标签归档 杭州楼凤

Soak in the spring breeze under the sea of flowers and enjoy the spring breeze on foot —— A company of China Construction Eighth Bureau organized outdoor hiking activities.

In order to implement the requirements of the company’s "concentric circle" project, enrich the weekend life of employees and improve team cohesion, on March 16th, Yuexi Management Department of South China Company of China Construction Eighth Bureau organized an outdoor hiking activity with more than 50 participants.

This hiking activity is located in the beautiful Hengqin Huahai Corridor in Zhuhai, and you can stroll from the No.1 post station to the No.5 post station of Huahai Corridor to enjoy the romance of flowers and the sea. The whole walk is about 17 kilometers, and the time is about 4 hours.

There are game tasks such as balloon beds, creative photo punching, etc. during the hiking process, so that participants can enjoy the beauty of the scenery and the fun of teamwork during the walking process.

In addition, this activity specially responded to the call of "Lei Fengyue" and carried out the volunteer activities of "learning from Lei Feng, cultivating new styles and picking up garbage". During the hiking process, everyone picked up the garbage along the way, so that the slogan "garbage does not land, the earth is more beautiful" was put into action.

It is reported that the First Company of China Construction Eighth Bureau has always attached importance to employees’ cultural and sports activities, continued to promote the "concentric circle" project, and set up a series of interest activity groups such as basketball, football, badminton and hiking, giving full play to the positive role of trade unions in serving employees and cohesive efforts, and constantly improving the happiness index of employees.

[Editor: Cai Donghai]

Sports running app

Sports Running app is a mobile phone application specially designed for runners, which aims to help users record running data, improve running skills, make running plans and participate in running activities. The software provides rich functions and personalized services, which enables users to run more scientifically and conveniently.

Sports running app is suitable for runners, athletes, fitness experts and other people, and supports various scenarios such as outdoor running, indoor running and running training. Users can record running route, speed, distance, time and other information through the software, and monitor data such as heart rate and burning calories in real time. In addition, the software also provides running skills teaching, training plan making, social interaction and other functions.

Sports running app 1

1. Accurate recording of running data: GPS positioning technology is adopted to accurately record running route, speed, distance, time and other information.

2. Heart rate monitoring: By connecting Bluetooth devices, the heart rate data can be monitored in real time to help users adjust their exercise intensity.

3. Teaching of running skills: A rich teaching video of running skills is built in, covering warm-up, stretching, training and other aspects to improve users’ running skills.

4. Training plan formulation: According to the user’s goals and physical condition, make a personalized training plan to help users run scientifically and reasonably.

1. Event registration and result inquiry: support all kinds of running event registration, which is convenient for users to participate in running activities.

2. Fitness Mall: Provide all kinds of running equipment, nutritional products and other commodities, so as to facilitate users to purchase the required items.

3. Social interaction: Users can pay attention to friends’ dynamics, participate in interaction, share running experiences and photos, and increase running fun.

1. Personalized training plan: According to the user’s goals and physical condition, make a personalized training plan to help users run scientifically and reasonably.

2. Multi-scene support: Support outdoor running, indoor running and running training.

3. Comprehensive data statistics: provide comprehensive data statistics function to help users analyze running results and optimize exercise plans.

As a professional running assistant software, Sports Running app has many advantages such as accurate recording, heart rate monitoring, personalized training plan and social interaction, which can help users to run more scientifically and conveniently. At the same time, the software also provides a wealth of functions and services, such as running skills teaching, training plan formulation, event registration and so on.

There are differences between boys and girls who have just started kindergarten, and you may have overlooked the details of their growth.

Original title: There are differences between boys and girls who just went to kindergarten. You may have overlooked the details of the child’s growth.

When the baby grows up to about 3 years old, parents and friends need to send the baby to the kindergarten. During the period of sending the baby to the kindergarten to study, many parents and friends will find such a phenomenon.

There will be some big differences between boys and girls. Besides the gender differences, other differences are also very big. For example, the following four differences are particularly obvious in many boys and girls who have just entered the park.

For a baby of about 3 years old, actually speaking to the baby is more mature than that of a boy. This is mainly because girls’ natural language ability is better than that of boys. This is what people commonly say, girls should mature earlier.

Therefore, after discovering this phenomenon, parents and friends should not worry too much, because this is a normal physiological development process. If you want to change this phenomenon, you must carry out specific voice training for your baby.

For a 3-year-old male baby, it is better than a girl in sports ability, but in some fine movements, the advantage of a 3-year-old female baby is bigger, which is actually the main influence of gender.

As a male, the male baby is stronger, and naturally lively and active, so it is very normal that the athletic ability is stronger than that of the female baby, while the female baby has an advantage over the male baby in some fine movements because of its natural meticulous mind.

For the baby who just entered the kindergarten, the adaptability has developed to a certain extent, but there are some differences between male and female babies.

For example, boys around 3 years old are more sensitive to moving objects, which explains why many boys like cars very much. For female babies, more attention is paid to color and texture, which explains why female babies prefer clothes.

For 3-year-old babies, kindergartens spend most of their time playing games, but the content of games between boys and girls is quite different.

For example, boys around 3 years old prefer fighting in games, while girls pay more attention to the inner content of games, so boys prefer running and jumping games, while girls prefer playing family games.

Therefore, after entering the kindergarten, boys and girls around 3 years old will definitely show a variety of different performances. In fact, this is very normal, so parents and friends don’t have to worry too much.

Editor in charge:

Xi’ an severely cracked down on illegal sales of fireworks and firecrackers, and gave administrative detention to illegal personnel.

Near the Spring Festival, the phenomenon of illegal transportation, storage and sale of fireworks and firecrackers has increased. On January 31, Xi ‘an Emergency Management Bureau reported the phased results of the special action to ban the sale and control of fireworks and firecrackers. Recently, emergency management departments and other departments seized more than 250 boxes of fireworks and firecrackers, and many people were administratively detained.

The pictures in this article are all WeChat WeChat official account pictures of Xi ‘an emergency management.

On January 19th, Lantian County Emergency Management Bureau, together with the county public security bureau, seized an illegal operation and storage of fireworks and firecrackers during the joint operation of "cracking down on illegal activities" against Tangyu Town. After on-site investigation and inspection, the illegal acts of the relevant responsible persons in operating without a license and illegally storing fireworks and firecrackers are true. Law enforcement officers and public security police sealed up and detained 186 pieces (boxes) of fireworks and firecrackers seized at the scene, controlled the illegal personnel, and handed them over to the public security department for public security detention for 10 days according to law.

From January 22nd to 27th, Lianhu District Safety Committee Office actively supervised and coordinated public security, emergency, market supervision, urban management bureau and other departments and sub-district offices, and comprehensively promoted the control of fireworks and firecrackers. This week, joint law enforcement was carried out three times in the whole region and twice in the streets. A total of 703 people were dispatched, 643 people were inspected, and 11 pieces of fireworks and firecrackers were seized. Administrative compulsory measures were taken against a mobile vendor who illegally sold fireworks and firecrackers.

On January 25th, Xixian New Area Fengxi New Town Safety Supervision Department, together with Diaotai Street Office and Tongwen Road Police Station, launched a joint inspection of fireworks and firecrackers in the jurisdiction. During the inspection, a mobile vendor illegally selling fireworks and firecrackers was found in the Diaotai section of Weihe River embankment, and more than 10 boxes of fireworks and firecrackers were seized on the spot. The legal sale and storage were given administrative detention by the public security department for 5 days.

On the evening of January 26th, Baqiao District Emergency Management Bureau, together with the street office, public security, market supervision, pollution control and haze reduction and other departments, carried out the night inspection of fireworks and firecrackers on the streets of Textile City. In accordance with the general requirements of "full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement and practical results", the inspection team conducted night inspections on the illegal sales of fireworks and firecrackers. At the scene, an illegal mobile sales stall of fireworks and firecrackers was seized, and more than 10 small fireworks were collected in a box.

On January 29th, weiyang district Emergency Management Bureau, together with Seoul Street Office and Seoul Police Station, carried out verification and inspection on the "illegal storage and sale of fireworks and firecrackers in a residential building in Huixi Village" reported by the masses. After verification, the report was true, and more than 20 boxes of fireworks and firecrackers were stored in a private house in the reported place. The police of Seoul police station collected the fireworks and firecrackers illegally stored at the scene and transported them to a safe area. Relevant illegal personnel have been handed over to the public security department and detained for 10 days according to law.

On January 29th, Chanba Ecological Zone Emergency Management Bureau launched a crackdown on illegal sales of fireworks and firecrackers in key areas within its jurisdiction. The inspection team found an illegal sales stall while inspecting the park on the south side of Lake No.1, and law enforcement officers banned it according to law and temporarily detained 15 pieces (boxes) of fireworks.

Relevant laws and regulations:

On November 16, 2023, in order to further improve the ban on the sale and release of fireworks and firecrackers in Xi ‘an, continuously improve the ambient air quality, and ensure public safety and people’s personal and property safety, the General Office of Xi ‘an Municipal People’s Government issued a notice on strengthening the ban on the sale and release of fireworks and firecrackers. The "Notice" clearly pointed out that the special actions of joint law enforcement should be carried out. The district and county governments, the Xixian New Area Administrative Committee and the development zone management committees should implement the main responsibility of the territory, adhere to the combination of strict law enforcement and civilized law enforcement, and organize emergency management, public security, transportation, ecological environment, market supervision, urban management and other departments to carry out joint law enforcement every major festival and important time node such as "New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Labor Day and National Day", and mobilize comprehensive management forces to give full play to the town.

"Fireworks safety management regulations" article thirty-sixth.

For those who produce and operate fireworks and firecrackers without permission, or sell black powder, pyrotechnics and fuse to units or individuals that have not obtained the safety production license of fireworks and firecrackers, the safety production supervision and management department shall order them to stop illegal production and business activities, impose a fine of more than 20,000 yuan and less than 100,000 yuan, and confiscate the illegally produced and operated items and illegal income. For those who transport fireworks and firecrackers by road without permission, the public security department shall order them to stop illegal transportation activities, impose a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 50,000 yuan, and confiscate the illegally transported articles and illegal income. Illegal production, operation and transportation of fireworks and firecrackers, which constitutes a violation of public security management, shall be given administrative penalties for public security according to law; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

"People’s Republic of China (PRC) public security management punishment law" thirtieth.

Whoever, in violation of state regulations, manufactures, buys, sells, stores, transports, mails, carries, uses, provides or disposes of explosive, toxic, radioactive and corrosive substances or infectious disease pathogens shall be detained for more than 10 days and less than 15 days; If the circumstances are minor, they shall be detained for more than five days and less than ten days.

Article 125th of the Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Whoever illegally manufactures, buys, sells, transports, mails or stores guns, ammunition and explosives shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years; If the circumstances are serious, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years, life imprisonment or death. Whoever illegally manufactures, buys, sells, transports or stores toxic, radioactive, infectious disease pathogens and other substances and endangers public safety shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

Article 136 of the Criminal Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC)

Those who violate the regulations on the management of explosive, flammable, radioactive, toxic and corrosive substances and have serious accidents in production, storage, transportation and use, resulting in serious consequences, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention; If the consequences are especially serious, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years.

In order to eliminate potential safety hazards and defend the blue sky, we appeal to the general public to refuse to illegally produce, sell and store fireworks and firecrackers, and not to set off fireworks and firecrackers, so as to greet the New Year in a safe and civilized way.

The game that swept through Japan’s "sub-world", the national service public beta, players: drink more nutrition express!

Hello, everyone, this is a surprise game, and I’m your little brother.

Welcome to the weekly God Review, a week of game information to see how sand sculpture users spit.

High energy warning ahead …

The PC-side beta of Karapichu

The second-dimensional third-person tactical competitive shooting game "Karapichu" developed by Day1 Studio recently launched Wegame, and opened the PC-side beta. The name of the game comes from Calabi and Qiu Chengtong’s theory "Calabi-Qiu Chengtong Space".According to the official introduction, the world view of the game is set in an ideal hometown built by Kaqiu space, and players can choose to join different camps and explore the world of science fiction and animation elements.

Players can be incarnated as different paper girls, with their own main and auxiliary weapons and tactical props, and carry out skill operations in various play modes such as blasting and team competition.The characteristics of the game are also very novel. The core mechanism is "stringing", which allows players to realize the conversion between 3D and 2D forms, so as to become paper people to avoid bullets, move on the wall plane and fly in the air.

Netizens said:

173 netizens said:

Let’s just say who can say no to the paper man’s wife for a while?

Open the beta of "Blue Archives"

The second-dimensional role-playing game "Blue Files" was developed by MX studio, a subsidiary of South Korea’s NEXON Games, and released by Shanghai Youxing Network Technology Co., Ltd., which opened the public beta on August 3 and was officially launched on iOS and Android platforms.

The setting of the game is also close to the lives of many players. Players will play a teacher, train students from different campuses to organize six-person combat teams, solve various problems and investigate the layers of mysteries in the city.

As a card type, the second element nurtures the game,The game has a variety of skills and characters who are good at different weapons, and can match different strategies and tactics.As a typical secondary element, the characters in the game have their own personalities, backgrounds and stories, which can enhance the goodwill and unlock the plot through interaction.

Moreover, "Blue Files" has now become the most popular game in Japan. If you look at the hottest theme of "Comic Market", you will probably know what is the hottest at the moment.

However, before the game, there was an international service, and some changes in the role clothes and scene content of the national service caused heated discussion among players, which also caused many players to fall into the trouble of whether to enter the national service pit.

Netizens said:

173 netizens said:

It can only be said that it is another wife game, and the body is really unbearable.

If Shanni commutes his sentence, he will be released early.

If Shanni was originally named Teng Yang Tian Xia, he was transformed into an anchor after being a professional player in League of Legends. In May 2021, he was sentenced to three years in prison for opening a casino. YYDS, as everyone said, is a classic stalk handed down by him.Although the sentence in the judgment will last until January next year, he was officially released from prison on July 29, 2023 because of his good performance in prison.

There have been rumors in the past that Shanni was released from prison early if he worked very hard on sewing machines in prison, which also confirmed that the rumors were somewhat true.After he was released from prison, it also attracted attention. First of all, his figure was very thin compared with before, and the brand-name T-shirt he wore after he was released from prison was as high as 10,000 yuan, which also made netizens report that "the previous property was not confiscated".

Later, in Weibo, Shanni said that he would return to live broadcast, but "broadcast tomorrow" may be the stem of the day he was arrested. It will take time to verify whether the ex-insider who was released from prison can continue to live broadcast.

Netizens said:

173 netizens said:

I can only say that the transformation effect is at least visible to the naked eye.

Do you have anything to say about the above, please write it in the comments section!

FISU Football World Cup: Beijing Normal University women’s football team beat paulista University in Brazil to win the championship.

On October 31st, Beijing time, the women’s football team of Beijing Normal University beat paulista University of Brazil to win the FIFA World Cup in Jinjiang.

In the just-concluded women’s team final of 2023 Jinjiang Universiade Football World Cup, China’s Beijing Normal University drew 2-2 with Brazil’s paulista University in 120 minutes, and won 5-4 on penalties to win the championship.

The FISU Football World Cup is a global college football event focused by FISU. In 2019, the event was held in Jinjiang, Fujian, and 24 teams from all over the world participated.

The 2nd FIFA World Cup will be held in Jinjiang City, Fujian Province in October 2023. In May 2024, the 2024 FIFA World Cup will be held in Dalian, Liaoning.

The five-year average salary is 23.43 million. Stay in Maka? Anji wishful thinking is divided into two steps: 5 for 1 and then accumulating the first round of signing.

Laurie Markkanen was the fastest-growing player in the 22-23 season, averaging 34.4 minutes and getting 25.6 points, 8.6 rebounds and 1.9 assists, with a shooting percentage of 49.9% and a three-point shooting percentage of 39.1%. He became the top striker in the East and was selected into the All-Star team. Markkanen ushered in the highlight of his career at the age of 25, and he will continue to lead the Finnish men’s basketball team to the World Cup this summer.

Marca’s performance in the European Championship last summer was unparalleled, averaging 27.9 points, 8.1 rebounds and 2.4 assists. His shooting percentage was 54.2%, his shooting percentage from three-pointers was 40.5% and his shooting percentage from free throws was 90.6%. At that time, the whole world said that Marca’s future was bound to be boundless, and as a result, he really broke out in the Jazz.

On July 27th, NBA reporter Michael Schmidt reported that the Jazz may negotiate with Markkanen to renew the contract in advance this summer. He can sign a contract with a maximum of 81.9 million yuan for five years, including 17.25 million yuan in 23-24 season and 18.04 million yuan in 24-25 season (only 6 million yuan is guaranteed, and it will be fully guaranteed on draft night), making a total of 117.19 million dollars for five years, with an average salary of only 23.43 million dollars.

Jose Mourinho saw through the hypocrisy of Serie A, the arrival of a new official announcement, which spread to Rome and Milan, and Inter Milan changed coaches to speed up.

As the "traffic manager" of Serie A, Mourinho’s every move always attracts media coverage. After leading the team to win the 29th Serie A match, Rome ranked third in the standings. When the Portuguese coach was asked about his feelings, he said bluntly: To be exact, Rome ranked fourth, after all, Juventus actually accumulated 59 points. At that time, people thought that "madman" had become modest, but now people know his implication!

You know, before the start of the 31st round, Serie A officials announced the restoration of Juventus’ deducted 15 points, while allegri’s team did rank third in the standings and Rome was fourth! As for Juventus’ resumption of deducted points, Mourinho also revealed more, saying that this kind of thing can’t be taken seriously, and even more bluntly, Serie A actually returned the points of the "Bianconeri" in January, just delaying the official announcement!

Starting with Mourinho’s words, we can understand the hypocrisy of Serie A. After all, it is Serie A that wants to thoroughly investigate financial fraud, and it is also Serie A that wants to severely punish financial fraud teams. After Juventus was deducted 15 points, Serie A even reported that it would continue to deduct the "Bianconeri" points and not rule out the possibility of kicking the team out of Serie A. Now it seems that everything is more like taking part in accidental amusement!

In fact, during the deduction of points from Juventus, an interesting thing happened, that is, the Naples Fans Association and the Italian Association for the Protection of Environment and Consumer Rights applied to deprive Juventus of its achievements in three seasons from 2018 to 2021. Among them, because the "Bianconeri" won the Serie A championship in 2018-2019, the relevant parties thought that the trophy should be given to Naples, the second place at that time.

However, it is obvious that Serie A can return Juventus points, and naturally it will not listen to the suggestions of fan associations and other organizations and further make things difficult for the "Bianconeri"! Of course, at present, people including Agnelli are still grounded, and the appeals of a number of people are rejected, which seems to be the last stubbornness of Serie A!

On the other hand, Juventus’ recovery of points has had an impact on the pattern of Serie A’s competition for the fourth place. Before the start of the 31st round, the difference between them and Lazio, which ranked second, was only 2 points, and it is entirely possible to place them in the second place before the end of the season! However, the rankings of Rome, AC Milan and Inter Milan declined, with Rome ranked fourth and Milan ranked fifth and sixth respectively.

Judging from the competitive state, it remains to be seen whether the Milan duo can grab the top four in Serie A and then qualify for the Champions League next season, which also means that the change of coach of the "Nerazzurri" is on the agenda! According to Matteo Barzaghi, a reporter from Inter Milan, if you can’t win the top four in Serie A and qualify for the Champions League next season, then Inzaghi will leave the team and the player’s contract renewal will be suspended!

Indeed, the Champions League has become a major factor in Inter Milan’s continued life. So far this season, Zhang Kangyang has won more than 80 million euros in prize money through the Champions League competition, which means that he doesn’t need to sell key personnel during the summer transfer window, and if he can finally win the championship, the team will still have 20 million euros in prize money. Obviously, it is very necessary for Inter Milan to play in the Champions League. If it can’t be done, then Inzaghi’s class will not be regrettable!

How can Messi stay in Greater Paris?

In 2023, the Greater Paris Champions League once again became 16 Lang, which is quite sad!

Special size World Cup golden balls and golden boots, is that the level?


Messi’s vision, passing and dribbling are still the top in the world!

Mbappé’s shot, in that year, was still heavy, and he also improved his dribbling skills …

Neymar was in its prime, and Ramos was still domineering. Such a powerful Paris has repeatedly suffered setbacks, which puzzled many readers!

In fact, although Greater Paris is rich, its layman leads the expert, which is the root of the team’s failure!

If they don’t change, Messi and Mbappé will leave!

Premier League: Newcastle VS Wolves. Wolves have an outstanding ability. Is it difficult for Newcastle to play an advantage?

I just wrote a German B game, and everyone should have seen it. Here, let’s talk about another Premier League focus game, Newcastle versus Wolves!

I talked to Wolves several times this season, and each time they were injured at least three or four times in the front line. Last November, it was the most serious. One game was short of five strikers, playing Tottenham Hotspur, and Wolves injured Diego Costa. Jimenez has recently returned. Although he hasn’t scored yet, he has gained an assist by playing Fulham, and his contribution has surpassed that of other Wolves centers by playing the threat made by Tottenham Hotspur.

As we all know, Wolves’ lack of forward power is very prominent this season, and Everton gave them the bottom before, but after these two games, Everton also overtook them, and Wolves finally became the team with the least goals in the Premier League.

They struggled out of the quagmire of the relegation zone, and now they have risen to the 13th place in the standings, mainly relying on the defensive end. Wolves have always been good at defense, and they are even more conservative when they are guests. They won’t let go of the attack when they play Southampton and Everton. Today, they challenge Newcastle in different places, and there is no accident or the main tone of defense. The two flanks of Wolves are the key to their solid defense and threat.

Under the training of winger Loppert Ji, Wolves’ two wingers are very strong, and playing Tottenham Hotspur on the court is a good manifestation of two points. First, they can limit their opponents’ cross, especially in the second half, it is difficult for Kane to get in touch with his teammates; Second, the Wolves’ goal came from Moutinho’s possession of the ball and his assignment to the wing, which effectively opened the defence of Tottenham, and then found an angle to hit the door quickly, which made Tottenham suffer.

Today, Newcastle, which they are going to play, is also a team that relies on a large number of wingers to attack.

In the game, St. Maximin relies on the support of Qiao Lin and Dan Bourne to dominate the left impact, while Almiron draws on the right side, and Trippier takes on the task of crossing the ball from the side or rib part. This combination is Eddie Howe’s most conventional offensive strategy.

However, there is little quick linkage between Newcastle’s two wingers. Usually, they finish on one side, pass the ball back to the middle and split the side again, thus completing the change of attack direction. In this way, the opponent will have enough space and time to complete the defensive position selection and coordination.

Therefore, we can see that Newcastle can only score in the middle of the Premier League in the case of strong impact, which has seriously dragged down their progress. Today, Wolves, with good defense and strong wingers, may not play easily.

What’s more, Newcastle are short of suspended Jorington today, and Scheer may not be able to play. Jolington played like a duck to water after being transformed into a midfielder, and was successfully elected as the MVP player in February. He has both physical fitness and speed, and he has a strong sense of position. He can form an effective strong point in Newcastle midfield and support the impact of St. Maximin, which is the key to Eddie Howe’s tactical implementation. Without him, Newcastle’s left threat will drop a lot.

As for Fabian Schell, the defense is also quite stable this season. His air confrontation ability is the strongest in the team, and he can also serve the ball. His long-range shooting ability is excellent. Without him, the loss may not be limited to the defensive end.

As we all know, Newcastle are the team with the fewest goals conceded in the Premier League, with a strong defense, and goalkeeper Pope is also the goalkeeper with the most goalkeepers in the Premier League. According to the front line of Wolves, it is really too difficult to break their goal.

But as we said earlier, Newcastle’s attack problem is also relatively objective. Under the restriction of Wolves’ flank, it may not be so easy for Newcastle to play an advantage. It is my current opinion that Newcastle will join Wolves or shake hands with both sides. What’s your opinion?