标签归档 南京夜生活论坛

A "Strong Dialogue" between Human Wisdom and Artificial Intelligence —— CCTV’s science and technology challenge program "Wit is Extraordinary" will appear at the end of August.

Program recording site

  Cctv news(Reporter Liu Chunyan) Who is the "three-point king" with higher shooting percentage, Jeremy Lin, the superstar of the National Professional Basketball League, and the robotic arm controlled by sensors through the identification system? Can a drone equipped with a "brain" escape the smash of badminton player Bao Chunlai? In the first original scientific challenge program focusing on artificial intelligence in China, "Wit Beyond Man", a "strong dialogue" between human intelligence and artificial intelligence will be staged here, and the whole society will witness these processes and find the answer.

  The combination of science and art: four highlights

  On August 2nd, a news conference was held at the recording site of the phenomenal artificial intelligence program "Wit Beyond Man" co-sponsored by CCTV and China Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as CAS) and jointly produced by CCTV Comprehensive Channel and Changjiang Culture. This is by far the largest TV science popularization project involving the most extensive AI field and the largest number of researchers. It will be premiered in the prime time of CCTV-1 at the end of August.

  "Smart" aims to awaken people’s scientific curiosity through experiential interaction, show the future with artificial intelligence scientific and technological achievements, explore the boundary between human and AI capabilities, and explore the possibility of the relationship between them.

  It changes the cold posture of popular science programs, combines the rigor and interest of science, and focuses on "four highlights": science and big coffee help each other, "the strongest human" all debut, AI’s unique tricks, and original dance beauty. Combine "four characteristics": scientific, rigorous, interesting and authoritative.

  Zhang Guofei, deputy director of CCTV’s comprehensive channel, said in his speech: "Science is serious, and art is romantic and imaginative. It is our dream to try to open the channel between science and art and combine them to make the world better."

Wit witness group

Wit witness group

  Create two camps of "Wit Witness" and "the strongest human"

  The program also strives to build two camps, namely "Wit Witness Group" and "the strongest human". "Wit Witness Group" integrates various perspectives from the scientific, media and social circles. At present, the team members include scientists such as Yao Qizhi, Zhang Jianwei and Xu Ying, a researcher of Beidou navigation system of Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as Ke Jie, the youngest four-time champion in the history of Go in the world, a nine-stage Go player who has had a man-machine battle with AlphaGo, CCTV host Sa Beining and film actor Jiang Yiyan, etc. Everyone will ask questions from their own perspective based on their own experience and understanding.

  At the press conference, members of Wit Witness Group told their stories about science and technology.

  Zhang Jianwei, an academician of Hamburg Academy of Sciences and director of the Cognitive Center of Shenzhen Advanced Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, said: "With the development of artificial intelligence, we have achieved breakthroughs in game and recognition of artificial intelligence by using big data, but the distance of artificial intelligence in the physical world plus sensing and decision-making still has a long way to go. Through this program form, people can realize the development prospects of artificial intelligence and how far the combination of the physical world is."

  Xu Ying, a researcher of Beidou Navigation System of Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that he came to the program hoping to see the reconciliation between "the strongest human being" and the strongest wisdom, and hoped to spread the seeds of artificial intelligence to more people and cultivate more teams with three generations.

  Jiang Yiyan, a film and television actress, said that the public has a lot of thirst and questions about science and technology, and she asked them with these questions. "Robots appeared for the first time in the sci-fi movie Metropolis, and with the development of science and technology, the technology in many movies has been gradually realized. I also hope that the progress of science and technology will gradually bring changes and influences to life, so that more people can be freed from mechanized labor and feel more subtle emotions."

  Sa Beining, the host of CCTV, said that the witness group could ask questions from its own perspective. For example, the shooting robot arm misses every shot, and Jiang Yiyan asks: How about the robot arm hitting nobody? Asking questions from people in different fields can open more windows and let people see the difference between today and the future.

  In the program, the "strongest human" team, which consists of Jeremy Lin, the superstar of the National Professional Basketball League, Bao Chunlai, the national badminton player, Zhao Zhongxiang, the host of CCTV, and Lin Yu, the chief simulation portrait expert of Shandong Provincial Public Security Department, will challenge artificial intelligence.

  Bao Chunlai was very excited in the confrontation with the drone to play badminton. "In the past, in the training competition, the opponents were all people. This time it was a machine, and it felt very enjoyable. In my impression, artificial intelligence exists in TV and movies, and it can be very close to life. "

  Special idea: the audience floating in the air

Stage scene map

Stage scene map

  Creativity and content have achieved a "strong alliance", but how to show it?

  When people walk into the recording scene, they will find that the design and construction of dancing beauty such as the suspended audience seats in "Wit Beyond Man" presents a strong sense of science and technology and the future.

  The 11 "spaceships" on the recording site can accommodate 506 spectators. "Just now, in the audience, some people said that they had come to see how the audience got on. We used coercion wire to hang it, and the audience recorded it for two or three hours from the ladder. " General director Chen Qiyi said.

  The audience boarded the "spaceship" and had to fasten their seat belts after sitting firmly. Many people think they have entered the House of Representatives of Star Wars Rico Lausanne.

  The robotic arm held up the four corners of the ground to form a pyramid, and the cool opening made the host Gao Bo shout: "This is the coolest opening since I hosted my career! I seem to be from Mars. "

  "From the beauty design to the reality, the restoration degree of this beauty effect has reached 100%, which is better than we expected." Chen Qiyi, the general director, said: "In the past, we all had to learn from and copy from foreign countries, and there was little originality. Can China people make original programs? I think there is! This program is our answer, and I hope this stage can become the iconic symbol of "Wit". "

  As a popular science program focusing on artificial intelligence, "Wit Beyond Man" aims to become an accelerator in the innovation relay race, popularize scientific knowledge, spread scientific spirit, encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, improve the scientific literacy of the whole people, release the innovative wisdom of the whole people, and stimulate the innovative power of the whole people.

  It is reported that the program will end with an AI Festival, and CCTV and China Academy of Sciences will jointly award the "Wit Pioneer" award. All artificial intelligence projects that win in the program will have the opportunity to win the annual award.

Sports running app

Sports Running app is a mobile phone application specially designed for runners, which aims to help users record running data, improve running skills, make running plans and participate in running activities. The software provides rich functions and personalized services, which enables users to run more scientifically and conveniently.

Sports running app is suitable for runners, athletes, fitness experts and other people, and supports various scenarios such as outdoor running, indoor running and running training. Users can record running route, speed, distance, time and other information through the software, and monitor data such as heart rate and burning calories in real time. In addition, the software also provides running skills teaching, training plan making, social interaction and other functions.

Sports running app 1

1. Accurate recording of running data: GPS positioning technology is adopted to accurately record running route, speed, distance, time and other information.

2. Heart rate monitoring: By connecting Bluetooth devices, the heart rate data can be monitored in real time to help users adjust their exercise intensity.

3. Teaching of running skills: A rich teaching video of running skills is built in, covering warm-up, stretching, training and other aspects to improve users’ running skills.

4. Training plan formulation: According to the user’s goals and physical condition, make a personalized training plan to help users run scientifically and reasonably.

1. Event registration and result inquiry: support all kinds of running event registration, which is convenient for users to participate in running activities.

2. Fitness Mall: Provide all kinds of running equipment, nutritional products and other commodities, so as to facilitate users to purchase the required items.

3. Social interaction: Users can pay attention to friends’ dynamics, participate in interaction, share running experiences and photos, and increase running fun.

1. Personalized training plan: According to the user’s goals and physical condition, make a personalized training plan to help users run scientifically and reasonably.

2. Multi-scene support: Support outdoor running, indoor running and running training.

3. Comprehensive data statistics: provide comprehensive data statistics function to help users analyze running results and optimize exercise plans.

As a professional running assistant software, Sports Running app has many advantages such as accurate recording, heart rate monitoring, personalized training plan and social interaction, which can help users to run more scientifically and conveniently. At the same time, the software also provides a wealth of functions and services, such as running skills teaching, training plan formulation, event registration and so on.

Everybody! Everybody! Wait for the boat by the west lake, and the team is hundreds of meters! There are too many places with strong flavor of the New Year in Hangzhou. Hi to Yuanxiao.

The first month is the New Year. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the number of tourists received by various tourist attractions in Hangzhou has exceeded 1.5 million, and the line of boats by the West Lake is 200-300 meters! This Spring Festival, there are too many annual activities in Hangzhou. Let’s start the New Year with a sense of ceremony, such as Spring Festival Market, Lantern Festival and Dragon and Lion Dance.

Where did you play on New Year’s Day?

The parking lot in Lingyin Scenic Area was saturated early in the morning.

The roads in the scenic spot are blocked in crimson.

The scenic area is packed with people.

Photography/Jiang Zhiqing

Sailing around the West Lake by boat is also a big hit.

The team waiting for the boat also meandered for two or three hundred meters

The first day of the Spring Festival Golden Week

Hangzhou tourist attractions (spots) received a total of 1.502 million tourists.

The passenger flow in major scenic spots is generally stable and orderly.

The passenger flow in the West Lake Scenic Area is relatively large.

Photography/Qiu Xiaohua

in fact

There are too many places in Hangzhou with strong annual flavor.

Various Chinese New Year activities have been launched in various places.

Can be high until the Lantern Festival.

Hurry up and market.

shangcheng district

Hefang street welcomes the new year’s custom of the god of wealth

A glimpse of past activities

Qinghefang Historical and Cultural District will hold a New Year’s custom activity to welcome the God of Wealth, continue the "New Year’s memory" of Hangzhou people, carry out block parades, send blessings in the New Year, welcome wealth and send treasures, etc., and cook a new year’s custom cultural feast for everyone.

Activity time: February 14th (the fifth day of the first month)

Venue: Qinghefang Historical and Cultural Block in Shangcheng District

★ For more Spring Festival activities in uptown, please click [here].

gongshu district

Theme new year activities in historical and cultural blocks

This Spring Festival, Dadou Road historical and cultural blocks, Xiaohe historical and cultural blocks and Qiaoxi historical and cultural blocks in Gongshu District are coming with a big wave of Spring Festival activities! There are not only the Spring Festival market, the Lantern Festival, but also the dragon dance performance … to accompany you to the Lantern Festival.

For example, the theme of the Spring Festival activities in Dadou Road Historical and Cultural District is to have a round trip, to welcome the Spring Festival market, to have a round trip, to have a Lantern Festival and other activities, and to reproduce the grand occasion of the traditional festivals in old Hangzhou.

For more details, please click [here].

Universiade Dragon Lantern Lucky Boat

This new year, there are 18 "Universiade Dragon Lantern Lucky Boat" unveiled at the Grand Canal.

These lucky boats are decorated with hand-made fishing lanterns, and the cabins are also combined with dragon elements, adding the atmosphere of the year with dragon window stickers, ornaments and other elements.

In the New Year, I picked up the dragon lantern and sailed on the Grand Canal by the Aoyu lantern boat, which started the year smoothly and made Long Xing Universiade.

Please click [here] for the timetable of the Universiade Dragon Lantern Lucky Boat.

Xihu district

Xixi New Year Plum Exploration Festival and Spring Festival Lantern Festival

The 2024 Xixi Spring Festival and Spring Festival Lantern Festival in Hangzhou revolved around the two themes of Spring Festival Lantern Festival and Qushui Xun Mei, combining the minimalist elegance of China traditional culture and Song Dynasty aesthetics with modern art.

More than 40 meters of "Baizhang Dragon Lantern"

The activity will arrange large-scale year of the loong-themed lanterns and lanterns with wetland characteristics in the North Gate Square of the Park, Jiangcun Market Slow Life Block, Hezhu Street, Wujiawan and other areas, and arrange interactive scenery of plum exploration and Spring Festival theme in Zhou Jiacun Square and Zhou Jiacun Wharf to create a festive atmosphere for the Spring Festival.

Aoshan lamp shed about 5m from Hezhu Street.

Plum blossom aerial photography/Qu Xinyu (in previous years)

During the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival, the activities will also explore the traditional folk customs, and carry out various interactive activities such as dragon dancing, lantern parade, water town wedding, God of Wealth parade, lantern parade and NPC interaction, so that tourists can enjoy the charm of traditional folk customs while winding water in Xun Mei.

Activity time: February 10th-March 17th.

Venue: Zhou Jiacun entrance of Xixi Wetland, No.518 Tianmushan Road.

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

Binjiang District

"Xinxin Going to the Dragon for the Spring Festival" Spring Festival activities in Changhe Old Street

This Spring Festival, Changhe Old Street in Binjiang District will launch a series of activities of "Song Fu Hangzhou Year" with the theme of "Xinxin Going to the Spring Festival with Dragons".

With the pursuit of "the flavor of the year" as the main line, we will awaken people’s memories of the Chinese New Year and celebrate the festive season through year of the loong Grand Collection, non-legacy craftsmen, interactive performances, and New Year’s punch cards.

Activity time: February 10 -25

Venue: Historical and Cultural Block of Changhe Old Street, Binjiang District

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

Xiaoshan district

The 6th Annual Custom Cultural Activities in Louta Town

This new year, the sixth annual custom cultural activity in Louta Town, Xiaoshan District arrived as scheduled. There are six stations in the activity, namely, catching up with the market with the national tide, appealing to the ancient charm and elegance, experiencing the ingenuity, searching for impressions through the Millennium, exhibiting the beauty of literature and art and the resident photography exhibition in rural areas.

You can purchase mountain products specialties at the National Tide Annual Taste Market, cruise in Hanfu, immerse yourself in the elegance of ancient style, appreciate, experience and understand the intangible cultural heritage, and walk into the rural image museum (Meichuang Space) to feel the long years like water.

Activity time: from now until February 24th.

Venue: Louta Town, Xiaoshan District

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

Yuhang district

Pingyao Laojie Folk Lantern Festival

During the Spring Festival, the 2024 Pingyao Old Street Folk Lantern Festival was in full swing. The theme of this year’s Lantern Festival is "Bigger than year of the loong", and year of the loong-themed lanterns are on the scene. There are also various dragon-themed lanterns hanging in the old street, which completely fills the atmosphere of the New Year!

During the Spring Festival, there will be activities such as Youlong stepping on the street, Ishigaki lanterns, Liyuan opera, free movies and so on.

Activity time: February 11th-16th.

Venue: Pingyao Old Street, Pingyao Town, Yuhang District

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

Linping district

Tangqi ancient town celebrates the New Year.

On the second day of the first month, Tangqi Ancient Town will prepare dragon lanterns, DIY lanterns made by year of the loong in the Spring Festival, and the opera performance of Dragon and Phoenix.

Open the hand-made lantern block in front of the ancient stage, and you can receive a limited number of lanterns in year of the loong; At Yubei Wharf, you can experience the activities of Longteng Cake Raising (playing New Year Cake) and New Year Pictures on wooden boards. There is also a shadow play experience activity in the Shadow Play Theatre, which includes three parts: shadow play, parent-child production and interactive display, so that friends of all ages can find the fun of the New Year in Tangqi ancient town.

Activity time: February 11th-15th.

Venue: Canal Tangqi Ancient Town Scenic Area

Super Mountain Plum Blossom Festival

At the beginning of the new year, the 16th Hangzhou Chaoshan Plum Blossom Festival was grandly opened. During the Plum Blossom Festival, Chaoshan Scenic Area will also launch three rich series of experience activities, namely, thinking of "plum blossoms", searching for "plum blossoms" and camping season in the countryside.

You can also go to Meili Chaoshan Hanfu Life Museum to buy clothes and punch out Meihua Road in Hanfu. In addition, in March, the first country holiday camping season in Linping will be held in Chaoshan Scenic Area, mainly including activities such as country holiday experience tour and camping experience exhibition.

Activity time: February 6-the end of March

Venue: Hangzhou Chaoshan Scenic Area

★ For more details of activities in Linping District, please click [here].

fuyang district

Sun Quan welcomes guests to Longmen Ancient Town for Spring Festival activities.

Year of the loong Qi Fu went to Longmen, and fortune prospered to Fuchun. This new year, let’s go to Longmen Ancient Town to start a year of Long Xing’s prosperity and future.

The dragon-shaped device in Longmen ancient town has been lit up, and the dragon-shaped device with its head held high and its tail wagged is entrenched in the sky. When night comes, it is colorful and beautiful.

In the arched square with blue bricks and black tiles, the "Dongwu Emperor" came to welcome guests from all over the world with soldiers and soldiers, and there were performances such as the parade of the Emperor and the immersive flash show, which made people feel as if they were in the "Three Kingdoms" period.

Activity time: February 11-16, Lunar New Year’s Day-Seventh Day (10:00 a.m. and 14:00 p.m.)

Venue: Longmen Ancient Town, Fuyang District

★ For more Spring Festival activities in Fuyang District, please click here.

Lin ‘an District

Celebrate the New Year in Lin ‘an Museum

Lin ‘an Museum will not close this Spring Festival! From New Year’s Eve to the eighth day of the first month, spend the New Year with everyone.

During the Spring Festival, Lin ‘an Museum planned a special exhibition of Tianmu Kiln cultural relics, a photo exhibition of "loong Cultural Hundred Museums Joint Exhibition" and other activities, such as Xinxin punching in the "Dragon" New Year atmosphere device and writing Spring Festival couplets to give a hundred blessings.

★ For more details of the event, please click [here].

jiande city

Yanzhou Ancient City year of the loong Lantern Festival

Yanzhou lights are as bright as day, and the dragon takes off to make the Spring Festival. During the Spring Festival, the ancient city of Yanzhou, jiande city invited you to an appointment to enjoy lanterns and receive blessings.

In the ancient city of Yanzhou, there will be a Song Rhyme Lantern Festival in the Wengcheng of Longshan Academy, Fuyunmen City Wall and Yanzhou Ancient Street. At that time, lanterns will be all over the city, taking you back to the Southern Song Dynasty.

In addition, everyone can change into Song costumes, stroll through the old city wall, visit Song Yun Wenchuang, taste national cuisine, taste creative drinks, and immerse themselves in the Song Yun National Wind Market to experience a different "tidal" life in Song Dynasty.

Activity time: from now until the end of February.

Venue: Yanzhou Ancient City, jiande city

Shou Chang Ancient Town "Looking for the Year of China"

During the Spring Festival, the ancient town of Shou Chang launched the Spring Festival market, dragon-seeking and blessing, majestic gongs and drums, dragon dance in Shou Chang, fireworks feast, dragon lantern festival and other special welcome activities, which continued the spirit of dragon culture in the Millennium ancient town.

Visitors can experience six groups of interactive punch-in points, namely, Universiade dzi, Najifu Molongxu, Happy New Year Pinlongtu, Career Xing yue longmen, Release Vitality Qilongwu, and Pray for Xinfu Dianlongdeng. They can also experience traditional folk-custom intangible items such as tanghua, non-legacy people and ancient-style sachets.

Activity time: from now until February 24th.

Venue: Ancient Town, Shou Chang, jiande city

★ For more details of jiande city activities, please click [here].

Hangzhou’s New Year activities don’t stop there.

Scan the QR code below

You can enter the "Song" Fu Hangzhou Annual Activity Page.

Opening the Lunar New Year with a full ceremony

Information/Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television Tourism, Shangcheng Publishing, Gongshu Publishing, Beautiful West Lake, Binjiang Publishing, Xiaoshan Publishing, Yuhang Publishing, Linping Publishing, Fuyang Publishing and Jiande Publishing.

Editor/Shen Ruyi

Layout/Shen Ruyi

Keep sliding to see the next one.

Everybody! Everybody! Wait for the boat by the west lake, and the team is hundreds of meters! There are too many places with strong flavor of the New Year in Hangzhou. Hi, go to Yuanxiao Hangzhou to post a touch to read the original text.

Hangzhou posted likes to share, reading and writing messages, sliding up to see the next one.

Original title: "Everyone! Wait for the boat by the west lake, and the team is hundreds of meters! There are too many places in Hangzhou with strong annual flavor, hi to Yuanxiao.

There are differences between boys and girls who have just started kindergarten, and you may have overlooked the details of their growth.

Original title: There are differences between boys and girls who just went to kindergarten. You may have overlooked the details of the child’s growth.

When the baby grows up to about 3 years old, parents and friends need to send the baby to the kindergarten. During the period of sending the baby to the kindergarten to study, many parents and friends will find such a phenomenon.

There will be some big differences between boys and girls. Besides the gender differences, other differences are also very big. For example, the following four differences are particularly obvious in many boys and girls who have just entered the park.

For a baby of about 3 years old, actually speaking to the baby is more mature than that of a boy. This is mainly because girls’ natural language ability is better than that of boys. This is what people commonly say, girls should mature earlier.

Therefore, after discovering this phenomenon, parents and friends should not worry too much, because this is a normal physiological development process. If you want to change this phenomenon, you must carry out specific voice training for your baby.

For a 3-year-old male baby, it is better than a girl in sports ability, but in some fine movements, the advantage of a 3-year-old female baby is bigger, which is actually the main influence of gender.

As a male, the male baby is stronger, and naturally lively and active, so it is very normal that the athletic ability is stronger than that of the female baby, while the female baby has an advantage over the male baby in some fine movements because of its natural meticulous mind.

For the baby who just entered the kindergarten, the adaptability has developed to a certain extent, but there are some differences between male and female babies.

For example, boys around 3 years old are more sensitive to moving objects, which explains why many boys like cars very much. For female babies, more attention is paid to color and texture, which explains why female babies prefer clothes.

For 3-year-old babies, kindergartens spend most of their time playing games, but the content of games between boys and girls is quite different.

For example, boys around 3 years old prefer fighting in games, while girls pay more attention to the inner content of games, so boys prefer running and jumping games, while girls prefer playing family games.

Therefore, after entering the kindergarten, boys and girls around 3 years old will definitely show a variety of different performances. In fact, this is very normal, so parents and friends don’t have to worry too much.

Editor in charge:

Brands transmit fashion power and help the consumer market warm up in the New Year.

As the Spring Festival approaches, the fashion consumer market is very lively, and many big brands make frequent moves: the surprise debut of the first store, the release of new series, and the release of heavy products … Brands collide with colorful ideas with excellent works to interpret the new fashion in autumn and winter, convey modern power, add creative kinetic energy to the winter consumption season, and further stimulate consumers’ enthusiasm in the new season.
Delvaux unveiled its first flagship store in mainland China.
Recently, Delvaux settled in the central part of Beijing Wangfu. It is reported that Delvaux Beijing Wangfu Central Flagship Store is the first flagship store in mainland China, which is in the same strain as Delvaux’s flagship stores all over the world. Wangfu Central Flagship Store displays Belgian culture with traditional design techniques, and inherits and transmits the fusion of the cultures of Brussels and Beijing.
Delvaux Wangfu Central Flagship Store is ingenious and unique in style. The appearance is made of glass and metal, which reminds people of the industrial glory of the Crystal Palace in Victorian London, and at the same time realizes the ingenious interaction between internal and external space, just like every exquisite masterpiece of Delvaux. Stepping into the main hall, Versailles parquet floors and two rare display cases are introduced, which were created by the Jeanselme family, a Parisian furniture maker, whose exquisite furniture covers many past styles including Renaissance, Louis XIV, 15th and 16th periods. Belgium’s iconic Flemish-style cabinets have undergone modern interpretation and are skillfully integrated into the left bar lounge.
Showcase made by Jeanselme family, a Parisian furniture maker.
The VIP room is decorated with the imperial red tone, paying tribute to the Forbidden City in Beijing. The wall is decorated with 12 hand-made brass "totems" with geometric shapes from 1960s. The decoration was originally installed in Abernathy Pavilion Villa in Palm Springs, California, USA, reflecting the modern style of California desert in the mid-20th century.
Jean-Marc Loubier, global CEO of Delvaux, stressed that in today’s increasingly standardized and homogeneous luxury goods, the brand will strive to make leather works, humanistic services and spaces show individuality and uniqueness.
The first in mainland China.SKIMS
Valentine’s Day limited time experience store debutLane Crawford
A few days ago, Lane Crawford and SKIMS presented "SKIMS Valentine’s Day Limited Experience Store" in Chengdu International Financial Center, which will be limited to open from now until February 8, 2024. Kim kardashian, co-founder and creative director of SKIMS, said: "The launch of the limited-time Valentine’s Day experience store in Chengdu for the first time is an important milestone in the sustainable development of SKIMS in Asia and the world. I can’t wait for consumers to experience our brand, products and the unique style behind it."
The Red Star News reporter learned that this SKIMS Valentine’s Day Limited Time Experience Store specially sells Valentine’s Day series items, including underwear, home clothes and limited gift sets. In addition to Valentine’s Day series items, customers can also go to the store to buy SKIMS classic fits everywhere, SeamlessSculpt and Cotton series.
With love as the medium, Lane Crawford and SKIMS have built a dreamy pink world that belongs to Chengdu alone. The space adopts the trademark rounded corner design and bright surface treatment of SKIMS brand, and the pink main color is matched with the heart-shaped display to show the sweet Valentine’s Day atmosphere. Whether it is the soft line design or the eye-catching color full of luster, SKIMS’ brand style and unique personality advocating freedom and comfort are everywhere.
In addition to the rich in-store experience, the pink storm between Lane Crawford and SKIMS also swept the city. From now on, the brand will specially build a pink double-decker bus, and will land on the landmark Twin Towers in Chengdu in a limited time to attract fashionable people in the city to a romantic appointment.
2024 COLLECTION is officially released.
Recently, GENTLE MONSTER officially launched the 2024 COLLECTION.
GENTLE MONSTER builds a brand-new goggles shape with pioneering design language and exquisite details. The imaginative line trend with bold colors fully shows the brand’s unique aesthetics and style. The innovative and bold silhouette is cleverly mapped through the lens of photographer ELIZAVETA PORODINA, showing the visual aesthetics of pioneer and hazy coexistence.
Explore the distinctive 2024 GENTLE JELLY series under the lens of photographer ELIZAVETA PORODINA.
Long Teng ying chun Huan Xin Yan
New upgrade of H&M Chengdu Heshenghui Store
Recently, Hennes & Mauritz AB (hereinafter referred to as "H&M") appeared in Chengdu Heshenghui with its newly upgraded storefront image. It is reported that the store marks that H&M actively responds to the changes in consumer demand and constantly seeks innovation to enhance consumers’ shopping experience.
The brand-new store upgrade brings a fresh and bright style different from the past, introducing vibrant wood grain wall columns, green plants and other elements to decorate, and matching with soft natural colors, creating an elegant and charming Nordic "Sen" atmosphere. All the lighting in the store adopts new environmental protection LED, which not only lights up the shopping mood for consumers, but also adds a warm rest area for customers to rest and wait, creating a comfortable and comfortable high-quality sustainable fashion consumption space.
Drawing on traditional colors and visual symbols, H&M combines comfortable texture, diverse styles and holiday dress requirements to launch the 2024 Spring Festival collection. The image of Xianglong, a symbol of wisdom and courage, has undergone multiple deductive changes, reshaping the meaning of a beautiful new year with various postures and opening a new journey with dazzling eyes.
The reporter learned that H&M 2024 Spring Festival series has been put on sale at H&M national stores, HM.COM.CN online stores, H&M WeChat APPlet mall, H&M Tmall official flagship store, H&M JD.COM official flagship store and H&M official app simultaneously since January 18th.
At the beginning of the new year, H&M aims to present consumers with higher quality and more shopping choices with a brand-new image, and jointly start a brand-new fashion journey.
Red Star Journalist Jaco Hou Peiyang
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Reunion dinner in the "Happy Dining Hall" in Xichong, Sichuan

"Happy Canteen" is preparing for the reunion dinner.
(Going to the Grass Roots in the Spring Festival) The reunion dinner in the "Happy Dining Hall" in Xichong, Sichuan.
Nanchong, Zhongxin. com, January 28th Title: Reunion dinner in the "Happy Dining Hall" in Xichong, Sichuan.
Author Yao Xinyu
"I’m going to have dinner right away. Today, the Happy Dining Hall in our village has a reunion dinner! Happy New Year to you, too! " At noon on the 28th, He Congfang, a villager from Tiancheng Village, Taiping Town, Xichong County, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province, walked slowly towards the "Happy Dining Hall" while talking on the phone with his family.
"Have a reunion dinner!" The "Happy Canteen" next to the village committee of Tiancheng Village is very lively. As the Spring Festival approaches, it is the day when everyone gets together for the New Year, and dozens of villagers come to dinner on time.
At the same time, the kitchen next to the "Happy Canteen" is in full swing. Braised tofu, cooked pork, eight balls, boiled pork, steamed crispy meat … steaming dishes are baked and served to the dinner table one after another. "This dish is delicious", "My mouth is watering" and "It’s delicious" … While chatting around the round table, the old people craned their necks to look forward to the next dish.
"Everyone has worked hard this year. Thank you for your usual support for the work of the two committees of the village. I wish you a happy New Year. Let’s eat!" After the dishes are served, Li Fuming, secretary of the village party branch, said. "Happy New Year!" "Good luck in the Year of the Tiger" … Old people exchanged auspicious words, moved chopsticks and feasted.
"Happy Canteen" is preparing for the reunion dinner.
"This tofu rake is harmonious and comfortable to eat." "You drink this soup in a bowl, and it is warm." … At the dinner table, the old people take care of each other and are happy. "You eat this!" "You can’t bite this!" "I can bite!" Aside, He Congfang also had a reunion dinner and talked with the old man beside him. The "Happy Canteen" is full of warm flavor of the year.
It is understood that the village’s "Happy Canteen" began to operate in September 2021. The canteen was originally built in the village to solve the problem of eating for the villagers working in the work-for-relief project. Because young people go out to work, there are many left-behind elderly people in the village. Later, this canteen was simply built into an elderly canteen, and the left-behind elderly and widowed elderly people in the village were invited to eat in the canteen. When eating in the canteen, lonely old people don’t have to pay food expenses, and the funds are solved by the village collective economic income.
"I have a cerebral infarction for more than 10 years, and my legs and feet are inconvenient. I used to cook some noodles at home." He Congfang is 73 years old. His children are working outside the home, and they are usually alone at home. "But since the’ Happy Dining Hall’, we have eaten well and played well here. Everyone talks and laughs every day, and we old people are very happy!" Now, she comes to the canteen at noon every day, not only to eat, but also to chat with other old people, so she is no longer lonely.
Old people have a reunion dinner in the "Happy Dining Hall".
Li Shuchong, the former party branch secretary of the village, just retired last year, and now he has a new identity-the chef of the "Happy Canteen". The meals in the canteen at ordinary times and the dishes of the reunion dinner at the end of the year are all from his hands. "Usually, the canteen is usually two dishes and one soup, tofu, potatoes, cabbage and meat … Because most of the people who eat are old people, considering the bad teeth of the old people, we all make the taste of the dishes very soft, and everyone is very satisfied." Li Shuchong said with mirth.
At present, there are about 60 elderly people in the village dining in the "Happy Canteen". "Ordinary old people have a meal in 10 yuan, and lonely old people are free. Plus the chef’s salary and the cost of ingredients, it will cost more than 10,000 yuan a month, and the operating pressure of the canteen is quite high. Nevertheless, we will work together in Qi Xin to create a "happy harbor" for the old people in the village. In the next step, we will mobilize rural friends, volunteers and other forces to participate and continue to run the’ Happy Canteen’. " Li Fuming said. (End)

Ministry of Culture and Tourism: In the first three quarters, the number of domestic tourists reached 3.67 billion, and the tourism income reached 3.7 trillion yuan.

On December 14th, the Press Office of the State Council held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Opening by Authorities", introducing the situation of accelerating the construction of a strong cultural country and promoting the high-quality development of culture and tourism, and answering reporters’ questions.

Du Jiang, Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism, said that in the first three quarters of this year, the number of domestic tourists reached 3.67 billion, and the tourism revenue reached 3.7 trillion yuan, up 75% and 114% respectively. Residents’ tourism demand has been released in a centralized way, and residents’ travel has increased substantially. While driving the expansion of related consumption, it also promoted economic recovery.

"This year’s tourism market can indeed be described as hot." Du Jiang said that in the next step, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will also promote a series of brand building such as a new batch of national cultural and tourism consumption demonstration cities, national tourist resorts, 5A-level scenic spots, and national night culture and tourism consumption gathering areas, so as to stimulate residents’ cultural and tourism consumption willingness and help market players to resume development.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Dong Xin

Game recommendation in June: After "Tears of the King", another batch of masterpieces came strongly.

Text/a bowl of gourd

In the past May, I believe that many players’ time has been rounded up by the legend of zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Perhaps in order to avoid the limelight of Tears of the Kingdom, many masterpieces have chosen to be released in the following June.

Of course, in addition to these masterpieces, there are also many excellent new works and domestic games released this month, and the types and contents of the games are so rich that they will never let any player electronic sheep tail.

If you are tired of staying in mainland Heraru, it’s time to welcome these new games.

The first thing to introduce, of course, is the blockbuster that will be released on June 22nd in PS5-Final fantasy 16.

As a classic IP that has lasted for more than 30 years, after 7 years, the Final Fantasy (FF) series finally ushered in a brand-new series.

In fact, in recent years, FF series has been working for a long time and has not released excellent works.

Except for the online game FF14 and the old game remake FF7, the performances of the previously released FF13 and FF15 are actually unsatisfactory.

Therefore, this "FF16" is also shouldering the heavy responsibility of "reviving the glory" in addition to the expectations of players.

At the moment when the turn-based system is gradually declining, this time "FF16" changed the traditional gameplay and chose to move closer to the real-time combat mode.

Saying goodbye to the turn-based battle may be a little uncomfortable for some old players. But in the long run, it is also an appropriate decision to attract a bigger market.

In terms of plot, FF16 is still a familiar fantasy world style.

The story is set in a fantasy world inspired by medieval Europe and inspired by Game of Thrones, and revolves around a continent called Wallis Zea.

According to the news, the duration of the performance in the game alone is as high as 11 hours, and this time does not include the contents of the side tasks. It seems that players who like to watch the plot can relax.

Although the game has not been released yet, "FF16" seems to have been on the cusp of public opinion.

Firstly, FF16 was banned in some areas because it contained some adult content.

Secondly, because of the lack of "diversity" in the game, many European and American media and netizens attacked it.

The first trailer of FF16 was temporarily rated as 18 by PEGI.

For these questions, Yoshida always insists on his own decision.

He said that "players all over the world should have a consistent experience" and that "because Wallis Zeya, as the stage of FF16, is isolated from the world, there are bound to be some shortcomings in the diversity of characters", insisting on refusing to modify adult content and denying the existence of blacks in the game.

Being able to ignore the pressure of public opinion from the outside world and insist on telling your own story well, I think it is also worth letting the players who have been severely criticized recently for The Little Mermaid buy one to wash their eyes (music).

In addition to the highly anticipated FF16, Diablo IV, which will be officially released on June 6th, also has a high degree of topic.

At present, the global media rating of Diablo IV has been lifted, with IGN 9, GS 8 and MC rating websites all scoring 88, which is still very high overall.

Although the game has not yet been officially launched, from the situation of sealing and testing and media evaluation, most players are still satisfied with Diablo 4.

Judging from the gameplay, Diablo 4 is still a classic brush game.

Rich equipment and entries, different professional characteristics, although it is inevitable that there will be some torture and boredom in the process of liver, but the moment you brush out the equipment you want, it is absolutely full of sense of accomplishment.

Compared with the cartoon style of Diablo III, Diablo IV has a darker overall tone and a sharper style.

At the same time, the screen, scene and sound effects of the game have been improved a lot, and it has even been called "one of the best ARPG in history" by IGN editor.

Although Blizzard is no longer the glorious appearance of that year, it has now withdrawn from the mainland market because of short-sightedness.

But I have to admit that the Diablo series is still an emotional destination that many players can’t give up.

With the release of Diablo IV, it may once again set a new benchmark in the game industry and bring more shocking and exciting game experiences to players.

In addition to the two masterpieces mentioned above, the new work of Street Fighter series-Street fighter 6, will also meet with you on June 2.

At present, the media rating of Street Fighter 6 has been lifted.The average MC score reached an unexpected 92 points., ranked fourth in the year.

As the benchmark of 2D fighting games, Street Fighter 6 stands out among all the Street Fighter series.

The main reason for this is that the game provides players with an open world to explore freely.

In the "Travel Around the World" mode, players can not only customize their appearance, but also explore in the general "metropolis" of the open world, learn from their teachers and learn new moves to fight against their opponents.

Street Fighter 6 creates a role interface

Of course, in addition to the refreshing open-world gameplay, the game also adds some new gameplay in the fighting system-the pissing system.

The quarrelling bar is located under the blood bar, which is the first system added in Street Fighter 6.

Compared with the traditional energy bar, the quarrelling bar is full at the beginning, and players can use quarrelling to punch, giving ordinary attacks more effect and strength. However, it should be noted that the character will enter a weak state when the quarrelling is exhausted, so it is also a place to consider in the game to control the consumption of quarrelling reasonably.

Compared with traditional fighting, the pace of the game will be faster and smoother after adding quarrelling, which is a good design.

Generally speaking, Street Fighter 6 is a classic but refreshing game. On the basis of retaining the classics, it adds a lot of fresh gameplay and gives new vitality to the traditional fighting game.

I think, whether you are a fan of fighting games or not, you can try this new work.

The game that attracts the most attention of racing enthusiasts this month is, I think, the F1 23, which will be launched by EA on June 16th.

EA’s F1 series is a very popular racing game.

As an officially authorized game of Formula One World Championship, F1 has a group of loyal fans because it is closest to the real F1 competition.

Compared with the previous work, the performance of F1 23 has really improved a lot.

The handling of the vehicle has been upgraded, and the performance of the vehicle is more predictable. At the same time, the new vehicle physical system also makes the friction of the vehicle stronger when braking, accelerating and turning.

In addition, by adopting the situation of the real F1 team, the game has a better balance between aerodynamics and tire grip, the improvement of engine torque and inertia is more realistic, and the connection between players and vehicles is closer.

In addition to the improvement in vehicle performance, the story mode "braking point" of F1 has made a heavy return in this book.

The plot mode of this work mainly focuses on a fictional team "Konnersport Racing Team", in which two new drivers will face and overcome various difficulties and turning points to accomplish their ambition-to defeat F1 teams and drivers in today’s reality.

This game also returns to the "Red Flag Rule", which adds more drama and strategy to the event;

At the same time, in order to respond to the requirements of the player group, this game has also added an additional 35% distance, which is relatively balanced and more applicable than long sentences and short sentences.

On the whole, as a "new year’s goods" game, although there are not many changes in "F1 23", the new content is quite sincere this time, and I think it is worth the experience of racing enthusiasts.

Next is a real-time strategy game "Alien: Falling into the Dark" with a relatively small game type and a bird’s eye view.

Based on the classic movie Alien seriesAlien: Falling into the Dark, will be launched on June 20th.

As a real-time strategy game overlooking the corner, in Alien: Falling into the Darkness, the player will play the commander of the colonial marine corps and lead the soldiers in the squad to stop the explosion of alien creatures on the Forgotten Moon.

In the game, players command and give orders to four colonial marines to fight against all kinds of aliens in the game, rogue agents of Welland-Utani, and even creatures that have never appeared in the movie.

There are many large levels in the game, and players need to make tactical arrangements for the terrain.

More importantly, the enemy will change his attack strategy according to the player’s actions, which means that the player needs to make decisions at any time to deal with unexpected situations.

Therefore, the game is highly strategic and challenging, which requires players to have certain tactical thinking and reaction ability.

Of course, it is also an important part of the strategy game to make full preparations before the war and further improve the strength of the team.

In the game, players can freely arrange soldiers’ abilities, weapons, equipment and stunts, and at the same time, they can also study new technologies and develop their own bases.

I think this is the charm of RTS to deal with the difficulties to be faced and the unknown dangers.

Since Star of Roller Coaster and Star of Zoo, few other simulated construction games have been widely recognized and loved as these two games.

However, it was released on June 16th, and the game "Fantasy Paradise" released by Bandai Nanmeng Palace was produced by the team of "Island Tycoon", which still made me feel bright after experiencing many simulated business games.

Like similar games, in "Fantasy Paradise", players can customize the amusement facilities and landscape of the park and create their own dream amusement park.

But in addition to the custom content, this work also has a strong story, and has the main characters and a complete plot.

In the plot, the player plays the role of the founder of this amusement park, and builds an unprecedented amusement park step by step by accumulating experience.

Some of them are mainly facilities, props, etc. in amusement parks, while others focus more on business, management and revenue.

At the same time, the way to achieve the goal of the game is more tolerant, and it will not set very demanding difficulty requirements. Different players can have fun in the game.

It is worth noting that this work has a unique concept of "Impossification".

For example, in the game, you can not only make the roller coaster run on the track, but also install wings to make it fly in the air.

This also means that "Fantasy Paradise" can help you realize crazy ideas and ideas, give full play to your imagination, and build more whimsical amusement facilities.

This brand-new gameplay that jumps out of traditional thinking is undoubtedly one of the highlights that attract the old players who simulate business.

existThe maze of world trees Ⅰ·Ⅱ·Ⅲ HD REMASTERWhen it was announced that it would be released on NS and Steam platforms on June 1st, I believe many old players shouted "Yeqing Hui".

Labyrinth of the World Tree 3HD

Yes, as a game first launched on NDS, the series "The Labyrinth of the World Tree" produced by Atlus has a history of 16 years.

The maze of the world tree by NDS

Whether at that time or now, the gameplay of the game has to be said to be "unique".

In the game, players need to control five teams of adventurers with different occupations, face the sudden huge maze, and enter the powerful enemy regardless of danger.

Compared with the traditional JRPG, the plot of The Labyrinth of the World Tree is actually relatively weak.

But the game pays more attention to its unique gameplay-exploring the huge underground Jyukai maze by fighting again and again, and then drawing the map by yourself, looking for shortcuts and fighting against more powerful monsters.

In this HD remake, the game has made many improvements in view of the players’ opinions on the original works.

The remastered version provides three difficulty options on the basis of the past, so that different players can play with their most suitable difficulty.

At the same time, for NS players, especially PC players, who can’t draw a map with dual screens, the game also adds an automatic drawing mode to automatically record their positions in the map. To some extent, this also improves the game experience of some players.

Although the maze of the world tree series is not a particularly famous old game, for those players who have been deeply obsessed with this game, the high-definition screen and improved gameplay of this remastered version are enough to satisfy the nostalgic feelings of these players.

After a lapse of 12 years, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective released in NDS also ushered in a high-definition reproduction.

The game will be released on the whole platform on June 30th, and simplified Chinese has been added in this remastered version.

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective is a puzzle-solving game made by Qiaozhou, the producer of Reversing the Referee series.

Ghost trick: phantom detective by NDS

Although the game sold only 380,000 copies after its release, and its popularity was far less than that of the producer’s Reverse Referee series, in fact, the reputation of Ghost Trick among players is comparable to that of the Reverse Referee series.

In 18 years, Hideki Kamiya voted for "Ghost Trick 2" in the vote of "Which new work do you look forward to most?"

One of the most interesting is the unique gameplay of the game.

Unlike other games, the protagonist of the game is "dead" from the beginning.

The player needs to "possess" the soul of the protagonist to various objects (which must be dead) and move along one by one.

In addition to possession, the protagonist also has the ability to go back in time, which can go back four minutes, and repeat it indefinitely like extracting testimony in Reversing the Referee to solve the problem.

On the basis of the original gameplay of the game, this remastered version optimizes the screen, and at the same time, it also adds a collection function. You can use various illustrations and BGM in the "Illustration Collection" of the game.

It is worth mentioning that the game also invited Beichuan Baochang, a popular composer in charge of BGM, to arrange the original music at the same time.

I think for players who have played Ghost Trick or not, this remastered version can get a good game experience.

The game, which will also be remade this month, will be launched on June 15th.Layers of fear remake.

If you are a fan of horror games, or a player who is interested in horror games but is afraid to contact them, then you have definitely heard of the classic horror game "Layers of Fear".

Compared with "Resident Evil", a game that directly spreads flesh and blood in the picture, the picture performance of "Layers of Fear" is more restrained.

Canvas is the most in the game.

The unique visual and artistic style of the game makes players feel as if they are in a huge oil painting.

And the plot that is pressing step by step and the characters that are stripped of their cocoons are also very good for driving a frightening and insane psychological terror atmosphere, which is not only an environmental horror, but also a kind of fear in the heart, which makes people unable to calm down for a long time after customs clearance.

High praise of Steam community

This time, "Layer upon layer fear remake" uses Unreal 5 engine technology, and supports ray tracing, HDR and 4K resolution at the same time, making amazing visual effects and nightmare experiences as immersive and realistic as possible.

The remastered version includes Layers of Fear 1, Layers of Fear 2 and DLC. At the same time, it will also launch a brand-new DLC to tell the stories of writers who have never been told, and connect all the plots of the game together.

I believe that under the Unreal 5 engine, the thrill of the game will definitely be by going up one flight of stairs.

But if, like me, you still dare not continue playing the game for five minutes, you should carefully consider whether you can withstand a more realistic atmosphere of terror (sad).

Believe in Netease"Against the Cold" Mobile Games, is definitely one of the games that many players are very concerned about this month.

The first beta was started in August, 2001, and it has been brewing for so many years. Finally, the game will be officially released on June 30th.

As a martial arts MMO enthusiast, I have also played many similar games on the PC platform.

However, when I first saw the picture of the mobile game against the water, I still had a trance-like feeling of "Is this really played on the mobile phone platform?"

The screen of the game can be said to be absolutely superior to similar mobile games, and both the scenery on the road and the appearance details of the characters are particularly exquisite.

In addition to the images that fascinate countless appearance parties and scenery parties, there are various ways to play in the game. In addition to the main story and copy of the traditional martial arts MMORPG, there are also unique ways to play in the open world, such as adventure, solving puzzles and stealing teachers, which breaks the traditional MMO concept.

What is even more eye-catching is that the anti-cold mobile game also combines the recent hot AI technology, injecting "soul" into the NPCs in the game. In the game, you will find that these NPCs seem to have their own emotions like real people, and even whisper.

Judging from the internal test, the mobile game "Against the Water" is still very worth looking forward to.

If you are looking for an excellent martial arts mobile game, or want to experience a game world full of rivers and lakes, then the mobile game "Against the Water" is definitely a recommended choice.

Ok, that’s my June game recommendation.

Compared with May, which was covered by light, June can be said to be a month of small blowout of various games. There are not only the continuation of classic IP after many years, but also the sale of different types of games such as RTS and racing.

In the hot June, when you are tired of playing Tears of the Kingdom, I think there is always a game that can give you a coolness.

Warriors Clippers reached a 3-for-1 deal! George teamed up with Curry! Paul returned to Los Angeles.

The Warriors Clippers reached a three-for-one deal, and George teamed up with Curry Paul to return to Los Angeles. With the deepening of Hugh Secchi, many teams have completed the reinforcement of their lineup. For the Golden State Warriors, their lineup is not perfect enough.

I have to admit that Chris Paul still has some trading value on the court, and many players played in his series for the Suns last season, and Booker is very grateful to Paul.

He said, in fact, when I was young, I learned to play like Paul, but I never had the opportunity to join hands with him. After joining hands with him, I also made up for my previous organizational deficiencies, and he will become one of the most important teachers in my basketball career. Paul himself must be very happy to have such praise.

According to saxophone, the management of Golden State Warriors is currently in contact with the management of Clippers, and they seem to want Paul George very much. The Los Angeles Clippers also think they need a mature point guard, so the Warriors may exchange Chris Paul for Paul George. What do you think of this deal?

Ren Junfei, the old captain, will be transformed into a coach!

Ren Junfei, the old captain, will be transformed into a coach!

Ren Junfei is the old captain of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team. However, due to his age, his condition has declined seriously. Therefore, the work arrangement of Guangdong men’s basketball team is to make him formally transform into a coach after the contract expires. At present, Ren Junfei is still with the team as a player and coach, but it is no longer appropriate to be the captain again. The team hopes that he can provide valuable experience for young players in his new role. Ren Junfei, the old captain of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team, has always been a symbol of the team. However, time waits for no one, and the growing age is an unavoidable reality for a professional basketball player. With the passage of time, Ren Junfei’s physical fitness and competitive state gradually declined, which became more and more obvious on the court.

Once the edge is no longer, he began to feel a little overwhelmed in the face of increasingly fierce competition pressure. There are many reasons for the decline in state. On the one hand, the gradual decline of physical fitness is a factor that cannot be ignored. Physical training and rehabilitation nursing of professional athletes are important, but the growth of age will inevitably weaken these effects. On the other hand, many years’ career has brought many injuries to Ren Junfei. Although he has been trying to recover and persist in training, the hidden dangers left by these injuries cannot be completely eliminated, which also affects his play on the field. Facing the reality, the management of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team made a wise decision. They are well aware of the contribution of the old captain, but they also know that it is not conducive to the development of the team to let him serve as captain again.

Therefore, they decided to formally transform Ren Junfei into a coach after his contract expired. This decision is not only a respect for Ren Junfei, but also a responsibility for the future of the team. After the transformation, Ren Junfei will be able to focus on giving full play to his advantages as a coach and bring more help to the team and young players. At present, Ren Junfei, as a player and coach, still participates in training and competitions with the team. Although he can’t make great contributions to the offensive and defensive ends of the team on the court as in the past, his influence on the coaching bench can’t be underestimated. As a veteran with rich experience, Ren Junfei knows how to mobilize players’ fighting spirit and potential, and can also give them valuable advice and guidance at critical moments. His existence is a positive energy for the whole team.

The new role has brought new expectations to Ren Junfei. As a coach, he will have the opportunity to establish more in-depth contact with the young players of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team. Young players usually admire the experience and opinions of their predecessors, so Ren Junfei’s teaching will surely be valued by them. He can teach young players skills and tactics on the training ground, and can also provide them with guidance on life and career planning in daily life. This will be a mutually beneficial process, which will not only help the growth of players, but also help Ren Junfei find new satisfaction and value. Looking ahead, Ren Junfei’s transformation as a coach may face some challenges. From player to coach, we need a process of role change and adaptation.

He needs to learn to keep a balance in his new identity, not only to keep close to the players, but also to play a rigorous and decisive coaching role. However, with the passage of time and the accumulation of experience, I believe that Ren Junfei will adapt to the new role better and better, and continue to contribute to the future development of Guangdong men’s basketball team. At the turning point of his career, Ren Junfei interpreted a real leader with his own decision. He did not hesitate to choose to transform into a coach and contribute his wisdom and experience to the future of the team and young players. His decision may make some fans feel sorry, but more people will understand and support his choice.

At this new starting point full of challenges and opportunities, we are looking forward to seeing Ren Junfei continue to ignite the basketball dream of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team with his wisdom and enthusiasm!