The movie "Pintable" started, and Eric Wang and Jiang Shuying spelled out a new social relationship.

The movie "Pintable" started, and Eric Wang and Jiang Shuying spelled out a new social relationship.

1905 movie network news The urban love movie officially started. Director and screenwriter Wu Jing, actors, actors, actresses, actresses, actresses, actresses, actresses, writers, etc. attended the launching ceremony. Focusing on the living conditions of contemporary young people, the film "Patching the Table" tells the story of two young people living in Shanghai who got to know each other through an accidental dinner, familiar with fireworks and unfamiliar strangers. From the dining table to life, they gradually got a new understanding of "eat well and love well".

Eric Wang Jiang Shuying’s 19-year-old friends cooperated with urban migrant workers for the first time to "take a child" to grow up together.  

Lu Shigu, played by Eric Wang, is a code farmer engaged in science and technology industry. Because of family of origin’s reasons, he is introverted and inarticulate, and has a Buddhist attitude towards life, but he has unique views on food. Zhang Jiayi, played by Jiang Shuying in the film, is an out-and-out foodie who is good at finding all kinds of wonderful food to cure boring life. Although Eric Wang and Jiang Shuying are co-starring for the first time, they have known each other for 19 years. Both of them are acting undergraduates of Shanghai Theatre Academy in 2004, and their previous tacit interaction in variety shows also left a deep impression on the audience.

It is worth mentioning that this role interpretation is a brand-new attempt for Eric Wang. From the previous "swindler in northern Myanmar" to a "lonely and gentle code farmer", the shape and people have made a 180-degree reversal. From manager Lu, who is feared by everyone, to Lu Shigu, who is lonely in his heart, how will Eric Wang perform differently? Aroused the curiosity of countless audiences.

In addition, the cross-border surprise joining of the musical prince Zheng Yunlong also attracted much attention. Not only that, there are also "famous mouths" familiar to the public in the official announcement list. What kind of opinions do they have about urban life and love? What kind of taste will they bring to this film with "food" as the main line? Stay tuned.

Concept poster warm heart release "food+love" double-line theme to cure internal friction

Earlier, the movie "Table Fighting" released a concept poster. In the poster, the tablecloth is laid on the dining table, waiting for the delicious food to be served. Its artistic conception is similar to that of the film curtain, which means that the good play is about to appear. There are two men and women sitting at the table. Although they don’t show their faces, they can also see that they are talking happily. "Eat well, love well" will undoubtedly show the film temperament. "Patching the Table" is a film with a strong flavor of life, in which the characters gradually establish feelings in the process of sharing food and life. The characters in the film are the epitome of countless young people working in big cities. Although busy work is overwhelming, annoying bosses are unreasonable and trivial things in life are trivial, they can find energy in the healing of food and friendship.

The film "Pinning the Table" advocates young people to socialize boldly, actively create warmth and romance in anxiety and busyness, and pursue their true selves. The main characters in the film are two urban men and women who work in Shanghai. Because of the delicious food, they become "rice partners" and warm each other in constant familiarity. As a new social relationship popular in recent years, "partner" refers to friends or partners who get together for something. The purpose of dating is clear and the mode of getting along with each other is natural, which is especially common in today’s fast-paced youth groups.

The film "Patching the Table" was produced by producer, directed and written by Wu Jing, starring Eric Wang and Jiang Shuying, starring Li Xueqin, Zheng Yunlong, Fu Seoul and Liu Jia, specially starred by Wang Caiping and Jiayi Du, and especially by Wu Mian. I expect to meet you in 2024.


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