchang" and "Two years of Thai" … Of the 46 ancient monuments, 36 are "imperial messages". The so-called imperial edict is a eulogy personally issued by the emperor, representing a national sacrifice. Most of the sacrifices made by the emperors to the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor in previous dynasties were made by the emperors’ commissioners, and every time, the sacrificial words, sacrificial dates, names and quantities of the sacrifices, and the names of the chief priests and accompanying officials should be engraved on the stone tablets.
In the fourth year of Hongwu (AD 1371), Zhu Yuanzhang, the Ming Emperor, personally wrote a eulogy and sent officials to the Huangdi Mausoleum in Qiaoshan, huangling county. This eulogy is the earliest one in the literature of offering sacrifices to the Huangdi. At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang stipulated that the Huangdi Mausoleum Temple in Qiaoshan was a sacred place for sacrifice, and three years was a big sacrifice. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, when the emperor ascended the throne, national celebrations, quelling unrest, and the queen mother’s birthday, ancestors were also sacrificed at Qiaoshan.
Inscriptions in Huangdi Mausoleum
What should we discuss the Yellow Emperor culture in the new era?
Ren Dayuan, executive vice president of the Chinese Yanhuang Culture Research Association, said that it is very meaningful to enhance the historical development of the whole Chinese nation by seeking roots from the Huangdi Mausoleum.
"China people value’ virtue’, and the ancestor worship activities of the Huangdi Mausoleum are carefully pursued to cultivate virtue. The cultivation of’ virtue’ can not be formed through one or two ancestor worship activities, but is a long-term process, so virtue is endless. It is a solemn ceremony to offer sacrifices to ancestors at the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor. Through this form, people’s awareness of pursuing the future cautiously is enhanced, and the whole people are encouraged to promote and respect virtue. In addition, it is very important to explore the significance of Huangdi culture and Huangdi spirit through the ancestor worship activities of Huangdi Mausoleum. It is very important for human beings to be separated from nature. The word culture itself has creative factors. Only after people appear can there be culture. "
Mr. Fei Xiaotong, the second president of the late Chinese Yanhuang Culture Research Association, once proposed that the formation of the Chinese nation is called pluralism. "Pluralistic unity is not a simple war between Han people and human-god. The wars between early tribes were not all Han people, but also other nationalities, so the pluralistic unity of the Chinese nation actually began in the era of Yan Huang," Ren Dayuan suggested, and the era of the Yellow Emperor was the era of great integration of the Chinese nation.
Ren Dayuan pointed out that there were actually no words in the Yanhuang era, but the ideas of Yandi and Huangdi preceded the words. For example, when the Yellow Emperor fights Chiyou, how can he fight? How to fight? Strategically and tactically, it must have its own set of ideas, but we can’t find this idea at all now, and we can’t find it in the future. Because there is no record carrier, our descendants can only summarize and summarize to find the thought of the Yellow Emperor. In the study of the Yellow Emperor culture, the use of information must be screened, which is the real study.
As a pioneer of Chinese civilization, how did Huangdi’s achievements depend on a family team supporting his career and a work operation team?
Su Feng, vice president of Shaanxi Xuanyuan Huangdi Research Association, put forward a point of view on the grass-roots civilization of Xuanyuan Huangdi: it is a work operation team composed of 184 family members and ministers. According to their respective specialties, they are assigned different posts, play their respective roles and carry out various tasks.
"During the Yellow Emperor period, there were aristocratic teams, political power teams, attendants teams, cultural teams, medical teams, teachers teams, and scientific and technological teams. The Yellow Emperor led these teams with his intelligence and wisdom, and together they managed the country in an orderly way. Since then, the blood relationship and cultural community of the Chinese nation have been gradually consolidated. With the assistance of so many auxiliary ministers, the Yellow Emperor ended the ancient war, unified the Chinese tribes and established the first country with a common owner in China. "
Su Feng further introduced: "In the Yellow Emperor’s work operation team, each team has representative figures, such as Feng Hou, Li Mu and Ling Lun in the regime team, Fang Ming, Chang Xian and Ma Sihuang in the attendants team, Cang Xie, Li Shou and xi he in the cultural team, Qi Bo, Lei Gong and Wu Peng in the medical team, Rong Chengzi, Bo Gao and Feng Ju in the teachers team, and in the science and technology team. It is a great pioneer of China’s traditional culture. It is precisely because of the existence of these elite figures that the Yellow Emperor’s team innovation, cohesion spirit and Kaiyuan and Wangdao thinking are interpreted. "
Since 1980, the Yellow Emperor Sacrifice has formed a system of Qingming public sacrifice and Chongyang folk sacrifice. Every year, the Qingming public sacrifice ceremony is attended by tens of thousands of party and state leaders and representatives of Chinese people at home and abroad.
Mr. Fang Guanghua, a scholar of Huangdi culture, said: "Huangdi is an important pioneer of Chinese orthodoxy and governance, and the sacrifice of Huangdi reflects the continuity and long history of orthodoxy and governance. Today’s sacrifice of Huangdi Mausoleum is the highest memorial of the contemporary Chinese nation."

In 2023, where do China people who can play most want to play? Here are their wish lists and travel plans.

After waiting for three years, China citizens finally ushered in the resumption of outbound travel. Where do you want to travel most in the new year? Some people say that no matter where you go, as long as you can go abroad for a walk; Some people say that I want to go to America, and I haven’t seen my daughter for three years. Some people say that they want to go to the French Disneyland and fulfill their desire to travel around the world …

After a two-month user survey, combined with the travel content and data of over 100 million users in the platform, Poor Travel Network released "China People Who Can Play: Great Insights into Chinese Travel in 2022" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") today. According to the report, after the announcement of the policy of orderly resuming China citizens’ outbound tourism, more than 90% of users plan to travel abroad within one year, and their willingness to travel within six months has increased by 25.9%. Once you travel, 62% of users will travel for more than 10 days.

In the past year, the length of a single domestic trip by poor tourists increased significantly, and the number of people who chose outdoor travel and parent-child travel doubled compared with 2021.

More than 90% of the respondents plan to travel abroad this year, and they are most concerned about the ticket price.

Poor tourists who are used to flying around the world have always been looking forward to outbound travel. In 2022, 75.4% of poor tourists will still pay attention to overseas travel related content when browsing travel raiders.

Since the release of the new policy, the search for related overseas destinations and overseas hotels in poor travel websites has increased by more than 400%, and the search for "visa" related content has increased by 280%. Before and after the policy, the time when travelers plan to travel has changed significantly. More than 90% of users plan to start outbound travel in 2023, and the number of users who choose to travel within half a year has increased by 13.9% to 38.5%. Followed by travelers who travel within 3 months, accounting for 23.1%; There are also 12% users who will use the Spring Festival holiday to restart their outbound travel in January.

In recent days, countries’ entry policies for China tourists have attracted much attention, which coincides with the results of this report. Travelers are not only concerned about the high air ticket cost, but also about the flight change and whether they are infected with COVID-19. The proportion of people who are worried about the segregation policy of entry destinations is 33.8%, ranking second.

More convenient outbound travel conditions directly affect the travel time of travelers. According to the report, the data of travel within 10 days has risen to 48%, and 52% of travelers will start long-term travel for 10 days or more as long as they go out. 6.3% of travelers plan to travel for one month or more.

The report shows that natural scenery, sacred land tour, exotic culture, food shopping and interest themes are the most anticipated outbound travel themes for poor tourists. Among them, the desire for characteristic culture and interest themes has increased obviously, and it has become more and more people’s choice to appreciate the customs of different countries or to go overseas to rock climbing, surfing and other holy places from their own interests. In 2023, Thailand, Japan, Spain, France, the United States, Italy, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia ranked in the top ten.

Domestic travel costs 5000-9000 yuan per person.

The past year has not been easy, but the traveler’s heart remains the same. 93.2% of the respondents believe that travel is a very important and indispensable part of their lives, and more than 60% of the respondents hope to release their inner feelings through travel and fulfill their long-cherished dream of traveling.

The report shows that 51.5% of travelers traveled twice or more in 2022, and the number of users who traveled more than four times still exceeded 20%. 67.2% of users will plan their travel itinerary half a month or more before departure. On the whole, the duration of users’ single trip increased significantly, mainly in 3-5 days, accounting for 59%, up 13.9% year-on-year. In addition, the proportion of single trips lasting 6-9 days and more than 10 days also increased, by 8.5% and 4.4% respectively.

In terms of travel expenses, 51.6% users keep the original budget unchanged, and 21.4% users are willing to increase their expenses to get a better travel experience. Among them, spending more money to eat and live well has become the first choice for over 70% of travelers. The average per capita spending of domestic travel is 5,000-9,999 yuan/person, accounting for 29.3%, and 12.6% of travelers spend 10,000 yuan or more per person. Accommodation, food and transportation are the main expenses of travel, accounting for 35%, 23% and 21% respectively.

Travelers prefer to explore treasure destinations.

How can I travel? Poor tourists gave their own answers. In the past year, Zhou Bianyou, local food, culture and art, outdoor travel and parent-child travel have become the favorite theme games for travelers. It is worth noting that parent-child travel has entered TOP5 for the first time, becoming the choice of more families with children. Natural scenery tour, historical and cultural experience and theme park experience are the first choices for parent-child travel. In addition, outdoor travel has increased significantly, and hiking, camping and cycling are popular among outdoor enthusiasts.

At present, there are various life sharing platforms, but for travel, the travel strategy platform and traveler are still the most inspiring, accounting for 89.7% and 61.9% respectively. The factors that really stimulate travelers to travel are more from the unique beauty of the destination, followed by their own interests, and local customs and culture, special accommodation, film and television planting are ranked 3-5.

Among the top ten popular destinations in China, Hangzhou, Chengdu and Beijing rank among the top three, and some destinations have successfully caught the attention of travelers. Lijiang, which is known as the "Gusu on the Plateau", Suzhou, which monopolizes two "Four Gardens in China", Macau, the world food capital, and Dali, which is thought by countless people as "poetry and distance", are all on the list.

In addition to these well-known destinations, many domestic treasure destinations have been explored by travelers this year. Pu ‘er, which has no severe cold in winter and no intense heat in summer, is the fastest-rising destination in China, and Yanji, which has countless authentic Korean cuisines, is known by more people and ranks second. Chaozhou not only has delicious food and tea, but also attracts people with its profound history and culture. Qiandongnan, where 48 ethnic minorities live, provides travelers with unlimited cultural experience.

In terms of domestic annual hot spots, Erhai Lake has become a haunting place in the hearts of many people, ranking first. The Palace Museum, West Lake, Hongyadong and Daocheng Yading followed closely. The legendary Yulong Snow Mountain, the incarnation of the "Three Flowers" of the Naxi people, attracted more tourists to punch in, and the Duku Highway became a must-see for travelers in Xinjiang.

In 2022, many old scenic spots turned red. The Summer Palace, Dianchi Lake and hulun buir grassland occupy the top three scenic spots with the fastest rising heat. Blue Moon Valley, with the reputation of "Little Jiuzhaigou", soared to the fourth place, and Zhaoxing Dong Village, the first village in Dong Township, attracted people’s attention, while Jinchang "Mars 1 Base" increased its attention by providing travelers with the most authentic experience of "life on Mars".

The picture shows the flower sea landscape in Wenquan County, Xinjiang. Photo courtesy of the author.

Source: Author: Li Baohua

Telegraph: The owner of West Ham has no intention of selling the team, and the top management of the team trusts moyers.

Live on March 11th According to the Daily Telegraph, the owner of West Ham has no intention of selling the team, and the top management of the team now trusts moyers.

It is reported that David Sullivan, the owner of West Ham, said that he has no intention of selling the team, which means that moyers’s job is safe at present. At present, West Ham still has 13 games to play in the Premier League, and the fans of the team are still full of hope for West Ham. Although West Ham is currently only 16th in the Premier League standings, they are confident that they can change the current situation.

For a long time, it has been thought that Czech billionaire Clay Tynsky, who owns 27% of the club, will launch the acquisition of West Ham, but if Clay Tynsky wants to launch a comprehensive acquisition, he must obtain the consent of David Sullivan (holding 38.8%) and the family of the deceased co-owner David Gold (holding 25.1%) before starting the acquisition process. Logically speaking, Clay Tynsky is unlikely to make an offer at present, because the current situation of West Ham in the Premier League is still unclear, and if relegated to the Championship, it will obviously affect the value of the club. In addition, even if it is sold, David Sullivan will not sell West Ham at a low price. According to sources, David Sullivan has no intention of selling West Ham, and he has not even considered doing so.

West Ham are currently playing in the UEFA, and they are facing teams with average strength in this level of European war, which is completely different from their opponents in the Premier League. In last week’s UEFA competition, they beat AEK Larnaca 2-0 away, which was their ninth consecutive victory in this competition. If West Ham can win this tournament, it will be the team’s first European trophy since 1965, and more importantly, it will also ensure their qualification for the Europa League next season. However, West Ham’s performance in the Premier League is somewhat disappointing. They have not won in the past eleven away games. Although the fans shouted moyers’s dismissal after West Ham’s 4-0 defeat to Brighton, as far as the current situation is concerned, moyers’s position is still very stable. However, according to relevant media reports, West Ham is currently considering short-term and long-term substitutes to replace moyers, and Nuno Espirito Santo, Benitez and Dych are all considered as potential choices.

Moyers has one year left on his contract with West Ham, and they may end their cooperation with moyers when his contract expires. Last summer, West Ham invested 160 million pounds in the transfer market, which is the third highest transfer expenditure in the Premier League. In addition, West Ham signed Danny Ince in the winter window that year. People hope that West Ham can challenge the qualification of the Champions League instead of struggling to avoid relegation. Moyers’s team has been plagued by injuries this season, and his tactics have been questioned by people. However, the team’s offensive line scored only 23 goals in 25 games, which really made him feel a little overwhelmed. However, West Ham hopes that moyers’s experience will help the team overcome the difficulties and try to win a trophy.