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Tongnan Cauliflower Festival and Beach Music Festival are new hot spots in March!

Drunk spring begins in Tongnan, Chongqing. Recently, Tongnan has been out of the circle again! More than 30,000 mu of rape blossoms are competing to bloom, and the gilded flower sea attracts tourists from all directions to enjoy the magnificent scenery of flowers. The countryside is full of beautiful scenery and fires all over the circle of friends. Since March this year, the cauliflower festival in Tongnan has been upgraded and kicked off, and there is also a beach music festival held by Sunshine Beach in Fujiang Tourism Resort, which is a popular tourist destination in March! Further activate the weekend cultural tourism market in the jurisdiction.

Tongnan city scenery

Weekend leisure tour in rural areas with economic fire

Tongnan District is located in the heart of Bashu and the core plate of the economic circle of Chengdu and Chongqing, and is the "bridgehead" city of Chongqing’s main metropolitan area. High-speed, high-speed rail criss-crossing, with the traffic advantages of 1 hour in Chongqing and 2 hours in Chengdu, 120 kilometers away from Chongqing Airport, has become an important node of Chengdu-Chongqing tourism loop of China Unicom and a rising tourist destination on the Bashu Cultural Tourism Corridor. It is convenient and quick for tourists from Sichuan and Chongqing to travel to Tongnan. It only takes a weekend to visit the beautiful Tongnan. Enjoy the most beautiful sea of flowers, visit famous historical towns, see the Millennium Golden Buddha and visit the green vegetable capital.

▲ Chen Yu’s hometown Chongqin Huahai Scenic Area China’s most beautiful Huahai National AAAA Tourist Scenic Area

▲ Shuangjiang Ancient Town The first batch of top ten historical and cultural towns in China are national AAAA-level tourist attractions.

This year’s Tongnan Cauliflower Festival has created many famous scenes of "flowers" around the theme of "Bashu Blessed Land Flowering in Tongnan". In order to enhance tourists’ travel experience, the scenic spot has added a number of wonderful cultural and travel activities, and upgraded in catering and accommodation, which has made up for the shortcomings of the previous night economy and made sufficient impetus to promote the city marketing brand of "going to Tongnan on weekends".

In addition, in March, you can also enjoy 10,000 mu of pear flowers in Huayan Pear Flower Scenic Area, and enjoy colorful peach blossoms in Baolong Taobo Garden, Guilin Taohua Mountain and Baizi Guifei Taoyuan, enjoying the beauty and romance brought by this spring. Tongnan is like the "world of flowers and flowers" in spring, romantic at the right time, and it is a good place to punch in on weekends!

Enjoy the beach at night. The new IP shows the night power value.

Tongnan, the more wonderful the night is. The 2nd Beach Music Festival started at the same time as this cauliflower festival. Focusing on the three themes of "night eating, night playing and night tide", it explored night consumption, enhanced the value of "night" in Tongnan, and realized multi-time and all-weather expansion and upgrading from day to night and from point to surface, which once again won the favor of the general public and tourists.

As night falls and the lights are on, the sunny beach in Little Sanya is crowded. Go-karting, online celebrity suspension bridge, VR interactive and other amusement projects bring different cultural experiences to tourists and citizens. There are 41 trendy shops and more than 100 kinds of special snacks for citizens and tourists to "feast on". At the same time, live performances by bands, self-help karaoke songs, cooking tea around the stove and other themed activities compete to appear, which not only completely lights up the night in Fujiang, but also well explains the current beach music festival as.

▲ Weinan Beach Music Festival site

▲ Chen Qifan Singing-Tongnan Beach Music Festival Live

Tongnan takes "festivals" as the media and "flowers" as friends to promote tourism popularity, taking this opportunity to make the "first spring" of the strong recovery of cultural tourism activities in 2023. According to the city marketing brand "Weekend to Tongnan", a number of tourism highlights products are being launched, and efforts are being made to build Tongnan into a well-known tourist destination in the Bashu Cultural Tourism Corridor, so that "Weekend to Tongnan" is well known.

Recommended boutique routes for spring flower viewing in Tongnan "

One-day flower viewing tour in Tongnan;

Get off at the intersection of Tongnan Chongkan Expressway and go to the scenic spot of Chen Tuan’s hometown to enjoy the most beautiful sea of rape flowers. After lunch, visit and pray at the Great Buddha Temple scenic spot. If you have enough time, you can visit Shuangjiang Ancient Town and Yang Angong’s hometown, and then return.

Two-day leisure tour in Tongnan:

Day 1: In the morning, go to the scenic spot of Chen Tuan’s hometown to enjoy the most beautiful sea of rape flowers, and in the afternoon, go to Shuangjiang Ancient Town to enjoy the best-preserved and largest Qing Dynasty residential buildings in southwest China. Feel the revolutionary spirit of "life is like a horse’s paw, and you can’t rest until it is wiped out" in Yang Angong’s hometown scenic spot. Take a cruise on Fujiang River in the evening and feel the beautiful scenery of Fujiang tourist resort.

The next day: In the morning, visit the world’s first indoor golden Buddha, the "sound of a stone piano" which is one of the four echoing buildings in China, and the largest carved "Buddha" on the rock in China. At noon, we will go to Tai ‘an Leisure Agriculture Tourism Resort, where we will have a feast of intangible food Tai ‘an fish and unique organic vegetables. Then visit the Vegetable Expo Park and the Agricultural Exhibition Hall.

(The picture in this article is provided by Tongnan Travel Investment Group)

Editor: Wei Jiexin

Editor: Zhang Jie

Audit: Chen Qian

Look, the wonders of Huashan Mountain! The exclusive beauty you can’t miss ~

It is majestic and majestic, it is steep and straight, and it is also the mountain. The beauty of Huashan is varied. It also has many unique scenery that can’t be missed. Let’s go and have a look!
Junxiu mountain range
Of the five mountains, Xiyue is famous for its risks. Huashan Mountain rises from the Weihe Plain, like a huge stone that has been chiseled by a knife on all sides. The mountain is majestic, with towering peaks, facing the Yellow River in front and the Qinling Mountains in the back.
For thousands of years, Huashan has always been famous for its dangers, and it is known as the "first mountain in the world". There are strange peaks and rocks all over the mountain, and the scenery of the whole mountain has the majestic beauty of standing and rugged rocks.
Black dragon Ridge, whose ridge is like a dragon’s ridge, is vast and green, winding and circling, with deep valleys on both sides and steep potential. According to legend, when Han Yu came here after traveling to the mountain, he was in pain because he was afraid that he could not go down the mountain. He threw a book down the mountain to say goodbye to his family, leaving an anecdote of "the place where Han retreated to throw a book".
Qixianshan road
Huashan’s climbing road is winding and there are cliffs everywhere. Before the opening of Zhishui Huashan Road, there was only a very steep road leading to the mountain in Huashan. People often used the saying "There was only one road in Huashan since ancient times" to describe its danger.
For climbers, the first intimate contact is the mountain road with both strange and dangerous Huashan Mountain. All the way, you must go through many dangerous roads before you can enjoy the risks of Huashan, so the road to Mount Huashan is famous from ancient times to the present. Third, the kite facing the air turns over, which is even more dangerous in Huashan Road. When the climber passes by, he has to turn his body around like an eagle kite to get through. I believe that his wonderful work will make you amazed.
The infinite scenery of Huashan is in the word "strange danger". Simply looking at the scenery can’t appreciate the essence of Huashan. Only by personally crossing this road, climbing the mountain on foot, walking through all the dangerous roads, and then standing on the top, will there be a sense of stepping on your feet and being heroic.
Pictographic peak
Huashan Mountain is winding and steep, and there are many dangerous cliffs and roads, and the grotesque peaks have formed their own pictographic postures after years of carving by nature.
Huashan Mountain has five peaks: the east, the west, the south, the north and the middle. The main peaks are the south peak "Wild Goose", the east peak "Chaoyang" and the west peak "Lotus". The three peaks stand tall, and they are called "three peaks outside the sky".
Huayue Xianzhang is a "giant palm" created by nature, which is fantastic and spectacular, ranking first among the "eight scenic spots in Guanzhong".
The whole Xifeng is a natural boulder, facing the sky in the north, with steep cliffs like knives and saws, and the east and west sides like lotus flowers, so it is also called "Lotus Peak", and it is also the place where legendary stories such as "Saving Mother by Cutting Mountain" and "Lotus Lantern" take place.
Mountain stream Yuntai
The flat land in the dangerous peak often highlights the danger of the mountain and the strength of the scenery. The flat Yuntai is dotted in the treacherous mountain road, which is round and round, exquisite and complicated.
The summit of Yuntai Mountain is flat, and the famous story of "outsmarting Huashan Mountain" happened on Yuntai Mountain. The chess pavilion on the platform of Dongfeng is a lonely pavilion, facing the air on three sides, and there is a feeling of being physically and mentally open and the world is long when you board here.
When the clouds rise and the fog rises, it is like a fairy island on the sea, flickering, making people want to go home by the wind and get high. Climbers can look up from the Yuntai platform and enjoy the beautiful mountain scenery in their leisure time.
Cultural monuments
Huashan is one of the cradles of Chinese culture. According to the research of Zhang Taiyan, a famous scholar in Qing Dynasty, "China" and "Huaxia" are both named after Huashan. There are many ancient buildings on the mountain, and temples, pavilions, statues and stone carvings can be seen everywhere. Whenever the clouds are misty, temples and pavilions are dotted with peaks and valleys of the mountain, which makes climbers feel like they are in a fairyland.
Since the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Li Bai, Du Fu and other literati have recited more than a thousand poems, inscriptions and travel notes of Huashan Mountain, and carved as many as a thousand rocks. Huashan Mountain is also a Taoist resort, the "fourth cave" of Taoism. There are 72 semi-suspended caves and more than 20 Taoist temples in the mountain, among which Yuquanyuan, host institute and Zhenyue Palace are listed as national key Taoist temples.
A generation of martial arts master, Mr. Jin Yong, felt the immortal spirit and aura of Huashan Mountain, and even more admired the wonders of Huashan Mountain, so he chose the highest level of martial arts novels to be held at the top of Huashan Mountain, that is, "Huashan on Sword".
After reading it, will everyone sigh: Huashan is a strange adventure, but it is not just a danger! Then, you must not miss these exclusive scenery of Huashan!
Source: Huashan Scenic Area

Bo Yu said sports: La Liga coach confirmed that brentford wanted to buy out, and the transaction cost was 24 million euros.

Although Barcelona escaped with the La Liga title this season, there is no need to reveal the sports reasons in great detail; Nor should we worry that the 35-year-old player will have a decisive influence in the top European competitions in the next few seasons. Considering the club’s persistent difficulties in the league’s restrictions on their debts and salary caps, making this move financially feasible is an obstacle, but President Joan laporta hopes to achieve this goal.

Messi’s return will provide a huge public relations impetus and may reopen a huge global income source for the Spanish champion, and the prospect of Messi leading the club to win another Champions League trophy is also attractive.

Manchester United is determined to solve the problem! Serie A 40 million frontrunners+Kane forced to go to the shire.

Manchester United has made remarkable progress under the leadership of Tenghahe this season, but the weakness of the front still plagues Manchester United, which is anxious to revive.

The data is the most convincing. They scored 51 goals in 35 Premier League games, averaging 1.45 goals per game, while Manchester City scored 92 goals in 35 games, averaging 2.63 goals per game.

Rachford, the top scorer of Manchester United, is good enough, but he has only scored 18 goals so far, which is far from Tenhah’s 36 goals.

Strengthening the strength of the front line has become Manchester United’s first choice next season. The Times reported that Manchester United had targeted two strikers.

Their number one prey must be Kane. Although Kane is 30 years old, he has scored 27 goals this season and is still a prolific striker.

Tottenham Hotspur is another four-empty season, and Kane has already had the idea of a transfer. Manchester United is a good choice. I just hope Kane won’t stage a farce of failing to move to Manchester City.

Another target for Manchester United is Danish striker Heilund of Serie A Atalanta. Last summer, Atlanta bought the 20-year-old soccer potential star for 17 million euros.

He is a traditional center with good back skills, and scored 7 goals in 29 Serie A appearances. Now he is worth 40 million pounds, and Real Madrid, Juventus and Inter Milan are also among the competitors.

Once United win Kane and Heylund, Marchal will definitely leave.

The influence of artificial intelligence on human beings

Artificial intelligence has become a hot topic, and one of the main topics is that robots will replace human work. In fact, many people have lost their jobs because artificial intelligence has replaced their work tasks. Nevertheless, people still need to work for machines, especially those jobs that are considered low-skilled. In this paper, we will discuss the influence of work artificial intelligence on human beings and the significance of this phenomenon to our economy and society.

Work disappears because of artificial intelligence.

The development of artificial intelligence technology has made some jobs redundant, which may be some traditional industries such as logistics, factory manufacturing, customer service, etc. These jobs needed manual operation in the past. Nowadays, the application of artificial intelligence technology has made these tasks more efficient and reduced labor costs, so the demand for staff has also declined. The application of artificial intelligence technology can make the production efficiency higher and reduce the working time and cost. However, workers are also at risk of unemployment, because machines and artificial intelligence technology will replace manpower.

Wages are cut by artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence technology can also allow employers to reduce employees’ wages. If a company can replace labor with machines, then they can cut labor costs, which also makes staff face greater economic pressure. In addition, with the application of machines and artificial intelligence technology, the skill level required for many jobs will be reduced because many tasks will be completed automatically. This means that staff need to have more skills and knowledge to stay in this industry.

Ideology brought by artificial intelligence

The ideology behind artificial intelligence technology may make us recognize the value of machines more. The real meaning behind this ideology is that if we no longer need the help of artificial intelligence, then we have no value. Artificial intelligence technology makes us believe that only with the latest technology can we maintain market competitiveness. This idea makes people believe that they are out of date and need to be eliminated.

The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Economy and Society

The development of artificial intelligence will have a far-reaching impact on economy and society. Artificial intelligence technology can make our economy more efficient, but artificial intelligence may also lead to some negative effects. On the one hand, the unemployment rate may increase, because artificial intelligence technology will replace many jobs. On the other hand, artificial intelligence may make our society more divided, because those without technology and knowledge may be eliminated. In addition, the application of artificial intelligence technology may bring more social problems, such as more crimes and social insecurity. These problems will require us to find solutions.

The self-promotion of technological capitalism

The self-promotion of technological capitalism means that technological capitalism thinks that technology can solve all problems, thus making our economy stronger. Advocates of technological capitalism believe that technology can bring more productivity and efficiency, thus promoting economic growth and creating more wealth. In this view, technology is regarded as a magic solution, which can help us solve all problems.

However, this idea also brings some problems. First of all, advocates of technological capitalism often ignore the problems brought by technology itself, such as technological unemployment and technological dependence. Secondly, they often put economic benefits above human nature and social values, and even sacrificed these values to pursue economic benefits.

In the eyes of the admirers of technological capitalism, technology is a magical solution that can help us get rid of all problems. However, technology itself is not a magic solution, it will also bring some problems and challenges. For example, technical unemployment and technical dependence are challenges brought by technological development.

In addition, the self-promotion of technological capitalism will also bring some problems in values. In the eyes of the admirers of technological capitalism, economic benefits are supreme, and other values can be sacrificed to pursue economic benefits. This view often leads people to ignore other values, such as human nature and social responsibility. Therefore, the self-promotion of technological capitalism may lead us to lose some important values and sense of responsibility.

The relationship between artificial intelligence and capitalism

The relationship between artificial intelligence and capitalism is an important issue facing the development of social economy and science and technology. The core of capitalist economic system is to pursue profits, and the application of artificial intelligence technology can improve production efficiency and reduce staff, thus reducing labor costs and increasing the profits of enterprises. This makes the capitalist economic system more inclined to the application of artificial intelligence technology, but it also brings some social problems.

First of all, the application of artificial intelligence technology may lead to an increase in the unemployment rate. With the development of automation and machine learning technology, many jobs have been automated, including simple assembly line jobs and some service jobs. Some forecasts show that more jobs may be automated in the future, which will lead to a large number of workers losing their jobs. This is why some people worry that with the development of artificial intelligence technology, more people will be eliminated.

Secondly, the application of artificial intelligence technology may also lead to social inequality and division. The application of automation and machine learning technology requires a high degree of technology and professional knowledge, and those who do not have these skills and knowledge may be eliminated. This will lead to social division and aggravate the gap between the rich and the poor.

In addition, the application of artificial intelligence technology may also bring some moral and ethical problems. For example, some people worry that automation technology may weaken workers’ rights and interests, and workers’ rights to survival and development may be infringed. In addition, the application of artificial intelligence technology may also lead to privacy and security problems, such as data privacy and information leakage.

However, the application of artificial intelligence technology also has many positive aspects. For example, it can help enterprises improve production efficiency, reduce costs, and at the same time improve the quality and reliability of products. In addition, the application of artificial intelligence technology can also promote economic development and innovation, and improve the competitiveness of enterprises.

Real artificial intelligence

The development of artificial intelligence has made great progress, and many industries have begun to apply artificial intelligence technology to improve production efficiency and reduce workload. However, with the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, people are beginning to worry about whether artificial intelligence technology will replace human work.

True artificial intelligence means that human beings no longer need to do reasonably paid work, which means that we no longer need absolute slaves. The development of real artificial intelligence technology should be used to reduce people’s workload, not to replace human work. Therefore, we should explore how to apply artificial intelligence technology to those boring, dangerous or high-pressure jobs to improve work efficiency and reduce the burden on staff.

In fact, the application of artificial intelligence technology can help us better manage and protect our resources, thus solving global problems, such as climate change, environmental pollution and food shortage. At the same time, the application of artificial intelligence technology can also help us to better manage the medical and health field, such as strengthening medical diagnosis, monitoring chronic diseases and predicting the condition by using artificial intelligence technology.

However, the application of artificial intelligence technology has also brought some problems. First of all, artificial intelligence technology may lead to more unemployment because it can replace many jobs. Secondly, the application of artificial intelligence technology may make our society more divided, because those without technology and knowledge may be eliminated. In addition, the application of artificial intelligence technology may bring more social problems, such as more crimes and social insecurity.

Therefore, we should explore how to make rational use of artificial intelligence technology, so as to minimize its negative impact. We need to regard artificial intelligence technology as an auxiliary tool for human beings, rather than a tool to replace human work. We need to work together to solve the problems brought by artificial intelligence and apply artificial intelligence technology to those areas that can improve work efficiency. Only in this way can we realize the greatest potential of artificial intelligence technology and bring more benefits to our society and economy.

The development of artificial intelligence needs joint efforts.

All artificial intelligence technologies are developed on the basis of human society, so we also need to work together to solve the problems brought by artificial intelligence. The government can formulate more reasonable policies to help those who have lost their jobs regain employment opportunities, and at the same time, it can encourage enterprises to apply artificial intelligence technology to those areas that can improve work efficiency. Educational institutions can also provide help and support for those who need to re-learn skills and knowledge.

In addition, we should also think about how to use artificial intelligence technology to solve global problems, such as climate change, environmental pollution and food shortage. The application of artificial intelligence technology can help us manage and protect our resources better, thus promoting sustainable development.