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How to save the party? The creator reveals the searing secrets of "South Station"

Hu Ge, Diao Yinan and Gui Lunmei

1905 movie network feature "The Wild Goose Lake" has a field score of 2.7, ranking third among the ten films that have been scored in the main competition of this year’s Cannes."This is an intricate Chinese film noir," the review said. "The film is full of the minimalist and existential style of Jean-Pierre Melville, and it also confirms the endless vitality of film noir in China."


So far, Rotten Tomatoes is 89 percent fresh, with eight out of nine media outlets giving it positive reviews. The Hollywood Reporter described it as "a bleak, sharp film noir staged against a rough contemporary Chinese backdrop." Variety said: "Diao Yinan has completed a high-level Chinese film noir, with a distinct personal style that is fascinating."


For every creator of "The Wild Goose Lake," Cannes was another brief gathering on a long journey, and we also chatted with them behind the scenes and in between about the "burning" secrets behind "South Station".

Diao Yinan saw some true stories about criminal gangs in urban villages and swimming girls by the water. He suddenly realized that there seemed to be a hidden heterotopia within himself, projecting some mysterious and disturbing colors. He wrote these ideas into a story called "Wild Goose Lake".

In 2019, Wild Goose Lake was unveiled and renamed.The original title of the film has been preserved as the English title of the film. "In fact, our English name is’Wild Goose Pond ‘, not’Wild Goose Lake’, because foreigners don’t have the concept of a pond," said producer Shen Qian. In her mind, the pond is more wild, symbolizing the life of the wild, and the lake is too beautiful.

The water in this pond rippled in Diao Yinan’s heart for a long time. Before "Fireworks in the Day", he had a rudimentary story. Li Li, the boss of Heli Chenguang, who had known Diao Yinan for many years, was a friend of Diao Yinan and the chief producer of the film. He told Li Li about the news events he had seen. Li Li felt that Diao Yinan had found what he wanted to shoot, a film that combined typed films with author expressions.

"I think the most difficult thing is actually to surpass yourself. Diao Yinan surpassed himself in’Southern Station ‘, and even I think it was much more affectionate than his’Fireworks in the Day’," Li Li said, recalling his first reading of the script. "We have to think about what kind of audience, what kind of content can empathize with and make them like it more in three years, or even five years." Li Li felt that Diao Yinan’s script achieved his appeal.

Among those who went to the party were Diao Yinan’s old friends Liao Fan and Gui Lunmei. Hu Ge and Wan Qian were working with the director who won the Berlin Golden Bear Award for the first time. When Diao Yinan found Liao Fan again, Liao Fan said that he was thinking wildly, thinking that the police officer he played again was the story of his youth in Zhang Zili.

Fireworks by Day is directed by Diao Yinan and stars Gui Lunmei and Liao Fan

But it took a while to decide on Hu Ge. Producer Shen Qian recommended Hu Ge to director Diao Yinan. Because of the size of the film, it must have a market. Chief producer Li Li said he did not know if Hu Ge would like to play such a role. He remembered getting a set of photos of Hu Ge, including one that made him think he had found Zhou Zenong from "The Wild Goose Lake."


Diao Yinan was also hesitant. But he immediately went to watch "Langya Ranking" and quickly found Hu Ge’s temperament. Shen Yan said that in the present, Hu Ge is very similar to Abe Kuan; in the past, he is very similar to Nakadai Daya, an actor who has worked with Kurosawa and other masters.


So the producers arranged a meeting between Diao Yinan and Hu Ge. Li Li recalled that after Hu Ge met the director, "I didn’t expect that after the director talked to him, he liked this role very much. It can be said that it was a natural fit, so Hu Ge also joined in. I also think that the whole crew is very satisfied with his performance."

Hu Ge on the red carpet in Cannes

"The Wild Goose Lake" does take place in the south, unlike the biting northeast wind and the unmelted snow. When Diao wrote the story, he hoped it would take place in Guangdong, where there are large areas of water and villages in the city; but he was a little disappointed when he went to see the scenery. So he went to Yinchuan, which is colloquially called Jaishang Jiangnan. But he didn’t find the ideal location either.

The difficulty was not limited to the scouting. Producer Shen Qian also served as the executive producer of "The Last Night of the Earth." Her original plan for the two films was that "Earth" would be shut down in September 2016 and work on "South" would begin in October.


As a result, "The Wild Goose Lake" did not start production until 2017 due to the delay in filming "Earth". "South", which started construction almost a year later than originally planned, was slightly confused about finding a location.

After many disappointments, Wuhan finally appeared in the consideration of Diao Yinan and the crew. On October 7, 2017, Diao Yinan and the crew came to Wuhan and found a real world existence in the city of Hundred Lakes in this province of thousands of lakes.

The location decision is just the beginning of more problems. Diao Yinan, who decided to shoot in Wuhan after watching the scene for two days, found that when the extras were all speaking Wuhan dialect, he could only let this group of actors from all over the world who came to the south for dates also learn this dialect.


"The Wild Goose Lake" work photo

Mr. Liao, who has studied Shanxi dialect before, and Ms. Wan, both from Hunan, have a bit of a linguistic affinity for learning Wuhan. Ms. Gui’s accent is perhaps the most distinct on the set. When he arrived in Wuhan, Mr. Liao said, she had been there for two months.


During these two months, she lived in a hut in the village of the city for a week. She went to chat with the "Street Girl" every day. Unlike what she imagined, Gui Lunmei found that these girls were far more alive than she had imagined. She described the role as her own bet, not knowing if she had a chance of winning, but willing to bet because it might change her life.


Another lead actor, Wan Qian, also prepared for the role in advance. She went to learn carpentry, learning the whole process from sawing wood to painting and polishing. Her hands had blisters, and she had to endure the smell of sawdust and paint from sawing wood. For the character, she did a lot of design. There were scraping marks on her neck due to illness, acupuncture marks on her ears, and the shape became extra rough.


Her character, set as a sufferer, has an episode in which she suddenly falls ill, foaming at the mouth with toothpaste. Then an actor puts a bandage on her mouth. After the scene, she eats a lot of toothpaste and has blood bubbles on her mouth.


The actors all said that Director Diao Yinan would not make too many demands and clarify the scope of the performance, but each play was particularly meticulous and torturous.


Thinking back to the state at that time, Gui Lunmei said that her heart was full of uncertainty. This complex character of mood twists made her unsure of how to deal with it, so she was always uneasy and uncertain.


The same was true for the male lead actor Hu Ge. No matter what role he played before, his habit was to adjust to his best state before filming, and to be confident in the face of the camera when he was on the set. Having acted in a large number of national TV dramas, when he got his first male lead in a movie in his life, he suddenly found himself uneasy.


In fact, he had done a lot of preparation before filming. Director Diao Yinan had given Hu Ge many movie and book recommendations, such as the 1950s American film noir, the classic Japanese samurai film, Camus’s "The Outsider" and so on. But for Hu Ge, who had just entered the group and had completely different camera requirements from TV dramas, everything was new.


"I don’t know if the acting is good or not. I was panicked and worried at first." This was his mental state after joining the group. But one day, he suddenly figured it out.

Hu Ge found that this state is what the character Zhou Zenong needs, isn’t it? "Anxiety in life, not having enough confidence, insecurity and people create links. I carried this uneasy emotion to the end. At the end of all unrest, there must be a point of desperation. This character faces Liu Aiai, played by Gui Lunmei, and in the end will go all out on her and pin all his hopes on her. The point of my desperation is that I can fully commit and fully put myself in."

Hu Ge, who completely put himself in, made Diao Yinan feel Zhou Zenong’s existence. When choosing an actor, he also considered a lot. For such a bandit role, there should be some established candidates in the hearts of many people. But "I may not choose an actor from a realistic perspective. For example, Hu Ge must look like a bandit, or a bandit in a preconceived concept. I started from temperament and asked him to act, and he was a bandit. At the same time, he entered his existence."


It wasn’t until the film premiered in Cannes that Hu Ge and Gui Lunmei realized that they were in the same mood when they made the movie. And during the movie, the two of them have been in the sticky and cold rain in the south, with a little bit of love rippling on the wild goose pond.


The scene on the pond was a gentle and mysterious moment in the movie. But the shooting didn’t go so smoothly. There were too many waves on the water surface to shoot, and the water surface was too flat and needed artificial waves. Hu Ge and Gui Lunmei were lying on a wooden boat with sand at the bottom of the boat. Just when they got into a mood, the boat that made the waves was not well controlled, and a big wave hit their face.


Diao Yinan did not devise many lines for the two of them. He hoped that Zhou Zenong and Liu Aiai could have a delicate and complex relationship. He saw the two characters as lonely souls under great pressure. In this way, the meeting of souls requires only actions to express the feelings that exist within. "I think this smell is fascinating. I don’t want to use words to convey it, I don’t think it fits the situation." 

He organically listed the stories he saw, heard, and collected. Although the film has a strong story design, the final presentation is the state of several characters in such a southern city, like the American film noir in the 1950s. In this way, Diao Yinan felt that it was easy for film noir to produce good-looking and expressive works. The development of China has also provided a natural soil for creation.

Chief producer Li Li also remembered that for this story, Diao Yinan had written the script for three years. Shooting in Hubei, more than 80 locations, more than 80% of the night scenes. It happened to be the rainy season when shooting. For the movie, he let his completion guarantor directly enter and made all the plans.


Without a strong story, Diao sees "The Wild Goose Lake" as a movie about personal experience. "I think everyone has their own dilemma, and everyone in it has their own dilemma, but through risk, sacrifice, resistance, freedom is achieved. That’s what drives our lives."


From "Night Train" being shortlisted for a focus section of the Cannes Film Festival, to "Fireworks by Day" returning with fame, and then to this year’s "The Wild Goose Lake". Diao Yinan also completed his own adventure and resistance.

"The two of us often chat, and he also said that he thinks he is still telling a Chinese story after all, and he is more concerned about the kind of dialogue and communication with the Chinese audience. I think he and I have the same idea on this point. And he is also very simple, so he doesn’t think it is important for us to say that he has been shortlisted for Cannes, or won or not won." As a friend, Li Li commented on him.


Diao Yinan

Before the film premiered in the Lumière Hall of the Palace of Cinema in Cannes, Diao Yinan was still working overtime on the later stage of the film. The rough cut of the film was more than 130 minutes, and then it was changed to 123 minutes. Finally, for the sake of scheduling and marketing, the audience saw the 113-minute version.

Mr. Shen said that after "Fireworks in the Day", Diao Yinan also changed: "He found a way to find more audiences, not only to maintain his own expression, but also to find more audiences, and I think his attitude is very good, a very open attitude, he wants his film to be more attention and accepted, hoping to sow more seeds."

One of the seeds that Diao Yinan sowed was picked up by Hu Ge. "The true purity of art is especially pure, so it also makes me enjoy it. I am very moved. I used to think that the profession of actor has brought me a lot, but I always feel that there is something missing. This time I feel that the director has given it to me."


This "giving" probably also involves some kind of dilemma. Hu Ge followed Diao Yinan into this dilemma, and then found freedom again through risk and resistance. Therefore, when looking back at the entire shooting process, he felt: "The whole shooting process was a very precious experience. It also made me firmly determined that this road must be continued."

Experts in the billiard room opposite the school: further expand and clarify the connotation and scope of "places where minors are not allowed to enter"

  "Can you open a mahjong room near the primary school?" Recently, Ms. Li from Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province called for advice.

  Ms. Li said that in order to make it convenient for her daughter to go to school, her family moved to the school district opposite the school and found a mahjong hall downstairs. Not only can the children see the mahjong crackling inside on the way after school, but the mahjong sound at night often lasts until midnight, which greatly affects their study and rest.

  "I heard that dance halls can’t be opened near primary and secondary schools, so should mahjong halls be banned?" Ms. Li said.

  To this end, the reporter conducted an investigation and interview.

  □ Our reporter Zhang Shoukun

  Not long ago, the Regulations on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency in Guangdong Province (revised draft for comments) was publicly solicited from all walks of life, among which Article 38, "Business restrictions around schools", aroused widespread concern.

  This article proposes that Internet service business places, commercial song and dance entertainment places, commercial entertainment places and other places that minors are not allowed to enter according to laws and regulations should not be set up within 200 meters around primary and secondary schools. What are the "places where minors are not allowed to enter"? Netizens have different opinions.

  The reporter of "Rule of Law Daily" recently visited Beijing, Tianjin, Anhui and other places, and interviewed many parents. At present, places such as Internet cafes, KTV and game halls are rarely seen within 200 meters of primary and secondary schools, but there are still some mahjong halls, chess rooms, billiards rooms and other places. Some parents think that these places are also "places that minors should not enter" and should be far away from the school.

  Experts interviewed pointed out that minors’ self-control is relatively weak, and they are easily tempted and addicted by the outside world. It is necessary to build an iron wall to protect minors and purify the surrounding environment of primary and secondary schools. Relevant departments should issue relevant regulations, further expand and clarify the connotation and scope of "places that are not suitable for minors to enter", and include places that have not been explicitly banned but actually cause harm to the growth of minors in the "ban", strengthen daily supervision, and keep them away from the surrounding areas of schools to better create a good and comfortable growth environment for primary and secondary school students.

  Chess room opens its doors to students.

  Opposite a middle school in Suzhou, Anhui Province, there is a billiard room that has been open for more than ten years, and its business is booming every day. Teacher Zhang of the middle school noticed that there were many students in school uniforms in the billiards room, and some of them looked like young minors, which made him quite worried.

  "Many of the people who come here to play ball are junior high school students and high school students. They have also met several primary school students who are not much higher than the pool table, smoking a cigarette in one hand and holding a club in the other, and their mouths are full of dirty words. Sadly, sometimes students can still be seen in the billiard room when it is clearly class time. " Teacher Zhang said that the next roadside step from the main entrance of the school is the billiard room, and many teachers and parents hope that this billiard room can be moved.

  In the shopping mall opposite a primary school in Suzhou, several 24-hour self-help mahjong halls have been opened in recent years, and students are not restricted to enter. Some teachers reported that some students went across the street to play as soon as school was over. He went into the mahjong room and observed that most of the students who went there were middle school students nearby and occasionally primary school students.

  He described the scene of students playing mahjong to reporters like this: "Eat, touch, bar, and be stupid … …” Accompanied by a burst of slightly excited voices, the children quickly and skillfully touched cards and played cards, and the "national curse" blurted out, almost the same as playing mahjong with adults. Similar scenes have been staged in many places.

  Some time ago, Ruizhou Street, Gao ‘an City, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province received a report from the residents in the jurisdiction: "There is a mahjong hall downstairs in the 20 th building of a residential area in Gao ‘an City. There is a primary school opposite the mahjong hall, and the mahjong hall is less than 500 meters away from the school. As a result, many parents in the school went to the mahjong room after sending their children to school, and then took them to the mahjong room for dinner after school, which seriously affected the children’s study. "

  The Law on the Protection of Minors clearly stipulates that places such as commercial entertainment places, bars, and Internet service places that are not suitable for minors’ activities shall not be set up around schools and kindergartens.

  In the investigation, the reporter found that Internet cafes, tobacco shops and KTV are rarely seen within 200 meters around the school, but chess rooms, mahjong halls and billiards rooms are still common, and many participants are minors.

  If the scope of "nearby" is expanded to 500 meters, mahjong halls and billiards rooms will be more common. The reporter inquired about several primary and secondary schools in Hedong District, Tianjin, and found that there are often many mahjong halls and billiards rooms within 500 meters of the school.

  It is understood that some of these places existed before the school was built, while others were opened after the school was completed. It is worth noting that some chess rooms, mahjong rooms and billiards rooms often do not actively verify the identity information of consumers, and minors can enter and leave at will.

  It is easy to lead students to get into bad habits.

  Then, can chess rooms, mahjong halls and billiards rooms be opened around primary and secondary schools? Are these places "commercial entertainment places" that are not suitable for minors’ activities in the law on the protection of minors?

  Through the search, the reporter noticed that many operators had asked similar questions to local government departments, and the responses from different places were not consistent.

  Fu ‘an Municipal Bureau of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Fujian Province replied that according to the Regulations on the Administration of Entertainment Places, entertainment places refer to song, dance, entertainment and other places that are for profit and open to the public and consumers entertain themselves. Teahouses, bars and chess rooms belong to other service places other than entertainment places. Billiards room is not a place of entertainment.

  The Education and Sports Bureau of Suzhou City, Anhui Province replied that the distance between the newly established entertainment venue and the school should not be less than 200 meters in response to the question of whether it is compliant to open a billiard room 150 meters away from the school. The distance from hospitals and institutions shall not be less than 50 meters.

  Recently, the Regulations on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency in Guangdong Province (Revised Draft for Comment) was publicly solicited for opinions from all walks of life, including the "bottom-up" clause and other places where minors are not allowed to enter according to laws and regulations. Some people think that, according to this regulation, "places where minors are not allowed to enter" such as mahjong halls and chess rooms cannot be opened within 200 meters of the school.

  Tian Xiangxia, deputy secretary-general of the Juvenile Law Research Association of Shanghai Law Society, told the reporter that although the chess room, mahjong room and billiards room do not belong to the category of entertainment places stipulated in the regulations on the management of entertainment places promulgated by the State Council, minors often go in and out of these places, which is easy to cause and produce bad behavior. Starting from implementing the basic principle that the law on the protection of minors under the superior law is most conducive to the protection of minors, Guangdong local regulations clarify the areas where the superior law is not clearly defined or vaguely defined, which is the embodiment of the rational exercise of local legislative authority.

  From a practical point of view, Wang Mingyu, a lawyer of Beijing Yinghe Law Firm, said that although the law does not explicitly stipulate that chess rooms, mahjong halls, billiards halls and other places should not be located within 200 meters of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, combined with the actual situation, there are more or less gambling behaviors in these places at present, and the composition of people entering and leaving is extremely complicated, and the quality of personnel is mixed, and smoking is not completely prohibited in the places, which is very easy to induce minors to make friends with bad social people and get involved in smoking and drinking.

  "At the same time, these places often attract undesirable people to gather, causing social security problems such as fighting and even robbery, which poses a threat to the personal safety of minors. Therefore, the above places should not be opened near primary and secondary schools." Wang Mingyu said.

  Relevant definitions need to be further clarified.

  According to public information, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, Shanghai and other places have clearly stipulated that chess rooms should not be located within 200 meters of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens. Some interviewed parents suggested that there are still a large number of chess rooms, mahjong halls and billiards rooms around the school at 300 meters, 400 meters and 500 meters. It is difficult to stop the pace of minors from going. From the perspective of ensuring a good growth environment for minors, the scope of "surrounding" primary and secondary schools should be appropriately expanded, and at the same time, the supervision of minors entering and leaving these places should be strengthened.

  In this regard, Wang Mingyu quite agrees. In his view, in view of the situation of minors entering and leaving these places at will, although the nature and management of chess rooms, mahjong halls, billiards rooms and other places are not clearly defined in relevant laws and regulations at present, it has become a blank area of supervision. However, these venues are open to the public for the purpose of making profits, and consumers entertain themselves. At the same time, they have the nature of indoor sports and can be identified as recreational sports business venues. We should refer to the relevant provisions of the applicable law on the protection of minors and require operators to set up signs prohibiting minors from entering or restricting them in a prominent position. If it is difficult to determine whether a minor is a minor, he shall be required to show his identity certificate.

  Yu Zhiyun, a lawyer of Beijing Cube (Shenzhen) Law Firm and a senior consultant of the Education and Insurance Committee of Shenzhen Lawyers Association, believes that legislation should be further improved to clarify that chess rooms, mahjong rooms and billiards rooms should not be opened near primary and secondary schools, and those that have been opened should be closed within a time limit.

  "The nature of these places is similar to that of KTV, and they should be regarded as commercial entertainment places, but the size of the venues and the consumers are different. In practice, the activities carried out in these places often have the nature of gambling, and even there are primary and secondary school students ‘ End ’ The situation of the activity. Whether it’s just onlookers or yourself ‘ End ’ It is easy for minors to develop bad habits and get infected with bad habits, which is not conducive to the growth of minors. " Yu Zhiyun said.

  In addition, some experts pointed out that some of these places are set up in the basements or property rooms of residential buildings, and there are objective situations such as lack of fire-fighting facilities, emergency exits, indoor non-smoking, etc. These situations not only endanger the physical and mental health of minors, but also have hidden dangers of more injuries caused by unqualified facilities in case of fire and other emergencies. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen supervision over the existing places around the campus, and resolutely ban those that endanger the physical and mental health of minors.

  The reporter found out that many activities have been carried out in Xiangtan, Hunan, Jianyang, Sichuan, Nanjing, Jiangsu and other places to manage the chess room, mahjong hall and billiards room around primary and secondary schools, such as withholding the business license of the chess room and taking away the mahjong table, and ordering the store to relocate as soon as possible, and it is not allowed to open before it is relocated.

  Tian Xiangxia believes that before the law is clear, it is necessary to balance the protection of minors and social protection in chess rooms, mahjong halls and billiards rooms that have been set up around schools, and the principle of "old methods for the elderly and new methods for newcomers" can be adopted. For relevant market entities that existed before the introduction of local regulations in Guangdong and other places, from the perspective of strengthening daily supervision and inspection, minors are strictly prohibited from entering. After the promulgation of local regulations, it is forbidden to set up new chess and card rooms, mahjong halls and billiards rooms within 200 meters around the campus, and strictly enforce the law, and shut down and punish violators.

  Wang Mingyu suggested that, except that these places can’t be opened near the school, these places should be marked with minors’ restricted entry signs in a prominent position, which can refer to similar regulations for minors to play online games, such as playing for up to 2 hours on weekends. Timely guide and persuade minors to return. Establish a business ledger, indicating the information of the residents. If it is difficult to determine whether they are minors, they should be required to show their identity documents. In view of the illegal reception of minors, the relevant administrative departments should strengthen supervision, order them to make corrections within a time limit, warn them, confiscate their illegal income, and impose corresponding fines; Refuses to correct or if the circumstances are serious, it shall be ordered to suspend business for rectification or revoke its business license.

  The experts interviewed believe that the revision of the regulations on the prevention of juvenile delinquency in Guangdong Province is an opportunity to clarify the "fuzzy zone" around primary and secondary schools in the form of laws and regulations, thus filling possible loopholes in supervision.

  "With the rapid development of society, the forms of entertainment places and game places are becoming more and more diversified. The formulation of laws and regulations is often a step behind, and the solution can be to further clarify the definition and connotation of relevant places by laws and regulations, so as to avoid the problem of ‘ Fuzzy zone ’ Different law enforcement standards caused by different understandings have led to law enforcement disputes. " Yu Zhiyun said.

  Wang Mingyu suggested that, referring to the way of soliciting opinions on the supervision of script entertainment venues, a filing system should be adopted and filed in the cultural and tourism administrative departments, so as to find out the base and prepare for the next industry supervision and compliance. Strengthen the supervision of administrative organs, and the administrative departments of culture and tourism, as the competent departments of the industry, unite with the departments of public security, market supervision, urban management and law enforcement, fire rescue, etc., clarify the specific division of labor, and implement the supervision duties of chess rooms, mahjong halls, billiards rooms and other places. Carry out special actions for outstanding problems such as unlicensed operation, further strengthen territorial responsibility, and formulate normalization plans, thus improving comprehensive supervision efficiency and governance effect.

  "At the same time, family education and school education should also be taken seriously. Parents should master the correct ways and methods of education, pay attention to emotional communication with children, and establish a healthy family atmosphere. Schools should help students establish a correct outlook on life and values, strengthen mental health education, pay attention to students’ comprehensive quality training and all-round development of physical and mental health, and reduce students’ entry into such places. " Wang Mingyu said.

Lanzhou subjects two and three suspended exams.

The reporter learned from the traffic police detachment of Lanzhou Public Security Bureau that on February 2, due to the snowfall, the examination business of Lanzhou drivers’ subjects 2 and 3 was suspended, and the examination appointment was automatically cancelled in the background. The cancellation of this examination did not affect the original examination order and frequency. Whether Sunday’s exam returns to normal depends on the weather on that day. (Reporter Zhang Xiuyun)

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Original title: "Lanzhou subjects 2 and 3 are suspended"

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In 2023, where do China people who can play most want to play? Here are their wish lists and travel plans.

After waiting for three years, China citizens finally ushered in the resumption of outbound travel. Where do you want to travel most in the new year? Some people say that no matter where you go, as long as you can go abroad for a walk; Some people say that I want to go to America, and I haven’t seen my daughter for three years. Some people say that they want to go to the French Disneyland and fulfill their desire to travel around the world …

After a two-month user survey, combined with the travel content and data of over 100 million users in the platform, Poor Travel Network released "China People Who Can Play: Great Insights into Chinese Travel in 2022" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") today. According to the report, after the announcement of the policy of orderly resuming China citizens’ outbound tourism, more than 90% of users plan to travel abroad within one year, and their willingness to travel within six months has increased by 25.9%. Once you travel, 62% of users will travel for more than 10 days.

In the past year, the length of a single domestic trip by poor tourists increased significantly, and the number of people who chose outdoor travel and parent-child travel doubled compared with 2021.

More than 90% of the respondents plan to travel abroad this year, and they are most concerned about the ticket price.

Poor tourists who are used to flying around the world have always been looking forward to outbound travel. In 2022, 75.4% of poor tourists will still pay attention to overseas travel related content when browsing travel raiders.

Since the release of the new policy, the search for related overseas destinations and overseas hotels in poor travel websites has increased by more than 400%, and the search for "visa" related content has increased by 280%. Before and after the policy, the time when travelers plan to travel has changed significantly. More than 90% of users plan to start outbound travel in 2023, and the number of users who choose to travel within half a year has increased by 13.9% to 38.5%. Followed by travelers who travel within 3 months, accounting for 23.1%; There are also 12% users who will use the Spring Festival holiday to restart their outbound travel in January.

In recent days, countries’ entry policies for China tourists have attracted much attention, which coincides with the results of this report. Travelers are not only concerned about the high air ticket cost, but also about the flight change and whether they are infected with COVID-19. The proportion of people who are worried about the segregation policy of entry destinations is 33.8%, ranking second.

More convenient outbound travel conditions directly affect the travel time of travelers. According to the report, the data of travel within 10 days has risen to 48%, and 52% of travelers will start long-term travel for 10 days or more as long as they go out. 6.3% of travelers plan to travel for one month or more.

The report shows that natural scenery, sacred land tour, exotic culture, food shopping and interest themes are the most anticipated outbound travel themes for poor tourists. Among them, the desire for characteristic culture and interest themes has increased obviously, and it has become more and more people’s choice to appreciate the customs of different countries or to go overseas to rock climbing, surfing and other holy places from their own interests. In 2023, Thailand, Japan, Spain, France, the United States, Italy, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia ranked in the top ten.

Domestic travel costs 5000-9000 yuan per person.

The past year has not been easy, but the traveler’s heart remains the same. 93.2% of the respondents believe that travel is a very important and indispensable part of their lives, and more than 60% of the respondents hope to release their inner feelings through travel and fulfill their long-cherished dream of traveling.

The report shows that 51.5% of travelers traveled twice or more in 2022, and the number of users who traveled more than four times still exceeded 20%. 67.2% of users will plan their travel itinerary half a month or more before departure. On the whole, the duration of users’ single trip increased significantly, mainly in 3-5 days, accounting for 59%, up 13.9% year-on-year. In addition, the proportion of single trips lasting 6-9 days and more than 10 days also increased, by 8.5% and 4.4% respectively.

In terms of travel expenses, 51.6% users keep the original budget unchanged, and 21.4% users are willing to increase their expenses to get a better travel experience. Among them, spending more money to eat and live well has become the first choice for over 70% of travelers. The average per capita spending of domestic travel is 5,000-9,999 yuan/person, accounting for 29.3%, and 12.6% of travelers spend 10,000 yuan or more per person. Accommodation, food and transportation are the main expenses of travel, accounting for 35%, 23% and 21% respectively.

Travelers prefer to explore treasure destinations.

How can I travel? Poor tourists gave their own answers. In the past year, Zhou Bianyou, local food, culture and art, outdoor travel and parent-child travel have become the favorite theme games for travelers. It is worth noting that parent-child travel has entered TOP5 for the first time, becoming the choice of more families with children. Natural scenery tour, historical and cultural experience and theme park experience are the first choices for parent-child travel. In addition, outdoor travel has increased significantly, and hiking, camping and cycling are popular among outdoor enthusiasts.

At present, there are various life sharing platforms, but for travel, the travel strategy platform and traveler are still the most inspiring, accounting for 89.7% and 61.9% respectively. The factors that really stimulate travelers to travel are more from the unique beauty of the destination, followed by their own interests, and local customs and culture, special accommodation, film and television planting are ranked 3-5.

Among the top ten popular destinations in China, Hangzhou, Chengdu and Beijing rank among the top three, and some destinations have successfully caught the attention of travelers. Lijiang, which is known as the "Gusu on the Plateau", Suzhou, which monopolizes two "Four Gardens in China", Macau, the world food capital, and Dali, which is thought by countless people as "poetry and distance", are all on the list.

In addition to these well-known destinations, many domestic treasure destinations have been explored by travelers this year. Pu ‘er, which has no severe cold in winter and no intense heat in summer, is the fastest-rising destination in China, and Yanji, which has countless authentic Korean cuisines, is known by more people and ranks second. Chaozhou not only has delicious food and tea, but also attracts people with its profound history and culture. Qiandongnan, where 48 ethnic minorities live, provides travelers with unlimited cultural experience.

In terms of domestic annual hot spots, Erhai Lake has become a haunting place in the hearts of many people, ranking first. The Palace Museum, West Lake, Hongyadong and Daocheng Yading followed closely. The legendary Yulong Snow Mountain, the incarnation of the "Three Flowers" of the Naxi people, attracted more tourists to punch in, and the Duku Highway became a must-see for travelers in Xinjiang.

In 2022, many old scenic spots turned red. The Summer Palace, Dianchi Lake and hulun buir grassland occupy the top three scenic spots with the fastest rising heat. Blue Moon Valley, with the reputation of "Little Jiuzhaigou", soared to the fourth place, and Zhaoxing Dong Village, the first village in Dong Township, attracted people’s attention, while Jinchang "Mars 1 Base" increased its attention by providing travelers with the most authentic experience of "life on Mars".

The picture shows the flower sea landscape in Wenquan County, Xinjiang. Photo courtesy of the author.

Source: Author: Li Baohua

Aofei Entertainment: The company has the core ability to continuously create high-quality IP content, and insists on investing a lot of resources to create fine animation content works every year.

According to the news of Securities Star, Aofei Entertainment (002292) answered investors’ concerns on the investor relations platform on November 27th.

Investors:Why does your company continue to have no works launched?

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello! The company has the core ability to continuously create high-quality IP content, and insists on investing a lot of resources to create fine animation content works every year. This year, many animated series have been broadcast, such as Super Flash 14, Super Flash Culture in China, Sheep Village Guardian 6: Braving Four Seasons City, Sheep Village Guardian 7: Wandering in the Mysterious Ocean, Hurricane spirit of war’s Sword Spinning Gyro 2, Dinosaur Guardian of Quantum Team, Balala’s Little Devil’s Star Edge Butterfly Qi, Meng Chicken Team 5, and Super Flash: Le Di Acceleration. I suggest you pay attention to official Weibo and WeChat WeChat official account such as Aofei Entertainment, Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, and Balala Little Magic Fairy to learn more about the latest information of the company’s animation content. thank you

Investors:As of November 20, 2023, how many shareholders are there in the company? Thank you!

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello, except for the semi-annual report, annual report and other regular reports or other important matters requiring the disclosure of the number of shareholders, the number of shareholders at other time points is not the legal disclosure information. In order to protect the interests of shareholders, it is inconvenient for the company to provide relevant information such as the register of shareholders and the number of shareholders without verifying the identity of shareholders. Therefore, according to the relevant information disclosure rules and internal requirements of the company, the company mainly discloses the relevant shareholders and the number of shareholders in regular reports or specific matters. If you want to know the number of shareholders at other time points, please bring your own shareholding certificate and valid identification to the company to handle the inquiry business. Thanks for understanding!

Investors:Hello, Secretary Dong! Now that Tik Tok is developing too fast, does the company attach importance to the cooperation with Tik Tok? Do other companies have any advantages compared with Tik Tok’s cooperation? It is hoped that the company and Tik Tok will further expand the cooperation space on the basis of stable cooperation. thank you

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello! Following the development trend of the new media industry, the company has expanded the communication reach mode and scope, and built different types of all-round new media content reach channels including network video platform, IPTV, OTT, audio platform and short video platform. At present, the company has opened several official IP accounts such as Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, Armor Warrior and Super Flash on short video platforms such as Tik Tok and Aauto Quicker, and then actively explores more possibilities in linkage promotion, derivative creation and brand announcement. Thank you for your attention!

Investors:Does Shenzhen, where Aofei Entertainment has a 12% stake, see whether technology has space photography technology? Do you have VR photography technology? What it has been used for.

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello! Shenzhen has seen the development of technology with two-wheel drive of software and hardware, and it has strong competitiveness in the field of VR ultra-high definition video and intelligent video conferencing machine: in the field of VR panoramic ultra-high definition video, professional-grade panorama camera Obsidian series (12K, 8K), 5G+8K VR live broadcast system, consumer-grade panorama camera QooCam series and other products have been mass-produced; In the field of video conference, products such as Kandao Meeting, Kandao Meeting Pro and Kandao Meeting S have been launched. I suggest you go to see the official website of Science and Technology and WeChat WeChat official account for more information. Thank you for your attention!

Investors:Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Big Wolf 9: When is it scheduled to be released? Probably winter vacation or summer vacation

Aofei Entertainment Secretary-General:Hello! The project of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf 9" is progressing as scheduled, and it is planned to be officially released next year. At present, the specific schedule has not been determined. I suggest you pay attention to the relevant information pushed by "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Big Wolf" or "Aofei Entertainment" official Weibo and WeChat WeChat official account. Thank you for your attention!

The above contents are compiled by Securities Star according to public information and generated by algorithm, which has nothing to do with the position of this website. Securities Star strives for but does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, effectiveness and timeliness of all or part of this information (including but not limited to text, video, audio, data and charts). Please contact us if you have any questions. This article is for data collation, and does not constitute any investment advice for you. Investment is risky, so please make a careful decision.

NBA schedule

Note 1This schedule is Beijing time.
Note 2: CCTV-5 refers to the sports channel of CCTV, which is broadcast live every Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday; Local stations include Shanghai, Beijing, Guangdong, Inner Mongolia, Jiangxi, Xinjiang, Hubei, Shandong, Heilongjiang, Guangxi, etc. Among them, Heilongjiang broadcasts live every Monday, Thursday and Sunday, Guangxi broadcasts live every Sunday, and other local stations broadcast live every Thursday and Sunday.
Note 3: The live broadcasts of some local stations may be different from those of other local stations.
Note 4: The changes of live broadcast of local TV stations are subject to the TV station’s forecast.

The wild ball emperor Lai Yiye fought NBA Wiggins? Turn millions of fans into clowns?

This summer, I didn’t want to meet Lai Yiye. This spiteful remark has successfully become a very classic spiteful remark in the basketball field in Tik Tok. Because the wild ball emperor Lai Yiye chose to train in Zhejiang in the summer, polish his basketball skills and restore his physical condition, mainly because he had a recurrence of his old injury in the crazy game before, so he also found that his proud "fastest first step" breakthrough had disappeared, and he failed to play the leading role he should have at the critical moment when the team needed him most. Mr. Lai, who only shoots, can really be described as a tiger who has lost his teeth. Therefore, Mr. Lai also silently shed tears in the channel of the players’ locker room.

Channel 6: Real Madrid is a light year away from Manchester City! Real Madrid will introduce Vlahovic in the summer, with an offer of over 100 million yuan.

Aspen reported that after the defeat of Manchester City in the semi-final of the Champions League, the club management of Real Madrid decided to strengthen their talents this summer. In the last two seasons, only Joao Armeni and Cammavinga have been brought in. Real Madrid will first introduce a strong striker this summer, and has already targeted Juventus striker Blakovic.

Blakovic’s technical features are a bit like Harland’s. The 190cm Serbian striker has scored 14 goals and 4 assists in 41 appearances for Juventus in various competitions this season. Lachowicz is worth 75 million euros. Aspen reports that Real Madrid is ready to offer Juventus an offer of 100 million euros.

Real Madrid’s decision to bring in Vlahovic has something to do with Manchester City’s zero block in the second leg of the Champions League semi-final, but florentino is particularly concerned about Benzema’s aging, and I think there is not enough front line in the team. The team will rely less and less on him.

After losing to Manchester City in the Champions League, Fran garrido, a guest of Channel 6, lamented: "Real Madrid’s Champions League DNA came from Manchester City, and it was completely shattered. You must know. " Real Madrid goalkeeper courtois is the best player in this game. Manchester City scored four goals, but courtois saved three winning goals from Harland. Without courtois’s outstanding performance, Real Madrid will face the most humiliating game in team history at Etihad Stadium. I think Manchester City is now light years ahead of Real Madrid.

In addition to Blakovic, Real Madrid are also seeking to strengthen their defense and midfield, and Bellingham has confirmed to join the team’s midfield lineup. Real Madrid’s defence will have two top full-backs, but the specific candidates have not yet been announced!

Life and work are the same, and the robot provides you with perfect service!

Baidu launched the AI chat robot service "Wen Xin Yi Yan", what impact has it brought to people’s lives? Let’s discuss it.

First of all, this chat robot can make people get information more conveniently. Through the dialogue with robots, people can quickly get the information they need, without having to search and filter it themselves as before, saving a lot of time and energy.

In addition, this robot can answer all kinds of questions in a conversational way, whether it is writing code to correct bugs, answering scientific questions, or writing papers and articles.

Chat robots can solve people’s questions in some professional fields. For example, in the medical field, people can get their own health status through conversations with chat robots, or consult the treatment plans for some common diseases.

In the field of education, chat robots can be used as an auxiliary teaching tool to help students solve problems in their studies or provide some learning resources.

In addition, the chat robot can also be used as an intelligent customer service to help enterprises solve the problems of customer feedback and complaints.

In a word, the appearance of chat robots can not only facilitate people to obtain information, but also be applied to various fields to help people solve various problems.

In the future, the development of chat robots will become more and more intelligent and personalized, and become an indispensable part of people’s lives.

Secondly, Wen Xin can become people’s intelligent assistant in a word. This robot can provide people with speech recognition, intelligent translation, speech synthesis and other functions, which can help people communicate better and cross language barriers. In addition, Wen Xin Yi Yan can also be used as an entertainment tool to play games, chat and share fun.

Wen Xin Yi Yan has a wide range of entertainment functions, which can provide users with a variety of chat modes, such as simple question-and-answer games and simulated chatting with users. At the same time, this robot can also generate various types of interesting content, such as songs, jokes, poems, etc., so that users can enjoy more entertainment in their leisure time.

In addition, Wenxin can also combine virtual reality technology to create a more realistic virtual experience for users. For example, users can experience immersive travel scenes, participate in virtual reality games and so on through Wenxin.

On the whole, Wen Xin Yi Yan is not only a practical intelligent tool, but also provides users with more colorful entertainment experiences, making their lives more convenient and interesting.

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, robots play an increasingly important role in people’s lives. However, compared with the convenience it brings, people also need to pay attention to the risks that robots may bring. First of all, it is very important to protect the security of personal information.

When using a robot like Wenxin Yiyan, people need to be careful not to disclose their sensitive information, such as bank account information and personal identity information. If this information falls into the hands of criminals, it will cause huge property and spiritual losses.

Secondly, the robot’s answer also needs to be verified. Although such a robot as Wenxin Anya has powerful natural language processing ability, it is still a program written based on programming language. Therefore, its answer may be limited by the program code, resulting in misjudgment and other problems.

Finally, with the continuous progress and update of technology, people need to know and learn the latest technologies and functions in time. Only in this way can we make better use of these robots and make better use of their convenience and advantages. Therefore, when using a robot like Wen Xin Yi Yan, we need to be vigilant, understand the advantages and disadvantages of the robot, and use and control it appropriately.

In short, Baidu’s chat bot service "Wenxin Yiyan" has brought a lot of convenience and possibilities to people’s lives, and we expect it to be constantly improved and innovated in the future development.