标签归档 爱上海 女生自荐区

Hot hot! Hot weather "online" and South-North steaming "sauna"

  This week, the hot and muggy weather with the largest range, the strongest intensity and the longest duration this year was launched nationwide, and the south and the north "steamed saunas" together. Especially yesterday, the high temperature range was expanded to the widest, affecting about 800 million people, and the somatosensory temperature in some places even exceeded 55 C. However, in the future, there is no sign of "stopping" in high temperature weather, and the high temperature heat wave will continue to wreak havoc before the end of July.

  The temperature was slightly adjusted back in early August.

  In the past week, the heat is not enough to describe the summer scene in Shencheng. From time to time, the high temperature hits the 37℃ hot summer line, and thunderstorms report on time every day.

  Yesterday, Shanghai issued the first high-temperature orange warning signal this summer, and the city’s temperature exceeded 36℃, setting a new high-temperature record this summer. Four or five days from now, it is still difficult for the city to get rid of the sunny and hot summer, and the extreme maximum temperature will be around 37℃.

  When will this wave of high temperature "go to fire"? According to the latest forecast, the "barbecue" mode may only be eased in early August. At that time, the city will be at the southern edge of the subtropical high, controlled by the southeast wind, and the temperature will be adjusted back. However, the extreme maximum temperature is still 34℃~35℃.

  Typhoon "Lily" is hard to cool down.

  According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, Typhoon No.6 this year, "Lily", was formed in the southeast sea of Japan yesterday morning. According to the forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, "Lily" has no direct relationship with China and has no influence on China’s sea area.

  The Central Meteorological Observatory reminded that there were fewer typhoons in July this year than in the same period of normal years. After entering August, typhoons will enter the "peak period" of the whole year, and the situation of preventing Taiwan cannot be ignored. At present, there is a tropical disturbance in the South China Sea, which tends to develop into a typhoon in the later stage, and will land on the coast of Hainan in China, bringing wind and rain effects to Hainan and other places. The landing time is about the end of July to the beginning of August.

  Air conditioning boot map release

  Before the end of July, the cooking mode will continue in many places in China, and the high temperature will spread to 16 provinces and cities across the country. China Weather Network, the official website of China Meteorological Bureau, has published "Early Warning Map of Air Conditioning Startup" and "Early Warning Map of National Hot Cry" for several days.

  According to meteorological data, from 1990 to 2018, the summer night temperatures in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou showed a rising trend. On the 28th, China’s high temperature range continued to expand, and the degree of heat increased. Therefore, the "air conditioning startup warning" suggests that the night temperature in 10 major cities such as Nanjing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Changsha and Guangzhou should remain above 28℃.

  (Reporter Ma Dan)  

Ten beautiful classical music, feel the charm of classical music.

Classical music is a window of time, through which we can travel through time and space and feel the masterpieces created by composers in different cultures and historical periods. The following are ten intoxicating classical music, let us swim in the beauty of the world with the rhythm of music.

1. dvorak’s Ninth Symphony Dvorak wrote this symphony in new york, USA. The beautiful melody in the second movement makes people feel the composer’s loneliness in a foreign country and his deep yearning for his hometown. The majestic beginning of the fourth movement seems to be an ode to the new era, reminiscent of the theme melody of Peking Man in new york.

2. Handel’s Water Music For the summer concert on the Thames, Handel composed a series of orchestral music, which is famous for its beautiful melodies. These tracks are played on the Thames cruise ship, hence the name "water music".

3. Chopin’s Nocturne in G Minor Chopin spent his short life in Paris, and his serenade made people feel the elegance and romance of Paris salons in the 19th century, as if they were walking among the falling buttonwood leaves on the banks of the Seine.

4. Mendelssohn’s "Venice Boat Song" Selected from Mendelssohn’s 48 Songs Without Words, this song is as beautiful and lyrical as a song, showing Mendelssohn’s unique creative style.

5. Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata "Moonlight Song" is famous for its melodious melody and deep emotion, and it is one of Beethoven’s most classic works. The first movement "Adagio" expresses tranquility and beauty, but also contains a trace of melancholy and meditation.

6. Smetana’s Voltava River From Smetana’s symphony suite "My Motherland", this piece of music depicts the state of a river through music, showing the soothing power.

7. Bizet’s "The Girl in Alai City" Originally Bicai’s opera, it was later adapted into a suite, the most famous of which is the minuet in the second suite, which has a strong Parisian flavor.

8. Grieg’s Song of Solvig Selected from Grieg’s "Pearl Gold" suite, this touching instrumental music is full of sadness and hope, vast and deep.

9. Shostakovich’s "The Second Waltz" Selected from Shostakovich’s "Second Jazz Suite", it is full of rich Russian amorous feelings and makes people feel the scene of the grand waltz ball.

10. johann strauss’s The Story of the Vienna Forest This waltz expresses Johann Strauss II’s pride and love for Vienna, and outlines the life atmosphere of Vienna more than 100 years ago.

These ten classical music works, like a door to different cultures and historical periods, allow us to cross between notes and feel the colorful music world. With the melody rippling, it seems to be able to travel through time and space, blend into that wonderful music picture, and enjoy swimming in the melody of the world.

Peninsula Sports Ligue 1: A leader in the golden age, De Braune has won the championship five times in his career in Manchester City.

"We will take it as our competitor," klopp told BBC Sports. "I’m not so spoiled. We have qualified for the Europa League, which is incredible in all these teams around us. It was really difficult, and we did it, which is good.

"For such a long time, we didn’t even hear the voice of the Champions League. That’s how far we are. The Europa League is absolutely fine. Let’s see what we can do.

Jacob Ramsey gave Villa the lead in the first half and they were able to stop the host for most of the game.

Why not reuse Shabazz? Du Feng is no fool! Marchand Brooks ushered in a great test.

The CBA playoffs are in full swing, and Guangdong, which has attracted much attention, is fighting hard against Guangsha series. The two teams each win the next game at home, and both sides return to the same starting line. The decisive moment will be arranged in Dongguan Bank Sports Center, and the last place to advance to the semi-finals will be generated.

In these two series, Guangdong Hongyuan did not reuse the newly signed foreign aid Shabaz-Muhammad. His first game was not activated, and the second game only appeared for more than 3 minutes, and even the soy sauce was not ranked.

As we all know, Guangdong signed Shabazz before the playoffs, with the purpose of letting him put out the fire and asking him to play the role of savior at some time in the playoffs. But the reality is that Du Feng doesn’t value him at all, which makes many fans don’t understand Du Feng’s operation. Isn’t that a waste of club resources?

Some netizens think that against Guangsha, Du Feng doesn’t need to use all the killer weapons. He always has to save one hand and use it in the next round against Liaoning to catch Liaoning off guard. But Guangsha is not a soft persimmon. They have pushed Guangdong to the edge of a cliff. Don’t think that it will be stable to return to Guangdong’s home court. Anything can happen in competitive basketball. Guangdong does not still maintain the strength of the former CBA overlord, and it is completely possible to be upset. At this time, if the club is still considering hiding its strength, it is really inappropriate.

Actually, Du Feng is not a fool. If Shabazz can use it, he will let it rust? Du Feng also has misgivings. Once the trade rashly lets Shabazz play, if the performance is not good, it will be a disaster. Not only will the team’s strength be affected, but Shabazz’s self-confidence will be correspondingly reduced. On the one hand, Du Feng wanted Shabazz to keep the killer’s hunger, so as to replace his greatest power.

Another aspect is that Shabazz has been absent from the battle for a long time, and he may be far from meeting the expectations of the club. Desperate to let him play will have the opposite effect. For today’s sake, players from Du Feng and Guangdong can only keep running in with Shabazz in training, so that he can be more familiar with Guangdong’s system and integrate into the team’s chemical reaction as soon as possible. Foreign aid, after all, is foreign aid, and Shabazz has a good reputation. If it works at a certain time in G3, the probability of Guangdong’s promotion will be greatly improved.

In addition, another uncertain factor in Guangdong is Ma Shang-Brooks, whose state is too erratic. He was able to score three points in G1 and struggled in G2. Du Feng gave him unlimited right to fire, which is true, but it really needs to be divided into different occasions. It is obvious that Ma Shang is afraid of confrontation now, afraid of being injured again. If he has concerns about playing, he will naturally be unable to exert his greatest power. Looking at Ma Shang in prosperity, Du Feng in adversity, and weems in despair, this sentence is quite useful. Compared with weems, Ma Shang after the injury is really too lame.

In the life-and-death battle, Ma Shang is facing a great test. If Guangdong is eliminated, it is estimated that it will be difficult for Ma Shang to get a contract renewal!

When you set foot on your way home, your hometown is meaningful! They gave up the World Cup for the honor of their motherland.

All football players are obsessed with the World Cup, and the depth of this obsession is different. Some people can sacrifice many things in order to participate in the World Cup. They may give up the opportunity to fight for their motherland and become a planning football player, while others will try their best to stay healthy, or even deliberately foul and stop playing in order to perform better in the game. Some people will even do whatever it takes to compete for the highest honor in the football world, but others are willing to give up the World Cup for the honor of their motherland. These people are called fools.

In 2000, at the age of 13, Messi traveled across the ocean to Spain alone and joined the La Marcia Football Youth Training Camp in Barcelona. During the youth training camp, Messi showed amazing talent and skills, which opened his magnificent career as a player. After several years of hard training and unremitting efforts, Messi obtained Spanish nationality in 2005 and officially became a member of the Barcelona team. At that time, the Spanish Football Association couldn’t wait to throw an olive branch to Messi, but at the same time, the Argentine Football Association didn’t realize this rising genius on the other side of the ocean. Some coaches refused to recruit Messi into the national team, and some officials mistakenly wrote Messi’s name as Miki.

But even in the face of these obstacles, Messi, who has dual nationality, still chooses to represent Argentina in football matches. Messi once said that he was an Argentine and only wanted to play for the Argentine national team, so he finally became the representative of Pampas Eagle. At the same time, he also missed the opportunity to play in Spain and the era that belonged to the matador dynasty. If Messi had chosen to stick to Spain, he might have won the World Cup 12 years earlier than now. His road to the king of the ball may not be so tortuous and arduous, but Messi never regretted it.

Like Messi, Rakitic is also a football player with a high sense of responsibility and honor. His parents fled to Switzerland to escape the war and gave birth to him there. Although Rakitic was born in Switzerland, grew up there and made his debut in Barcelona Club, he always thought he was Croatia. When Swiss and Croatian Football Associations extended olive branches to Rakitic at the same time, he made a brave choice and joined the Croatian team without hesitation. Although Switzerland was a top team in the world all the year round, Rakitic still chose to represent his own shortcomings and not participate in the competition in the motherland. This decision symbolizes his high recognition of his lineage, culture and social responsibility.

At the same time, many people don’t understand Rakitic’s practice, but Harland, who is the most valuable in football, must feel the same way. Harland is one of the super stars who can rival Mbappé in today’s football. He has dual English and Norwegian citizenship. However, Harland chose to join the Norwegian team instead of the English team. Although many people think that if Harland wants to win more team honors like Mbappé, he should join the English team, Harland still chose to play for his native Norway. For Harland, the feelings of home and country are one of his most important things. Although team honor and football status are also very important, they are not closely related to his family, culture and hometown.

Harland was born and raised in Norway when he was young, so he was full of deep affection and recognition for his hometown and family. He is a child of Norway, with the blood of the glacier giant flowing in his body, and he will give everything for the Norwegian team. The world is never short of those who have given up higher honor for their motherland. They are not afraid of difficulties, and they do not regret their death, even if they suffer setbacks, they are indomitable. Some people laugh at them for being stupid, but they don’t know that these people deeply love their hometown and cultural traditions. Feelings are the power to inspire people to disperse the haze and ride the wind and waves. These seemingly stupid choices are the real reason why these people are great!

The upsurge of artificial intelligence trainer talent incubation project has arrived. Have you come to inspect the project?

"Mass entrepreneurship and innovation" is the strongest voice in the 21st century. Entrepreneurship is the eternal driving force for national development and social progress, while artificial intelligence is an important development strategy in China. As a basic key link in the development of artificial intelligence, data labeling industry is a new opportunity for entrepreneurs/teams to transform and expand their projects.

With the inexorable warming of the weather, the talent training program of artificial intelligence trainer is also in full swing. Every day, bosses from all over the world come to see the project and understand the actual operational situation.

During the project inspection, our project manager also listed the innovative mode of data labeling talent incubation project and the possible problems in the field landing process, and gave relevant suggestions and opinions.

It is worth mentioning that during the conversation, some partners shared their merits, and our project leaders also shared them, so as to make every customer who came to see the project and understand it gain a lot.

I’d like to take this opportunity to give you a service news after the cooperation, that is our partner, Mr. Huang. After studying in the operation department, the project department and the system as a whole, his team has already taken the initiative to register students and the data marking project is too busy. It can be said that it is as busy as a bee.

Win-win cooperation has achieved remarkable results, and quality service promotes value-added. Mr. Huang’s success is inseparable from his own efforts, and also from the efforts of our service partners. Here, I would also like to give a big compliment to our friends in the operation department.

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No Messi? Mbappé went too far, and the fans shouted: The pattern is too small, and Messi hurried away.

Paris Saint-Germain has just been out of the Champions League, missed the quarter-finals for two consecutive seasons, and immediately ushered in the 27th round of Ligue 1, and went to the away game against relegation team brest. In this game, Paris didn’t finish the winner until the 90th minute, and narrowly missed 3 points. However, Mbappé’s forced shooting made Messi very unhappy, and fans shouted that Messi should not renew his contract, so let’s go in the summer window.

There is a huge gap between the two teams’ paper strength, and Paris Saint-Germain mainly forms a siege. In the 37th minute, Mbappé’s powerful shot outside the restricted area was saved, and Sohler succeeded in making up the shot. However, before the end of the half-time, there was a serious loophole in the defense of Greater Paris, and Ramos watched Aunola equalize.

In the 62nd minute, there was a controversial scene. At that time, Fabian Ruiz made a direct pass to the restricted area, Messi took advantage of the situation to make the ball, and Mbappé rubbed his right foot and kicked the ball out of bounds. It is not difficult to see from the slow motion that Messi was speechless and bowed his head and left directly.

Why is Messi disappointed? The reason is very simple. We can easily see that Messi was in an unguarded state when Mbappé kicked off. If Mbappé chooses to cross, the high probability will turn into a goal.

Although a good striker is fed by bullets, it is understandable that Mbappé is unique as a striker. But Messi has no one to defend and doesn’t pass the ball. It’s really too much.

This season, Mbappé signed a super contract, and he also has the power to surpass the players. When a teammate doesn’t pass the ball to him, Mbappé will express his displeasure in public. However, when Mbappé has a chance to kick, his eyes are often only on the goal, and he will not pass the ball to Messi and Neymar most of the time.

In the 90th minute, in the backcourt of Paris, the ball was broken to fight back. Messi put his leg in place and sent a precise straight plug to assist Mbappé to score a goal, which was the 300th assist in Messi’s club career.

There is no harm without comparison, and many fans feel unworthy for Messi. A fan said: "Mbappé only has himself and data in his eyes. What is the difference with his idol Cristiano Ronaldo?" There are also fans who commented: "The pattern of Mbappé is too small, and I don’t know how to reciprocate at all. It will be difficult to achieve great things in the future."

As we all know, Messi has previously rejected the salary reduction and contract renewal in Paris, and he is likely to leave the team this summer. Therefore, some fans said that as long as Mbappé stays in the team, no matter how strong Messi is, he is just a tool for director Tim to brush data and compete for the Golden Globe Award. In this case, it is better to leave early, and there is no need to continue to suffer indignities!