Do you know all the cold knowledge about World Football Day?

Do you know all the cold knowledge about World Football Day?


World Football Day

These world cup cold knowledge

Do you know all about it?

Although the cold winter is coming, the football enthusiasm has not diminished. Tonight we will have a wonderful match between Croatia and Brazil, and today is the World Football Day recognized by the United Nations. Come and learn about the cold knowledge about the World Cup with Xiaobian and feel the charm of football!

Why is this year’s World Cup in winter?

In the past memory, the World Cup is always associated with summer, full of sweat, passion, beer and cheers. This time, however, FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 was held in winter, which was mainly due to the Qatari climate.

Qatar is located in the desert area of the Middle East, with a tropical desert climate. In summer, the temperature is generally 25-46 degrees Celsius, and the highest temperature can soar above 50 degrees Celsius. This is really too hot for a player who wants to run for 90 minutes, and there is even the danger of heatstroke.

Of course, even in winter, the highest temperature in Qatar at the end of November can exceed 30℃, but the stadiums in Qatar are basically equipped with cooling systems to ensure that football players can play at a suitable temperature.

Why do players spit water?

This scene often occurs in football matches. Players take a sip of water and then spit it out immediately like gargling. Many friends will misunderstand when watching the ball. "Why do they spit everywhere?"

In fact, this is a way for players to drink water. The professional name is "carbohydrate gargle", which can effectively improve sports performance and relieve sports fatigue. It is a "scientific plug-in" for athletes on the field. They need to cheat their brains in this way without affecting their state, in order to quickly restore their physical functions and continue to play.

Why is there no British team in the World Cup?

There is no British team in the World Cup because there is no only football association in Britain.

In 1863, Britain, as the birthplace of modern football, established the world’s first football association: the English Football Association. In 1886, the football associations of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland jointly established the World Football Council and made unified rules. Later, FIFA generally joined football associations everywhere, so four football teams in Britain were invited to participate in the World Cup, namely, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

What is offside?

FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 is in full swing, attracting countless fans to watch. In the first half of Argentina’s game against Saudi Arabia, it was blown offside six times, which made people confused. Many new fans will ask a question, what is offside?

Offside refers to the moment when the attacker passes the ball, the receiver stands closer to the goal than the penultimate defender, and at the same time closer to the opponent’s goal than the ball, and tries to prepare for the attack from this position. In other words, offside is an act that has a clear purpose, produces intentions quickly and puts them into practice. On the court, it is often seen that players are sentenced to offside because they start too fast and fall into the offside trap of their opponents.

The offside rule was formulated by the British Football Association in 1870. In the football match at that time, the audience often saw such a scene: when one side launched an attack, most of the attacking players had gathered in front of the other side, ready to start shooting when they received the ball, so the game between the two teams was mainly concentrated in front of the goal, and there was little wonderful cooperation. The offside rule is precisely to adjust this excessively unbalanced offensive and defensive relationship and make the game more exciting.

Source: Yellow River News Network


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