标签归档 上海娱乐

What is the difference between Mercedes-Benz e300 and e200?


What’s the difference between Mercedes E300 and E200?

There are obvious differences between E200 and E300 in price, powertrain and configuration. First of all, E300 is more advanced and more expensive than E200. The official quotation of E300 fashion model is 465,800 yuan, which is 40,000 yuan higher than E200 sports model (basic model) of 425,800 yuan. Even the gap between E200′ s 4MATIC sports model (the highest configuration) and E300′ s fashion model is almost 20,000 yuan. Secondly, E300′ s powertrain is more powerful than E200′ s, and it is equipped with a 2.0T high-power engine with a maximum power of 190KW and a maximum torque of 370Nm, while E200 is equipped with a 2.0T low-power engine with a maximum power of 135KW and a maximum torque of 300Nm. Both engines are equipped with 264 920 models. Finally, E300 has more comprehensive configurations than E200, such as keyless entry of the whole vehicle, 360-degree panoramic image and steering wheel memory function, which are standard in E300. Therefore, if you want a better driving experience and more comprehensive configuration, you can choose E300.

Xiaomi Auto is about to appear in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and more information is exposed.

With the approaching of Guangzhou Auto Show, more and more car companies choose to throw out some "explosive materials" in the near future, while Xiaomi Auto, which is well versed in Internet gameplay, has chosen Weibo as the main battlefield, with remarkable results. A few days ago, a well-known car blogger with tens of millions of fans in the whole network once again exposed a lot of key information about Xiaomi Automobile in Weibo, and then this Weibo was deleted. However, the screenshots of the content have already spread widely. At this point, the outline of Xiaomi car gradually became clear.

The following is some information that Xiaomi Automobile can almost determine (although it can’t guarantee 100% authenticity). We will present it to you in several dimensions.

Model: medium and large four-door coupe

First of all, the brand of Xiaomi Automobile is called "Xiaomi Automobile", which is easy to remember and easy to remember. This is confirmed. The first car launched by Xiaomi Automobile is a "C-class eco-technology car". The specific body size of Xiaomi Automobile circulated before is 4860 * 1980 * 1666 mm. Whether it is accurate or not needs further official announcement. After all, the official positioning is "C-class", so the length of the new car may approach 5 meters. In the sub-model part, combined with the spy photos that have been revealed before, the first model of Xiaomi Automobile adopts a four-door coupe design, which directly targets the electric coupe of a German ultra-luxury brand. Is it quite expected? It is expected that within this week, we will be able to see the real car in the latest application information of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.    

To tell the truth, it’s not easy to locate the sports style of the medium and large sports pure electric coupe, similar to Weilai ET7, Zhijie S7 and Aouita 12. At present, there has never been a so-called "explosion" in this model. After all, no matter how hot the pre-sale of new cars is, it still has to land on the specific insurance number. If Xiaomi wants to make this new car go, it is bound to work harder on the price.

Battery configuration: 800V platform is not exclusive, and there are 400V blade batteries for entry.    

According to the earlier exposure information, the high-profile model of Xiaomi Automobile will adopt an 800V platform, and the battery is a 101kWh Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited Kirin ternary lithium battery pack with a CLTC cruising range of about 800km;; With the further release of the news, we learned that the entry-level model of Xiaomi Automobile will be equipped with a blade battery of 400V platform.Obviously, the 400V platform version will have more advantages in cost control. I believe that the entry-level model equipped with blade batteries is actually the model that Xiaomi Automobile hopes to take. As for the high-profile model of the 800V version, it is to boost the brand image.

Features: 澎湃 OS bonus, the whole ecology of people and cars.

As mentioned earlier, Xiaomi Automobile is positioned as a "C-class eco-technology car" for the new car. Besides the body size, the word "ecology" is particularly important. The achievement of "eco-technology" cannot be separated from Xiaomi 澎湃 OS system which has just appeared recently.

If Xiaomi’s mobile phone, Xiaomi’s car and even Xiaomi’s home appliances share a system, then the interconnection of Xiaomi’s ecology will naturally form. At the previous Xiaomi conference, we actually saw the "tip of the iceberg" of Xiaomi 澎湃 OS interconnection function. For example, the shooting content of the roof camera can even flow directly into the WeChat video call. This experience is still very attractive and it is also a big selling point of Xiaomi Automobile. I believe that more similar functions will be realized in the future.

How much will Xiaomi car sell?

According to the above information, we have a general understanding of Xiaomi Automobile, which will be declared by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Although the big V predicted the price at 300,000-400,000 yuan, according to the above information, the actual landing price of Xiaomi Automobile should not be so high.    

According to the plan, Xiaomi Automobile will be officially listed in the first half of 2024. During this period, the prices of various models will be adjusted many times until the press conference. In fact, according to the brand tonality of Xiaomi brand, which emphasizes cost performance, this information exposure has multiple temptations, and it is extremely possible to "reverse" the final pricing of vehicles.

If Xiaomi Automobile adheres to the initial intention of "cost performance" and if Lei Jun’s previous statement of "gambling all the reputations of his life" is true, then the pre-sale price of Xiaomi Automobile is around 200,000, which may be possible.

Here, it is boldly predicted that the pre-sale price of Xiaomi will be less than 200,000 yuan, and the high-profile models will have full models similar to the first commemorative edition, which will raise the price to about 350,000 yuan.

Write it at the end

It took less than three years from the approval and landing of Xiaomi Automobile Factory in Yizhuang, Beijing, and even the trial loading of Xiaomi Automobile. Is this a new record for a new force to build a car? To achieve this speed, we need not only Xiaomi’s efforts and confidence, but also the cooperation of many aspects. It seems that the ambition of Xiaomi Automobile is really unusual!    

The Indian-controlled Kashmir garrison used civilians as human shields and shot its commanders.

  CCTV News:Since July, India and Pakistan have frequently exchanged fire along the actual line of control between India and Pakistan in Kashmir. At this stall, news of low morale and the spread of war-weariness has repeatedly emerged in the Indian army. On the 17th, there was an incident in which Indian soldiers shot and killed the commander, and it was only a mobile phone that triggered the bloody case.

  Indian soldiers in Indian-controlled Kashmir were reprimanded for playing mobile phones and angered the major.

Death officer: Chylka Tapa

Death officer: Chylka Tapa

  According to "India Express" reported on the 20th, this tragedy happened at a post in Baramula district in northern Indian-controlled Kashmir. At about 12: 15 noon on the 17th, an Indian army soldier used a mobile phone while on duty, and the inspected major was found and reprimanded. When there was a dispute over the confiscation of the mobile phone, the screen of the mobile phone was broken, so the soldiers became angry and immediately picked up the AK47 rifle and killed the major on the spot.

Brothers kill each other.

Brothers kill each other.

  Why can a mobile phone trigger a bloody case? According to the "Kashmir Watch Network" headquartered in Europe, in the Indian army in India-controlled Kashmir, similar bloody conflicts occur from time to time. Many Indian soldiers did not die at the hands of the "enemy", but they were killed by comrades-in-arms because of various disputes:

  In 2011, a fire broke out in the 18th Brigade of the Central Reserve Police Force of India, resulting in three soldiers killed and one seriously injured.

  In 2013, a patrol soldier shot at his sleeping comrades in the camp with a rifle, resulting in two deaths and two injuries.

  In 2016, two Indian army soldiers shot at each other, resulting in one death and one injury.

  According to experts’ analysis, the mental stress of Indian soldiers has greatly increased due to reasons such as being away from family members and harsh environment, which has led to frequent incidents of "military camps cannibalizing each other". The BBC quoted Indian military sources as saying that the morale of the troops stationed in Indian-controlled Kashmir was "very low", and many soldiers gradually became uncomfortable with the role played by Indian troops in Kashmir, "fearing that they would actually become occupying forces".

  Indian-controlled Kashmir garrison used civilians as "human shields" to deal with protests.

The Indian army tied a local to a military vehicle as a "human shield"

The Indian army tied a local to a military vehicle as a "human shield"

  At the beginning of 2017, the Indian government launched a series of investigations on soldiers stationed in Indian-controlled Kashmir. Some soldiers complained that the troops had poor food and often went hungry, and blamed this on the "corruption" of the military. In April 2017, during the parliamentary by-election in Srinagar, India-controlled Kashmir, violent protests occurred in the local area. The Indian army tied a local person to a military vehicle as a "human shield", which attracted public criticism. The commander involved said that this was to protect the soldiers from the local "mob", and the commander was not punished afterwards, but was praised. Media analysis said that the military’s move is precisely to boost morale.

  Pakistani military: In 2017, India violated the ceasefire agreement 580 times, the highest in the calendar year.

  Since the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, India and Pakistan have been in constant conflict over Kashmir. The two sides have repeatedly exchanged fire near the actual line of control and accused each other of violating the ceasefire agreement. According to the Pakistani military, India has violated the ceasefire agreement near the actual line of control as many as 580 times this year, the highest in history. On the 19th, the Indian army shelled Palestinian military strongholds and civilians again, causing many deaths, and the Pakistani military immediately said that it would launch a counterattack.

Look, the wonders of Huashan Mountain! The exclusive beauty you can’t miss ~

It is majestic and majestic, it is steep and straight, and it is also the mountain. The beauty of Huashan is varied. It also has many unique scenery that can’t be missed. Let’s go and have a look!
Junxiu mountain range
Of the five mountains, Xiyue is famous for its risks. Huashan Mountain rises from the Weihe Plain, like a huge stone that has been chiseled by a knife on all sides. The mountain is majestic, with towering peaks, facing the Yellow River in front and the Qinling Mountains in the back.
For thousands of years, Huashan has always been famous for its dangers, and it is known as the "first mountain in the world". There are strange peaks and rocks all over the mountain, and the scenery of the whole mountain has the majestic beauty of standing and rugged rocks.
Black dragon Ridge, whose ridge is like a dragon’s ridge, is vast and green, winding and circling, with deep valleys on both sides and steep potential. According to legend, when Han Yu came here after traveling to the mountain, he was in pain because he was afraid that he could not go down the mountain. He threw a book down the mountain to say goodbye to his family, leaving an anecdote of "the place where Han retreated to throw a book".
Qixianshan road
Huashan’s climbing road is winding and there are cliffs everywhere. Before the opening of Zhishui Huashan Road, there was only a very steep road leading to the mountain in Huashan. People often used the saying "There was only one road in Huashan since ancient times" to describe its danger.
For climbers, the first intimate contact is the mountain road with both strange and dangerous Huashan Mountain. All the way, you must go through many dangerous roads before you can enjoy the risks of Huashan, so the road to Mount Huashan is famous from ancient times to the present. Third, the kite facing the air turns over, which is even more dangerous in Huashan Road. When the climber passes by, he has to turn his body around like an eagle kite to get through. I believe that his wonderful work will make you amazed.
The infinite scenery of Huashan is in the word "strange danger". Simply looking at the scenery can’t appreciate the essence of Huashan. Only by personally crossing this road, climbing the mountain on foot, walking through all the dangerous roads, and then standing on the top, will there be a sense of stepping on your feet and being heroic.
Pictographic peak
Huashan Mountain is winding and steep, and there are many dangerous cliffs and roads, and the grotesque peaks have formed their own pictographic postures after years of carving by nature.
Huashan Mountain has five peaks: the east, the west, the south, the north and the middle. The main peaks are the south peak "Wild Goose", the east peak "Chaoyang" and the west peak "Lotus". The three peaks stand tall, and they are called "three peaks outside the sky".
Huayue Xianzhang is a "giant palm" created by nature, which is fantastic and spectacular, ranking first among the "eight scenic spots in Guanzhong".
The whole Xifeng is a natural boulder, facing the sky in the north, with steep cliffs like knives and saws, and the east and west sides like lotus flowers, so it is also called "Lotus Peak", and it is also the place where legendary stories such as "Saving Mother by Cutting Mountain" and "Lotus Lantern" take place.
Mountain stream Yuntai
The flat land in the dangerous peak often highlights the danger of the mountain and the strength of the scenery. The flat Yuntai is dotted in the treacherous mountain road, which is round and round, exquisite and complicated.
The summit of Yuntai Mountain is flat, and the famous story of "outsmarting Huashan Mountain" happened on Yuntai Mountain. The chess pavilion on the platform of Dongfeng is a lonely pavilion, facing the air on three sides, and there is a feeling of being physically and mentally open and the world is long when you board here.
When the clouds rise and the fog rises, it is like a fairy island on the sea, flickering, making people want to go home by the wind and get high. Climbers can look up from the Yuntai platform and enjoy the beautiful mountain scenery in their leisure time.
Cultural monuments
Huashan is one of the cradles of Chinese culture. According to the research of Zhang Taiyan, a famous scholar in Qing Dynasty, "China" and "Huaxia" are both named after Huashan. There are many ancient buildings on the mountain, and temples, pavilions, statues and stone carvings can be seen everywhere. Whenever the clouds are misty, temples and pavilions are dotted with peaks and valleys of the mountain, which makes climbers feel like they are in a fairyland.
Since the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Li Bai, Du Fu and other literati have recited more than a thousand poems, inscriptions and travel notes of Huashan Mountain, and carved as many as a thousand rocks. Huashan Mountain is also a Taoist resort, the "fourth cave" of Taoism. There are 72 semi-suspended caves and more than 20 Taoist temples in the mountain, among which Yuquanyuan, host institute and Zhenyue Palace are listed as national key Taoist temples.
A generation of martial arts master, Mr. Jin Yong, felt the immortal spirit and aura of Huashan Mountain, and even more admired the wonders of Huashan Mountain, so he chose the highest level of martial arts novels to be held at the top of Huashan Mountain, that is, "Huashan on Sword".
After reading it, will everyone sigh: Huashan is a strange adventure, but it is not just a danger! Then, you must not miss these exclusive scenery of Huashan!
Source: Huashan Scenic Area

The reason for Yang Ming’s departure is exposed! Liao basket’s salary for renewing the contract is too shabby, and the new one is determined, and the salary is 10 times.

Although the CBA league will not start for more than a month, the news of China basketball has emerged in an endless stream recently, the most interesting of which is the news that Yang Ming, the coach of Liaoning men’s basketball team, officially broke up with the club.

As the coach of CBA team, 38-year-old Yang Ming is still very young, but he has already worn two CBA championship rings on his hand, which even Guo Shiqiang has never achieved. Of course, Yang Ming’s success in Liao basket was not entirely smooth sailing. In the summer of 2020, Guo Shiqiang announced his resignation after the Liaoning Basketball Team lost to Zhejiang Team. The Liaoning General Administration of Sports did not retain this meritorious coach, but promoted Yang Ming, who was only 35 years old at that time, to the position of head coach of the Liaoning Basketball Team.

In the middle of the league class, he was also a rookie head coach. In the first season after taking over the Liao basketball, Yang Ming was only a nominal head coach, and the real command was in the hands of Spanish teaching assistant Martinez. This season, the Guangdong men’s basketball team is still very brave, and Yi Jianlian, Ma Shang and weems are still at their peak, so the Liao basketball team was defeated by the Guangdong men’s basketball team in the finals and missed the CBA championship again.

In the next 2020-21 season, Yang Ming officially became the coach of Liao Basketball. In order to help Yang Ming grow up, Liaoning Sports Bureau invited back the coach Jiang Xingquan and Wu Naiqun, a famous player of Liao Basketball, to assist him. In addition, the Liao basketball team also introduced Fogg, which made the team’s inside and outside lineups stronger, and the Liao basketball team reached the finals without any suspense.

However, the Liao basketball team once again fell at the foot of the Guangdong men’s basketball team at the last minute of the championship. After missing the CBA championship again, Yang Ming offered to resign, but under the persuasion of Jiang Xingquan, he chose to stay.

Failure is the mother of success, after last season’s setbacks. Yang Ming grew up quickly. In the next 2021-22 season, he led the Liao basketball team to the finals in the league. At this time, the Guangdong men’s basketball team had begun to decline, and the opponent of the Liao basketball finals became Zhejiang Guangsha.

The strength of Guangsha team can’t be compared with that of Guangdong men’s basketball team in its peak period, so the Liao team swept its opponent 4-0 and won the second CBA championship in the club’s history, and 37-year-old Yang Ming finally made a name for himself.

Last season, coach Jiang Xingquan officially retired and went home to support himself, and Yang Ming began to shoulder all the burdens of the team by himself. In this regard, many fans think that the young Yang Ming can’t lead the Liao basketball team to successfully defend the title, but Yang Ming has made a strong counterattack with his success. After defeating Guangsha in the semi-final, Liao Basketball swept Zhejiang 4-0 again in the final, and successfully defended the CBA championship for the first time.

After three seasons’ experience, today’s Yang Ming has become more and more mature, and his tactical formulation and on-the-spot command are much more sophisticated than three years ago. It can be said that at least half of the credit for Liao Basketball’s successful defending should belong to Yang Ming.

As the most successful head coach in the history of Liao basketball, now Yang Ming has more chips to talk about the terms of contract renewal with the club. But after talking about it, the General Administration only offered Yang Ming a renewal contract with an annual salary of 500,000, which is too shabby for a CBA champion coach. Therefore, Yang Ming finally decided to leave the Liao basket that he had been sticking to for 20 years.

Recently, there have been many media reports that Yang Ming has found a new home-a CBA club in the south. Although these media didn’t name this southern club, considering that Guangdong and Guangzhou teams with Du Feng and Guo Shiqiang can’t change coaches, the Shanghai men’s basketball team has also decided to be coached by Liu Peng in the new season. Therefore, now only the Shenzhen men’s basketball team can have an affair with Yang Ming.

In recent seasons, the changes of Shenzhen team are very obvious, and they already have the strength to compete for the championship, but the coach has always been the biggest shortcoming of the team. Today, Yang Ming joined the Shenzhen Men’s Basketball Team, which undoubtedly filled this short board. I believe that he is strong and will be able to manage a star player like Shen Zijie.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the salary offered by Shenzhen Men’s Basketball Team to Yang Ming must be much higher than that of Liao Basketball Team, at least 10 times that of 500,000-5 million! Whether Yang Ming, who gets a high salary, can lead the Shenzhen men’s basketball team to win the CBA championship in the new season, let’s wait and see …

Three fronts collapsed, AC Milan was in chaos, and Hong Niao announced the dismissal of Paolo Maldini and the cleaning of four players.

Three fronts collapsed, AC Milan was in chaos, and Hong Niao announced the dismissal of Paolo Maldini and the cleaning of four players.

AC Milan was once run by Pioli, who defeated Juventus and Inter Milan last season and won the top of the league again 11 years later. But this season, Milan’s performance has plummeted, and this strong gap makes their gold owner Red Bird Company very dissatisfied.

After Hong Niao, a big American group, joined, AC Milan not only failed to make any progress, but even declined, which made the owner of the club very angry. According to common sense, with the encouragement of the new boss and huge investment, Milan should be able to take this opportunity to move on. However, after being defeated by Inter Milan in the Champions League, Milan fell into a four-game losing streak. Without the Champions League ticket, AC Milan will lose 100 million pounds next season, which is equivalent to the entire income of the team for three seasons.

Hong Niao company therefore pushed the responsibility to Maldini. The management of AC Milan is basically decided by Maldini. Although he is not on the field, he will still intervene in the team’s affairs, which is why Maldini will be responsible for the team. Now, the relationship between Maldini and Hong Niao team has been completely broken. With his personality and absolute control over Milan, it has given sponsors a great psychological burden, so there is almost no doubt about his departure.

From the team’s point of view, AC Milan will also face a big change this summer. Gill’s contract with Ibrahimovic is coming to an end, and only one of them can stay at most. Judging from the present situation, Gill is the most likely person to stay. In addition, Diaz is likely to return to Real Madrid, because the Galactic Fleet is preparing to exchange Diaz for Bellingham’s transfer fee. In midfield, Bakayoko, a valuable but incompetent "waste", will eventually become a free man.

Therefore, in order to strengthen the team’s strength, Milan will eliminate four players. Now, Liverpool have set their sights on Chelsea’s Chick and Frankfurt’s striker Kamata, and are looking for a backup player for Deo. Maybe Pioli can survive this change. He is gentle and has no regrets, but in AC Milan’s view, Pioli is a puppet. Although it can be controlled, it will not help the development of the club much.

Arsenal, Artta is fighting! Can it be done to ensure peace and win?

Arsenal have won three draws in a row!

First, we drew with Liverpool, West Ham United and even Southampton, the last team. It’s normal for Arteta to get angry.

However, Arsenal are about to challenge Manchester City at Etihad Stadium. Guardiola’s Manchester City is Arsenal’s biggest competitor. In other words, Arsenal must fight hard in this game. At the very least, get a draw!

The state of Manchester City is hot.

At 23: 45 on April 22nd, in the semi-final of the 2022-2023 FA Cup, Manchester City played at home against the Championship team Sheffield United. Mahrez of Manchester City scored a hat trick, and Manchester City beat Sheffield United 3-0 to advance to the FA Cup final.

Their opponent will be Manchester United. The hot state, on the other hand, is that the event is too dense.

On April 27th, Manchester City will play Arsenal at home. This game is worth 6 points. As soon as the game is over, the ownership of this season’s Premier League champion will be seen.

So, did Manchester City in Harland win or Arsenal in Saca win?

Courtois: We will fight for the league title until it is impossible, and hope to finish the season successfully.

Live on April 23 rd, Real Madrid beat Certa 2-0 at home in a La Liga match. After the match, Real Madrid goalkeeper courtois accepted an interview with DAZN.

-team performance

We have been in good shape recently. Although we made some mistakes in the game, the team finally won and scored 3 points. We have to move on.

-Dissatisfaction with teammates at the corner kick at the end of the game

There is something wrong with that corner kick … You saw that two opponents went to the corner flag area to make a short pass, but none of us responded. I know that the team should stand in a good position when defending the corner kick before the game, but we must push it out. If they score, the game will be in suspense again, and this will be because we made stupid mistakes, so we must stay serious until the end.

-put pressure on Barcelona

We will fight until the last game until the league title is impossible. The team has lost some points before, so we must try our best to win the next three games and then look at our points. The task of the team is to continue to win, and to keep a good feeling before the semi-final of the Champions League. The most important thing is to make everyone in good condition and finish the season successfully.

Life and work are the same, and the robot provides you with perfect service!

Baidu launched the AI chat robot service "Wen Xin Yi Yan", what impact has it brought to people’s lives? Let’s discuss it.

First of all, this chat robot can make people get information more conveniently. Through the dialogue with robots, people can quickly get the information they need, without having to search and filter it themselves as before, saving a lot of time and energy.

In addition, this robot can answer all kinds of questions in a conversational way, whether it is writing code to correct bugs, answering scientific questions, or writing papers and articles.

Chat robots can solve people’s questions in some professional fields. For example, in the medical field, people can get their own health status through conversations with chat robots, or consult the treatment plans for some common diseases.

In the field of education, chat robots can be used as an auxiliary teaching tool to help students solve problems in their studies or provide some learning resources.

In addition, the chat robot can also be used as an intelligent customer service to help enterprises solve the problems of customer feedback and complaints.

In a word, the appearance of chat robots can not only facilitate people to obtain information, but also be applied to various fields to help people solve various problems.

In the future, the development of chat robots will become more and more intelligent and personalized, and become an indispensable part of people’s lives.

Secondly, Wen Xin can become people’s intelligent assistant in a word. This robot can provide people with speech recognition, intelligent translation, speech synthesis and other functions, which can help people communicate better and cross language barriers. In addition, Wen Xin Yi Yan can also be used as an entertainment tool to play games, chat and share fun.

Wen Xin Yi Yan has a wide range of entertainment functions, which can provide users with a variety of chat modes, such as simple question-and-answer games and simulated chatting with users. At the same time, this robot can also generate various types of interesting content, such as songs, jokes, poems, etc., so that users can enjoy more entertainment in their leisure time.

In addition, Wenxin can also combine virtual reality technology to create a more realistic virtual experience for users. For example, users can experience immersive travel scenes, participate in virtual reality games and so on through Wenxin.

On the whole, Wen Xin Yi Yan is not only a practical intelligent tool, but also provides users with more colorful entertainment experiences, making their lives more convenient and interesting.

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, robots play an increasingly important role in people’s lives. However, compared with the convenience it brings, people also need to pay attention to the risks that robots may bring. First of all, it is very important to protect the security of personal information.

When using a robot like Wenxin Yiyan, people need to be careful not to disclose their sensitive information, such as bank account information and personal identity information. If this information falls into the hands of criminals, it will cause huge property and spiritual losses.

Secondly, the robot’s answer also needs to be verified. Although such a robot as Wenxin Anya has powerful natural language processing ability, it is still a program written based on programming language. Therefore, its answer may be limited by the program code, resulting in misjudgment and other problems.

Finally, with the continuous progress and update of technology, people need to know and learn the latest technologies and functions in time. Only in this way can we make better use of these robots and make better use of their convenience and advantages. Therefore, when using a robot like Wen Xin Yi Yan, we need to be vigilant, understand the advantages and disadvantages of the robot, and use and control it appropriately.

In short, Baidu’s chat bot service "Wenxin Yiyan" has brought a lot of convenience and possibilities to people’s lives, and we expect it to be constantly improved and innovated in the future development.

No Messi? Mbappé went too far, and the fans shouted: The pattern is too small, and Messi hurried away.

Paris Saint-Germain has just been out of the Champions League, missed the quarter-finals for two consecutive seasons, and immediately ushered in the 27th round of Ligue 1, and went to the away game against relegation team brest. In this game, Paris didn’t finish the winner until the 90th minute, and narrowly missed 3 points. However, Mbappé’s forced shooting made Messi very unhappy, and fans shouted that Messi should not renew his contract, so let’s go in the summer window.

There is a huge gap between the two teams’ paper strength, and Paris Saint-Germain mainly forms a siege. In the 37th minute, Mbappé’s powerful shot outside the restricted area was saved, and Sohler succeeded in making up the shot. However, before the end of the half-time, there was a serious loophole in the defense of Greater Paris, and Ramos watched Aunola equalize.

In the 62nd minute, there was a controversial scene. At that time, Fabian Ruiz made a direct pass to the restricted area, Messi took advantage of the situation to make the ball, and Mbappé rubbed his right foot and kicked the ball out of bounds. It is not difficult to see from the slow motion that Messi was speechless and bowed his head and left directly.

Why is Messi disappointed? The reason is very simple. We can easily see that Messi was in an unguarded state when Mbappé kicked off. If Mbappé chooses to cross, the high probability will turn into a goal.

Although a good striker is fed by bullets, it is understandable that Mbappé is unique as a striker. But Messi has no one to defend and doesn’t pass the ball. It’s really too much.

This season, Mbappé signed a super contract, and he also has the power to surpass the players. When a teammate doesn’t pass the ball to him, Mbappé will express his displeasure in public. However, when Mbappé has a chance to kick, his eyes are often only on the goal, and he will not pass the ball to Messi and Neymar most of the time.

In the 90th minute, in the backcourt of Paris, the ball was broken to fight back. Messi put his leg in place and sent a precise straight plug to assist Mbappé to score a goal, which was the 300th assist in Messi’s club career.

There is no harm without comparison, and many fans feel unworthy for Messi. A fan said: "Mbappé only has himself and data in his eyes. What is the difference with his idol Cristiano Ronaldo?" There are also fans who commented: "The pattern of Mbappé is too small, and I don’t know how to reciprocate at all. It will be difficult to achieve great things in the future."

As we all know, Messi has previously rejected the salary reduction and contract renewal in Paris, and he is likely to leave the team this summer. Therefore, some fans said that as long as Mbappé stays in the team, no matter how strong Messi is, he is just a tool for director Tim to brush data and compete for the Golden Globe Award. In this case, it is better to leave early, and there is no need to continue to suffer indignities!