标签归档 阿拉爱上海同城对对碰

Changjiang, Hainan: kapok comes in spring

  "It’s different in the south, middle and spring, and the city is full of kapok." At present, it’s a good time to enjoy kapok in Changjiang, Hainan.

  Changjiang River, known as the "hometown of kapok", is one of the areas where kapok is concentrated. 2-mdash per year; In March, the landscapes of Baoshan Village Kapok Terrace, Paian Village Kapok Railway and Changhua River Kapok Red in Changjiang River formed Hainan’s unique beauty of stepping into the spring. When kapok bloomed, it was the first time when rice was planted, which vividly showed the freehand brushwork picture of "spring ploughing in the flowering season" and formed kapok unique to Asia — Paddy field farming system.
Every year, during the flowering season of kapok in Changjiang, painters and tourists from all over the country also come here.

Table tennis world cup: the list of the top eight in table tennis was announced, with 24 wins and 2 losses leading! Hard battle is coming.

Table tennis World Cup is a highly regarded event, and its China table tennis team performed well in the quarter-finals. They led with a record of 24 wins and 2 losses, showing great strength. However, in the next competition, they may face more difficult opponents and more fierce competition. We expect them to continue to play well and achieve excellent results.

Refuse to renew the contract, goodbye 76 ers! The only winner of Harden’s departure from the team, Beard, brought you attention.

It is getting closer and closer to the team training camp in the new season. It seems that there is no perfect solution to the farce between Harden and the 76ers, and the Clippers have already thought that the transaction is unlikely to happen. In this case, the subsequent development of Harden and the 76ers will definitely get widespread attention, because in the new labor agreement, if Harden refuses to attend the training camp of the 76ers on the premise of health, then the 76ers will have the right to stop Harden after his contract expires. How far the contradiction between Harden and the 76ers will develop is the focus of everyone’s attention. Refuse to renew the contract, goodbye to the 76ers. Harden joined you and you are the biggest beneficiary when Harden left the team.
Harden and the 76ers are on the verge of parting ways. Even if there is no deal, even if Harden compromises and returns to the 76ers, people believe that he will only fight for himself and will not sacrifice for the team. Even many people hope that Harden can play alone. In short, the possibility of good cooperation between Harden and the 76ers is slim. It is only a matter of time before Harden leaves the 76ers. In this way, 76ers defender Thales Maxi is considered to be the biggest winner, and he may become the core defender of 76ers from next season. If Embiid leaves Philadelphia because the 76ers are gradually away from the championship, Maxi will become the core boss, and his data is also considered to be rising.
In an interview, Lu Hanlun, Maxi’s trainer, was very much looking forward to Maxi’s future. When talking about Maxi’s expectations for next season, Hanlun said: "If Torres (Maxi) can’t score 25 points per game, I will really feel very disappointed." Indeed, no matter from what point of view, Maxi’s continuous progress, at least the data continues to improve, is a matter of course. As Maxi’s trainer, Hanlun clearly knows what Maxi has experienced in this offseason, how hard he has trained, and what kind of state he has shown during training. From this perspective, Hanlun thinks Maxi is stronger than before, which is easy to understand.
From the perspective of the team’s role, Maxi will also benefit from the Harden incident. Previously, although Maxi was also one of the cores of the 76ers’ outside attack, he was only the third core besides Embiid and Harden. The ball rights of the 76ers are concentrated in the hands of the two big brothers, and Maxi plays the role of a ball-free terminator. As Harden drifted away from the 76ers, Niknas (the new coach of the 76ers) needed another ball-holding core, which naturally fell on Maxi. It is easy to predict that Maxi’s strength will increase after hard training and his role in the team will continue to rise in data.
In the past season, Maxi averaged 20.3 points, 2.9 rebounds and 3.5 assists, and his shooting percentage and three-point shooting percentage reached 48.1% and 43.4% respectively, but his playing time was limited to 33 minutes, so the data was also limited. Next season, Maxi’s playing time will definitely increase, and his scenes will also increase. Once Harden leaves, he will become the core of the 76ers. If Embiid also applies for a deal, Maxi will become the core boss of this 76ers. It can be said that Maxi is the biggest winner in Harden’s farce of leaving the team.
Maxi is in a very good position, and he is expected to produce more outstanding data, which is also what people don’t understand about the management of the 76 ers. After the end of the season, Maxi, who is about to enter the last year of his rookie contract, has the right to renew his contract with the 76ers in advance, but the 76ers refuse to renew their contract with Maxi in this offseason. They will continue to examine Maxi’s performance next season and then decide what kind of contract to offer him. In fact, it is wise for the 76ers to give Maxi an early contract renewal. At least they should get in touch with Maxi and exchange ideas and opinions. If you stay and renew your contract after the end of next season, the 76 ers will probably only be given a top salary.
On the other hand, Maxi can be in this situation now. He still wants to thank Harden, who was selected as the 21st pick in the 20th first round. Although Maxi had already scored 17 points per game before Harden joined the 76ers, it must be admitted that Maxi only came into the public’s sight after the former MVP came to the 76ers, and was well known by fans. Without Harden’s joining, many people might not know Maxi. Whether Harden joined or left, Maxi benefited from it.

How difficult is it to compete for the British crown? Manchester city can make mistakes, opponents can’t, gunmen miss the opportunity, and next year is even more hopeless.

Many years later, coach Arteta will definitely look back on this season with a little regret:

If Arsenal had prevented Everton’s corner kick attack on February 4th, would the final result be different? If they held a 2-0 lead at Anfield on April 9, the final result would be different.

If Saka hadn’t missed a point against West Ham on April 16th, if he hadn’t missed a point against Southampton Ramsdale on April 22nd, if Saliba hadn’t been injured in the Europa League …

Unfortunately, there is no "if" in life. No matter how good Arsenal’s title race was before, it’s all over now.

This season, the gunners have undergone a qualitative change under the training of Artta, and once played with great momentum. However, Guardiola’s Manchester City was so resilient that it survived the difficult period, seized the opportunity to narrow the points difference a little, and finally forced Arsenal to collapse.

Today’s Manchester City is really too strong, strong enough to beat Real Madrid with its own Champions League genes. From this point of view, the young gunman lost well.

From the 2017-18 season to the 2021-22 season, Arsenal fell behind Manchester City by 27.8 points on average. This season, they have led for more than half a year, and now they are only four points behind. Artta and the players have done quite well.

In the same period, the difference between Tottenham and Manchester City at the end of the season has never been less than 20 points, and this season is expected to exceed 30 points; The smallest difference between Chelsea and Manchester City at the end of the season was 15 points, which occurred in the 2019-20 season. In that year, the Blue Moon Corps fell sharply, falling behind Liverpool by 18 points and losing the championship. Manchester United won the runner-up in the Premier League twice, and both times did not pose a real threat to the champion Manchester City. Last season, it was 35 points behind its neighbors.

In the same period, only Liverpool won a Premier League title from Manchester City, and scored 90 points in three seasons. But on the whole, the dominant position of Blue Moon Corps is still hard to shake, and the great cause of the Premier League’s five championships in six years is just around the corner.

In the history of English football, Liverpool has established a dynasty, and Manchester United has established a dynasty, but no team has played such a strong dominance. Manchester City has directly raised the standard of winning the Premier League, and there is almost no fault-tolerant space for rivals competing for the title.

Klopp said in December 2018:

"I can’t say that Manchester City is lucky, it’s not like this. They are in form every match day. They scored 100 points last year (2017-18 season) and have kept their form until now.

"I want to pay tribute to them. I have to say that they have never been soft. They are defending champions, and now they play like champions. We (other teams) are challengers.

"We must concentrate on every game, and good grades are not obtained out of thin air. We all have to follow this standard, they are champions, they have done it, and we have to do the same. "

Klopp and the team bravely accepted the challenge and succeeded; Arsenal have made a rush this season and the result is not satisfactory.

But what about Manchester United, Tottenham and Chelsea? . Have they experienced the difficulty of the title race in the new era of Premier League? Do they know how hard it takes to break 90 points?

If Manchester United win the remaining three games of the season, they can finally score 75 points, the second highest score in a single season in the post-Ferguson era. One of Manchester United’s major problems is their lack of attack. In the first nine seasons of the post-Ferguson era, they only scored an average of 62 goals per season in the league. This season, they probably won’t score more than 60 goals. Next season, if they want to win the championship, they must find a shooter and play more confidently.

Chelsea’s lowest score in the past five seasons is 66, and the highest score is 74. This season, they are completely degraded and almost fall into the ranks of relegation. Next season, Chelsea should not be so miserable, but the first thing Pochettino should do is to get the team back on track, and the title race may have to be slowed down again.

Klopp gnashed his teeth many times this season, saying that "no one can compete with Manchester City" in the transfer market, and that Manchester City is "one of the three major clubs in the world football and can do whatever it wants economically".

But it seems that this is not the case. If Manchester City can really "do whatever it wants", I am afraid it will not be impossible to buy Van Dyke Goose Harry Kane. Besides, after Burleigh and clear lake Capital took over Chelsea, they burned 600 million pounds in two transfer windows. Did Manchester City do this? Not really.

Manchester city can succeed, not just because of money. They also managed well off the court and built a strong and stable team around Guardiola. As long as Guashuai does not leave, Manchester City’s rule over the Premier League will not end.

Next season, Liverpool may regain its vigor, Arsenal and Manchester United may continue to make progress, Chelsea and Tottenham may bottom out, and Newcastle may soar …

However, can they really compete with Manchester City for the championship? Can they break the 90-point mark and fight with Manchester City to the end?

Both Arteta and klopp know that fighting Guardiola is really tiring and exhausting. You should not only play well against the other 18 opponents, but also try to knock down Manchester City in the head-on confrontation.

Last season, klopp said frankly: When he drew Manchester City twice in the middle of the season, he felt that the result was good, but in the end, it was these two games that made his team pay the price.

This season, Arsenal scored 81 points against other opponents (34 games) and Manchester City scored 79 points against other opponents (33 games). In two head-on confrontations, Arsenal swallowed two defeats and lost six precious points.

Manchester City is not only strong, but also has rich experience in winning the championship, and knows how to play a key battle well. Other Big6 teams have an all-round gap with Manchester City.

Overthrowing the Blue Moon Dynasty will only become more and more difficult year by year. Opponents such as Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchester United and Newcastle must keep improving, do their best, and push themselves to the limit before Manchester City can be pulled down.

Defeated away, lost two games in a row! If Brother Alphabet doesn’t come back, the Heat will eliminate the Bucks.

The letter brother was injured for two games, which was a great opportunity for Middleton to prove himself. He was scolded in the regular season and had to look for face in the playoffs.

Why Wen is far from disappointing? You said he played well. The team is currently in a disadvantage position. You said he played poorly. The data also has a score of early 20. In the final analysis, it is not a matter of good or bad, but a matter of value or not.

A month ago, Middleton rejected the two-year 80 million renewal contract offered by the Bucks, and then asked for 150 million for three years. The negotiation was not very smooth, and this time it was even more hopeless.

The stag’s basic dish is on the letter brother. If he can play, the stag will flourish. On the contrary, it is mediocre. What matters is not the shooting, but the star. If Middleton insists on getting an annual salary of 50 million, it is very likely to leave the team in the offseason.

Regarding the Heat, we still insist on the previous speculation that losing to the Hawks in the play-off is not a lack of strength, but is deliberately picking the bucks to play, which is also in line with the temperament of this Heat.

Butler is cruel and cruel. You succeeded in revenge in the playoffs. This time, it’s my turn to perform.

Compared with the Celtics, the Heat is really better at fighting bucks. After all, the talent is not so bad, and it will not be too difficult to match.

Everyone in the green army can hold the ball, lock the double flowers and the rest of his teammates come forward. If you play bucks, you just need to focus on taking care of Brother Alphabet, even though Holliday is fierce in the regular season, in fact, the playoffs are also unpredictable.

As for Middleton, as I said at the beginning, it’s ok to be a deputy, but it’s hard to see him lead the team to reverse the direction of the whole series.

The Heat broke Hiro at the start, but there was also good news.

Binbin, who has been put on the trading shelf for many times due to state problems, has come back to life like a dead tree in the playoffs. At present, he made 10 of 13 three-pointers and hit an exaggerated 76.9%. Today, he scored 20 points in 24 minutes on his birthday night.

The lack of scoring points in attack is a long-standing problem for the Heat. It is really crucial that Binbin can stand up and play a role at this time. If he shoots accurately, Butler will feel great and the Heat will be able to return to the park.

If Brother Alphabet still can’t play in the next game, and holds the lead, but also continues to play at home and take down the match point, then the hope of this round of series black eight is very great.

If Black Eight succeeds, it will be another legendary chapter in Butler’s career, and then this matter is really hot.

The upsurge of artificial intelligence trainer talent incubation project has arrived. Have you come to inspect the project?

"Mass entrepreneurship and innovation" is the strongest voice in the 21st century. Entrepreneurship is the eternal driving force for national development and social progress, while artificial intelligence is an important development strategy in China. As a basic key link in the development of artificial intelligence, data labeling industry is a new opportunity for entrepreneurs/teams to transform and expand their projects.

With the inexorable warming of the weather, the talent training program of artificial intelligence trainer is also in full swing. Every day, bosses from all over the world come to see the project and understand the actual operational situation.

During the project inspection, our project manager also listed the innovative mode of data labeling talent incubation project and the possible problems in the field landing process, and gave relevant suggestions and opinions.

It is worth mentioning that during the conversation, some partners shared their merits, and our project leaders also shared them, so as to make every customer who came to see the project and understand it gain a lot.

I’d like to take this opportunity to give you a service news after the cooperation, that is our partner, Mr. Huang. After studying in the operation department, the project department and the system as a whole, his team has already taken the initiative to register students and the data marking project is too busy. It can be said that it is as busy as a bee.

Win-win cooperation has achieved remarkable results, and quality service promotes value-added. Mr. Huang’s success is inseparable from his own efforts, and also from the efforts of our service partners. Here, I would also like to give a big compliment to our friends in the operation department.

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