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The famous singer’s concert broke out unexpectedly, and netizens angered

On the evening of April 22

Singer Joker Xue during the performance

Was shot in the face by an unknown person with a laser pointer

It caused a heated discussion among netizens for a while

Related topics are trending

On April 23, Nanchang International Sports Center said that the security department was responsible for a third-party company. The police of Honggutan Public Security Bureau said that they are currently verifying and will deal with the matter as soon as possible.

The video shows a beam of green dots constantly swimming around Xue Zhiqian’s face during the concert. Xue Zhiqian covered his eyes with his hands on the stage and said: "See this green dot? He keeps shaking my eyes, ah, blind, blind, catch him, good or bad!"

In response, Nanchang International Sports Center said that the security is the responsibility of a third-party company. The staff member said: "The security is not from our side, the security is a third-party company."

The police said: "We have relevant staff to understand this situation, it is under verification, and will deal with this matter. You can pay attention to the latest notice."

In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening again, the concert organizers will strengthen the inspection of the items carried by the audience to ensure that dangerous items such as laser pointers are not allowed to enter the venue. At the same time, they also call on the majority of fans to watch the performance in a civilized manner, respect the artists, and do not take actions that endanger others.

The netizens have commented one after another: disrupting order in public places and intentionally injuring, this kind of behavior is really hateful!

So, what kind of damage can a high-power laser pointer cause to the human body?

According to Yang Yong, a professor at the School of Electrical Engineering of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the current GB7247 standard in our country divides the risk of laser to the human body into four levels, and the measurement standard is to observe the MPE of the laser on the eye in the beam of light (the maximum possible impact).

In the standard:

The output power of a first-class standard laser is less than 0.4 milliwatts, because this energy laser will not cause damage to the eyes and skin under any conditions, and will not cause harm to the human body even after focusing through the optical system. Therefore, such laser products are of a type that does not require special management.

The second-level standard laser has an output power between 0.4 milliwatts and 1 milliwatt. The reaction time for people to close their eyes is 0.25 seconds, and the exposure amount calculated during this time cannot exceed the MPE value. Usually, lasers below 1 milliwatt will cause people to experience dizziness, so such lasers cannot be used to directly irradiate the eyes, let alone observe this laser with far-sighting equipment.

Three standard laser, if the beam of light directly into the eye, will cause damage to the eye, its output power is between 1 and 500 milliwatts.

The four-stage standard laser is a high-output continuous laser with an output power greater than 500 milliwatts, which may pose a fire hazard.

Yin Yue, an attending ophthalmologist at China-Japan Friendship Hospital, told reporters that high-intensity laser light can cause some irreversible damage to the eyes. If it is irradiated on the surface of the eye, it may damage the cornea, conjunctiva, eyelids and other soft tissues, causing corneal edema of the eyelid. If it is irradiated into the eye and then focused on the retina, it may damage the photoreceptor cells and pigment epithelium of the retina, causing cell death, which cannot be restored after cell death. If it is irradiated to the macula, which is very sensitive to light, it will cause permanent damage to the macula.

China Daily comprehensive news morning report, time video, netizens’ comments, etc

Nongfu Spring and the media’s "water war" bottled water standards are questioned

Nongfu ****** quarreled with the ******* Times, ******* News and other media over the issue ** bottled water standards. Nongfu ****** has published full-page advertisements in major media since April, insisting that the water quality ** its products is fine. The media, on the other hand, took the water quality standard loophole ** Nongfu ****** as a breakthrough and continuously reported heavily.

Drinking water, tap water, natural spring water, mineral water… The two sides were at odds, but consumers were confused.

Nongfu Spring and the media currently disagree.

The media criticized the "water quality standards" – the internal production standards ** Nongfu ******, and the local drinking water standards in Zhejiang Province, where the company is located, which are lower than the national standards. On May 3, the ******* News published an article titled "How many secrets are there in bottled water that are not known to the public?". The article said that the local standards (landmarks) in Zhejiang Province that Nongfu ****** refers to are obviously inferior to the national standard for tap water, which has been criticized by public opinion. The article asked: "Zhejiang landmarks that should have been’abolished by themselves’ five years ago have been used by enterprises for many years. Have the relevant enterprises and departments committed negligence or even illegal acts?"

So far, a number ** provinces, including Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, Guangdong and Hebei, have issued local standards for "mountain ****** water," some called "natural ****** water" and some called "natural mountain ****** water." In fact, the country has already formulated national standards for "natural mineral water," but localities have established "mountain ****** water" landmarks. Some mountain ****** water landmarks have looser requirements for mineral content, The ******* News said.

Nongfu Spring insists that the "actual water quality" of its products meets the standards. The company published a full-page statement in the Oriental Morning Post and Jiefang Daily on May 3 with the sad headline – "People are doing it, the sky is watching".

Nongfu Spring stressed in the statement that the quality of its products is not only better than GB5749 (National Drinking Water Standard), but also better than the US FDA Bottled Drinking Water Quality Standard.

The two sides seem to be "the donkey’s head is not right," and they are not talking about the same thing: one talks about low standards, and the other says that the actual production quality is no problem.

So far, there has been no test report on the actual water quality of Nongfu Spring. Things have become a bit absurd: if the water quality of Nongfu Spring is indeed better than the national standard and "landmark", why not directly modify the company’s production standards? But on the other hand, if the water of Nongfu Spring is indeed substandard, isn’t it the most direct response for the media to buy a bottle of water and send it to the testing agency to get a report?

This war of words has been quarreling for more than a month, but the two sides did not show a fatal "trump card", which really confused ordinary consumers.

The dispute over the "standard door" of Nongfu Spring originated from a press conference.

On April 9, China Resources Yibao Pure Water took the lead in launching the "China Bottled Water corporate social responsibility proposal" in the sunshine hall of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. At this meeting, Chen Yue, general manager of China Resources Yibao’s public relations department, read the "proposal" as a corporate representative, and called on industry colleagues to take the initiative to take responsibility for the environment, society and people’s drinking water safety.

The next day, an article in the ******* Times "Nongfu ****** is accused ** being inferior to tap water" pushed Nongfu ****** to the forefront ** public opinion. In response, Nongfu ****** issued a statement saying that the quality ** Nongfu ******’s drinking natural water products has always been higher than any existing drinking water standards in the country; Nongfu ****** has reason to believe that the mastermind behind the scenes is China Resources Yibao.

According to Nongfu Spring, as early as March 22, China Resources Yibao launched a text advertisement to chronicle all the water pollution incidents in China in the past 10 years, and then pointed out that "Do you still dare to drink the water transported by nature?" The slogan pointed directly at Nongfu Spring.

"This is Nongfu Spring taking the right seat, and it has nothing to do with China Resources Yibao," Chen Yue said in an interview with China Times on April 16. "If you are right, you will not be afraid of others saying it. They always take the right seat, and there is nothing we can do." Chen Yue said that China Resources Yibao has officially sued Nongfu Spring in the Nanshan District Court of Shenzhen, and it only costs 1 yuan in terms of economic claims, mainly to restore reputation.

Nongfu Spring and the media's "water war" bottled water standards are questioned

Market competition? Media marketing?

The New Financial Observer quoted data provided by China Investment Consulting on April 21, saying that the top three brands in the drinking water industry are Master Kong, Nongfu Spring, and Wahaha, with a market share of 23%, 22%, and 18%.

"In recent years, the domestic bottled water market has been relatively stable. Due to the strong grasp of channels by major companies and the lack of major moves in products, its market share has not changed significantly," Jian Aihua, a food industry researcher at CIC Consulting, told New Finance.

"Nongfu Spring has developed very rapidly in the past two years, and problems will only occur because of the rapid development." The above observers believe.

In the fiercely competitive bottled water market, Nongfu Spring has always been a master marketer. The slogan "Nongfu Spring is a little sweet" is well known. Unfortunately, this advertising slogan, which has brought many benefits to Nongfu Spring, was also brought to court by a consumer in Yangzhou in 2002. According to media reports, the consumer believed that Nongfu Spring did not have the "sweet" taste as the advertising slogan said, so he demanded compensation of 1 yuan. The court held that Nongfu Spring Company did not give a clear answer to the "sweet" in the advertisement, so it should compensate the plaintiff for the loss of postage and transportation costs due to rights protection. Because of the loss of the lawsuit, Nongfu Spring had to give up the use of this advertising slogan.

Nongfu Spring has also benefited from the media marketing wars.

On April 24, 2000, Yangshengtang, the parent company of Nongfu Spring, announced that it had stopped producing purified water that year because "experiments have shown that purified water is not good for health". Nongfu Spring’s advertisement also demonstrated the comparison of purified water and natural water, and concluded that purified water is not good for health. The move caused a strong reaction in China’s drinking water industry and opened the war over the source (species) of packaged drinking water in China.

At that time, the Chinese bottled water market was still dominated by companies such as Wahaha and Robust.

On August 6, 2008, the "Daily Economic News" took the lead in publishing an unconfirmed online article reporting that "Master Kong’s mineral water source is actually tap water", revealing the whole incident.

The relevant person in charge of the public relations department of Master Kong said that the mineral water produced by Master Kong’s Hangzhou production base is indeed filtered by the urban tap water through the water filtration system. The Master Kong water source incident immediately attracted widespread attention from Beijing, Shanghai and other media, and the media report escalated.

On August 8, 2008, Master Kong Holdings Co., Ltd. published the "Instructions for Master Kong Drinking Mineral Water" for the first time on its official website: "The’drinking mineral water ‘produced by the company is based on pure water and adds mineral raw materials that meet the national standard of’food additives and nutritional additives’, which fully meets the definition of the category of’drinking mineral water ‘in the national standard GB10789 Beverage General Rules. At the same time, considering product safety and hygiene, the company uses water sources, whether using tap water, groundwater or other natural water, in line with the national standard GB5749’Drinking Water Hygiene Standard’."

On September 2, 2008, a month after the "Water Source" scandal lasted, the top executives of water industry giant Tingyi attended a press conference for the first time, and publicly apologized to the invited media in Beijing and Tianjin for the cognitive difference caused by the "selection of high-quality water" in the advertisement of mineral water products. But the Daily Economic News immediately commented on the incident with the theme of insincere apology.

The media has been at the forefront of food safety issues, providing supervision services for ordinary consumers and gaining newspapers a position beyond commercial interests.

However, on May 2, "******* Business Daily" inferred that Nongfu ****** was "a lot ** unsalable" based on the "9.9 yuan/box" exchange promotion information in the supermarket, and the product "few people care about it, and the goods are covered with a layer ** ash." It is a little doubtful that such an inference is too arbitrary.

How will this Nongfu ****** "standard door" end? If the ******* Times can’t catch the actual water quality problem ** Nongfu ******’s products, this battle over "standards" seems to have no direct relationship with ordinary consumers. The only certainty is that this "water battle" between Nongfu ****** and the media will continue tomorrow. If the victory ** the media can be exchanged for the victory ** the people’s interests, it will be the best ending.

Media reveals the environmental cost of takeaway: Plastic bags can cover West Lake in 15 days

  China News Service, Beijing, April 19 (reporter, Li Jinlei) Nowadays, the online takeaway market is becoming more and more popular. Behind the huge order volume, there are problems of waste of resources and environmental pollution that cannot be ignored. A reporter from China News Service found that the current takeaway waste is basically in a state of no one recycling.

  While enjoying the convenience of life brought by O2O industries such as online takeout, how much environmental cost people will pay, and how to achieve a win-win situation of convenience and pollution reduction, this urgently needs the attention and consideration of the society.

  Little attention has been paid to the problem of takeaway waste

  In recent years, online food ordering has gradually entered people’s lives, and more and more people have become accustomed to ordering takeout through mobile APP or phone to solve the problem of eating.

  The China News Service reporter found that the takeaway market is becoming increasingly popular, and a large amount of catering packaging waste is also generated. Plastic or foam lunch boxes, plastic bags, disposable chopsticks, etc., constitute the main part of takeaway waste.

  Wang Yan, a white-collar worker working in an Internet company in Beijing, told China News Service that the time cost of bringing meals is too high, office workers do not have so much energy to prepare, and it is too expensive to eat in restaurants outside. Now takeaway merchants have many discounts, which are generally cheaper than going to restaurants. Under such circumstances, even if you know that ordering takeout will cause some "white pollution", it is difficult to resist the temptation of cheap, convenient and fast takeout.

  The large amount of takeaway garbage has caused the cleaners to complain. Yang Lan, a nearly 50-year-old cleaner, has a deep understanding of this. She told reporters that after lunch every day, the trash cans in the unit are almost full of takeaway garbage such as lunch boxes, plastic bags, and disposable chopsticks. Some lunch boxes still have leftover food and soup. It is really a headache to deal with this garbage.

  "Before, there was not so much takeaway waste, but now it has increased significantly." Yang Lan told reporters from China News Service that these takeaway waste are basically not recycled and can only be disposed of as domestic waste.

  "Nowadays, people’s life is very fast, and ordering takeout is for convenience, but few people may be aware of the problem of takeout waste." Mr. Shen, the deliveryman of Meituan takeaway, told China News Service that even if some customers can use chopsticks at home, they will complain because there are no chopsticks in the takeaway. "It may be that they are too lazy to wash, which also shows that people’s environmental awareness still needs to be improved."

  "White pollution" is inevitable

  While enjoying the convenience of ordering food online, people also have to pay for the environmental pollution problems that come with it. So, how serious is the environmental pollution caused by takeaway garbage?

  Boss Zhao, who runs a Liangpi restaurant in Tiantongyuan, told reporters that his store has just opened for less than two months, and takeaway is the main source of business income. At present, 20 or 30 takeaway orders can be received every day. The cost of packaging a takeaway (1 transparent lunch box + 1 pair of chopsticks + 1 plastic bag) is about 1 yuan.

  China News Service reporter noticed that the store of Boss Zhao is not large, with only four tables in the store, but the operating performance of Meituan takeaway has reached more than 500 orders per month.

  In fact, the order volume of various takeaway platforms is growing rapidly, which also means that takeaway waste is also increasing. For the amount of takeaway waste, although there is no authoritative statistics at present, it can be seen from the order volume of takeaway platforms.

  According to the data released by Meituan takeaway, Ele.me, Baidu takeaway, etc., the daily order volume of these three takeaway platforms is about 7 million orders, according to which a rough calculation can be made. According to the calculation of 1 plastic bag for each takeaway, each plastic bag is 0.06 square meters. The plastic bag used every day can cover 420,000 square meters, which is equivalent to about 59 football fields, and can cover a West Lake in about 15 days.

  China News Service reporter noticed that, based on factors such as reducing garbage and "white pollution" and ensuring campus safety, some colleges and universities in China have introduced bans to ban takeout from entering campuses.

  Data map. On April 6, 2015, in Chongqing, this is a cleaner transferring large bags of garbage to the sorting point at the stacking yard to facilitate unpacking. Jiangshang Gull, photo credit: Dongfang IC

  Takeaway waste is basically not recycled

  "Every time I order takeout recently, or pack it outside, I always feel guilty. It’s like creating white pollution." Ms. Jin, who works in Shenzhen, orders takeout once a week on average. She told reporters that the takeaway lunch boxes she calls are almost always packed in plastic boxes. With plastic bags and disposable chopsticks, where does all the takeaway garbage end up?

  China News Service reporter found that at present, takeaway waste is generally difficult to recycle. Disposable chopsticks, plastic bags, and foam lunch boxes are basically unrecycled. Although transparent plastic lunch boxes can be recycled, the amount of recycling is also very small.

  China News Service reporter consulted a number of personnel responsible for waste recycling. Master Li, who is engaged in waste recycling in Beijing Fangzhuang area, told reporters that transparent pure polypropylene (PP) plastic lunch boxes can be recycled, and the purchase price is 3 yuan/kg. Foam lunch boxes and other types of takeaway lunch boxes are basically not recycled because they are too cheap, difficult to clean and difficult to sell.

  Master Liu, who is engaged in second-hand recycling in Chaoyang, Beijing, told reporters that foam lunch boxes are generally not accepted. The recycling price of transparent PP plastic lunch boxes is 2 yuan/kg, and they must be clean, not unclean. "Transparent PP plastic lunch boxes are recycled and sold to plastic processing plants, which will crush them into particles and make other plastic products."

  "White foam lunch boxes are still very common in some construction sites." Zhai Qiuping, a plastics analyst at Zhuochuang Information, told China News Service that such foam lunch boxes are very cheap, a few cents each, and few people recycle them. Because cleaning is very troublesome, the recycling value is not large, and they are generally treated as landfills or incineration.

  Mr. Luo, a takeaway deliveryman who has worked in the Tiantongyuan area for more than two years, told reporters that most regular restaurants currently use transparent lunch boxes, and occasionally you can see rice in foam lunch boxes. Although I have heard that transparent lunch boxes can be recycled, I have never seen anyone recycle them. Usually, no one picks up waste.

  Reducing takeaway waste requires multiple efforts

  Under the background that takeaway has gradually become a living habit, how to reduce takeaway waste is an issue that needs to be paid attention to by the whole society. Takeaway platforms, merchants, consumers and even the whole society should pay attention and make efforts.

  "Many people around me now order takeout, and they never thought about pollution before, but now they do cause pollution." Wang Yan, a white-collar worker, suggested that efforts should be made to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection and reduce the use of disposable tableware, calling on everyone to bring their own tableware.

  Mr. Shen, the deliveryman, suggested that to reduce the use of disposable lunch boxes, we can vigorously promote the use of transparent and environmentally friendly lunch boxes that can be recycled.

  Some netizens have also suggested that takeaway platforms can provide some options, such as whether to bring your own chopsticks and whether bags can be recycled.

  "Nowadays, when people eat takeout, the lunch box is often thrown away directly, and few people keep it for cleaning and recycling." Zhai Qiuping said that to reduce takeout waste, on the one hand, we should encourage people to order less takeout and go out to eat more. On the other hand, we should also strengthen the establishment of garbage sorting and recycling systems to turn waste into treasure. There is still a lot of work to be done in China in terms of garbage sorting and recycling.

  The reporter from China News Service noticed that the outline of the "13th Five-Year Plan" announced this year has clearly stated that the use of disposable products should be restricted. Improve the recycling network of renewable resources, and strengthen the connection between the classification and recycling of domestic waste and the recycling of renewable resources.

Continuously surprise users with "intelligence", and ask the world to officially upgrade the new version of M5 OTA

AITO Qinjie M5 officially launched the latest version of the OTA upgrade in 2023. This upgrade involves the improvement and addition of a number of functions to help advance smart travel and improve user experience. AITO Qinjie M5 is positioned as an intelligent luxury electric drive SUV, which is the first product under AITO. Based on the super expansion of the new HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit, it can provide users with more convenient, rich experience and intelligent ecological smart travel solutions.

With this upgrade, AITO M5 has undergone multi-dimensional adjustments in terms of feature richness, interactive intelligence, and scene diversification. After this upgrade, M5 will soon welcome HarmonyOS 3.

In terms of local applications, the app store has added a variety of third-party apps, including Kugou Music, Mango TV, USB Camera Pro, and a variety of entertainment and Puzzle Game APPs. In terms of functions, the new version supports calendar boarding, and the mobile calendar can be interoperable with the car and machine; supports the steering wheel dial button to pull up call records with one click, which is convenient for viewing and callback; supports car wash mode; two sets of LIVE wallpapers can be set, which will follow the system time and present different wallpaper performances; Added an automatic update switch. After turning on this switch, each OTA upgrade task will automatically book a point-in-time update for the user after downloading the version, and the user can also customize and modify this time.

In terms of intelligent voice, AITO Interrogator M5 has optimized some voice control functions. After the upgrade, Xiaoyi voice control functions are increased, and navigation supports users to switch on and off the automatic cruise mode through voice commands; common locations and routes are directly accessible in one step, eliminating the need for multiple destination selection and multiple route selection steps; switching the windows can be voice-controlled to open the windows, which is more refined; air conditioner adjustment can also understand the user’s intentions of "cool and cool", "warm and warm", etc., and can control the air conditioner to blow up/down, fast/slow blow, or blow to/avoid certain parts to accurately grasp the details; Similarly, the control boundaries in seat adjustment and music adjustment are also more detailed and concrete.

In addition, in terms of personalized voice experience, new tone switching and Cantonese recognition functions are added. In addition, when the address book contacts have multiple numbers, users can speed dial by saying the number at the beginning or end, eliminating the need for intermediate selection.

In terms of media experience, after the upgrade, users can control the radio by voice "Next Channel", "Change", "Exit", "Pause Play" and "Continue Play" when the network is unstable; they can also connect to Kugou and NetEase Cloud Music to support favorite songs and view my favorite songs, view historical songs, view playlists and other music information.

This upgrade also creates exclusive functions for multiple smart travel scenarios. This issue supports 4 smart scenarios: departure to work, return home from get off work, travel on rest days, and open the door to turn down the volume. The effective conditions and execution actions of each scenario are customized by the user. For example, when you leave for work, you can set the weather and schedule to be broadcast at a fixed time, complete the playback of audio, navigation to the company, etc., to make smart life further.

One-click upgrade, open the intelligent experience, often used as new, and feel the surprises brought by each new version. This new version of the push continues the "user-centric" concept of Sailis Automobile, by expanding the scene-based functions, providing more user-friendly and convenient functions in the details, so that smart travel can be implemented and users’ sense of happiness and gain in the car can be enhanced.


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Employees use computers to read novels at work, and the dismissed labor department intervened in the investigation.

The personnel documents of the company seen by the reporter.

  The labor department of a large enterprise in Shunde intervened in the investigation and asked the company to "advocate humanized management"

  Recently, a mysterious informant sent an internal report from a large electronics company in Shunde to the email address of this newspaper, saying that two workers were "immediately dismissed" because they found that they were reading novels on computers at work and sleeping at their posts.

  In the email, the informant mentioned the strict personnel management regulations recently promulgated by a large company, saying that "some trivial matters in the regulations can lead to the dismissal of employees; The real implementation of the results is stricter than the promulgated regulations! "

  The reporter then contacted the relevant departments in Shunde and received the investigation report yesterday afternoon. The Shunde district government attached great importance to this matter, sent people to conduct a special investigation on the dismissal of the enterprise, and has urged the company to pay economic compensation and notice in lieu to the dismissed employees in accordance with the Labor Contract Law and other relevant laws and regulations. In view of the fact that it is still in the shadow of the financial crisis, the relevant departments in Shunde District have asked the company to "advocate humanized management". "It is very unreasonable to dismiss people just because of a small fault." A staff member of the district government told reporters.

  Report: Being fired for chatting while sleeping was punished.

  The personnel management regulations recently formulated by a large company in Shunde set many harsh conditions, such as "no snacks during office hours, and the labor contract is terminated for those who have accumulated twice", "Playing mobile phones and chatting during office hours, and the labor contract is terminated for those who have accumulated twice …" Recently, a mysterious e-mail was sent to our newspaper’s email address, and the attachment stated the whole story of a large company in Shunde dismissing two employees. Among them, Tan was immediately dismissed for reading novels with a computer during office hours. Other employees were punished by 300 yuan’s "education fund" for chatting, playing mobile phones and listening to music.

  The mysterious informant said that the previously promulgated regulations stipulated that two violations would be found before dismissal; But now, just because an employee is found reading a novel on a computer, he is fired immediately. "The result of his actions is even more shocking!"

  Investigation: Sleeping employees are compensated

  After receiving the relevant email, the reporter immediately reported it to the relevant departments in Shunde District and attached relevant information. Yesterday afternoon, after an investigation by the Shunde district government, it was proved that this was the case. A staff member who participated in the investigation said that the enterprise’s practices were not satisfactory. "Although the current economic environment is not optimistic, such harsh dismissal regulations are unreasonable in managing workers."

  After investigation, it was found that Qin, who was fired from reading novels at work, had applied to the company for resignation in mid-February this year and was approved by the company before being found out of the so-called "violation of discipline"; Under the supervision of the labor department, Xu, who was fired because of a sleepiness, has reached a consensus and signed an agreement to terminate the labor relationship. At the same time, the labor department requires the company to pay economic compensation and notice in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

  Relevant departments: advocate humanized management

  The staff of relevant departments in Shunde told reporters that this incident has attracted considerable attention from the district government. "Although it is only an individual incident, in the immediate environment, the welfare of workers and all aspects of protection should be well supervised, and large-scale vicious layoffs should not be allowed in enterprises."

  The material of the mysterious whistleblower was completely true after investigation by relevant departments in Shunde. The relevant departments in Shunde District have asked the company to strengthen communication with employees, advocate humanized management, and try to give priority to criticism and education in dealing with individual employees’ violations and listen to employees’ demands. (Reporter Ceng Yi’s photo report)

Editor: Fan Jing

Apple’s incoming AI mobile phone "iPhone moment" is coming?

When mobile phone manufacturers rushed to add more AI, 2024 was called "the first year of mobile AI". However, Apple, which has always been regarded as the pioneer of smart phones, has been slow to act. Recently, Apple announced that it would abandon the car-making project, and it is turning to the field of generative AI in an all-round way, and news related to AI mobile phones is constantly coming out. For Apple, in the face of declining sales and market, price reduction is the competition for the stock market, while AI is the preemption of the incremental market.

beijing business today

Introducing external large model

According to foreign media reports quoted people familiar with the matter on Monday, Apple and Google are actively negotiating, hoping that Google’s generative artificial intelligence model Gemini will support some new functions of iPhone software this year. In addition, the source also revealed that Apple recently discussed with OpenAI and considered using the GPT model.

It is reported that Apple is preparing new functions based on its self-developed artificial intelligence model for the upcoming iOS 18, but these are all concentrated on devices, not through the cloud. Therefore, Apple is also looking for some partners to support generative artificial intelligence functions, including the ability to create images and write articles based on simple tips.

After giving up the car-making project, Apple is currently facing tremendous pressure in the field of artificial intelligence. Compared with competitors Microsoft and Google, Apple has been slow to introduce generative artificial intelligence, and Google and Microsoft are already integrating artificial intelligence into their products. Last month, Apple CEO Tim Cook said that the company planned to disclose more about its plans to put generative artificial intelligence into use later this year, adding that the company was making "significant" investments in this field.

The cooperation negotiations that broke out this time may mean that Apple’s efforts in artificial intelligence are not as far as some people hope. Therefore, people familiar with the matter said that Apple’s move to find partners may be wise. If the negotiations are successful, Apple will gain new functions in generative artificial intelligence, and Gemini will gain a key advantage in having billions of potential users.

At the same time, it also means that the two companies will "kiss each other." According to the agreement reached between Google and Apple, Google pays Apple billions of dollars every year, making its search engine the default option for Safari web browsers on iPhone and other devices. It is worth mentioning that in view of the huge scale of both parties, the potential agreement may lead to further antitrust review of the two companies.

Apple’s process related to AI mobile phones has always attracted much attention. In 2023, many media reported that Apple was developing a big model Ajax. In January 2024, some developers found Siri’s code related to OpenAI and ChatGPT in the developer preview version of Apple’s operating system iOS 17.4. The code shows that Apple is developing a new version of Siri supported by a big model. This has triggered speculation in the industry about iOS 18 that has not yet been launched. Many people think that iOS 18 will deeply integrate generative AI technology and redo iOS built-in applications with AI, especially Siri.

Save sales

For Apple, AI mobile phone is a brand-new and huge market. Since entering the China market in 1993, Apple has always been regarded as the representative of high-end mobile phones. In the era of smart phones, Nokia, the "tears of the times", was eliminated; There are many domestic flip phones whose names can’t be remembered. It seems that only Apple will never fail. However, 30 years later, this situation has undergone a subtle change.

Recently, the report released by Furui Group said that in 2023, the sales volume of Apple mobile phones in China dropped slightly by 3%, and the sales volume in the first week of 2024 plummeted by 30% compared with the same period in 2023. The report also predicts that the sales of Apple’s mobile phones in China may show a double-digit decline in 2024 in the face of multiple attacks from China brands such as Huawei and Xiaomi. Subsequently, Apple reported that China’s revenue dropped by 13%.

In order to cope with the weak demand in the smart phone market, Apple China official website recently launched a rare promotion campaign to reduce the price of its iPhone 15 series products by 500 yuan, including the most expensive iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Major General Ding, an industry observer, told the beijing business today that the price reduction of Apple official website showed that the sales of iPhone 15 series were less than expected before, and there was pressure to clear inventory at the end of the year. Under the multiple pressures of the high-end local brands in China, represented by Huawei, and the launch and sale of Samsung’s flagship new machine Galaxy S24 series, Apple needs to release the old inventory as soon as possible and lay the foundation for the new machine sales in 2024.

In Major General Ding’s view, Apple’s strategic adjustment is relatively slow. In terms of imaging technology, it has been overtaken by the head brand of the Android camp, but it is slow in folding screens and AI models, resulting in the gradual loss of users.

Canalys analyzed that in the past two years, thanks to the steady demand of the high-end smart market, Apple iPhone has shown tenacious vitality. However, the re-emergence of Huawei in Chinese mainland and local competition will pose a challenge to Apple’s sustained growth when the demand for high-end mobile phones in other major markets such as North America and Europe tends to be stable. "In the new year, Apple must seek new market growth points and ecosystem advantages to revitalize the iPhone business." Canalys wrote in the report.

Samsung Galaxy S24 series mobile phones are regarded as a strong proof that AI affects sales. According to official data, the sales volume of Galaxy S24 series has exceeded 1 million units in 28 days after it was launched in South Korea, which has set a new record for the sales volume of Samsung S series mobile phones to exceed one million units, which is three weeks faster than that of the previous Galaxy S23 series.

Coincidentally, although Samsung released its own Gauss model in November 2023, the Galaxy S24 series uses Google’s Gemini, and the China version uses Baidu’s ERNIE Bot. At present, the main AI functions of Galaxy S24 series include two-way real-time translation during call and creative image editing.

How far is AI iPhone?

After the explosion of ChatGPT last year, Huang Renxun, CEO of NVIDIA, put forward that "the iPhone time of AI is coming", indicating that the AI industry has reached a point like the revolutionary subversion brought to the mobile phone industry when the iPhone was born.

Today, AI’s real iPhone may be coming. However, many people think that we still have a long way to go with the veritable AI mobile phone. According to some insiders, no matter whether the big model is self-developed or open, the products that have been labeled with AI mobile phones are nothing more than image processing, search and other functions, which are far from the real intelligent form.

Gartner, a research organization, pointed out that AI mobile phones should be equipped with corresponding hardware and software functions, which can realize seamless integration and efficient execution of AI driving functions and applications on mobile phones; These phones can run basic or fine-tuned AI models locally and generate new derivative versions of content, strategies, designs and methods. In other words, only when AIGC actually runs on the terminal can AI be considered as landing on the mobile phone.

Zhang Xiaorong, dean of the Institute of Deep Science and Technology, believes that in terms of value potential, AI is expected to refresh the business model of the mobile phone industry and even reconstruct the previous pattern. But at the present stage, the strategic awareness of mobile phone manufacturers is far ahead of technology and ecology. Building momentum around the concept may boost sales in the short term, but the vision is not equal to reality after all.

Zhang Xiaorong mentioned that it should also be noted that while AI mobile phones enhance the sense of experience, they will also cause users’ anxiety about data and personal privacy. At present, users who have doubts about App snooping data can also use different Apps to distinguish them, and avoid privacy leakage by not letting an app get too much data. Assuming that the AI ? ? mobile phone can get through all the apps, users naturally cannot avoid it.

At this level, the AI ? ? phone has not yet ushered in its iPhone moment, but obviously, it is worth waiting for.

Source: beijing business today reporter Zhao Tianshu

Process Editor: U022

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FIFA: Saudi Arabia is the only bid for the 2034 Football World Cup.

Xinhua News Agency, Geneva, October 31 (Reporter Shan Lei) On October 31, FIFA announced that Saudi Arabian Football Association was the only football association to submit an application for hosting the 2034 Football World Cup before the deadline.

FIFA confirmed that it has received an application from Saudi Arabia to host the 2034 World Cup, and Saudi Arabia is the only country that has expressed its interest in hosting the 2034 World Cup.

Previously, FIFA had announced that the only application for hosting the 2030 World Cup was jointly submitted by the Football Associations of Morocco, Portugal and Spain. At present, these three countries have confirmed their willingness to bid. As the centenary celebration of the World Cup will be held in 2030, FIFA plans to hold a World Cup in Uruguay, Argentina and Paraguay, and these three countries have also confirmed their willingness to host the World Cup.

Like Morocco, Portugal and Spain, Saudi Arabia still needs to pass the FIFA audit. If these bidding countries can meet the requirements of FIFA and go through the whole bidding process, then FIFA will determine its right to host at the FIFA General Assembly at the end of 2024.

Photo: Li Ming

The financial opening is fast and steady, and foreign capital is overweight and laid out in China market.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 23rd, china securities journal published an article on the 23rd, titled "Financial Opening, Steadily Stabilizing Foreign Capital Plus Layout in China Market". According to the article, Faba Agricultural Bank Wealth Management Co., Ltd. opened and became the fifth foreign-controlled joint venture wealth management company in China. One of Japan’s largest asset management institutions-Sumitomo Mitsui Private Equity Fund Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Sumitomo Mitsui, has completed the filing and can develop its business in China … With the steady progress of China’s financial opening up, foreign financial institutions have accelerated their efforts to "grab the beach" in China market in recent years. The insiders believe that it is necessary to further benchmark international best practices and rules, create a market-oriented, rule-of-law and international first-class business environment, and steadily and orderly promote the two-way opening of institutional financial industry.
Financial opening-up is deepening.
In recent years, the financial management department has actively and orderly promoted the opening of the financial industry, and achieved positive results, including the substantial relaxation of market access for financial services, the deepening of financial market opening, and the steady progress in RMB internationalization.
(Profile picture, issued by Xinhua News Agency)
Data show that by the end of 2022, foreign banks had established 41 foreign-funded corporate banks, 116 branches of foreign banks and 135 representative offices in China, with a total of 911 business institutions and total assets of foreign banks reaching 3.76 trillion yuan. Overseas insurance institutions have set up 68 foreign-funded insurance institutions and 79 representative offices in China, with total assets of foreign-funded insurance institutions reaching 2.26 trillion yuan.
"After more than 40 years of unremitting exploration, China’s financial industry has achieved’ four trends’ as a whole." Huo Xuewen, chairman of Bank of Beijing, said that, specifically, access management has moved from a positive list to a negative list, the opening mechanism has moved from one-way introduction to two-way opening, international cooperation has moved from active participation to active governance, and regional opening has moved from multi-point exploration to comprehensive breakthrough.
"For foreign investors, China financial assets represented by RMB assets have diversified investment value, actual capital allocation needs and fundamental support." Pang Yao, chief economist and research director of Jones Lang LaSalle Greater China, believes that foreign financial institutions can accelerate their entry into, participation in and deep cultivation of China’s financial market, and global investors can pay attention to, allocate and hold China’s financial assets and cast the best vote of confidence for China’s economic growth and social development with real money.
(subhead) Continuously optimize policy arrangements
Experts said that the recent actions of the regulatory authorities also showed that the support for financial openness continued to increase. A few days ago, the People’s Bank of China and the foreign exchange bureau held a forum for foreign-funded financial institutions and foreign-funded enterprises, which released a positive signal to further promote high-level opening up.
Pan Gongsheng, governor of the People’s Bank of China, said that the next step will be to conscientiously implement the requirements of "the State Council’s Opinions on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Increasing Attracting Foreign Investment", continuously optimize policy arrangements, create a market-oriented, rule-of-law and international first-class business environment, continuously improve the quality and efficiency of financial services, and help to open to the outside world at a high level.
"Opening to the outside world is China’s basic national policy, and it is also the core requirement for deepening the structural reform of the financial supply side and promoting high-quality economic development." Shang Fulin, the former chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, believes that it is necessary to further benchmark international best practices and rules, steadily and orderly promote the two-way opening of the institutional financial industry, better integrate with the international market, make better use of the international and domestic markets, give full play to the advantages of the two resources, improve the quality and efficiency of the international economic cycle, serve to build a new development pattern of double cycle, and provide a solid foundation and guarantee for coping with external financial shocks.
Experts said that in the future, financial opening needs to accelerate the establishment and improvement of unified market system rules, establish a fair, transparent and standardized market system, and create a first-class business environment with marketization, rule of law and internationalization; Constantly improve the financial infrastructure and deepen and expand the interconnection between domestic and foreign markets; Accelerate the establishment of a modern central bank system, promote financial institutions to speed up the improvement of internal governance, speed up the shortcomings of the regulatory system, and enhance the ability of risk early warning and prevention. (End)

In 2023, where do China people who can play most want to play? Here are their wish lists and travel plans.

After waiting for three years, China citizens finally ushered in the resumption of outbound travel. Where do you want to travel most in the new year? Some people say that no matter where you go, as long as you can go abroad for a walk; Some people say that I want to go to America, and I haven’t seen my daughter for three years. Some people say that they want to go to the French Disneyland and fulfill their desire to travel around the world …

After a two-month user survey, combined with the travel content and data of over 100 million users in the platform, Poor Travel Network released "China People Who Can Play: Great Insights into Chinese Travel in 2022" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") today. According to the report, after the announcement of the policy of orderly resuming China citizens’ outbound tourism, more than 90% of users plan to travel abroad within one year, and their willingness to travel within six months has increased by 25.9%. Once you travel, 62% of users will travel for more than 10 days.

In the past year, the length of a single domestic trip by poor tourists increased significantly, and the number of people who chose outdoor travel and parent-child travel doubled compared with 2021.

More than 90% of the respondents plan to travel abroad this year, and they are most concerned about the ticket price.

Poor tourists who are used to flying around the world have always been looking forward to outbound travel. In 2022, 75.4% of poor tourists will still pay attention to overseas travel related content when browsing travel raiders.

Since the release of the new policy, the search for related overseas destinations and overseas hotels in poor travel websites has increased by more than 400%, and the search for "visa" related content has increased by 280%. Before and after the policy, the time when travelers plan to travel has changed significantly. More than 90% of users plan to start outbound travel in 2023, and the number of users who choose to travel within half a year has increased by 13.9% to 38.5%. Followed by travelers who travel within 3 months, accounting for 23.1%; There are also 12% users who will use the Spring Festival holiday to restart their outbound travel in January.

In recent days, countries’ entry policies for China tourists have attracted much attention, which coincides with the results of this report. Travelers are not only concerned about the high air ticket cost, but also about the flight change and whether they are infected with COVID-19. The proportion of people who are worried about the segregation policy of entry destinations is 33.8%, ranking second.

More convenient outbound travel conditions directly affect the travel time of travelers. According to the report, the data of travel within 10 days has risen to 48%, and 52% of travelers will start long-term travel for 10 days or more as long as they go out. 6.3% of travelers plan to travel for one month or more.

The report shows that natural scenery, sacred land tour, exotic culture, food shopping and interest themes are the most anticipated outbound travel themes for poor tourists. Among them, the desire for characteristic culture and interest themes has increased obviously, and it has become more and more people’s choice to appreciate the customs of different countries or to go overseas to rock climbing, surfing and other holy places from their own interests. In 2023, Thailand, Japan, Spain, France, the United States, Italy, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia ranked in the top ten.

Domestic travel costs 5000-9000 yuan per person.

The past year has not been easy, but the traveler’s heart remains the same. 93.2% of the respondents believe that travel is a very important and indispensable part of their lives, and more than 60% of the respondents hope to release their inner feelings through travel and fulfill their long-cherished dream of traveling.

The report shows that 51.5% of travelers traveled twice or more in 2022, and the number of users who traveled more than four times still exceeded 20%. 67.2% of users will plan their travel itinerary half a month or more before departure. On the whole, the duration of users’ single trip increased significantly, mainly in 3-5 days, accounting for 59%, up 13.9% year-on-year. In addition, the proportion of single trips lasting 6-9 days and more than 10 days also increased, by 8.5% and 4.4% respectively.

In terms of travel expenses, 51.6% users keep the original budget unchanged, and 21.4% users are willing to increase their expenses to get a better travel experience. Among them, spending more money to eat and live well has become the first choice for over 70% of travelers. The average per capita spending of domestic travel is 5,000-9,999 yuan/person, accounting for 29.3%, and 12.6% of travelers spend 10,000 yuan or more per person. Accommodation, food and transportation are the main expenses of travel, accounting for 35%, 23% and 21% respectively.

Travelers prefer to explore treasure destinations.

How can I travel? Poor tourists gave their own answers. In the past year, Zhou Bianyou, local food, culture and art, outdoor travel and parent-child travel have become the favorite theme games for travelers. It is worth noting that parent-child travel has entered TOP5 for the first time, becoming the choice of more families with children. Natural scenery tour, historical and cultural experience and theme park experience are the first choices for parent-child travel. In addition, outdoor travel has increased significantly, and hiking, camping and cycling are popular among outdoor enthusiasts.

At present, there are various life sharing platforms, but for travel, the travel strategy platform and traveler are still the most inspiring, accounting for 89.7% and 61.9% respectively. The factors that really stimulate travelers to travel are more from the unique beauty of the destination, followed by their own interests, and local customs and culture, special accommodation, film and television planting are ranked 3-5.

Among the top ten popular destinations in China, Hangzhou, Chengdu and Beijing rank among the top three, and some destinations have successfully caught the attention of travelers. Lijiang, which is known as the "Gusu on the Plateau", Suzhou, which monopolizes two "Four Gardens in China", Macau, the world food capital, and Dali, which is thought by countless people as "poetry and distance", are all on the list.

In addition to these well-known destinations, many domestic treasure destinations have been explored by travelers this year. Pu ‘er, which has no severe cold in winter and no intense heat in summer, is the fastest-rising destination in China, and Yanji, which has countless authentic Korean cuisines, is known by more people and ranks second. Chaozhou not only has delicious food and tea, but also attracts people with its profound history and culture. Qiandongnan, where 48 ethnic minorities live, provides travelers with unlimited cultural experience.

In terms of domestic annual hot spots, Erhai Lake has become a haunting place in the hearts of many people, ranking first. The Palace Museum, West Lake, Hongyadong and Daocheng Yading followed closely. The legendary Yulong Snow Mountain, the incarnation of the "Three Flowers" of the Naxi people, attracted more tourists to punch in, and the Duku Highway became a must-see for travelers in Xinjiang.

In 2022, many old scenic spots turned red. The Summer Palace, Dianchi Lake and hulun buir grassland occupy the top three scenic spots with the fastest rising heat. Blue Moon Valley, with the reputation of "Little Jiuzhaigou", soared to the fourth place, and Zhaoxing Dong Village, the first village in Dong Township, attracted people’s attention, while Jinchang "Mars 1 Base" increased its attention by providing travelers with the most authentic experience of "life on Mars".

The picture shows the flower sea landscape in Wenquan County, Xinjiang. Photo courtesy of the author.

Source: Author: Li Baohua

Eight men’s and women’s physiological knowledge actually cheated many people! It’s time to correct your ideas.

In life, we will come into contact with all kinds of knowledge from the internet, but many times we don’t know whether the articles we see are true or not. Especially about physiological knowledge, it is easy to be misled and has always produced some incorrect prejudices. Next, let’s talk to you about some common misunderstandings about men and women’s physiology.

(1) the more hair, the stronger the desire?

I believe many people have heard this sentence, so that they see some women with strong hair in their lives with different eyes. In fact, this statement is completely nonsense. Whether the hair is strong or not is related to two factors, namely hormone secretion in the body and genetic influence. There is no connection between the two and sexual desire!

(2) The color of private parts is dark, because it is frequent?

This is also a very common prejudice against women. Many people think that the dark color of women’s private parts is caused by sexual confusion. In fact, there is no connection between the two. The color depth of women’s local skin is determined according to the distribution of melanocytes in the body and is influenced by sex hormones. After puberty, the level of sex hormones will also rise and the color will become darker, which is a normal physiological phenomenon.

(3) No sexual life, no gynecological diseases?

This statement is also wrong. Women’s private parts have a natural barrier to resist the invasion of external germs. Once this barrier is broken, it will cause germs to enter the body and cause gynecological diseases. When the body’s resistance drops, the hormone level is abnormal and the local hygiene is not paid attention to, it may lead to gynecological diseases.

(4) Is it healthier to wash below?

This is a well-known advertising slogan before. Many women will buy lotion to clean their private parts when they are healthy. In fact, in a healthy situation, there is absolutely no need to wash with lotion. Women’s vagina has its own flora balance. Cleaning with lotion will destroy the normal acid-base balance, but it will cause gynecological diseases. It only needs to be cleaned with water every day.

(1) Can food supplement be aphrodisiac?

Most of the so-called food supplements are based on shape, and the more common one is to eat kidney. Kidney is mainly composed of protein and fat, which is a food with high cholesterol. Eating too much will not only fail to make up the kidney, but also cause the burden on the kidney, leading to the deficiency of the kidney.

(2) The longer Ding Ding, the stronger his ability?

There is no correlation between the length of male "little brother" and sexual ability, which is a normal physiological phenomenon just like the height, height and thinness of our human body. As for the ability, it is entirely individual difference and cannot be judged by appearance.

(3) coitus interruptus can also use contraception?

It is very unreliable to say that coitus interruptus can use contraception, because sperm is not only excreted when men ejaculate. Sperm will be discharged in the process of life, and coitus interruptus is very likely to lead to unintended pregnancy. It is recommended to wear condoms for contraception!

(4) Will a man masturbate with impotence?

Men masturbate moderately in daily life, which will not only lead to "impotence", but also relieve psychological, physical, spiritual and other pressures. This is a normal physiological demand and does not need to give themselves too much psychological burden. But be careful not to overdo it!


Yao Jian ‘an. Too much body hair does not mean strong sexual desire [J]. Self-care, 2013 (4): 6-6.

Let nature take its course when dealing with masturbation among young people [J]. Health Must Read, 2007,163 (02): 58.

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